#UDLchat Archive
Meet and chat with colleagues about Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Twitter! The best hour of professional learning you'll get in 30 minutes. Held the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9-9:30PM ET.
Wednesday May 18, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welcome friends. Tonight we're talkin' Blended UDL - https://t.co/TpUT8PvDa9 Please introduce yourself and share a fav smoothie mix
starts right now with your host ! Tonight's topic: & . Don't forget to add the hashtag to your tweets!
Hi! Karen from Rhode Island
Kit Hard from Sarnia, ON - EdTech Supervisor for Port Huron Schools. And your host tonight. I love banana, mango, and strawberry.
Big Shoutout to for helping inspire and craft some of tonight's questions! Welcome, Karen! https://t.co/OrXha8kd36
Hi! Karen from Rhode Island
Joni Degner, UDL Facilitator for BCSC in Columbus, IN. Sunwarrior Vanilla Protein Powder and vanilla almond milk.
HI Everyone in land. Ron Rogers from Ohio. Bananas, apples, yogurt honey and that green stuff.
Zach Smith 3rd - 5th SDC teacher, UDL lead Sanger unified!
Ya! and the Green stuff. I ran out of room on my smoothie description, but that in mine too :-) https://t.co/t9xDeTSu0b
HI Everyone in land. Ron Rogers from Ohio. Bananas, apples, yogurt honey and that green stuff.
happy to be here and blend UDL awesomeness!
I don’t know all the fancy names. However I love my smoothies.
My bad missed the smoothie mix- pineapple, strawberry, orange juice.
Kimberly Coy, Asst Prof at Fresno State, UDL and Online Learning "girl fan". Fav smoothy: almond milk, greek yogurt, banana, pb
Is Blended like a UDL Cocktail?
Q1: Blended learning offers choice over time, place, path, and/or pace. What UDL Guideline(s) connect with this?
Hi I'm Susie from U of Houston, TX. I like to sneak spinach in my smoothies but don't tell my kids. :)
Representation, engagement, and expression can manifest in blended learning
Hi Susie! Welcome to . A little spinach in the smoothie is alright by me.Tonight's questions https://t.co/et2z6KFSl5
A1: blended learning= personalized learning where students navigate their own learning paths and goal set baby!
Be sure to follow your new friends from the tonight such as
Very true. Where do you see UDL supporting Blended Learning most? https://t.co/Hp5mim2XSa
Representation, engagement, and expression can manifest in blended learning
A:1 Provide options for recruiting interest
As a framework, it brings it all together. The sum is greater than the parts.
a1- oh man such a hard question. It really depends on the teacher's embrace of it and comfort, prob eng and exp though
A1: blended learning offers face to face teaching and technology it's like the most amazing UDL smoothie
A1: I see UDL supporting blended learning in Engagement, by optimizing choice for interacting with course content and goals
A1: I see it in most of the guidelines-options for comprehension, perception, recruiting interest- just to name a few.
A1 Salience of goals, language support, perception & pacing of info, options for communication. What said. It is the blender
A1: UDL guideline 6 - Provide options for executive functions really hits at the heart of Blended Learning https://t.co/B3Sp3IVwHp
Instructor comfort level with anything digital as well as UDL, nice! https://t.co/VIJAIHQFin
a1- oh man such a hard question. It really depends on the teacher's embrace of it and comfort, prob eng and exp though
A1- blended leaning is fun vehicle to drive UDL to most kids
Agreed! Digital presentation of resources can really assist with perception and recruiting interest. https://t.co/J6zNGf9Oai
A1: I see it in most of the guidelines-options for comprehension, perception, recruiting interest- just to name a few.
Love the engagement of choice and flexibility over pace. https://t.co/oVUCPQnQPh
A1: I see UDL supporting blended learning in Engagement, by optimizing choice for interacting with course content and goals
Absolutely Karen Thats the kind of smoothie I want to have. Love the instruction then the technology
Only if those digital resources are accessible. Otherwise a building with lots of cool stuff inside but u can't get in.
A blended envorinment can support goal setting, strategic planning, and monitoring progress. https://t.co/8jCgcSPJYQ
A1: This question takes me back to the goal of UDL-creating expert learners. Blended learning must be a part of it.
Excellent point! https://t.co/W8pz7ibIig
Only if those digital resources are accessible. Otherwise a building with lots of cool stuff inside but u can't get in.
Q2: How might Universal Design for Learning enhance the traditional defenition of Blended Learning?
A:1 Foster collaboration and communication
I agree. Much of business is doing this already. We need to prepare learners for their future, not our present.
A1: I think initial conceptions of blended learning would most match UDL guideline 1: options for perception. But that is changing.
Greater attention to the important bookends - accessibility at the bottom, self-regulation, metacognition at the top.
A1 UDL has to drive design then your digital environment is easy to get into, poor design is still poor design even in digital
Agree! And only if they are truly clearing the path to the academic goal.
The middle of the sandwich is usually not the problem.
low tech is just as good in my book. You can make it work
A2 for r kids UDL has allowed even folks who don't prefer tech 2 have a space. They or their peer snap a pic of their no tech work
A2: I think Blended Learning improves when we attend to the UDL guidelines. It's not enough to substitute f2f into digital.
A2: One way UDL can enhance the definition of BL is to use the metrics generated to steer engagement for Learners
A2 Blended learning is not inherently proactive. UDL keeps variability at the forefront.
A2: I am thinking about how blended learning might be enhanced as we intentionally design to eliminate barriers for Ss through UDL
Right, in some cases digital can actually create barriers.
A2 a well designed blended environment makes my UDL so much faster
Boom! Mic drop. https://t.co/wI0bUQcgXL
A2 Blended learning is not inherently proactive. UDL keeps variability at the forefront.
A2: Blended learning is not personalized without universal design. We must meet kids where they are at & design to meet goals
I saw a tweet today that said teaching is like a blueberry muffin. You can't stuff the blueberries in at the end.
UDL should love the doors blended learning opens up, and vice Versa
I too was just thinking that Lindsay.
A2: UDL guideline 8: options for sustaining effort & persistence can make blended learning experiences better - more engaging.
seems like engagement really hits it hard.
Learning with No Limits! https://t.co/rs20i8iLrI
UDL should love the doors blended learning opens up, and vice Versa
Wowza. The community is on fire. So many good thoughts on how UDL makes blended learning better. Q3 on it's way.
students have the ability to learn at own pace and their mastery of skills are embedded within curriculum design
Q3: What are some of your favorite tools & resources on Blended Learning that align with UDL?
A3: I always start with the Read and Write for Google extension. Fantastic text-to-speech that anyone can use.
A3: I am a big fan of the book Blended by Michael Horn
I think you saw that on our .
A3: Design lessons and playlists using Google Classroom . Progress monitor using
A3: as a way to organize options. They also recently introduced a game-based lesson feature.
Yes! I taught some AP s's to use this, & they saw a different use for it. BETTER strategizing & note taking.
I love as a way to organize resources.
A3 not an answer but a comment: I think UDL helps us give teachers options for LMS. They all do such great things!
I LOVED it! Totally stuck with me. Great analogy.
Kit you did a fantastic job tonight for the and such great tools to research. Thanks!!!!
A3: As silly as this sounds, I also like to look at really engaging retail websites. Nordstrom is a fav. What are some of yours?
On A3, I have to give a shoutout to Great LMS...walkin that UDL walk!
Thanks for the help planning this week's
Can't get enough ? The hashtag is open 24/7/365. Join us LIVE every 1st & 3rd Wednesday. Next chat: June 1.
you're most welcome! Anytime my friend! rocks!
A6: If a teacher is truly utilizing differentiation, hard and fast deadlines are nonexistent.