#Kinderchat Archive

#Kinderchat, glue, glitter, gogurt, bringing daily joy to twitter. Find us Mondays, 9 pm EST and 8:30PM London time when we talk all things Early Years!

Monday June 4, 2018
9:00 PM EDT

  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    Hello and welcome to tonight’s #kinderchat! My name is Megan and I’m tonight’s facilitator.
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:00 PM EDT
    7:00 p.m. MDT or 9:00 p.m. EDT #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:02 PM EDT
    Hi Mary from VA. I currently teach 2nd but moving to kindergarten in the fal #kinderchat
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    #kinderchat Hello I am Sydney and I am going into my second year of elementary education and am excited to hear knowledge as kindergarten is where I would like to teach after my degree!
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:03 PM EDT
    Hi Meg! Christine from southern Alberta! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:04 PM EDT
    Thank you! #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    My name is Megan and I am a preschool director in Chicago. I am looking forward to a long weekend in Boulder this week! #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    Please introduce your self! Tell us your name, what you do in the ECE field, where you are from, and what is something you are looking forward to this summer. #kinderchat
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:05 PM EDT
    #kinderchat I am currently working at a daycare for the summer!
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hi #kinderchat WiFi down so I’m on my phone. Visiting grandkids in Dallas. Busy time for them. Oldest graduates from 8th grade tomorrow
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:06 PM EDT
    Hello #kinderchat ! My name is Alex and I am not in the ECE field but work along side ECE's in kindergarten classrooms as a supply teacher. This summer (teacher related) I am looking forward to graduating my MEd.. (unteacher related) I am looking forward to my wedding!!!
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    I'm a Learning Coach and Kinder teacher and I'm feeling bittersweet feelings as I am retiring from the classroom this June! #28years #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:07 PM EDT
    Oops. Faige from LA. Subbing now and loving it. Summer plans up in the air. #kinderchat
    • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:06 PM EDT
      Hi #kinderchat WiFi down so I’m on my phone. Visiting grandkids in Dallas. Busy time for them. Oldest graduates from 8th grade tomorrow
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Amy here, principal(ish) of the ECE division of a private preK-12 school in The Canada. One month from TODAY, I will kick off summer w/a 10 day visit to my 7 month old nephew (& his parents) in BERLIN. #Kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:08 PM EDT
    Oooh! are you fully retiring? Living a life of leisure? #Kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    Wow. Congratulations, big change. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:09 PM EDT
    I'm hoping to keep engaging with teachers and kids by doing some consulting and such! And a bit of leisure too! #noschedule #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    I want to break down an “us versus them” narrative when speaking about and working with families. #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Tonight I want to chat about something that has been on my mind as I scroll through posts in Facebook groups dedicated to ECE workers. #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    Yup. It's exciting and stressful and wonderful and weird! #kinderchat
    In reply to @dubioseducator, @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:10 PM EDT
    So exciting for you! (But also I feel sad for your school to lose you....) #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Ah, you are lovely. But, I do live in my school's neighbourhood, so, I can still hear the bells. #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Yup! I agree. It took me awhile to find my path. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:11 PM EDT
    Wow! Big change!! #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Hi! I’m Mary. I’m teaching in Natick, MA and I’m excited to teach abroad in Dubai next year! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:12 PM EDT
    Hi Everyone! Okay, I’m officially here, not just my robot scheduled tweets! Thank you for understanding my tardiness. #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    I still want to be connected to everyone but still need to navigate how this can look and feel! I'll be looking for advice, guys. And probably some people to meet for coffee! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:13 PM EDT
    Hi Mary. Welcome to the chat! What a fun year to teach abroad. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    We'll talk! i'm always looking for great ECE PD presenters to come share with my staff... #Kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    What and exciting place to be teaching abroad! That is one of my dreams as a future educator! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:14 PM EDT
    Hey! Carrie In PEi here. Multitasking because that’s how we do it… #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    That sounds awesome! #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:15 PM EDT
    To get us started on the conversation and to move away from an “us versus them”, here is question 1! Q1: tell us about your daily drop off and pick up routines. #kinderchat
  • PaulEnderle Jun 4 @ 9:16 PM EDT
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:16 PM EDT
    Hi Carrie. I hear ya; shoving dinner into my face as I type! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    a1: I was just chatting to current k teachers and assistants about this. Can't wait to learn more #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A1: My kids either take the bus, or their parents drop them off. They go straight to the playground unless the bell has rung, then they come into the school and get ready for the day. Not much parent/teacher interaction at all. #kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A1: Our 3s & 4s, parents come right into the classroom, help kiddos get settled, check in w/teacher, etc. In KG, we work on a gradual transition to kids coming in on their own, working w/ea family on an appropriate pace. #Kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    A1: Our admins greet students at the doors as they come in from buses and all staff wave our buses off at the end of the day! Kinder (all) parents meet us at the door! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    #kinderchat A1: During my first month of working at the daycare I realized that many parents do not like to hang around, they drop and go. At the end of the day they love hearing about their child's day and are much more talkative!
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
    Careful! Don’t get indigestion, lol! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Can you share a little bit about how the conversation went? #kinderchat
    • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
      a1: I was just chatting to current k teachers and assistants about this. Can't wait to learn more #kinderchat
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    From my placement and supply experience in kindergarten, all of the beginning/end of day routines looked pretty much exactly like this as well #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    How do you think that affects your relationship with families? Does it? #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    Oh, and for our whole school: I stand at the front doors, most mornings greeting all of our ece & elementary students & families. #Kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:18 PM EDT
    A1: We are a small community school so most Ss are walked to school which is nice so I say hello every day to parents. A virtual part of my AM routine includes my daily “What’s Rocking in KR” e-mail w/ 3 questions to ask their Kindergartener once they get home #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    I feel like parents sometimes don't want to over step in our space because they maybe don't feel as welcomed! However, I have learned we need to welcome families, not just the child #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    I've had to "encourage" some parents to drop and go and not follow the child to the classroom. And not carry their backpack. Or their lunch kit. #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    We are a k-5th grade school. We have bus riders, car riders, walkers and day care. Parents are encouraged from the beginning of the year to drop students off in front of school. We have lots of staff to help them find their classrooms #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • KC_SEASportsFan Jun 4 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Hello my favourite people!! Brett, Lamar, Mo., aspiring T. #KinderChat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:19 PM EDT
    Q1 (continued): Each of my Ss have to give me a handshake, hug or high five to say good-bye (and they enjoy choosing which they’ll give each afternoon). #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    What and awesome idea! I will have to remember that! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    I love this! It helps everyone remember that these are all "our" kids! #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Yes! Those self help skills are so important. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    Why do you think they may feel unwelcome? #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @CarrieMarshall1
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    It very much sets up the “this is school not day care” mentality, for sure. It’s actually not encouraged for parents to hang around, even come down to their child’s classroom. In a school of over 600 K-gr 3, I can see why 1/2 #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:20 PM EDT
    What an awesome idea! I love it! What a great way to involve both student and parent at the same time #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A1 In the ECs kids are brought to the classroom. Parents stay till kids are comfortablesaying bye. At this time of year pretty quick goodbyes. #kinderchat In Ks they’re dropped off on the yard till line up bell. In beginning kinders broughtband picjed up from room
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    I had no idea your school was so big!! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    A1 - cont) After schoo, TAs will take bus riders and day care riders to their vehicles, classroom Ts stay with walkers. We walk walkers out to their parents #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    We need to know who is in the building at all times. We have too many instances of parents with restraining orders, etc. It’s sad, but it’s our reality at this time #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:21 PM EDT
    Good thinking! We have to build a relationship with the entire child, including the people who love him or her the MOST in the world!! #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @CarrieMarshall1
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    It is one of my favourite routines. I do the same at the end of most days - standing at the bottom of the main stairs, telling kids goodbye, getting hugs (mostly from big kids), hearing about their day. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    It’s HUGE! 10 Kindergarten classes next year. 9 This year. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    It seems from the answers, that in preschool families go into the classrooms to drop off and pick up, but once the child hits kindergarten that changes. Why? #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:22 PM EDT
    Ok. Full disclosure: I had no idea PEI had so many people. #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    It’s so easy and it actually helps me quickly reflect on my “purpose” of the day. It’s a win win in my opinion. (didn’t mean for that to rhyme but I’ll go with it since I’m a kindergarten teacher lol) #kinderchat
    In reply to @adencsak, @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    For yrs, we insisted that KG students enter on their own, even on first day. After I observed the routine in younger classrooms, we switched to a gentler, more family-friendly approach. #Kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    I think it goes back to even when they were in school. There is definitely a mentality that school is school and it’s the domain of children and teachers #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    They are beginning to get older and lots are independent and no longer need mom or dad to help! Maybe they feel embarrassed if mom and dad come into their classroom #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:23 PM EDT
    For us, it is a safety thing and to help them to transition to being elementary students. #kinderchat Also, many ride buses or go to daycare so those parents are not at the school for pick up #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • KC_SEASportsFan Jun 4 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    That's the way it was here when I was a K student. #kinderchat
    • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:17 PM EDT
      A1: My kids either take the bus, or their parents drop them off. They go straight to the playground unless the bell has rung, then they come into the school and get ready for the day. Not much parent/teacher interaction at all. #kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Our pick up routines are similar: ECE students are picked up from classroom by parents, or walked to bus or after-school prog by staff. #Kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:24 PM EDT
    Hi Brett. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KC_SEASportsFan
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    But I think that just because a child is older doesn’t mean a family member should automatically be taken out of the equation. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    At our school, once the kinder students enter for the day, they never go anywhere alone - always a staff person with themfor safety reasons #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    We don’t really-I think we’re @ 150,000 give or take. But I teach in one of the fastest growing communities on the Island. There are 2 communities with large primary and elementary schools- the 1 I teach in and the 1 my kids went through. The rest are fairly typical. #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    But maybe if drop off and pick up routines allowed families to be included, maybe they wouldn’t feel this way? #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Completely agree! A family dynamic is so important to a child's well being! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:25 PM EDT
    Kathleen, popping in at the half way point.👋🏻 #Kinderchat
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Our kinders have parents drop off and pick up from the classroom the first month of school (approx) We found that most kids were ready to line up on the yard for both after then. If a kinder needed more time parent walked in to room. Flexibility to meet needs #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    And maybe the slow release and small step towards building independence and responsibility is a good thing for them! #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Maybe sometimes people think "building a sense of independence" means "going it alone". I feel the tension at times. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Tell the truth, you were distracted by our intense text convo re: ice cream. #Kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:26 PM EDT
    Maybe a mix of things? Academic expectations some elementary schools have don't give time for a daily "Meet & greet"; the idea that elementary school means promoting a bit more autonomy; the myth that ECE needs more parental involvement than elementary school #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Our KG students can also be dropped off at our ECE playground before school. This is an option we provide as a service to families; also helps make goodbye easier for some kiddos. #Kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I agree. But I think it’s a cultural mindset that has been put into place since the beginning of public education. Things like that don’t change overnight. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Thank you for sharing. I think this is key. Individualize to meet the needs of each child and their family. #kinderchat
    In reply to @dubioseducator
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    Amy! Don't tell everyone my secrets. 😂 #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:27 PM EDT
    I think teachers sometimes just follow what the rest of the school does so never think to change their involvement with the parents at the beginning and end of the day #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:28 PM EDT
    I think we misconstrue "independence" too easily. True independence is initiated BY THE CHILD, and happens gradually. If it is imposed by teacher/school, it is compliance, but not independence. #Kinderchat
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    Schools and parents get set in their ways and often times it is hard to change those habits! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg
  • Stephan84886513 Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    #kinderchat I agree with building family connections!
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    We encourage parent involvement in other ways - the beginning and end of day are very busy with settling in and getting ready to go - not really time for a parent conversation #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I also feel like it has to do with time management. Perhaps administrators feel it'll take too much time to say hello/goodbye and cut into academics. It's interesting because I haven't thought about this a lot... thanks for sparking some reflection #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    I wonder why a quest for “independence” seems to be interpreted as removing families (even if not consciously) from the routine rather than involving families to help support the routine. #kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:29 PM EDT
    We have 3 yos who have been coming to our school w/sibs since they were literally days old. THEY often want to walk to class on their own long before KG students who are here for 1st time. #Kinderchat
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:30 PM EDT
    I agree! Our drop offs at the daycare sometimes take 10 minutes and school schedules may not have that time to give up from learning! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Dropping off/picking up doesn’t necessarily mean conversations. It may just mean that a child needs an extra bit to settle in and their parent is able to help them do that on some days. #kinderchat
    In reply to @mcarlson110
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    I will say, though, that there are def. parents who would want to dish the "daily scoop" on what's going on with their child and/or fill the teacher in w/ before school stories...so if we did this, there'd have to be some boundaries so teachers don't get overwhelmed #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    I agree but sometimes parents need help saying good bye. Numerous reasons reasons why they don’t but a gentle nudge, lots of hand holding built on good relationships. #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    After the first day of “newness” wears off, most of our kinders want to go to class alone. I find it’s the parents who have the hard time letting go #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Question 2 coming up! #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
    Okay, guys, if we don't have 10 MINUTES of flexibility in our days, we are in serious trouble. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    Q2: are there policies or unspoken rules in your program that might discourage families from being a part of the school day? #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    That's a fact. #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I think it is also very important to be able to communicate with the parents to see how their child's sleep and morning routine went before arriving at school! Will help the teacher prepare for the day! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    It'd be interesting to hear a student's opinion on their drop off and pick up! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    AMEN TO ALL OF THIS. Relationships are the most important work we do. A few minutes of "hi how are you" is an INVESTMENT in a collaborative partnership. #Kinderchat
    • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
      Okay, guys, if we don't have 10 MINUTES of flexibility in our days, we are in serious trouble. #kinderchat
      In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
    I’m a bit of a fire starter, so bear with me, but I’m an administrator who thinks that relationships and feeling confident need to happen before academics so maybe sometimes getting off track is ok. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    I agree! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:33 PM EDT
    A2: We work very hard to keep our parents in the loop and make it comfortable for everyone to be a part of our community @MCSWildcats #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @MCSWildcats
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    This is a really great point I hadn't necessarily thought of! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:34 PM EDT
    Can I stir the pot a bit? What if it’s the parents who need to back off so the child can build relationships? Whose needs are being served? I think that’s a question we should ask. if it’s the child’s then 100% YES! But if it’s the parents? #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    A2: I feel that overall my school is very welcoming to parents of all students. We are always looking for activities and things for families to join in #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:35 PM EDT
    This makes me curious about parent perspective on the topic, as well as student perspective! However, I am lucky that 99% of my students are walked to school each day so I'm not the teacher that waits for them in my classroom. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    I try to remember that some of our parents have had really terrible school experiences and this affects their relationships with Ts and Admins. Even being in the building can be stressful #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    I think this is where we are well-served by KNOWING the parents & children. A parent who trusts us is more likely to respond to a gentle nudge to let their little stretch his wings! #Kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:36 PM EDT
    A2: I think childcare is an issue that keeps parents away from volunteering. Younger siblings can't come on field trips, etc. #Kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    A2: Because we are such a large school, we have to have lots of policies in place. Unfortunately we can’t have parents dropping in all of the time. This is the advantage of a smaller school. Everyone knows everyone. Larger schools lose something in their size. #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    Stir away...but don’t we also need to have strong relationships with families? In order to really support the children? I don’t think we can take families out of the equation. (Which I know you know and You know I love you, Carrie!) #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    That is a very good point! Parents are also sometimes limited to how involved they can be with their children's education! #kinderchat
    In reply to @MmeKathleen
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    I strongly agree! My former schools were huge places (700 students) and that changes the possibilities for connections #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachthenbeach, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:37 PM EDT
    I love all the different angles to this... I think my stance would be that flexibility is key, ESPECIALLY in kindergarten.. meeting the needs of each child and their parent/guardians :) #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:38 PM EDT
    Can't that happen at a different tme that works better in a school setting - donuts for dads, muffins for mom, read aloud nights, PTA events, etc.? #kinderchat
    • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
      Dropping off/picking up doesn’t necessarily mean conversations. It may just mean that a child needs an extra bit to settle in and their parent is able to help them do that on some days. #kinderchat
      In reply to @mcarlson110
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    Let me expand on Question 2 a bit, what UNWRITTEN RULES (all schools have them) might discourage families from feeling welcome and seen as partners? #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    I agree. And I do try my hardest to make sure I have a relationship with my parents. And you know I just like to stir the pot a bit too- but also my school reality is very different than my ECE reality. Or even some of my friends’ realities in smaller schools #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    For example, I once worked at a preschool that said it had an open door policy, but refused to give the families keys and never answered the doorbell. #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    A2: I have a huge handful of teacher parents this year, so they need to be with their classroom families in the AM. There is also a fear of parents pushing boundaries... #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    Going to school of less then 100 students I never thought how restricting a big school could be! An interesting topic I would love to look into more! #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachthenbeach
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:39 PM EDT
    every kindergarten class I've either done placement or supply in, parent communication and involvement has been such a crucial part of their year/program/day/week/etc. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    This compassion that is so closely associated with our job is the part of me that amplified even more after I had my own child. #kinderchat
    • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:32 PM EDT
      AMEN TO ALL OF THIS. Relationships are the most important work we do. A few minutes of "hi how are you" is an INVESTMENT in a collaborative partnership. #Kinderchat
      • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:31 PM EDT
        Okay, guys, if we don't have 10 MINUTES of flexibility in our days, we are in serious trouble. #kinderchat
        In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    Even class field trips look VERY different in a large school than a small school. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    Safety is such a big deal now - our school has around 500 students - just letting parents in would not work in our area. #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    I love those kinds of “open door” policies she said sarcastically #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
    There are many other ways to build parent-teacher relationships, starting before the school year begins! I do lots to help them feel welcome before the first bell rings and throughout the school year (i.e. mystery readers, volunteers, "funny moment" e-mails) #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @CarrieMarshall1, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    Does not sound open door to me... I believe if a policy is made it must be followed, especially when it allows teacher, parent, and child relationship! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    #kinderSNARK #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg, @CarrieMarshall1, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    Yes! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg, @CarrieMarshall1, @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    Then how can we form relationships with families in these larger environments? #kinderchat
    In reply to @mcarlson110
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:41 PM EDT
    #kinderchat will have to check back when WiFi is working
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Love 1 & 3 but as a teacher, sometimes it can get overwhelming when too many parents want those chats after the school bell rings... would love to hear how teachers recommend managing this #kinderchat
    In reply to @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @happycampergirl, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:42 PM EDT
    Yes; that’s why it was an “unwritten rule”. And a damaging one because it affect relationships with families. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    We have many many family events - donuts with dads, muffins with moms, mystery readers, many volunteer opportunities - parents sign into the office and then come into the classroom. We have a very active PTA and always have parents in the building #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    The physical presence of parents in our building is OFTEN identified as a strength by visitors, esp new job candidates. #kinderchat (Buzz is a parent at my school, too!) #kinderchat
    • buzzbishop Jun 4 @ 9:40 PM EDT
      As a parent, I LOVE that our school allows parents in the school and to the class door even in Gr 1. 1) fewer forgotten items 2) a chance to have small chats with teacher every days instead of waiting for for interviews 3) meet other parents in the hallway
      In reply to @KeeneeLou, @happycampergirl, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @teachthenbeach, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    I think respectful boundaries are needed and need to be respectfully communicated e.g. I'd love to chat - can you email me so we can set up a time? #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @happycampergirl, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:43 PM EDT
    Some of this is leading to Question 3!! Collaboration and relationships can take many many forms.... #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    Q3: what opportunities for families have in your program to be involved, both physically and emotionally/intellectually? #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    We have family days Meet the Teacher night, class blogs, e-mail, twitter, phone calls and notes home. Before our kiddos start school they have visited with their parents at least 2 times. Those with separation fears are encouraged to stop by before school starts, etc #Kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg, @mcarlson110
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:44 PM EDT
    Our teachers are empowered to say when they are not free: "I have a team meeting today, but can we chat more tmro?" Parents respect this. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    Oh Faige, I feel you pain! #Kinderchat
    In reply to @dubioseducator
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:45 PM EDT
    A3: parent, student and teacher interviews. field trips, one classroom I know of brings the parents in for a show off day to allow the child to show their parents what they have been working on in school! #kinderchat
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A3: We also have watchdog Dads, bingo nights, reading under the stars night, American Education week, book fairs, and so many more https://t.co/xdyl4jBLnv required Teacher parent conference and more can be set up #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    A3: Volunteering in class, evening parent workshops, Dad's Night, newsletters, email, phone calls, #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    In some communities, the school is the anchor point of the community. It’s a place for families and children to gather and find resources and community. Is it unrealistic to wish that all schools were anchor points for families? #kinderchat
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    Is your class blog and twitter successful in the classroom? #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:46 PM EDT
    If the bell rings & each has a "quick story" to tell me... 20 2-3 minute check in stories adds up... I say this because 2/3 of my parents this year have their 1st born in my class... so maybe rules prior to the start of school could diffuse that. Thoughts? #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    So great! Sounds like a + presence. I worked at a school where that presence was solely to take jackets off & hang backpacks up😬 #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A3: Parents know from the get-go if there’s a concern, let me know. E-mail me and I’ll set up a time to phone. If they want to be involved we have breakfast program, library aids, Home and School, etc. We do try to include parents as much as possible #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    A3: Esp in our ECE division, we invite (frequently, formally and informally) parents to come in & do class presentations re: everything from culture to hobbies to professions; our KG classes have surprise story reader program; (more coming..) #Kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    Yes, boundaries are so important. Being able to say, can I call you later? Is a huge help! #Kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:47 PM EDT
    I have been using @seesaw for parent communication - this year I have 100% parent sign up. I do use Twitter as well and so does my school. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @Seesaw
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    Due to my own child care needs, I set limits on my availability as well and parents have been extremely respectful. Pro tip! #kinderchat
    • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:44 PM EDT
      Our teachers are empowered to say when they are not free: "I have a team meeting today, but can we chat more tmro?" Parents respect this. #kinderchat
      In reply to @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A3: I have always loved career days when parents come into the classroom and tell the kids what they do for a living! Great for the class and relationship with the school and parents! #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    This is the type of family presence I think is important. Families in the school doesn’t always mean that the families need things/time from the teachers. Sometimes it just means that they are a part of the school and are visible and engaged in other ways. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MmeKathleen, @happycampergirl
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    I think our class Twitter @Keenskinders is a work-in-progress for everyone! #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110, @Keenskinders
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    New things this yr: parents & sibs were invited to preK sports day (not to help, just to play); preK parents were invited to set up a classroom learning centre... Both of these were VERY well-received. #Kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:48 PM EDT
    A3: I have 3/5 days filled with Literacy Center parent volunteers, afternoon craft volunteers, we have an awesome PTO w/ lots of events, my daily e-mails & I chase after Mystery Readers & offer any minute of the school day so it could work w/ their work schedule #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • dubioseducator Jun 4 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    A3 Back for now fingers crossed WiFi on. Working with parents essential to get to know their child. Might not see eye to eye but we get a better picture of the child outside our walls. When P & T can build an alliance tells@volumes about school values and culture #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    What types of parent workshops does your school offer? #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    I heard that @Seesaw is a great resource! I will for sure check it out in more detail! #kinderchat
    In reply to @mcarlson110, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @Seesaw, @Seesaw
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:49 PM EDT
    Yes and no. It’s hard to get parents to subscribe to the blog for some reason. But once they see what I put up there, they sign up. Twitter is more hit and miss for me. Without wifi access for my phone, it’s hard to post enough #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    i have seen so much success in class twitter/blogs! Its a great way to keep all parents involved and in the know! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    I love @seesaw. I have been using it for the last few years with my 2nd graders - planning to take it with me to kinder and share with my new teacm #kinderchat
    In reply to @MsSydneyMcGrath, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @Seesaw, @Seesaw
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:50 PM EDT
    Ours too! #Kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @MsSydneyMcGrath, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110, @Keenskinders
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    At School Council meeting we have had both teacher and parent run presentations on internet safety, assessment practices, financial intelligence, and how to have chickens at your house! #ruralrocks #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    It really is! I really emphasize how important these are at Meet the Teacher. Once parents catch on, they love it #kinderchat
    In reply to @adencsak, @teachermeg, @mcarlson110
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:51 PM EDT
    Do we think class size affects these morning walk-ins with parents? What's a typical pre-school class size versus a public elementary K class (17-25 in my district) #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    Here’s a reflective bonus question: Do your interactions/your school’s interactions with families illustrate the type of relationships you want? #kinderchat
  • adencsak Jun 4 @ 9:52 PM EDT
    I REALLY like this idea! what a great way to include the parents and at their own will as well #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    That's awesome--- 1st grade just hatched baby chicks so many would have benefitted from your last workshop :D #kinderchat
    In reply to @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    Yes! My school is where both my daughters attended before I taught there. It was one of the reasons I wanted to teach there - very welcoming to families #kinderchat
    • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:52 PM EDT
      Here’s a reflective bonus question: Do your interactions/your school’s interactions with families illustrate the type of relationships you want? #kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    We have done sessions re: social interactions, digital citizenship/online safety, executive functioning. Next yr, we will add a session re: early lit & language in French immersion. #Kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    I think it may - when parents see all those little people waiting for you as they try to engage you in a deep conversation, it may shift their perspective #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    They never ALL need you, and parents see when you are already engaged in another conversation. It is very rare for my tchrs to end up "trapped" for more than 15 or 20 min after school. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    Bonus Answer: I think my school needs work, for being such a small school we should have way more interaction with parents and their families! We can't truly understand a child until we understand their family! #kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    Plus, we get fresh eggs! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @teachermeg
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:53 PM EDT
    To me, school size dictates this more than class size. Like I said with 10 Kindergarten classes alone, it’s pretty hectic! Lots of bodies moving all over the place. 600ish kiddos in a school build for 500ish Can you say overcrowded? #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:54 PM EDT
    I think we need to embrace how interested the parents are in their child's education! It's better then them not caring at all! #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    We are going to start to wrap up folks. Thank you everyone for being reflective and engaging in such a spirited dialogue! #kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Good point but I will stand by that I do have a good handful of parents that would love to turn that morning greet into a coffee hour... nothing a friendly expectation reminder couldn't fix though. :) #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Reflective answer: I like the relationship I have with my parents. I think it’s a good one. Do I think I could do a better job communicating? Sure! But I feel very comfortable with them, and I hope they feel comfortable with me. It’s all about acceptance #kinderchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:55 PM EDT
    Make sure you check your mentions and follow/follow back any new twitter friends you made tonight. #kinderchat
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Memorize this phrase: "I am so sorry, the children really need me right now. Can I e-mail you to set up a time to meet when we won't be interrupted?" #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Bonus answer: Over time, I've become much more open and flexible. Time and experience helped. And being a mum. #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachermeg
  • MsSydneyMcGrath Jun 4 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Had such a great chat with #kinderchat tonight! Will be sure to attend another chat in the near future!
  • MmeKathleen - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    Thanks @teachermeg! It sounds like you made people think a little harder tonight. 😊 #Kinderchat
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:56 PM EDT
    The school I'm going to teach at in Dubai has 8 teachers per grade level...any tips about being in a bigger school & maintaining a cohesive school community is greatly appreciated!! I'm currently in a school w/ 2 teachers per grade level... gulp! #kinderchat
    In reply to @CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • EduGladiators Jun 4 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    #EduGladiators Summer Series: EdCamp Topics continues with authors @LaurenPorosoff @jhweinstein helps us think out of the box for PD! Join us! #ksedchat #Kinderchat #TeacherEdChat #tlap #gfedchat #ALedchat #EdPiper #EdTechAfterDark #ILedchat #NVedchat #ssdedu #IEedchat
  • teachermeg Jun 4 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    Oh you know, just my usual pot stirring happening over here. #kinderchat
    In reply to @MmeKathleen
  • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    Good phrase! Thanks for sharing. :) It'll be interesting when I bring up this chat tomorrow during lunch with my colleagues... #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    Definitely - and most likely the parents that do want to come in in the mornings are ones that are more needy themselves (even in their student isnt) #kinderchat. Iwill talk to any parent at a better time than the morning rush #kinderchat
    • teachthenbeach Jun 4 @ 9:55 PM EDT
      Good point but I will stand by that I do have a good handful of parents that would love to turn that morning greet into a coffee hour... nothing a friendly expectation reminder couldn't fix though. :) #kinderchat
      In reply to @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @CarrieMarshall1, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • happycampergirl - Moderator Jun 4 @ 9:57 PM EDT
    Tks to @teachermeg for moderating tonight. Next week, @keeneelou & @st006C moderate our last formal chat of the year! #Kinderchat
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    I would ask your colleagues the type of questions we've been discussing tonight to get some insights! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @CarrieMarshall1, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:58 PM EDT
    Get to know your team! Work with your team! I call my other K teachers my work-wives. We’re in a pseudo polygamous relationship lol! But we know each other, we know what works, and how we all think. I can’t underscore the importance of teacher relationships! #kinderchat
    In reply to @teachthenbeach, @happycampergirl, @buzzbishop, @KeeneeLou, @teachermeg, @MsSydneyMcGrath
  • mcarlson110 Jun 4 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thanks everyone. Good chatting with you. Have a good evening #kinderchat
  • CarrieMarshall1 Jun 4 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Thanks for stirring the pot with us @teachermeg ! Never a dull moment or a dull #kinderchat soup!
  • KeeneeLou Jun 4 @ 9:59 PM EDT
    Have a wonderful week with your wonderful parents and their wonderful children! #kinderchat
    In reply to @happycampergirl, @teachermeg, @St006C