#MASSPchat Archive
Chats will be moderated by MASSP staff, members of the MASSP Board of Directors and MASSP Members – we will also have special guest moderators on occasion.
Monday May 2, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Please introduce yourself and check in with us! My name is Ben Mainka, MASSP Associate Director moderating tonight!
As a reminder, we operate in a Q1/A1 format here, and I will kick things off shortly after introductions.
Good evening! Steve Carlson, Principal of Sandusky Jr/Sr High School.
Great to have you with us sir… always a pleasure. Congrats on re-election!
Steve, you are a legend on … it is always great to have you and learn from your perspective!
Good evening friends reporting fresh out of Rotary Show practice! Tammy Jackson Principal EJMHS
Wow… that sounds important. What is Rotary Show? Is that an EJ exclusive!?
Mike Domagalski. Principal in East China Schools. Popping in for a bit on
Jason Schrock - Howell High: checking in and looking forward to some pro tips tonight
Mike, great to have you with us. Thanks for joining us form EC!
Steve Poole, principal at Jefferson MS, Midland.
Hello Mr. Schrock! You will be the “Pro” sharing tonight… you are running a city over there in Howell at the HS!
Welcome Steve! Great to have Jefferson MS represented as always!
Tonight is a very practical “How To” chat this evening… so please share some tips with us all! We all are eager to learn!
Q1: How do you leverage technology or other tools to help you build a master schedule efficiently?
Hi All ... Checking in from the hockey rink. #1 has tryouts 😉
Welcome Tracy! Great to have you join us from Grand Haven Hockey Town!
A1: Google Docs to share schedule document with Counselor, see revision history, record teacher teacher requests...
A1: I built most of the schedule using formulas that I created so that I could use the cut formulas each year
A1: Having done master schedules for eight years, I use the software to put the S's in classes, but still set up classes myself.
A1: Still do section numbers by hand. Synergy 'should' help us build the most efficient schedule w/ the least conflicts.
A1(cont): First the students schedule online, then I export to work in Excel and my imbedded formulas
A1: Skyward runs Ss thru sched 2 see if it works. Use shared Google Sheet 2 make tweaks 2 master https://t.co/0XDvlQ5orJ
Q1: How do you leverage technology or other tools to help you build a master schedule efficiently?
BAM! Great idea if you can swing it…. This avoids many misplaced students in the end!
A1 You hit a raw nerve! Knee deep in the process now. I use PowerSchool. Automated with serious interventions.
Great! Do you shoot for a certain percentage before you start working with the numbers manually?
A1: google doc and excel sheets w/formulas are crucial for me in preparing a master schedule.
A1: Schedule based off of Itinerant schedule given by CO. Not much tech used, but T'r feedback is key
A1: Ss schedule through Synergy, pull requests, determine sections, get Dept chair input, BUILD
I figured this was the time for this and people to share strategies! Sometimes the software needs lots of help!
Do you use Google Sheets or Docs? I find that the Sheets does not have quite as many options and formulas as Excel
Not a set %, we're smaller (460-470 Ss) so we go more by "feel". We know where conflicts are by 2-3x thru https://t.co/xPGxjSNCc2
Great! Do you shoot for a certain percentage before you start working with the numbers manually?
Wow! Do you do most of it by hand then? How do you schedule your MS electives?
BAM! Delegate is critical, but this is one area I like to stay pretty hands-on!
I use both: sheets for calculating sections and docs to keep track of lists/timelines/committee work
Q2 is coming shortly and deals with “when” you find time to sit down and focus your energy on the details of the schedule.
Awesome… then everyone has an idea where you are at in the process as well. Great for transparency!
A1: S requests are put into eSchool, we cut classes based on requests, then staff based on sections. Balance of human and tech.
When was a MS principal, I had less students and really hand-placed students. smaller is nice for this part of job
Q2: How do you find time to focus your energy on building the master schedule? At home? During the school day?
Hi Everyone, Sheila Pilmore, Breckenridge HS/MS joining late.
BAM! Absolutely. They meet in the middle… It is not just the computer and not just done by hand… it is a balance!
Welcome Sheila! Thanks for joining us tonight! Feel free to jump right in!
the 7-8 part of our sched is pretty easy. 9th grade straightforward as well. Probs come in w/ 10-12 Ss
A2: During the school day with input from T's, , and Personal Director
A2: thank God for Mrs. Bartlett our counselor who drives our scheduling process -uses powerschool & we include SIT in
A2: Counselor and I work on it asyncronously from home usually. Too many other items that need face-to-face time during the day
A2: Another balance answer. Whenever you have time. Thankfully, we have a system where I could do it at home.
Got it… so in your case at the elementary… do you ever look at balancing learning styles, teacher strengths, etc…?
A2: Great question! I squeak time in wherever I can ... school & home.
Agreed. Tough to get time at the building without being interrupted. I did at home and in the evening at the school
A2: Hard to prioritize w/ 1 counselor & 1 principal. Either of us can be whisked away in an emergency! https://t.co/SkNQzJ7zE6
Q2: How do you find time to focus your energy on building the master schedule? At home? During the school day?
A2 Just carve out a few minutes here and there during the day but get more done after school when all leave.
Amen to that! It is an art form finding time to work on this and come back where you left off!
The life of a principal… getting the work done when others leave! Very true and easiest time to focus I found!
A2: scheduling team mostly works on it at home until students/staff leave for summer. Remaining work is our focus at school the
A2: I find the Gordon Lightfoot Pandora station always provides the push I need to get it done! Nice and relaxing work.
A2 cont: We set goals, next steps, and plans to connect. Hard to stay on strict timeline but the work gets done.
A2. Most of my "seat time" work is done outside of school hours.
Q3 is in the “hopper”, and it deals with who helps you and works on this with you…
A2: I find the Gordon Lightfoot Pandora station always provides the push I need to get it done! Nice and relaxing work.
BAM! Quality principal right here! Spend time with kids and staff during school day - office tasks after work.
Ouch! You may be alone in that Steve… LOL!
Q3: How and with whom do you share the work of building the master schedule?
Google Docs like you use them at least allows for ongoing collaboration even outside of the school day!
A3: our MS/HS counselor along w/ SIT
A3 My counselor and secretary work with me. Secretary does computer work, counselor helps with sections placement.
A3: Our counselor, https://t.co/NqxvoAzQtM
Q3: How and with whom do you share the work of building the master schedule?
Awesome to bring counselors into this work… they have great insight!
Great idea! Do you find any issues with this when it comes to cut sections for teachers? Counselor must be trusted!
A3: Counselor does most of the heavy lifting, thank Heaven. I troubleshoot, double-check, provide ideas.
A3: I am not good at sharing. I enjoy doing the schedule. At HS, lead teachers helped balance course levels. At MS, AP helped.
LOL! That is good that you enjoy it… It is one of the most important jobs of the principal - teacher and Ss placement!
A3: Once schedule is locked, counselors at HS are invaluable with their help, especially with senior schedules.
A3: One of my Assistant Principals, Registrar & input from Dept Chairs.
Counselor doesn't want to be the one to tell teachers the bad news, keeps it to herself until I do the dirty work:)
Sounds like you have a handle on it, but give the input and detail work to counselor… good use of resources!
excellent idea. Google docs are so helpful!
A3 Counselor plays a significant role. However that position has changed each of the last 3 yrs. that leaves me!
Not fun, tough conversations, but it makes it complex when all of us have our counselors involved. It is necessary.
That is great to hear that you take matching learners to teachers in your building. Very important in the elem!
A3: Share it with my Admin Assistant before its finalized
Q4 sitting in the chamber ready to fire… Deals with if you have you ever considered teacher requests and how is it done…
A3- Lead principal is meeting with assistants and counsellors tomorrow. Teamwork
Hello all. Lance Sumpter. Beecher High School Assistant principal. Sorry I'm late... Track meet. .
Q4: Do you consider teacher preferences for scheduling? How do you do it?
Hey Andy! This is great… sounds like an ideal time for this chat then!
Welcome to the Chat Lance!
A4 Teachers can ask, science teacher likes 1st hour prep, lab set up, will try, no promises!
A4: As small school most classes have only 1 teacher. Not many requests to be made https://t.co/78qYVvRM9a
Q4 sitting in the chamber ready to fire… Deals with if you have you ever considered teacher requests and how is it done…
A4: ask for input whenever applicable - unfortunately sometimes a small school schedule just dictates assignment
A4- I have had conversations w/ most effective teachers to take At Risk classes. Always helps to have Conv. w/ the best t's.
A4: We start with MUST HAVES, i.e. shared staff, part-timers, take WISH LIST but not a priority.
A3. My principal and counselor have done most of the work on scheduling. I usually add my thoughts during the process.
A4: Keep a google doc throughout the year on the feedback I get from T's about the their schedule, preferences, etc. Try my best
Important to consider Ts pref. Reality wins but it's better for Ss to have Ts teaching their passion. https://t.co/WWpuYydlZO
Q4: Do you consider teacher preferences for scheduling? How do you do it?
A4: We don't make promises to teachers. Lots can change over summer (enrollment, staffing) Try to share favorable scheduling
BAM! That is great! Teachers really value input!
A4: oh, requests from teachers...we get some and honor what we can. Get good ideas, can't make all work https://t.co/fo0X4ohTGz
Q4: Do you consider teacher preferences for scheduling? How do you do it?
A4: We want T's teaching their preference. This does not always happen. In MS, I rotated who taught the upper classes.
A4. We are in the same boat ! Small school with very few options.
BAM! Getting people on the right bus! Welcome to the chat Donna… we love having you!
Awesome! Rotations have some definite benefits! Keep people fresh too!
Awesome idea That's where the most effective teachers are needed! 👍
Q5: Do you consider certain groups of students (At-Risk, special ed, etc.) to schedule first as a priority?
A4: Ts give prep requests to Dept Chair & we discuss during building process. Ultimately, I'm the heavy if requests not honored.
BAM! Take responsibility and ownership for your leadership! Love it!
A5: We try to group kids that we know need support services (SPED, ELL, Title I) when we can. Also try to split up certain Ss
A5 It is easier to do sp. ed. schedule at the end, they tend to travel together so you can find holes in thier schedules.
A4: Nice to share the wealth between high & low sections ... I usually have to balance that as well.
A5.1: Our schedule allows a study hall/credit recovery class to be taken 6/7 hrs of the day, that helps https://t.co/ldD7GmoKaq
Q5: Do you consider certain groups of students (At-Risk, special ed, etc.) to schedule first as a priority?
Q5: ABSOLUTELY ... we hand schedule & place those first!
A5: I found that prioritizing groups - Band, SPED, AP, Seniors, etc.. was critical, because I could not have them left to chance
Schedule S w/unique needs fist & place w/most skilled Ts. Make time 4 all Ts to observe skilled Ts. https://t.co/pxhxzf3B7z
Q5: Do you consider certain groups of students (At-Risk, special ed, etc.) to schedule first as a priority?
A5.2 Spec Ed last piece we do but not b/c low priority. Gets lots of time as toughest piece to get right https://t.co/ldD7GmoKaq
Q5: Do you consider certain groups of students (At-Risk, special ed, etc.) to schedule first as a priority?
BAM! Equity=giving students what they need… sometimes our best only get the most skilled Ss… this is a problem.
A5: There are more special programs to consider in the HS than the middle school. IB/AP, Health Care classes. Too many to list.
Interesting! We front loaded this because of the same reason.
Q6 to wrap up the night is on its way and deals with the ever-challenging hand scheduling!
Focus on what's best for Ss & thinking of ways to grow the skills of ALL staff. Talent Management https://t.co/JWZJp9uVzz
could be another of those big school/small school differences!
We used to schedule SE 1st but reversed process a few yrs ago now schedule AP first. https://t.co/IConwzZaUc
Q5: Do you consider certain groups of students (At-Risk, special ed, etc.) to schedule first as a priority?
Q6: Do you do any "hand-scheduling" of your students that you wish to place with certain teachers or groups of other students?
A6 Yes, still go through each schedule to make sure all are scheduled and in right classes, especially seniors.
A6: In rare instances, but again we usually only have 1 teacher for each course we offer https://t.co/kFGjEV2Ohi
Q6: Do you do any "hand-scheduling" of your students that you wish to place with certain teachers or groups of other students?
A6: We scheduled at-risk students in math especially… Algebra and English 9 were often hand-scheduled to make the best matches!
A6 There is a little bit of hand scheduling that is necessary to meet students diverse needs.
A6: Only hand schedule 6th grade electives because our system cannot handle our unique way of offering them.
BAM! Seniors have to be right, make sure your counselors also do a credit audit to ensure they are on-track!
A6: We do with specific populations to ensure prior placement.
Yep.. get them in and then lock them in!
Those are classes most often taken in Credit Recovery. https://t.co/oN1uUWCaFL
A6: We scheduled at-risk students in math especially… Algebra and English 9 were often hand-scheduled to make the best matches!
Ice time is done! Thanks for another great opportunity to learn & grow! Great job
Who does not HAVE to hand schedule? I want to learn from that rockstar! What do you use? https://t.co/3Ggjvc8ofL
Q6: Do you do any "hand-scheduling" of your students that you wish to place with certain teachers or groups of other students?
What an awesome night of practical tips and sharing! We have an amazing PLN! Thank you all for sharing tonight!
When I was 5-8 principal we ran into this w/ some electives as well. https://t.co/nRz12fAOPl
A6: Only hand schedule 6th grade electives because our system cannot handle our unique way of offering them.
:) Some bigger schools leave it all to the “machines”!
Please make sure you follow others and add to your PLN! Join us next week at the same time for another great chat!
Thanks for a great topic and chat tonight !
Thank you all again and have a great night!
Great chat, very topical right now! Thanks and all who joined in the conversation! https://t.co/FCH4UfT93P
Please make sure you follow others and add to your PLN! Join us next week at the same time for another great chat!
A6: we place our LINKS peer-to-peer students, based on application and needs of student