Hello #IEedchat
Joseph Williams from @PUHSD
Built many things in my day. (Old guy here) But I am the most proud of the life my wife and I built together. Today we celebrate the 25th of the promise ring I gave her.
Hey tweeps out there. Especially those that make stuff (which is all of you).
Join #ieedchat and share some of your thoughts on making
Robert Guzman
Tech Coach @CMIPerris
In high school I made several pieces of ceramic which I am still very fond of til this day. Support the Arts #IEedchat
Tom Ashley here - Tech TOSA @PalomaValley in the tech-forward @puhsd. I once made a an amazing large redwood planter box out of leftovers from a construction job. The wood in that planter box was at least 500 years old and I gave it to my mom for Christmas. #IEedchat
My name is Julianne Roller, I am a student at Chapman University studying education. Somethings I made that I am proud of are my paintings, which I do in my free time. #ieedchat
A1: Instead of being passive consumers, when students are #makers, creators, designers, etc they are making meaning in a true constructivist manner.
plain and simple.
Making is a much more active experience. Often more so when the product has at least some concrete representation too.
A1: Benefits I see are a deeper understanding of what they learned. They remember months later the concept when they have to make something to demonstrate their learning #IEedchat
A0: My name is Sarah Guillen, and I spend my weekdays working as a Digital Learning Project Specialist for SBCSS. I’m proud to announce that anytime I MAKE dinner 🥘, I feel pretty accomplished! #IEedchat#dinner
A1: Students tend to have a great amount of pride in a project that they make from scratch, especially if it lives on in some way on the web in video or some other form. #IEedchat
A1: When working with kids, I see that they are truly engaged when they are creating something. They are also passionate about the work they have created #ieedchat
A2: In the beginning, I model my creativity to students. Depending on the project I would model how I think, write, design or build creatively.
A2: In order to fully have Ss increase critical thinking in Science I always have them create models of what we are learning, this way you get an idea of where they are going and were you need to guide them to #IEedchat
A2: Teaching creativity has never been my forte. I try to teach Ss to have an open and critical mind and give them a pathway that they can build on. #IEedchat
when you say deeper I think stronger,
It can /push/ for depth, so long as it's applied learning.
I feel like this is a trap some fall into with #MinecraftEDU - it can push for depth w/ guidance. Just putting blocks together ≠ depth
A2: I think encouragement of creativity and the arts are crucial, and really allowing students to express themselves and think outside of the box #ieedchat
A2: I show lots of samples of previous stuff so they can see how creative past students have gotten and we practice a lot. There are times where my students are doing projects every week for class #IEedchat
A2: In the beginning, I model my creativity to students. Depending on the project I would model how I think, write, design or build creatively.
give options, show some framework, once had student build concept maps for math class, but allowed for and encouraged multiple formats, got some great variety
Agreed. I think what's being created should demonstrate an understanding of some type of educational principle. For example, my son became in expert in using the redstone to create circuits, deepening his understanding of how electric circuits work. #IEedchat
I was sharing this last night. We made an aquaponic system last year. It was a success for the students on so many levels. Design. Working with tools. Inclusion, recycling, plants, water. #ieedchat
This had great success in creativity b/c
1) content was flexible and accessible
2) students had some basics of general format
3) we celebrated diversity of type
A3: When assessing creativity, it is important to show understanding in what they are creating, but to make sure when it is critiqued it is done in a way that doesn't discourage the creative mind #ieedchat
A3: I think assessing creativity would have to take in how much effort and originality the student put into his/her work, and did the work showcase learning in an impactful way. #IEedchat
A4: That is an unapologetic “No”. Traditional lectures cause students to be listening objects in the classroom. Students need to be the subject of the learning. They need to see themselves in the learning.
A3: this is the hard one for me, I usually give them all pretty high marks on a project for effort - depending - it shouldn't be a reason to fail #IEedchat
counter question - is creativity the only part being assessed? (hopefully not)
assessment on creativity doesn't require a mark or score, could just be feedback. Mark the content for understanding, comment on creativity instead maybe.
A3: I always look at ability and go with baby steps. If at first a student can only draw stick figures then that’s ok but next project I’ll have them do accessories or something and keep building #IEedchat
A4:Traditional in the sense that you have to listen to a professor for 50 minutes, no. However, I do see instances in a class when a teacher/guide to clarify can lecture for 5 to 10 min #IEedchat
A1: Buy-in and confidence to keep on producing are the ultimate benefits when students (which are teachers in my case) produce a product to show their learning! #IEedchat
A4: Yes! If I can't be the "sage on the stage" from time to time, I'm hanging it up or going on strike, LOL. Seriously, a great teacher, with solid content knowledge and an ability to frame a concept is a rare and wonderful thing. #IEedchat
A4: I think lectures are outdated and ineffective. If the lecture was prerecorded and a student could glean from it at their own pace and leisure, then there might be a useful application for it #IEedchat
A4: I would say no. As a college student, it is difficult to learn through traditional lecture. It is nearly impossible to keep students engaged. I have learned the most from classes that have collaboration and activity.
Lectures may work with story telling.
There are places for this...
but not when the goal is engaged/empowered learning.
Learning is always better when its active, participatory, reciprocal, social.
I think you have it right that it is a rare (and wondeful) thing. It is very hard to do right, and even then not all students learn in an auditory fashion #IEedchat
A4: I say yes there is. There are times where there is just a lot going on in the content so a lecture is important. But I always make sure that the following days students are diving deeper into the subject matter to explore more #IEedchat
A3: Evidence of creativity: When you model a solution and Ss don't follow and out design you. When a student out-codes you in Scratch or AI2. #ieedchat
A4: I don't think we need hour-long lectures to deliver information, but some direct instruction (in small increments of time) is still necessary to teach new concepts. #IEedchat
A5: Taught a parent workshop recently on using Infinite Campus. I could have had them create some type of product to help them remember some of the information, like a fridge magnet with quick steps to remind them on how to access their students info #IEedchat
Sometimes this product can be a simple twist. Students could publish work to online blog, add commentary about the experience.
Hoping to build this out more with @puhsd - student blogging
A5: I loved watching how Ms. West spiced up her muscle contraction "stop bridge cycle" lesson in her human body systems class by using the Stop Motion video app. #IEedchat link to app: https://t.co/5jRByrhlOA
A4: I don't mind listening to an engaging lecture but my Ss don't care for it, smaller chunks of direct instruction are still necessary in my content area #IEedchat
Awesome idea. I felt I had my hands full just getting them logged in for the first time, but definitely will be using some type of closing activity in the future that will be meaningful to them #IEedchat
A2: I think giving students some insight to get them started without being too influential, while also allowing them flexibility to add their own creative elements! #IEedchat
A6: I refuse to have a class culture where a Ss feels he can just take, he or she has experiences and prior knowledge that can deepen the learning for all in class. Create the culture of sharing, model it and they will create #IEedchat
A5: we will be going over the election of 1860 soon. And I can probably have students make campaign posters of all four candidates from that election #IEedchat
A2: I think giving students some insight to get them started without being too influential, while also allowing them flexibility to add their own creative elements! #IEedchat
A4: I've had full inclusion classes where I taught for an hour. Most of it was a step by step walk through of the lesson. I scaffolded instructions for Ss that moved on independently. No excuse for not checking work as I trailed behind. Everyone left understanding. #ieedchat
A6: I think it starts at a young age. Students often don't think they have the skills to take on creative tasks. It is important to encourage new ideas and creativity so it continues in work as they get older #ieedchat
A6: In my experience, these students are often the ones who have straight A's because they excel at traditional school (hear or read info, study it, ace a multiple choice test). Make a creative project part a big part of their grade to push them in this area #IEedchat
creativity to me might be hard to distinguish here - many often think of divergent thinking, building new with this word - doesn' t have to be. In our context tonight creativity is about the root create, can still have structure and standard to it.
A5: Finished an ERWC Mod - the rest of the week my Ss are creating futuristic civilizations for the next Millenium, they will draw maps,/visuals then present-groups #IEedchat
A6: I tell my students from day one that we will be creating tons of things in the class and I’ll be hanging up their work to fill the empty spaces in the room #IEedchat
A5: last semester taught a few digital citizenship lessons, I want to see our Ss create their own #digcit campaign & set the online behavior/interaction expectations for each other. #ieedchat
In other words - you don't have to create the new wheel, or even a better wheel, just at least a well-crafted one, and the process of creating makes you stronger in your skill and understanding.
FT:You must continuously ask them Q's to assess their knowledge and create a culture of always sharing. You make it the norm in that class and you get kids out of their shells. #IEedchat
A6: Tough one. I think everyone has some interest in creating and putting their own spin on something, but need to find that "thing" that appeals to different individuals. The more choices the better. Every activity will not pique the interest of every student. #IEedchat