The mission of #TynkerChat: Are we adequately preparing students for an unknown future? Can we, through community and sharing, make this unknown “known?” Let us lift up the conversation about making sure that when our students enter the workforce- they have the skills to thrive.
#TynkerChat will be held every Monday, starting March 13th.
Welcome to this week's #TynkerChat! We'd love to know what your #STEM and #STEAM goals are for 2019. What do you want to try this year?
Tell us who you are and where you're from!
We'll be using the typical Q & A format! Join the conversation! First question in 2 min!
This week we're sharing our #STEM goals for# #2019. Follow along on our @participate page here:
Gabe from Santa Barbara, California! This year I want to help loads of teachers and students learn basic coding skills through creating immersive websites (that work in VR!) Early projects up at
It’s time for #TynkerChat. Joining in from Fl. Looking forward to integrating AI, open-data innovation programs, and more into student projects this year.
Welcome to this week's #TynkerChat! We'd love to know what your #STEM and #STEAM goals are for 2019. What do you want to try this year?
Tell us who you are and where you're from!
#tynkerchat I look forward to heading to professional conferences to learn more heading to NASA Houston next month and ISTE, look foward to expand my knowledge of coding and get my students ready for our large tech fair.
Welcome to this week's #TynkerChat! We'd love to know what your #STEM and #STEAM goals are for 2019. What do you want to try this year?
Tell us who you are and where you're from!
#tynkerchat Q1) I look forward to heading to professional conferences, heading to NASA Houston next month and ISTE, looking forward to expand my knowledge of coding and get my students ready for our large tech fair.
A1: I feel we've fall off of the blogging thing- which makes it a bit harder these days. Also - Google Communities is going away- where should educators go? #Tynkerchat
A1: I feel we've fall off of the blogging thing- which makes it a bit harder these days. Also - Google Communities is going away- where should educators go? #Tynkerchat
A3. My goal this year is to be more discerning. So much #STEM isn't!!!
Looking for Science and Math Discipline, Science Literacies, Engineering, Inquiry.
Not just follow this recipe....
Am I being too harsh?
#tynkerchat- I think many pple sign up for FEtC and ISTE- I’m looking @ how to do Google Tour Creator as very interested in this - anyone familiar with this??
A4. Further to my preaching about #STEM, looking for #authentic activities for kids. SO they can see the relevance of what they're doing. And all done with true #inquiry#tynkerchat
Thanks, once again, for another great #Tynkerchat! Keep in mind- we often use the hashtag throughout the week- so use it as a way to collect resources!