Welcome to our chat! Thanks for joining me as I host my first chat! Tonight we are talking about empowering students! Please introduce yourself and if you had to describe with a Christmas movie, who would you be? #teachpos
Welcome to our chat! Thanks for joining me as I host my first chat! Tonight we are talking about empowering students! Please introduce yourself and if you had to describe with a Christmas movie, who would you be? #teachpos
Welcome to our chat! Thanks for joining me as I host my first chat! Tonight we are talking about empowering students! Please introduce yourself and if you had to describe with a Christmas movie, who would you be? #teachpos
A1 - We start from the very beginning with an positive attitude. The focus isn’t on grades, but rather on learning what we enjoy. Also, lots of practice and never judging mistakes. #teachpos
A1: For me, it is about having them be more responsible in class. I expect them to be able to do some things on their own. I answer questions with questions. I try to make them sweat more than I do! #teachpos
A1. Make the learning relevant and connected to your students so they want to show ownership. Let them know what the success criteria is an then let them create their display of learning for you. No need for 30 of the same models. Not everyone needs the recipe. #teachpos
In our Ag program we provide opportunity for students to be student-managers for various aspects of our programming such as Greenhouse Manager, Animal Manager, and Shop Manager. They care for all responsibilities in running those school-based businesses. #TeachPos
A1: choice and opportunity. By creating multiple pathways to show mastery and tapping into direct learning styles gives can flourish and be challenged based on the approach selected.
A1: To empower Ss to take ownership of learning, we have to give them the space to do so. That can't happen in a vacuum of control, but it can flourish w/ trust & agency. Give them opportunities to try new things, take risks, get a little "messy," & learn from it all. #teachpos
A1: I give them something to be curious about. Then I let them choose how to satisfy/fulfill/resolve that curiosity. As they problem-solve or engage in inquiry, I am there to guide them through the learning process - but the work is all theirs. #teachpos
A2: If the Ss set their own goals, it gives them ownership. Ss don't want to disappoint themselves, so in my experience, they work harder. It's our responsibility to make their goal visible though - ask them about it with sounding evaluative. #teachpos
A1: It's the little things that empowers them to take ownership of their learning, such as choosing what to write about in response to an assignment or what kind of writing utensil they want to use. Give them choices and let them run from there. #Teachpos
A2 - It’s a necessity for all students. Empowering is new for many kids. Goals help shape their process of learning. Also, it allows for small amounts of progress to occur. Failure will happen frequently, but without goals, many kids will just stop. #TeachPos
A2-I need to get better/find a system for goal setting that is meaningful and useful to my students....looking forward to how other people answer this question. #teachpos
A1: Let students display their knowledge in any way they see fit. Instead of telling them what to do, or offering a few predetermined choices, meet with them individually and help them make plans. Then mentor through the process & see absolutely amazing work. #teachpos
A2b: Here's my Ss reading goals for 2nd quarter. They went in last week and wrote an update to see how they were doing toward reaching their goals.
A2: Goal-setting makes it real. Old saying, "If you don't write it...you won't do it!" If we want to help students accomplish goals long-term beyond their time in 'formal' school we need to equip them with goal-setting skills. #TeachPos
A2: It puts them in the driver seat and lets them set their own pace, opposed to us making the choices. As a kid, I loved choose your own adventure because I had control over the story. Same goes with goal setting. #teachpos
A2: Goal setting is crucial for making sure kids have something to shoot for. If you aim for nothing you’ll hit it every time. I’m a believer in helping kids learn to set their own reasonable goals. #teachpos
A2: If the goals are student-determined, then they're using school for its intended purpose: to expand their knowledge and grow. They should look forward to receiving an education, and that's only possible if teachers give them room to explore for their own benefit! #teachpos
A2: Much of goal-setting depends on how it's used. It can empower Ss and help them take ownership of their learning if we provide opportunities for them to set their own goals, imagine the potential obstacles and plan for them, AND check up on their progress regularly. #teachpos
A2. When student goals are meaningful to them, they will feel empowered to demonstrate an ownership of their work towards them. We can have common goals but in order to truly take ownership, students must own their individual goals. #teachpos
A2 Goal setting helps them to understand what they need to learn and how they are going to achieve those goals. When they have achieved their goals they know they are learning #teachpos
A2: Goals help to keep them on track in remembering the purpose of what they are learning. Having goals also helps them gauge their progress in the process. #teachpos
A2: Setting goals allows students to have a map of something to work towards. If makes something that seems impossible possible for them by chunking their goals into small obtainable parts so they can experience immediate success. #TeachPos
#teachpos -A2 Everyone feels more empowered when they have personal goals. Even adults. In RI we set our own data centered goals as well as prof. goals each year. Though many see it as extra hoops to jump through, if done correctly, it can empower educators to #teachbetter
~they have complete buy in
~ and the buy in fosters Ss who are invested in their work, growth and the betterment of others
~ this leads to developing pride for themselves & their peers & exponential growth is inevitable
A2: goal setting takes the guess workout of where am I going if done correctly. If done correctly goals have check points to make sure one is going towards the right path to reach the goal. If the check in is done correctly you can correct confusion or enrich learning.
Our students forget most of what we teach them.They will however remember us their teachers forever.Lets be good and kind to them.A kind word can last a lifetime #teachpos
A2: Goal setting allows Ss to see what it is ahead and create a focus. It helps to empower learners and gives them a chance to have some control of where they are going. #teachpos
A2: Jumping in late. This is Barbara from Oakland, CA. Hi @Shapiro_WTHS Goal setting is an important skill, especially for younger children. If kids start young setting and managing their own goals, they will learn it is okay to fail, try again, unlearn, and relearn. #teachpos
A2. Goal setting allows Ss to own learning by setting their own goals and checking on their goalines as they as growing in accomplishing their goals! They can also fill out sheets with comments pertaining to these goals! #teachpos
A1: I like to ask my students to not only review what they are turning in whether that be electronically or paper, but if it is something that I would be willing to read immediately and being able to see that all expectations have been met! #teachpos
A3: Watching my Ss collaborate and succeed tends to give each S who actively participated confidence. That confidence goes hand in hand with empowerment. If they feel they can succeed, they will be more likely to take charge of their own learning. #teachpos
#teachpos - A3- Most things are done in teams, and people rarely work completely alone. Giving students the skills to collaborate empowers them to work with others and become greater than themselves alone.
A3 - It’s a natural extension of empowering kids. Sharing and developing ideas creates cooperation and great dialogue. Learning from other learners is key. #TeachPos
A3: I have a class this year that needs to collaborate on a daily basis. Sharing their ideas and thoughts enhances their learning and helps them to grow as learners. They see their classmates as partners in their learning and that definitely is empowering. #teachpos
A3: When students collaborate, they keep each other accountable. Defining roles makes sure that everyone knows exactly what they (and group mates) are supposed to do #teachpos
A3: Providing students real choice is liberating. They're no longer "controlled" by a teacher, but are acting on their own behalf to learn what they want to learn. In return, an educator can build trust to teach what they value to the learner. It's real collaboration! #teachpos
A3: When kids collaborate, they are responsible not only to themselves but also to others. Encourages #empathy. This makes them want to be there for others they are working with. This empowers them to care, to consider what others think, and what is best for all. #Teachpos
A3: collaboration is a great way to create clarity and perspective. One feels empowered when they better understand holistically. You feel like you are better prepared.
A3: Collaboration is a powerful thing for all humans including Ss. I love listening to my Ss when they meet with their accountability partners and the reflection, celebrations, and advice given as a result of this process It's pretty powerful #teachpos
A2: I find goal setting & having those goals posted within the room make it easier for students to identify whether they are meeting them or not independentlyoor having to have a teacher continuously ask them if they are meeting the particular assignment expectations #teachpos
A1: Whenever possible, give students choice in the content they use to demonstrate mastery. I can introduce you to 7 year olds that are “poor readers” if you force them to read and recall about flamingos, but are enthusiastic fountains of knowledge if it’s a bear book. #teachpos
~teaches Ss the lifelong skills of how best to communicate with a wide array of people
~plus they figure out their own strengths they add to a group&this is such a positive experience for a student ~bigs & littles ~ we all want to feel that our input is valued ❤️
A3: Collaboration is a vital skill for LIFE. It empowers Ss by giving them opportunities to develop open-mindedness, empathy, active listening & communication skills, the ability to compromise AND to know when to stand their ground, & the ability to empower others! 🌟 #teachpos
A3: Collaboration is so important in every aspect of life when you think about it both professionally and personally. As adults and educators, we're always collaborating with others. These skills are important and we need to teach our students how to work with others. #TeachPos
A3: Collaboration helps build team skills, especially in how to work well with others. But it also provides opportunities to see different perspectives, be exposed to different ideas, and to be given additional fuel for reflection. This takes the learning deeper. #teachpos
Yes! Giving kids agency to shape the learning environment to what they need + want is critical to developing truly student-led, student-centered spaces in our schools. We need to trust our students to control their learning + we need to remember that it's not about us. #teachpos
A3: When kids work alone, teachers are the ones usually held accountable for what they learn. When kids collaborate, the teacher needs to let go and encourage each person collaborating to be responsible as part of the team and be the one held accountable for their part. #Teachpos
A3. Collaborative efforts by our students gives them a voice in the classroom. When students learn to work together and hear other voices and ideas it prepares them for future work with others. Empower students to work together for the good of the group. #teachpos
A3: Collaborating with older students can be a great source of student empowerment. We are looking this summer in hosting a middle school shop camp and are excited to have our Juniors and Seniors come in and mentor the campers in basic shop skills. #TeachPos
A4: Empowering our Ss leads to more productive citizens. So many Ss have gifts that aren't being shared with the world because they lack the confidence to do so. Empowering them allows them to feel their self-confidence and reach for their goals. #teachpos
A3 When Students are collaborating together they are responsible for listening and planning together. This freedom to collaborate empowers them to think and create together #teachpos
A1. Create a space that invites, fosters or promotes Ss bringing their outside -of -school skills in. Retooling or realizing those as viable parts of the learning space invites intrinsic empowerment #teachpos
Want to thank @saschnit for an amazing chat tonight. He totally rocked. Hope you’ll join me for our “holiday” chat next Sunday night. It’s a mix of positive questions. You’ll be inspired. #teachpos
A4: Because far too many children are lost in the system, either through being pushed out or developing a faux sense of self-worth (desiring As/completion over all else.) We need students to want and know HOW to learn, not just "learn" a bunch of things. #teachpos
A4- Have to empower students...sounds cheesy but they are the future. My goal is to help students become their best possible selves and help them on their journey to becoming successful adults! #teachpos
Empowerment takes time. You need to find a hook for a S to get them engaged first. Next, let them be involved in the assessment process let them help guide the class and topics (of course adhering to standards). Finally, keep them hungry for me! The. You have ownership! #teachpos
A4: They are our future, plain and simple. If we do everything for them, when it comes time for them to stand on their own, they will not be able to do so. We need to turn over the reigns, and find ways for them to step out and lead! #teachpos
#teachpos - Thanks again for a great chat!
Please join us over at #edChatRI right after this to talk about #rigor in the classroom. Keep the #studentcentered conversation going!
Empowerment leads to knowing when, how, why to advocate for themselves & others
~builds confidence
~develops good, moral character
~supports risk taking which leads to growth
~teaches students that they have a voice and their voice is important
If we aren't empowering our students, then we aren't teaching.
Teaching is all about empowering students with skills that they can use to approach their learning for LIFE. 🌟💖
A3. Collaboration ia a great way for Ss to work , share ideas, and learn together. Empowerment ties in in when our Ss are leading in learning, sharing helping others, collaborating, working with others teaching, sharing, listening, doing, etc.#teachpos
Bonus: My game club Ss are leading a family game night tomorrow and I cannot wait to see them teach their families and community members how to play these games! Going to be epic! #teachpos
Compliance systems in schools are responsible for many opportunity + achievement gaps. It's not because kids know less; it's because we're asking the wrong questions + measuring the wrong things. When we trust students + honor their literacies, we see massive growth. #teachpos
A4 - List here
1. Make it fun
2. Make it rewarding
3. Help kids value learning
4. Inspire more thzn grades
5. Creates mastery
6. Opens up our creative minds
7. Is all about kids! #TeachPos
Students, like ourselves, will be lifelong learners. We should always encourage them to be curious about the world and to search for answers in areas they are interested in learning about. Knowledge is power! Our students will be leading the world someday! #TeachPos
A4: Who else will? Broader society has painted a picture of today's youth as technological zombies & incapable of much. I hate this depiction because I see students each day who shatter this false image. Every S, every day needs empowered because they are our future! #TeachPos
Just like adults, students and kiddos feel good and valued when they reach a goal they set (and get feedback along the way). The trick is to make sure there is enough rigor in the goal they wish to achieve. #Teachpos
A4: empowerment is a shift in a mindset. By shifting minds we give hope and a different outlook. By empowering we change outcomes and futures.
A3: I wrote this post some time ago about Accountability vs Responsibility https://t.co/irnWoh0n4D " Learners of all ages become responsible for their learning when they own and drive their learning." Thought this might support question on empowerment and collaboration. #Teachpos
A3: Collaboration is tied to empowerment through shared leadership. We do well to hand over the reins and let the willing ‘cut their teeth’ on challenging problems. We have to invest in the leadership pipeline in this way. #teachpos