Q1: What behaviors and choices, subconcious or otherwise, are we still participating in that keeps girls and students of color outside the fields of math and science? #pln365
Q2: Are we and our media, via TV, movies, etc, still portraying girls who enjoy math as undesirable and uncool? How can we re-frame that in our immediate environments? #pln365
Q3: What can we do to create the culture that empowers students to acknowledge their "mistakes" and see them as a way to grow and gain a deeper understanding of mathematics and solve complex problems? #pln365
Q4: How can we teach our students to ask novel questions that they may not even have the skills to answer yet and value the questions for the thinking behind them? #pln365
I used this format with chemical equations in HS "How many ways can you demonstrate the conservation of mass?" That was a fun day in chemistry. Yup chemistry can, indeed, be fun #pln365
Q4 What is the value of understanding the process involved in reaching the destination (answer)rather than only caring for the destination itself?