#K12ArtChat is an #ArtsEd chat that happens every Thurs 8:30 pm CST founded by #TeamGrundler @ArtGuy76 & @GrundlerArt & share Ss' art on Fridays via #FabArtsFri.
Hi everyone! I'm Janine, I teach high school art in Newport Beach, CA. I was looking forward to and am enjoying the additional hours of sunlight this Spring! #k12artchat
A1: I'm most looking forward to in spring is the warmer weather, lighter clothing, and blossoming of nature. It's almost like creativity blooms with the flowers. #K12ArtChat
The art teachers in my district meet 3 times a year and we come up up with ideas together. This year we were given a sub day to observe another teacher at any school we wanted. We'll meet again to share.
A1: In my role (PD Director) it is easy to get busy learning for others. I am very intentional about identifying gaps in my own practice and seeking out opportunities for me to grow, not only to share. #K12ArtChat
Hi all! Kristy Lopez, 7th & 8th Art, New Jersey. What I'm looking forward to in spring is warmer weather, lighter clothing, sun, and nature blossoming. It seems like creativity blooms with the flowers.
A1 I choose my PD based on what I think is relevant to my curriculum and personal growth as an art teacher I love my state conferencea, AOE, and national #k12artchat
A1: (part 2) when choosing specific sessions and activities I look for authors and educators who either have a great track record, or are sharing their real experience that connects to something I am workin on. #K12ArtChat
Q1..When our district does PD several of our own art teachers lead the PD. We discuss some ideas and then we volunteer. Also my school has PD taught by our own teachers throughout the school year. It is nice to have PD u can put into action. #k12ArtChat
A1: I choose professional development based on areas I think I need to improve, projects I want to adapt, typical needs I encounter in the classroom, and areas I want to grow in with my professional development plan. #K12ArtChat
#K12ArtChat A2 What makes PD meaningful is: if it transforms my thinking, builds a new skill, adds more to my practice, and growth as a person/educator.
A1: I choose PD that provides growth for myself as an art educator & that will have a direct impact on choices I make for growth in my curriculum- new ideas/mediums/techniques to intro to my Ss #k12artchat
A2: What makes PD meaningful is when I can envision putting it into practice in my own classroom and am excited to share it with colleagues. #k12artchat
A2: knowing my Ts and their needs/personalities, understanding what concerns and skills are applicable in the moment, having a deeper personal connection to the content or getting to know that connection from my Ts POV. #k12artchat
A2: What makes professional development meaningful to me is how the time is being used to present information, what interaction is occurring with the attendees, & honestly...free resources. PD isn't the same without FREE STUFF! Sharing should be fluid! Like this #k12artchat :)
A2: I think meaningful is a matter of perspective - meaningful to me might be very different than a peer. Relevant, connected to my current goals, etc. - in art a lot of people think that PD has to involve “making” - curious your thoughts on this? #K12ArtChat
#K12ArtChat A2: learning new innovative and successful teaching strategies from high energy teachers - the more we share the better off our kids are! #togetherweARTbetter
#a2 I think about my own needs and those of students before seeking PD - success is finding dynamic speakers or sessions that target those specific needs! #K12ArtChat
A2: PD is meaningful to when I can use what I've learned in the classroom straightaway. Though I make sure I apply what I learned as soon as I can. I've read where you let it "pass" for a week, it becomes useless. #k12artchat
A2: Opportinities for reflection, connection and application make PL great! Also important for the content to be relevant and the process to be applicable! #k12ArtChat
A2 when it enriches my life, I enjoy it or I am learning new techniques/materials /project ideas that I can directly infuse into my current and future lessons #k12artchat
A2: Opportunities for reflection, connection and application make PL great! Also important for the content to be relevant and the process to be applicable! #k12ArtChat#k12ArtChat
A2: wen u r learning new techniques/processes & r able to create new & exciting learning opportunities for ur Ss #k12artchat being able to bring new ideas into the classroom
I actually don’t like making in PD b/c it feels contrived and rushed. Showing me a technique is one thing, but I don’t want to be rushed into making on the spot. However, I know for many this is a very important part of the experience. #K12ArtChat
#k12artchat A3 Professional Goals Connect 2PD- I always have moving targets and sometimes I get opportunities and other times I need to seek out my own. I am very reflective in my practice.
We set yearly Professional and PD goals each year in my district. Our school has a focus for us all to share together- for example: trauma informed learning or literacy #K12ArtChat#a3
A3: I think sometimes the PD sets the goals....if I come across an opportunity to learn something new I set a goal to learn about it-immerse myself in the process & bring it into my curriculum #k12artchat
A3:I like making a “to learn list” rather than a “to-do list”. It is about identifying gaps between where you are and filling in the Learning you need to reach your goal. #K12ArtChat
A3: I make sure subject specific PD is one of my goals every year. It also helps my administrators remember that the art teacher needs PD too! Haha #K12ArtChat
I love that you use your journal. Great way to model that artifacts and evidence of PL should be part of the process-not something manufactured after the fact! #k12ArtChat#authenticity
A3: I sometimes need PD (like #naea18) to help jumpstart my 🤔 about what my goals should be. Being able to hear new ideas, or see new concepts in action can be inspiring. Other times, my S/A goals tie in to being the one presenting #K12artchat
A3: I tie my professional goals to PD by anticipating what PD I'll be interested in, and what general area that falls in. Right now mine are technology, create PLCs with middle school art teachers, & strategies to check for understanding. #K12ArtChat
A3: goal push us to improve. PD show us how to get there. When we match PD to goals, needs are met. Ask teachers what they need. Don’t be afraid to seek out your own PD. #k12artchat
it was really nice @NAEA I did a pre conference workshop w/ @SamuelPeck & @dmolder on Visual Journ. it was all day & amazing way to kick start the conference! #K12ArtChat
In reply to
@MRidlen, @GrundlerArt, @NAEA, @SamuelPeck, @dmolder
#k12artchat A4 Building in Reflection- I like to debrief with educators I respect on experiences, discuss, reflect, and process. I'm finding the need to dig for the nuggets of knowledge.
A4: PD that makes you think is the best kind! There lots to learn from reflection. Balance PD between the doing and reflecting to find meaning. #k12artchat
A4: I build reflection in to my ongoing PD first by taking notes in a @moleskine during any PD or meeting. Maybe it's a kinetic/visual learning thing, but the experience of me internalizing info makes reflecting more relative. I go through a journal every year. #K12ArtChat
A4: reflection is actually in the Ss response to new practices/ideas/project ideas- the ability to reflect on the PD comes after implementation & critique of the process #K12ArtChat
Q4: reflection is all too often overlooked… Both by our students, and sadly by us as professionals! Reflection internal assessment are intrinsically crucial #K12ArtChat
A4: I take notes and journal that I review shortly thereafter and also write reflection journals. This question makes me start to think about how I should embed it into my presentations though. Hmm... #k12artchat
A4: Oh and I make sure admin knows, at least a bit, about about how useful the PD was so, again, they remember in the future. Just a simple chat is enough and I mention it again during goal meetings. #K12ArtChat
#K12ArtChat A5 This year @NAEA I went to sessions that leaned a little out of my comfort zone to see if I was needing to add something else into my bag of tricks. It was enlightening.
A5: my most meaningful PD is taking all day art classes in NYC w/contemporary mixed media artists -hands on -art making all day- sharing their techniques-processes-new art products- working w/other artists from all different art fields #K12ArtChat
A5: I went to a session I thought would be a review for me, without much new info, but my brain was on fire with the simple explanations and refined facilitation. Helped me think through some places where I have been stuck. It is ok to revisit old learning. #K12ArtChat
A5: Olivia Gude’s session on Public Art really inspired me to look into artist partnerships and to work to bring more public art to our communities and schools. #k12artchat
A5 #naea2018. Was terrific. Chihuly glass garden was enriching, a favorite session was my last one on Sat presented by Amy Bulent @artfulartsyamy#k12artchat
A5: Not a art related one, but I was part of a school accrediting team. To me I learned A LOT about many aspects of a school. One of the best PDs I've had. #K12ArtChat
Q5: the session we hosted at #NAEA18 turned into a fun round table ideation discussion. Nothing better than collaborating with creative professionals and colleagues #K12ArtChat
A5: A recent PD was at @NJEA this past Nov. Forgot the presenter since I took the handout out of my journal grrr lol.. It was integrating Drama in the classroom. Free-writing exercises, collaboration, instant feedback, movement, & deep personal sharing. #K12ArtChat
A5 It May not be an official PD, but reading a couple of books - Teach Like a Pirate and Growth Mindset really made me think about the classroom differently #K12ArtChat
#k12artchat A6 I loved ISTE but it's $$$. NAEA is great but I am needing more...Wondering if it is because of my years of experience. I may need to seek other PD opportunities.
A6: School Reform Initiative. Small learning communities, deep learning connected to equity, meaningful relationships and applicable feedback on my work. @SchoolReformInc#K12ArtChat
Join #K12ArtChat next wk as a double header of @abehege & @adamdovico from the Limitless school join us in using Creative ways to solve the Culture Puzzle
A5: Olivia Gude’s session on Public Art really inspired me to look into artist partnerships and to work to bring more public art to our communities and schools. #k12artchat
A5: sometimes leaning toward the PD you need, but not the PD you want is most beneficial. Stretches where you need it. PD isn’t always fun, it can be uncomfortable at first. #k12artchat
A6: @naea of course is an AMAZING experience w/so many learning opportunities w/so many new ideas/lots of connections .....artofed online conferences have also been a fav for expanding product/project ideas #K12ArtChat
A6: The @ArtEducatorsNJ Annual Conference IS HANDS DOWN THE BEST!! Over 700 art teachers, by the beach, 3 days, presentations all day of best practices and hands on workshops (Lesson plan swag), keynote speakers, big vendor hall (free stuff!). Just. So. Great. #K12ArtChat
A6: We are working with our local region to create a fine arts summit for June 7th! @creatEd is doing some interesting things and we are certainly fans of https://t.co/3u5T1n8Eer (as we are on the team and will be presenting this summer) #K12ArtChat
A6 my Michigan state fall conference. We do a mini national with lots of cheap ($1-10) hands ins, vendors, off site events and I always come home excited, refreshed and ready with ideas for the school year #k12artchat
A6: I like to go to museums with lots of time. It’s good to look at and read all the things. Always great PD & I learn something I didn’t know I needed to learn. #k12artchat
A6: I’m a #NAEA junkie. I have a few presenters I like to see every year to hear how their thinking/practice is evolving. But I have been going so long I have had to rethink how I approach it and what my goals are when I go. #K12ArtChat
I love how I can connect with other art educators via Twitter but some of my faves are still uncomfortable with it as a conversation medium. I wonder if that could be a new topic for #K12artchat? A slow chat maybe...?