EdChange Global creates 24-hour learning experiences providing teachers and students a platform to share their passions with others from around the globe in an online relaxed environment. What if you joined us for our 24 hour event? What if you stepped out of your comfort zone and shared what you are passionate about with other educators around the globe? What if you pushed the limits and boundaries of the four walls of your classroom and participated with other educators from around the world to learn, collaborate and share with teachers and students that are truly interested in learning and growing?
@EdChangeGlobal is kicking off now! 24 hours of EdCamp style PD online for free! Excited to participate in many awesome sessions and to lead one tonight! #ecglobal
EdChange Global is underway!✌️🙂👍 Come join 35 global educators in a giant zoom video chat to kick of the participant-driven conference. We're live for the next 24 hours straight hours! Go to https://t.co/cNqB1c8gOD for details on how to jump in! #ecglobal#edchat#edsquad
Challenge #1 for #ECGlobal - visit https://t.co/uJ9XFtt4xJ and share more information about yourself! @EdChangeGlobal This challenge will continue throughout the 24 hours! Feel free to share out throughout.
@EdTechJoe Talking about the "Teachers Teaching Teachers Institute" in CA where they discussed the new tools etc.
Looking forward to the connected educator community and edu 'Crowd Leaders' meeting and collaborating with more people from the #Cmgr community. #ECGlobal
🎉👏🏻@GoNoodle gets students moving and learning to have fun! Brain research proves movement in the classroom increases academic performance! #goNoodleGlobal#ECGlobal
My building created a STEM lab that used to be a science room in the elementary school. All of our elementary schools this year are having STEM labs created. I piloted the STEM program in my building. We just finished writing the curriculum for everyone to use for September.
Share YOUR Favorite ECGlobal memories with us throughout the event by uploading your videos and images to https://t.co/tWiSrJKjfT#ECglobal is in full swing! First round of sessions is happening right now! visit https://t.co/EcryJt8NEq to join in the fun! @techamys
#Techinelem#ECGlobal#STEAM hello from India, we have a dedicated lab in school, but mostly it is in the classroom & I store the materials in the class cupboard
#gonoodleglobal@GoNoodle is set up in content areas making it easy to search for that perfect interactive video to get your S moving and learning! #ECGlobal
Hi @travellingtale! I just saw your website during #ECGlobal! I saw you try to match up similar age levels. I work with 5-8th graders. Would there be groups to match them up with or is it more elementary focused? Either way I'll pass it along to some folks I know. Looks awesome!
Reflection via google forms that are attached to Thinglink with questions that review: Plan, what worked well, what didn't, how did you improve on your design/challenge?
"Standards are important, but it's called the World's Largest Lesson for a reason." "They're cross curricular, but you know life is cross curricular." Some good quotes during a session led by @edtechjoe and Barb Doten on #TeachSDGs. Lots of folks sharing. #ECGlobal
A.1 My STEAM lessons I conduct usually in my classroom, but I love to have workshops everywhere I could. About nature is the best learn in nature. I orginanize STEM workshops for children in Mensa Serbia #Techinelem#ECGlobal#STEAM
I did as well, but then you always have the same kids answer, either via journaling or integrating a google form/questionnaire their VOICE is heard and gives you a better idea of their understanding!
"What are you doing to take action?"
via the Teachsdgs & the California Global Education Project
Loving hearing about the soft skills that are being incorporated into these young leaders of the future too!
Change in Schedule- join @excoba on periscope (not flipgrid) for his session "If the world was my home!" next hour (12pm CST) - watch through Twitter, or Zoom in the Qiqo Chat Room #5! #ECGlobal#iftheworldwasmyhome
In class I usually follow Curriculum, but sometimes when is some event or important day for STEM I love to organize workshops out of my school #Techinelem#ECGlobal#STEAM
Yes you can create in Google Slide then assign to each student so they have their own copy to submit. I would be happy to send you links to ones I've created and you could copy/manipulate as you wish!
All my classes are in a Google Classroom.
So - Digital Task Exit Ticket : Create a link in their classroom for them to answer specific reflection questions?
Those are great ideas. As well not everything needs to always be 'formally' assessed. My Ss' number sense and computational thinking has improved so much thanks to regular coding and bc of that they do better on traditional math work/assessments. #teachinelem
Educators advocating for their fav Tech and #EdTech tools without a sales rep or phone call in sight at #ECGlobal.
In #EdTech sales and/or making cold calls? Be afraid... Your future might be as bright as the gas lamplighters when electricity came along
"Standards are important, but it's called the World's Largest Lesson for a reason." "They're cross curricular, but you know life is cross curricular." Some good quotes during a session led by @edtechjoe and Barb Doten on #TeachSDGs. Lots of folks sharing. #ECGlobal
Educators join me today, Friday, July 20, 2018 @8 pm EST for my session "Empowering Students" based on the April release of Seven Insights for Teaching Success.
We will be using Twitter Chat and https://t.co/fxMK3UZ3oO#ECGlobal@EdChangeGlobal@7Insights
Hello, Meredith Schnick and I am a #dlpcoaching or digital coach. This will be in 10th year in education. 9 years teaching math and this is my first year as a digital coach #ECglobal#TsSharePT
A2: https://t.co/G7ph6ngAr5 saves grading time. All Ts at our school require students to submit written assignments through @grammarly b5 turning in. If we think it hasn't been, we return and don't grade until it is. #ECglobal#TsSharePT
#tssharept#ECGlobal A1&2:
Noel, Secondary ELA Teacher from NC.
Google Forms help with productivity. Answers go straight to a spreadsheet--easy to track.
Much respect to people who are comfortable with video, technology and multi-tasking... Mention this today for no reason what's so ever.
Has nothing to do with #ECGlobal, Zoom or Twitter ;)
Agree, I feel like I have gained so much time since using Classroom. Ss are helped as well as all resources for a class are found in one location. #ECGlobal#TsSharePT
A3: Extensions are my favorite! I think I have a slight addiction to them, LOL. My favorite Productivity ones for Ss are Homework Tracker, Block and Focus (warns if you open a marked website), Tab Resize (splits screen), and Save to Drive. #EcGlobal#TsSharePT
Keep has saved me sooooooooooo much time. I love sharing shopping lists with my husband, to-do lists with my IA's, and storing IEP text I use over and over! #TsSharePT#ECGlobal
Q3: I am not sure of the Chrome Extension I use but there is one attached to our online gradebook- using the tab button moves from one student record to the next- super easy and helpful! I would love to hear about other helpful Chrome Extensions out there! #tssharePT#ECGlobal
A3: For Ts I love @alicekeeler Quick Share Screen Shot (auto save to Drive and copies url to clipboard) and Print Friendly and PDF (Turns webpage text into pdf form - and you can delete chuncks) #ecglobal#tssharept
A4. My favorite is in Forms, the "Go to Section Based on Answer" feature when you set up can take a student to a tutorial if answer wrong or extension if correct #TsSharePT#ECGlobal
A4: From the Tools Menu, Explore is my favorite. Research, drag text/images, and cite - all without leaving your document, slide, or drawing! Such a time saver! #TsSharept#ecglobal
Hello, I am from Serbia. I am primary teacher who love STEAM and coding- unplugged, with robots or with educational games for coding #Techinelem#ECGlobal#coding#STEAM@chuttonMES
So very true, the most important thing, regardless of the profession is PS and collaboration! Coding even helps our little ones learn to take turns and look at one another when they speak!
Q2 I think it's important for every S to learn to code even if that doesn't mean they'll have a career later that's directly related to it. Coding is such a great life skill with problem solving, collaboration, number sense, computational thinking, etc. #Techinelem
It is easy to use. When you are on a website or an article that you want to read, you click the pocket icon. It then saves it to a list for you to read at your convenience. #TsSharePT#ECGlobal
A4: From the insert menu in Docs, you can insert a Table of Contents. It instantly Creates a clickable link to each heading in a document. Great for lots of notes with sections, etc. #ecglobal#tssharept
If using Google Classroom, there is a new feature to lock student screens when taking a Quiz in Google Forms. A much needed feature for tests. #tssharept#ecglobal
A4: Using the response validation in Google forms (lower right hand corner when creating questions). Students can't move on until they enter the answer correctly. Will give hints and color signals to students. #ECglobal#TsSharePT
A5: So remember that table of contents thing I shared about Docs? There is an add-on that will turn the TOC into a sliding side bar so those links can be seen from anywhere in a document. BOOM! #tssharept#ecglobal
A5: Tools for Docs and Power Tools for Sheets provide lots of options for manipulating text and data in those applications. So many time savers! #ecglobal#tssharept
Q.1: No I don't think that. Coding is only instrument for development of algorithmic thinking. It is a 21st century skill that will not have all children in the world... :-( #Techinelem#ECGlobal#coding#STEAM@chuttonMES
When you have time, bahahahah, I know, what time, go to the add on store for each app and just look around. It is amazing what all has been created, and so many people don't even know they exist! #ecglobal#tssharept
Is everyone aware that with the Quiz feature in Google Forms, it auto grades and puts everything into a Google Sheet, so you don't actually need Flubaroo anymore? Unless there is something I am missing that Flubaroo does that the Form Quiz wouldn't. #tssharept#ecglobal
Global learning community from the comfort of your own home or on the go #ECGlobal. Learning basic design and types of Infographics and how to use @easel_ly
I am still learning how to use Google Forms to its greatest potential- being able to put everything into a Google Sheet will be a time saver. #TssharePT#ECGlobal
@Ozobot and Edison robots are also great to use with or without tech. It's neat the different code designs Ss can make with markers and the Ozobot can perform the code or the Edison will respond to clapping #Techinelem
A6: I have the Gtasks App on my phone. It syncs with Google Calendar, specifically the "tasks" calendar everyone is given, and allows you to enter tasks from your phone. Helps so much having everything connected on all devices! #ecglobal#tssharept
Has anyone tried Bloxels yet, I purchased them at the end of last school year and am looking forward to working with them, @BloxelsBuilder just came out with a teacher manual / lessons this past summer!
Yes, there are limitations to the Quiz feature, so sometimes I still have to use Flubaroo. I'm blanking on the specifics at the moment, but I will try to remember them and let you know . #ECglobal#TsSharePT
FREEBIE TIME! Here is a link to a slide presentation with all of the tools I shared today plus many more I didn't have time to mention! Hope you find it useful. #tssharept
A1. Hi! I’m JoyAnn, a teacher librarian at a 5-8 in Indiana. I started getting more interested in #globaled last year during @globalreadaloud and hope to do even more with it this year. #connectglobalEDU#ECGlobal
A2. Students having global connections provides them authentic audiences, exposes them to other points of view, teaches communication skills, and opens their eyes to the world outside of the town in which they reside. #ECGlobal#connectglobalEDU
A1) William from Scotland - not an educator but my 7yr old son turned Pirate Sky Guy last yr by skipping school to go to another where a Skype call was taking place.
He's now trying to think of ways to get his class and school connected #BeMorePirate#ConnectGlobalEdu#ECGlobal
A2: I love how connecting outside of our school helps Ss feel compassion as well as realize how alike they are to the same age Ss in other states and countries. They learn so much! #ecglobal#connectglobaledu
A2) Based on personal experience I've helped educators and their communities to work on all kinds of projects through Twitter and collaborated with Silicon Valley startups because of and facilitate by tools like Skype. #ConnectGlobalEDU#ECGlobal
A3: I have a wide range of Ss - some who are scared completely of web sharing, and some who aren't cautious enough. Teaching Good Digital Citizenship Skills and showing samples of good connections is important b4 having students connect. #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
A3) Contrarian thought. The only Scottish eg in @ThisIsNewPower is a school girl who became an ISIS recruiter
If we're NOT teaching them these tools in edu are we keeping students safe? If marginalised IRL, do they find belonging in the wrong places? #ConnectGlobalEDU#ECGlobal
A3. We need to be aware of who will have access to things and who the audiences will be. Some things may need passwords or an extra layer. Teaching kids to keep private information out of the conversations. #connectglobalEDU#ecglobal
I do believe that, as educators, we are responsible to educate students to navigate the world they live in (even the digital part) If we aren't teaching them appropriate ways to use digital tools, they are likely learning inappropriate ways from peers. #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
A4 The first time I had a socially challenged young person come up to me and thank me for helping him make his first real friend, I was hooked. How can I deny that opportunity to any of my Ss. #ecglobal#connectglobaledu
A4. After we had our school participate in Global Read Aloud last year with A Long Walk to Water, one group of 6th graders were so inspired by the experiences that they started Wishes 4 Wells and working to raise money to help others access water. #connectglobalEDU#ECglobal
I have decided to always teach SDGs after being introduced to them through the #sos4loveproject last year. My students did amazing things and met amazing people! #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
So cool! I have it on my list to figure out @cospaces_edu, but haven't gotten it done yet. You are inspiring me to move it to the top of my list. #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
A1 Hi everyone, sorry for being late. I am Christiane, elementary teacher grades 1-3 from Berlin, Germany.
I love to connect my students to classes around the world #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
A4: I watched a student demo our VR Field Trip to Pakistan project and his reaction was "huh, the only thing I've heard about Pakistan is that there are wars there but that didn't look like war." He wasn't even connected to #PenPals yet + still his perspective shifted! #ECGlobal
A2: I support teachers all over the world and they all tell me the same thing - "My kids go from school to home and that's their whole world. They need to know what else is out there!" #ECGlobal
A5: By far the easiest is @bellylaughday Global Belly Laugh Day. Stop what you are doing for 1 minute and let out a huge belly laugh! #ecglobal#connectglobaledu
A5: I'm also always impressed at the connections Ts make over Twitter. Even connecting your students to an author, educator, or expert from another country is a great way to bring a global perspective into your classroom! #ECGlobal
A5: @PenPalSchools has connections for Ss and Ts - it's always inspiring to see the different ways that Ts connect to expand their collaborations! It's the easiest way to dip your toe into the #GlobalEd pool (or dive straight into the deep end, tbh) #ECGlobal
So many things you can do with it. Last year My students created main characters for a book they then wrote about the adventures of that character in @bookcreator Also brought characters to life through 3Dpens. #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
Hope to see you wonderful #collaborators for my @EdChangeGlobal session Life Beyond the Classroom. We’re talking self care and creativity too.
Well be using @Flipgrid so we can share, learn, grow. #ecglobal I’ll use #LifeBeyondECG2018 to share updates on Twitter
Sometimes there's a privilege to have a presenter 1 on 1 and learn all you need about Podcasts for Learning! Let's have our Ss create #podcasts and have them published on the page we're building as support for #textbooks#ECGlobal
A5 We participate in @globalmathtask - #gmttc
it is up to you how often and how much students engage in the challenges and very easy to integrate in your lessons #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
Hope to see you wonderful #collaborators for my @EdChangeGlobal session Life Beyond the Classroom. We’re talking self care and creativity too.
Well be using @Flipgrid so we can share, learn, grow. #ecglobal I’ll use #LifeBeyondECG2018 to share updates on Twitter
A6: Creating Connections that last beyond a project is a wonderful thing to do, but requires commitment from both teachers. It is work, but, in my opinion, well worth it! Friendships will form that last beyond the school year. #ecglobal#connectglobaledu
#ECGLOBAL#ConnectGlobalEDU Thank you for sharing! I am compiling collection to share with others! Please feel free to contribute and find some more ideas here: Community Collaborations https://t.co/QewUwnKIv0
A6: The Global Read Aloud (deeper connecting), Teach SDGs, SOS4LoveProject (students organizing solutions for SDGs), Reach out through FB and Twitter asking for Ts who want to connect. Make it happen. #ecglobal#connectglobaledu
This so aligns to something @ShakeUpLearning talks about - make learning dynamic. Give kids room to continue exploring beyond the due date. Help them own their learning. Be committed to facilitating and not controlling the process. #ecglobal#connectglobaledu#shakeuplearning
A6: I am constantly dreaming of a class Twitter feed to share work with a global audience, connect with experts, and conduct research. Poll & comments are great to capture perspectives + opinions! Hashtags make it easy to target specific countries or industries. #ECGlobal
Follow me on Twitter as I share what I love about connecting globally often. I've found some new people to follow as well. Hope the rest of your #ecglobal experience is amazing! #connectglobaledu
Looking forward to reading through these as it’s something I want to share with educators in my district as a way to help make reading/writing even more relevant. #connectglobaledu#ecglobal
A6 we take part in a very interesting project for the third time next year: app 10 classes around the world create+share books made with book creator. Topics are introducing the own country and school, typical feasts and festivities #connectglobaledu#ecglobal@mshsimpson1
Andplusalsotoo @Flipgrid can be accessed anytime anywhere. It’s asynchronous. So even if you can’t join us at 4 you can join anytime today or in the future because it will be available as a resource for you to learn, grow, & connect. #ECGlobal#LifeBeyondECG2018#flipgridfever
Yes!! It’s the kind of reading that invites you to participate in the educational shift that needs to happen so we can better serve our students. Change our mindset we must! #ECglobal#ConnectGlobalEDU
To live a life beyond the classroom is to actively, thoughtfully, & intentionally engage in teacher self care. I’ll share a few resources you might find useful. Don’t forget the @Flipgrid session too. More information @Flipgridhttps://t.co/HRUvUY3vVT#LifeBeyondECG2018#ecglobal
Challenge #2 is starting Now! To find out who won our first challenge, and what the next challenge will be, join in here! https://t.co/lZfIGiTsxF#ECGlobal#challenges@techamys will be broadcasting at 4:30pm CST!
A twitter chat I can celebrate, join this one to find the question and ours next Thursday to chat about the formative assessments. #EducatorFirst#testing#EdNetworkChat
#cncting4kids Goes Global tonight at 10 PM EST on Twitter. If you’re not out on the town living it up, come party with @Katiemc827 & I at #ECGlobal. One Question, One Challenge, Endless Possibilities. Qs here: https://t.co/GXqZ0Wk8VX
Totally OK. Let me know if you figure out how to stay quiet. I am so high on #ECGlobal I feel like, ideas popping in so fast I can hardly keep track with my own thoughts. #teachersteachingteachers
Right!! It can literally knock the wind out of your zeal and passion for the work. It’s good to talk about the entirety of what this work requires. Heart and soul and compassion but also good #selfcare#LifeBeyondECG2018#ECglobal
Global learning community from the comfort of your own home or on the go #ECGlobal. Learning basic design and types of Infographics and how to use @easel_ly
Congratulations @fergask you've won a 1-year subscription @Belouga_ Continued Learning Community for participating in #ECGlobal. DM me to claim your prize. WOO HOO!
Getting ready to talk easy tech tools to bring into humanities classes. Here's my presentation (aka just a list) in case anyone wants it https://t.co/O0YyJOCc5U#ECglobal
So fun playing @GooseChaseEDU Gave me ideas of how I can use this tool to elevate some lessons. Thanks @EdChangeGlobal team for putting together a great challenge that also teaches! #ecglobal
Oh My! How many @EdChangeGlobal sessions can you do at once??? LOL Twitter Chat, Voxer, and Zoom. Why Yes! Yes, you can. That, my friends, is the power of these here internets.
Hey @MattEduTech thanks for the informative presentation! I had no idea @google photo could do all those things. Whew! Can't wait to try it out. #ecglobal
Welcome! Before we start learning more about #globaled, let’s learn more about each other! Where are you from? What do you teach? If you could take your students anywhere in the world, where would you take them and why? #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchool
We went a bit overboard on the hashtags (just so excited!) So let’s use #ECGlobal as the main one. Our Tweets will include #PenPalChat and #PenPalSchools so folks can find the chat, but feel free to only use #ECGlobal in your responses! #sorry
Welcome #ECGlobal! I hope you're excited to share and learn more about #globaled! First, introduce yourself - where are you from? What do you teach? If you could take your Ss anywhere in the world, where would you take them and why?
Welcome! Before we start learning more about #globaled, let’s learn more about each other! Where are you from? What do you teach? If you could take your students anywhere in the world, where would you take them and why? #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchool
A1: Ss are exposed to different ideas, beliefs, histories, and perspectives when they connect with people who are from different places than they are. #ECGlobal
A1 to empower and make them aware that even though they are young, they can still work with other students around the world to bring awareness to Global Problems #penpalschools#ECglobal@TeachSDGs
A2 We manily use @SkypeClassroom , but also @Seesaw Blogs, OneNote, Google Hangouts... we are willing to learn any TOOL in order to enable powerful collaberations!#ECGLOBAL#PenPalCHats
Hi I am a 1stGrade Teacher in Texas, If we could go anywhere, it would be to visit sea turtles and see first hand the efforts being made to save them. #penpalchat#ecglobal
Oh My! How many @EdChangeGlobal sessions can you do at once??? LOL Twitter Chat, Voxer, and Zoom. Why Yes! Yes, you can. That, my friends, is the power of these here internets.
So fun playing @GooseChaseEDU Gave me ideas of how I can use this tool to elevate some lessons. Thanks @EdChangeGlobal team for putting together a great challenge that also teaches! #ecglobal
A4 Mainly student ownership of their learning! They are invested when they are empowered as Solution Solvers and not information absorbents! #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools
#GlobalEd isn't just about engaging students or developing #empathy. Think about your learning goals - how can they be improved by connecting to global perspectives? #ECGlobal
A5 You have to be super tech savvy to connect your students. Not true! There are easy-to-use resources AND you can always learn alongside your students. #ECGlobal
A5 You have to speak the same language to connect. Not necessarily! You can learn languages through connections, or there are tools available to translate. #ECGlobal
A5 Biggest myth that prevents connections: GETTING STARTED! We need to stop thinking of all the ways it could go wrong and start giving ownership of learning to our students! We never stopped using pencils because they are sharp, or did we? #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools
Brian Costello says "Be braggy. You’ve done something special. Don’t feel ashamed to tell people, to be proud of what you’ve done." What a fabulous message to all our #gamechangers@EdChangeGlobal today! Enjoying my first #VoxerChat Aspiring Authors #ECGlobal
🙌 I feel like this could apply to SO MANY awesome teaching practices/strategies/tools. Getting started is often the hardest part when you're doing something new in the classroom. But I always remember that we challenge Ss and ask them to do new things everyday! #ECGlobal
A6 Research is always an easy way to start. If you're not ready to build in a #global connection, ask your Ss to find them! Challenge Ss to consider a global perspective. Google is all you need! #ECGlobal
Did you know you can mute/unmute tabs in Google chrome?!! How cool is that and something I'll use because I move across tabs during presentations. Thanks for this great tip @MattEduTech#ecglobal#learningAHA
A7 If you're already doing #PBL and you haven't connected your project globally, you're too close not to! Find a global audience, collaborators, or new friends to learn from. #ECGlobal
Be sure as you are all sharing and participating in our challenges that you're tweeting out your creations using #ECGlobal please! and share them on @instagram we well.. to build a buzz and excitement the #globalcollaboration and #friendlycompetition!
#cncting4kids Goes Global tonight at 10 PM EST on Twitter. If you’re not out on the town living it up, come party with @Katiemc827 & I at #ECGlobal. One Question, One Challenge, Endless Possibilities. Qs here: https://t.co/GXqZ0Wk8VX
that's the beauty of learning in progress and failing forward when you're tyring new-to-tools. learning something new. thank you @fergask#ECGlobal andplusalsotoo @Flipgrid is a really neat edu tool for learning, collaborating, and growing
Thank you for participating with me this Friday. Please let me know your name, where you are located and what you wish to gain from our Twitter Chat session on Empowering Students.
Q1: Who are you? Where are you located? What would you like to gain today?
After a few years of participating, I just finished my first #ECGlobal session as a facilitator! Whew. Here's the link to the slides (lots of stuff within the slides are linked too). https://t.co/I5GFlAbWsZ#gra18
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A1 I want to connect my Ss with their peers around the world because they like authentic scenarios and audiences so full of diversity and cultural bonds.
Hi Donna, I’m the principal & curicullum designer @CEBCroatia. I am also Teacher Trainer & Consultant. I’ve recently finished and loved #7insights. Thank you ❤️ #ECglobal
We are live on the Twitter Chat. Let me know who you are, from where you are joining us, and what you hope to gain from our session on Empowering Students.
Thank you for the kind comments. I am interested in your feedback as far as your staff empowing students in Croatia by having them perform key administrative roles in their classrooms.
In reply to
@Butkovicedu, @ladyflyer7, @CEBCroatia
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A4 Low ICT integration and prior knowledge of certain topics ; sometimes timezones and languages could be a barrier.
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A3 Low ICT integration and prior knowledge of certain topics ; sometimes timezones and languages could be a barrier.
Come support one of very own, Stormy Daniels as she presents at #ECglobal today at 8pm, during her online presentation, Learning w/out Borders w/Skype https://t.co/NN82wYLb0L#iamEPISD
Q2: Do you believe that students should take an active role in how they learn material in your classroom and be given a variety of options when showing mastery of material?
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A4 21st Century soft and hard skills can be improved through global connections across subjects and integrated language skills.
Q2: Do you believe that students should take an active role in how they learn material in your classroom and be given a variety of options when showing mastery of material?
After a few years of participating, I just finished my first #ECGlobal session as a facilitator! Whew. Here's the link to the slides (lots of stuff within the slides are linked too). https://t.co/I5GFlAbWsZ#gra18
That’s a great way to empower students by allowing them to take on responsibility in learning environments. In my experience this gives them incentive to come to class early and allows them to take pride in the operations of the class.
In reply to
@Butkovicedu, @ladyflyer7, @CEBCroatia
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A5 One misconception is overlooking the enhancing and inspiring side of diversity working collaboratively and cooperatively.
Absolutely. I believe that it is imperative that in 21st Century classrooms the teacher should take a facilitator role and assist the students in their unique educational journeys. #7insights#ECGlobal#EmpoweringStudents
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A 6 They can work on PBL applying Design Thinking skills on real world problems to solve them and develop awareness regarding global issues.
Q3: Thinking about the presentation of your classroom, does the design, decoration and organization of materials encourage students to be creative and innovative?
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A7 Global collaboration can help find different ways of applying stages of design thinking in PBL : Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test with feedback and reflection.
If you are up at 10pm CST check out @teachermike72's third session about active listening for #ECGlobal ! I l learned so much I can take back to my classroom!
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A8 Global connections in authentic scenarios have helped my students learn vocabulary , grammar and global learning skills in context.
A3: If I was back in the classroom, I would focus more on getting my kids involved in the design process and space instead of focusing on a particular theme. The last few years in the classroom I started to implement #flexibleseating, and we loved it! @EdChangeGlobal#ECGlobal
Q3: Thinking about the presentation of your classroom, does the design, decoration and organization of materials encourage students to be creative and innovative?
A3. I’m trying to redesign the #Makerspace a bit to display some student work and resources. Trying to think of a way to put some of the materials in the main part of the library. Also want to declutter some of the library decor this year and simplify a bit. #7insights#ECGlobal
Seeing educators get excited about doing PD on their own time makes me do a happy dance (and I did my own to JLo's Let's Get Loud for the GooseChase Challenge) @EdChangeGlobal#ECGlobal
#7Insights Students must know that you care about them as individuals before they will allow you to shape and mold their minds with your information. It is also really important that you relay to them why what you are teaching matters to them! #ECglobal
Welcome! This chat is a #collaborative brainstorm! We’ll be providing questions stems and asking you to design Qs that you can use in your class. By the end of this chat, you should have a LOT of great ideas for next year! #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools
Icebreaker: What is your favorite thing about project-based learning? Or, if you’re new to PBL, what about PBL are you most excited about? #PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools
Q4: In what ways do you communicate with your students, parents and community about what is going on in your classroom? #7Insights#EmpoweringStudents#ECGlobal
Hi! I'm Jessica, the Community Manager at @PenPalSchools! Former high school #sped teacher in NYC. I love how #PBL helps students learn how to take ownership of their own learning! #ECGlobal
A1: Well written essential questions are important to maintain the focus of the project. Students should always be able to real themselves back in by going back to the essential question. #ECGlobal#PenPalChat
The essential question frames the exploration, investigation, creative work and collaboration--it opens the door to the possibilities and promise of PBL #penpalchat
A1 An essential question provokes thinking and curiosity. What can be learned without that? However, in the #ibpyp we use a range of questions mostly generated by students based on a central idea - kind of like an enduring understanding. #PenPalChat#ECGlobal
The essential question frames the exploration, investigation, creative work and collaboration--it opens the door to the possibilities and promise of PBL #penpalchat
Enduring understanding - that idea is definitely going to stick with me. How do you support students to generate their own questions? #ECGlobal#PenPalChat
A2 An essential question should be debateable, not ‘yes/no’. It also shouldn’t be value-laden or leading to a specific answer or goal. #PenPalChat#ECGlobal
Accept all suggestions at first, then revisit throughout the inquiry. Evaluate each question, toss some out, elevate some to ‘essential’ status, revise. #PenPalChat#ECGlobal
We often share the topic's big idea, rationale, examples a week or so ahead to give Ss time to explore on their own, then we begin class exploration. #penpalchat
In reply to
@Jessicaraealt, @BarMillEDU, @PenpalSchools
A3. How can we improve the plight of refugees? How can the school welcome students who are new to the area? How can students improve how they embrace other cultures? How can world improve things for refugees? We’ll be reading Refugee for #gra18. #PenPalChat#ECGlobal
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A2 A great essential question may consist of an identified state of affairs , an empathetic approach to it and a goal oriented quest to set the ground for hypotheses and subsequent queries.
A3: How can fertilizer improve soil? How can vegetation improve water quality? How can emuslfiers improve salad dressing? How can carbon improve steel? #ECGlobal#PenPalChat
These internets are on fire today. Hard to keep up, but worth it to listen, learn, collaborate, dream, & remember.
Just keep showing up. Keep doing good work. Keeping fine tuning. Keep pursuing. Keep sharing. Keep on keeping on!
A5. What impact does fake news and inaccurate resources have on us? What impact do quality resources have on your learning? What impact do the books offered have on your learning? What impact does GRA have on you and others around the world? #PenPalChat#ECglobal
It's a pleasure Kathryn! Hope you find the visual data useful... Hope that we can develop the map in ways that will help the #ECGlobal community in a number of ways.
Thank you Erika! It was my first time to design a grip and I definitely had some mishaps, but it seems to be working out now. Excited to hear your thoughts. So much learning and collaborating. It's amazing! #ecglobal#alwayslearning#lifebeyondecg2018
And we have our winners! Not only the top 1-2 leaders but because of all of the great participation, we're giving away a lot of prizes! DM @DebAtchison for instructions about claiming your prize! #ECGlobal
A7. If you were in charge of the library, what would you change? In charge of the Makerspace? In charge of GRA? In charge of the school? In charge of SLT? In charge of equity or PAWS initiatives? In charge of the community? In charge of the country? #PenPalChat#ECglobal
10 Minutes until "#cncting4kids Goes Global" at #ECGlobal! We hope you'll join us for one question, one challenge and great connections and conversation!
Looking forward to attending @kat_goyette@techcoachjuarez session about making professional learning great again!!! This is a session that I have been wanting to see for a while!! They will be in Room 3, in about 10 minutes! Join here https://t.co/kfd0MBXGdZ#ECGlobal
#PenPalChat#ECGlobal#PenPalSchools A 4 How would you design a new learning scenario that would make learning more enjoyable , practical and socially relevant ?
A8. How might your community change if it was located in another country (insert name of country relevant to the learning)? How might your community change if you found a cause you’re passionate about? #PenPalChat#ECglobal
Brian Costello says "Be braggy. You’ve done something special. Don’t feel ashamed to tell people, to be proud of what you’ve done." What a fabulous message to all our #gamechangers@EdChangeGlobal today! Enjoying my first #VoxerChat Aspiring Authors #ECGlobal
INTRODUCTIONS - Share your name, location, role and what other #ECGlobal sessions you enjoyed already or look forward to later on. Bonus: Add a GIF that shares how you are feeling about this weekend ahead. #cncting4kids
Mike, Tech Integrator/TOSA from Lake Shore CSD in NY. I am just joining into the #ECGlobal fun now after a day of travel with family. Can’t wait to join more sessions over the remaining time. As for the weekend ahead...#cncting4kids
I’m Steve, a Tech Integrator from Canandaigua, NY. I’m excited to participate in this #ECGlobal chat, and to watch some baseball this weekend! #cncting4kids
QUESTION - We often ask students to stay curious as we help them become lifelong learners. Curiosity is often the first step toward learning. What are you most curious about related to the future of education and/or learning? #cncting4kids#ECGlobal#CBLchat#staycurious
A - I have LOTS of curiosities but am most curious about what professional learning will look like 5-10 years from now. How will technology impact this? #cncting4kids#ECGlobal
Woot woot! I am more of a #cncting4kids party crasher. #ECGlobal seemed like a great place to share the awesome hashtag and the great conversation you all bring to the table each month!
Shoutout to @Jessicaraealt and @PenpalSchools for leading a great #penpalchat during #ecglobal. I loved the stems as prompts. It was great practice for me to think about how to design essential questions in my role. Thank you! (Go check out their stems using #penpalchat.)
So excited to be giving out amazing prizes from our #ECGlobal sponsors! Make sure to participate in the challenges and tweet out your favorite things from @EdChangeGlobal to win prizes.
Most curious about how we will find ways to bring the world and connect with Ss and Ts all over the world through advancements in VR. It’s already so incredible. I also wonder if professional learning for Ts will be more hands on to help model it for Ss. #cncting4kids#ECglobal
That bell can get in the way of so much. As they say, the most dangerous phrase in education is "we've always done it that way." #WhatIf there were no bells? I assume most would cringe at the thought but imagine if we made a list of what could go right! #cncting4kids#ECGlobal
I am the most curious on how to keep changing with our students and to constantly adapt try new things to keep kids actively engaged #cncting4kids#ECGlobal#CBLchat#staycurious
QUESTION - We often ask students to stay curious as we help them become lifelong learners. Curiosity is often the first step toward learning. What are you most curious about related to the future of education and/or learning? #cncting4kids#ECGlobal#CBLchat#staycurious
Right there with you on ALL of this. I also wonder at what point students can become a bigger part of the PD process. As in giving them more of a voice to empower them. Are we listening enough? Can we do better? #cncting4kids#ECGlobal
YES!! I am SO curious to see how the #TeachSDGs movement continues to make a difference in the world. I LOVE that you brought up the equity piece. Especially in the area of coding! #cncting4kids#ECGlobal
One step at a time, one day at a time. We can't do it all but we can keep chipping away. Joining conversations like these and events like #ECGlobal gives me much hope. #cncting4kids
I agree how many of us have students, maintenance, food service staff on our professional development committee they all should have a voice #cncting4kids#ECGlobal#CBLchat#staycurious
So much love here for student edcamps! Hoping that our school can get to a point where it isn't just a one day event in June. Talks are underway about having one in December as well. They went over so well. #cncting4kids#ECGlobal
In reply to
@kylelaurie, @Katiemc827, @ynkgrl1, @MissConsaul5