Understood holds this weekly Twitter chat that aims to keep the momentum going and raise awareness of learning and attention issues. Follow along with hashtag #LDCHAT and follow users @understoodchats & @understoodorg. Experts will be available to answer your questions and concerns and share resources from Understood.org.
@UnderstoodOrg Hi there! We are non-profit organization, generating free age-relevant content for struggling readers. We promote literacy for all capabilities and interests! #ldchat
A1: absolutely crucial to build a culture of kindness in our classrooms! Builds strong communities, better mental health, & an environment where all children can thrive & learn! #LDchat
@UnderstoodOrg Within environments of kindness, Ss can feel understood and valued. Only then can they thrive. Kindness is accepting that child's different needs to grow and learn best. #ldchat
A1: it’s also very important for school districts to create a culture of kindness within our co-workers. Starts the teachers to build a positive environment for all. #LDchat
@UnderstoodOrg A1: Within environments of kindness, Ss can feel understood and valued. Only then can they thrive. Kindness is accepting that child's different needs to grow and learn best. #ldchat
A1: We have to communicate that the difficulties children may be having are not because anything is wrong with them. We need to help them feel accepted and cared about. #ldchat
I teach HS inclusion SPED. I sometimes struggle to balance giving my kids opportunity for supervised social-emotional development and redirecting them to classwork. I know there's no perfect answers, but any thoughts/advice? #ldchat
Every day we start with a lesson or activity on kindness & building relationships. It’s modeled & then practiced together. With young children we also must teach kindness communication & what that sounds/looks like #LDchat
@UnderstoodOrg A2: We believe that empathy is shown not taught. Have students reflect on their interactions with others, assess how others are feeling - then they will become better at empathizing bc they better understand others. It's respecting difference! #ldchat
A2: Social/emotional learning is a very active process & 1 that doesn’t fit into a time slot in our daily lesson plans. Constantly ongoing positive learning #LDchat
A2: Be a great MODEL of compassion, tolerance, and kindness! We can help by making comparisons to a child's own struggles and helping them see connections to their struggles. #ldchat
Building confidence, vocabulary, empathy, hard work, all lives/people matter, & our kind actions/words have good consequences internally & externally #LDchat
@UnderstoodOrg A3: Reading! Books open up our minds to understand people/characters from all walks of life. Reflective exercises helps students consider how they would react/be in situations they might not have ever experienced. #ldchat
#LDChat A3: Any focus on how to manage your #mentalhealth is a step in the right direction. Making it part of an educational curriculum helps reduce stigma across the board and improves access and usage of mental #health care. #UnlockURWell
It's wonderful Anne! I was sharing it in this amazing #ldchat I saw on my timeline! I plan on popping in more! You should too! #WellnessWednesday#VBHasJoy
We stop, think together, & guide a student to a better solution initially & then I scaffold my involvement as a guide as I see more social/emotional independence. I also share with my students how I would react within certain scenarios #LDchat