Interested in student-driven classrooms? Join Dr. Nancy Sulla @nsulla (author of Students Taking Charge, Its Not What You Teach But How, Building Executive Function: The Missing Link to Student Achievement, and more) and educators from all over in #LATICchat on Thursday nights at 8pm ET. We hope to bring together a community of educators to share insights, stories, examples, pictures from their classrooms, and more. We welcome all educators to join; no need to be running a #LATIC classroom.
A3) All for MS students :). Their brain is developing and their hormones are wacky. Overcoming temptation and perspectives is what I see needs the most work through modeling and conversation #LATICchat
A3 In a MS all 4 show up regularly. But seeing different POV is difficult when S's are focused on being right instead of thinking critically and creatively #Oldschoolvs21stCenturyschool#LATICchat
I find that POV filters into their social interactions more times than not. Recognizing your peers perspective and experience is an important skill #LATICchat
A4 I like to have S's debate in class as well as a mock trial of POTUS Harry Truman for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity - They present, observe, listen and respond to differing POV. #LATICchat
A4) As a former MS ELA teacher, I like to ask students to assume the perspective of the characters in a piece of literature or the writer in a piece of non-fiction text. It's fascinating to then discuss how they perceive the same character/author so differently. #LATICchat
So true. These are conversations for adults to have with students at school (e.g. in facilitation), on the playing field, at practice, at home... "How do you think ______ felt when _______ ?" #LATICchat
Today at our KOZWIZ Summit 2018 S's brainstorm, design and present an invention for the year 2030. Our ELL S's presented their invention in spanish making our Summit officially International and sharing different POV and languages. #LATICchat
A5 ss need to be explicitly shown what the desired behavior looks like and then given lots of opportunities to practice said behaviors before they become habits. I don’t think we are often clear enough about this and assume kids know why we need them to do x or y #LATICchat
A5 S's create the ground rules or bill of rights for our collaborative activity. S's take control and ownership of their learning and behavior. #LATICchat
Very important for kids and adults alike to remember. You are in charge of how you react to situations. I had that conversation with my students often as it related to their daily interactions. It’s important to relate these life skills to content. #LATICchat
A6 when ss are able to move beyond just regurgitating info then true collab happens because the synthesis allows for deeper understandings to be shared #LATICchat
A6) I love seeing students engaged in protocols like the "placemat" in which they synthesize multiple individual ideas into one cohesive responsive. Requires individual expertise, listening, talking, thinking! #LATICchat
Agreed! When students can connect, merge and see a system among differing ideas, facts, details, etc., then they have truly learned and are moving from understanding to application. Collaboration fuels that deep learning. #LATICchat
A7 In class we work on concensus building by listening and valuing peer review with the rubric. Not a laundry list but actual dialog and discourse between S's to reach a common ground. #LATICchat
This has to be taught for ss to see the connections. When ts become masters of the big ideas within all content they can help ss see how ideas, skills, and strategies overlap and then things seem familiar instead of always feeling like they are starting at step one
CA S's Exec Function Skills and Collaboration are essential ingredients in 21st Century Classrooms. T's need to ensure they are developed for Ss success now and the fitire of the world we share. #MissingLink#LATICchat
CA #LATICchat when S's have executive function skills, they are then able to go above and beyond to find authentic real world problems and think creatively to advance society around them. My S's building their own civilization
CA) the more productive conversations we can have the better we will all be! Learning how to work and collaborate with others is necessary for the world in which we live. Here’s hoping the next generation will be better. #LATICchat