#langchat Archive
#LangChat is dedicated to the discussion of topics associated with issues and trends in world language instruction and learning. Educators, administrators, learners, and aficionados of world languages are encouraged to participate and share their experiences and input on various topics such as new ways to teach vocabulary, using music in the language classroom, and making standards-based grading valid. This chat is also unique in that it brings together language educators worldwide and from different contexts (elementary, secondary, higher education, etc.) and languages.
Thursday April 7, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Good evening, ! Tell us who you are, what you teach, and a positive thing that happened to you this week!
Good evening, ! Tell us who you are, what you teach, and a positive thing that happened to you this week!
Good evening, ! Tell us who you are, what you teach, and a positive thing that happened to you this week!
Elizabeth Dentlinger, Spanish 1-3 in central IA. I was told I look like Tay Swift today!
Hi ! Amy from DFW, TX here! I teach Spanish 2/2H and I have been playing grandmother to my dog's fake babies this week.
My name is Lori Medellin and I'm an aspiring Spanish teacher at Oklahoma State University.
Catherine, French 1-AP in the PacificNW: It's Spring Break. I'm writing curriculum/updating Web site, & visiting PLN members in CA
Amanda from cold WI- HS Spanish. I was principal today!
I wish I knew about before I started teaching. You're lucky!
Hello! I'm Katie, a pre-service Spanish teacher from PA
Justin, Ann Arbor, MI, mostly Latin&German, HS&adults. I brainstormed proficiency-themed beer names with tweeps!
Hello from Maine! I'm Julie and I teach Kindergarten-4th grade Spanish. Grt thing-kid sharing w me in Spanish re her dad
Helping to co-mod Sat sequel so lurking today but a positive thing? visited with my classes today!
Carrie from Raleigh, NC! Teach MS Spanish! I survived the week after spring break!
I'm currently in an class and this was one of our lessons. I'm super excited to participate tonight!
Rebecca, MS French, excited to see my French 7 newbies writing paragraphs this week for the first time
I'm Wendy, teaching French 1 and 2 in Ohio. This week I got to do some singing with some friends, which is always a fun time!
Lisa, French 1-5 in Ohio.
Kim from Indiana...enjoying a lazy & cold Spring Break. Spanish 1 & Heritage, grades 7&8
Here's sneak peek at tonight's questions for our topic: how do you structure and design a new unit? https://t.co/JvUfpLh5sl
Hannah- teaching in WI grades 5-12, Spanish levels 1-2. salsa style zumba with 5th graders went really well
Melanie in Ohio, Spanish 1-3, a couple minute late, but reminded by my wonderful husband that it's night!
Hi ! Allison, 7-12 Spanish in Iowa. I got to spend my 1st ever curriculum budget
Super excited about tonight's topic since I'm looking at reworking curriculum this summer
My positive was that I had the opportunity to engage in inspiring dialogue with my Twitter PLN this week!
time! Hurray! Viviana from Louisiana. Spanish for the Middles.
Chinese teacher in regional Australia
A1: recently checked over AP and IB themes for a new unit idea.
Hi, ! Cristina from Miami. Spanish PreK-5. Tried to langchat last week from London, but it was 1:00 am!! Glad to be back:)
Hi Kimberly Obenauer, 8-12 Spanish, Dept. of one, Missouri
A1 What are students in that particular class interested in?
A1 motivating themes which incorporate children's culture; content based tying into other disciplines, high freq vocab can fit
A1: primarily, I think: what do I want to learn about that will interest my students?
A1 Student interest, my passions, student proficiency, current events
A1 Units come from AP themes, global issues, student interest, and culturally-rich stories/legends. It's a wide buffet of choices.
A1: I have been building units around novels and cultural themes
Indiana French/English teacher, French 1 + 3, next year 1 + 4!
Don't forget to include the answer number (A1, A2, A3, etc) and in your response!
A1 Sometimes I find an amazing and think that it could be the heart of a new unit
Ooohh yes! Novel units are amazing! https://t.co/y96yLeRcBO
A1: I have been building units around novels and cultural themes
A1 In Latin 3 I determine what to study by student interest. If they're not into a text I switch it up & find something that works
A1 supposed to follow curriculum guide, but use Tt interest, Ss interest, novels
A1 what will excite both the students and me!
Vanessa from Boston, French 1-4. Watching all my seniors choose their colleges has been so great this week!
A1 district curriculm for Levels 1-2 is based on textbook series
Nicola, from OH, college French
A1: Our curriculum is pretty set, so I don't pick the units. I just personalize them.
yes! Loving our Vida y Muerte novel and the prep with El Salvador
A1: units are set by co-teachers
A1 at elem, tapping into gen ed themes to harness prior knowledge & experience when applicable
A1 For me, I choose relevant and interesting units that are already outlined for me. One day, I hope to branch out and make some!
Anyone know where I can get a premade bult. board for Growth Mindset in French or a way to make large signs myself?
A1 For what topics/themes/issues do we have access to some extra-sweet ?
A1 We are under curriculum review this summer so hoping for some ideas
What movies are you going to watch? I chose Romero for Vida y Muerte
Hola, Doug from NY. MS Spanish
A1 units are unfortunately set by book
:( I. Would. Die. With. A. Textbook.
We watched Voces Inocentes, but we read about Romero a la
Who chose the curriculum? Is it district-decided or based on a book? A1
A1- spent time this summer w/span&ital 4 teachers planning curriculum gearing toward ap.
What a rebel! I sort of do the same thing!
I just can't...its not fair to Ss sometimes and Shhhh, but nobody really checks
A1 my unit themes stay the same but my content changes based on current events & student interest
A1: If I had all levels, I would think about upper level and what units would build vocab for them.
A1: I would make the unit for the basics and making the class interactive to keep the children engaged
Yes, hard to convince co-workers to not have book at college intro&intermed. level :(
District written performance based curriculum with themes based on AP themes so things build vertically https://t.co/d5lEvRKZNf
Who chose the curriculum? Is it district-decided or based on a book? A1
Jill from NOVA - preparing for 15 French students and 2 chaperones to visit next week! Vive l'change!
A1 feeling very lucky I can design my entire curriculum!
A1: I've been working with novels and using units and doing class stories.
One of the benefits of being a
I love the chance to go deeper into different units like this! https://t.co/Hv1up3RqwM
A1: If I had all levels, I would think about upper level and what units would build vocab for them.
A lot of profs at universities still seem to think that textbook is crucial
A1 We decided as a department to have the same themes per level, but the how and when and what is up to us.
A1: Content-Based Instruction has really changed how I think about units and in creating them.
We are similar, but Span, Fren, Germ all the same. Differ in cultural elements and a little w/ structure https://t.co/j0yrv6yNJo
A1 We decided as a department to have the same themes per level, but the how and when and what is up to us.
Joining late from Chicago MS Spanish...a1 we have the opportunity to create our themes but hard to get a consensus on topics
I like that idea! Do you align vocabulary as well? I feel like that's where it gets hectic.
A1 Use standard units for each level but add elements that link experience to students and to wider world issues ex. food /waste.
A1: Based on book:( BUT, greatly enhanced by videos, stories, authentic resources, songs, interactive games, activities, etc.
A1 French 4 for us is history-based, so I'm entering new territory for me - units are traditionally about different centuries
This is very true, I came from a small town and it was prepare for the EOI's then learning was done. https://t.co/LZd1GqxB9e
A1: Content-Based Instruction has really changed how I think about units and in creating them.
A2 The shower. Thatʻs where I think best.
A2: Honestly, my best units start because an idea pops in my brain and I run with it.
A2: In the last couple units for 2 & 3 this year, I started w/general goals & assessment tasks (but don't have the yet)
A2: Look at district perform assmts & think about implicit topics, higher order things to get kids to read/talk about
oddly enough...me too & when trying to go to bed at night
A2 Again, usually a few key are the "bones" and then I build on them. And then it gets very very messy and hectic...
A1: We looked at the complexity of performance tasks related to each theme and then tried to put enough themes into a year.
A2: I murder a notepad. At leas a whole one every time then dissect the glossary to chunk structures
A2 textbook for topic, gym for inspiration & pinterest for concrete materials
A2: I think this process is different for me if IPA model or more story or culture based.
A2: functions. What do I want them to be able to do? Rn I have to fit functions in to book curric., to be chngd next ur by county
A2 Goal of unit: what do I want/ can students do at the end of this unit to demonstrate their learning. Basic UBD.
A2: My planning process would probably start with how other kids reacted in high school mainly because a lot of students...
A2 I try to gather all AuthRes/TPRS stories and try to see what direction seems most intriguing. Want to let Ss vote in future
A2: Look for engaging and current topics and then see what's out there to learn about it!
A2 (cont): are only taking because it's a requirement for graduation. I'd love to plan a unit that encourages learning
A2 ideas are written in my notebook and I pester fellow peeps.
A2- begin at the end. What's the ultimate goal of the level?Then work backwards to plan units then lessons.
A2 book sequence, focus on theme and essential questions / student can-dos, find and create CI
A2: I like to build background knowledge for students and myself. w/documentaries, novel, etc.
Beautiful backwards design is the goal, but at the beginning of April, with 1 unit left, I lack energy...
A2 goals need to be proficiency based, provide opportunities for sts to engage & interact w language & each other
This is really important! https://t.co/l9KUXmbSXh
A2: I like to build background knowledge for students and myself. w/documentaries, novel, etc.
A2 Can-Do's progress from immediate environment to social situation to "anything I've learned about." Tried to plan accordingly
A2 a. getting to know students, because thatʻs the best way to ensure their joy and success throughout the unit
A2 My process starts with some kind of spark that grows into a flame. It makes the unit fun, relevant, and interesting!
A2 Bc I have to b accountable for other Tt who have same Ss later on so i try to pick similar ideas with a twist to keep interest.
A2: I start with vocab needed easily, but often identify needed grammar as we go through unit.
It is my summer goal, now that I'm almost to year 4 and my curriculum isn't changing (for the 1st time!)
A2: Unit planning can start anytime, sometimes best ideas come in the middle of the night. Lucky if I remember the next day!
A2 In Latin 1 & 2, what are the most important parts to each chapter? How can I make it accessible & comprehensible to the Ss?
A2 b. trawling the world for content that will do it for my Ss, based on knowing them and what theyʻre thinking about these days
A2 Find links between themes and interests of students or hot topics. Making connections is important to maintain interest.
A2: I love how once I start planning I see (specific) possibilities in everything.
A2 I appreciate , & DClementis´ ideas on focusing lenses. Look at historical vocab, add thematic lens.
Lang Dept cont's strategies
A2 Pick theme and pick grammar that enables students to communicate on topi - select speaking, writing, and listening to support.
Since most of us are headed that way, we'll head onto Q3!
A3 Authentic, comprehensible, culturally rich, fascinating
Yes! And if you donʻt remember, you spend the day trying to convince yourself it wasnʻt really that good an idea!
A3 Has to be comprehensible enough for Ss to get something out of it & focused enough on unit (IE my imm. unit this yr was ONLY U)
A2 First, I make sure I have something open on as many tabs as possible....
A3: I try to think 3Ps in the unit to keep it broad.
I hear "Sra, you have a TON of tabs open" at least 1/week
I think I am getting there, but still have to focus on certain material
A3 If it's interesting, engaging, silly, might happen in "real life," or cultural, I want it in my unit.
A3 relevant to Ss, personalized if possible, authentic, culturally relevant, current if possible, fun
A3 I look for content to work together toward the theme goal- does it recycle old vocab in new contexts? does it ...1/2
A2 Template by Laura Terrill, ACTFL Keys Books. Just discovered iPad app!
Minimum 10 open at a time. And pray you never have to restart computer
Just popping in during conf lectures
A3 does it provide opportunities for sts to interact w language in a variety of ways/skills, is it
I had to stop doing that because I would reach over every 90 seconds to write and I would never sleep.
A3: for content I am looking for engaging, compressible input in a variety of forms
A3: biggest problem is everything is interesting to me to teach. Narrow it down by Ss input
Chrome usually saves them in History, but every once in a while it doesn't and I cry :P
A3- something that is actually relevant to Ss. Want to go to French vs HAVE to go
I am also interested by a lot of things. If my Ss find it interesting is another story.
A3: The content would be the most important, like directions, questions, and phrases for each unit. Along with vocab for my Ss.
A3 will it work at my sts level in our 90% in Spanish class? will it be comprehensible? can I frame it comprehensibly?
That seems pretty broad. Have you found a magic pill that has all in one?
Definitely more challenging, but if the lessons are interesting and fun, you can persuade some to participate.
Can be found by entry tix https://t.co/hhYkq8XK7X
A3: biggest problem is everything is interesting to me to teach. Narrow it down by Ss input
Not yet! Often they are independent of each other, but I will keep up the search!
A3 What all can we do with it in addition to read/view/listen? Lots of great content, but some lends itself better to extension
I do a lot of "make your own version of this on a similar but not identical topic" in low levels
GBL activities are great for learning content
Haha, true. But I often find if I'm interested, it'll spark there interest (though def not always).
One of my weaknesses is that I seeing nothing fun in hectic messes!
I had a teacher in high school who had multiple games made up. I learned so much, I'd just worry about...
A3 high frequency, comprehensible, authentic, lends itself to cultural comparisons. Icing on the cake: not just from France!
A3: I like how my Ss have input w/the details of our stories & they never complain about the Key Structures I choose
those students who are "too cool" to learn. Any suggestions?
A3 age/proficiency appropriateness, what I´ll need to scaffold, variety, theme/vocab/grammar, will it support communication goals
A3 Find listening, reading, speaking, and writing that recycles and reinforces vocab. Videos and culture all work to same end.
A3 what content will help students become global citizens and discussed in L2?
A3 Think of where sts might encounter language. Not everyone will be a waiter in a café or even be able to travel. Support reality
A3: The content I choose needs to be relevant to the learners. Then, we dance to it;)
A3 For AP ss though, if it is current event, I stop everything and cover, whether it is my ss interest or not.
Oooooh, "will it support communication goals?" I love it! https://t.co/RU8Eg8DARP
A3 age/proficiency appropriateness, what I´ll need to scaffold, variety, theme/vocab/grammar, will it support communication goals
A3 yes to recycling! So critical, yet so tough! https://t.co/9G9IMQzaKC
A3 I look for content to work together toward the theme goal- does it recycle old vocab in new contexts? does it ...1/2
Hmmm...maybe but you're learning a lot along the way?!
A3 Do not follow textbook - rewrite my own units by selecting vocabulary students want to use and online resources that enhance.
Unexpected culture can be great too, like French in Africa. Ss become interested by something surprising to them.
A3 very true. Need to be cognizant of economical situations https://t.co/JJjLZt3iG3
A3 Think of where sts might encounter language. Not everyone will be a waiter in a café or even be able to travel. Support reality
A4 Depends what I can find but each lesson starts with an that we interpret, discuss and write about.
Games are great. For the too cools, I don't focus on them. I focus on the rest.
Do they follow the same pattern? Do you change activities based on the unit, etc? Go with the flow?
In late. What is the overarching theme?
If the rest are having fun, they'll generally join in.
The Association of Museums.
Do you mean from year to year / class to class? Day to day?
A4 I repeat some types of assessments but vary project types & configurations. Don't want too much task novelty or 90%+ gets hard
A4: I believe the unit should progressively get a little more difficult. To show progress and what the students already learned
I remember once having a stuffy business man join in the Hokey Pokey laughing cuz everyone else was.
A4: I really like how begins her units, but I keep list of staple activities to spice it up.
If the elements are the 4 skills, then they all vary each lesson but w/in the frame of the content prog
A4 I try in incorporate lots of different types of elemnts in a theme to provide vocab/experiences in many contexts/skill types
Tonight's topic: How do you structure and design a new unit. We're on Q4 How do you vary the elements of a unit or not?
A4: I try to take the essential content of the unit and elevate the type of communications I want them to have.
Tweeting in L2 can be fun, too!
A4: all skills + culture + personalization + something fun + something current (if possible)
A4: The novels! We read Pobre Ana and are working on Vampirata.
A4: I try to include mixture of audio (commercial, videos, music videos) and need to vary more texts in my units.
Do the too cools still show progress in their work?
A4: you have to mix it up with a variety of modes & activities so it does not get stale for students (or you)
what do you mean by elevate the type of communications?
A4- I usually follow a pattern for consistency's sake, but mix it up if kids (ok really me) are starting to get bored with that!
A4: Like, read on travel tips, but then have them pick the top three most important and justify with personal experience
A4 Vary the input- stories, video clips, music, short texts, longer texts
A4 My units are generally structured the same; I cans that lead to a summ. assess. I vary the activities, but some are tried/true!
A4 Show students language is appropriate to different forms of communication: reading, video, infographic, speaking - need all.
A4 I try to fit in as many different types of on the theme
I'd also add creative role plays.
A4 1/2 For Novice the "bone" is often the same (CI CI CI + carefully chosen ) but with a variety of activities.
A4: EQs & performance tasks dictate types of form asst to prepare for end...but each end goal needs a variety of paths to get2
I had a moment like that during the summer, all the Ss finally put their phones away, actually listened, and had fun.
They'll resist at first, but the opportunity to be someone else usually helps them open up.
A4: Bloom's Taxonomy is great for developing new angles for units and the tasks / input you incorporate.
A4 2/2 for Int. I tend to follow the IPA model: read/listen, talk about it, write/speak about it with extensions
That moment just reminded me why I picked education for my major.
A4: Unit on music? Have sts listen to music, describe, but then recommend based on how that music compares to U.S. genres.
I would prefer a starting template or outline. Would be interested if anyone has one to share.
Always a great reminder to model the IPA format in class! https://t.co/dc7pukSrqB
A4 2/2 for Int. I tend to follow the IPA model: read/listen, talk about it, write/speak about it with extensions
A4 I don't assess same way for each unit. IPA reading/speaking in 1 unit, collaborative final project for the next. Keep it fresh!
Go for small wins. If you get them participating, that's huge. Worry about lang progress after. It'll come.
A4: Unit on City? Have students think about being a native of their own and where insiders go & what they do. Apply to TL city
A4: I have to, somehow, organize a "Cognate Party" lesson & an "Ñ fiesta" lesson. Yes, the elements of a unit vary unexpectedly.
A4: How does a native of a city get the most out of their city? What do they know that visitors don't?
I could happily sing you the Spanish speaking countries and their capitals thanks to music.
I've accidentally stumbled into some of this this yr and it is def going to continue (but more intentionally) next!
A4: Music Again - Survey students or survey each other. Make recommendations of TL music they researched based on survey prefs
Thank you so much! :) I'll definitely keep all of this in mind.
I need to remember to vary this. I'll have to pick your brain for collaborative topics in level 1!
perfect. I'd love to go down the Google hole, but I get better quality quicker from
I like emotional interpretations. Have them describe how the music makes them feel or what kind of scene it sets.
Then compare that to an actual music video, movie clip, or a discussion on the lyrics.
A4: Bloom's can also help you look at differently and what you might want kids to do with them.
A4: This sounds weird but I really didn't do thematic units this year like I used to...just novels, key structures & communication
Should that be our new slogan? ; )
Not weird! If it works for you and your Ss, great!
I feel like I'm in the middle of an liking spree. So many good, concrete, practical ideas.
A4: Sometimes we get so caught up in basic communicative tasks, we miss things like "explain" or "justify" etc in novice levels
ALWAYS with the Amy tweets.
I prefer following Ss interests and needs more than adhering to any kind of theme.
Not weird at all! Much more natural, in many ways--in real life, not all body parts come up at same time (for example)
Time for Q5 How do you honor students’ cognitive levels when planning instruction of a unit? https://t.co/4XA4kXxVDM
Do your students actually agree on anything? I always get 1/2 who love something...and the other 1/2 hate it
not weird! Though I've grown accustomed to certain structures/comm goals with certain things.
So many things are like that! I bet you didn't learn all foods in three days!
I also like projects like Ss presentations on a topic. Topics like social justice can go really far.
https://t.co/6HjZIBZ00z my own version of unit outline based on one by Clementi/Terrill in ACTFL then I divide lessons
My favorite novice is compare/contrast
Haha, very often. But mixing it up helps or allowing for different roles within the tasks.
Healthy life choice https://t.co/6zSSy5Y13z
Each of the 3 units had 3 modes, but culmination/end was unique to the topic.
Funny, controversial or drama (after some initial resistance) always went best for me.
A5: Teaching HS kids, children's songs are fun only once or twice/YEAR or we ALL get tired of it
Hi just got home. Will have to read this one on the blog.
My takeaway: This is a big topic! Lots of good ideas, but looking forward to rehashing in the
A5: We go slooooowly. And my kiddos are so vocal about the pace of our classes.
I have started thinking about how our kids in WL need to be talking about similar things as in their other classes
I very much agree with that!
TA: remember to apply blooms HOT to units to make it more meaningful and create units that are captivating to all
Ta- focus on end task, vary final assessment, keep it interesting! Oh,
I've been thinking the same thing SO MUCH lately
Teach the fun stuff. Shakira's Ojos Asi is fairly simple and a lot of fun. Someone shared Selena the other day.
A5 biggest concern is time/depth - need more for MS than HS for similar content
They think at much higher lvl than we honor in our classes would say wl lessons = simple language, complex thoughts
Yes - pop music is a go-to for me!
My takeaway: I've learned so much just in this hour! I have so many things to keep in mind about lessons and how to plan them.
T: we all have great ideas. Go ahead and plan your topics that will engage students and help them see connections to real world.
TA: It's nice to sit at the grown-up table every week.
Thank everyone for bearing with me tonight for this chat! I am definitely up past my (totally normal) bedtime!
Thank you for letting me participate tonight! It was so much fun.
- Merci Wendy - great job!
TA I am on the right track with my unit planning. I want to explore how to drill down my big dream into daily lessons.
Thanks for joining in and sharing so much!
Every Thursday (that I remember is Thursday, anyway) https://t.co/2SvbO5TrR4
Thank everyone for bearing with me tonight for this chat! I am definitely up past my (totally normal) bedtime!