Welcome to #EdPiper! I'm Dr. Cindy Woody, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Midlothian ISD. I'll be moderating our chat tonight. Welcome, friends!
Tonight we are talking about what STEM/ STEAM research can teach us about how to make learning stick. Please jump right in and remember to hashtag your tweets with #EdPiper!
Q1 What does science tell us about how students learn? Tell me what you know about learning, the brain, memory, cognition, movement, nutrition - anything about the science of learning! #EdPiper
A1. In order to fully understand something you have to be able to apply it. Just regurgitating facts isn’t a key factor to long term learning. #EdPiper
Q1 What does science tell us about how students learn? Tell me what you know about learning, the brain, memory, cognition, movement, nutrition - anything about the science of learning! #EdPiper
A1: Ss of all ages need a brain break... HS Ss max out of their “sit still” and “brain full” time about 15 mins. Movement gets the blood flowing and is a great reset. https://t.co/xrY8kLnNmk#popseeko@gonoodle was one of my #midlo Ss favs 😊 #EDpiper
R1: Brain science suggests that Ss need to experience learning through multiple modalities or senses. I really try to hit at least three during every lesson. #EDpiper
R1: Brain science suggests that Ss need to experience learning through multiple modalities or senses. I really try to hit at least three during every lesson. #EDpiper
My daughter has Sensory Processing Disorder. She will not chew anything that isn’t a Cheeto Puff. I have to give her pedisure for nutrition. According to the state, she doesn’t qualify for OT services. How are kids supposed to learn if they cannot eat? #EdPiper
Ss learn in all different ways, just like us! Some crave working with others while others loath group work. It’s important for Ts to be flexible. #EDpiper
R1: This is why I like #PBL activities and incorporating technology into the mix as well. When you can bring these activities along with 4Cs, ultimate brain science takes place. #EDpiper
A2: Technology has to go beyond using google docs to write an essay. Technology to create authentic products (web design, business pitches, etc) in the classroom and create memorable experiences and lasting learning for our students. #EdPiper@Stella_Pollard@ERobbPrincipal
A1: Students’ basic needs must be met before we can begin to teach and learn. Food, clothing, safety, relationships....all important to learning. #EDpiper
A1. As far as students learning and remembering, you have a few major ways to ingest information. Auditory, kinesthetic, and visual. I try to make sure my students get all three versions with important concepts. #EDpiper
A2: Technology has to be integrated naturally. Ss also have to have some “comfort” or freedom to “fail.” It’s about getting Ss to shift to a #growthminset and the #edtech to feel like a natural extension #EDpiper
A2: If we can engage Ss and grab their attention like youtube does, we are one step closer to helping them WANT to learn and RETAIN IT!
R2: Again hitting those multiple learning styles. Having a @YouTube video to watch, constructing a movie utilizing @WeVideo, recording a response on @Flipgrid, writing a blog, etc. There are so many ways to engage Ss and enrich their learning. #EDpiper
A1 Exercise is good for the brain. It also shuts off the part of the brain that produces negative talk. Movement can also help the brain relax enough so it can connect ideas that give us insights to problems. Many creatives are famous walkers. #EdPiper
Technology is meant to enhance the learning! Ts need to teach students how to utilize technology beyond a gaming system. @mamaestes@koolteecha wanna share some wisdom?
A2: So @jmattmiller points out that brain research can be supported by tech by using tools specific to retrieval and brain dumps...teach kids how to store it, recover it, & share it! #EDpiper
R2: Again hitting those multiple learning styles. Having a @YouTube video to watch, constructing a movie utilizing @WeVideo, recording a response on @Flipgrid, writing a blog, etc. There are so many ways to engage Ss and enrich their learning. #EDpiper
A3: We have had the students design their own roller coasters, pasta bridges, and the egg drop design. We can have students build their own motors. The options are endless thanks to the #NGSS. While doing hands-on, Ss need to be asking Qs and discussing/reflecting. #EdPiper
@woody_cindy I'm seeing growth in algebra bc they have to read their lessons in groups with inquiry learning. They also prefer text hints to video w/Khan Academy bc text is faster. Who would have thought they'd learn to read in algebra?! #EDpiper
a1: You have to make connections to boost learning. We often forget that connections are made in many ways- kinesthetically, visually, auditory, etc. The more ways in which we can have Ss explore, the better. #EDpiper
And so many ways for a teacher to become totally overwhelmed by technology options! We’ve got to have people to help filter and direct Ts! #EDpiper#techteam
R2: Again hitting those multiple learning styles. Having a @YouTube video to watch, constructing a movie utilizing @WeVideo, recording a response on @Flipgrid, writing a blog, etc. There are so many ways to engage Ss and enrich their learning. #EDpiper
A3: As a HS ELA T, I want try to make things as “real & relevant” as possible. Engineering is all about real life... so find ways to make the content necessary for the actual world. #readnonfiction#readaboutscience#EDpiper
R3: Having unexpected results to expected outcomes (my replacement for failure) is natural. We learn so much when things don’t turn out. That helps lead to innovation and an opportunity to grow and learn. We have to teach our Ss to recover from those results. #EDpiper
She will not (physically cannot) eat anything that is thicker than chocolate pudding (other than Cheetos). We gave her mashed potatoes again yesterday, not good. :( BUT she is a bright baby and I am so happy to be her momma. She’s helped me grow as a person. #EdPiper
At the @tasanet@Chevron#STEM conference last week, they advocated having students learn to write narratives in science to tell the story of science. They said something different happens in the brain when we put away our notes & just start writing. #EDpiper
In reply to
@LaneWalker2, @MrsKHouk, @tasanet, @Chevron
A2: technology plays an important role in a well balanced education. It supports differentiation, inquiry and motivates many students... plus it allows us to collaborate and connect. #edpiper
There are so many things. As an eCoach, I suggest Ts find a tool or two and become really good at those. Don’t let the shear amount become overwhelming. #EDpiper
A3: As a HS ELA T, I want try to make things as “real & relevant” as possible. Engineering is all about real life... so find ways to make the content necessary for the actual world. #readnonfiction#readaboutscience#EDpiper
A3: Ss are naturally curious about putting things together & taking them apart. Don't let them stop being curious! We need engineers in the 21st century! They are critical thinkers!
At the @tasanet@Chevron#STEM conference last week, they advocated having students learn to write narratives in science to tell the story of science. They said something different happens in the brain when we put away our notes & just start writing. #EDpiper
In reply to
@LaneWalker2, @MrsKHouk, @tasanet, @Chevron
R3: Having unexpected results to expected outcomes (my replacement for failure) is natural. We learn so much when things don’t turn out. That helps lead to innovation and an opportunity to grow and learn. We have to teach our Ss to recover from those results. #EDpiper
The experts said that when we teach hard science concepts, it’s useful to have students take notes, then put away their notes and just start writing about what they want to tell about the content, then go back & check notes. Also advised use of biographies in science. #EDpiper
A4: music is a proven success in the classroom. My students love @Flocabulary to help with content. Real rap artists creating science raps (and other subjects) #EDpiper
I love the reflection in doing this. I also think learning from some of our past mentors, by reading biographies, is a great way to learn. Thank you for this reminder. #EDpiper
The experts said that when we teach hard science concepts, it’s useful to have students take notes, then put away their notes and just start writing about what they want to tell about the content, then go back & check notes. Also advised use of biographies in science. #EDpiper
A4: I saw a great example at the regional @TCEA conference of Ss using interpretive dance to explore the characterization of Gatsby. Art speaks more than words sometimes. We have to let student gifts shine and synthesize at the highest levels. #EDpiper
A4 When I think about the arts, I think about creativity. When I think about creativity, I think about Depth of Knowledge levels 3 & 4 and the necessity to design and produce things that have not previously existed. #EDpiper
My AP and a fourth grade teacher (@clint_glaesmann and @MrsJohnson4CCE) began coding clubs during lunch for our 4th graders. It has been a huge hit with the kiddos. #EDpiper
I would love to see more Ss coming up with a grasp of coding, but I’m always surprised how many of them know basic html with no education in it #edpiper
I once toured a magnet fine arts high school where all four core content areas had students using various forms of the arts for every unit to show leanring. Blew. Me. Away. #EDpiper#steam#stem#art
R4: I admit that I have no art talent. However, almost every alternative assessment activity I do has art incorporated. I have a project called a 9-Page spread that Ss use art to explain different concepts we do in class. Uses words, pictures, drawings, Venn diagrams #EDpiper
Q5: What are some strategies that mathematicians use to master new concepts? What can we learn from mathematicians to help make learning stick? #EDpiper
A4: When students can figure out THEIR creativity, what makes *them* think outside of the box, that will help them be able to tap into their longterm memory. #edpiper
My @CollegeBoard#SpringBoard curriculum has the beginning elements of that in the embedded assessments for the units. It’s given me a new perspective on assessing Ss for sure. I would love to see it in action in other schools!!! #iloveschooltours#edpiper
A2. Technology is a tool that can enhance an educational atmosphereThe key will never rest in a computer. IMO U get information to stickby having a passionate teacher whocares about their Ss. Those teachers can b just as impactful w/ the box the computer came in! #EDpiper
When I visited the Texas Medical Center Innovation Center in Houston last week, I had a chance to talk to a scientist/inventor/researcher, & he walked me through those exact steps! Powerful! #EDpiper
A4: The Arts can provide a unique graphic to represent the learning. Since our brain remembers in pictures not words, this plays right into making learning stick. #EDpiper
A4: with the arts - teachers inspire students and then set the free to apply learning with a project or performance where there is rarely a wrong answer. #EDpiper
A5: Mathematicians find new ways to simplify the work. Instead of doing 30%, you do 10% and multiply by 3. We as Ts have to allow Ss to find their own paths to “simplify”. Give them options and lots of choice #EDpiper
A4: Art can be used by Ss flexibly which allows them to apply it to their own lives and make learning personal. Art can be seen in so many student products where they take risks and learn from their mistakes!
A4: The Arts can provide a unique graphic to represent the learning. Since our brain remembers in pictures not words, this plays right into making learning stick. #EDpiper
The inquiry-based algebra book I'm using incorporates story lines throughout the book creating hooks we can refer back to all year. Powerful stuff. #EDpiper
Absolutely. Our students are planning a diversity event for entire school of 1 000. Ice cream cones will be scooped out. The students have to figure how many 4 L tubs are needed. Lots of variables! Real issue - real math! #EdPiper
A5 Make lots of connections, take small steps between ideas, reflect back on learning progress, and always look for a better/more efficient way. #edpiper
Yes from the positive: developing leadership in assigned roles: pacing, empathy, support. They don't want to be separated from their groups, so they are focused. #EDpiper
A6: Remember that you are teaching individuals… not classrooms. Don’t forget that each kid need and deserves the chance to learn in their own unique way. Break the silo of teaching to the “average” student. Avg doesn’t exist. #EdPiper
R6: Hands on, hit on creativity, and make sure it hits multiple modalities of learning. It doesn’t have to be tech based; it could be makerspace-ish. #EDpiper
Q5: What are some strategies that mathematicians use to master new concepts? What can we learn from mathematicians to help make learning stick? #EDpiper
A5: Great teachers are teaching math as a collaborative experience rather than the way I learned to memorize steps. Math doesn’t have to be a lonely learning experience any more! #EDpiper
A6: Remember that you are teaching individuals… not classrooms. Don’t forget that each kid need and deserves the chance to learn in their own unique way. Break the silo of teaching to the “average” student. Avg doesn’t exist. #EdPiper
Q5: What are some strategies that mathematicians use to master new concepts? What can we learn from mathematicians to help make learning stick? #EDpiper
A4. The arts are a unique area in our schools. The main way I see the arts affecting my classroom would be through imagination and individuality. I believe that the arts promote imagination and outside the box thinking which leads to new ideas and individual thinking! #EDpiper
A6: Repetition, multiple forms of input and output, checking for understanding along the way, be willing to assess formally/informally for Ss needs... you know #allthethings 🤷🏼♀️ #EDpiper
@Stella_Pollard I'm growing to believe that using low floor, high ceiling tasks allows every S to climb to their potential w/o need for "honors classes." #EDpiper
When I taught high school, the best thinking I got out of my students was when I pulled out all the stops & let them blow the room up with project work. Messy. Lots of research. Tons of purposeful chatter. That learning stuck! #EDpiper
@Stella_Pollard I'm growing to believe that using low floor, high ceiling tasks allows every S to climb to their potential w/o need for "honors classes." #EDpiper
A5. Math has drilled something into me that I preach to my students all the time. If you want to be successful at anything then it has to be done over and over so it becomes habit. Repetition is a key cog in the wheel of success! #EDpiper
Honors classes are great for the Ss who know how to play school. However, they still usually have a hard time when it comes to critical thinking. All of our kids are honorable in their own ways. Some of them are great students because they have a home life that pushes it #edpiper
Yep. I heard from a top neuroscientist last week, who said to space the practice intervals out a bit, make the revisit of hard concepts show back up at unpredictable intervals. Make kids apply concepts in new ways. Practice slow thinking. #EDpiper
A5. Math has drilled something into me that I preach to my students all the time. If you want to be successful at anything then it has to be done over and over so it becomes habit. Repetition is a key cog in the wheel of success! #EDpiper
Good night, friends! Thanks for joining us on #EDpiper tonight. I've learned so much from our #STEAM#STEM research base. Be sure to join us next Monday night at 9PM!
Hah! That kinda looks like me on the left! Always a 100% joy to moderate this amazing group of people who are so passionate about our mission! #EDpiper#KidsDeserveIt#seeyanextweek
I was amazed to see how our @MidwayHSAVID classes really stimulate students to learn. The students were 100% engaged, while teaching their peers and learning from their own misunderstandings. @MrsAClark4CCE#EDpiper Keep up the great work, Ms. Miles!
Honors classes are great for the Ss who know how to play school. However, they still usually have a hard time when it comes to critical thinking. All of our kids are honorable in their own ways. Some of them are great students because they have a home life that pushes it #edpiper
It's easier to chug along the same path than move up, especially when "up" gets more info delivered to them every day. I separate groups roughly by processing speed. #EdPiper
Sharing my latest project... Capture, Connect, Get Creative - hope it provides ideas for your students to use creativity and critical thinking when building concept connections! https://t.co/foBiiIbwXq#edpiper