This twitter chat stands for "Wins And Losses Ed Chat" and will be a chat where students reflect on the previous week to celebrate victories and reflect on losses to turn them into victories.
Intros: Welcome to #waledchat! Introduce yourself, where you are from, your role in education, and tag someone who you'd like to see join you here tonight! #waledchat
Hey all - Shane from AB, Canada. Teacher and education podcaster. Not actually here, but joining via @hootsuite#waledchat@ItsMrsPenrod, you should definitely join in tonight!
Phil from Northern Virginia here! I teach 7th grade US History II and am the founder of #waledchat! Hey @Shapiro_WTHS and @PaulSolarz got 30 minutes for some quick reflection on school leadership?
Roman from Ontario, Canada. HS Teacher/Student Success Leader/Agent of Transformation. Great to be with #waledchat chat tonight! Wondering if my Canadian brother will be here tonight, @mrbgilson
Q1: This one is inspired by @casas_jimmy. What do you believe is a major problem in education that is causing schools to be considered low-performing?
A1: a major issue impacting education is the over emphasis on standardisation. Yes, there are some basics that need to be the same across the board, but if a school's sacrificing the specific needs of its community in order to meet them, then something is wrong. #waledchat
A1 We focus on data as numbers and we forget student stories. We are inundated with results and percentages and forget who the kids are at their essence. As long as we don’t focus on the people, we will never transform “low-performing schools”. #waledchat
Q1: This one is inspired by @casas_jimmy. What do you believe is a major problem in education that is causing schools to be considered low-performing?
A1: People that are not in education are making many of the decisions that directly impact those that are in education -- teachers, students, administrators. #waledchat
A1: It’s critical to look holistically at barriers to a child’s success - any kind of trauma (internal or external) can impact a child’s ability and/or willingness to learn - physical, social, emotional, etc. #waledchat
A1: A problem is traditonal school structure. The outdated model is not preparing students for the world today but the one generations before. Compliance is the most fostered element in this environment.
A1: Focusing on numbers and tests, rather than the students. We need to make sure all of their needs are being met so they can be ready to learn. #waledchat
A1: People that are not in education are making many of the decisions that directly impact those that are in education -- teachers, students, administrators. #waledchat
A1: Where we place the importance, if numbers are important than our focus becomes narrow, if the humans we work with and for are the focus our numbers might not be great but the people are. #shiftthefocus#waledchat
Q1: This one is inspired by @casas_jimmy. What do you believe is a major problem in education that is causing schools to be considered low-performing?
A1: Staff that sit around and complain about having too many ELLs, too many SPED Ss , too many Ss on free and reduced lunch ... we have to stop complaining and change what we can control. #waledchat
A1 LOL good think twitter has a limit. I think we've moved from educating to testing which limits Ss. If a Ss doesn't test well or fit in the cookie cutter box, they are labeled and tucked away to fall through cracks. #WaledChat
A1 We are still stuck in the old model of education
It doesn't work anymore, and we have to stop pretending it does. Ss need multimodal instruction that meets them where they are. #waledchat
A1: A major problem is that we lose sight of what is truly the most important and put too much pressure on students. Even as a student teacher, I have been stressing about the EDTPA which makes me think back to how my Ss feel when taking exams. #waledchat
Standardized testing! Hands down. I’m not opposed to standards, I think they help me have structure. But the almighty test rules everything. Shutting down instruction for almost 2 weeks? Madness! #waledchat
Q1: This one is inspired by @casas_jimmy. What do you believe is a major problem in education that is causing schools to be considered low-performing?
A2 I can be an advocate of enthusiasm in the community for our school, district, and students. Our schools and kids are growthfully awesome! #waledchat
Great point! It’s easy to look at what is “wrong” and why we can’t do it, but let’s focus on the positives and move forward with what we can do, and what we do have. #waledchat
A1: There are so many areas where we don't have answers. And as a public we're smart enough to figure that out. We need a model that is invested in learning and solving together. #waledchat
A1: The reliance on data. In some cases, teacher draw conclusions about students before they ever meet them. Why do we set an arbitrary number for a student to meet. Who determines that student should meet that particular number? #waledchat
A1. I feel we put too much emphasis on testing and the family culture gets lost! Character education, getting to know our kids, their passions, dislikes- It should be our foundation! #waledchat
A1 I think there are factors: funding inequities, moral/culture, settling for we've always done it this way ☹️ Staff should be expected to continue to learn/grow too #waledchat
A1 #waledchat The public perception of schools that causes proactive parents to drive their kids out of district to schools with better scores. Lack of public understanding that a huge part of the score is demographics. The “better” schools aren’t always what they appear.
A2: if I turn my look (and my students') outwards to the community and seek ways to interface curriculum with social needs, I think we'll have made great steps towards doing education right. #waledchat
I agree, good point! I think the same goes with grades. Do we need to group students by age? Some can accelerate for some areas, but need more support in others. Why can't we meet Ss where they are? #waledchat
A2 Bring student names and pictures to every meeting and discussion about success and improvement. Focus on the individual story and success of students and teachers and focus less on just the numbers. Shake up the status quo. #waledchat
A1 Too many tests. We assess every 6 weeks or so and we don’t always get the time to reteach. Scores for high stakes testing aren’t released until the Fall. We are looking at autopsies, however this can help to find trends. #waledchat
A2: To overcome the over-reliance on standardized testing, we as school leaders -- myself included -- must demonstrate that a 200 question multiple choice test on one single day does not compare to the growth and authentic assessments education is trending toward! #waledchat
A2: Raging against the machine is probably not the correct response, right? We need to make the most of the remainder of the time that we are not required to administer standardized tests. Choice-based activities, problem-based learning go a long way. #waledchat
A2 Create conditions and inspire staff to be great- build a learning culture coupled with purposeful PD - Prinipals can’t fire their way to greatness #waledchat@MrPStrunk@misskoplin@DisruptedTv
A1: A major issue is the focus on standardized testing. It is lacking room for the differentiation that we use in the classroom to teach. We understand that children learn differently, but they also show their mastery of learning in different ways. #waledchat
A2: Support Ts and Ss and foster risk-taking towards each discovering their WHY by following their passions, ultimately developing a love of lifelong learning in pursuit of their personal greatness.
A1: School systems are designed for a very narrow band of ss. It does not consider the needs and wants of the large majority. If you don’t fit the mold of that band, you are labeled, relocated, given up on. I see small shifts happening so there’s hope. #growthmindset#waledchat
A2: Make my focus clear. I don't care that a student is at a 64% as much as I do that they are building their confidence. That should be the goal and I try to convey that. #waledchat
A2: It takes a village. Raise your voices & rally the troops! Teachers, admin, afterschool staff, community folks, family & friends of the child. With collaboration & love, together we can work to make an impact...even if it’s a small one! #waledchat
A2: Make my focus clear. I don't care that a student is at a 64% as much as I do that they are building their confidence. That should be the goal and I try to convey that. #waledchat
A2 build relationships with my Ss so their voices are always heard and they feel loved and secure. Build up my Ss and see them not a score. Build relationships with their families to help bridge the divide. Teach my Ss and not to a test. #WaledChat
A2 I'm not a school leader but if we continue to work on the culture for staff and students our environments will be positive. Improved environment for all #waledchat
A2: Focus on creating a supportive community. Listen to your students, and care about them. Be a leader in promoting students and celebrating their success. #waledchat
A2: Be outspoken about the necessity for changing the system. Talk about ways to change the testing system. Write/ talk to politicians about the need for change. #waledchat
Yes! We can work around the constraints of testing. True learning and understanding through hands on activities #PBL developing #growthmindset and using #sbg is far better for students to develop into learners than ANY test! #waledchat
A2: We have to lead by example of best practices around our buildings. Share the relationships you’re building with students and how you’re harnessing that power #waledchat
A2: As a school leader, I can show my Ss that they are so much more than a test score and that a grade does not define them. My students are kind and passionate, and those characteristics outweigh any scores in my book. #waledchat
#waledchat A1 I think our students do not get to move enough. They need breaks.
A2 I think brain breaks and outside breaks are much needed to help them succeed
Q1: This one is inspired by @casas_jimmy. What do you believe is a major problem in education that is causing schools to be considered low-performing?
A1: I have found that many school systems are designed to make Ss fit into the system instead of designing schools to be a place where kids want to be. #waledchat
A2 #waledchat Work hard to highlight the amazing work being done at the schools that don’t have a great reputation. Support that work. Speak positively about those schools. Be an advocate and cheerleader for staff; burnout is a real issue.
A2 Inspire others to follow, but don't preach or shame. Ts want what is best for Ss, but many don't know how or where to start. We need PD that is less sit and get and more stand and do. #waledchat
A2: Get kids out of their seats and get them moving. Tap into their interests, background knowledge and strengths. Give them room to breathe. Assess them with more than a,b,c,d. Let them play and explore to learn! #waledchat
A2: Be outspoken about the necessity for changing the system. Talk about ways to change the testing system. Write/ talk to politicians about the need for change. #waledchat
A1. Complex factors that lead to the opportunity gap (housing discrimination, new Jim Crow, food deserts) as well as antiquated funding models (I.e. property tax) are some of many of the barriers #waledchat
A3: a real leader at my school is @aarontologist. Like I learned from @JoyKirr, his answer to his students is always, "why not?" They're empowered and imaginative as a result. #waledchat
A2 Try not to let the stress get to the kids. They should enjoy school and not worry about scores. It is important to learn from our mistakes- growth mindset. #waledchat
A2 Inspire others to follow, but don't preach or shame. Ts want what is best for Ss, but many don't know how or where to start. We need PD that is less sit and get and more stand and do. #waledchat
Yes! Provide opportunities for Ts to share successes and even struggles (which shows #growthmindset ). We have to focus on relationship building with all stakeholders! #waledchat
A2: It takes a village. Raise your voices & rally the troops! Teachers, admin, afterschool staff, community folks, family & friends of the child. With collaboration & love, together we can work to make an impact...even if it’s a small one! #waledchat
A2. Tell your story from school to school! Show where the Ss growth is occurring. Yes, we all have areas we need to improve on! Discuss where the % occur in dist.,prof., etc. #waledchat
A3: Lots of leaders at my school. Special shout out to @ToddRisser and Mrs. Hays (our science dept. chair). These two teachers work tirelessly for students, display humility, and are active participants in the school culture. #waledchat
I agree Melissa. The way we are expected to teach should also be how we get to learn. We do so much more when this happens. #waledchat
Have teachers doing awesome things present
A2 Inspire others to follow, but don't preach or shame. Ts want what is best for Ss, but many don't know how or where to start. We need PD that is less sit and get and more stand and do. #waledchat
A2: I can’t change the system, but I can make sure Ss know that there is a person who cares about them as ppl. I care about their interests, their stresses, and their family life. #waledchat
A3 What makes these teachers school leaders are their passion, drive and heart towards students and their success. Their constant innovation and divergent thinking make them role models and drivers for change. #waledchat
I’m always the little gnat flying around when data or grades or anything else is being used as judge. I buzz in their ears—They don’t have food on the weekend. They’re helping raise brothers and sisters. Look how helpful they are, how kind. I’m the empathy gnat! #waledchat
A2. Continue my family culture in my room! Explain to the kids we are a family and these are your brothers and sisters;) have bonding time, share, dance parties- we can’t get this family time back! #soimportant#waledchat
A2 #waledchat Work hard to highlight the amazing work being done at the schools that don’t have a great reputation. Support that work. Speak positively about those schools. Be an advocate and cheerleader for staff; burnout is a real issue.
A3: Two leaders at my school are @winnie_nuding and @MACKENZ1E_M who is my CT. I consider them to be leaders because they advocate for what is right and push forward. They inspire me to be a better teacher. I would also add @JLSnyder67. #waledchat
A3: Leaders are anyone, Ts or Ss, that have cultivated trust and relationships in pursuit of advancing a learning community. They learn alongside and guide, they don't mandate or micromanage. True leaders are followed by choice.
Great list of some factors not discussed enough! We have to recognize the myth of the meritocracy as described by @timjacobwise and the inherently unfair playing field caused by school funding based on property taxes #waledchat
A1. Complex factors that lead to the opportunity gap (housing discrimination, new Jim Crow, food deserts) as well as antiquated funding models (I.e. property tax) are some of many of the barriers #waledchat
A3: School nurse & school counselors! They are ROCK STARS! They deal with pain, anguish, & fear, & help each child to develop grit, emotional regulation, & healthy ways of coping. We all learn by watching them act!!! #waledchat
A2: Im not an official leader like an administrator, but that does not mean I can’t lead. It’s really one day at a time. My Ss are tested but progress is made everyday. I see them gain confidence and their skills improve. #waledchat
A3 #waledchat I’m in a system role so it’s not 1 school but admin assistants, both in schools and at the board office are total life savers for students and staff!
A3: @MrPStrunk, you are! With your innovation and willingness to take the lead into the unknown. Also, @ToddRisser! He helps behind the scenes, but also ensures that those around him are supported. #waledchat
A2 As school leaders we are charged to cast a collective vision of success for our Ss, coach team members to help Ss reach these goals, & celebrate/share Ss achievements. This requires bold, purposeful, & strategic leader practice that will change the failure narrative #waledchat
I work with many leaders that are not administrators. @Janene06612642 does amazing things with her classes and advocates for her students and @jbrame21 inspires crazy amounts of creativity in his students. #waledchat
I'm happy to say that I can look to more than 2 people at my school. We have several teacher leaders that I can turn to for advice and use as a role model. I wish they were on here. #WaledChat
A3 We have several staff members who are willing to take risks. They are leaders by offering support, help and they are risk takers trying new ideas etc. #waledchat
A3: Being open to trying new technologies and learning strategies and then inviting other teachers to observe them...SHARING what they have learned with other teachers and LISTENING to students, parents and other teachers makes these people leaders. #waledchat
A3: One is our math dept head. He is a problem-solver. If he sees that there is a problem with the schedule or the way we are handling certain situations, he comes up with a very logical solution. He’s our go-to person. #waledchat
A3: Being open to trying new technologies and learning strategies and then inviting other teachers to observe them...SHARING what they have learned with other teachers and LISTENING to students, parents and other teachers makes these people leaders. #waledchat
A3: The first two colleague teacher leaders that come to mind are unapologetic risk takers and I definitely look up to and respect them for that #waledchat
A3: Everyone is a leader when change happens. Ss help me improve lessons. Other teachers share ideas that inspire me. Admin tells me 100 percent yes and provides resources to help me succeed. #waledchat
Q4: Is there something holding you back from becoming a better school leader? What can you do to overcome it? If not, what is your advice for everyone else?
A3: Gotta shout out @WindermereWorld for her tireless drive to push Ss to explore and enjoy learning and reading. Makers Space, Coding, 3D printing, book talks, summer reading! She does it all! (She also keeps me driven to keep up with her!) #waledchat
A4: right now, the biggest obstacle to becoming a better leader is time to develop my ideas. The biggest strength I have found, though, is having allies - other teachers who share similar goals of transforming education... Very powerful! #waledchat
A2: Im not an official leader like an administrator, but that does not mean I can’t lead. It’s really one day at a time. My Ss are tested but progress is made everyday. I see them gain confidence and their skills improve. #waledchat
A3: The teacher leaders at my school are the ones that love the Ss, experiment with new teaching methods and aren’t afraid to fail, and grind it out and DON’T complain:) #waledchat
A3 @Aroberts04 Athena Roberts and @micronmike Mike Stanton
These two shine and make kids shine. Mike plays sports with the kids daily, eats lunch with them, and challenges them. He never gives us. Athens is filled with passion #waledchat Blessed to know you two
A3 We have several staff members who are willing to take risks. They are leaders by offering support, help and they are risk takers trying new ideas etc. #waledchat
A4 Often, self-doubt still creeps in on a regular basis. Even with the best intentions, constant struggles and questions of what if it doesn’t work still show up. I lean on my amazing PLN who always help me see the light. Could not do it alone. #waledchat
Q4: Is there something holding you back from becoming a better school leader? What can you do to overcome it? If not, what is your advice for everyone else?
A4: I feel like I am continually doubting my worthiness. Why me? Who am I to do this? I am so young. Don't they know I'm not perfect? I am extending myself grace and reminding myself that I entered this profession to be transformative for my students. #waledchat
A4: "Sell your own merch." You cannot be afraid to share out all that good that you do. Don't wait for someone else to do that for you either. That time will never come. Be persistent in your quest to be great. #waledchat
A4 There used to be but not any more- Everyone has greatness in them- Allow yourself to find it- give yourself permission- Surround yourself with people who share your passion... and get away from those who don’t @MrPStrunk@MathWithMsHawes@misskoplin@DisruptedTv#waledchat
A4: There was, I moved. Sometimes change is what we need. Not that one place was bad and another better but the view is never the same from a different place. #waledchat
Q4: Is there something holding you back from becoming a better school leader? What can you do to overcome it? If not, what is your advice for everyone else?
A4: I’m often struck with “eager fever!” I want to learn/implement 1,000 things at once! I have to remind myself that it’s okay to slow down, reflect on my goals, & realize that I don’t HAVE to know it all right now! Thank goodness for supportive #PLNs! #waledchat
A3: Then, there is one of our PE teachers, who also cares for afterschool activities. She is fearless in speaking up if and when things are not running smoothly. #waledchat
A4: Fear. The biggest and most contagious impediment to elevating oneself is fear. Celebrating small wins builds the confidence to step out of ones comfort zone. PLNs are a critical component that not only augments confidence but also knowledge, skills, and belief.
A4: Fear of failure. As much as I know failing is OK, and helps you grow, I hate the feeling, and don’t want to mess up with something of extreme importance. I’ve also always been a perfectionist, so that holds me back at times. #waledchat
A4 I do my best to be positive, and share what I am doing but I also work in a school where "but that's how it has always been done" is the motto. #waledhcat
A4 There used to be but not any more- Everyone has greatness in them- Allow yourself to find it- give yourself permission- Surround yourself with people who share your passion... and get away from those who don’t @MrPStrunk@MathWithMsHawes@misskoplin@DisruptedTv#waledchat
After hearing Ss at #celi18 this past weekend, I feel like students are ESSENTIAL components of the conversation! Why aren't we listening more to them?! #waledchat
A3. We have several members of our staff who are leaders. They are real- they mean what they say and have passion for their profession. It is not just at the faculty meeting or PLC meeting. It is every day. They don’t always look for recognition-they do it for the kids #waledchat
I'm right there with you. I believe completely in the power of a #growthmindset of but the fear of failure is still very real. I think that fear is a great thing to model and talk about with Ss.
A4: Fear of failure. As much as I know failing is OK, and helps you grow, I hate the feeling, and don’t want to mess up with something of extreme importance. I’ve also always been a perfectionist, so that holds me back at times. #waledchat
Two educator-leaders I admire are @TeamShull and @ClayCrawfordEdu. Both put Ss first 100% & help anyone that needs it. Shull is a bit more “In your face”—kind of like me. Crawford, on the other hand, has this quiet, chill leadership style. We need that! #waledchat#WKMSsoars
After hearing Ss at #celi18 this past weekend, I feel like students are ESSENTIAL components of the conversation! Why aren't we listening more to them?! #waledchat
Yes, yes, yes! Thinking about this, and I think that doubt shows us how much we care, and how important we find what we do. We want to change lives and sometimes think we aren’t capable. #waledchat
A4 There used to be but not any more- Everyone has greatness in them- Allow yourself to find it- give yourself permission- Surround yourself with people who share your passion... and get away from those who don’t @MrPStrunk@MathWithMsHawes@misskoplin@DisruptedTv#waledchat
Sara this was me last year. I found I quickly became surface in many things. So reflectedthis year and kept a few things that I would try to master. #waledchat
Twitter makes me want to try it all..
A4: I’m often struck with “eager fever!” I want to learn/implement 1,000 things at once! I have to remind myself that it’s okay to slow down, reflect on my goals, & realize that I don’t HAVE to know it all right now! Thank goodness for supportive #PLNs! #waledchat
I agree. Sometimes on Twitter I feel like there bragging and not a lot of honesty. We aren't great All of the time, we all have moments that are average and not so great. It's why I like the balance of #waledchat
A4: I honestly try to avoid questions if I don’t have anything positive to say. But tonight, I’m going to. It’s the negativity and the nah sayers and the toxic people. I ignore them and avoid them, but no growth comes from that. #waledchat
A4: I guess what holds me back is I don’t shy away from challenging the system. I know that sometimes decisions are made in schools that are not in Ss’ best interests. I tend to question those decisions. #waledchat
A4: the only thing that held me back was my own mind and negativity - but I got past it after reading #tlap and have been taking risks more and more #waledchat
A4 #waledchat
Yes I have a difficult time feeling that I have a voice.
I tend to do many things in my classroom but have a hard time feeling others want to join in
But I remind myself quiet waves are still waves
A5: Two significant reasons to celebrate this Sunday. 1) Easter Sunday and its message are very important to my life. 2) @LBStrunk's birthday! I'm looking forward to making some delicious cheesecake for her! #waledchat
A3 I think a lot of times it’s focus. There are so many fires as a leader but you need to focus on the core “80:20 rule” issues to make change successful #waledchat
I’m so like my Ss. Fear of what others think holds me back. Now that I’m an arts teacher, instead of ELA, I fight the perception that I’m not a real teacher. This has held me back from leading like I truly want to. #waledchat
A5: Disconnect digitally and reconnect in person. Put tech in the background and step into rich conversations and relaxation with friends and family.
A5: Cooking, no wait I cooked with my Ss 3 days this week. Probably fire up the weed eater and get on top of the yard. Easter brunch with friends. #waledchat
A5 This weekend is all about family. Time to go to museums, Easter celebrations, family traditions and reconnecting, it is all about nurturing relationships and taking time and slowing down. Also going back to the gym after health problems and a long absence.#waledchat
A5: I’ve been on Spring Break all week, so I’m going to start prepping to get ready for the rest of the year! But will definitely indulge in some chocolate and get out there to enjoy some sunshine! #waledchat
We HAVE to be the voice of our students and their families. Teachers are educational experts and it is unfortunate that we are not always treated as such #waledchat
A4 I do my best to be positive, and share what I am doing but I also work in a school where "but that's how it has always been done" is the motto. #waledhcat
A4 I love my job and my kids. I advocate for them. Anxiety has held me back. Our school had a few years that were a little rough on staff dynamics. We are getting better/more collaborative. I am also in a mew position so there is a bit of a learning curve #waledchat
A4: My population, Ss with special needs, tend to be forgotten. Sometimes schedules are crafted or programs adopted without thinking how it will affect these kids. I bring that to light. Someone has to represent these kids. #waledchat
A5: This weekend, I will be in the homestretch of a 4200 mile road trip to swap cars with my son at @UNC that started last Saturday. Lots of podcasts and conversation. #waledchat
SPRING BREAK BABY! 😂 I will be spending time with my family, playing with the nieces, loving on my pups, watching The Greastest Showman, and reading—YA FICTION! Wooo hooo! #waledchat
Very true! Sometimes, when we voices our concerns, not all like to hear. I can be as respectful as I can, and I still get ppl irritated at me. Oh well, such is life. #waledchat
A4: My population, Ss with special needs, tend to be forgotten. Sometimes schedules are crafted or programs adopted without thinking how it will affect these kids. I bring that to light. Someone has to represent these kids. #waledchat