#games4ed discussions cover ways in which gaming can be used in education. Games mirror the way the human mind was designed to learn. They motivate players to take risks and actions, persevere through failures, set and achieve increasingly difficult goals, and devote attention, time, and effort to acquiring knowledge and skills. All this while the game is tracking the player’s actions and assessing the player’s achievements and skills. Isn’t this what we want from education?
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Tonight's chat on COLLABORATIVE STORYTELLING is launching now!
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Welcome to #games4ed!!
Tonight's chat on COLLABORATIVE STORYTELLING is launching now!
Please share your name, location, position, and a random GIF of your choice!
Welcome to #games4ed!!
Tonight's chat on COLLABORATIVE STORYTELLING is launching now!
Please share your name, location, position, and a random GIF of your choice!
A1: There is so much that goes into storytelling! Anytime you see a great movie, read an awesome book, listen to a recount by someone, the better storytellers you get lost in the story. It involves planning, details, suspense and so much more. #games4ed
A1: Research does show that we learn and retain through stories. On a grander note, humans have told stories for millenia. It's what draws us into writing and lessons of life. #games4ed
A1: collaborative storytelling not only gets the students engaged in the story, but it also helps them better understand the characters (feelings, motivation, etc.). It really makes the story come alive #games4ed
A1 - Obviously you can make connections here to retention and sequencing, but I think the answer has to be engagement. Adding a narrative layer to classroom work makes everything more fun! #games4ed
So true...the oldest form of teaching, really. I imagine the earliest of peoples shared history through story and sharing what to do and not do #games4ed
Awe shucks! I'm honored to be mentioned with these greats :-) You sir are an example of the Padawan surpassing the Master! #gamification#xplap#games4ed#rpgclassroom
In reply to
@MrH_AOH, @classcraftgame, @MrPowley, @mrmatera, @mpilakow, @ATeachersTeach, @thechocmoojoo, @MeehanEDU
Q2: How have you used collaborative writing in your classes? Are there great ways you've seen to use collaborative stories in classes in STEM, history, or other areas?
A1: Storytelling is arguably the oldest and most universal form of creative expression, something that any child can tap into and feel a sense of achievement and impact. #games4ed
A2: haven't done it often, but sometimes we write with a partner, one sentence at a time over google docs. Very interesting to see how some try to keep the flow and others have a really hard time. #games4ed
Q2: How have you used collaborative writing in your classes? Are there great ways you've seen to use collaborative stories in classes in STEM, history, or other areas?
A2: I enjoy doing it with vocab words. Students start the story, but then draw a vocab word, go to someone else's computer, and continue their story with that word. Repeat. Great FUN way to practice using words, not just memorizing #games4ed
My class just completed a collaborative narrative using story dice, and I am working on a collaborative heist experience that will begin soon. I also run a #DnD group at my school. #games4ed
A1 playing catch up...Stories make things more memorable. I have Ss who don't like science (weird rt?) Tell me they remember when they wrote the story about...they sometimes even remember the science, lol #games4ed
A2: the students got really excited to work on a story together. There was no specific subject or theme. I haven't seen it used for any specific subject other than ELA, but I imagine it could be used for history by writing as if they were in that time period #games4ed
It might be harder with math, but I think it could happen. Developing a story around a math problem, then another pair of students needs to solve the problem and add that to the story and add another element... #games4ed
I just started using story dice this year with my theater/speech class. They really love it...building their impromptu skills and creativity! #games4ed
I like to place my math units in dungeons and create a story around that. Students love when I ham it up over how terrible the final boss is. #games4ed
Could definitely work for history! Would be very powerful to get kids to imagine what life might have been like during the Depression or the Middle Ages... #games4ed
The new @StoriumEdu is also a very cool platform for students--lots of ways for teachers to personalize the elements of the stories in it, too #games4ed
A3 - Secret time - Some of my students get a little carried away when writing in groups. I've got a group that I've had to speak to on numerous occasions about keeping their stories G-rated. #NoGraphicViolencePlease#games4ed
A3: It is so hard in grade 5 to plan your own ideas out, let alone plan out ideas with a partner or group! Just Ss working through the creative process with another can be a challenge. #games4ed
A2 it's not creative, but it is sort of collaborative...writing lab reports. Each person writes own but parts of my writing & parts of Ss writing is shared. I think it's good to see exemplar writing when learning. Lab mates encouraged to write together #games4ed
A3: let's say, for history, they don't have strong background knowledge on a particular time period. That would present a challenge. But it would also be a learning opportunity where they could research and get more clarity #games4ed
A3: If the project is asynchronous, it can sometimes be hard for students to know who's next up to write, especially if it's a larger group. Seems like groups of 2-3 have worked best in my room #games4ed
Hahaha, we have the rule that you can't majorly injure or kill someone that we know, so no names of family, classmates, that kind of thing. But sometimes the gory details bring out the creative writers in the Ss.... #games4ed
A2 I haven't done lots of storytelling in my science classes. I've started to this year because I've seen the value in my own planning. Had Ss write a story about life without friction last month. #games4ed#scitlap
Whoops! But totally agree. If I don't remind students to stay school appropriate, they can get carried away. Though it is what they see in movies, hear in music, so it makes sense that they "go there" #games4ed
A2 ...Ss write backstories for some Sci projects. E.g. how did your party come to be on your version of "Mysterious Island" (yes, rip off!) As part of Ecology Island project #games4ed
A3: The biggest obstacle is having the right time or situation to use collaborative writing. Also, forgive me, my brain is still stuck on @StoriumEdu! This looks like such a fun writing website for my students! #games4ed
This is where the classroom RPG is king. Allowing the students to react / make choices within a narrative that impacts the direction of the story is incredibly engaging. I've been playing w/ a cast of NPCs this year that have completely shifted my game for the students. #games4ed
A4: An idea I'm playing with is writing collaborative stories, and then having the group choose one of their stories and focus on revision and getting feedback. I wonder if peer feedback/revision dynamics would be different in groups rather than independent work #games4ed
A4: collaborative storytelling gets them thinking creatively and critically. Having to think "how will I solve this problem" helps them build the skills needed to give into that design thinking #games4ed
It is! My students have played with it (and designed decks in it) the past couple of semesters. Lots of enjoyment--and good collaboration of them talking and planning out storylines. #games4ed
A3 getting Ss to feel safe creatively w/o feeling judged. Fresh. & Soph. can be pretty sensitive to social awkwardness. Some class sections embrace, others "too cool" i.e. not secure #games4ed
I think it would be different. Some Ss may have differing opinions on a revision or the feedback that should be given. But then that gives them the opportunity to discuss & justify their reasoning #games4ed
A4 I'd love to use collaborative storytelling for my #rpgclassroom narrative. It'd also be nice to incorporate more (with every project?!) rather than the few projects I have now. #writeforunderstanding#games4ed
Super sad to have missed tonight’s topic, but having a great time sifting through all this brain power @mpilakow#games4ed I’ll do my best to be a part of next week’s chat!
I think someone posted about them within last couple weeks. Looks sooo interesting! Dunno if I could work it into science on regular basis though 🤔 Need to collaborate with ELA Dept! 😁 I saw them in chat tonight too #games4ed
I've got a couple brief (but massive?) Narratives & some CYOA. The rpg equivalent of railroading. Ss don't seem to mind, but thinking of switching to more of an outline & letting Ss choose story on the fly. Limited time anyway trying to write full fledge stories #games4ed
Just playing D&D is math if they are using unique weapons and keeping track of stats. In one early whole class session there was basic bath but a lot of it and some kid says, Hey you got us doing all sorts of Math! Lol #games4ed