The #michED chat is a grassroots effort dedicated to giving teachers, students, and parents across Michigan a bigger voice in the conversation about education in our state. We welcome all voices through a variety of projects, media, and social networking. We’re trying to address educational issues through apolitical conversation, spreading ideas and stories of success from Michigan classrooms across the state, and helping teachers and students regain the courage to connect and demonstrate that schools in Michigan are creating amazing opportunities for learning. We want the face and voice of education in Michigan to be a mural of shared experiences and positive examples of connected learning.
Hey everyone, welcome to #miched chat, Matt McCullough, Director of Innovation at Schoolcraft Schools and excited about our topic of Teacher Leadership tonight!
#miched Heather Gauck excited to be chatting about Teacher Leadership and even more excited to share the opportunity coming up in March! Powered by Teach to Lead.....
A1: TL for me means having Ts take responsibility and ownership for a variety of things once given to admin or curric. Giving Ts deeper roles in the building #MichEd
A1 Teachers being part of the decision making and implementation of school and district initiatives... growing to do the same for MDE and #mileg! #miched
A1: Ts taking the lead in school-wide initiatives from farm-to-table like programs to curriculum discussions. Ts & admin putting the Ss first. Principals working w/their Ts to ensure that the community and culture of the school is set for high quality learning. #MichEd
A1) Teachers leading teachers is an amazing thing. When those that want to lead and are doing those things that want to be seen, it promotes a change in the entire staff. It's not hard to do and the value is great. I am a personal witness in what it can do for a teacher. #Miched
A1: I see Tch leadership in @zeelandschools & @Creekside_MS as Tchs modeling, supporting, walking along side, etc. other Tchs. Giving ideas, encouraging, helping those that need to grow. Find positives & push those! #miched
A1: There are TLs in my PLN and district where I just wanna do what they do and are inspired by them...and they never TOLD me to do anything. Inspiring from within by modeing awesomeness #Miched
Many teachers really are experts in our field. Fortunate in my district we were hired with that in mind. Listening to the Ts instead of ppl trying to shape education opinions would be a good start. #miched
A1: There are TLs in my PLN and district where I just wanna do what they do and are inspired by them...and they never TOLD me to do anything. Inspiring from within by modeing awesomeness #Miched
A1) teacher leadership is when teachers take responsibility to make positive change happen for all stakeholders in building. Parents, students, teachers, admin, custodial, food service, Transpo, etc #michED
Is there hybrid pay as well? I like to be able to have leadership opportunities, but I think it is (or should be) important to how this model gets funded.
I am really excited that you have this model!
#miched A1 I visited an elementary school in Baltimore that had 1 admin and distributed leadership between secretary, teachers, custodial staff. It was Amazing! Lincoln Elementary
Maybe it starts with a trusting relationship & convo w/admin. What do you want to see from your Ss & do you think we are getting there? If not, how do you think we can get there? If Ss are being put first then the convo should be a priority. #MichEd
We have a compensation structure that compensates us for additional duties right into our salary. The bands are structured more heavily towards what we do rather than just years & experience. So those of us on the leadership team make more #miched
. @ReadingNowNet is doing this all over west michigan but between buidlings.. we are learning so much from neighbors, especially in schools that have similar SES and demographics! #miched
Trust is key. Not only trusting that conversations are real between Ts and Admin but also trusting that all stakeholders are acting with Ss best interest.
Formerly worked in Indiana where there was a teacher leader role that served as intermediary to admin. Was given 10-15k salary bump but no release time #michED
.@zeelandschools started a cohort is apsoring leaders to support Ts wanting to move into leadership positions this year. Off to a strong start! #MichEd
A2: Ts & Admin who foster leadership in each other AND their students. Don't put people on the spot for the wrong reasons. Let them shine b/c they're ideas need light. #MichEd
.@zeelandschools started a cohort is apsoring leaders to support Ts wanting to move into leadership positions this year. Off to a strong start! #MichEd
A2: twitter chats and #edcamps They both are voluntary, personalized, open to input from participants, free, & follow a loose structure. Those are all key elements to me. I don’t wanna pay for a “sit & get” that I didn’t ask for. #Miched
A2 I think others have said it but the best PD is lead by teachers for teachers -- and leaves plenty of time of networking and sharing ideas. Edcamps and similar models ROCK as they relate to you and your needs! #miched
#MichEd A2: For pedagogy PD, The START Project through GVSU. Changed my Ins. Lens. For Leadership, our district has started an Aspiring Leadership group this year and the opportunity to network with fellow aspiring leaders has been enlightening
Yes and no. Lots of pros and cons. IMO was often used to recruit veteran teachers to school. In history of position while I was there, only one organic home grown T for 8 roles. #michED
In reply to
@mcculloughmg, @conrad_chris, @sarahyogidds
A2: twitter chats and #edcamps They both are voluntary, personalized, open to input from participants, free, & follow a loose structure. Those are all key elements to me. I don’t wanna pay for a “sit & get” that I didn’t ask for. #Miched
A2: depends. For leadership it is hands down @mascmahs. Fo ELA its @ncte resources. For TL and overall professional growth it was TTL summit in Boston, TLI with @LoriNCTQ and @ASCD#MichEd
A2: @ClassroomMakers just hosted a wonderful, educational, and fun PD series that encompased @REMCAssociation MakerKits. These PDs were inspiring and I applied the concepts immediately in my classroom and my PD for teachers. #MichEd
A2: Best prof learning. First, my work towards a master's degree. Great profs. Amazing students in my program. Tons of innovation. Supporting school to bring things back and try new thing with Ss. #miched
A2: Honestly, Twitter chats, @voxer groups and Facebook groups have provided the best PD I have ever experienced. On demand. Free. Inspiring. Exactly what I need. #miched
A2) It was a TLT experience that I swear was my greatest PD experience. Into my classroom came 5 veteran teachers that I looked up to. I took their feedback to heart and they learned things from me. I still have the notes that they left me. #Miched
A2: 2nd, my work with the Algebra for All program. Love being a site facilitator. Lead teachers were receptive to changes in prgm to suit Ts needs. We changes to meet Ts needs. Lots of innovation. #miched
A2: Teacher leadership should look like corrective action by group to obtain better outcomes for all in building. TLs should inspire, coach, mentor, and lead. Should help lessen load on admin and other systems in building #michED
A2) It was a TLT experience that I swear was my greatest PD experience. Into my classroom came 5 veteran teachers that I looked up to. I took their feedback to heart and they learned things from me. I still have the notes that they left me. #Miched
Over a year ago, Michigan teachers spoke out against the unfair treatment by the current state government. Today, the Michigan courts stood by our teachers. I am thankful to the Court for standing by our teachers who are the guides for a more hopeful future.
A3: Wraparound shelter service & social work support for the high percentage of homeless youth in our program in the gap coverage years of 18-22yo esp LBGTQ youth. Would love to partner w/ @adamzemke - as he knows! :) #miched
A3 I want to destroy the silos of education. No more walls between subjects, teachers, buildings or even districts. Share what works and use collaboration (not competition) to make us all better! #miched
A2: best PD is organic, with choice, hands on, and thought provoking. I love to converse ideas as opposed to sit and get what I can from a YouTube video. Things like edcamps, etc. And other open ended items, like #michED chats
A3: I would continue to partner with @TufFrancis and @OUSEHS to improve & promote & spread the practiced-based cohort model for student teaching. #miched
A3: I don't want to downplay the importance of content but a stronger focus on thought processes and logic flow in cross-curricular learning. Facts are important but learning how to find them and what to do w/them are more imperative. #MichEd
A3: i would love to create a leadership curriculum for a class that other schools could pick up. Or personalized learning tools for trad. HS models. Not sure who to partner with but.....! #MichEd
A3: Would love to create/foster a setting where Ss are able to learn in a variety of formats and view learning happen. Imagine if Ss don't even realize they are learning. #miched
A3: I really want to partner with professors of college level geometry and calculus (my current teaching load) so students can see where the subject can go. Often feel like we are learning to walk and we fail to see if we are ever going to run. #miched
I implemented One on ONe convos twice a month to try to alleviate the 'gotcha' of evals and observations. Also observed each teacher 10 times...(sounds crazy but can be done!) #miched
A3: bring more relevance and cross-curricular opportunities to students. I would partner with them and share with all what we can accomplish. In current role, I must work with Ts to get them thinking down this path #michED
I show them that it's possible. In PDs they are the Ss and go through the activities as the Ss. Then I share what happens in my classroom. I facilitate convo b/w Ts to get them chatting about what they've been doing in their classrooms. Relationships, Convo, & Tough Love #MichEd
Here is where I insert a shameless plug for some of these great ideas to get FREE coaching from big-time education experts CLICK HERE AND APPLY FOR THE FIRST MI EDUCATION INCUBATOR!!!--> … #miched
No problem. Agendas are cool, but only if they meet the needs. PD should meet needs. Conferences are great because of choice, but I've planned mini organic edcamp style events and those are highly rated. Like teaching but responding to the Ts needs #michED
Here is where I insert a shameless plug for some of these great ideas to get FREE coaching from big-time education experts CLICK HERE AND APPLY FOR THE FIRST MI EDUCATION INCUBATOR!!!--> … #miched
A3: bring more relevance and cross-curricular opportunities to students. I would partner with them and share with all what we can accomplish. In current role, I must work with Ts to get them thinking down this path #michED
Here is where I insert a shameless plug for some of these great ideas to get FREE coaching from big-time education experts CLICK HERE AND APPLY FOR THE FIRST MI EDUCATION INCUBATOR!!!--> … #miched
Visiting other classrooms, listening to students who spoke freely, and even visiting other industries. Cross pollinating ideas and breaking out of what “school should be” to reveal opportunities that kids might miss otherwise.
Right there with you Matt!! Impressed with 10 obs, I do 6 for each T with F2F feedback mtgs after each one. Makes a world of difference. Way to go! #MichEd
#miched A4 With strategic partnerships I was able to bring my single idea of creating a PD website to show teachers tech integration and in 2 years created this..
A4: I would love to see T internships in the real world. It would allow Ts to take the content & apply it directly to their classroom. I partner a lot w/nonprofits & businesses. They always want more real world skills from the get go b/c content can be taught. #MichEd
You are more impressive, I got out of the Admin business after a few years b/c I missed teaching and interacting at the classroom level. Keep up the awesome work! #miched
Right there with you Matt!! Impressed with 10 obs, I do 6 for each T with F2F feedback mtgs after each one. Makes a world of difference. Way to go! #MichEd
A4: In my school we have students that will be learning a trade instead of going to college, which is awesome! School has strong connections in the community with local businesses that train next gen skilled laborers! Get kids connected pre-graduation #miched
Not all Ss attend 4 year schools and leave home. Connect with community to find how schools can help address the needs of local communities with students that do not head to college. Find out what skills those community leaders need in our graduates #michED
A4 We have started partnering with local businesses to make learning real for our students and to help our community --> Example:
A4. We need more CTE classes. There is a reason why the classes are full. Ss connect with the real life application of math and core content areas. Now we just need to connect CTE classes w/local businesses. #miched
A4. We need more CTE classes. There is a reason why the classes are full. Ss connect with the real life application of math and core content areas. Now we just need to connect CTE classes w/local businesses. #miched
A3: I would work with local universities more & their Tch education program so that they were more tied in to what is happening K-12. Rebuild the pre-service Tch experience & get them more classroom time. #miched
A4 Here is another partnership with a local business that let our kids apply their learning to real problems that the business is implementing this spring -->
A4) I wish we valued more those partnerships. It grows in transitions to post-sec and we often don't see it happen. I've seen outside agencies and professionals work with secondary students and it's cool to see. #Miched
Teacher observations are THE BEST part of my job as a principal and the most important. If we approach them as ways to strengthen, support and uplift T’s, they will be fun. Amazing work Andrew!! #MichEd
A3: I would work with local universities more & their Tch education program so that they were more tied in to what is happening K-12. Rebuild the pre-service Tch experience & get them more classroom time. #miched
Yes. I've often thought about teacher sabbaticals at the HS level. Time away from the classroom to improve what we do in the classroom. It would be lovely!. #miched
Yes, yes & yes. They can't observe for 2 hours a week for a couple semesters and then be expected to student teach! ....
@gvsumath has started some great things. Love having them in my classroom! #miched
A4) I wish we valued more those partnerships. It grows in transitions to post-sec and we often don't see it happen. I've seen outside agencies and professionals work with secondary students and it's cool to see. #Miched
A local business is sending one of their peeps over to help a high school coding class with the new AP Programming course partnering w/ The Ss get to ask qs to the prof about how they can fix their project. The local business gets to know their future workforce. #MichEd
A local business is sending one of their peeps over to help a high school coding class with the new AP Programming course partnering w/ The Ss get to ask qs to the prof about how they can fix their project. The local business gets to know their future workforce. #MichEd
A4: @zeelandschools are working w/ local businesses..all of admin mtgs are at local businesses where we get tours & hear how we can help Ss be ready for high paying jobs, whether gng to college or not. #MichEd
A5: Any one in the 10 county region of northwest lower Michigan can reach out to Newton's Road to connect w/community resources and opportunities. #MichEd#NewtonsRoad#STEMTC#community
A5: Any one in the 10 county region of northwest lower Michigan can reach out to Newton's Road to connect w/community resources and opportunities. #MichEd#NewtonsRoad#STEMTC#community
Holy smokes. Michigan is so far behind in providing any systematic opportunities for teacher engagement, leadership, or advancement. Other states are literally decades ahead in this level of strategic thinking that welcomes teachers into processes rather than sidelining them.
Picture this: You have the idea to fix MI ed (or just in your district) but no one will listen or you don't know where to start. All could be fixed by applying here --> . YOUR IDEAS ARE AWESOME!!! #miched
Picture this: You have the idea to fix MI ed (or just in your district) but no one will listen or you don't know where to start. All could be fixed by applying here --> . YOUR IDEAS ARE AWESOME!!! #miched
A5 We have been surveying Ss for their interests, then cold calling those types of business, and asking if they have any 'problems' we could solve. Last we match to the standards/grade level that fits and BOOM partnerships. #miched
#miched Thank you everyone for chatting with us tonight about Strategic Partnerships and hopefully we will see some of you at the Pre-Conference day for the Governor's Summit~ Teachers raising their voice!
Thank you for the chat #MichEd! Please share about the Powered by TTL summit with your colleagues...Or better yet submit your own idea! @MrAustinA2@Aricfoster2