#5thchat Archive
#5thchat is for people interested in chatting about topics in education, especially as they relate to Grade 5. The goal is to connect people who enjoy learning & sharing, plus supporting & creating partnerships worldwide!
Tuesday September 13, 2016 8:00 PM EDT
Good evening Thanks for joining tonight on Being a Gamechanger Among Naysayers! Please introduce yourself & remember tag
Good evening Thanks for joining tonight on Being a Gamechanger Among Naysayers! Please introduce yourself & remember tag
Amy, Instructional Coach from TX
I am Krystin Rines. I teach 5th grade Language Arts in Virginia
Jon Huebner, a 5th grade teacher in Iowa. Excited for another week of
Maureen, 5th grade teacher, MA
4th Gr T from Northern NY
Nick Baskwill, Grade 5 Kingston NS, happy to be back in the swing of Twitter...been rusty lately!
Hi! I'm Kylee from Pittsburgh, PA. Teaching 5th grade, all subjects
Mo, classroom T from SoMD
Ashley, 5th grade LA/SS from North Texas. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Stacy Gasteiger, 5th grade from central PA
Now there are 2 great place to find ReadWorks! Sign up for your free account on ReadWorks Digital: https://t.co/CY5lAIzhiB
Question 1 coming up in 1 minute
Thanks! I LOVE teaching 5th grade :)
Phil, 5th grade, from NJ joining after weeks of being absent. In and out tonight; trying to get something done!
Hi everyone - I'm Paul Solarz, a 5th grade teacher from Arlington Heights, IL. Glad to have moderating tonight!
A1. Being a risk taker, learning from failure, and trying again
Lexi Law • North Texas • 5th grade science
Zach in Joplin, MO. Glad to be able to join. Been a while. Tuesday's have been busy recently!
A1 Moving away from "what we've always done" or teaching how we were taught.
A1 Someone willing to try new things--not the same old game.
A1: someone who is Student-centered, willing to try new things and not afraid of failure
A1 - I think it means being a risk taker who has a great vision of the end in mind.
A1: Being a game-changer...changing the way things have always been done...for the better!
A1: Being willing to TRY something new. Sometimes it works; sometimes not so much. The willingness/ the attempt are game changers.
Hopefully for the better. : )
Lisa From MA. (whisper voice...grade 4) Game changer=risk-taker.
A1. Someone who is will to take a risk for the betterment of everyone. Someone who is willing to lead others through change.
off to a great start! Question 2 coming up in one minute!!
A1: a game changer is someone who's been inspired by many & finds a memorable fun way to make it their own https://t.co/syMTn18FAd
A1. Taking risks for the sake of our Ss and helping others to do the same
"The willingness/attempt are game changers." Game changers don't get things done sitting on sidelines. https://t.co/PnnE6Dnhim
A1: Being willing to TRY something new. Sometimes it works; sometimes not so much. The willingness/ the attempt are game changers.
Everyone's always welcome at ! Invite your friends!!! :)
Hi, I'm Carolina, 5th grade math teacher from Miami, first time joining in! Sorry I'm late!
Hi, excited for this weeks discussion.
A game changer is willing to take risks/reflect on successes/areas to improve on or dispose & look at Ss 1st thru relevance/rigor
A1: Having a vision for a better outcome. Taking a stand.
A2. Naysayers always have a reason why "it won't work"
Q2 - Always saying no and being unwilling to try something new. Not risk takers.
A2- Naysayers try to shut down the change. "They can't do that" "we don't have __" etc.
A2 - Naysayers are the ones who say it can't be done, but aren't willing to attempt it to see if that's even the case.
A2: Being someone who doubts or says it cannot be done without ever giving it a chance. Also not willing to try new things
A2: A Negative Nancy! Those unwilling to change or at least try something new. They Challenge change and devalue it.
A2. The Naysayers are the tugboats in the boat race... they've dropped anchor!
So true. Devaluing is a big part of their power.
A2: to me are close minded, a little set in their ways, & maybe just need a little inspiration themselves! https://t.co/hKDHoKaARc
A1 not afraid (intimidated) 2change the game Giving a try, even if it doesn't work. changing things up so u can connect/motivate Ss
A2: Naysayers are doubters, people who are satisfied with "status-quo", ye of little faith
Yes, I agree with your statement. Game changers are active learners. They do not sit passively by.
A2: Those who have not met the power of 😱
A2: People who struggle with change and positivity. They need positive support. And sometimes a swift kick https://t.co/Ex1ck4TZy0
A2. Someone who finds fault in anything that could lead to positive change for students and staff.
Yet is a powerful word...provides hope.
Hi everyone! I'm Corrina Allen - 5th grade teacher in New York popping in when I can tonight. 👍🏼
I agree. They may just need a little push. Perhaps they're in an environment where they don't feel safe to fail.
It's awesome 2be "game changer", but it's even better 2b "game changer leader" that can motivate other Ts https://t.co/WdI0qoMJLE
A1. Taking risks for the sake of our Ss and helping others to do the same
A2 negativity! Focused on years of routine rather than year in which Ss live and find value in. Naysayers have a fixed mindset
I really enjoy your metaphor!
Joining from our UNI instructional tech class. I'm Regina, Spanish teacher from Iowa.
A2 Naysayers can also be positive, if fighting things admin wants but Ts thinks are not good for Ss.
Next week's will be moderated by . Topic: His NEW BOOK "Instant Relevance" https://t.co/zd6K5GoOjF Hope you'll join us!
A2 having a difficult time w/ change, doesn't want to try, may allow negativity to take over, intimated or insecure by change
The Speedboats are the "Game Changers" Got this from
A3: BYOD - met with huge resistance. Have worked for 2+ years to get it in
thanks for the opportunity! Looking forward to hosting
A2. Could some Naysayers be game changers who had been burned out earlier in their career? I have always wondered this.
I'll have to read my copy before next week!
A3 I have been trying to modify our school's summer reading program. Got close 2 yrs ago but nothing real or significant.
A3: using a workshop model in preschool
Bring Your Own Device - helps get Tech into schools that may not have enough for all Ss
A3- I implemented Google Classroom with a class of 10 students will intellectual disabilities https://t.co/w72mDTcgQe
yes...especially if their own ideas were constantly squashed!
It is now OK'd for use in Classrooms only, not halls or outdoors, but Ss can bring them :)
A3: Grading policy! Retest for a higher grade, not just a "passing" grade.
A3 - Continuous improvement model w/ Ss. Many didn't see value, but I saw it transform me, my class, and my Ss. Gave Ss a voice.
A3: Different seating options; choice seating was one of them.
A2: Negative Nelly! A Naysayer, isn't interested in the why or how, but just ready to shot the idea down without merit.
I love and use it in my class. Makes Ss feel more connected
A3 We fought to team teach when I was in 3rd. Tough battle, but we won.
let me know What you think! I host on Relevance each week! We'd at 930 pm est for 30 min
A3: Using Twitter to communicate with students in our classes. Each class has its own hashtag and it is a great way to connect.
There is a big difference between being cautious and being negative about any change. We need critics to improve ideas!
A3: I'm finishing undergrad with 4 minors in only 4.5 yr! El Ed with math/literacy/ss/edtech
beanbag chairs, moon chairs, some small stools, reg stools. I have 26 Ss and 12 desks in the room
Ss love seating choices! Love flexible seating in the classroom!
A3- Also, trashing the idea of reading logs. I'm in the process now and it is going swimmingly.
A3: School Culture Rewired is a great book to help with Naysayers. Pushing positive all times https://t.co/w0WQpZdTpZ
I absolutely agree! Unfortunately naysayers were not thrilled in the process.
Yes. Sometimes I feel admin sees it only as negativity, not constructive criticism.
I need to do some soul searching on this. I allow redo's for <70% but I keep saying them "it's not about the grade"
A2: There is a big difference between being cautious and being adverse to change. We need critics to build ideas that work.
A3:myteam knows I'm (a 👍🏻) crazy- they just allow my to be the silly 1 that makes them 👯 in musical.ly 🎥s https://t.co/t6qzka47qh
Half way through!! You guys are giving some AWESOME insight tonight!!
Letting students choose their own books to read as opposed to assigning 1 book for the whole class
Do you think it is all administration or just the ones who don't have the vision?
A3. Had one on my 5th grade team for some years when I first joined team. Making connections to this person and gain trust helped
A3: If you truly believe & see Ss growth, it is worth the negativity you face with peers.
A3: One thhing that I advocate for is "no homework for elementary Ss" this is a big thing I'd like to see happen.
A3: Got students interested in business law, accounting, and principles of business!
A3: Let students take their own notes about what interests them in a topic...create assessment from their own interests.
Those were my favorite teachers throughout my educational experience!! You rock!
High Five! I am also in the process of trashing them. So far so good. Congrats on ditching them.
I think some have vision, but don't take into account T vision as well. Can cause a lot of stress.
we solve differences with rock/paper/scissors, can also schedule it so all Ss know when its their turn
A3: Kagan cooperative learning! Get students in middle school to Enjoy Spanish class! Lol
Would love to know what you are doing to replace...Was it a response journal?
I have found it is those who are afraid to take risks.
it has made them much more comfortable and able to collaborate and confer with others. They love it
A4: by taking any confidence students had away from them
A4: It's all about buy-in! If other professionals can't buy in, how can we expect students to?
A4: If someone tells kids they don't like the new writing strategies, it kills S's buy in.
Thanks for sharing these! I'm in the infant stages of transforming my classroom into more effective space for my Ss.
Have you found anyway to sell them on your ideas so that they will take risks?
A4: students are really in tune to building climate. If teachers are complaining so will students!
A4: Kids are SMART! They pick up on the negativity...just like the pick on positivity, monkey see, monkey do
What is your campus goal for Ss, mastery or test taking pros? Keep pushing your point!
A4: Most students trust adults. If adults are saying the can't/shouldn't try something new, they'll listen...unfortunately
happy to talk design! Share some of your room once you get it up and running!
I think some Ts r intimidated by classrm managemt as if this could b a distraction..I found 2b the opposite
A4: We stop taking risks and end up with the same-old, same-old.
A4 If Ts are half-hearted, it's not going to happen. Ss sense when a T doesn't care.
A4. By not reflection on teaching practices to see impact on student learning. Also not differentiated to meet student need.
A4: it limits Ss before they get a chance to try or explore. Devalues their learning and them.
A4 - That's got fixed mindset all over it. If they see Ts (or any adult) modeling a "no can do" attitude, why should they try?
A4: Kids are SMART! They pick up on the negativity...just like they pick up on positivity, monkey see, monkey do
encourage those afraid to try new things, & talk about growth mindset, I won't give up, just frustrating.
very true. There is some transition time, but well worth it. Ss have caught on quickly this year
Hi Jon! I get to join your chat from class today!
yes! The don't smile until Oct rule is not a real thing! Smiles should start day 1! I'm happy to see you!
A4- The negativity puts a cloud over the new idea.
Yes, students are very observant. They can tell when a group of teachers work well or not well together.
A4 adults r role models, if they r negative or afraid of taking risks Ss may follow same footsteps
A4: I feel like naysayers are the 1s missing out, missing connections, & get bogged down w behavior issues https://t.co/qW0xhim35O
Q4. Nothing kills creativity faster than naysayer
there are some on Amazon with small feet to help keep them from rolling all over, not sure how sturdy
A4 we are teaching our Ss far more than the curriculum, if they see adult negativity&limits then they'll start believing the same
Convinced to team teach 3rd. Lots of facts, lots of research, lots of persistence with the whole team.
Couldn't agree more. Positivity/Negativity is infectious
Victoria! It is a pleasure to see you in . I hope you enjoy!
A4:Tough one! Sometimes it can defeat their risk taking, but I try not to focus on naysaying, but ion how to make things happen.
A4- The worst are the naysayers about school in general. If you count the days to the weekend what does that tell the kids?
What a horrible "rule"! It would break my heart if my kids came home miserable every day for two months.
.KellyGarner having them work with me at least twice before retaking it instead of just retaking it right away
And I hate when subs come in following that rule. Smile, subs, smile!
Lots of new faces today in - Hope you'll all go back & follow folks after the chat! It's great to learn from fresh perspectives!
A4: Ts make or break Ss excitement all the time in the classroom.
A4: when the Ss later prove the naysayer wrong the naysayer either learns or dies a little on the inside. We've all felt that.
I agree one can set firm expectations and still show students that you enjoy working with them.
we're joining in tonight to observe and engage in the chat for a masters class!
A4 Currently trying new thing admin requiring. Not thrilled, but ever hopeful it will be a success. Trying not to be naysayer.
Question 5 coming up in 1 minute! Love, love, love all of the great ideas and perspectives!
A4 why try when people are already belittling you for a future failure? Naysayers have a fixed outcome in mind, so why try at all?
Question 4 Ss become less likely to try new things or step out of the box after hearing no too many times.
A5 Share, share, share everything and offer to help them do it too. Avoid "pride of ownership"
A5: Its hard. All Ts need to see that we are all on the same team, trying to do best for our classes, not one up other Ts
I'm attempting to double chat- if you want to chit chat about technology integration I'd also love to see you over on
A5 there is no competition, we are a team, it's about ss, learn from ts doing things you can't do. Help those who could be better
A5: Simply Sharing or putting it out there. If they do not bite; at least you tried.
Will gladly! It's my 1st yr back in classroom in a few yrs and it's going to be my long term project.
A5 Baked goods in the teacher's room also helps.
I agree. I think we have to serve each other with a sense of humility. Be open to give and take new ideas. https://t.co/C81hV8yugE
A5 Share, share, share everything and offer to help them do it too. Avoid "pride of ownership"
A5: Give credit to your sources of inspiration. Think out loud so they see your struggle. Sincerely ask them for input.
A5 invite them to participate. Co-plan to include them.
A5: Invitation to collaborate! Get them in on the planning stages. Even if they bring negativity too. Use it as a chance to change
Seek them out. Go to them and explain what you would like to change. Maybe explain how the change will make their life easier.
So true about these chats. Ppl are always so giving and helpful.
This is so important. They need to see that we all struggle.
A5 1 way is to share and find common ground/ we teach kids to view&learn from multiple perspectives so we should too
A5: Things will change if team building & continual learning are stressed by administration.
Q5:the pedestal! I try to make my leadership role fun so its not a "I think I'm better than you" situation https://t.co/W6NLn3UDmo
A5: I usually share everything and say this works great here is a flip chart to get you started
My life would be made if there were baked goods everyday :)
A5: I think another way is to allow people to see you through your failures...to be transparent...illustrates perseverance.
A5 being really honest about your failures and owning your mistakes can help other ts realize that it's not a competition
Come join my team. I bring them in a lot!
true, but it's heart-breaking when u try and try and keeps getting "shut down". Keep on trying, kill w/ kindness
A5 - I stopped caring what others thought. Too tiring. I like planting seeds/ideas. Gives them a taste of how it benefits them.
A5: TOUGH! Start by building a relationship with Ts around you. Lead with a servant's heart. https://t.co/kQCOdmpI06
That's true, but you know you have tried. Just like you can't force a S to learn, can't make T try new ideas.
Love. Love this!! is inspiring me tonight!! Question #6 coming up in 1 minute!!
part of being committed is being transparent!
There are so many good quotes to share with our students! Anyone finding great ways of sharing and using quotes in the classroom?
A6: Share what has worked for you, help them get started with something smaller and manageable where they can have success
A6 - If it's what's best for kids, fear shouldn't stop you!
A5: The real challenge is dealing with the competitiveness in us. We have to own that as well. Things are rarely one-sided.
Be nonjudgmental. Give objective feedback. Support them when they have an idea that is a game-changer.
A6 Honestly, most of my energy goes to inspiring Ss. Put out my willingness to help Ts, but don't stress myself if not interested.
A6: Being yourself while being humble! Shine and recognize the shine of others! Get excited about small steps
A5: Building relationships, being transparent, and continue to what you are doing, and share positively!
A6 - Be their biggest cheerleader! LISTEN to ideas and fears, brainstorm solutions, try alongside them. Know they're not alone.
A6 share ideas, also collect Ss feedback. Many Ts get excited when they see Ss react to fun/ different activities
Being positive goes a long way.
anyone going to toronto ?
A6: Best statement from an administrations I met, if you surround yourself with passionate Ts, you'll become a passionate Ts.
A6: All Star athletes look the team in the eye, ask for the ball & put the team on their back. I think it's leadership ability tho
A6: Being transparent is key, be a helper and don't judge where others are on their journey.
Any classes reading Esperanza Rising? Looking for a class to connect via w/ 5th currently reading the book.
A6: I simply want my Ss to be risk takers. So I lead by example. I show my Ss & other Ts it is ok to fail -
A6 share successes AND failures, help when asked and ask questions about their strengths to build relationships
Oh, I have failed big time! Hope I was inspiring.
Last question of tonight coming up :( I don;t want it to end!!
I so agree. This has been a great conversation tonight. Thank you for leading the discussion!
if you picked yourself up and learned from the experience- you bet you were!!
So true Nick, I just want to be what is best for my kids https://t.co/dBUx8u53jW
A5: Its hard. All Ts need to see that we are all on the same team, trying to do best for our classes, not one up other Ts
A6: we hold instructional rounds where Ts can come observe Ts & share ➕ things they 👀- lead by example https://t.co/ljFDaoFV9f
A7: It makes Ss want to come to school each day They want to share what they do and want to learn more and set the world on fire
and you do a great job of it! Hope your year has started well!
A7 - It's a great model for Ss for what happens when we persevere and how to act on something we are passionate about.
A7: Being a Game-Changer is powerful for students, they observe, they learn, they grow through our successes & failures.
A6- Most of how we game-change are ways that ed. more of the whole S. I want to help them be better people. https://t.co/PCts6Emp9K
A7. Game-changers show that the learning process is messy. We make mistakes...we adapt and change from the mistakes made.
A7 they will b game changers themselves Less afraid of failure, more creative, growth on mindset & they will have fun along the way
A7 Game changers are different and show new perspectives.
A7: game changers are always learning and that's the most important aspect
Yes, a great way to sum up what a game changer is.
Thank you all so much for joining tonight! Again, you all continue to make me better!!
Thank you all so much for joining tonight! Again, you all continue to make me better!!
Off topic, but if you guys haven't used Goobric, you are missing out on a little technology nugget sent from the heavens.
thanks for leading a great chat!
Thank you for filling my cup, . Thanks , for monitoring a great chat tonight.
Thanks It was a fun chat. I needed that after today!
It is a way to attach a digital rubric to a google doc. It is amazing
Thanks guys! I joined this as part of my grad class! Found a new chat
Thank you all for a great chat tonight. Looking forward to next week at