First question coming up right now:
Q1: Happy New Years! First, let’s take stock of 2017: what educational opportunity did you embrace that you are proud of? #bcedchat
A1: I've loved that my school has been working together to navigate the SCC ruling around class size and composition. They are the true edu-heroes at @WestwoodSD43#bcedchat
A1: Proud of working with the core competencies, digging deeper in to SEL and self-regulated learning, and discovering and learning robotics together with my students and figuring out new ways to show and share our learning with new technology an resources #bcedchat
First question coming up right now:
Q1: Happy New Years! First, let’s take stock of 2017: what educational opportunity did you embrace that you are proud of? #bcedchat
The 1 to 1 iPads are amazing- the students even get to take them home for the year. I can differentiate so much without other students knowing, the amount of inquiry and tech they are doing is amazing and all integrated to curriculum. #bcedchat
A2: For me, it was a whole team of admin and teachers in #sd43, as well as the amazing support from #bcedchat besides the whole mod team, I appreciate @datruss@JanineClose
Love trying math differently - my youngest girl hates that I’m doing a thematic week so math will only be on Wednesday....all day...but with centres and art and ??? #bcedchat
A2: I made some amazing teacher friends last year that inspire and motivate me constantly. They changed my way to thinking about letting kids be who they are. #bcedchat
A2- My biggest supports have been my past admins and my new admins. Their trust and encouragement is such a steady force and gives me the confidence to try new things frequently, I have am so fortunate. @CLPerry55@KevinBodman@Reamser#tanyadoesnthavetwitter#bcedchat
A3: So, from some difficult behavioural issues, we are implementing a #powerup in the gym every morning, starting tomorrow for the whole school. Should be interesting, but also scary. Love my teachers/staff for taking this risk. #bcedchat
A3- I would like to continue to explore all the options that I have with the increased tech 1-1 iPads Virtual Field Trips, PenPals, Chess through FlipGrid #bcedchat
Kicking off 2018 with thematic days and Finnish “bell” schedule: Story; Social Learning; Mathemagic; Sciencing; Creating (with daily movement & gym) curious how it will work vs daily math/lit/etc.....#bcedchat
A3: Some many new things to do in 2018, hard to narrow it down :) More PBL, core competencies., work with picture books, my students love projects & cross curricular activities that are hands on so really ramping up what we are doing, & more self-reflection on learning #bcedchat
A3 I am really trying to be the advocate for the behavioural issue Ss at my school. Supporting them & guiding others to understanding where Ss are at #bcedchat#selfreg
A1 Changed schools and levels after being at middle for 16 years! So. much. learning!
Also attended @TEDxLangleyED for the first time! Inspirational and challenging!
A4: I had the honour of pre-reading @datruss#twitterEdu ebook this weekend. Great way to introduce educators new to twitter or even those like me that have been on it since 2009. #bcedchat
Finnish Schedule is 45 mins of work and a 15 min “break” - we tried it in the class right before winter break and I kinda liked the way it rolled.....esp w my anxious learners.... #bcedchat
A3 I'm collaborating on an innovation project where we'll be looking at how our flexible seating & classroom space can increase engagement and academic success. #bcedchat
Given the rebrand of our company, Brandon has now created a new & more modern website that can be located here: Its is about 95% complete (still working on some of the visual minutia & adding content) have a look & dont forget to bookmark. #thewhitehatter
Exactly my thinking - blending subjects into thematic focus - so evolving the daily themes to more all-encompassing topics that need all curricula to work together! #bcedchat
A4: I had the honour of pre-reading @datruss#twitterEdu ebook this weekend. Great way to introduce educators new to twitter or even those like me that have been on it since 2009. #bcedchat
Too many to name...
I have the best #pln on twitter...ever!!!
Continue to be supported by friends made during MEd journey.
Colleagues in my school, former school.
Mighty thankful for our amazing profession and the learning/support we can do together!
Q5: What conferences/workshops are you interested in attending during 2018? Use their hashtag to have others see (like #ascd18 and #empower18) #bcedchat
Q3 I need to get out of my classroom more. Time to be a little more vulnerable getting to know staff. Hard to learn from folks you don’t see or talk with regularly. Relationships have to be first with adults, just like our students! #bcedchat
It lasts for about 15-20 mins - usually 7 stations (one per division) and 90 seconds ish at each
Stations: hula hoops, bench squats, crunch/push-ups, bottle lunges, jogging/jumping in spot
Boot camp: run laps, crunches, bench step, balance, sit ups, plank
It’s why I have the gym every morning (even though we have daily movement) started am pe with G5ish’s and loved how rest of day went - even do a lot of “free choice time” - great time to check on some moods - esp after breaks.... #bcedchat
I did it so that every “recess” (real or mini - real is when whole school has recess, mini is just us) can be outside at back of school or in-class (have a great cea team!) #bcedchat
A4, looking forward to Passionate Readers by @pernilleripp I really enjoyed Passionate Learners, great resource for new teachers/all teachers #bcedchat
Annnnddd...THIS is one of the many reasons I love @twitter#bcedchat! Where else would I learn about all these resources!?! And have text fir me to refer to later! #bcedchat
Unfortunately the #Chilliwack trustee is at it again. This time targeting the @sd33Dpac president. So unfortunate he is choosing this hateful agenda instead of representing all students and families.
A5: I am looking forward to attending #edcampbc in Jan. with many of #bcedchat Over the summer I am looking forward to @ScienceWorldTR#Steamdaysofsummer an amazing summer institute I will also be looking at some online opportunities.
Q5: What conferences/workshops are you interested in attending during 2018? Use their hashtag to have others see (like #ascd18 and #empower18) #bcedchat
A6: I'm concerned that with all the changes with curriculum/assessment and reporting, that we will lose sight of what it means to be educators and the changes won't 'stick'. #bcedchat
I worry with chances to curricula and social acceptability changes people trying to hold onto what were “the good old days” (that weren’t for so/too many) #bcedchat
A6: I'm also concerned that our students are entering a world that we cannot imagine and our education system has too much entropy within its institutional system to make lasting improvement. #bcedchat
A6 My biggest concern is how much change is being blocked. Ts are staying stuck in how it was when they were in school. I was told by a T that the numeracy assesment isnt a test of math and whats the point. Worried we arent getting it #bcedchat
I really wanted to be there, but couldn't make it work this time. I hope there is another opportunity for those of us in the 'snowy North'! #bcedchat@EdCampBCCC
In reply to
@sd36msjames, @EdCampBCCC, @EdCampBCCC
A6: I’m worried that for all the words said about change that many of the systemic traditions are still in place. I want real change and not empty words. #bcedchat
A7 Everybody that I will meet on my learning journey, that has passion for learning, passion for their students and love that they are a teacher #bcedchat
Yeah - I hoped my oldest would grad with an efolio rather than a transcript - she’s playing the game of school for high scores but programs she is applying for still want to “see” what she can authentically “do” (aka efolio) not just scores on tasks.... #bcedchat
A7 I know so many like @tracyacramer will kick my but to ensure that 2018 is my best year yet! Love the diversity of my #pln and know I can bug so many education experts for ideas and inspiration!! #bcedchat
Please join #bcedchat next week on January 14th at 7pm PST when our guest moderator Lindsay James returns with Crag Mah for our topic on documenting student learning. @craigmah@SD36MsJames