#LearnLAP Archive

#LearnLAP occurs on Mondays starting at 7pm Central Time. Guest moderators and participants discuss topics from author Paul Solarz's book Learn Like a PIRATE.

Monday December 4, 2017
8:00 PM EST

  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Welcome to #LearnLAP where we will focus on "Skills to Build On: Moving Beyond Recall of Knowledge". Please introduce yourself, your role, where you are learning from, and a visual representation of your day!
  • participatechat Dec 4 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Participate in the upcoming #LearnLAP by sharing resources and collaborating at https://t.co/wgRYlrTGON
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:00 PM EST
    Great to participate in this #LearnLAP tonight! Such a wonderful topic.
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:01 PM EST
    Jove MS Principal from MO #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:01 PM EST
    Lance, k-5 principal in MO. Today was amazing. Listened to a read aloud, Ss presentations, and dribbled basketballs In PE. #learnlap
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:01 PM EST
    Hello everyone! Fourth-grade ELAR teacher from Frisco, Texas! We were busy crafting personal narratives today! #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    John Bini Junior pre-service teacher from Grove City College #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    MI educator and lifelong learner 💥. #LearnLAP
  • MarisaEThompson Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Marisa Thompson, Secondary ELA teacher, Carlsbad Ca @drmcclard #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Hello, Gretchen from KY joining in. #learnlap
  • crystaslaughter Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Crystal, Instructional Technology Coordinator from MO #LearnLAP
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    #learnLAP Jesse from NJ, HS bio teacher. Today was...
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:02 PM EST
    Welcome Julie. You won't want to reply to the questions. Answer seperatly with A in front and the hashtag #LearnLAP
    In reply to @JulieGB7
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Diane, K-5 Principal from CT. Happy to be here! #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:03 PM EST
    Roman from Ontario, Canada. In Toronto for work. HS Teacher/Student Success Leader/Agent of Transformation. What a day. My day today 😂 #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Question 1 is coming in 1 minute. Here are all the questions for your reference. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Jordan, 9-12 Social Studies in ESTL, IL. Pumped for another round of #LearnLAP!
  • agoodin1 Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    AG from AR- survived trench warfare activity today & won a Twitter Lego set from Mr. Quinn! #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    My name is Jordan Schlademan and I am a SPED major at Cedarville University. Every monday my roommate and I celebrate the week with mashed potatoes #learnlap
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Hi there, I’m Klara from Ontario, Canada where I teach “Inquiry and Innovation” in a K-8 school. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:04 PM EST
    Phil, 7th grade US History II teacher from Northern, VA. Glad to be here tonight to learn from all of you! #learnlap
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Q1 Why should we ensure that we are not only teaching standards, but also teaching Ss how to communicate and collaborate? #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, Illinois and author of "Learn Like a PIRATE." Thrilled to have @drmcclard moderating tonight's #LearnLAP chat! Thanks Lance!!!
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Ronald Fisher, 4th grade teacher, Utah, my day was slightly tilted, fresh new snow, meant Ss were fresh with energy, not with buckling down #learnLAP
  • Joe_toomey1984 Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Joe, principal from Mobile, Al #LearnLAP
  • NGSS_tweeps Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Hi Kathy k-5 Science Coach #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    You should be here @dot2teach #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
    Brian 8th gr sci from IL #SpongeBob often sums up my day #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    A1) 21st century learners must learn how to communicate and collaborate because that is the direction society is going in, technology connects people from across the world it is important to know how to interact with them #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Always love to see preservice teachers learning in chats. Show John some love with follows! #LearnLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Hey #LearnLAP ! I'm Kimberly from Nebraska. My day was full of a lot of CHALLANGE and a lot of FUN!
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    A1 Information on anything is so easily accessible but communication and collaboration take practice, practice, practice #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    A1: As students prepare to enter new jobs in the 21st century, it will not be a place where success occurs in isolation. We will continue to need each other to achieve our greatest potentials. Teaching Ss to collaborate helps them become the best version of themselves. #learnlap
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Eric 7th grade social studies Olathe ks #LearnLAP
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
    Q1: It is important to teach students how to communicate and collaborate with others because they are skills that students are going to need down the road in any career. #learnLAP #gccedu
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:07 PM EST
    A1 Ss clearly need these skills as they move forward, social media has taken communication to a new level. Collaboration will be done with out as much face to face in the future so this makes these skills critical #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:07 PM EST
    Pete, Tech Dir from NJ hopping in a bit late! #learnlap
  • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:07 PM EST
    A1: It’s important to teach students how to communicate and collaborate because that’s what life is. Work, marriage, parenting, governing, etc. Everything is a people business. #LearnLAP
  • AllisonMillz Dec 4 @ 8:07 PM EST
    A1: Both skills are necessary in the real-world. We want to prepare our students so they are life-ready, regardless of what career path they take. #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1 We think that these skills are natural and that kids learn them everywhere. We need to take the time and teach kids how to effective and clear communicators. How to be respectful collaborators. Work together, not split all work. Build our community. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:05 PM EST
      Q1 Why should we ensure that we are not only teaching standards, but also teaching Ss how to communicate and collaborate? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1 In today's "flat world" we are able to work and communicate w/ people in other countries. There is a great need for articulating thoughts for multiple reasons in various settings. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1. While content is very important, kids can more concretely own their communication/collaboration skills and easily transfer them into any situation or environment. #LearnLAP
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1: school psych from CT #momauguinproud #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    A1: Communication/collaboration is vital to success. Respect others, listen, and learn from others are skills that any employer would recruit. We need to empower them not only mentally, but emotionally. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Very true, and so the way we teach collaboration also has to change. Now more than ever we need to be teaching students to become responsible digital citizens in order to help them best collaborate. #LearnLAP @ERobbPrincipal @ToddRisser
    In reply to @JoveStickel, @ERobbPrincipal, @ToddRisser
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Communication and collaboration are constant. Students need to know how to work with others productively! This skill is applicable anytime, everywhere. #learnlap
  • kylelaurie Dec 4 @ 8:08 PM EST
    Steve, TI from Canandaigua, NY, jumping in late. #LearnLAP
  • crystaslaughter Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: As we are now a more global society,it is important that we are able to communicate and collaborate with different people for various purposes. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 Communicate & collaborate are life skills They appear in home and workplace #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 How do we know a student learned if the learner can't express themselves to others in some way? #learnlap
  • MarisaEThompson Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 current events, tech increase = vital time for these. Ss note growth after projects "we'd be great at this if we practiced!" #learnlap
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 teaching one-on-one helps the students not only learn the information but digest it and dig deeper into the material which makes it more applicable to their lives #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1 Because in the real world the students need to have friends (or an awesome PLN like #LearnLAP) to get them through and help them see the good - "it only takes a smile to go a mile," "One starfish ... https://t.co/lOsTpt1arV
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: Communication and collaboration are constant. Students need to know how to work with others productively! This skill is applicable anytime, everywhere. #learnlap
  • GSmit4Character Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: Working productively with others as part of a team or group will allow Ss to accomplish more than they could alone. #LearnLAP
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Communication and collaboration are critical, and highly sought after, skills that are best developed through practice. #learnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    Ss will have to be effective at communication and collaboration to be prepared for their future. These are skills to be learned and practiced. And like any skill must be taught, modeled and facilitated easily and often #LearnLAP a1
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: He stole my answer 👇👇👇👇😁😂! @DrBody4Life #LearnLAP
    • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:07 PM EST
      A1: It’s important to teach students how to communicate and collaborate because that’s what life is. Work, marriage, parenting, governing, etc. Everything is a people business. #LearnLAP
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:09 PM EST
    A1: Communication, collaboration and innovation will be essential skills as students enter the workforce. Being able to express ideas, solve problems, share resources and create efficiently will set our students up for success. #learnlap
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1 DrKia here late from MO! It is important that students learn to communicate and collaborate because it is very likely that they will have to rely on those skills for success as adults. Tech allows us to work all over the world w/others 2b effective teamwork is key #learnlap
  • Joe_toomey1984 Dec 4 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1 #learnlap when Ss work together they are gaining skills that make them employable
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:10 PM EST
    A1. I think we too often get stuck in the mode of thinking that "the real world" = work/career. It is important that kids can communicate and collaborate right now--THIS moment is important in kids' lives and every bit as "real" as the workforce. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:10 PM EST
    In the same way that we are all doing now in #LearnLAP. Imagine if our students could have these kinds of dialogue at a young age. #innovation could be endless! @ERobbPrincipal @gcouros
    In reply to @diane_mackinnon, @JoveStickel, @ERobbPrincipal, @ToddRisser, @ERobbPrincipal, @gcouros
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:10 PM EST
    #this #learnlap
    • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:06 PM EST
      A1: As students prepare to enter new jobs in the 21st century, it will not be a place where success occurs in isolation. We will continue to need each other to achieve our greatest potentials. Teaching Ss to collaborate helps them become the best version of themselves. #learnlap
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1. Because it’s 2017. Because it is our moral imperative to prepare our Ss for things we don’t even know will exist in 5, 10 yrs #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1 Communication and collaboration are life skills necessary in every aspect of life. To teach work in isolation does not prepare for Ss future. #LearnLAP
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1: It is important to teach students how to communicate and collaborate with others because they are skills that students are going to need down the road in any career. #learnLAP #gccedu
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1: communication & collaboration is essential for getting the behavioral and emtional needs in check. Without that in place, we aren't ready to access learning. #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1 - Communication and collaboration are the keys to sharing ideas, interdependent thinking, forming relationships, and preventing/resolving conflict. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    A1. It's imp. to teach Ss to Comm. and Coll. because these are essential skills they will utilize throughout their entire life! After they graduate and find jobs, have families of their own. Their success will depend upon it. #learnlap
  • GSmit4Character Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
    It is a Ss responsibility to communicate clearly w/ others and express their views effectively & respectfully. #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Q2 Creativity and innovation are skills that we all want students to have. How do you allow for creativity and innovation? #LearnLAP
  • ElizabethSpano Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Dancing all day in PE #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Edge from the Philippines currently in Malacca for a conference. Computer Science teacher and curriculum designer. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP@drmcclard
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    A1 We must prepare our Ss for their future- not ours #LearnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Or even expressing emotional needs. We have to teach kids that good communication involves SELF ADVOCATING. Students have to understand what they need to be successful, communicate that, and adjust if all of those needs can't be met #LearnLAP
    • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:11 PM EST
      A1: communication & collaboration is essential for getting the behavioral and emtional needs in check. Without that in place, we aren't ready to access learning. #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
    Hello! I’m Jessica and I teach grade 3 in Regina, SK. Canada #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1 I love this Q! Don't just teach standards. Create a community of learners with empathy and the ability to share ideas in order to create new solutions #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A2 Create a culture in which it is ok for things to not work, where things can always be improved driving question is HOW? #learnlap
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A2- Allow #studentchoice as much as possible #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    Anxious to see what other elem Princ and Ts have to say...this is a tough one for me to answer #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A1: Communication and collaboration are life skills. They also teach problem-solving skills. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A2: I am trying to offer more choice in class, and doing things that provide multiple "right" answers to questions like when I had my students do a Westward Expansion Twitter Chat and Turn of the Century Shark Tank projects in my history classes. #learnlap @KGT_Educator
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    A2) I think a key to allowing creativity and innovation is sometimes rewarding the process over the results. Of course you want Ss to get correct answers but if we tell them that it is okay to make mistakes they will think outside the box more and try to be creative #LearnLAP
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
    Rich Hayzler, MS Principal from NJ jumping in a few minutes late but ready to go! #learnlap
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2 I'm a huge fan of Genius Hour to allow students to persue their own passions. We can allow for creativity in conventional assignments too. See @SteinbrinkLaura way within taking notes: https://t.co/ELMn7VZbDd #LearnLAP
  • BarbaraGruener Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: In the real world, our students will need these real skills to first, land a job and second, keep the job because they are a value-able team player, skilled in communication and collaboration! #learnlap
  • GruntledChalkie Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2) Create tasks that have an outcome but open context. My students are currently making a board game. Context is theirs #learnlap
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    #amen #LearnLAP
    • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:13 PM EST
      A2 Create a culture in which it is ok for things to not work, where things can always be improved driving question is HOW? #learnlap
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2: Choice! Let students choose to study what interests them. Give Ss five minutes a day to learn any skill, regardless of content. Let Ss choose a medium for a project, or a topic. #learnlap
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2- In science, allow Ss to design the experiments and labs instead of telling them what to do. Chances are they will think of something you don't! #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2: Allow for different options for demonstrating understanding of a concept. One student might want to write about their learning and another student might want to draw a picture. #LearnLAP
  • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A1: I see the standards as the CONTENT they will need for future success, while communication & collaboration will be SKILLS required of them in any path theu choose. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2 In science class give them flexibility in their response type if they want to draw it fine, model it even better, need to give Ss options #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:14 PM EST
    A2 allow for creativity and innovation by including days for activities such as #geniushour and #makerspace on weekly basis (or more?) #LearnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    Absolutely! Show students that it's ok to make mistakes, to fail, to challenge yourself. #learnlap
    In reply to @PCookTech
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 I try to introduce ss to different ways to accomplish something, show what they have learned etc. Proving choices, having them build a consensus as teams and designing lessons that truly require collaborating to succeed. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 we help them practice creativity and we give them voice and choice add in a lot of encouragement. Celebrate their ideas not just how well the understand the comment #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 I have always been seen as more creative than others but that is only because my teachers let me explore my mind and let me discover who I am. Don't laugh at the student but encourage them to explore more #learnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 this took some time for me to realize how important it is, but Sunni Brown convinced me that my students need to think on paper, especially when I am teaching that hard concept #LearnLAP https://t.co/jzS5rkUMlg
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A1 create opportunities to model different methods of communication. Time to stop with all the slide presentations and utilize the various technologies available to students #LearnLAP
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2: You can allow for student creativity and innovation by letting students decide on the best way for them to learn and providing options. #LearnLAP
  • Joe_toomey1984 Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2- I try and make my building a place where failure is better than stalemate. I want my teachers and students to take chances and calculated risks in order to grow. People looking over their shoulder are too scared to make mistakes and we learn from failure! #LearnLAP
  • kylelaurie Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    Q2 There are some good web tools that allow for creativity and collaboration...one being Smart AMP. #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 - We promote creativity & innovation in our classroom by prioritizing entrepreneurship & personalized learning. Students are given time to invent, design, create, improve, build & implement every week thanks to Passion Time & @RWScholars: https://t.co/3EWeqBeVMQ #LearnLAP
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    A2 - voice, choice, #GeniusHour #maker opportunities, local/ global collaboration, connecting learning to what is important to Ss #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
      Q2 Creativity and innovation are skills that we all want students to have. How do you allow for creativity and innovation? #LearnLAP
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
    #growthmindset totally includes creativity, innovation and failure. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MsWolterSS, @PCookTech
  • AllisonMillz Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2: Student choice is huge with this! Appreciate the process AND the product. #LearnLAP
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2: Project based learning, with open guiding questions and real world connections. Right now my Entrepreneurship students are running their own business startups. #learnLAP
  • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    3rd grade teacher in Hingham, MA jumping into the #LearnLAP pool!
  • AnnickRauch Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    Hey #LearnLAP! Annick, gr 1/2 T jumping in for a bit! @drmcclard is awesome!
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A1: communication and collaboration allow students to learn from each other and take ownership of their learning #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2 implicitly teaching effective brainstorming, story boarding. Good listening skills so that ss don't miss anyone's great idea. Making sure all ss can have the opportunity to have a voice. #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2. I try to put them in the driver's seat. I create independent passion projects that they could design from A-Z. I push them to think outside the box and have an impact on community. We can't teach to a book all the time. Give them freedom & leadership. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
      Q2 Creativity and innovation are skills that we all want students to have. How do you allow for creativity and innovation? #LearnLAP
  • MsBeldingsclass Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A1:Ss must be able to communicate and collaborate because it is where we as a society now even at the younger grades. #learnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    Absolutely! It's less about the first outcome and more about the agreed upon outcome- creativity allows us to always improve solutions! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2 I try to NOT solve problems. This is difficult for me because I am an oldest child and a "fixer" 😀 Still, I find that when I let teachers talk through their problem they arrive at creative solutions! I support & give feedback and we do it again! #learnlap
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2. Elevate students' voices and opinions in meetings/discussions. If a kid shares their opinion with you about something, that's a powerful thing! We've got to centralize their voice. #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2B It's not just the creativity and innovation that we are trying to harness it is the process of allowing the students to express their inner soul and allow them to explore until they can find it. #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    I'm a kindergarten teacher from CT #LearnLAP
  • MLRing100 Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2: Giving S's choice in how they learn and how they demonstrate mastery. #LearnLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
    A2: Offering your students CHOICE will open the door to creativity and innovation! #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    That challenge yourself part is important! Model these skills for your students! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MsWolterSS
  • DeborahHuggard Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Deborah, Dawson County HS, media & tech specialist, just lurking for a few minutes tonight #learnlap
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A1 Communication and Collaboration have always been beneficial, but it's an expected skill in the globally connected 21st century. You can say it's moved from beneficial to crucial. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2 give students choices in communication methods. This means that we have to be aware of what is out there also, deliver content in new ways, model its use #LearnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Love this !!! Are you a part of the #edcorps that @RWScholars works with? If not you should check them out! #LearnLAP
    • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
      A2: Project based learning, with open guiding questions and real world connections. Right now my Entrepreneurship students are running their own business startups. #learnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: Prompt S's w/ q's to assess learning that allows choice. We just learned about media literacy and techniques ads use, told S's principal needed help getting more S's at our school, they took off with creativity in ad design. No boundaries - just a rubric given. #learnlap
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    #amen #learnlap
    • AllisonMillz Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
      A2: Student choice is huge with this! Appreciate the process AND the product. #LearnLAP
  • MsBeldingsclass Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A2: Learning to let go and let S express themselves more in the way that speaks to them. Using @Seesaw for sharing that creativity. #LearnLAP
  • AnnickRauch Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    A1 soft skills are so, so important!! Without those, I’d argue that knowledge isn’t even important. Gotta have those life skills! #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:17 PM EST
    Love, love, love @CRCarter313 's idea for Would You Rather. Was thinking of this today as students were given a writing assignment. #student #choice but same #Standards #learnlap
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2:Create a culture in which curiosity, risk taking, failure a not only encouraged by accepted. Allowing students and teachers to explore their passions fosters engagement and motivation. When curiosity is encouraged and celebrated that is when true growth can happen #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    Great graphic, only thing better would be some warped speed https://t.co/uknwkFke2C #LearnLAP
    • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
      A2: Offering your students CHOICE will open the door to creativity and innovation! #LearnLAP
  • MsBeldingsclass Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    2nd grade math science teacher from Cypress, TX. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2. Give Ss a choice and voice. When doing a proj. for STEM, I'll bring in cardboard for the Ss to design their proj.- marble maze, or a pinball machine. They design and create it. Explain and show how it works! #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    And it can definitely be a scary thing on our end to give up that control, but the creativity students can express is absolutely worth it! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @KimSnodgrass
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:18 PM EST
    A2 #learnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    I am a FAN of all of these! I cannot understand why it is so difficult to let the OUTside world INside of our classrooms. We have to bring the world to our kids so they are not surprised when they go out into it. #LearnLAP
    • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:15 PM EST
      A2 - voice, choice, #GeniusHour #maker opportunities, local/ global collaboration, connecting learning to what is important to Ss #LearnLAP
      • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:12 PM EST
        Q2 Creativity and innovation are skills that we all want students to have. How do you allow for creativity and innovation? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    Q3 What is your process for increasing critical thinking and problem solving? #LearnLAP
  • GSmit4Character Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2: Use active learning techniques to engage students & encourage innovation and creativity. Create games and use concept maps, songs, tech tools #LearnLAP
  • crystaslaughter Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    Allowing students opportunities of choice and let them struggle. I remember @MsMagiera showing a video and talking about not blowing out someone else’s candles. It stuck with me. #LearnLAP
  • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2: As others have said, telling students what standards/skills must be demonstrated, but leaving the medium or finished product up to them. This requires us to deliver clear guidelines and expectations, but leaves students a lot of latitude to express themselves. #learnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    NOTHING LIKE learning from a peer! *high five* #LearnLAP
    • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:16 PM EST
      A1: communication and collaboration allow students to learn from each other and take ownership of their learning #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
    A2 utilize gallery walks, ss present what they are doing before the final product so that others can critique and learn, maybe get an idea. #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A3 NEVER just give out the answer. Provide resources and time. Focus on thinking deeper rather than getting more done (take apart 1 math problem rather than mindlessly solving 30). #LearnLAP
  • AnnickRauch Dec 4 @ 8:20 PM EST
    A2 I always try to celebrate and encourage creativity with my students. Allowing them to share their creations is so important to me. #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:20 PM EST
    and reading their work is so interesting and more informative than any worksheet could ever have been #LearnLAP
    In reply to @wesaquje
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:20 PM EST
    Hello. My name is Susan, and I am a pre-service teacher from IL. I focused on the positive a lot today.#learnlap
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3 I love to ask questions when kids have questions for me. Often times we are to eager to help. Questions prompt students to dig deeper and solve their own problems #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3 - Encourage students to work through the struggle. Help when necessary, but give them opportunities to try to figure things out themselves! A major component of a student-led classroom! :) #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3) I believe its called "productive struggle" letting students think through questions, fail, look at their mistakes and build from them. A great critical thinking/problem solving skill is knowing how to learn from your mistakes #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3 Ask questions that demand engaging answers, then listen and encourage thought. Ss will talk things through and solve many of their own problems! #learnlap
  • Joe_toomey1984 Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3- Love I use redesign process and allow kids to find a way to better their projects or answers #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A1: I was introverted growing up, and although I grew out of that as a teacher, I know the importance of the 21st century skills. Students have so much to offer, and we have to help them unlock their potential. #learnlap
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3: Have students ask the questions. Let them develop their own path of learning and keep them asking more questions! #learnlap
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    It is IMPERATIVE that we keep standards in mind when designing instruction. I cannot tell you how many "good projects" I launched w/Ss at the beginning of my teaching career that were fun but in no way connected to what they had to demonstrate for the state 🤦🏿#LearnLAP
    • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
      A2: As others have said, telling students what standards/skills must be demonstrated, but leaving the medium or finished product up to them. This requires us to deliver clear guidelines and expectations, but leaves students a lot of latitude to express themselves. #learnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
    A3. Questions, questions, questions. Today we focus so much on writing and giving answers. We need to have kids learn how to properly analyze, reflect and question. Assess once completely on the art of creating questions. Works wonders. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
      Q3 What is your process for increasing critical thinking and problem solving? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3 Makerspaces are great places to allow for creativity. We used our morning wait time to allow students to access the space. @LFlemingEDU has some good ideas. https://t.co/EAjfuHX5WL #LearnLAP
  • AnnickRauch Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    And encourages others to take creative risks, too! Win win! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3: To increase critical thinking, it is important to provide students with different types of problems and questions that engage different parts of students’ brains. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3. It's all about the rigorous questioning! Ask Higher Order Thinking questions, teach kids how to ask Higher Order Thinking questions. #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3: If you haven't heard of/tried depth and complexity, it will be your new bible for critical thinking. It allows students to go dig deeper within their individual boundaries. Pushing S's up that ladder of ZPD. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3: Don't let multiple choice tests be your only way to allow students to express what they know. Have them create products that demand higher level thinking skills and let them rise to the occasion. #learnlap @ERobbPrincipal @KGT_Educator @misskoplin
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    #justsaying #LearnLAP
    • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:21 PM EST
      A3 I love to ask questions when kids have questions for me. Often times we are to eager to help. Questions prompt students to dig deeper and solve their own problems #LearnLAP
  • AllisonMillz Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3: Working on my questioning. Also, incorporating math/number talks daily. STEM activities. Breakout boxes. Give students time to discuss/brainstorm/observe throughout lessons before giving answers. #LearnLAP
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A2: In my SEL lessons, hands-on or creative activities, real life examples, teachable moments, and ask them about their thoughts & ideas for problem solving. We all love contributing and learning from each other! They come up with some great ideas! #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3 developing good scaffolds and strong guiding questions for ss to tackle an inquiry. Allow ss to practice developing their own questions. Provide solid resources. Letting the ss decide how they want to show what they've learned. #LearnLAP
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3. Let them “fail up” and understand that it is just as much about the process as it is about the product. So much learning happens on the journey #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
      Q3 What is your process for increasing critical thinking and problem solving? #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A2 I make my students understand that they are free to create. They make their own team structures using their own product ideas. They also are apprised that the tech world is NOT JUST CODERS and other people play roles. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3 a student centered classroom increases critical thinking! When they become more involved with their learning they are forced to think for themselves and have to solve problem on their own like they would in the real world #LearnLAP
  • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
    A3: 1. Give out a tough challenge. 2. Get out of the way. 3. Be patient 4. Watch the kids surprise and even amaze you. #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    Lots of creative ideas today watching 4th graders analyzing photographs, writing and using inferencing skills #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3 allow choice in problems to solve. Also how you will demonstrate mastery. Must show what you know, not just tell what you know. Projects, presentations, etc #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:19 PM EST
      Q3 What is your process for increasing critical thinking and problem solving? #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: I know the value of getting students to think through the problems and explain their process orally. I want them to be critical thinkers due to that being vital in today's society. #learnlap
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: Open-ended tasks with student choice for solving. This week we built bridges for our structures unit and there were so many unique ideas. #LearnLAP
  • crystaslaughter Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: develop inquiry skills, asking the right questions takes practice and teaching students to question is a key step to delving deeper #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    Yes, let students know that school is an OKAY place to try and fail and learn from those mistakes to try again! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @kindyfriends
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: ask Ss what they want to know about (insert topic). Base research off of those questions. Or presenting phenomenon and having Ss design a way to find evidence as to why this phenom happens #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3 Stop asking all the questions! Create the conditions where students are curious & form their own questions then give them the tools to find the answers #LearnLAP
  • twoguysde Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    Hey all...get your win on by following us & Retweeting to win our #TechTheHalls Giveaway We Love Educators!!! https://t.co/nRG5ZJXlyl #LearnLAP #NationalCookieDay
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: Start with asking 'Why?" Demonstrating mastery requires in depth explanations and application. Focus on deeper learning that can enlighten a student and push them beyond what they are capable of.... #learnlap
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:23 PM EST
    A3: I love when S's endure a productive struggle. I purposefully don't give them enough information because I want them to seek out the information and generate the q's needed to complete the task. #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    I always love seeing how @Woodshopcowboy does this with his students, like his textbook balancing on index card activity! #LearnLAP
    • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
      A3: 1. Give out a tough challenge. 2. Get out of the way. 3. Be patient 4. Watch the kids surprise and even amaze you. #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 You can't block it into a time slot, they need time to think it out. And I find the sage on the stage is so 60's ED. The students learn best from their peers. So give them problems that allow them to work out solutions (not just one answer for questions). #LearnLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3: Having students create questions is an awesome and rewarding process! Fishbowl Discussions are great activity to increase critical thinking, and many other skills! The students love it too! #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 What ever I do I don't answer Ss ?s until they have given me their claim evidence & reasoning Ss have the lead at answering ?s, my role is to nudge the in right direction thru questioning #LearnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 I keep pushing for clarity and answers. I try not to supply either. When I challenge thinking it causes the other person the dig deeper into their own reasoning and reflect in a way that would not happen otherwise #learnlap
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    What a great idea! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @Mr_TubbsSS
  • GSmit4Character Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3: As a T explain & illustrate how to identify reliable facts and use them in decision-making. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3. Always working with the Ss on asking open-ended questions to seek info! Trying to get them to think beyond the project! What if? #learnlap
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A3 when ss have questions/problems don't just answer them. Make them find the answer or throw it out to the class to let someone else help. Empower the ss. #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    A2 creativity and innovation are part of our brain break centers that include building with pattern blocks, play dough and legos, it's amazing to see what they can create on their own #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    My question is where was everyone from #LearnLAP when I was in high school #youallhavesuchgreatideas
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:24 PM EST
    No but now I have the tab open and I'm sitting here thinking "what have I been doing with my life?" ha this is awesome!! #LearnLAP
    • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:22 PM EST
      Have you tried Depth and Complexity? It's an amazing resource to use!
      In reply to @hohmsclass
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:25 PM EST
    A3: My last PBL guiding question was "how do we make our school a more welcoming place?" It was amazing hearing students presentations. They brought forward solutions that teachers who've been at the school 20+ years never considered #learnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:25 PM EST
    It is absolutely incredible. It has changed my classroom for the better!! #learnlap
    In reply to @hohmsclass
  • MsBeldingsclass Dec 4 @ 8:25 PM EST
    A3. I ask "Why?" a LOT and have told S that it doesn't mean their answer is wrong, but I want to know more about their answer. #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Q4 @PaulSolarz believes reflection is one of the most important skills his students work on. How do you build in reflection throughout your lessons? #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    seems like you've been reading about @RightQuestion institute #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MsWolterSS, @RightQuestion
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Why is the precursor to Ss saying "I got it!" #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MsBeldingsclass
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Exactly! Students may think you are being "mean" but they will realize a greater sense of satisfaction after they find the answer themselves! #LearnLAP @ERobbPrincipal @KGT_Educator @ToddRisser
    In reply to @eric_falls, @ERobbPrincipal, @KGT_Educator, @ToddRisser
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    Absolutely! The @OfficialNGSS are a great opportunity to encourage reasoning and evidence. Responding to questions with a question, while frustrating at times to the student can really deepen their understanding #learnlap
    In reply to @BKd204Sci, @OfficialNGSS
  • twoguysde Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
    A3: Student choice coupled with problem based learning! #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A teachers role in this process is simply to make sure students are not getting frustrated to the point of shutting down. Sometimes when students fail and fail a teacher should be there to give just enough support so the student continues searching for the answer. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @jlschlademan
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A3 critical thinking and problem solving skills are increased in kindergarten through teacher "think alouds" telling them the process I'm using in my brain to solve the problem. Also encouraging the students to explain/validate their answers. Lots of modeling in k! #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    Question Focus Technique? That is what I have found works best for my students #LearnLAP
    In reply to @NowakRo
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A4 Reflection needs to be a constant and ongoing process. A good way is to use writing journals and one-on-one conferences. You need to build relationships to allow the learning and growth for proper reflections. This needs to be a priority. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q4 @PaulSolarz believes reflection is one of the most important skills his students work on. How do you build in reflection throughout your lessons? #LearnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    I've never heard of @RightQuestion but I've just started digging in and it seems awesome! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @biologygoddess, @RightQuestion, @RightQuestion
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    A4 We're not talking about the mirror, but how your work found a solution or not. #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    It does students no good for me to tell them what I know, they have to uncover what they think...the #NGSS standards really allow that to happen #LearnLAP
    In reply to @RichHayzler, @OfficialNGSS
  • MLRing100 Dec 4 @ 8:27 PM EST
    Patience is important, for me it is so hard to not jump in. I find I do best if I watch from a distance in some cases. They do amaze me most of the time. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @McNulty1977
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    Q4: Monitoring the room during student independent practice work and asking questions to gauge student understanding of content. #learnLAP
  • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    I wonder if I am the only one in my #admin2b and #LearnLAP PLN who uses Night Mode ALL the time on Twitter. =) 🌛🌛
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4 my teacher mentor told me while working on my lesson plan for a class that even if you think they know it, review it because there is always someone lost or behind. Reflect in the beginning, middle, end, and everywhere in between #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4. This is really hard for my ss. Some do a great job, others don't see the point. I provide a different set of questions / reflection forms or just lay ss free write. The only criteria is honesty. There is also always a section on what more they needed from me. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4. Writing, writing, writing. Super powerful and fun for students to look back through reflections on learning throughout the school year from September to May. #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4: Conferencing with students individually or in small groups during the learning process. #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4 Lots of reminders to slow down, reread, proof, edit. Know the audience. Teach importance of clear and accurate communication #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4: Definitely something I am hoping to improve in. Currently, I try to have class discussions or surveys to help guide student reflection and collect feedback on how a task went. #learnlap
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4: When S's complete an assignment, they are required to choose from a multiple of mediums to reflect upon their learning. Mediums range from post its to @padlet to flipgrid to @RecapThat. Possibilities are endless and reinforces choice within the classroom. #learnlap
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    A4 when I was in the classroom I didn’t do this enough, but now I feel if I was a classroom teacher I would be purposeful and build it into our daily routine #LearnLAP
  • BKd204Sci Dec 4 @ 8:28 PM EST
    Dinner is ready, cutting out for #FamilyTime See you all next week! #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4 The goal is for Ss to constantly be aware, not just wait until the end of an unit. If reflection is ongoing (like feedback) adjusts are made quicker. #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4 I had Ss write in every subject, kept ebooks as journals. Reflected on what worked and what didn’t and why they thought so. Movies helped them go back and really reflect. #learnlap
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q4 @PaulSolarz believes reflection is one of the most important skills his students work on. How do you build in reflection throughout your lessons? #LearnLAP
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4: Ss reflect on their own performance as well as their peers at multiple steps during our #PBL process #LearnLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4: I have tables in my classroom, so I do a lot of table talk and elbow partner reflections, but we also utilize a journal that the students often self-reflect in prior to sharing out! #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4: As a pre-service teacher and @educationISU priding itself in creating reflective and responsive teachers, I reflect frequently due to not wanting to remain stagnant. I want to try new things, but I also need to see the value that those new things have.#learnlap
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4 Ss self evaluation and peer evaluation can be great tools for reflection! #learnlap
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A4: My students are always self-assessing using a 1-4 scale... 1 (I don't understand) to 4 (I completely understand and can teach others). I'd like to get students reflecting through blogs or videos at some point too. #learnlap
  • loliveira55 Dec 4 @ 8:29 PM EST
    A2 Students are given choice in projects and reading topics. They incorporate their cultures & areas of interest. #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    that sounds so much better than another assessment or quiz... #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MrPStrunk
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A4 - I spend time teaching my Ss to use metacognition w/in a lesson and to take time at the end of a lesson to reflect & synthesize their learning. Sometimes, written. Sometimes, video recorded. Sometimes, informally. Time to reflect is necessary for permanent learning. #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A4 I build reflection through active questioning in kindergarten...why do you think that happened, what lesson did you learn, what can we do differently next time. I try to get the students to internalize these questions so they will become independent reflectors #LearnLAP
  • McNulty1977 Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    I think it helps a lot if you have admins who understand and encourage it, too. Some do not and see you being "hands off" in any situation as a negative. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MLRing100
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    If I had a dime for every time I said "that sounds good, where is your evidence?" :) #LearnLAP
    In reply to @BKd204Sci
  • AllisonMillz Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A4: My students give me a simple 👍🏼,👎🏼, or 🤜🏼(in the middle) before they try math independently. It gives me a quick visual of who might need more support that day. #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A3/A1 Create challenges that ARE challenges. I make sure to emphasize that discussing solutions is much better than sharing submissions. There's no penalty for either but their own self-efficacy kicks in when I say they're only cheating themselves. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:30 PM EST
    A4 Ss engage with #GoogleClassroom, @Flipgrid, @appleclips, Ss conferencing, peer conferencing for opportunities for reflection and feedback, not just at the end but during the process #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:26 PM EST
      Q4 @PaulSolarz believes reflection is one of the most important skills his students work on. How do you build in reflection throughout your lessons? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4 Paul's blog from the book on teaching reflection: https://t.co/mIMBBNhCRc #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4: My students reflect on their assessments ranging from 1-4 using SBG. They also give us a thumbs up, thumbs to the side, or thumbs down. #learnlap
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4. Written discussions are also awesome for reflection on learning. Have one kid answer (or create) a prompt, pass the paper and respond...repeat #LearnLAP
  • AnnickRauch Dec 4 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4 modeling reflection is so important so that students can see how they can reflect to grow. I also like turn and talks so they can reflect in pairs #LearnLAP
  • MLRing100 Dec 4 @ 8:31 PM EST
    A4: With only 40 minutes 1X/week, I struggle with finding time for S's to reflect. Trying to use @Flipgrid @Seesaw more for S reflection #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    We are halfway through our chat. It is hard to believe, but time flies when you are engaged in learning! #LearnLAP
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: once students allow their reflection to provide direction, they take control of their learning. Building reflection writing into class reinforces the "why?" of many activities. #learnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Never fails as my favorite chat! #learnlap
  • loliveira55 Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4 Reflection is handled through discussions and video responses using @Flipgrid. #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: Self-assessment is such a valuable reflection tool. So this today after 3rd grade students presented "East Haven Then and Now" @GoogleForEdu Slides. Teacher created rubric - Students self -assessed (and accurately!) #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    Honestly, as a student, this frustrated me so much when teachers did this but as an education major, I am seeing the benefits of it! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @JoveStickel
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4. Journaling and notetaking is an excellent method of reflection to gather their thoughts. Constant reflection needs to occur. Working with Ss on 1:1 or in Sm. gps. also helps. #learnlap
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4 @padlet is a great way for ss to share ideas, ask questions that others can help or critique during a project. #LearnLAP
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:32 PM EST
    A4: Conferencing is key. Taking the time to meet with students and providing critical feedback is necessary. Hold students accountable for their learning by encouraging redos and retakes. It is about mastery.....not a grade. Be relentless in the pursuit...#learnlap
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Q5 Adapting to change, thinking & learning flexibly, and demonstrating learning through all intelligence pathways are part of flexibility and adaptability. What strategies do you use to build flexibility and adaptability? #LearnLAP
  • SteinbrinkLaura Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    Hey, thanks, Lance! :) Introduced sophomores to this graphic organizer #sketchnotes hybrid today! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4 Retrieval practice warm-ups with follow up questions like; why do you think you remembered what you did? how will use use this to improve your understanding? #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A5 I build flexibility and adaptability by differentiating lessons to meet the individual needs of my students. Finding different ways to teach the same standard that will lead to student success. Flexibility comes into play when you take advantage of teachable moments #LearnLAP
  • DeborahHuggard Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4: When I was in the classroom I used "2 things I noticed/wondered" as part of the "homework" notes from a video lesson (flipped classroom)...once modeled and practiced it was awesome! #learnlap
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
    A4: In SEL lessons, I do this through active questioning. I also think of what I've learned using restorative practices / restorative questioning, as I continually look for opportunities for reflection throughout the lesson. Also use teachable moments as they arise! #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    Grateful for this #PLN. You all inspire me as a pre-service teacher. #learnlap
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A5 Student voice is all about flexibility and adaptability. We need to look at where students are and change things up to support their learning. Fixed lessons plans or daily agendas cannot be the norm. Follow your students. Build goals. Help reach them. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
      Q5 Adapting to change, thinking & learning flexibly, and demonstrating learning through all intelligence pathways are part of flexibility and adaptability. What strategies do you use to build flexibility and adaptability? #LearnLAP
  • VoglerRyan Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A4 Get the rubric in their hands. Set times for them to stop and self reflect where they are at. Have other students look and offer feedback. Give their voices the chance to speak to each other #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    BAM! #LearnLAP
  • MrsDamianoWH Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A5: If something doesn't go as planned on our part as the Teacher, we have to be willing to adapt and change it. Ts fail too sometimes, and that's okay! As long as we learn, just like our Ss #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:34 PM EST
    A5. At my last school, we frequently changed up the order or duration of classes as our students/team needed it. It was awesome for kids to develop the flexibility/adaptability in their time/schedule #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5 In our elementary, Ts have morning meetings where they focus on these skills. We also model ourselves by trying new things. #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A4 Students hate this. 😂 But regular checkpoints for big projects allow them to see where teams went wrong and assess how they were able to resolve issues if they were or check each other. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
  • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A4: Assess student understanding/perception at the start of a unit or lesson, then reassess at the end. #LearnLAP
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5: I try to be flexible as a teacher in the ways that I accept assignments, in order to allow them to be creative. I have found that this really has produced products that are way better than I originally would have thought! #learnlap
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5: Adapting lessons that best serve students. Our future students are all going to have different learning styles and being flexible and catering to their strengths would be very beneficial to their education #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5 incorporating soft due dates and tracking ss progress. Taking time to coach ss that aren't meeting those check points. Allowing others to go ahead and check in later. #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5-1) I think flexibility and adaptability comes from conversing with our educators and being involved in chats like these. Most teachers become biased towards their own teaching style and never venture out to other ways of doing things. #LearnLAP
  • burgessdave Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    Coding & computational thinking can be a game changer across the curriculum. PUMPED to celebrate #HourOfCode & #CSEdWeek by releasing #CodeBreaker by @mraspinall #LearnLAP #tlap #edtech #HourOfCode2017 #DitchBook https://t.co/J1ZI27pk0Z
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A6 innovative and self direction are assessed during free choice academic center time where students can explore and be responsible for their own learning #LearnLAP
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
    A5: Allow student options for completing tasks. Seating...at desk/back table/carpet? Way of showing learning...written/pictorial/verbally? #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5 it is hard in a Special Ed classroom because some kids are simply not flexible but what you have to do is take the little bit they are flexible and expand it as far as it can go and meet them at their level #LearnLAP
  • joannavrteaches Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Must hop out early tonight! Thanks for a mind blowing discussion! So many top educators added to my PLN! Grow, share, learn! #learnlap
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    I quickly changed that way my students view content, it is a must read for sure! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @MsWolterSS, @RightQuestion
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Yes! Soft due dates and tracking progress are huge in respecting kids' individuality while working on kids' own personal accountability systems #LearnLAP
    In reply to @eric_falls
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5 Metacognition and #meditation can help the mind find flexibility - focusing on one thing allows us to be free of the others. #learnlap
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5: Ts can adapt and be flexible by responding to student interests and questions. Use the teachable moment and go with it! Sometimes it's some of the best learning #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    Spent time sharing brain research with my Ss last week about student & teacher position during lectures, temperature of the room, lighting, & time of day. Kept it all consistent for a few weeks, then changed it all up. Many Ss had trouble focusing! They were fascinated! #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5-2) But by seeing what works for other people we can begin to input different strategies into our own lessons. #LearnLAP
  • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
    A5: As teachers and administrators we must model flexibility and adaptability. We must be willing to change our leadership and teaching styles to meet the needs of our students. If we are not willing to do it, we can't expect the students to be willing. #learnlap
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5 if something is just not working, cutting losses and moving on. This happened on Friday. Fyi Google drawings doesn't work well on iPads #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5: S choice is huge in my classroom. I'm constantly adapting my lessons based upon what I see S's are struggling w/. Just as we expect S's to endure a productive struggle, we as T's should follow suit. There is no "perfect teacher" but we must grow along with our S's #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    @drmcclard A5 you do mean in building flexibility and adaptability in the students. . . because when the principal says jump ... there is an art to being able to accept change and the Ss need to see how to change their minds with new information. #LearnLAP
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5 voice, choice, launch cycle, design thinking, #maker culture, #geniushour #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
      Q5 Adapting to change, thinking & learning flexibly, and demonstrating learning through all intelligence pathways are part of flexibility and adaptability. What strategies do you use to build flexibility and adaptability? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    Teach Ss to think about their thinking. @john_hattie has shown it is worth the time! #LearnLAP
    • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
      A5 Metacognition and #meditation can help the mind find flexibility - focusing on one thing allows us to be free of the others. #learnlap
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5: I like to be flexible about getting through the content. If Ss are struggling, I tend to spend an extra day reviewing. I prefer to go a mile deep rather than a mile wide, and as a pre-service teacher, flexibility is key. #learnlap
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5:?The best way to improve flexibility is through stretching. Getting students outside their comfort zones (different texts, tech, culture, etc.) is key lengthening their ability to learn. #learnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:37 PM EST
    A5: Using games in the classroom helps make Ss more flexible. Games ease discomfort of trying new things. Ss also have the opportunity to try something, fail, and try again, learning to adapt to new situations. #learnlap
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:38 PM EST
    A5: ROLL WITH IT! If you are flexible and roll with the punches, they'll catch on and follow suit. #LearnLAP
  • loliveira55 Dec 4 @ 8:38 PM EST
    A5 Working with ELLs means flexibility is part of daily life. Differentiation for language levels requires both flexibility & adaptability. #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:38 PM EST
    great idea, keeps it positive and it can even be in red ink with an emoji smile #LearnLAP
    In reply to @DeborahHuggard
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:38 PM EST
    A5. Flexability and adaptability falls within Ss voice and choice /making lessons flexable per ind. when nec. to adapt. to their needs. At times more 1:1 and sm. gps.. #learnlap
  • MLRing100 Dec 4 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A5: This week for #HourofCode I gave S's choice of coding activities more work to set up, but my class is peaceful! S's are so engaged because they are enjoying what they are doing. #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:39 PM EST
    A7 setting and achieving goals is an important life skill because it gives a platform to build on...like a foundation of a house you build from the ground up, you achieve your goal by building one brick at a time and when your house is done you can reflect on your goal #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:40 PM EST
    Q6 How do you assess initiative and self-direction (and other 21st century skills)? #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:40 PM EST
    A5 Honest struggle with this one as my schools have required "standards". I believe having fixed lesson plans that cover everybody is good - as a jump off point. T should then facilitate and moderate Ss by knowing them and their skills personally. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:33 PM EST
      Q5 Adapting to change, thinking & learning flexibly, and demonstrating learning through all intelligence pathways are part of flexibility and adaptability. What strategies do you use to build flexibility and adaptability? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A6 We have used judgement, but forming a rubric could help lead you to give feedback or assess growth. #LearnLAP
  • KatieMGCC225 Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A1. It's important that we teach students to communicate and collaborate b/c not only are we teaching them specific academic subjects, we are teaching them to function in the adult world. They need these skills to be contributing members of society. #LEARNlap
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A6. I'm pumped to read responses for this huge question. I've always wanted to have kids do portfolio defenses at the end of the year, but haven't been able to make it happen yet. #LearnLAP
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A6 OK PLN I want to know your answers teach me #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A6: Each week we set a class goal whether it is making eye contact with peers, shaking hands to greet, or trying something new. I am constantly observing S interaction and voicing celebrations for those working to meet our weekly goal. #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
    A6 That is a constant struggle. You have to teach strategies, give them autonomy and coach them. You cannot assess or teach initiative if you are always giving strict rules about how to do things. Give them time and room to practice, learn. #LearnLAP
  • buirgear1 Dec 4 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A6: Giving students responsibility in the classroom when working on independent work. If students can learn that skill of self-direction, it will help them down the road in life #LearnLAP
  • mrsmastracchio Dec 4 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A8 Students in my room can take active leadership roles during morning meeting and being Fundations drill sound leaders. They also love being the "teacher's assistant" #LearnLAP
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:42 PM EST
    #this #LearnLAP
    • RichHayzler Dec 4 @ 8:36 PM EST
      A5: As teachers and administrators we must model flexibility and adaptability. We must be willing to change our leadership and teaching styles to meet the needs of our students. If we are not willing to do it, we can't expect the students to be willing. #learnlap
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:42 PM EST
    The opposite is also true. I found myself today thinking "worksheets? people still DO that?" #LearnLAP
    • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:35 PM EST
      A5-1) I think flexibility and adaptability comes from conversing with our educators and being involved in chats like these. Most teachers become biased towards their own teaching style and never venture out to other ways of doing things. #LearnLAP
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:42 PM EST
    A5: We as adults must model this for students. We also have to provide safety and security so they feel comfortable enough to attempt & learn flexibility/adaptability. Inform them of changes, explain what's coming next, provide visuals, model transitions externally. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    No--what is it? #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard
  • DrKiaCoaches Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    I AM A FAN of this idea completely and think that the project should be built into the school day. Like all of 4th quarter should be devoted to it or something similar. #LearnLAP
    • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
      A6. I'm pumped to read responses for this huge question. I've always wanted to have kids do portfolio defenses at the end of the year, but haven't been able to make it happen yet. #LearnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    This is an excellent idea! #learnLAP
    • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
      A6: Each week we set a class goal whether it is making eye contact with peers, shaking hands to greet, or trying something new. I am constantly observing S interaction and voicing celebrations for those working to meet our weekly goal. #LearnLAP
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A6 - I use the 21st Century Skills Report Card that I developed and put into "Learn Like a PIRATE." It contains observable behaviors for 34 different categories of skills (Here FREE): https://t.co/Q3o8VxFhey The book is available on Amazon: https://t.co/AeHEOqH3fb #LearnLAP
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A6: Having assessments at the "create" level of Bloom's, coupled with observational/descriptive feedback throughout the process #learnLAP
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A6: Charting progress, self-reflection, and conferencing are all great ways to assess those 21st century skills. Attaching a grade is not nearly as effective as reflecting and providing/receiving feedback! #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    A6 Look at how far a S has progressed before calling something "complete" or "solved." Those with initiative will keep on going to find a better solution! #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:43 PM EST
    That's the perfect answer, you model the flexibility so they can see how to adapt to their own goals! I love this. #LearnLAP
    In reply to @NowakRo
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A6) Since these are new skills that people are beginning to realize are important there has not been any standardization of these skills for grading. I think by giving students more responsibility and leeway to create projects can be a good start #LearnLAP
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A8: In SEL lessons, my Ss love having opportunities to teach each other new material & we all learn from each other! #LearnLAP
  • eric_falls Dec 4 @ 8:44 PM EST
    A6 our building focuses on five specific social skills along with the THINK before speaking strategy. If students aren't meeting expectations we conference. #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A6: I implemented a badge program with my S's to become #minigooglemasters to increase their knowledge of tools used within GAFE. When S's complete tasks to earn badges, they share them with me via Google. Within this context, I assess with the # of badges earned #learnlap
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:45 PM EST
    A6 have the students turn in something that shows their progress or what they are learning. It will show their initiative and where they are going in their learning #LearnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:45 PM EST
    Everyone needs to see this! #learnLAP
  • MikeAndriulli Dec 4 @ 8:45 PM EST
    Permission to “Teach” Math - https://t.co/OMW7Eo6I9B #learnlap #njed #elemchat #mathchat
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A6. In viewing initiative, Ss leading in the classroom, helping others to succeed. Self-direction is working independently and using their wings to fly! #learnlap
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A6: Change these words into child-friendly language and allow students to self-assess. #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A6: Using SBG, we assess these learner characteristics by indicating which ones the students need to work on. We want Ss to be respectful, responsible, and safe. #learnlap
  • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:46 PM EST
    A6: Personalized Learning is an educational philosophy that address many 21st century skills. It allows students to self pace, go in varying depths and often emphasizes teamwork and deadlines. These are often the same skills future employers look for. #learnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:47 PM EST
    Q7 Setting goals is a portion of initiative and self-direction. Why is setting and achieving goals an important life skill? #learnlap
  • MarisaEThompson Dec 4 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A6 #learnlap trying something similar in January, culminating in a student-led student-parent conference... like a State of the Student...
    • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:41 PM EST
      A6. I'm pumped to read responses for this huge question. I've always wanted to have kids do portfolio defenses at the end of the year, but haven't been able to make it happen yet. #LearnLAP
  • biologygoddess Dec 4 @ 8:47 PM EST
    A6 My 11 & 12 grade students blog about goals and assess their progress when grades are reported. Rules are goal can not be a grade, must have a real-life connection to either content or soft skill from class #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A7 Accomplishing a goal is reinforcing, which makes you want to accomplish more. Use lots of small goals (lists) to be reinforced for your hard work often! #learnlap
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:48 PM EST
    I bought the book #LearnLAP, but since school started I've been reading too slowly! That's back to the top of my list of priorities, for sure!
    In reply to @PaulSolarz
  • JoveStickel Dec 4 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A7 simply put they give us direction and purpose #LearnLAP
  • loliveira55 Dec 4 @ 8:48 PM EST
    A6 Not so much assessment but observations as students become leaders in the classroom when they help newcomers. Learners become teachers. #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A7) Goals direct actions, if you know where you want to go you can begin to decide on how to get there. We want our Ss to have a goal and strive after it. When we fail it is that goal that makes us get back up and continue pushing forward #LearnLAP
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A7: Setting goals is important because it gives us a purpose. If a person does not have a plan, they essentially plan to fail. #learnlap
  • loliveira55 Dec 4 @ 8:49 PM EST
    A7 Goals are the beacons of light in our sometimes foggy journeys. #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 Setting goals and having incremental progress helps us achieve what we may have thought impossible. This is how I made it through my doctorate-small bites of the elephant as they say #LearnLAP
  • MarisaEThompson Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 There's always "what's next?" Hard to have optimism without looking forward & making next step. Given chances, my Ss struggled #learnlap
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:47 PM EST
      Q7 Setting goals is a portion of initiative and self-direction. Why is setting and achieving goals an important life skill? #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 - We need to know what we're good at & what we need to work at. Goal setting helps us focus our efforts in the right areas. We set whole class goals every day during REARJMCL (images). And students set personal SMAARTER goals each week: https://t.co/bfVQnOvd8m #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7 I don't think I go a single day without making a goal - short or long term! I make goals at what I'm going to accomplish and goals on what I am going to achieve this semester. Goals create organization and a student will only be successful when they are organized #LearnLAP
  • edgeangeles Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A6 TBH, I don't have an assessment strategy for this. But teams in my class have a rotating leadership/management position to make sure everybody gets a chance to take the reins. The team then evaluates everybody else at the end of the term. #CSEdWeek #EdTech #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:40 PM EST
      Q6 How do you assess initiative and self-direction (and other 21st century skills)? #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7: Growth is necessary. Change is necessary. Failing is a crucial part of the growing process and it's important for S's to see that dedication, risk-taking, and work ethic yields satisfiable results with goal setting. #learnlap
  • MrPStrunk Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    Schoology also uses something like this as well. I know @gett_marissa is experienced with that program. I love how that can encourage students! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard, @MrsGuerrero307, @gett_marissa
  • wesaquje Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
    A7: Successful adults often are goal-setters. Let’s prepare our students for future success! #LearnLAP
  • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7: In sports, scoring goals can make you a superstar. In life, setting goals can do the same. Setting goals align realities of today with dreams of tomorrow. #learnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7. Setting goals, doing the work to reach them, celebrating, then setting new goals is VITAL, no doubt. It helps direct us in life. Also important is teaching kids to be present in their day-to-day interactions. #LearnLAP
  • diane_mackinnon Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7: It's what drives us all forward in our best and worst of times. Life has many ups and downs. Ss need to learn to be resilient, persistent, and goal oriented to lead healthy, and be happy socially, emotionally, personally, and professionally. #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
    A7 Begin with the end in mind. You have to set a habit of vision. "A goal not written is only a wish." #LearnLAP
  • lisaannrisch Dec 4 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7: By setting those own goals, students are in charge of their learning. That's the ultimate goal! #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7 We all need to have goals and find strategies that will help achieve them. It is a life skill that will help with everything. We need to work more one-on-one with students to help them practice, reflect, question, learn. Put kids at the center of everything. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:47 PM EST
      Q7 Setting goals is a portion of initiative and self-direction. Why is setting and achieving goals an important life skill? #learnlap
  • KimSnodgrass Dec 4 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7: Setting and achieving goals is an important life skill because it fires passion and drives purpose. #LearnLAP
  • kindyfriends Dec 4 @ 8:52 PM EST
    A7. Goals make students (and teachers!) accountable for their own work and requires them to be reflective. Re-setting/re-focussing comes from that. It becomes an important cycle for Ss. #LearnLAP
  • gdorn1 Dec 4 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A7. It allows us to discipline ourselves to strive and work hard to achieve these goals and master the accomplishments and skills to progress further in our direction. #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A7 - Check out @sowntogrow as well folks! You'll be glad you did! #LearnLAP
  • MsWolterSS Dec 4 @ 8:53 PM EST
    Truth! #learnLAP
    • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
      A7: In sports, scoring goals can make you a superstar. In life, setting goals can do the same. Setting goals align realities of today with dreams of tomorrow. #learnLAP
  • DrBody4Life Dec 4 @ 8:53 PM EST
    A7: Setting, achieving and failing to achieve goals are important life skills. If you don’t set goals you don’t grow. Achieving goals validated and motivates. And failure to achieve goals teaches valuable lessons (you can build on to improve). #learnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A7 @franklincovey talks about Wildly Important Goals and what they do for you and your team. https://t.co/Ao2hzrfiO6 #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A7: Without goals we are aimlessly wandering in any context of life - work to achieve something that will exponentially increase the quality of your vision. #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:54 PM EST
    Curating this as a quote ... because I have dreams to fulfill. #LearnLAP
    • superstarcurric Dec 4 @ 8:51 PM EST
      A7: In sports, scoring goals can make you a superstar. In life, setting goals can do the same. Setting goals align realities of today with dreams of tomorrow. #learnLAP
  • JulieGB7 Dec 4 @ 8:54 PM EST
    A7: Not only is setting/achieving goals an important life skill, but it also is what keeps us motivated! #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:55 PM EST
    Q8 Leadership and responsibility are traits every student could benefit from! What opportunities for leadership and responsibility exist in your class/school? #LearnLAP
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8 We allow for every child in our upper elementary to have a voice for change by allowing them on our leadership council. We have responsibilities in the class as well. #LearnLAP
  • EduGladiators Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    🍎 #EduGladiators continues our December series: 'Making an Impact' SATURDAY with our CORE Warrior @SaneeBell leading the convo on The Power of Teacher Engagement! #Admin2B #LearnLAp #musedchat #NYEdChat #TLchat #WonderChat #wyoedchat #vachat #4thchat #formativechat #neisdpln
  • LisaDegnan1 Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    Goal setting is important. We celebrate growth - no matter how small. #LearnLAP
    • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:50 PM EST
      A7 - We need to know what we're good at & what we need to work at. Goal setting helps us focus our efforts in the right areas. We set whole class goals every day during REARJMCL (images). And students set personal SMAARTER goals each week: https://t.co/bfVQnOvd8m #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8 I hire Ss with strong #edtech skills to work with the IT dept. and am getting some of those students involved in our #futureready initiatives! #learnlap
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8 Class Jobs or responsibilities. You can't do everything, why not involve the students and in the end, give them a purpose... because they are "PaperPasser" this week and that requires a lot of skill, (it's all in the wrist)! #LearnLAP
  • jlschlademan Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8 in #21stcenturylearning a student centered classroom helps the students take leadership in their learning and they are responsible for knowing the material #LearnLAP
  • MrsGuerrero307 Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8: I am the StuCo sponsor at my elem school and S's must compose a speech and speak in front of peers. 2 representatives are elected from each homeroom 4th-5th. I also give our school wide incentive of Hosp Bucks to S's displaying digital citizenship at any given time. #learnlap
  • MarisaEThompson Dec 4 @ 8:56 PM EST
    A8 Ss brainstorm/complete grant apps, initiate & complete PBL projects, grade interviews, student-led clubs/organization. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:55 PM EST
      Q8 Leadership and responsibility are traits every student could benefit from! What opportunities for leadership and responsibility exist in your class/school? #LearnLAP
  • JohnBini22 Dec 4 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A8) As a pre-service teacher I can only speak on what I hope to have. I think leadership and responsibility can go beyond line leader and passing out worksheets. Have stronger Ss work alongside weaker Ss. Do jigsaw activities where students teach each other. #LearnLAP
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:57 PM EST
    A8. We've got to hand over the reigns of learning to kids DAILY. They'll kill it, we've just gotta trust the process. #LearnLAP
  • ronaldfisher Dec 4 @ 8:57 PM EST
    I wear my wig to get the point across! #LearnLAP
    In reply to @drmcclard, @franklincovey
  • MsJachymiak Dec 4 @ 8:57 PM EST
    Thank you for an amazing chat! #learnlap
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:58 PM EST
    Lots of appreciation goes out to @drmcclard for moderating an excellent #LearnLAP this evening! Next week, please join us as @superstarcurric moderates the chat: "Creating a classroom culture where leading is expected just as much as learning!" #tlap is beginning in 2 minutes!
  • PaulSolarz - Moderator Dec 4 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A8 - The ultimate in student leadership is participating in a student-led classroom. Students need to be aware of what needs to be done, encourage & help others to fulfill responsibilities, and know when to step back. They're working towards a SILENT DAY! #LearnLAP
  • NowakRo Dec 4 @ 8:58 PM EST
    A8 I give students a chance to take some leadership and ownership in their own learning. Start small, work up to much larger. My goal for next year is to differentiate to the max. All students plan their semester of learning & assessment. I guide. #LearnLAP
    • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 8:55 PM EST
      Q8 Leadership and responsibility are traits every student could benefit from! What opportunities for leadership and responsibility exist in your class/school? #LearnLAP
  • PCookTech Dec 4 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Awesome chat tonight! Thanks @drmcclard for moderating! Remember to follow those with ideas that you like or are find challenging! #learnlap
  • hohmsclass Dec 4 @ 8:59 PM EST
    Thanks @drmcclard for moderating and thanks @PaulSolarz for empowering so many people to moderate. Love the #LearnLAP community man!
  • drmcclard Dec 4 @ 9:00 PM EST
    Our time for tonight is over. Don't be sad, you can still follow others and keep collaborating! Thank you for joining. Make sure to hop over to #TLaP to keep learning! #LearnLAP