#txeduchat Archive
An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Sunday January 17, 2016 9:00 PM EST
Welcome all to tonight! Let's get started with introductions: Tell us all about YOU
If you're looking for an awesome experience, come join on February 6th.
Good evening, friends! Super pumped that my friend is hosting tonight! She is an EDUROCKSTAR! Bethany, from AR.
Howdy. Thom from Austin, TX. Teach MS math and robotics.
Sanee, principal from Houston. Happy to be hosting this evening!
Welcome Thom, great to have you in the chat this evening!
Hey everyone! Anthony from MashUp Math here. I'm stoked to participate in this chat :)
Thanks for being here, Bethany!
Happy Sunday! Jasmin Russell math teacher in Katy ISD. Happy to be here and happy we have tomorrow off!
Beth from Round Rock, TX - I teach Pre-AP & TAG Algebra 2
Remember to include the hashtag on your tweets so that others can follow along.
I look forward to meeting up with TX friends at in Houston this April!
Amanda from Katy, TX. Elem SPED Teacher
Sandy from Utah- So excited to have moderate tonight! Edurockstar is an understatement!
Hi everyone Desiree from MI
Good evening! I'm a business teacher in Katy
Hello ! I'm Heidi from WI & I teach 5th grade. Still mourning our epic Packer loss last night. ...
I follow you on my class instagram. Some of your pix freshen up the high school math I haven't seen in a long time :)
Hi, Thom. I was just in the Austin area this past week. Welcome to
Hello from Dodge City, KS 6th grade Social Studies teacher. I will be lurking for awhile.
Hi! Ro, Elementary School Librarian in Mesquite. Excited for Feb&March World Read Aloud Day & Read Across America!
Terrie from mighty Bluejay land: Katy, TX. I'm honored to be with you tonight.
It's the place to be :) Thanks!
Kathi, AP in Katy. Excited to take part!
Hey ! Urbie. Instructional designer from out west(er)
Jessica, public Montessori instructional coach from TX
Alana, current TX MS math teacher. Excited to join the chat tonight.
Howdy! Laronna from Coppell. HS Science teacher.
Awesome! Glad that you find our posts helpful.
Good evening! Dan ES principal in Houston
Good evening! Amy, principal from Indiana joining in! Negative temps here!!
Hello my friend!!!! How's the cold where you are? It's freezing here!
Hello ! 3rd grade teacher from the !
Lisa, Dir of Tech from Kansas.
Yay, Sandy! Too kind, my friend! Glad you are here.
Hello ! Todd, Elem principal in CA! Here to support by buddy
I love having my friends here. Thanks for joining.
Hi ! I am Todd, Principal of an outstanding middle school in Spurs Country!
K12 Teacher Leadership in the room
We use the
format for questions and answers on
Questions tonight will be coming from
Hi Sandy....FAh-reezing here, too!!!! Brrrrrr! Time to bundle up!
Brett for Iowa (6th Grade Math/Science) lurking through tonight.
Hey ! What's new in the Lone Star State? I'm just freezing in my house south of you! Leslie in Mty, MX.
Here's another edustar that I look up to!!!! Stars are out tonight!
Hi! Sandra from Houston, TX.
Jon from MD
Sleepy but hanging on by a string
Lynn Wolf - 3rd grade teacher in Louisiana, and former TX teacher
Julia, k teacher in Weatherford
Question 1 coming up in 1 minute....
I'm Kelly, a 3rd grade math and science teacher in Granbury, TX!
Hi everyone! I'm currently a full time grad student at
A fellow HS Science teacher. Cool!
Margie Gray..Round Rock TX...4 th
Hey Sandy!!! Stay warm!!! Freezing here! Already called delay tom. due to temps!
Jumping over from to ! But I really need to eat :(
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
join us 3.5.16 at The Sheraton in Frisco, TX!
Hello ! Shaunda, tech instructional specialist from Allen.
Hi Leslie! Great to have you here! Love learning with you :)
Hi Leslie! That's my hometown! https://t.co/7P4WcqjCTX
Hey ! What's new in the Lone Star State? I'm just freezing in my house south of you! Leslie in Mty, MX.
Chris, Middle School Sp Ed Teacher in Huntsville, TX
❤️ my alma mater! TWU rocks!
Josh from SC. I am an Integration Specialist K-12.
Hello everyone! Genise from TX, currently an Administrator in Birmingham, Al.
BRRRRRR..... (But you guys are kind of whimps compared to ppl here) LOLOLOL
Faige retired kinder teacher in Los Angeles
Didn't realize is hosting tonight! come support a great WOC educator!
Q1 retweet --->> https://t.co/7sn2OAdonJ
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
A1 Hm, perhaps how curious the T is in developing their craft of infusing their passions into their craft (filmmaking being mine)
Here is Q1 --->>> https://t.co/zzNOhw73cC
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
A1: Teachers are engaged when they have the freedom and support to teach creatively and progressively.
A1: Teacher engagement is seeing your role as a constant learner...you engage by doing what's best for your students!
Kimberly from TX joining a few minutes late!
Oh yes, that's right! All's well in regioland! A quiet night in the streets of Mexico. Do you visit often?
Heather, elem principal from MO...freezing here too!
A1: all in both mentally and physically. https://t.co/oP2ueYVrDf
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
Elementary/ Sp.Ed. Teacher from MS
They are moving around in the classrooms and not behind a desk!
Curiosity is important. This leads to questioning.
The feeling is mutual, Sandy! :) I love !
A1: Teacher engagement requires depth of learning;always seeking innovative ways to help kids, tenacious spirit, tuned into kids.
a1 T's extending their knowledge and building their craft/ relationships
A1 Teacher engagement is when Ts feel a higher responsibility to the mission of educating kiddos- it doesn't feel like work! :)
A1: willing to persist when the going gets tough; doesn't take easy way out; not just present in attendance but present with sts
I like your idea of pursuing curiosity. I agree, that's a great quality of an engaged educator. https://t.co/UYw4ElV1zZ
A1 Hm, perhaps how curious the T is in developing their craft of infusing their passions into their craft (filmmaking being mine)
A1 Listening to their students and adjusting learning to meet the needs of their students.
A1: Actively caring about their teaching strategies and content. Not teaching the same lesson, the same way for 20 years. Change
A1: Teacher engagement is evident when Ts see their role as their WHY, not as their job.
A1: Teacher engagement is involved in the learning process with the class. Ts should be guiding and encouraging the Ss in class
A1: Deriving joy and pleasure from doing the work. Wanting to do more b//c it's interesting. Following passions and curiosities.
A1: Basically the same as Ss...the attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that Ts show when they are teaching
YES! https://t.co/GKNN8wSJAo
A1: wanting to keep learning, wanting to be @ work, wanting to help Ss, NOT checking out asap or blaming Ps or Ss or admin
A1 how willing the t is to continue to learn. The learning must be congruent with how to impact students.
A1 Ts are engaged when their focus is on the Ss and not just the content.
A1: Continuously seeking PD opportunities & campus involvement and leadership
A1 Teacher engagement: still love what you're doing. Passionate about learning, sharing, inspiring
A1 Seeking answers...collaborative....out of the box thinkers....innovative learning for Ss & own growth https://t.co/K2wNu60zi0
Q1 retweet --->> https://t.co/7sn2OAdonJ
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
A1: I'm surprised so low of a %. Possibly due to guidelines for instruction by district. Testing? Tough question.
a1. Engaged is when you go home at night & go to before Fox/NBC. Need a balance but engaged teachers are never content
A1-T engagement is continually striving to grow, not for self but for Ss. Learning how Ss grow, passions, etc.
A1: I think teacher engagement is really shown in the passion ts bring to their Ss.
A1 I'd also say how reflective the T is, whatever means that may be through
A1: engaged=continuing to get better and intentional relationships with Ss
So true. Too many teachers dust off some old worksheet, make a bunch of copies, and go on autopilot.
Who has time to sit? Constant and purposefully active monitoring.
A1Ts understand that every class has a different set of minds therefore a new plan for growth mindset has to be hatched every yr.
A1 T engagement is learning and planning so that they can provide authentic learning opportunities for Ss to grow.
You should eat. Maslow before Bloom!
Me too! I try to make a point every Sunday to join! !
A0: Eddie Simoneau, Ed Tech Coordinator, Coachella Valley USD, CA
A1 constantly monitoring and adjusting
A1: Ts continuing to learn to improve their craft and S learning
A1 Engagment can't exist unless our work is relevant, meaningful and something that we are passionate about.
A1: 30% really? Bet T's on twitter would disagree w/ that.T engagement is the love of your job visible thru the eyes of your Ss.
The ones who got into this for the RIGHT reasons! To impact our future and be a bright spot for kids! https://t.co/FHb4o4MNzV
A1 Teacher engagement is when Ts feel a higher responsibility to the mission of educating kiddos- it doesn't feel like work! :)
How did they define engagement I'm paranoid, so I see that as being a further attack on ts to push accountability
Russ, FL Principal. A1: 1st is I disagree w/ that poll. More Ts are engaged. Ts are becoming more engaged by collaborating.
A1 Helping other Ts fall in love with teaching....working hard to give all Ss their best.
A1: Teacher engagement means Ts are passionate about their job & are constantly learning & bettering themselves as professionals
Love the support and commitment!
Hi everyone! Hopping late. Jeremy Stewart, Dean in College Station, TX. Eager to learn w/you all.
TWITTER chats and Voxer book clubs for optimal growth!
A1: Ts engagement also shows in their self motivation, seeking out their own learning, and resiliency to obstacles
Little late, but I know I'm in the right spot! I'm Matt. A principal in TX & a huge fan of
Agreed and modeling this so our students develop this mindset.
Hello! Lindsey from Arkansas! Elementary Principal!
A1 Shares results, asks for input, collaborates with other educators in the building & to grow PLNs, knows Ss at a deep level.
A1: Engaged T's provide an experience in their classrooms that Ss can't wait to get to each morning!
I think I work that way too Thom Kid's love hearing that we are passionate & have interests
It is not a job! It is a calling! https://t.co/qJbLevp8d3
A1 Teacher engagement is when Ts feel a higher responsibility to the mission of educating kiddos- it doesn't feel like work! :)
100% agree with this. I know Twitter and blogs are not the only way to learn, but they both beat TV.
Hey Matt!! Good to see you tonight!
A1 Risk taker, innovative, passionate...
Seriously. I removed my desk because it was a dust and junk collector! Teachers without boundaries!
A1: Teacher engagement requires being networked and collaborative with others, not just in their district but outside of it!
Love it! May I use that Leslie?
A1: continually learning. Seeking to grow. Has contagious passion for learning & creativity. https://t.co/sziwTkb7D7
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
A1: Ts who are engaged are passionate about helping Ss, are willing to constantly learn, teaching isn't just a job for them
Booom! Quote of the day Amy! https://t.co/Ar2MQ6QdPt
A1-T engagement is continually striving to grow, not for self but for Ss. Learning how Ss grow, passions, etc.
Q1 https://t.co/ozQ1rzvavP
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
It's a higher calling! I touch the future! :)
I agree! Ts need to fill their input is important.
A1 Engagement about learning with students as opposed to engaged with "doing school".
It had nothing to do with test scores. You are safe! I will drop the link to the study.
likewise!! It's been a while since I have been able to learn from
All work must be driven by constant conferring! Listening and questioning each and every day!
A1: Engaged Ts have 2b out & about with the Ss. Active monitoring, adjusting lessons, powerzone, documenting progress & RtI
Engaged teacher are often not able to "clock out". https://t.co/5DfcV10n84
A1: 30% really? Bet T's on twitter would disagree w/ that.T engagement is the love of your job visible thru the eyes of your Ss.
Absolutely! Engaged teachers see beyond themselves and look to a greater good! https://t.co/Wj0XFKlqra
A1-T engagement is continually striving to grow, not for self but for Ss. Learning how Ss grow, passions, etc.
Chris Fisher from Mo City, TX FBISD....HS Aquatic Science
A1- enthusiastic about teaching & learning; promote creativity, inspiration, motivation - always looking to improve
hi from Pittsburgh, I teach Spanish. A1 T invested in learning w.Ss, is curious, seeks personal growth too
Q2: What does teacher engagement look like at your school?
A:1 T engagement is genuinely wanting to plan effective lessons, analyze data, participate in school functions.
A1: keep learning, keep trying new things, keep listening to the Ss and feedback, keep connecting, etc.
Sure, it's not mine! It's floating around out there. You can probably find a meme of it if you google it!
A1 Engaged teachers arrive early, go home when they're tired (teachers are never done) and ask forgiveness more than permission.
Teacher engagement is when they are seeing & focused for opportunity & not obligation! When going gets tough the tough get going!
A1: Maybe taking ownership? substantially modifying and improving your practice incrementally.
A2: Constant interaction with kiddos and colleagues, always questioning, wanting to be better. Always learning about their kids.
BOOM! We LOVE what we do! No other place I'd rather be than learning w kiddos https://t.co/DPhiAG33lG
A1: 30% really? Bet T's on twitter would disagree w/ that.T engagement is the love of your job visible thru the eyes of your Ss.
"Tenacious spirit"- love this, Bethany!
A1: T engagement is evident when Ts are excited about what they do & are always learning.
MISSION in SO many levels!
A2: Teacher engagement looks like effective co-planning and colleagues inspiring each other to try new strategies.
A1: T.E. is a teacher who is in the moment & uses what happened yesterday to create a present so learning moves forward tomorrow.
Yep. We are trying to open those lines of communication via Twitter & school visits.
Learning WITH Ss, not just teaching! YES!! https://t.co/eO70SjSOMH
A1: Teacher engagement is involved in the learning process with the class. Ts should be guiding and encouraging the Ss in class
A2: Ts are engaged when they are asking questions, sharing what their class is doing, or seeking out others to collaborate w/
Never content...never satisfied...always wanting to do more! https://t.co/QNFKM70toS
a1. Engaged is when you go home at night & go to before Fox/NBC. Need a balance but engaged teachers are never content
Have traveled/worked outside the US for many years and my learners always wanted me to relate things to those travels
A1. Teacher engagement is being a LIFELONG LEARNER by collaborating and listening to others around you!
A2: Smiling faces! Ts who are excited about changes they can make in a child's life that day. Every day is a new start
We must repurpose our role in education to inspire tomorrow's leaders!
A1 Teachers are engaged when we are motivated to use our creativity. We become disengaged as we lose freedom to change & adapt.
A1 Engaged teachers are driven by a growth mindset & they love what they do.
A2: constant collaborative conversations...in the hall, lounge, bathroom...everywhere.
A1: at least Gallup isn't telling us only 30% are engaged AT work :)
A2 our teachers are excited, creative and committed to improving the lives of all kids through learning.
A1:Commitment to purpose Constant desire 2 make learning, relationships meaningful for students and compelled 2 enhance outcomes
Meaningful collaboration and purposeful practice to become better.
A2: Planning strong lessons; active PLC collaboration; sponsoring a myriad of st activities - with kids in and out of class
That's great. I just got my wife a scratch off map of the US where you scratch off where you've been.
A2: Looks like laughter, Ss learning, & having fun.It's best teaching practices w/ heavy doses of relevance & passion.
Student engagement comes from teacher engagement. Have we met the desired outcomes?
Joining late but excited to chat teacher engagement with all of you and !
Good to see you tonight, Matt! How has your weekend been?
A1: Engaged teachers create learning opportunities to ensure students are learning. They are not just presenting information.
A2: Reflection. Time to decompress today's lessons and learning and move forward from the new now.
A1: Ts doing their best to teach, learn and impact other educators
A1: T engagement is demonstrating knowledge they possess (students, TEKS, etc) & supporting their colleagues daily!
A2- a willingness to try new things, making the most of time spent with students, open minded to possibilities
This is what it is all about! https://t.co/aRqgtZQEJj
A2 our teachers are excited, creative and committed to improving the lives of all kids through learning.
A2: Ts at Ss events; Ts hosting carnivals on weekends; Ts doing block walks; Ts knowing Ss
Truer words haven't been spoken, my friend!
A2: At my school engagement is sharing success & promoting excellence. Ts are expected to set the bar high for the Ss to achieve
Love it Heidi...definitely sounds like a room I would want to be in!! https://t.co/6RsS5Eah1e
A2: Looks like laughter, Ss learning, & having fun.It's best teaching practices w/ heavy doses of relevance & passion.
Teacher engagement looks like teachers who are so passionate that they can't stop smiling when explaining their lesson
A2 Grade lvl planning is THE vital foundation for ea day, Ts and Admin plan together, bring ideas, brainstorm, leave invigorated.
We did that in my classroom, I asked Ss to mark off any place they had family/heritage in, had traveled to, etc.
A2: Engaged T's have the 4 C's in the front of their mind: Creativy, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, & Communication.
Same here! We have started a learning # and are partnering w another school for learning walkthroughs. https://t.co/6VzLsyQmvT
Yep. We are trying to open those lines of communication via Twitter & school visits.
My leader says, "No islands when you're teaching!" https://t.co/mQUpzFXxu2
A2: Constant interaction with kiddos and colleagues, always questioning, wanting to be better. Always learning about their kids.
How many Ts on Twitter as a %age of total? Are we the tip of the iceberg?
For me its when students can see I am motivated by what I am doing and then they want to share in the experience
It looks silly, focused & fun for students! Its relentless & all in for kids with egos left at the door! Project base & authentic
A2 At my school T engagement is team planning both vertically and horizontally. I see sharing and growing daily.
A2: Daily PDR, PLCs, campus events, PD opportunities. Building a community w/ Ss at the center
A2: teachers finding a way to connect, not just getting through a lesson.
Any surprising places show up?
A2 Some collab during common time, work w/Ss whenever, excited to share ideas, working on new ideas for Ss, active
A1: way to hard to answer this in 140 characters. Great Q
A2: There is an energy you can feel in a classroom of an engaged T. Ss are actively involved in the learning.
teachers collaborating about students, digging deeper to ask questions that will impact learning. Learning with kids.
A2: constantly trying to improve, collaborating with our team, observing other ts, PLCs
A2: Teachers incorporating their own interests into instruction.
A2: Engaged teachers are passionate and excited. You can see it, hear it, and feel it in them. They share!
Love it, thanks for providing clarity, Bethany!
An "open door" policy, even during "breaks" or lunch. Some teachers demonstrate it, some teacher don't
A2: Working together, sharing ideas, sharing resources.
We had a very diverse Ss population, it was amazing to see all the influences and ties to other countries & languages
A2: Teacher engagement is when we are looking at how to help our Ss be successful and not worrying about a grade.
A2 My school is SO full of talent. We reach across levels to grow our babies!
A2 My school is SO full of talent. We reach across levels to grow our babies!
Yes! You can easily check the vital signs of a classroom just by observing.
You're so welcome! It helps my own clarity to verbalize! https://t.co/ZPFBku5PDe
Love it, thanks for providing clarity, Bethany!
...at SES it involves teachers collaborating & listening to each other to help ALL students learn! https://t.co/EgYsO17nHg
Q2: What does teacher engagement look like at your school?
A2-Building together. Growing, sharing, collaborating. We r a team for kids, growing & learning together! Awesome staff!!
A2: Engaged teaches build and maintain positive relationships with students.
A2: Taking risk. Stretching students thinking and opening doors to creativity through cross curricular projects.
Preach! When we lose these aspects of ourselves, it's time to reevaluate. https://t.co/F9310BjZop
A2: Engaged T's have the 4 C's in the front of their mind: Creativy, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, & Communication.
A2 Committed, caring, and passionate.
At my school, Ts are on the floor w/students, side by side w/their peers and they have the attitude that we are in this together!
The T's I have met on twitter & F2F are incredibly engaged & just never stop learning & always looking to improve.
A2 Teacher engagement looks like "organized chaos". Teachers out of their seats inspiring students' curiosity, not silence.
A2 T engagement is Ts collaborating throughout the day and texting/emailing after hours. It's new S projects & smiling faces.
If we want our students to be engaged in learning, I think we need to be engaged in learning at the adult level first!
A2: It looks like desire to share what is working. When you believe in something and it's working, you want it to see it take off
A2 Laughter joy curiosity empowerment student voice/choice Building trust & relationships to allow for that!
A2 Everyone is happy to be there, lots of support,we feel comfortable asking for help, putting together projects, celebrating Ss.
A2 "Engagement" @ school varies- sitting at desk/watching movies to lively discussions/activities/real learning w kids
A1: T engagement is reflected in T growth. Seeking to be better& more innovative, always being better than the day before
A2 one of our English teachers just put out her first novel. Pretty cool to see Ts practicing their trade outside the classroom
I notice that many responses include fun and laughter! Love this!!
Yes! I always describe my classes as "organized chaos."
A1: T engagement also has to do with culture and leadership!
A2: Engaged teachers are always close to kids! Side by side, on the floor, face to face, etc.
. an open door policy for what purpose? Sometimes teachers need to disengage. That's okay too.
A2 Teachers work together as a community of learners. They take risks & aren't afraid to fail.
A2: teacher engagement looks a lot like love.
Jen, Rdg Coach in Fl. A1- T engmt means that Ts actively deepen knowledge of practice, reflect, & look for ways to be innovative
A2: Not sure, because I don't think busy-ness is the right/only answer. Ts not settling for status quo or defaulting to BIWWAD.
Asking each other about what we can do better for our STs!
A1: Teacher engagement is counting down the days until I can come to school as Ben Franklin. Bifocal selfies!!
A2: The teachers who realize and embrace they aren't your kids; they're ALL our kids!
A2: The teachers who realize and embrace they aren't your kids; they're ALL our kids!
Yes! Relationships are key! They are building them with families as well.
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A1: Constantly learning to attain the best instr for Ss. Not sticking with just what "worked last year" https://t.co/GJjQbfmJqD
Q1: According to Gallup, only 30% of teachers are engaged in their work? How would you define teacher engagement?
Just beginning to build it! We are keeping it open ended but providing overarching look fors. I don't want it canned.
Here is Q3 ---->>>> https://t.co/LIwXN2GaJQ
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A1: teacher engagement: T as active participant not just in her classroom but throughout her team, campus, district & profession
That is the way our campus was as well Sanee, our admin team would always be doing that as well. I loved it!
Is it time for a shameless plug? Lifelong Learning has a chat: I'm trying something on. https://t.co/m5NrxoFKPz
A1. Teacher engagement is being a LIFELONG LEARNER by collaborating and listening to others around you!
We hit a roadblock when school leaders focus on fixing the past so we can't step into the future. Be engaged don't just talk it.
Love the learning # idea!
Dan...tell me more about your"Buckeye" status. I married an OSU grad from Mentor, OH!
Yes! https://t.co/5aA5lI5voY
A2: Engaged teachers are always close to kids! Side by side, on the floor, face to face, etc.
A2: Teachers testing and improving throughout the school day. Last period's lesson better than 1st period.
That makes me smile! 😀 https://t.co/CB3kFyLpXE
At my school, Ts are on the floor w/students, side by side w/their peers and they have the attitude that we are in this together!
Q3 retweet --->> https://t.co/oEF8I0uX84
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
Agreed! You feel it as soon as you walk into your building! I'm blessed! https://t.co/HbcVW7wcws
A2: There is an energy you can feel in a classroom of an engaged T. Ss are actively involved in the learning.
I like how you included risks! We have to model this for our students. It's our job!
A1 Ts that find learning from & with Ss invigorating. The challenge fascinates and motivates. Inquiry is 2nd nature to them.
In the trenches. Not at the desk...
True, but some teachers are so welcoming, the kids know their room is a safe space. That's needed as well.
A2: More in action after school, collaborating during PLC and their own planning
a3 Complience is an obligation. Commitment is to honor our S's learning.
. building sense of community is important. When Ts are engaged and passionate that community becomes easier to create
Love this Bethany! When I think about my day w/1st graders- I never have 1 sec. w/o one and I LOVE that! https://t.co/PKsDJC4jji
A2: Engaged teachers are always close to kids! Side by side, on the floor, face to face, etc.
A3: Doing the minimum/what has always been done vs. pushing the envelope and doing what is best for the Ss
A2- Engagement involves team planning and collaboration, ongoing PD, instructional rounds, and sharing of best practices
A2: Engaged Ts are more interested in listening than speaking: the basis of authentic S relationships
If we want to build a culture of learning in our classrooms, we first need to have a culture of learning as professionals!
A3: Teacher compliance is because I have to...Commitment is because it drives me...it's a passion!
A3: Teacher compliance is because I have to...Commitment is because it drives me...it's a passion!
A3: Compliance-I have to...Committment-I get to!...Is there passion there? Do you love it? or Are you just collecting a paycheck?
Teacher engagement at my campus is evident when they are Co teaching and enjoying their own learning as they teach!
A2- students working together at desks, on the floor, under desks, etc. teachers differentiating for students in small groups.
Compliance comes with my paycheck. Commitment comes with my buy-in. https://t.co/ckvOxLLV7l
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A3: compliance = doing the bare minimum; commitment = doing whatever it takes
Awesome answer and spot on!
A3 compliance=doing it because I am asked commitment=doing it because I believe!
A3: just like student compliance, teacher compliance is not about changing practice (just 'acting'). Commitment is real change.
The time? Great! When I saw your lifelong learner I couldn't resist sharing ! Thanks!
A2 Ts, Admin, we stop Ss in the hall 2 congratulate,ask after, encourage or discuss troubles regardless of who they belong to.
A3: Commitment is so much more fun, isn't it? The idea that you will commit to awesome experiences for your Ss is fantastic!
A2:T engagement is a palpable experience. It resonates passion motivation. Has instructional rigor, quality learning experiences
That is awesome! We are hosting a school and they are hosting us. We want our kids to see us as learners! https://t.co/TpGSI7lz17
Agreed- presenting to mentors and new teachers...have some open ended questions- want them to be excited about it!
A2: When you stop at complying, you settle for "good enough". Don't kids deserve our commitment to be the best for them?
Q3: Compliance is doing what I have to do. Commitment is doing what I love to do because I MUST make a difference.
A2 When my kids were in K-12 the engaged Ts.. Came in at night for astronomy, did science camp fireside chats, asked real Qs.
A3 Compliance is waiting to be told what to do Commitment is your admin waiting for next innovative idea from kids in your rm
We must never be afraid to go to the level of our students. We help them reach higher levels of success by being their ladders!
A3- compliance lacks passion
A3 - compliance - doing what's asked, commitment - innovation, outside box, risk taker.
A3: compliance is doing things to keep your job. Commitment is doing what is right for kids.
A3 Compliance = I have to. Commitment = I want to.
A3: Compliance - meeting requirements, checking off the list; commitment - doing what's best for kids whatever it takes
Compliance: rule standard focus
Commitment: doing what's best for students
A3: The difference is a product of administration. Compliance is often a product of too much micromanaging.
I have learned about asking forgiveness part. can help others see that their way is not the only way to get things done
A3: The actual word "compliance" makes me want to barf! Commitment to our Ss is much more exciting & innovative!
A3: Compliance is driven from the top down, commitment comes from a true culture of learning.
A3: Teacher compliance is doing what you're told. Teacher engagement is asking what you can try in order to improve.
A3: T compliance is doing what you are told, T commitment is doing it b/c you want to. Commitment usually leads to shared vision
A3: teacher only worried about compliance don't usually add to your culture.
Take it a step further....because you own it! https://t.co/7sGNeXsnP9
Compliance comes with my paycheck. Commitment comes with my buy-in. https://t.co/ckvOxLLV7l
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A3: When you stop at complying, you settle for "good enough". Don't kids deserve our commitment to be the best for them?
A3 T compliance is doing just enough. T commitment is staying late, planning, reflecting, etc.
A3: Compliance=Minimum Requirements. Commitment=Seeking Additional Opportunities
A2: T engagement looks like teachers working WITH Ss and WITH others to grow. Not to just pass a test. Doing what is best 4 Ss
A3 Its hard to go to work when you're in compliance mode. Takes work and reframing of mind to continually stay in commitment mode
A3: compliance is obligation while commitment is opportunity! Commitment is relentless for children! It's my school
A3: Compliance = under duress/fear of "what if." Commitment = on own terms, a calling.
A2: Ts having fun trying to escape a game! Learning while teaching Ps after school
Q3: compliance is shallow; commitment is deep
I'm not a teacher (yet). I learned those behaviors in the US Navy & working at Intel
Hopefully "compliance" isn't our goal! That trains us not to think... just do, not to aspire... just follow directions...
A3 Going above and beyond what is required.
A3: compliance is doing work because you have to, commitment is work you love and want to do.
Yes, yes, & YES! https://t.co/joBKsv9wNE
A3: When you stop at complying, you settle for "good enough". Don't kids deserve our commitment to be the best for them?
You have to be able to be giddy when you're doing the most important work ever! We have our STs future in our hands!
A3: Compliant Ts think "I have to..." Commited Ts think "I get to..." You reap what you sew. Students need us to sew excellence!
BAM! THIS! https://t.co/ojKFL7fflu
A3: compliance is doing work because you have to, commitment is work you love and want to do.
A3: meeting basic "expectation(s)" vs. pushing the envelop. Take calc risks. Ask why Qs. Look at data and find the challenges
A3-Compliance=following a contract. Commitment=not concerned w/ time, but does what it takes for Ss
A3: compliance is doing what we are told. Commitment is pushing the envelope and challenging the why for the betterment of Ss
A3 Heart, Passion, Rapport... a true desire to see Ss lives changed. https://t.co/7VJVdkEdzW
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A3: Compliance is admitting that status quo is good enough! Engagement is knowing there is more that can be done.
BOOM! https://t.co/TYMYI0z5tT
Q3: Compliance is doing what I have to do. Commitment is doing what I love to do because I MUST make a difference.
Complience is system oriented,put it first. Commitment is being S centered.
A3 Committed teachers inspire others & their instruction is student-centered. Compliant teachers are just checking off boxes.
A3 Compliant- this is JUST a job Committed- The future of these kids is in my hands, I will not be lazy with their future.
A3- Commitment is almost tangible-staff members going above and beyond, not just complying
Great explanation! https://t.co/hzbw6boNru
A3: compliance = doing the bare minimum; commitment = doing whatever it takes
this has me thinking that goal for district should first be T engagement b/c this will drive goal of ss engagement
Yes, sir! Right on, Jason. I dig this..!
A3 Addendum: Is anyone else happy to see they got the answer to 3 "right?" Poll the audience. hehe
Offering the opportunity for students to be engaged in the learning process and having students freely accept this opportunity
Love this! Commitment can always be centered on what is best for the students.
We want to get the ones who seize that opportunity! That's who I want on my team! https://t.co/ZYKQkRLKDc
A3: compliance is obligation while commitment is opportunity! Commitment is relentless for children! It's my school
Compliance is going through the motions! Commitment is making your own Motions...going outside the box! https://t.co/l3XgzlfFp2
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
You guys are on fire tonight! My tweetdeck is about to blow up!
A3 the difference between T compliance & T commitment is attitude--I have to vs I want to
A2: T engagement looks like… innovation, creation, & collaboration.
Compliance punches a time clock, commitment forgets to sign in because kids are in her room b4 school https://t.co/vspoRASGLW
Compliance comes with my paycheck. Commitment comes with my buy-in. https://t.co/ckvOxLLV7l
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
Are you missing this great convo at ? Learning from amazing educators. https://t.co/twlk3hF9hN
A3 Compliance is waiting to be told what to do Commitment is your admin waiting for next innovative idea from kids in your rm
Exactly! That is why we must personalize learning for Ts, empower to take charge of their own growth! https://t.co/JLdTQGlziJ
this has me thinking that goal for district should first be T engagement b/c this will drive goal of ss engagement
A3: Compliance=because you say so. Commitment=because is the right thing to do, I'll learn and my Ss deserve the best from me
Q4: What role does leadership play in teacher engagement?
Free Teacher Leader resources at https://t.co/pU01NWIvLc Understand, Grow and Empower Teachers to be Leaders in Schools!
A3: Compliance is doing what is asked of you & nothing more...Commitment is being there no matter what they ask because you care
T compliance - they do it only to a minimum & complain along the way. T commitment is when they embrace and go beyond expected
Q2 it looks like Ts leaning in & listening, thinking & responding or pushing. Studying what they see & hear with colleagues
A3: The difference between teacher compliance & commitment is creating Buy In & Ownership. Invested teachers are committed.
Focus on the WHO Get the right people on the bus! That's what this edustar admin does! https://t.co/WLyL37HIFb
We want to get the ones who seize that opportunity! That's who I want on my team! https://t.co/ZYKQkRLKDc
A3: compliance is obligation while commitment is opportunity! Commitment is relentless for children! It's my school
Or hiding behind a T table. Engaged T's can also be found in other teachers classrooms. https://t.co/KJjRNHUfP3
In the trenches. Not at the desk...
A3 Some Ts comply because they do not fully believe in mandates/program. That does not mean they are not committed to Ss
Awesome! Words have power. Flip the script and change our thinking as well as our teammates.
Word! https://t.co/CgkOt6hAQA
A3: Teacher compliance is because I have to...Commitment is because it drives me...it's a passion!
A3) compliance=aiming for a Ts version of a 70 commitment=aiming for that one hundo! https://t.co/7JYB461Or4
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A4: leadership must inspire, remove barriers, and celebrate engagement
A3 Commitment makes you do what you don't want to do with JOY bc your heart is connected to the work. https://t.co/IUIGPZibBh
Q3 retweet --->> https://t.co/oEF8I0uX84
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A4 The more trust and autonomy given from admin, the more engaged in your work you are.
A4: Engaged teachers are natural leaders and will pave the way by being catalysts for change.
A3. Compliance is all about what "they" expect you to do. Commitment is what you choose to do because you want to give your best.
Amen!! Preach my friend... https://t.co/wW9L2UPOzc
A3: Compliance-I have to...Committment-I get to!...Is there passion there? Do you love it? or Are you just collecting a paycheck?
Love this, Jessica! It's so true!
A4: Leaders are the T and Ts are the Ss. We are taught to encourage. Foster learning & independence. Leaders need to do the same!
Compliance is upholding archaic practices & processes! Its fear of change! Commitment is pushing boundaries, authentic & relevant
A3 Compliance is unmotivated. Commitment is doing what's best for your ss.
A4: It's the leader's responsibility to build a culture with consistent goals that faculty can commit to.
We must be engaged in our learning if we expect students to be engaged n learning. Continuous Impvmnt
Sharing ideas w other Ts= passion for their craft; if excited and sharing= likely engaged in the CR https://t.co/hyMTjtQBjh
Q2: What does teacher engagement look like at your school?
Leadership can fuel commitment , or crush it. Incredible imp for it to work.
A4: Leadership's role needs to be supportive and encouraging so that Ts can do what is best for their Ss.
A4: Ts who lead by example can inspire others and raise the standards for what it takes to be an effective educator.
A3 Compliance is meeting objectives. Commitment means I live, breath and recreate myself through my passion of teaching!
Boom! Gr8 thoughts being shared tonight at . Qs are on point..! https://t.co/bFhtSErHmj
You guys are on fire tonight! My tweetdeck is about to blow up!
My be committed to Ss but are missing a little vision of what can be- need to connect w like minded eds
Engaged teachers and students know that success in life is about finding yourself, not meeting a standard https://t.co/VUA9JhejJi
A1 Engaged Ts create learning environments that build Ss confidence & participate in collab cultures that increase S learning
A2: at my school, engagement means active participation in planning, PLC, & campus based decisions. Seeking resources from PD
100% of Ts on Twitter are probably engaged Ts, but is that 30% of Ts total? Curious.
So true. One of my favorite things is getting the opportunity to pioneer change within my school. https://t.co/646swPAing
A4: Engaged teachers are natural leaders and will pave the way by being catalysts for change.
Q4: leadership is engagement and it can come from within or without.
A3: compliance exists as a result of micromanagement by admin. Commitment happens when the T is free to create and design.
Let's quote this one too! RT forever! https://t.co/HFLY4Lm46O
Compliance comes with my paycheck. Commitment comes with my buy-in. https://t.co/ckvOxLLV7l
Q3: What is the difference between teacher compliance and teacher commitment?
A3 I think teachers often get pulled through the ringer, when programs/mandates change it erodes and
A4- motivation; supplying the trust that new ideas are safe and valued; appreciation of hard work everyday
A4: leaders have to be the catalysts for engagement. If a leader is not inspired themselves then they will never inspire others
A4-Leaders need to be engaged in the learning process too! Be in the trenches, model, celebrate success, say YES!
A4: It's not the teacher's responsibility to blindly commit to whatever the admin places in front of them.
Absolutely! You are speaking my language! https://t.co/4dlTsHpLX7
Leadership can fuel commitment , or crush it. Incredible imp for it to work.
A4 Leadership should support all aspects of T engagement....planning, collaborating, sharing, etc.
A3: Commitment is a personal promise to achieve. Compliance is an action promoted by force or outside expectation.
A4: As leaders are we asking Ts to comply or be committed...what do we model...our actions/words show what we value more
A4: Leadership can either foster T engagement or kill it outright. I don't think this is greyscale. Feels binary. +
Lord, so many great ones! https://t.co/5MEJTTssqG
A3: compliance = doing the bare minimum; commitment = doing whatever it takes
Yes! Learn with each other. See what your teammates are doing and learn w/or make it your own. https://t.co/WWUAgh8Rk4
Or hiding behind a T table. Engaged T's can also be found in other teachers classrooms. https://t.co/KJjRNHUfP3
In the trenches. Not at the desk...
Very much like commitment being what we do when no one is watching! We do for the learners & for our ourselves!
Sometimes your heart is connect to the kids/work but not the leadership, especially the out of building leadership
A3 compliance is following what's asked or perceived.Commitment is going beyond because you need to understand,make a difference
Hey Lorena :) See you tomorrow!
Leaders are to teacher engagement what teachers are to student engagement. We must know our role.
A3 In about any human endeavor commitment yields improvement. Compliance breeds stagnation. Passion & ownership = commitment.
yes an "us vs. them" mentality is definitely created with compliance
A4: Leaders must model what they would like to see in others and provide support and encouragement along the way.
Yes! Huge fan of encouraging teachers to be ambitious in their approach.
A4 Sets up environment/community to empower Ts to be the true vanguards of Sts engagement. We all learn https://t.co/w02TCjpnkM
Q4: What role does leadership play in teacher engagement?
A4: Must show value my providing time for collaboration, rewarding success, providing meaningful feedback.
A4: as a leader, I have become a facilitator for s ownership. The more I support their learning, the more they learn.
A4: Leadership is huge in T engagement. If your leader is not on board w/ the idea of engagement & innovation how can staff be?
A4: Part. You don't have to be leading something to be engaged. However, leading by example is key!
A4 I'm blessed to work for the best! They uplift us to do better. At my campus, you're made to feel like you are at home! Family
A4b) + If it starts out being the former and somehow becomes the latter, I am not sure it's very easy to go back again.
A4: Admins learn to be player, coach, & cheerleader. Model lead learning, positively push Ts, cheer loudly for Ts doing it right!
Leadership is most important thing here! Are we encouraged to aspire or expected to comply?
Perception is everything!
Right on, Amy! and not just time. but also the energy and belief in the SS.
. good point. Engagement works both ways. Need collaboration and feedback for teacher engagement.
I like this analogy https://t.co/stEmexVboE
Leaders are to teacher engagement what teachers are to student engagement. We must know our role.
A4 It's the leader's role to support, encourage, & model commitment
A4: Great leaders support creativity & engagement & failure. Better to try something new than nothing at all.
A4 Sets the stage, expectation, the attitude, the who we are when we walk in the door. Demands a POV of service to the community.
Leaders need to be in classrooms. Teaching with & Encouraging greatness. Model creativity. Communication motivates teammates.
How can an unengaged leader expect to have engaged teachers?
A4 I have had great admin my past 5 yrs but did long term subbing for a really terrible admin before that. How does one deal?
A4- Leadership can help engagement by supporting Ts as they try new and innovative teaching practices- encourage risk-taking-
A4: Leaders need to be in classrooms. Teaching with & Encouraging greatness. Model creativity. Communication motivates teammates.
Yes and leaders have to support those lead teachers so that they can continue to inspire others https://t.co/ZhfqZjc1Ne
A4: Ts who lead by example can inspire others and raise the standards for what it takes to be an effective educator.
A4 Leadership empowers Ts thru quality engaging PD's and building relationships. Bring the excitement in. https://t.co/7O7R1YrPYI
Q4: What role does leadership play in teacher engagement?
A4 leaders are engaged, support Ts efforts, be open to T input, collaboration
A4: Leadership sets the tone and either encourages and supports or crushes Ts engagement. Quality leadership makes or breaks it
I think the engagement is also linear, meaning that teachers have to motivate other teachers, and even push leaders
A4: You lead by example! When I am engaged in doing what's best for students, your rock star teachers join in!
A4: You lead by example! When I am engaged in doing what's best for students, your rock star teachers join in!
A4: Leadership can inspire or leadership can discourage… So important to teachers!
I can't wait for the chat archive. There is some pure awesomeness being sharing. Keep it coming. https://t.co/pM1w7XIRzh
I agree with you! https://t.co/7QXjf2bDZu
A4: Leadership can either foster T engagement or kill it outright. I don't think this is greyscale. Feels binary. +
A4: Teacher voice must be taken as seriously as student voice. Both are key to creating a positive building culture.
A4: Leaders play huge part in setting the tone & they can model it themselves & foster engagement
EXACTLY! That's why I'm so glad that is the leader at our school. He sets a great example. .
. yep that means leaders must actually consider and act on teacher feedback. Or else it stops.
A4- Leaders clear the path for teachers to be awesome, which creates teacher engagement. It becomes cyclical excellence.
Q5: How does teacher engagement influence student engagement?
A4: Through time, encouragement, permission to try something different, admin can support T engagement.
Everyone is responsible to be best that they can be for children! Motivation comes from within & its a personal question for all
A4: All! Leaders set up the tone, create opportunities for collaboration, time and ideas. We must be role models of engagement!
A4: Leadership enhances opportunities for trust building, valuing Ts, providing sharing, collaboration and T decision making.
Teacher leaders like YOU can do amazing things but it sure helps to have admin onboard! https://t.co/E5RVFBvhnW
A4: Leadership is huge in T engagement. If your leader is not on board w/ the idea of engagement & innovation how can staff be?
Engagement can't be contingent upon leadership support. Support is a bonus
A4 Supports T engagement,.Leadership lives not just says: "were here for the kids." Doesnt sit well w compliance, requires more.
So true! A strong team creates a synergism that creates remarkable results!
I think that is true, what we can't account for in the buildings is what happens downtown. It often impacts..
A4 Ls should make an open, comfortable climate where Ts are celebrated-an atmosphere of encouragement & collab, not competition
great point! The days of NOT being an instructional leader and NOT empowering Ts are numbered
A5 IT DOESN'T! Jk. Kids can smell it a mile a way if a teacher doesn't want to be there.
Hey, another eduhero of mine! Hi Sara!
A4 They can encourage engagement...lead the way...make time for Ts to collaborate. https://t.co/uirB8eiIQJ
Q4: What role does leadership play in teacher engagement?
A4) Leadership needs 2walk the walk & talk the talk-Cause we're all models, do ya know what I mean? https://t.co/cSHygypjan
A5: You can't have one w/out the other. Must be genuine though. Kids can tell when you're faking enthusiasm!
Lead by modeling for the teachers what you'd like to see in the classrooms. Build relationships! https://t.co/y0OhczvwXL
A4: Part. You don't have to be leading something to be engaged. However, leading by example is key!
Students are always more engaged when they say I am excited and engaged
A5: T engagement is a key to st engagement; engagement breeds engagement!
Curious too! Majority of Ts I know are so engaged + find purpose in work. A reason I love the profession
A4 I believe the person in the leadership role determines how their community rolls. They'd reward what they model & value.
if leaders aren't in the "trenches" so to speak then they can never know what is going on
He is such a cool guy. I know he is engaged! I hear about it daily!
A5: Engagement is contagious. Students often feed off of their teacher's passion and enthusiasm.
We see this at GE every day! No one bothers to do things at a low level!
Yes, and I really feel the same way about the T-S dynamic. That is spot on, Sanee!
A5: Authentic S engagement won't happen without authentic
T engagement. Kids see right through Ts who aren't in it for them.
A5: Frankly they should be one & the same. It's time Ts get out from behind podiums 2 learn with and from their Ss.
A5: When students can see our passion, it fosters a passion in themselves. Engagement is contagious.
As a former principal, if I had to be fully responsible for engaging staff, I'd burn out
Yes! Set the tone set the stage! https://t.co/HurgalXUgq
A4: Leaders play huge part in setting the tone & they can model it themselves & foster engagement
Excellent teachers know how to design standards-based lessons stemming from children's passions.
Hey there, Sara! Thanks to my girls for being here tonight.
A5: Students know when their teacher is engaged. Their energy is contagious and students can't help but catch it.
A5 when T's are excited, students are excited. It catches like a cold!!
Bethany, I am quoting you at my next PLC! This is so true! https://t.co/A9kKaf3OtU
A4: Engaged teachers are natural leaders and will pave the way by being catalysts for change.
A5: If I love what I am teaching and am constantly finding new ways to deliver info, my Ss will be more invested in learning.
A5: The more engaged and interested the T is in the lesson, the Ss will follow
A5. Engaged Ts craft lessons and units that ignight and engage Ss. Their efforts make learning so much more fun.
S's also feed off Admin engagement! Important for ALL to be engaged at ALL levels! https://t.co/cxMJ4zL1Jy
A5: Engagement is contagious. Students often feed off of their teacher's passion and enthusiasm.
A5 A match will start a forest fire! https://t.co/JjXrWDXayu
Q5: How does teacher engagement influence student engagement?
A4: Engagement and risk taking will improve when when leaders engage in the risk taking
Couldn't agree more Jena, we have to show Ss that we are learners first along with them
A5: Admin is to teacher as teacher is to student. Relationships matter, regardless of the two groups of people involved.
A5: T engagement has everything to do w/S engagement. An unhappy teacher creates an unhappy environment which equals unhappy Ss
OMG! You know Jay? Lucky you! It's a small, small world!
A5: Ts can't fake it! Ss are smart and know when Ts aren't being authentic.
Q3 The diff between T compliance and commitment is congruent to the diff between working from your head vs your heart
Can you send the link to the poll when you get the chance...
As the leader I pave way for all in my building to be leaders & own our journey! Gang mentality of all in! Relentless 4 children!
Engagement/Enthusiasm: Hope everyone gets infected and that there's an outbreak! Agree- it's contagious!
A5 If teacher is engaged, students are engaged. Everyone learning together.
Agreed! Engagement should not be compartmentalized.
A5: if Ts aren’t engaged and passionate about learning… Ss won’t catch on
girlpower! Happy to support the awesome tonight. :)
A5: Directly. Ss can sense Ts passion & commitment. We must lead by example & empower our Ss
My school does a practice called Project Week. A week to learn whatever you want. No class. https://t.co/rxuDaLik3b
A5- there is an unequivocally, absolute, direct correlation
A5: It's all a trickle down effect...Admin to Ts to Ss...Ps are engaged by Ts and Ss levels too..engagement is powerful!!
A5 Engagement is contagious. Ss see Ts passion and interest and respond to it.
If you think about your school, how many Ts there are on here? That might give you a %age. Mine is low.
It's amazing that students often know which teachers are engaged in their work. Ask them. They will tell you.
A5- can't have one without the other!
I agree! So many great quotes. Thanks for the engaging qs.
A5: Enthusiasm is contagious! You've got to be excited when you deliver your lessons! Get your Ss pumped up! Smile!
What exactly do we mean by engagement...
A5:People who feel valued are innovative, enthusiastic, culture conscious and adapt to change. Ss are receivers of quality inst.
A5: when Ts are passionately engaged, Ss feel it & join. Hooks can't be set if we are flat w/instruction.
A5: Directly. Ss can sense Ts passion & commitment. We must lead by example & empower our Ss
A5 The more Ts are energetic and engaged, the more the students will follow and be engaged! It's contagious!
A5- T need to model a love for learning, its contagious. The more a ownership a S has over learning the more engaged S will be
A5 Students emulate their Ts. When they see Ts engaged, it encourages their engagement.
A5: If the T is excited and engaged in the learning the Ss will in-turn be engaged and learning. Let the Ss influence the lessons
A4:Do Ps support T engagement when it's outside the Ps comfort zone? Do Ts feel their engmt is valued? https://t.co/GprlXyf4of
Q4: What role does leadership play in teacher engagement?
A5 knowing that we are excited to teach, share knowledge, engaged & invested in helping Ss learn & grow
Yes! Yes! Yes! So true!
It's amazing that students often know which teachers are engaged in their work. Ask them. They will tell you.
A5 Teacher engagement & student engaging go hand-in-hand. I've had students who have inspired me to grow & learn!
Teacher Leaders must educate and advocate to principals the need to create culture of empowerment!
Any Ss care to contribute? S input on this would be very interesting! https://t.co/ipHwdk1txs
A5: Ts can't fake it! Ss are smart and know when Ts aren't being authentic.
They know when we care for them and can ask/do/learn more together only be being invested in our kids
Passionate Instruction is not a "Fake it to make it" kind of practice.
Get on the floor with students! The perspective is amazing!
For sure! Being honest with successes & less than successes is really important for our Ss to see & learn from!
The linked video was actually MY project week; a film documenting what the week is all about
A5 Simply put, we give students a REASON to not miss a day of school.They thrive, are empowered and feel ownership of their work.
That is QUOTABLE, my friend! YES! https://t.co/nTt1fgdpvF
Passionate Instruction is not a "Fake it to make it" kind of practice.
You've got it! Ss will open up to true honesty, empathy and kindness
A5 They are directly related... low T engagement leads to unengaged Sts. And the gap in learning starts to grow.
A5: it certainly must go hand in hand but authenticity and relevance are the keystone.
A5: Ss feel safe taking risks when they see their Ts taking risks.
Absolutely! Why don't kids have a voice in recognizing great Ts? Doesn't make sense https://t.co/WPKLy74UZD
Yes! Yes! Yes! So true!
It's amazing that students often know which teachers are engaged in their work. Ask them. They will tell you.
PS sometimes compliance comes from rules, regs, and changes. It erodes trust and autonomy and kills engagement
A4: leaders must inspire, recognize T's that are engaged & support their risk taking. Hold those not engaged accountable.
Yes. The desired outcome!
Unless it's just one of those days. Then you put a smile and give them your best :)
A4: as a principal I tried to remove all obstacles to T genius and risk taking
Q6: Teachers reported that they do not feel their voices are heard at work. How is teacher voice amplified at your school?
They have some responsibility in it as well. Principals create the conditions for engagement.
A5: if the T is excited and passionate about learning the Ss will be too!
THIS! https://t.co/RoO2w3Chvs
Teacher Leaders must educate and advocate to principals the need to create culture of empowerment!
Wholeheartedly agree! Same can be said for staff and their principals! https://t.co/kyamXLR4ly
It's amazing that students often know which teachers are engaged in their work. Ask them. They will tell you.
It's contagious! Ts excitement/engagement in a safe environment positive reinforcer 4 Sts 2do same:Engage in learning
Q6 retweet --->> https://t.co/ElRhS8ou1v
Q6: Teachers reported that they do not feel their voices are heard at work. How is teacher voice amplified at your school?
Sometimes being overwhelmed with the mandates & meetings blur admins memory that they are Ts too.
And find the joy in kiddos to fill the void! https://t.co/hORAszLoHq
Unless it's just one of those days. Then you put a smile and give them your best :)
Teaching is a craft, takes skill and very high E. I. To understand the
Can you fully expect me to be engaged, when you are controlling curriculum, pacing, evaluation, standards..etc
Maybe we're scared of how it wouldn't line up against other evaluations https://t.co/Ha1UuGVjKb
Absolutely! Why don't kids have a voice in recognizing great Ts? Doesn't make sense https://t.co/WPKLy74UZD
Yes! Yes! Yes! So true!
It's amazing that students often know which teachers are engaged in their work. Ask them. They will tell you.
Same here! Ts have to have open minds and be willing to be inspired by Ss. https://t.co/M0VADpQOaf
A5 Teacher engagement & student engaging go hand-in-hand. I've had students who have inspired me to grow & learn!
Here is Q6 -->>> https://t.co/5mIoGGE0zU
Q6: Teachers reported that they do not feel their voices are heard at work. How is teacher voice amplified at your school?
When Ts are excited about teaching, Ss are excited to learn
A5: Teachers must have autonomy in order to be authentically engaged. They cannot be micromanaged. PERIOD.
Powerful, Simple, Relevant, Engaging and Exciting!
Indeed, but when Ts are engaged those days are far less than those disengaged.
absolutely. I see it as being a matter of shared responsibility
A6: Depends on leadership & the staff U R surrounded by. Listening to teacher voice has to be woven into the culture of a school.
Seeing lots of the word Contagious!!
I like how you included ownership. Students need to feel a sense of ownership over their learning experience.
If we aren't ready to try new things... If we aren't ready to seek things that challenge us...
How can we expect our Ss to?
A5 The teachers I meet via & make me want to be like them. I'd think it's like that with kids in school, too.
A6: I don't emember folks like & even having a door to their office. Empowerment & voice grows Ts
I'm looking forward to watching your video! Your students are lucky to have you!
AMEN! So worth the work! https://t.co/xH8dDoHmwk
Excellent teachers know how to design standards-based lessons stemming from children's passions.
A7: The Ts are trusted to do what they they think is best for the Ss and we are supported to try new and innovative lessons.
A6: Have to be visible, have ways to know what's going on, have to be approachable
This is why schools must have a culture that is empowering = empower teachers to take risks and inspire students!
A6: It seems to get boiled down to making yourself heard by the dept. head and hope that your message gets carried on to admin :/
Inspire. Ignite, Fuel, spark, fire. Love the visual.
Teachers are principals of their classroom. They are the experts. Principals are generalists. Together we are a powerful team
Powerful! https://t.co/ER3sT87Rd5
It's a sad situation, being anchored in the office by mandates&meetings when they need to be leading in the classroom.
A6 If Ts voice is not heard- Ts can be more proactive- brand classroom and share via SM great learning etc. Build PR w community
A5: how many Ss struggle with behavior when engaged by an engaged teacher? Students want to do the right thing for the engaged T
A5 When Ts collaborate successfully, they want the same collaborative learning experiences for Ss https://t.co/SgBy05D8RB
A6: Multiple avenues to provide input & ideas. Discussion. Conversation. Collaboration.
BINGO. That is the same reason why children lose enthusiasm....
A6: If a group of Ts bands together their collective voice is very hard to ignore. We also need to get over ourselves at times.
A6: Shared decision making, depth of discussion, transparency of sharing concerns, opportunities to problem solve!
A5: Engagement is like a drop of water. Once it starts it influences everybody like a ripple effect! Be that drop!
It's a matter of modelling, Ss will follow
Ts are heard through our PLCS and planning, campus CIT meetings, but more so because the leadership team listening and asking ?
A6: Two ways: 1. Lead with yes! 2. Let teachers own their PD and learning!
A6: Two ways: 1. Lead with yes! 2. Let teachers own their PD and learning!
A6: My IC makes sure that our teachers voices are heard. Having a strong support like that makes all the difference.
A6- Teacher voice is heard through a collaborative culture where we all work towards putting our students first
A6: heartfelt listening and thorough follow through. Could do a better job using staff survey data/exit tickets
A6 Actions (and results) speak loudest of all. Soft voices tend to be the ones I have heeded most often in my life.
A6: when Ts hear their voices in your words and actions they will know they've been heard.
You bet it is! People are meant to be uplifted and empowered, not micromanaged and controlled. https://t.co/kHMACWlmkk
BINGO. That is the same reason why children lose enthusiasm....
A6- many ways to gather input/voice. Most importantly is that teachers see their voice matters- that you listen and respond.
A6: by constantly being in classrooms it becomes easier to understand needs. Surveys also help understand needs and hear voice
I agree! This is so important. Admin at my school spend a LOT of walkthroughs every day they can. The kids know them
A6: Admin practices open door policy. Can go in and approach with ideas. Questions are asked but in a supportive way.
I meet w/teams quarterly & team leaders monthly. I tell them to ask for anything. I make myself available. I ask for feedback.
A6: Strong principal that respects teacher input…many innovative opportunities in classroom
So true Knikole, that is how we work/teach w/our learners & we grow professionally in same environment
Well said. Ts can't take risks and be experimental if they are under control by admins.
A5 directly linked! If teachers aren't engaged in the class Ss can sense it and there goes their engagement.
that is very true. How can we advocate for something we don't do ourselves?
A6: Ts know my door is always open, but I am hardly every in there, so they text me or come looking! :)
A6: T's feel respected and trusted as leaders of their classrooms.
THIS is the way! -> -> https://t.co/lzC8olWjaN
A6: Two ways: 1. Lead with yes! 2. Let teachers own their PD and learning!
A6: as a principal, when Ts came to me with ideas, I asked questions, then said "YES" and made sure they had what they needed
A6-Listen, support, ask questions, say YES!!! Support is action.
A7 leaders are approachable, they make time for u, know ur kids, ur data, r constantly seen in hallways, engagins with Ts & Ss
A6 Share what u learn. Don't wait 4someone else 2do what needs to be done. Ts need to give themselves the credit for knowing
A6: Our principal, Dr. Martinez, will meet with any T at anytime. She models that Ts matter well.
YES! Best way to do that-be in classrooms & the playground more than your office! https://t.co/aZ3LLB0aFC
A6: Have to be visible, have ways to know what's going on, have to be approachable
A5 Have a voice online. Blog. Vlog. Pin. Tweet. Share.
A6: by asking! Building leaders don't need to be the smartest person in the school. They need listen to those w/ students daily
A6 Teachers have opportunities to speak with leadership at any time. It's open-door.
Effective T's work next to S's, effective A's work next to T's.
Yes! Listen to input from both teachers and students as well.
Q7: Who is responsible for teacher engagement in schools? Why?
A6: Give teachers a voice by nudging them to blog!
Listen! Don't make it about rules, it's about learning together.
A6 Annonymous climate/morale surveys
A6: Ts are in the trenches day in, day out - that perspective is very important and critical to listen to for school improvement
Oops, I meant A6 for this, not A5: Have a voice online. Blog. Vlog. Pin. Tweet. Share.
So true - Principals must step back, empower teachers and what the magic happen for students!
Choice & Voice = More Empowered Ts.
A6: Ts Committees, PLC, Team Leaders, regular chats with your school family
I love that! It is nice to be heard and supported to try new things.
a6 T's are responsible, but A's can facilitate the process.
A6 Adm. always asks for any concerns, needs, or compliments.
A7: The lead learner in the building...(When the principal sneezes, the whole building catches a cold.- )
Right on! This eduhero admin KNOWS what he's talkin' about! https://t.co/39QhOGuXAh
A6: by asking! Building leaders don't need to be the smartest person in the school. They need listen to those w/ students daily
exactly! Always made me crazy when others said they didn't have time for that. You don't have time NOT to do that
A7: Ultimately, the teacher.
A6 When I teach undergrad I have voice & choice in class text & reading selections. There is flexibility in style & approach.
That's a rockstar principal right there! It's what we all strive for!!
Thanks for joining us, Heidi! See you next week.
A6: in order for voices to rise, some must stay silent and listen. Ts who feel respected will more easily respect Ss and parents
A7 Teachers for the most part are responsible for their own engagement. Good admin, supportive parents, and motivated Ss help
A7: WE are all responsible. It's a group effort that starts with the admins and extends beyond the school & into the community.
I value your commitment to seek feedback from your Faculty. You're rocking and rolling!
A6: Ts engage in PLCs, determine methodologies, provide PD, schedule classes for Ss, discuss school needs and desired outcomes.
Principals, Teachers, Teacher Leaders = are all responsible for creating a culture that is empowering and engaging!
A5: Ss can always tell when Ts are checked out. This leads to Ss being checked out. Ss get passion from Ts who are passionate
A6: Be willing to listen...provide opportunities for input/ideas/questions/concerns
A6: my principal calls feedback gifts; if you don't know the problem, you don't know what needs fixing
A7: every member of the learning community. But we are also responsible for ourselves
A7. We need to responsible for our own actions. Of course support is wonderful (and I have it) but we as Ts have to own our craft
A7: As adults, we're responsible for our own decisions. Regardless of situation, if we want to be engaged, we will be.
A7 We are ALL responsible for teacher engagement. Each stakeholder plays a role in expecting the best for ALL Ss.
A7 Teachers....admin should support https://t.co/Dc4jOZzVKr
Q7: Who is responsible for teacher engagement in schools? Why?
A7: It comes down to the desire within the teacher to be authentically engaged, but the lead learner bldg cultivates the culture.
And keep nudging--- even if it takes a few months :) https://t.co/psdhJQKG7U
A6: Give teachers a voice by nudging them to blog!
Yes ! The lead learner must create the conditions for teacher engagement. https://t.co/MD0J9DeoCk
A7: The lead learner in the building...(When the principal sneezes, the whole building catches a cold.- )
Though I'm not consistent with my blogging, I'm constantly reflecting! I need to get it out there! https://t.co/XMVW5UgA85
A6: Give teachers a voice by nudging them to blog!
A7a Students. My kids would routinely describe disengaged teachers. We'd ask but improvement seldom happened. Why?
A7 T engagement comes from inside the T, but it can be inspired by Leaders and Admin.
A7: Everyone. From Admin to Teachers. If it's not happening, create it.
A7: it starts with culture. Ts must feel supported. At the same time Ts must also be willing to try new things
Sorry , have to bow out early. Thank you for moderating . Gr8 topic! Thank you PLN for sharing. Have a gr8 wk everyone!
Thanks great discussion to engage and empower Ts and Sts. Will check back later
A7: Ts make a choice to be engaged and to engage. Admin make a choice to be engaged and to engage. We are in it together for Ss
A7 Everyone because everyone has or should have ownership in the success of students. Ownership leads to engagement.
A7 we are all responsible for each other. Shared leadership. It can't come from just the admin team.
A7: Teacher desire inspired by administrative trust and action
A7: It's collaborative...respect yourself/others enough to be engaged...help teammates w/their engagement
Engagement = continuous learning w/focus on personalizing education for each student.
The responsibility belongs to all who are in the building. We must all be active participants in teacher and staff engagement.
A7 The teacher is! It's awesome to have a growth mindset/innovative faculty&admin but in the end T is accountable to her/his Ss.
A7-Everyone! We are a team & so we support each other's engagement as a team!
The leadership team. .if they are learning and doing and engaged, the teachers will be as well!
A7b Schools measure success by test scores, grad rates, college admission rates. Disengaged Ts do a good job with those..
A7: Everybody! Sometimes it starts with leadership but most of the time T's leaders start the movement on their own. Let them!
A7: Am I allowed to say it's my own responsibility? I've had different admin come and go, but my engagement comes mostly from me.
A6: A good principal invests in the team & develops capacity. It's the leader's responsibility to support teacher leadership
Trusting/Supportive culture is BIG! Many Ts willing just need the support https://t.co/4ikUuz3cF5
A7: it starts with culture. Ts must feel supported. At the same time Ts must also be willing to try new things
A6: Prin and the Sup meet w/PK-6th (about 12 of us) monthly. b/c it's such a sm grp, felt heard. can go & talk to either anytime.
A7: All are responsible on a campus. Admin to empower/create safe environment to grow & we have to own what we do/growth as Ts
A7- Everyone is responsible for T engagement-Ts need to take control of learning & leadership provides opportunities to support
Absolutely. https://t.co/zUmQXztSrR
The responsibility belongs to all who are in the building. We must all be active participants in teacher and staff engagement.
A7: engagement is a choice Ts make.
A7: It is everyone's responsibility, but it starts with the Ts desire to be the best T they can be for their Ss.
LOL! In some ways we have to, but I think it's more about learning along WITH others. https://t.co/xcG8sK12N9
agreed! I got questioned once about that term lead learner...I was asked if that meant I learned more than others.
IMPORTANT! https://t.co/FzolCTqpOr
A6: A good principal invests in the team & develops capacity. It's the leader's responsibility to support teacher leadership
A7-Ultimately teachers are responsible for their engagement. Admin sets the stage but cannot force engagement.
A7: Teacher engagement & building culture go together. We can all help. Be an engaged T & share your energy Be positive. Be loud.
A7: Ts are responsible for their own engagement: it is the role of the leader to help make that possible through support
Agreed! We are the creators of our world and classroom! Do what you need to do for Ss no matter what
I agree-it's a community effort. Admin and staff can work together to make sure community is succssful
same here! I've started several blog posts but need to polish before posting.
I learn from/share with an amazing team!!!
A7c The last year my youngest was in school the school had Thursday group counseling session on campus. Something's broken.
Not only are you allowed, you are celebrated for owning your craft!
I totally agree with this. Conditions have to be right from admin, then it's up to the Ts to take chances https://t.co/KqRJwfGG4X
A7: it starts with culture. Ts must feel supported. At the same time Ts must also be willing to try new things
A7 it's cyclical...at some point either the T has to take it and run or admin reignites!
You'll be the main content of my magazine on leadership tonight Bethany! https://t.co/tOrqpYoAyJ
A7: The lead learner in the building...(When the principal sneezes, the whole building catches a cold.- )
A6: School community share the commitment for T engagement. Expressed by our actions.
A7: Ts make the choice every day, week, and year how engaged they will be. The community of the school helps build engagement
A7: each person on our campuses hold a pillar in Ss success. The campus admin needs to clear the path for all to grow.
Everyone is responsible 4 engagement! If stakeholders are not engaged thats feedback to pay attention to! No opt outs for all in
A7: Each person is responsible for own engagement. Seek out ideas/opportunities that are engaging. Admin supports it.
As you write you will find yourself growing into the depth! Some weeks may be more reflective. https://t.co/jEd3eiy4LP
that requires a BEYOND safe environment. I don't blog to the depth I want to.
A7: ultimately teacher…however admin can inspire engagement through trust, resources and opportunity
I have to give many S's permission to own their education. T's need that permission from A's as well.
seems a no-brainer to me, why be there if engagement isn't a priority?
A7: Hopefully all of us (Admin&Ts), A learning & growing professional culture will lead to incr. Ss engagement..better for Ss
I agree! Being open to hearing each others' perspectives and ideas is on everyone.
Gallup also reported that there are 13% of teachers who are don't want to engage. It's hard to engage those who have no interest.
Everyone from admin to Ts are responsible for Ts engagement. Admin influence Ts engagement but Ts are still resp for own
If I want my Ss to take responsibility for their own lives, I need to do the same so they can see it's possible.
BOOM! Mic drop! https://t.co/gcStqIIR7h
The responsibility belongs to all who are in the building. We must all be active participants in teacher and staff engagement.
Awesome! Please share! :) https://t.co/1HAbWtIsmH
You'll be the main content of my magazine on leadership tonight Bethany! https://t.co/tOrqpYoAyJ
A7: The lead learner in the building...(When the principal sneezes, the whole building catches a cold.- )
That goes for both Ts and Ss unfortunately
Q8: Fill in the blank. If _________ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. Why do you think this?
So true and frustrating...why stay if you don't want to engage..you're hurting Ss https://t.co/Vyy9OgVyT5
Gallup also reported that there are 13% of teachers who are don't want to engage. It's hard to engage those who have no interest.
The Lead Learner! Model your expectations!
It's my responsibility to engage Ts so they engage Ss! https://t.co/6ZqqhxhkbL
Q7: Who is responsible for teacher engagement in schools? Why?
I believe it's my job to get full student engagement. Strong leadership and supportive culture is needed for full T engagement.
I feel that way too Terri, we have to be empowered by admin & run with it!
Here is Q8 --->>> https://t.co/yCD61PVchK
Q8: Fill in the blank. If _________ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. Why do you think this?
There's always a few that are just hanging on until retirement and have no intentions of changing.
Trust is important - Must be earned, given, and kept sacred.
A7: we're all responsible for teacher engagement in some capacity. The Teacher MUST be a willing participant
A7 Everyone is! Cooperative effort.
Q8 retweet --->> https://t.co/z59XFxYENo
Q8: Fill in the blank. If _________ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. Why do you think this?
A8 If Ts had a little more time to breathe, they'd be more engaged. Hard to be engaged when you're drowning.
A7 T's should feel accountable,but ultimately L's are. If students act like that are we content or do we expect a higher standard
Trust is a huge part of this, huh?! Can be modeled for and by staff as well as by and for students.
A8: If admin cultivate a culture of learning for ALL, then teachers would be more engaged in their work.
Admin needs to cultivate the right conditions for this to work, important for leadership to keep culture in front
If we all are true professionals, then "we".....
We fail to measure learning appropriately, because we measure the wrong things!
A7: Each one of us. We are responsible for our own engagement and performance as a teacher. ✌🏼️
Can this mindset be changed? What needs to be done for those Ts so this isn't the case.
YES! https://t.co/ClHTIsm0Qh
lots of pressure if viewed as 1 learning most, right? If we're learning the most we know the most? Let's all be lead learners
YES! Culture is one of my favorite words!
A8: if trusted and supported through risk taking, Ts would be more engaged.
Everyone!! Ps MUST support innovation and creativity & set the foundation 4 occass. failure to be ok https://t.co/wXlZn3Fdod
Q7: Who is responsible for teacher engagement in schools? Why?
Gr8 chat tonight, . Enjoyed the dialogue. Thanks for the Qs, . Have an awesome week..!
A8: If Ts had more time to do what they do best, they would be more engaged in their work. Give them space to do what they do!
A8 If teaching was not just a job but your life's work...
A8: If more support was given for grassroots professional development initiatives. Teachers need more/better PD options.
A7 It boils down to each teacher making choices to be an engaged & connected educator. It has to come from the heart.
Must have a genuine investment in Ss. If devoid of desire, must place work emphasis elsewhere.
A8 If Ts were connected to PLN then Ts would be more engaged! PLN inspires, challenges, supports, shares, etc. EVERY DAY!
A8: If they had choice and personalization of learning, then teachers would be more engaged in their work.
Sounds like the right recipe to me!
In some cases. You have to meet people where they are. Find what motivates them, encourage & support. Some come around.
Q8: If Ts had more freedom from micromanagement and excessive obligations...
Love this! Thanks, Bethany!
A8: If they had choice and personalization of learning, then teachers would be more engaged in their work.
A8: Empowered. Let's Ts know they are believed in, trusted & valued.
How do you think more time would change things? Seems to me like it'd be more of the same. https://t.co/dhK66mes32
A8: If Ts had more time to do what they do best, they would be more engaged in their work. Give them space to do what they do!
A8 if they knew their work was honoured and valued...
Great point. PD needs a revamp!
A8: Efficient planning times. Cut down on redundant mtgs & paperwork. Let Ts work so they can enjoy their home life too.
A8: appreciated. Teachers need to know their hard work is valued.
And this can be done with building Relationships! https://t.co/aM8VoEaj3p
A8: If admin cultivate a culture of learning for ALL, then teachers would be more engaged in their work.
A8- more time in the week to collaboratively plan could lead to higher levels of teacher engagement
are they really not engaged? Or maybe just don't have any voice or choice in learning culture?
A8: If we give more time to collaborate and learn, teachers will be more engaged. They cannot do everything after school
A8: The District Office started listening to principals and teachers...seems to be that the DO is find of top-down mandates...
A8: If Ts had more time to collaborate and share with colleagues, they would be more engaged with their purpose.
A8 opportunity to share my practice, failures and successes with other adults...
Join in less than 10 mins. Don’t miss this heart chat on relationships.
A8 If Ts take control of own growth & dev, they will be more engaged in their work...my personal story https://t.co/gORyqWm91f
Q8: Fill in the blank. If _________ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. Why do you think this?
A8: If Ts had more time to plan & collaborate, they would be more engaged.
A8: NO EXCUSES! If he kids aren't enough of a reason, you're in the wrong line of work. Get engaged.
Totally. Went from a school where I had 3.5 hrs of planning/wk to now having 9 hrs of planning/wk. Game changer.
A8: Individual strengths are recognized and appreciated...Mazlo's hierarchy comes before Blooms and professional growth
A8: curious and connected
Many Ts reach a point where there's no room left on their plate to take on something new. Time can provide flexibility.
A8: If _Ts believed change was possible_ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. They'd feel empowered.
A8: If teachers were more recognized/rewarded for informal responsibilities they take on. Many things done beside "instruction. "
A8: If we had it would help Ts engagement because we could target individual needs https://t.co/dNHGd7BcCK
Q8: Fill in the blank. If _________ then teachers would be more engaged in their work. Why do you think this?
A8 "they believe they are valued" I say this because some Ts may not feel valued for what they do daily.
Granted that's individual planning periods but still allows me to engage myself more.
A8: Listen, trust, & support. Why do you think this? Because it's the foundation of all relationships.
THINK out of the box! Give time during the day for collab planning! https://t.co/PmIkfiQNjt
A8: If we give more time to collaborate and learn, teachers will be more engaged. They cannot do everything after school
Totally agree. If there is potential for innovation, there can be an incredible change!
A8: supported...As a professional when I am supported and few limits are placed then I am more engaged and successful
that's a good one, I can't say I disagree
true, but I don't think an abundance of time exists as a teacher. You can always do more. Nature of the work.
Agreed! Ts would benefit from more choice in PD.
Last question coming up....
A8: less testing. More time to focus on Ss and their success and interests.
A8: Valued - Teachers who feel valued by peers, admin, students, and families will work hard to not let those people down.
A8 Recognized and appreciated
A8 If Ts had more time to observe in peers classrooms, they would be more inspired and encouraged to be engaged Ts.
Agreed! Excessive obligations should be bolded. https://t.co/nzjJbHVCyi
Q8: If Ts had more freedom from micromanagement and excessive obligations...
Thanks! Have an "engaged" week!
A8: Take things off Ts plate to allow more time to plan and create. Validation is also nice, but we are here for the Ss not us.
A8 Responsibility/accountability without empowerment/authority is a recipe for disengagement, slow death.
It's definitely a balancing act.
Q9: What actions will you take to improve your own engagement or that of your school/district?
Ahhh...you are so sweet! We're just better together! :) Love learning with my PLN!
A8: if we grew Ts in areas of their interest...