A group of dedicated educators gather each week to discuss best practices & designing the school of the future. @yankee_todd is a third year principal of the middle school in San Antonio. #neisdpln is an amazing hour each Monday night at 7:30 central time.
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
A1: we all have the ability to lead. It’s up to us to prioritize, we make time for what we want. We need to step out of our box and take more risks. Leading is definitely a risk for some. #neisdpln
A1: I completely agree. Everyone is responsible for creating a positive culture across the entire school. It is up to you how you choose to use that power/leadership. #neisdpln
A1- I agree...to a point. I think every school needs professional that will step up and lead, but also step back sometimes to support others! #neisdpln
A1: of course everyone can be a leader because we each have characteristics that can inspire and encourage others. Just have to be brave enough to put ourselves out there. #growthmindset#neisdpln#WeareWetmore
A1: I think I have to agree with him on this one. As a district that believes in and promotes The Leader in Me, we are instilling that in our children every day!#neisdpln#weareWetmore
A1: I agree that everyone is a leader, but everyone's definition is different. I think a leader should have certain qualities/strengths/characteristics. Some leaders may lead in a different way based on their qualities/strengths. #neisdpln
A1: I think everyone has the potential to be a leader, if they want to be...if they choose to act on it. The support from others is how we grow, take hold of that leadership, and feel comfortable being in that position. #neisdpln
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
A1- I believe that everyone has places where they excel, so they become a experts in those areas. But, with that said, it doesn’t mean they posses the qualities of a leader. Just like any other craft it has to be practiced. #neisdpln
A1: Everyone from admin, teachers, students and parents are the leaders. Each in their own capacity have the capability to help lead a campus successfully. #neisdpln
YES! We all have a hand in our community culture and climate and must be leaders. We are all responsible for determining our success and failures. @yankee_todd#neisdpln#wearewetmore
A1: I believe everyone is a leader...most for the better and greater good of others and some not-so-much. A positive attitude is contagious and helps to inspire others.
A1: I think when it comes to things as simple as promoting positivity we can all lead. That's a choice. Leading people away from the negativity can be such a simple act with such huge results. #neisdpln
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
A2: I make sure to retweet/repost every positive thing the District puts out. I tell everyone how great this district is to work for and send my kids to. #neisdpln#culturize
A1: I believe everyone is a leader...most for the better and greater good of others and some not-so-much. A positive attitude is contagious and helps to inspire others.
A2: I tell my hubby all the time that his district does strange stuff compared to mine!😂 But really, I try to promote any events in these district on social media, and make as many events as I can. #neisdpln
A1: I believe that everyone has the potential to be a great leader! The hard part is knowing when to step back and let other lead when the situation calls for it. If you are always trying to lead, you’ll never know what talents others have #neisdpln
A1: YES! We all have a hand in our community culture and climate and must be leaders. We are all responsible for determining our success and failures. @yankee_todd#neisdpln#wearewetmore
A2:I believe it starts with being professional and acknowledging each other. Make sure that parents know whats going on in your school and the district. #neisdpln
A2: By showing the love for my job, my students and my campus. Sharing online thru @Twitter, @Edublogs, @Facebook, writing articles, and just sharing when I can. #neisdpln
A2: Do you wear your school shirt in public? Do you take time to talk to parents at the store? Do you always speak highly of your team? Your students? Your school? #neisdpln
A2: I think sometimes it’s the little things. I carry the banner for Wetmore by greeting every child at the classroom door with a hug and saying “Good morning, I love you, I’m glad you’re here today!” #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A2: Twitter. Social media. Reaching out to parents, the community, and in all of my words and actions. Talking about the great things we do and WANT to do with other educators too. And sometimes, we literally hang the banners! :) #neisdpln#wearewetmore
Q2: I carry the banner by sharing the joys that go on within my classroom and district. Plus, students work harder when they know you're proud of them and sharing their work! Win win. #neisdpln#WeareWetmore
A2: Being positive! Sharing the awesome things my school and students do on social media and to other people. Everyone likes to be bragged on! #neisdpln
A2-I always talk to my students and families when I'm out...but my littles are always amazed when I'm out anywhere. I work to be positive with the others too! #neisdpln
A2: We have the great privilege of letting our community know what wonderful things are happening @ Huebner and in our district. Flying the HUSKY Banner!
Hey #neisdpln ! Honored to see your chat revolving around #Culturize tonight. Thank you. I am sincerely grateful. Remember, behind every student success story is a teacher/admin who championed for that student. Be that one!
A2: Sharing all of the great student-centered learning that is going on in the classroom and around campus. Showcasing student successes consistently #neisdpln#Culturize#WeareWetmore
Hey #neisdpln ! Honored to see your chat revolving around #Culturize tonight. Thank you. I am sincerely grateful. Remember, behind every student success story is a teacher/admin who championed for that student. Be that one!
A3: Greeting kids daily. Knowing their stories and talking with them about what they love. Starting innovative clubs like our TEDed club for kids to shine. #neisdpln#culturize
A3. I try to get to know as many students as I can (even if they are not in my class), greet them by name, smile, support them in school and community events #neisdpln#culturize
A3: build the word family into our everyday language, make connections with all students, know where they’re coming from and being that safe place for them. You’re all my kids forever. #neisdpln
A2: I always talk to parents and the kids (say hello in the hall, at the store, etc), or give them a hug, I share our class activities through twitter and #classdojo. Spreading smiles and high fives goes a long way! #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A3. I try to get to know as many students as I can (even if they are not in my class), greet them by name, smile, support them in school and community events #neisdpln#culturize
A3: Offer choices to kids. Make them an active part of the learning and growing. Ensuring I'm respectful to students and adults every day. We're a team. We're in this together. #neisdpln#wearewetmore#Culturize
A3: I only see my kiddos in my room once a week, so I always try to chat with them in the hallways, lunches, recess, outside events, or whenever I see them. Make sure they know that I didn't forget about them and I'm more than their "once a week" teacher. #neisdpln
A3: I think it’s so important to make your kids feel at home in your classroom. They should feel comfortable and able to be exactly who they are! #neisdpln
A2: I greet my students with my student greeter everday and participate in my morning meetings by sharing things that are important to me. Share with parents via @ClassDojo and @Seesaw#neisdpln
A1: Absolutely agree. We all play a role-from our custodians, teachers, para-professionals to our bus drivers & especially our Ss! When Ss are making positive contributions & displaying leadership, our kids feed off that & isn’t that what it’s about? #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A2- I live in the neighborhood that feeds into my school so I'm always sneaking in positive interactions. I try to promote our district and advocate for best practices as often as possible. #neisdpln
A3: student choice, student voice, relationships, knowing who is in your classroom! Taking the time to listen to your ss stories rather than brush them off. #neisdpln
Yes sir and their smiles make it the best hour of the day! But my favorite is when they’ve grown up so much that I have to look up to them! #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A3: I create a sense of belonging by ensuring that every student feels safe and respected. Treating others with kindness is the number one rule in our classroom! #neisdpln#WeareWetmore
Q3: I have morning meetings, greetings at the door, goodbyes at the door, just sitting and LISTENING to kids, asking them questions, get to know THEM. #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A3: I always make sure my students know how happy I am that they are with me / at school that day. I tell them how much I miss them when they are absent. Kids know when you genuinely care and it makes a difference!
A3: I have morning meetings, greetings at the door, goodbyes at the door, just sitting and LISTENING to kids, asking them questions, get to know THEM. #neisdpln#wearewetmore
Everyone is a leader on campus: Admin, teachers, paras, support staff, students. We all have the ability to use our voice to impact change which is what leaderS fi. #neisdpln
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
A3:Ss feel like they really belong when we genuinely show we care how they are doing. They can see right through fake interactions. Love them...even when they are trying to push you away. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
So after coming back form the New Year, my 1st graders & I have started ending the day on a #happy&mindful reflective note together using @GoNoodle’s #flow and @Headspace for kids... The kids #loveit & can’t wait to spread their #mindfulness & #Happiness into the hall #neisdpln
A3: I think it’s about remembering them when they’re no longer in your classroom. When you can call student by name years after they been yours, that shows that they truly belonged... in your heart! 💗 #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A1: Everyone is a leader on campus: Admin, teachers, paras, support staff, students. We all have the ability to use our voice to impact change which is what leadership is. #neisdpln
A1: Sorry I’m late. Daddy duty. Leadership is everyone’s job. One person can’t do it all. And if they do, when they leave, the ship sinks again. #neisdpln
Q1: Jimmy believes that the biggest issue facing education today is leadership. He also believes that everyone is a leader. Do you agree/disagree? Why/Why not? #neisdpln
A4: My mantra is “You are more than just a 6th grader.” Letting kids know they are the future and anything is possible is our number one job. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
A2: I aim to honor my district by representing it well in and out of school. I would never defame the district by talking poorly or negative. My goal is to build a positive culture that I (and others) enjoy being in. #neisdpln
Q4- Honest conversations, raise the bar, power through the challenges with them. If we don’t believe in them we put up a barrier and they won’t believe in themselves. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
A4: don’t feed into the negative, be that Kids biggest supporter and understand some Kids limit, always ask yourself what else can I do. I haven’t reached them YET but not done trying. #neisdpln
A4: Show them they can be successful and reminding them of their past successes. Also, sharing your own stories can be so powerful to help them want to take a risk and trust you to help them. #neisdpln
A4: There is a reason why they won't. Find it. And "fair isn't always equal". We may need to work with kids differently to find their can. Change our perspective to change theirs. #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A3: I made it a point to be positive to my kids always. There were enough kids in my classes having bad days and what they needed was a role model that showed strength and leadership through positivity. #neisdpln
A4. I share my own mistakes and challenges with them constantly so they can see how I approach and work through them. Talk a LOT about #growthmindset#neisdpln
q4: I try to remind myself that the reason I got into education was to make a difference & help all kids. Who didn't want a movie like Dangerous Minds or Stand and Deliver made about them? #neisdpln
A2: “The Little School that Can”; starting this PLN many moons ago with @yankee_todd; bragging on my district; and doing the best I can to keep the success story alive at little, ‘ol #WestAveEs#neisdpln
A2: I tell the story of our school. I share anecdotes, personal stories, celebrations and positive publicity. My school is my heart and I’m always proud to share. #neisdpln
A4: I tell my students from day 1 that "I will challenge you every day, but I will never ever give you something you can't do." I always have high expectations with the safety net of love and acceptance. #neisdpln#WeareWetmore
A4: It's not, what more can I do? It's WHAT MORE CAN I DO?! And sometimes it takes a total mindset shift. It's the reason why we go to work everyday - to give students the tools they need to be successful. It's letting go of excuses. #neisdPLN#WeAreWetmore
A4: Setting high expectations, following through, and showing ss not to be negative. Getting to know ss at the BOY allows you to push them to their potential through out the year. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
A4: Once an educators catches themselves saying or thinking kids can't, its downhill for them. There has to be at least one adult that believes in them. Working through this takes passionate advocates that come prepared everyday, every moment just for kids! #neisdpln
A4: Once an educators catches themselves saying or thinking kids can't, its downhill for them. There has to be at least one adult that believes in them. Working through this takes passionate advocates that come prepared everyday, every moment just for kids! #neisdpln
I constantly remind my@students and my staff that it’s their (the kids) world. We’re just living in it for a little while and helping them chart their course. #neisdpln
A4. It is very hard to ask students to have a mindset that adults don't have. All adults/leaders must model what they hope to see from their Ss and colleagues. You can't complain. You have to model it. #neisdpln
A4: When our mindset changes, the Ss mindset changes! I believe we are a reflection of our Ss and their confidence to learn and succeed. We need to be the change and instill the power of "YET!" #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A4: It breaks my heart to hear a student say they aren’t smart enough. Kids are hard enough on themselves - they deserve an educator who genuinely believes that they can. I work through this by believing in my students 100% and setting high expectations. #neisdpln#WeareWetmore
A3: I greet my kids with a handshake, high five, or hug every morning. Some of the Kuds have even made our own handshake or little ritual in the morning. I had the question asked, why do your kids only listen to you. My answer... I built the relationship!#neisdpln
A3: By modeling inclusiveness. I greet students by name and I make a point to engage them in conversation. I treat students as important people in the community so teachers and staff do the same. I also tell students how happy I am to see them. #neisdpln
Sometimes, all our children need is for someone to believe in them! Can’t help but think of Rita Pierce and her powerful Ted Talk.
Speaking of growth mindset, what a great example you are setting right now for your Ss! #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A4: I dig and try to find out what is stopping them from having a growth mindset. What tools do they need to be successful? What more can I do or give them? How do I need to change as a teacher? #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A4: I think adults naturally fear change. To deal with this change, some put up a wall, which can appear to be negative. To work through the fear, we need to provide non-judgmental support for teachers. This will model grit and resiliency for students. #neisdpln
If kids couldn’t then we wouldn’t have met standard when people thought we wouldn’t. I also hire adults for attitude, and we train for success. The adults first have to believe that kids can. Only then can move forward. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
A4: I think adults naturally fear change. To deal with this change, some put up a wall, which can appear to be negative. To work through the fear, we need to provide non-judgmental support for teachers. This will model grit and resiliency for students. #neisdpln
A4: I give objective and honest feedback to staff about the language heard regarding kids. I use the language of progress and growth instead of pass/fail. I remind teachers that we meet students where they are no matter their levels and skills. #neisdpln
Q4: Jimmy pointed out that “If adults by into the mindset that kid’s can’t, how can we complain when kids won’t?” How do you work through this? #neisdpln
A4: Once an educators catches themselves saying or thinking kids can't, its downhill for them. There has to be at least one adult that believes in them. Working through this takes passionate advocates that come prepared everyday, every moment just for kids! #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
A5: this morning during a math test, st cried and said she was dumb..I pushed the test away &told her this test doesn’t make you the wonderful, beautiful, genuine girl you are and don’t ever let it define you, she smiled and said okay and grabbed the test tried again. #neisdpln
Friday. I had a very difficult conversation with a teacher who needed it. I can’t say today because I had to deal with my own 19 month old who wasn’t feeling well. But if I’ve done my job, I’ve put people & processes in place that put kids first even when I’m gone. #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
A5: I’m always a champion for my students. I truly believe in their potential and I love each and every student even when they struggle to make good choices. All students deserve to have their principal in their corner. It’s our job...to teach, love, guide, mentor. #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
I am so proud of each and every one of them @yankee_todd. Our Rangers get to come to school to a family who loves and believes in them. I am inspired by their positive leadership each & everyday. #weareWetmore#neisdpln
A5: this morning during a math test, st cried and said she was dumb..I pushed the test away &told her this test doesn’t make you the wonderful, beautiful, genuine girl you are and don’t ever let it define you, she smiled and said okay and grabbed the test tried again. #neisdpln
A5: I feel like I champion for all of my students. But, making sure they feel safe is my number one priority. If they feel safe and supported, then the teaching comes naturally. #neisdpln
A5: Giving kids multiple chances. Even if it’s everyday. They take a chance on my teaching everyday when they walk in room. They deserve to have those same chances in their behavior & learning. #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
A5: Participating in PD, trying to better understand how I can integrate technology for my students to make learning more interesting and engaging #neisdpln
A5: Daily. I see the whole campus, so it's a daily occurrence that I see a student needing a champion- building their confidence to be successful information seekers, treating each other respectfully, giving them choices... #neisdpln#wearewetmore
A5: Giving kids multiple chances. Even if it’s everyday. They take a chance on my teaching everyday when they walk in room. They deserve to have those same chances in their behavior & learning. #neisdpln
Q5: JImmy often asked his teaches -- "When was the last time you were a champion for your students?" What would you tell him if he asked? (he is following virtually) #neisdpln
A5: I think I am a champion everyday. I honestly try. They each walk in my room with so many different feelings, experiences, stories and I try hard to make sure they know our classroom is our safe place. Our home away from home. #neisdpln#wearewetmore
The difficult conversations are key when they need to happen. We (principals) have to address teachers who don’t champion for their students. It’s critical! #neisdpln
A5: I would tell @casas_jimmy, 2 seconds ago! I work with our campuses most at-risk students. These students have already failed for the semester and need to have some taste of success. I work to build a culturized environment for these students! #neisdpln
A5: Pray&work towards it everyday. I champion for my kiddos by challenging myself to push them beyond what they think they're capable of. Transform the room. Take the boring & make it engaging. Celebrate the goals. Laugh when they laugh. Be present. Love them. Everyday. #neisdpln
A5- Everyday! From celebrating our little achievements that lead to our big ones, brainstorming with peers on what else we can do to help our Ss achieve more than they thought they could, pep talks. Here is a great moment from today! #neisdpln
A5: All Day, Every Day. We are the smartest second graders and the class with the most potential. That is THE mindset my students leave with each day! #neisdpln#weareWetmore
A5: I strive to be a champion to students every day. Most days it is in the small moments: a high five and smile in the morning, an encouraging word to a struggling student, making sure students feel included. #neisdpln#culturize#WeareWetmore
A5: I try to be their champion by letting them explore fun topics like coding, robots, and circuits. Bringing STEAM into the classroom to inspire possible life/ career choices and interests. #neisdpln#WeareWetmore
A5: Last week I found out that a student I taught in 1st & in 3rd was missing. I blasted social media, called his mother & found out that he was in juvenile detention . She was glad I cared enough to be there when he needed a champion the most! #neisdpln#weareWetmore
I will get with @cgrego_techie and we will find a time to finish the rest of the book. Until then, Be the Change that you want to see in the World! #neisdpln
Lastly, "Behind every student success story is a staff member who championed for that student!" Thank you #neisdpln for all that you do! @casas_jimmy#Culturize