TNedchat is a way for educators in Tennessee to share thoughts, resources, and information. The weekly chat is moderated by Jessica Warner (@jessawarner) and Samantha Bates (@sjsbates).
A3 depends on what you are doing. I like to have mixed skills groups. I also like to have rotating jobs in groups to remove gender stereotypes #TNedchat
A2: Assign one recorder and make everyone agree before anything is recorded. Whatever is recorded should represent the final consensus of everyone I the group. If others don't agree with you - be convincing #TnEdChat
A4 Learning how to compromise and work with hard personalities. I let things get hard in a group before swooping in. Ss need to learn how to deal with hard people. Then I model ways to advance past the argument. #tnedchat
A4 Listenig to others ideas and evaulating for the merit of the idea first and not against your own plan. Help students by building listening skills, probing questions, wait and think time. Skills that need developing. #TNEdChat
A2: Assign one recorder and make everyone agree before anything is recorded. Whatever is recorded should represent the final consensus of everyone I the group. If others don't agree with you - be convincing #TnEdChat