Every third Tuesday of the month at 10am PT, Microsoft Innovative Educators and expert hosts discuss a monthly changing theme during two #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet sessions for educators. The topic for May 15 will be Inclusive Classrooms and Accessibility.
#MSFTEduChat TweetMeets are an initiative from the Microsoft in Education Marketing Team. Follow us on Twitter: @MicrosoftEDU.
#MSFTEduChat has begun! We're excited to know your thoughts on the #GlobalGoals. Before we get started, we'd love to hear where you're from.
A1. One beautiful thing about @TheGlobalGoals is that all 17 —and their 169 targets— can be used to engage & empower learners at any age & within any curriculum. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
ما هي المشاكل والقضايا العالمية الأكثر إلحاحًا والتي يمكن للطلاب تعلمها اليوم؟
1 ) أي من أهداف التنمية المستدامة الـ 17 من الممكن ربطها بفصلك الدراسي؟
2) ما هي النصيحة الأولى التي يمكن بها البدأ في تعليم اهداف التنمية المستدامة؟
Excited to join...A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So here we are to learn and strengthen our spirit
The most pressing issue is for students to start identifying issues, learn them deeply, and share action priorities persuasively -- especially with those who hold differing viewpoints. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Whether you’re teaching science or social studies, math or literacy, there’s a UN Sustainable Development Goal that can enhance your lesson & empower your students. All 17 @SDGoals can be linked to more purposeful curricular learning. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Good afternoon everyone! Amber here from Clermont, Florida, USA. Excited to chat about @TeachSDGs today as it is a huge part of my influence for teaching. Can't wait to share, connect, and learn with likeminded, compassionate educators. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert#SDG
All of them. My Ss have been trying to tell me that some of the Goals affect them and our community more than others, but I’ve been encouraging them to take a closer look. All 17 Goals have relevance in ALL communities. #msfteduchat
Hello my #TeachSDGs friends and all others here at #MSFTEduChat. I feel all #SDGs are important for students to learn more about in order to become involved! AND the great news is--you don't have to choose just one!
I would suggest those where students can engage in some sort of action or response right away, within their communities. The positive momentum of seeing their agency relative to the solutions can build to the problems of larger, more abstract scale. #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
While we see a country dying of hunger,there is also an example of the one wasting surplus of food! So I believe that ZERO HUNGER is something that we must emphasize in classrooms!!! #MSFTEduChat
Which global issues are most pressing for students to learn today?
ما هي المشاكل والقضايا العلمية الأكثر إلحاحا والتي يمكن للطلاب البدء بتعلمها اليوم؟
Use #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs in your tweets and replies.
Which global issues are most pressing for students to learn today?
Use #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs in your tweets and replies.
O kojim globalnim pitanjima bi učenici danas trebalo da uče?
Koristite #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs i #Srpski u svojim tvitovima i odgovorima
Which global issues are most pressing for students to learn today?
Use #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs in your tweets and replies.
Vấn đề toàn cầu nào mang tính cấp thiết nhất với học sinh ngày nay?
Hãy sử dụng #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs trong tweet của bạn để trả lời.
A0. The beautiful part of @TeachSDGs is that Ss don't have to chose or be told which goal to embrace. #SDGs allow Ss to evaluate their own understandings, passions, and viewpoints to come to a conclusion on which goal(s) to support. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert#surfacepro#stuvoice
#MSFTEduChat when I see India ,gender equality seems to a pressing issue .we need to educate our boys on the importance of treating girls and women with respect.and then what also becomes important is education .
Having an education is taken for granted by many, but a quality education is paramount to improving life for everyone across the globe. Education supports improvements in all the other goals. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MIEExpert@GEDSB21C@GEDSB
Most pressing Global issues:
* Building a just society
* Peace and Equity
* Safe drinking Water and
* Environment Challenges
I can't wait to learn more about the #TeachSDG's during this #MSFTEduChat about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. All goals are important for S's to learn about but the more they can understand the impact of Poverty, and encourage Partnerships the better #MIEExpert
Učenici bi trebalo da uče o globalnim pitanjima jer se ona tiču svih nas. Posebno su važna pitanja - mir, iskorenjivanje siromaštva, neravnopravnosti i nepravde, kao i rešavanje klimatskih promena https://t.co/da7dkTIeCn@UNCT_Serbia#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#Srpski
Greetings from San Francisco, California! I am so excited to join this #MSFTEduChat Tweetmeet!
I am passionate about the #TeachSDGs movement and connecting schools worldwide to #SparkEmpathy
Welcome to the #MSFTEduChat !A0 ALL global issues are important to students! More than ever before students are realizing that we live in an interconnected world.
All of them. My Ss have been trying to tell me that some of the Goals affect them and our community more than others, but I’ve been encouraging them to take a closer look. All 17 Goals have relevance in ALL communities. #msfteduchat
So hard to pick one. Ensuring someone has access to a quality life free of inequities and free of fear of being without basic survival needs is top. But this hits a few different #SDGs#MSFTEduChat#RJleaguechat
John Bimmerle Here in Texas, and not an expert in the #TeachSDGs but certainly passionate about it all. And this #MSFTEDUchat has so many great experts hosting.
It's hard to say specifically as every setting is different. For some safety and security is most pressing, for others it's #climatechange - that's the beauty of the #SDGs - a universal and comprehensive agenda for sustainable global development #MSFTEduChat
Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production: Renewable sources of energy represent one-fifth of the world's final energy consumption in 2013. Does your country contribute to this change? #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat I think that Ts need to introduce the idea and let Ss choose what interests or excites them. An argument can be made for all of them - that's why they're included!
The involvement of Youth and the ability of educators to engage them in meaningful activities to address global issues is the soul of @TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Welcome to this Month's #MSFTEduChat! we have begun and I am here in a mission to help and partner with Teachers reach their goals in any way that I can! #MicrosoftEDU
While we see a country dying in hunger, there is also an example of one wasting tons of food. So I believe that ZERO HUNGER is something we must emphasize in classrooms!! #MSFTEduChat
It is a tough decision, so I like to introduce and let Ss choose what they are passionate about. They are all important! #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu#TeachSDGs In Beijing students feel very compelled to look at sustainable cities and water as key issues to address locally. Globally, our students recognize climate action, inequality, women and ed, and peace/conflict as massive global problems.
I think all the 17 goals can be connected to our classrooms depending upon the topic which we are teaching is based on which SDG goal #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
Which global issues are most pressing for students to learn today?
Use #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs in your tweets and replies.
Vấn đề toàn cầu nào mang tính cấp thiết nhất với học sinh ngày nay?
Hãy sử dụng #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs trong tweet của bạn để trả lời.
All the goals can be connected you classroom.
We r going to do same for this academic session.Every chapter in my social science syllabus is linked with one sustainable development goal and had covered all the goals #MSFTEduChat@TeachSDGs @
Regardless of the #TeachSDG focus, designed correctly students can develop skills need to take passion and translate it into collective action. #MSFTEduChat
#msfteduchat Greetings from Connecticut! So excited to talk #TeachSDGs with everyone. It's so hard to pick such one goal- they're all so interconnected and important for every country to address. As a teacher, of course, I think #4 is a big one! :-)
Hello! Dan 6th grade world geography teacher from Milford, Massachusetts! Excited to see how others are using the SDGs in their classrooms! #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Join us or lurk, either way, this chat is a great way to get your feet under you as you explore and begin working with the UN Sustainable Dev Goals
TweetMeet tips:
1. Start your tweet with A1..A6
2. Include #MSFTEduChat hashtag
3. Set up @TweetDeck#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
A1: Every Goal is relevant in the classroom!
#SDGs are an interconnected plan that can be integrated right through the curriculum – across ages, settings & subject areas. It’s a real life learning! https://t.co/WXQtbZowag#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
TweetMeet tips:
1. Start your tweet with A1..A6
2. Include #MSFTEduChat hashtag
3. Set up @TweetDeck#MicrosoftEDU
TweetMeet tips:
1. Hãy bắt đầu với A1.. A6
2. Hãy thêm hashtag #MSFTEduChat trong câu trả lời
3. Hãy thiết lập @TweetDeck
A 1. I think my classroom should connect with all the goals since taking up just one as an independent entity is not possible. So if I tell my students not to waste food for example, then they shall also be covering Goal 2, 3, 12, 13. Aim 20130 !!#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat I think that Ts need to introduce the idea and let Ss choose what interests or excites them. An argument can be made for all of them - that's why they're included!
Evening all and greetings from Wales.....diving in and out as I finish assembling daughters bed....looking forward to learning more about #TeachSDGs from some great educators! #MSFTEduChat
Studs Terkel highlights the impact the Great Depression had on people in "Hard Times" wonder how "Austerity" will affect the next generation with poverty and inequality? More empathetic leaders perhaps? #MsftEduChat
Want my students to realize everyone has problems. The next neighborhood, state, country may have more difficult problems. What will we do to help everyone? Want to raise up game changers #GoogleEI#MSFTEduChat
A1 - All 17 #SDGs are relevant and interconnected. There is always something which touches my students' lives in each and every global goal. #MSFTEduChat
A1: All the goals are intertwined. Addressing them as a system and allowing students to jump in where they are passionate will lead to more engagement #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs
I believe that tackle gender inequalities and racism are 2 essencial points to raise a generation kinder, more aware and educated about diversity and it's implications. #MSFTEduChat
Q1. Which of these 17 UN Goals can be connected to your classroom?
Q1: Mục tiêu nào trong 17 mục tiêu của Liên Hiệp Quốc có thể được kết nối với lớp học của bạn?
Q1. Which of these 17 UN Goals can be connected to your classroom?
أي من أهداف التنمية المستدامة ال17 التي يمكنك ربطها بفصلك الدراسي؟
por supuesto el #SDGs5 trabajado con profesores de todo el mundo es una forma excelente de concienciar a nuestros estudiantes #MSFTEduChat que otro mundoes posible #TeachSDGs
A1. Teaching a Global Studies course, nearly all the @TeachSDGs have been addressed; however, we tend to hit on Goal 2,4, and 10 the most frequently. Each of these goals has been an important resource for teaching the #SEL skill of empathy as well. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
Q1. Which of these 17 UN Goals can be connected to your classroom?
Q1. Koji od ovih 17 UN ciljeva održivog razvoja može biti povezan sa onim što predajete?
Students have first to understand the goals and their possible impact on our lives. Then they can use ICTtools to advocate for them.finally they have to implement these goals in real life situations
A1: #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs They are interrelated to make the world a more sustainable, resilient, fair place for all. All of them are connected to our classrooms.
Whether you’re teaching science or social studies, math or literacy, there’s a UN Sustainable Development Goal that can enhance your lesson & empower your students. All 17 @SDGoals can be linked to more purposeful curricular learning. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A. 1 Many of the topics have a great influence of sdgs e.g.10th standard has topic Development where Goals No Poverty, Quality Education has a direct impact #Msfteduchat#TeachSDGs
In reply to
@OneNoteC, @Ayushchopra24, @TeachSDGs, @ProfeEdTech, @Ada_McKim, @pkdhillon08, @25MaHa, @francis_joseph, @slnindia, @ashokkp, @SDG4QEducation, @Chetna1806, @jyoti1013, @MandeepSukhija, @sunita_rajiv
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs rejoignez nous pour discuter de l'enseignement des Objectifs du Développement Durable
discuteremo l'insegnamente delle Obietivi del sviluppamento Durabile
A1 - **Ben's Digital Assistant as he is teaching now** With the right project all of the #SDGs can be connected to every classroom. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEDUChat
#MSFTEduChat Just like subjects cannot be taught in isolation, each goal is imp. Key is let ss select based on personal relevance, get dem passionate about the goal & let dem delve deeper 2 see how it interconnects with the other SDGs #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs gli obiettivi più urgenti sono G12,13, 14 cambiamenti climatici, G6: acqua e servizi igienico-sanitari, G5 uguaglianza di genere e G4 istruzione di qualità
Most pressing Global issues:
* Building a just society
* Peace and Equity
* Safe drinking Water and
* Environment Challenges
A1 All of the Sustainable are linked to my classroom and Goal 4: Equality Education is the core Goal to make influence to other Goals.
A1: The Global goals can be incorporated in all classrooms and curriculums, because they are everywhere around us and everything is interconnected.
In Math classes, very useful site is https://t.co/bnzRIPYWDi where you can find statistics about SDGs
#MSFTEduChat A1: the expense of education. For many of the poorest families, school, after school programs, social activities remain too expensive or are beginning to charge a cost. Many of these children do not get to experience what many affluent students can.
A1: Globalni ciljevi se mogu koristiti u svim predmetima, jer oni prožimaju čitav život i svet oko nas.
Na časovima matematike se može obrađivati npr. statistika o globalnim ciljevima. Odličan sajt za to je https://t.co/bnzRIPYWDi#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#Srpski
A1 I look at Goal 3: Good Health & Well-Being with Mental Health Memoir Unit in senior English classes & Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities when reading Of Mice and Men, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Merchant of Venice #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MIEExpert@GEDSB21Chttps://t.co/cVyYoGaL3g
A1: All of them! By teaching SDGs you contribute to #Goal4 but we encourage educators to connect ALL of @TheGlobalGoals in the classroom. If we strive to achieve them all, we can build a better and brighter future for the younger generation #MSFTEduChat. https://t.co/T7pQWsdzsd
A1) There isn't a particular #SDG that can be connected to our classrooms, as all #SDGs are interconnected. Generally #SDG4#SDG9 and #SDG10 can be considered. Working for these goals will help to achieve other goals too #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGS
A1: SDG 3 Reduce processed food/added sugar in cafeteria. SDG7/11 Promote & co-design sustainable new school facilities. SDG 6 Curate Salva Dut of Water for South Sudan’s visit on water issues/conflict. SDG 17 with all #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
All these 17 UN Goals can be connected to my classroom. As an english and social science teacher I can relate with all these goals. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU
#msfteduchat When planning SDG's as a curriculum catalyst you need 1. coherence & rigor, 2. prior understanding, 3. relevance & connectedness, 4. flexibility, 5. evaluation and 6. progression
Yes!!!! today the world is more small that yesterday!! Today we are connecting the power of education to change the world. #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs thanks!!😉🖒
The biggest success factor is getting Governments to pass conducive legislation that provides market incentives for the growth of productive, clean industries and directs tax revenue responsibly towards enlightened and inclusive public goods and services. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A2 : poser le probleme de la “SIAP” qui est une société qui s’oppose au buts des SDG qui est un danger non seulement pour le présent mais aussi pour le futur des nouvelles générations
A3 : par fêter toutes les journée qui sont en liaison avec les buts des SDGS et profiter ces occasions pour sensibiliser les autres de l’importance de ces but au niveau de leur communautés et aux réseaux sociaux
1. All SDGs CanBe Connected in Many Ways in my Classroom but every Classroom has its own Heartbeat Connected With What Fuels its Passion for Action! #ilovedyslexia Heart Beats4 #Goal4 & #Goal16 & #Goal15 Give Students the CHOICE 2 CHOOSE The Goals of Their #Heart! #MSFTEduChat
A4 : j’ai remarqué que les élèves sont accro à tout ce qui est numérique et artistique donc je vois qu’il faut enseigner ces buts en les intégrants dans une chanson ou voir un film ou aussi travailler sur une image
A1: Currently, I am very interested in #SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals. Connecting students to other classrooms, communities, and the world! #MSFTeduchat#TeachSDGs
A5 : j’ai remarqué que les élèves sont accros à tout ce qui est numérique et artistique donc utiliser des applications de Microsoft rend l’élève plus réceptif et excité ce qui mémoriser mieux les objectifs appris
A1. From personal experience many teachers are educating pupils on #TeachSDGs but are currently unaware of the U.N. 17 goals ..therefore the pupils will be unaware also. Hope that makes sense! #MSFTEduChat
A1. Unfortunately, all our students will be personally affected by more than one of the seventeen UN Goals and therefore all of them are connected to your classroom. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A6 : la prochaine étape est l’application réelle de ces buts comme planter des arbres et filmer l’évènement, créer le design des SDG et les imprimer sur des pulls, des tasses ou des affiches
A1. I encourage Ts to look at what #TeachSDGs naturally fits in their curriculum or what Ss have a special interest in. The class can focus on one or divide out to cover many. #MSFTEduChat
Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production: Renewable sources of energy represent one-fifth of the world’s final energy consumption in 2013. Does your country contribute to this change? #MSFTEduChat
I think the most pressing issue for students is quality education and conservation of resources for their better future.
A1 I feel if not in totality, each of the goals can be touched upon through some way of the other through our units of inquiry where we generally focus on a global issue #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs gli obiettivi più urgenti sono G12,13, 14 cambiamenti climatici, G6: acqua e servizi igienico-sanitari, G5 uguaglianza di genere e G4 istruzione di qualità
#MSFTEduChat I teach early middle school & have been able to connect all of the 17 UN Goals to school life, key is 2 make each goal relevant to the children #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
We can encourage our students by showing them other students experiences allover the world so they will be more motivated. show them the impact of these SDGs goals on others https://t.co/EZQBlpszRA they can promote happiness around them
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being.GOAL 4: Quality Education.GOAL 5: Gender Equality.
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert#RiseUp4SDGs
very true, that is the best part it doesnt have to be any one thing, simply getting Ss involved in #globalgoals and other issues is key and so great for the students #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat these goals are what is driving my teacher educator initiative at #pbssocal
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
@EdGalPBS on Q1: Which of these 17 UN Goals can be connected to your classroom? LOVE the direction you're taking PBS to engage educators to produce high quality learning #WavesUP@PeppGSEP
Intolerance is the biggest global issue. If we learn to accept and respect people the way they are, we will create tolerant people and build global peace #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A2. As an educator we have the power to channel ss positive energies and help them believe that they are not helpless, change is possible,&they can drive it. So just start by identifying what issues relate to their daily life and Go for it
It is important to link all 17 #SDGs to the classroom and to emphasize the interconnectedness and symbiosis of all of them, and all of us. Success in one supports all the others but failure in one impedes all the others.
A1. U obrazovanju OSI (osobe sa smetnjama u razvoju) imaju posebnu važnost. Oni su ciljevi obrazovanja ove populacije uopšte. U nastavi se pored reodvnog IOP-a mogu predstaviti i SDGs
The involvement of Youth and the ability of educators to engage them in meaningful activities to address global issues is the soul of @TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
P1: #MSFTEduChat i #Srpski
Globalni ciljevi jesu sastavni deo svakog predmeta. Kod učenika treba razviti zdrav odnos prema okruženju u kome živi i stvara, korišćenjem raspoloživih tehnika i metoda. Treba da nauče da neguju svoje okruženje, čuvaju živu i neživu prirodu.
I love this and also think that authenticity in context is important too. Can you create a local and authentic PBL experience related to the #SDGs#MSFTEduChat?
#MSFTEduChat#teachSDGs as a science teacher it is easy to go for the obvious SDGs (6,7,13,14,15) but all 17 SDGs have been covered in my classroom over the last 12 months with the help of @howdec and @PA_Schools resources! A lot of the connections have come from the students
I believe all of them can be connected to our classrooms. In my school we are now trying to focus on Sustainable cities and communities and responsible consumption and production in order to make a direct contribution in our school community. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEdu
LOVE that today's #MSFTEduChat questions are in 6 LANGUAGES!
Thank you @MicrosoftEDU for supporting #globaled and this global conversation!
Español (Spanish)
Français (French)
Italiano (Italian)
Srpski (Serbian)
اللغة العربية (Arabic)
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Using microsoft tools facilitate teaching SDGs and give it another flavour .students will be more motivated and innovated
A1 #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Goal 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 16 : Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - in the form of UN - may be required to bring about Goals 6 and 2
A1: I love connecting #SDG4 Quality Education with students to start the school year. I realize we're coming to the end of the year for many, but it's a great time to think about what you can begin with next year. #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs
A1: in the secondary school during alternanza scuola lavoro is possible to create activities for the other students to inform eand support the goals #MSFTEduChat#msfteduchat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat these goals are what is driving my teacher educator initiative at #pbssocal
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
@EdGalPBS on Q1: Which of these 17 UN Goals can be connected to your classroom? LOVE the direction you're taking PBS to engage educators to produce high quality learning #WavesUP@PeppGSEP
Comme étant professeur d’informatique et vue la flexibilité de cette discipline tous les objectifs peuvent être connectés à ma classe
#MSFTEduChat and A1 Hi, I am a maths and history teacher from Austria and I think that #sdg4 is one of the most important goals. You can only achieve the most with a proper education.
A2. Channelise the energy of students to take small steps to solve local issues. Connect globally with students across the world and help in solving global issues #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A2 - Connecting with leading educators and mentors all over the world and learning how to use available resources and tools is the best way to start to #TeachSDGs. @TheWorldsLesson@MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
A1. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs All 17 goals. We are currently focussing on climate action (goal 13) and partnership work (goal 17) but we are constatntly discussing and reminding ourselves about all 17. A whole school approach is making all the difference.
A1: it’s like a #snowballeffect each of the #Sdg goals are important in their own localised context. Together we can create a better world to live. #MSFTEDUchat#TeachSDGs
All the goals lend themselves to the classroom. We need to learn how to link them to our topics and learning becomes connected to real life. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A1: Osnovni ciljevi koji su stalno prisutni u nastavi prirodnih nauka kod OSI su SDG4 i SDG 5. Kroz većinu aktivnosti poržima se SDG16!
A1: All of them. As doctoral students, we were asked to choose one to focus on based on our areas of research interest. This forced us to think of our research problem in a global scale. I believe even young students can do the very same thing! #MSFTEduChat
A2. We provide this flyer to Ts to provide resources for #TeachSDGs and tell them they can start on level 1 or go further. The important thing is just get started! https://t.co/WCal9rFcIS#MSFTEduChat
A1. Schools can be the best training and awareness platforms to teach SDGs in the classrooms. To build a sustainable world, all 17 goals are important #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A2.When we started @TeachSDGs, I had my Ss list the biggest problems they thought the world had.Several of theirs were on the list. From here, I let my Ss EXPLORE and find a goal they could relate to or show interest in. We did a genius hour type project. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A1: All of them. As doctoral students, we were asked to choose one to focus on based on our areas of research interest. This forced us to think of our research problem in a global scale. I believe even young students can do the very same thing! #MSFTEduChat
A1. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs All 17 goals. We are currently focussing on climate action (goal 13) and partnership work (goal 17) but we are constatntly discussing and reminding ourselves about all 17. A whole school approach is making all the difference.
Q1. Có rất nhiều mục tiêu có thể kết nối vơi lớp học của chúng tôi. Đó là: 4. Nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục. 1. Phá vỡ chu kỳ đói nghèo. 5. Bình đẳng giới. 10. Thúc đẩy quá trình bình đẳng hòa nhập. 16. Tạo xã hội hòa bình. 13. Hành động vì khí hậu...
A1: SDG 3 Reduce processed food/added sugar in cafeteria. SDG7/11 Promote & co-design sustainable new school facilities. SDG 6 Curate Salva Dut of Water for South Sudan’s visit on water issues/conflict. #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
A- 1
All SDG are very significant but I think Climate Action, Sustainable City, Peace & Justifies need to. Practice at all. Our world is going to refugee country! #MSFTEduChat
A2: What about starting with some small action in your classroom as in this infographic by #TeachSDGs ambassador @chrisgadbury and then expand the action everywhere around you, like in this Lazy Persons's guide to saving the world https://t.co/q6uZVtMTTI#MSFTEduChat
A2) #1 Tip- Every lesson taught to the SDG Generation in the classroom to be related to the outside world and in turn to the SDGs.
Also, the curriculum to be mapped with the SDGs. #MSFTEduChat#SDGsTheRising#MicrosoftEDU
A2: Krenite sa malim akcijama u vašim učionicama, kao što predlaže #TeachSDGs ambasador @chrisgadbury na sledećem infografiku: gasite svetla, ne bacajte hranu, ... a onda nastavite da širite akcije u svojoj okolini kao u ovom vodiču https://t.co/q6uZVtMTTI#MSFTEduChat#Srpski
#MSFTEduChat has begun! We're excited to know your thoughts on the #GlobalGoals. Before we get started, we'd love to hear where you're from.
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs I think the #21stcenturyskills movement outlines a pathway to incorporating all SDGs into our standards (speaking here from the USA). I personally am interested in combining STEAM / Maker ed with Sustainable Cities.
In reply to
@victoriabrodie, @AdamRogers2030, @zelfstudie
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs first thought that it depends on the time and the place where we are but really...we are in the same place, same globe...so all of them are important for all of us.
A1: #GlobalGoal4 & #GlobalGoal13 in combination w/ #GlobalGoal5. Seeing education as a right, driving it to make the world better through equality & the knowledge that WE CAN make the goals come to fruition. #MSFTEduChat
A2.When we started @TeachSDGs, I had my Ss list the biggest problems they thought the world had.Several of theirs were on the list. From here, I let my Ss EXPLORE and find a goal they could relate to or show interest in. We did a genius hour type project. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A3: Pupils should talking with their entourage about the imortance of the 17 goals to have a better world in 2030
and to solve the humanity problems
My pupils are so motivated but I will encourage them more by preparing a party to sum up their works and to share their happiness with their parents their friends and with students abroad i am trying to make them aproud of what they fulfi
A2: Introduce the SDGs overall. Invite students to explore a particular goal. Encourage them to look at the targets and to see what issues in their community are related to that goal. #RealWorld#MSFTEduChat This #KidPresident video is great too - https://t.co/bdLg2sD7OD
A- 1
All SDG are very significant but I think Climate Action, Sustainable City, Peace & Justifies need to. Practice at all. Our world is going to refugee country! #MSFTEduChat
A2 Before starting every chapter I relate it with SDG goals. It help better understanding of these goals among students. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#SDGTheRising
#a1#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat for me I'm interesting or focus on #SDGS5 but I love to work in class the SDGs I think my Students can be better in citizenship
A1. I think all the #SDGs are interconnected! It is great to introduce them to students and let them decide which one they would like to explore #MSFTEDUChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs A2. * Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. *Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
A2: No amount of integration is too small to start. An easy one is to relate clean water in campus water fountains to places around the world. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs, and #MicrosoftEDU
The reality of data collection and the ability of companies/governments to use big data to manipulate the way people think and act as well as influencing their interpretation of what is “truth”. #MSFTeduChat
A2: 1/2 Our free online @MicrosoftEDU course offers the guidance and support to get you started. Also, together with @UNICEFEducation we’ve created a number of free lesson plans...
A2 Pick one goal that fits with what you are teaching and introduce it to your Ss. Then show them all the goals and have the Ss make the connections after that. #MSFTEduChat
A2: We have done this through whole school assemblies using @TheWorldsLesson This has inspired our students to develop this further so that students themselves are now leading assemblies. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A2. Don’t ask an administrator or curriculum coordinator if it’s “OK” to incorporate the SDGs into your classroom instruction. JUST DO IT! #msfteduchat
A2: Glocalize through the targets. Start with the 17 but move into the targets. This allows students to be able to create more precise inquiry, identify clearer links to local issues, and make more impactful action/projects. #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs A2. * Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. *Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
A2 - ** Ben's Digital Assistant** My number one tip would be to let students choose the goal they feel they can impact the most first! Student voice and choice can lead to success and commitment faster. Activate the heart before the mind too! #TeachSDGs#MSFTEDUChat
A2: Get started with a conversation - show Ss the goals and talk about/research each.Then talk about small action steps (What can I do?) Find out what they are interested in or what's important to them. From there, look to grow and collaborate. #MSFTEduChat
We have just started our M.A.D (Make A Difference) projects with a focus on @TeachSDGs Planning out what actions we can undertake to make a difference. Interested in seeing/hearing about what other classes have done. #sdgs#MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU Our M.A.D model..
A2: We have done this through whole school assemblies using @TheWorldsLesson This has inspired our students to develop this further so that students themselves are now leading assemblies. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEdu#a3 Les étudiants peuvent promouvoir des objectifs globaux dans leurs communautés locales à travers des activités et des comportement responsable et des compagnes de sensibilisations par fêter les journées mondiales liées à ses buts
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs A2. * Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. *Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all @pkdhillon08
A2.When we started @TeachSDGs, I had my Ss list the biggest problems they thought the world had.Several of theirs were on the list. From here, I let my Ss EXPLORE and find a goal they could relate to or show interest in. We did a genius hour type project. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
Ja sam već radila nekoliko projekata o ciljevima održivog razvoja i moji učenici su ih sjajno prihvatili! Moja preporuka! #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#Srpski
A1 Since the aim of the SDGs designed by the United Nations is to help the world become a better place, all the goals are important for our classrooms to provide a framework for learning about challenges faced by people around the world.
We've seen this approach at work with a lot of our Canadian educators. giving students the choice to pursue their interest and passion is a huge win!
A1 Number 1 tip is to get connected with @MicrosoftEDU course on SDGs which will empower you with all tools and excellent material for teaching and learning. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A2 - ** Ben's Digital Assistant** My number one tip would be to let students choose the goal they feel they can impact the most first! Student voice and choice can lead to success and commitment faster. Activate the heart before the mind too! #TeachSDGs#MSFTEDUChat
A1: it’s like a #snowballeffect each of the #Sdg goals are important in their own localised context. Together we can create a better world to live. #MSFTEDUchat#TeachSDGs
A2 imo number 1 tip is to follow student leads & needs. once, my senior class, did a 1 morning per week work placement at Food Bank. Embedded within it were discussions about poverty/hunger. it inspired some students to knit hats for winter for those in the cold. #msfteduchat
A2 by creating awareness in them and then making them to know what is the actual problem and motivating them to relate to this problem with sugar goals and to find a good solution for it #MSFTEduChat@teachsdg@KnpsIndia
A3. The best way for students to advocate for @TheGlobalGoals is for them to request instruction from their teachers. It’s not enough to mobilize the converted — we need to shape the lesson plans. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Goal 15 - Life on Land: 80 per cent of all terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects live on forests. Human activities are causing the lost of billions of hectares. What can we do to prevent this? #MSFTEduChat
A3. It’s not enough for adults to #TeachSDGs — we need students to do the same. Social media. Church groups. Dinner tables. Sports teams. We’re talking about a unanimous, realistic plan for a struggling human race; shyness is not an option. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A2: find out what you love to do and connect it to #TeachSDGs. I love working w/ parents & tech & media. How is what I love to do helping in making the SDGs a reality? start with yourself first! #MSFTEduChat
A2. Best thing we ever did was get involved in a global project that @zelfstudie run....was a wonderful educational.experience for both pupils and teachers! #MSFTEduChat
Important Tweetmeet right now discussing #TeachSDGs with a global #MSFTEduChat . The future of the world is in our classroom today! What we do and what we teach matters! Let´s create awareness about the global goals! Together! #MicrosoftEdu
A2: In higher ed it is about opening the conversation, exposing the challenges, and working to find ways to engage in solutions #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat@calbaptist
A2 Shout out to @Historywmoses for this amazing writing prompt: “Choose one of the sustainability goals and explain how it effects your life right now.” Great way to get your class started with #TeachSGDs#MSFTEduChat
A2 Svaki početak je težak ali ne i ovaj. Samo se prepustite u slušajte učenike.
A2 All beginnings are hard. This time just enjoy and listen to your students!
Yes!!!! today the world is more small that yesterday!! Today we are connecting the power of education to change the world. #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs thanks!!😉🖒
A2: Teachers must have this personal convinction and adequate knowledge of each of the 17 ADDs before effectively transferring Knowledge for actualization of the Goals.
A1. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs All 17 goals. We are currently focussing on climate action (goal 13) and partnership work (goal 17) but we are constatntly discussing and reminding ourselves about all 17. A whole school approach is making all the difference.
A2 Where relevant, ensuring healthy approach at the onset matters – may help Ss to identify “savior complex” & explain why it shd be avoided? #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEdu
A4: We can teach the SDGs with simple ways like funny videos (pub) or with clear images about SDGs goals , also they can try to have an agreement with some stars or famous people in the society to make others know the SDGs
#MSFTeduchat#TeachSDGs cuando trabajas los #ODS en clase, el alumnado puede conectar con los problemas reales del barrio. Por ello, en unas semanas saldremos a realizar una campaña de concienciación en la ciudad de valencia.https://t.co/IhxFGN9fxc
A2: My #1 tip for starting with #SDGS is to start with yourself. There are outstanding mini-courses offered through @participate! The more you learn about the #globalgoals, they better you can lead in your classroom. #msfteduchat
A3 :L’élève est convaincu qu’il y a des problèmes dans sa vie et qu’il faut trouver des solutions afin d’atteindre les 17 Objs pour ce la il doit commencer d’appliquer quelques stratégies avec son entourage
A2: my students at University have to connect every biology lesson to the SDGs. First they were a bit afraid, but now they feel the importance - and trust me: every single lesson can be connected! #MSFTEduChat
Important Tweetmeet right now discussing #TeachSDGs with a global #MSFTEduChat . The future of the world is in our classroom today! What we do and what we teach matters! Let´s create awareness about the global goals! Together! #MicrosoftEdu
A2: Participating in global projects are great ways to introduce students to #SDGs. Students from different countries can learn from each #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTeduchat We had a great discussion a couple of weeks ago with a class in Argentina 🇦🇷 over the issue of gender inequality. Interesting to hear they deal with similar issues to us (low wages, abuse, etc) #TeachSDGs
A2) #1 Tip- Every lesson taught to the SDG Generation in the classroom to be related to the outside world and in turn to the SDGs.
Also, the curriculum to be mapped with the SDGs. #MSFTEduChat#SDGsTheRising#MicrosoftEDU
Great to see you, Naz! That's a really good question. What would motivate you? Would it be a pivot to more action/innovation-based projects as opposed to learning/awareness?
#TeachSDGs is not just about picking a goal and creating a lesson. Authentic PBL with a social action component depends on making S’s Care, being Aware, Able through standards, and developing an authentic and possible Action. Care-Aware-Able-Act. #MSFTEduChat#OECDEduSkills
A2: tap into student interests, build a strong classroom community & explore how these ideas connect to the goals via places like @TheWorldsLesson , @NatGeoEducation &
@CanGeoEdu - have the goals visible & start the connection convos. #MSFTEduChat
Q3. How can students advocate global goals in their local communities and beyond?
س3: كيف يمكن للطلاب نشر ومساندة الأهداف العالمية في مجتمعاتهم المحلية والعالمية؟
Q3. How can students advocate global goals in their local communities and beyond?
Q3. Kako učenici mogu skrenuti pažnju na globalne ciljeve u svojim lokalnim zajednicama i šire?
Q3. How can students advocate global goals in their local communities and beyond?
Q3: Làm thế nào để học sinh triển khai và hỗ trợ các mục tiêu toàn cầu tại địa phương và rộng lớn hơn?
A3 Kids can be pretty powerful advocates for ideas they believe in. They have the power to affect change with their peers, parents, teachers, church groups and communities #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A2: Teachers must have this personal convinction and adequate knowledge of each of the 17 ADDs before effectively transferring Knowledge for actualization of the Goals.
A3. Start by identifying issues locally in your school that relate to the @TeachSDGs. By making the goals more personable they are more likely to "hit home" & take ownership. Once they have reached success locally, move on to national and global impact! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
By being part of the Model United Nations which is an exciting platform form for creative thinking, in-depth research and analysis of global issues, thereby making new connections and new collaborations.
All the goals are interrelated thats why all of them can be introduced in our classrooms but some are more frequents like goal1 and 2 goals 13.14 and 15
Also goal 6 and 5
Thanks, that’s an independent effort made by a student. Will be sharing some more worthwhile samples that can act as provocations in class #MSFTEduChat
A2: For the teacher who might be overwhelmed about getting started, I say start small. Have the goal be that the students know what they are and what they aim to accomplish. Then plan for your students to surprise you! The creativity can come from them! #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
The most pressing issues are GENDER EQUALITY and GOOD EDUCATION.
The world is plagued by the curse of one gender being marginalised.We need to sensitize r Sts on this issue first.
In reply to
@TeachSDGs, @TheGlobalGoals, @zelfstudie, @TheWorldsLesson, @JenWilliamsEdu, @ProfeEdTech, @SkypeAmy, @SDGActors, @SDGoals, @CanTeachersFed, @HansLak, @AdamRogers2030
I think we all have this sense of being overwhelmed at times with the sheer magnitude of what needs to be done. those days, i remind myself about the hummingbird-doing the best we can. Start with just 1 thing you can do. #msfteduchat#SDGshttps://t.co/WQWaQZvLZu
A3: It is important to start local with change; once local changes have been made, it is easier to move outward. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs, and #MicrosoftEDU
A3: Students can get involved in their local communities by raising and sharing awareness about #SDGs, taking actions, impact the world through social good by means of campaigns or innovations, writing blogs, use social media... #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEdu
A3 - **Ben's Digital Assistant** Locally I'd say students choose "One new thing" that can improve their community and help address #SDGs. Globally, I'd say students should learn STEM subjects as those subjects can lead to solutions for every goal & target. #MSFTEDUChat#TeachSDGs
A3) If students Practice Global Goals in the classrooms amongst themselves and in their schools, then they can Preach and Promote easily in their local communities and beyond. #MSFTEduChat@RiseUp4SDGs#MicrosoftEdu
A4. @daniellenyff1 gave her Ss 5 project ideas for advocating 1 #TeachSDGs and they chose. Brochures, rap song, presentation, posters, etc. to share with community. #MSFTEduChat
A3: Učenici se mogu uključiti u širenje svesti o #SDGs tako što će pričati o njima, smišljati i sprovoditi akcije za dostizanje globalnih ciljeva, uticati na okolinu uz pomoć kampanja i inovacija, pisati blogove, širiti na socijalnim mrežama...
#MSFTEduChat A3. If they can apply it & you can ignite their passion, by making it fun & relevant to their lives, they become ambassadors of the SDGs #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
A3: We weighed the waste food during one week and in classroom talked about "zero hunger" and made posters etc. Students made observations at home of the same. #MSFTEduchat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert
A3: 1/2 Actions speak louder than words so encourage Ss to make personal changes then share what they are doing; asking families, neighbours, local businesses and leaders what they are doing in return.
Great call. The goals have so many organizations invested in accomplishing them that there's no lack of resources and partners once you find your priority goals.
In reply to
@allison_fuisz, @TheWorldsLesson, @NatGeoEducation, @CanGeoEdu
#MSFTEduChat we introduced the children to all...they chose to do a detailed study of few then we shared the information ...A round robin routine and then we delved into further details and case studies.
A2 open the webpage and have a conversation with your S’s about the 17 #TeachSDGs and how they came about. We dissected the words Sustainable, Development, Goals, found root words, then meanings, S’s explained in their own words what they meant #MSFTEduChat
A3. Addressing local school and community needs through their classrooms and social groups raising awareness on things that need to change #msfteduChat#teachSDGs#MicrosoftEdu
A model for inquiry learning fro SDG's includes, 1. Tuning in, 2. Finding out, 3. Drawing conclusions, 4. Considering social action and 5. Reflection and evaluation #MSFTEduChat#microsoftedu
А3:on our lessons we talked about the pollution of the plastic of the world ocean and met with the representatives of the city, where they asked how the plastic was recycled from other garbage. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs и #MicrosoftEDU
A3 Students can take a stand against injustice prevailing like inequality (goal no 5, 10). They can even advocate quality education(no 4). They can reduce waste production from home(no 7,11,12,13) #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU@pkdhillon08
A3: Once they are acquainted and aware of the SDGs they will keep their minds and senses open to their local environment and I’m sure they’ll be able to choose and act upon the right goal which they connect with. So our main job remains letting them know. #MSFTEduChat
in my classroom we use https://t.co/fzd69tJVSZ to create and share présentations about SDGs
my students are global citizens
they are so happy and so motivated to change the world to a better place
zero Hnguer
no poverty
gender equality
quality education
A3 Skype and Twitter are great ways for student to learn and expand their reach and form partnerships beyond their immediate community
a3 #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs para que el alumnado sienta que esta proponiendo y teniendo poder de acción ha de revertir en su entorno más próximo por ejemplo las campañas de concienciación sobre la igualdad género https://t.co/MLKkpmLR5v
A3. Every teaching can be start in a sequence - Self , Surrounding and Society. So students can first start campaign of working from Global issues from their home to local community.They are the biggest ambassadors of our call.
A3 - Students can become agents of change only when they have really understood that the 17 #SDGs are their present and are fundamental to shape their future. #MSFTEduChat#bethechangetakethechallenge
We need to remind Ss that they are the solution to these problems. Their parents and teachers generation hasn't done a good enough job and THEY are the leaders who will help us accomplish these goals!
A3 We have pupils who volunteer in their local community, also sports leaders who visit primary schools to lead PE classes. We also care for chickens in our school #MSFTEDUChat#TeachSDGoals
A2:Just get started. There are lots of things to learn and know and many excuses to prevent us from starting. The key is JUST START. #MSFTeduChat#SDGsforkids#TeachSDGs
A1: The infographic from the #TeachSDGs website, as well as the comics there, seem like they would be a good way to introduce what SDGs are to a younger audience who may not yet understand some of the bigger picture topics yet ##MSFTEduChat
the school may encourage activities where the students need to reach their families and communities for questions and ideas, and take the #SDGs to more people outside the classroom. Surveys, open plays, podcasts, radio activities, etc are some ideas to #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
2) Quelle est votre astuce n°1 pour commencer avec enseignement des Objectifs du Développement Durable #TeachSDGs ?
La réponse : Moi j'ai commencé d'enseigner les objectifs du développent Durable #TeachSDGs avec mes élèves par l'activité des lunettes SDG
A3. +1 Truth - When students take ownership to solve local challenges, they become confident, empowered #GlobalGoals leaders who can do more. #MSFTEduChat
A3. Start by identifying issues locally in your school that relate to the @TeachSDGs. By making the goals more personable they are more likely to "hit home" & take ownership. Once they have reached success locally, move on to national and global impact! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A3. By connecting with the community through shout out events, involving the community by setting examples. Just like our @PMOIndia did with #SwachhBharat , cleanliness drive #MSFTEduChat
A3 S’s can start by living the goals, they can conserve water in their daily lives, appreciate if some goals are not problems they live with my S’s have homes and access to medical #MSFTEduChat
A2: Creat resonation and empathy first, by relating the issues to the students' real life. Don't just tell stories about others but to let them know this issue is very true and very near. It is about us! #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A3- I’m hoping to have each student identify an agency or organization that supports 1 goal. Hopefully they will be able to contact that group and ask how they can help!#MSFTEduChat
Without a doubt all #SDG17. We do not know what future holds for our kids but if focus on teaching empathy & skills to them for contributing towards sustainable living & life-long learning, then I think we would have done our bit in all its honesty.#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@TeachSDGs, @TheGlobalGoals, @zelfstudie, @TheWorldsLesson, @JenWilliamsEdu, @ProfeEdTech, @SkypeAmy, @SDGActors, @SDGoals, @CanTeachersFed, @HansLak, @AdamRogers2030
A3. Student advocacy comes easy when they feel connected to the topics..we gave them that choice and we found they were able to express their learning through many tools much more effectively #MSFTEduChat
A3 start with a small step: in your school, create a change in your community....
Tomorrow my students will tell their parents about their work, so step 1 is made! #MSFTEduChat
A3: Students can advocate #globalgoals in their local communities and beyond by participating in passion projects. There is NOTHING students can't do when given choice and a platform for voice. #msfteduchat#TeachSDGs#AmplifyStudentVoice
Without a doubt all #SDG17. We do not know what future holds for our kids but if focus on teaching empathy & skills to them for contributing towards sustainable living & life-long learning, then I think we would have done our bit in all its honesty.#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A3 As a student myself I find it best to advocate for causes by utilizing possible connections in my community: working together with small businesses and start-ups to raise awareness on certain issues. Gathering students who are also passionate about the same cause. #MSFTEduChat
A5: Microsoft can create an application that encourage the user to do simple things to realize a goal and Microsoft can make a short introduction for each goal so the user can understand well the SDGs
A3 Skype and Twitter are great ways for student to learn and expand their reach and form partnerships beyond their immediate community
A2.When we started @TeachSDGs, I had my Ss list the biggest problems they thought the world had.Several of theirs were on the list. From here, I let my Ss EXPLORE and find a goal they could relate to or show interest in. We did a genius hour type project. #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A3. Start by identifying issues locally in your school that relate to the @TeachSDGs. By making the goals more personable they are more likely to "hit home" & take ownership. Once they have reached success locally, move on to national and global impact! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
If we teach beyond our classroom walls and connect education to real topics and real recipient.....Then the voices of our students become powerful and important. They matter and care about things that matters. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEdu A3. Students can create awareness on global goals through the use of technology, students as global collaborators can work together with international classmate @pkdhillon08
Help Ss understand that they can't solve the problem, but they can make a difference for someone, somewhere in their local community. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A3. I think when students will understand the importance and need of these goals. They will automatically inspire their families, friends and others. It will bring change in the society. No doubt it will take time, but it will work.
A3: Once they are acquainted and aware of the SDGs they will keep their minds and senses open to their local environment and I’m sure they’ll be able to choose and act upon the right goal which they connect with. So our main job remains letting them know. #MSFTEduChat
A3: Empower students to collect positive stories about what's already going right in their community for the #SDGs...and use that as a springboard for creativity #strengthsbased#MSFTEduChat
A3: The best ways students can adequately advocate global goals in their local communities and beyond is by studying the problems of their immediate environment and deliberately relating solutions to those problems with SDGs they're passionate about.
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs All 17 goals one or the other way can be connected to our classrooms as we r already doing at Kamla Nehru Public school Phagwara Punjab India under the kind guidance of our worthy Principal mam @pkdhillon08
A3. We would all love to see our pupils become advocates within their communities but first i feel the biggest challenge is to to turn teachers into classroom champions who inspire. Teachers need to release that curriculum restrictions is not an excuse! #MSFTEduChat
A3. in continuation of previous response , students have to work in reality to work towards accomplishment of SDGs in their local area , it can be food, sanitation , water or educating others.
Q3: Integrate media & tech like social media with community organizing. Digital natives are proving that tech and media can be a powerful tool to have your voice heard see the ➡️ #ParklandStudents movement. #MSFTEduChat
By knowing that they can make a difference! #MSFTEduChat Tell them #YesWECan
I love the #YouMatter Ted Talk by @AngelaMaiers think that every teacher should watch it! And tell their students! YOU MATTER!
many still see #SDG topics as climate change, gender and race issues as fads and trends, or even as threats. Only education can change this mindset .#MSFTEduChat
and provides a great starting point for it all. Start local and then expand. @WeMovement and #WeSchools has ideas for simple things like the local connections to community. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
In reply to
@JuanluMArbona, @OneNoteC, @WEMovement
A3: My students are preparing SDG signs along with small descriptions to place around our school. For example #SDG6 by the water fountains. #SDG4 at the school entrance. #MSFTeduChat#TeachSDGS#SDGsforkids
A3 - Connections and building relationships with proeffeaionals and the community outside of our physical learning environments... Leverage those that can support the relevance of the SDG’s! #MSFTEDUChat#TeachSDGs
A3 By the help of teachers at first selected which one is first priorities for local issues then go through gradually National to international and way of cross curriculum #TeachSDG#MSFTEduChat
“The real value of a real education has almost nothing to do with knowledge, and everything to do with simple awareness" - David Foster Wallace
#MSFTEduChat. #MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
A4 :Use Microsoft internet explorer for searching,Microsoft PowerPoint for presentation ,skype and twitter for exchange ideas and flipgrid and mentimeter
A3. My students have become “local experts” on the SDGs. We are planning several out-of-school events where they can present and display what they know about the Goals in our community. Taking “glocal” action is an important global competency for all students. #msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs A3
Suggest entrepreneurial prob solving - i.e. My own kids have mentioned the amount of trash thrown away in the school lunch room every day, unsorted. Solving this would be a great project to develop civic awareness, leadership, etc.
Goal 12 - Responsible consumption and production: If we maintain global population growth we will need the equivalent of almost three planets to ensure our current lifestyles. #MSFTEduChat
A4: @theworldslesson has a great variety of free & creative resources that get young people working together #Global Goals. They are high quality & open source for you to shape to suit. It’s a great way to start building Global Competence. https://t.co/WOBV2wEOfQ#MSFTEduChat
A4. When trying to #TeachSDGs in engaging ways, don’t spend precious time re-inventing wheels. The supports are available. The time you save could be used to encourage other educators to follow your lead. This is how movements grow. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Goal 14 – Life below water: "I think of the ocean as the blue heart of the planet. Well, how much of your heart do you want to protect...?" – Sylvia Earl #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/qCsjohcZyr
The bestmethod to introduce SDGs goals is to explain their impact on society to our students and how they can if we advocate them guarantee a better life .once convinced students will be more eager to advocate these goals for a better lif
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs A5 L’utilisation des applications de Microsoft rend l’élève plus réceptif et excité ce qui mémoriser mieux les objectifs appris.
- Teachers Network
A.2 And step out of our box! It isn't just one discipline responsible for teaching #SDGs Teachers of math, business, english can get in on it too by having students reflect and make those connections to #SDGs it isn't just science or geo who can focus on them #msfteduchat
A4: letting students solving real world problems and raise their curiosity and love other people from bottom of their heart. sometimes songs also help them relax and learn and act!
https://t.co/4mz7OGhUPC#MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs
A3: The best ways students can adequately advocate global goals in their local communities and beyond is by studying the problems of their immediate environment and deliberately relating solutions to those problems with SDGs they're passionate about.
A3. Also we should encourage our students to engage in global projects so that they can work with their peers around the world and be through mutual exchange advocate the goals. #MSFTEduChat
A3: #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs i #Srpski
Treba na svaki način uključiti učenike da koriste #SDGs, globalnim akcijama na nivou škole i šire društvene zajednice, korišćenjem savremenih veb alata i socijalnih mreža.
A3. Students can create a single mole presentation to create awareness at local level to collaborate with other students globally with the use of technology #MSFTeduChat#TeachSDGs
A3. Start by identifying issues locally in your school that relate to the @TeachSDGs. By making the goals more personable they are more likely to "hit home" & take ownership. Once they have reached success locally, move on to national and global impact! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
A3. It’s not enough for adults to #TeachSDGs — we need students to do the same. Social media. Church groups. Dinner tables. Sports teams. We’re talking about a unanimous, realistic plan for a struggling human race; shyness is not an option. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A3 have Ss pick a goal that affects their community. They can then research ways they can advocated for change, use @SkypeClassroom to connect with experts & student advocates, & develop/implement a plan to help improve their community & therefore help the world! #MSFTEduChat
A4: I like that some of what you can do with #teachSDGs can be seen as a way of promoting a #GeniusHour or #GeniusProject where kids can take some ownership and come up with their own ways of tackling some of these issues more creatively ##MSFTEduChat
I think holding on to an objective and building a group of students large enough to start in one small community and gather more people as they move from one community to another would do. #MSFTEduChat
Hey there! I think it would most definitely be beneficial and captivating to have innovative projects to work on. The problem is, many teachers refuse to find extra time in their curriculum to do so. What are your thoughts on how we can approach solving this problem? #MSFTEduChat
By engaging them to put the ideas they learnt in class into action. For example, climate action; providing them with plants to be planted in their individual environment and take responsibility until it grows
#MSFTEduChat By PBL T give opportunities to their SS achieve goals, so prepare projects can be adapted to global platforms and show them it is #possible if they step forward ⭐️
A4. Let the ss go out and DO what they can. Involve them in Tweetmeet like today's , Help them on the issues, go out and advocate the goals. Like for eg, my ss actually visited a neighborhood to teach underprivileged them the necessity of composting food waste. #MSFTEduChat
A4 - **Ben's Digital Assistant** I've purchased a website https://t.co/KOQoOptkBz which holds my two global #TeachSDGs projects so far. #MinecraftEDU "Building a Better Future" and #Soundtrap "Project SUSTAIN" Global Album both had tremendous teacher support. #MSFTEDUChat
includind #SDGs in school curricula validate each goal, showing these ideas didn't come out of nowhere, but have been polished for years and the goal is a better world. #TeachSDGs is essencial to normalize the ideals to everyone.
A4: @theworldslesson has a great variety of free & creative resources that get young people working together #Global Goals. They are high quality & open source for you to shape to suit. It’s a great way to start building Global Competence. https://t.co/WOBV2wEOfQ#MSFTEduChat
“The real value of a real education has almost nothing to do with knowledge, and everything to do with simple awareness" - David Foster Wallace
#MSFTEduChat#teach SDGs
A2:Montrer et présenter aux élèves le programme des nations unies a fin d’atteindre les17 objectifs en 2030 en expliquant chaque objectif en utilisant des vidéos.
A3 Students can advocate global goals in the community by entering into collaborative projects with partner schools and holding Skype sessions to discuss SDGs #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU
A3: My students suggested talking with their families, talking with other students. Talking with teachers next year when they go to middle school.
Global warming,Peace and harmony ,human rights, population,Scarcity of natural resources, Food,Health ,education and occupation.#MSFTEduChat#SDGTheRising#TeachSDGs
SDG's in the class? Two DO's and one DON'T: 1. DO TEACH and raise awareness 2. DO REACH beyond your own class and country but DON'T PREACH...respect learners ability to shape informed opinions #MSFTEduChat
A3. Start by identifying issues locally in your school that relate to the @TeachSDGs. By making the goals more personable they are more likely to "hit home" & take ownership. Once they have reached success locally, move on to national and global impact! #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert
The Innovation Project brings together 460 schools across 85 countries to solve global issues: If you joined our #MSFTEduChat today, in which we discussed the global movement to #TeachSDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), you may be looking for more ways… https://t.co/0DUxIM3nWe
A3. It’s not enough for adults to #TeachSDGs — we need students to do the same. Social media. Church groups. Dinner tables. Sports teams. We’re talking about a unanimous, realistic plan for a struggling human race; shyness is not an option. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A6: Pupils can do a project about SDGs and they can create some presentations about some goals or some funny videos and while they are working on SDGs they can learn about using new programs or applications that will help them in their professional Life
A4: Coupling local issues with the #TeachSDGs can have lasting affects for students; not only in their own communities but in the global community as well. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs, and #MicrosoftEDU
A4. My Ss were given options similar to a genius hour project with the requirement being a public performance of some nature.Favorites were a breakout box around Goal 3, a hand drawn and illustrated children's book about Goal 10 #MSFTEduChat#MIEExpert#stuvoice
A5:Power point pour présenter les #SDGs/Word Art pour accueillir les actions proposées par les élèves pour la réalisation des #SDGs/Skype pour échanger les idées et les travaux sur #SDGs à l'échelle national et international
School plays an important role in this. Students who prepared for future must know the direction and their role to make it better. #MSFTEduChat#SDGs#SDGsTheRising
A3 I think enabling pupils to connect with others schools in a variety of ways, especially using Skype really helps pupils understand what life can be like for many others around the world and makes them think about what they can do to help #MSFTEduChat
A4) *Joining International Projects on SDGs.
*Conducting Special SDGs Assemblies in schools.
*Celebrating International Days related to SDGs.
*Involve the local community
Look forward to going back through all the tweets from today to capture some of these great resources. So much to help us all get started! #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat A3. Students can take concrete steps through events and awareness activities using @GlobalGoals to solve local community problems. United we are strong and every challenge becomes an opportunity #TeachSDGs
A3: By an ongoing meaningful project. But don't make students do this project just for the sake of doing an assignment. Let the students choose what resonates their hearts the most and help them to find their passion and voice. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A4 Students can be taken for field trips to teach SDGs. For example: to make them understand the life below water(goal no 14), they can be taken to an aquarium. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MIEExpert@pkdhillon08
That's a tough challenge! Educators could best answer that for sure, but a start would be thinking about the curricular relevancies of particular SDGs.
They can implement these goals in real life situations by helping others saving their planet guarantee a better education work for peace and justice around themthey sensitize others of howw goals are crucial for a better life
#MSFTEduChat 1.Project based curriculum having partnership with sdgs goals
2.students trip to collaborate with other students on global issues,
3.opportunities to contribute locally and globally to have a meaningful impact on our interconnected society. @pkdhillon08@MicrosoftEDU
#MSFTEduChat has begun! We're excited to know your thoughts on the #GlobalGoals. Before we get started, we'd love to hear where you're from.
A4: 1/2 Use our variety of creative activities and resources as entry points. Focus on what Ss can relate to in their own lives. Surprise them with how the Goals are real and relevant everywhere.
A4: 2/2 Find ways for Ss to share their thought. Turn learning into action wherever you can & share experience & ideas by linking with other classrooms #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/T7pQWsdzsd
A3: Schools can legitimize student understanding and ideas by hosting events for student presentations to stakeholders. In addition to the events whose purpose is family fun, elevate the scholarship of students by allowing them to display their proposals. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A4:Get students to see real problems! When they see how unequal the world is they (may) come up with ideas how to solve problems. We try to do that with #MinecraftEdu#MSFTEduchat#MicrosoftEDU#MIEExpert
The theme of our PYP exhibition is based on SDG. Students will be educated and empowered to study SDG, live out the goals though their action.
We used to say "Think globally, act locally". That still applies, but now it's easier than ever for students to even act globally with the digital tools that are available today. This ability for them to make a global difference can be very inspiring. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat#teacher SDGs
A3: La conscience de son rôle et de sa capacité à changer son environnement l'aide à diffuser et à soutenir les objectifs mondiaux dans sa communauté et à l'étranger en participant à des projets éducatifs
A4: Let students create the interconnections & have them develop @TeachSDGs Think Tanks that parallel a real life think. Then, make those Think Tanks matter. Develop authentic, local, collaborative action. #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
A4: By involving children in authentic, real problems within their own community that relate to the SDGs #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs Students thrive on the opportunity & challenge
A4: Using service learning projects to connect local with the greater challenges. They can then identify more with the global issues as it relates to their experience #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat@calbaptist#WavesUp@PeppGSEP
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs comme enseignante je suis la pour encourager, motiver, aider, soutenir, encadrer et apprendre aux élèves comment changer le monde vers le bien pour toute l'humanité
si on veut on peut
A4. Collaborative projects in summer break , Skype collaborations with students, Day celebrations, Role play , Assigning any monthly activity like healthy planner , recycling of e-waste, respecting others etc..with some reinforcement factor.
A4 #MSFTEduChat I love the idea of uaing @SkypeClassroom to connect with other Ss and see what issues are affecting them. Then have Ss DO - create a plan and put it into action...see results! Make a difference!
A1: The UN Goals that easily relates with Classrooms include:
SDG 1 - Ending Poverty
SDG 2 - Ending Hunger
SDG 3 - Wellbeing
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 17 - Partnership
It will be difficult to achieve all other SDGs without these 5.
A4. Engage in a joint project with an overseas partner school. Kids gain a deeper understanding and perspective when they can share/compare their work with students from other cultural backgrounds. #msfteduchat
A4.Goals should not be taught separately. They should be embedded into the teaching learning process that everyone learns and understand them automatically. They should not emposed.
A3: By an ongoing meaningful project. But don't make students do this project just for the sake of doing an assignment. Let the students choose what resonates their hearts the most and help them to find their passion and voice. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
SDG's in the class? Two DO's and one DON'T: 1. DO TEACH and raise awareness 2. DO REACH beyond your own class and country but DON'T PREACH...respect learners ability to shape informed opinions #MSFTEduChat
Sean from BC. A4: I would say that the biggest way to engage students in the #SDGs is to CONNECT them with someone in need. It is meaningful, powerful, and affirming. The Ss can usually figure out themselves how to respond. #MSFTEduChat#teachSDGs
A4: some mentioned that there is not enough time...teaching how to create a PPT everyone will name a topic. I chose #SGDInnoPro and asked ma students how they will live in 2030. They learnt to create a powerpoint with a meaning.#MSFTEduChat
A4 - The most engaging way to #TeachSDGs is taking part in international projects where students get to know their peers, learn from others, share values, respect each other, have fun and enjoy learning. #CBL#bethechangetakethechallenge#MSFTEduChat
A2: I just led an activity from If The World Were a Village book. I used updated stats, the 92 students in our upper grades received cards which told them where they live, the income, educ level and access to water and sanitation. POWERFUL!. #MSFTeduChat#TeachSDGS#SDGsforkids
This is such an important #MSFTEduChat and we are so honorerd to have you herre today! THank you so much for joining and all that you do. YOU matter and sending hugs and love to the incredible @AngelaMaiers too!! #MicrosoftEDU
In reply to
@HansLak, @JenWilliamsEdu, @AngelaMaiers, @TheGlobalGoals, @TeachSDGs, @AngelaMaiers
A2. #TeachSDGs Để bắt đầu@TeachSDGs, trước hết giáo viên cần tìm hiểu về 17 mục tiêu và sự phù hợp giữa mục tiêu với điều kiện nhà trường, đối tượng học sinh, đặc trưng của môn học để lựa chọn mục tiêu phù hợp để xây dựng kế hoạch thực hiện.
a4: #MSFTEduChat#msfteduchat#TeachSDGs Situate Learning in connection with #TeachSDGs with transversal activities to the curriculum in peer teaching, between students, from students to students in different school orders
A4: show them one SDG at a time and make them draw or write their own understanding of it. If you let them use any form of tech, even better as Ss simply enjoy that. After this first introduction, let them take the leap themselves into an in-depth inquiry #MSFTEduChat
Use the Global Goals as a base for all our lessons! It´s all in there ! A palette all ready filled with emphathy and all the colors our rich planet is created with . It´s hard but yet so easy! All teachers- let´s spread the word of #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Add ideas on Global Educators Flipgrid to connect with educators and ideas around the world! Prepare an activity to students show there and have fun while sharing and #TeachSDGshttps://t.co/UeLytM0GVK#MSFTEduChat
A4: some mentioned that there is not enough time...teaching how to create a PPT everyone will name a topic. I chose #SGDInnoPro and asked ma students how they will live in 2030. They learnt to create a powerpoint with a meaning.#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs A4 We have developed cultural conversations. Earlier this year our HS CE class discussed current issues affecting both countries with a class in Monterrey, Mexico 🇲🇽. Great opportunity for our students to hear perspectives from their peers
Teaching SDGs not only in classrooms but rather give students the opportunity to live this experience in their societies let them feel how they can change for the better
Let the stds dream of an ideal world that can be achieved with SDGs
A4: 2/2 Find ways for Ss to share their thought. Turn learning into action wherever you can & share experience & ideas by linking with other classrooms #MSFTEduChat
Q2 TIP- How to #TeachSDGs - its very simple - you need to "give" your studnents something new. Try to use ICT for that - its always works. Take a look how we use ICT in #DiY4Earth project. Giving new life for old things using ICT- @TheWorldsLesson@MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
A5 - *Ben's Assistant* The #MSFTEDU course for #TeachSDGs on the MEC is an awesome introduction for teachers. #MinecraftEDU provides a flexible space for solution creation in a virtual but empowering setting. @Skype helps bring global issues into the classroom! #MSFTEduChat#SDGs
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs A4. *Creation of SDG student ambassadors working inside and outside of school. *Whole school engagement with SDGs seeing all as interlinked, with focus on action & innovation.#RiseUp4SDGs@RiseUp4SDGs@pkdhillon08
In reply to
@pkdhillon08, @RiseUp4SDGs, @pkdhillon08
A4 Students like to discuss about problems with others students around the Globe. Aftet these talks they realize that all of us share the same problems. I used to be part of UNESCO Veolia Project, ACES, SOS4love and new one Innovation @zelfstudie#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#Srpski
A4: 2/2 Find ways for Ss to share their thoughts. Turn learning into action wherever you can & share experiences & ideas by linking with other classrooms 💡#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs A6 : la prochaine étape est l’application réelle de ces buts comme planter des arbres et filmer l’évènement, créer le design des SDG et les imprimer pour sensibiliser les autres
All the goals lend themselves to the classroom. We need to learn how to link them to our topics and learning becomes connected to real life. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
А3: We invited representatives of the city to the school and told us about their work. We discussed joint actions. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU
In reply to
@zelfstudie, @globalgoals, @Ayushchopra24
4.Youth has a crucial role 2Play 2Inspire & Press 4Action. Facilitated by their teachers, they can reach authorities, influential people & other students both Virtually & in person, to Spread the Word & Act on #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Goal 15 - Life on Land: 80 per cent of all terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects live on forests. Human activities are causing the lost of billions of hectares. What can we do to prevent this? #MSFTEduChat
A4 - **Ben's Digital Assistant** I've purchased a website https://t.co/KOQoOptkBz which holds my two global #TeachSDGs projects so far. #MinecraftEDU "Building a Better Future" and #Soundtrap "Project SUSTAIN" Global Album both had tremendous teacher support. #MSFTEDUChat
Through reseach, advocacy, we meet the call to action of sustainable dev goals. Students each spoke about their posters , which global goal meant the most of them #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGS
I love that book and there's a video too. Pair it with Universal Declaration of Human Rights and introduce the #GlobalGoals - then let them dream the solutions. #TeachSDGs#MSFTeduChat
#MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/BKvYNo7WO5 uses the 9 Pathways. Make the learning exist outside of the ‘test’ in the class. Authentic publication, awareness campaigns and exhibitions, social outreach projects, Citizens Makers #TeachSDGs#Act4SDGs
Find one goal that you and your students are really passionate about. Then everything flows naturally.Then I believe finding a realistic way to put it into practice comes next. When there is a concrete contribution to the community then it becomes really meaningful #MSFTEduChat
A4. You can make the Where I Stand Survey with students to raise a discussion and activities about gender inequality, starting with your own community.
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs A6: Réaliser une campagne de sensibilisation : Remplacer les détergents chimiques par des produits naturels : un beau cadeau pour la fête des mères
A5. The SDG courses and resources on the @MicrosoftEDU educator community are a great way to start teaching SDGs. Also resources are very well aligned for all age groups. Apart from this the various Skype colllaborations, events like Earthday , Global play day etc. #MSFTEduChat
One issue in the UK is that each new government reinvents the National Curriculum to fit their political agenda - it's not fair on teachers OR pupils.
Education should not be linked to politics; it should be linked to #TeachSDGs!
I love the concept here bring the learning objectives of what you are doing to life, by showing how those topics impact the world #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Use the Global Goals as a base for all our lessons! It´s all in there ! A palette all ready filled with emphathy and all the colors our rich planet is created with . It´s hard but yet so easy! All teachers- let´s spread the word of #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A4 having more open conversations with students on the major global issues we face today. sometimes, all it can take is a meaningful discussion to spark interest in students to want to learn more! #MSFTEduChat
A4 Identify subject matter in our school curriculum ( every LP ) and relate it to at least one of the 17 SDGs & vividly mention it as you interact in class with the students #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#SDGTheRising
A4: Some of the most engaging ways to #TeachSDGs include:
Social Media
- Group Chats
- MasterClass
- Webinars
- Parents to Children (Daily Teachings)
- Including the SDGs in the Curriculum.
- 15mins daily SDGs Leisure
ICTtools are important in motivating learners .microsoft tools allow them to be more creative and ambicious they can vary their methods in advocating for the goals
a4: #MSFTEduChat#msfteduchat#TeachSDGs Situate Learning in connection with #TeachSDGs with transversal activities to the curriculum in peer teaching, between students, from students to students in different school orders
A1 - **Ben's Digital Assistant as he is teaching now** With the right project all of the #SDGs can be connected to every classroom. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEDUChat
Go ahead, there's still time to help build our Mentimeter #TeachSDGs collaborative word cloud. Will publish results shortly after the hour.
Question: What do YOU think helps advance the Sustainable Development Goals the most?
Help build this Mentimeter word cloud and we'll present the results straight after the #MSFTEduChat TweetMeet.
Join us in a few minutes, at 10am PDT.
A2: I just led an activity from If The World Were a Village book. I used updated stats, the 92 students in our upper grades received cards which told them where they live, the income, educ level and access to water and sanitation. POWERFUL!. #MSFTeduChat#TeachSDGS#SDGsforkids
SDG's in the class? Two DO's and one DON'T: 1. DO TEACH and raise awareness 2. DO REACH beyond your own class and country but DON'T PREACH...respect learners ability to shape informed opinions #MSFTEduChat
Q5. How do #MicrosoftEDU tools, resources and learning paths support #TeachSDGs?
س5: ما هي أهم الأدوات والمسارات التعليمية و المصادر الخاصة بمايكروسوفت التي تدعم تعليم أهداف التنمية المستدامة؟
A5: Hope to learn more about this. We've used Skype to connect with other classrooms in the UK and across the World. A great tool to get students talking & learning about the SDGs #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A5 - *Ben's Assistant* The #MSFTEDU course for #TeachSDGs on the MEC is an awesome introduction for teachers. #MinecraftEDU provides a flexible space for solution creation in a virtual but empowering setting. @Skype helps bring global issues into the classroom! #MSFTEduChat#SDGs
A5. The SDG courses and resources on the @MicrosoftEDU educator community are a great way to start teaching SDGs. Also resources are very well aligned for all age groups. Apart from this the various Skype colllaborations, events like Earthday , Global play day etc. #MSFTEduChat
A4. Let Ss explore https://t.co/3oH5WBgZ4T w/1,020+ student-written mini-case studies of positive & profitable business innovations for the #SDGs - & create a poster on what inspires them! #highered#msfteduchat
#MSFTEduChat In school set up we can actually in corporate 10 out of 17 goals quite emphatically.
We may claim having taught all but then it's making a tall claim I feel.
I love the concept here bring the learning objectives of what you are doing to life, by showing how those topics impact the world #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Use the Global Goals as a base for all our lessons! It´s all in there ! A palette all ready filled with emphathy and all the colors our rich planet is created with . It´s hard but yet so easy! All teachers- let´s spread the word of #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat A5. I'm an ardent follower of Skype & OneNote, it helps children 2 understand dat v hv common goals bcoz people across d globe r facing similar problems & v often discover that we have independently come up with similar solutions #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
dans notre classe nous avons utilisé https://t.co/7QCA0NVQ9U pour célébrer la journée international de la terre
c'est un bon outils à utiliser dans la classe
#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs A4 We have also taken our Ss to Russia, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, France & Israel this year. Not only learning geography skills but sharing & learning about each other’s cultures. Ss enjoy the conversation.
A4: Create real scenarios for students to experience true issues. When the uncomfortable scenarios strike the students, they actually will remember, resonate, learn, and want to make a change the most. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Teach students about need for on-going flexible flows of dollars, talent and other resources in order to meet #SDGs . Leaders will need to influence resource providers as well as service providers and recipients. https://t.co/xosAjjPkXN. #MSFTEduChat
A2: CA State Parks offers a free distance learning program to K-12 students called PORTS. To support this initiative we can begin integrating SDGs into the content of our curriculum based programs.
Collaborations is the key. Collaborate, plan, inform & execute to involve all. It's important to emphasize that children, teachers, parents & the community are partners in learning and building a cohesive society via #TeachSDGs.#SDGs#MSFTEduChat@zelfstudie@pkdhillon08@im_teka
5.Taking the course on #SDGs on Microsoft Educator Community platform & using @SkypeClassroom 2build a feeling of how global goals are experienced in the world & connect with others for collective action, is a great way to get started! THANK YOU #MicrosoftEDU ! #MSFTEduChat
Our goal as an educator now is not to bring up children who know their spelling and division well, but to raise sensitive individuals who are empathetic towards everyone’s needs and accepts differences in others and all that aligns beautifully with the SDGs #MSFTEduChat
A5 - @SkypeClassroom is one of the most useful tools for connecting students all over the world and promoting collaboration, thus helping to raise awareness about the #SDGs and directly contributing to SDG n. 17. #MSFTEduChat
المرحلة القادمة هي التطبيق على ارض الواقع عبر تنظيم حملات تحسيسية و المشاركة في تظاهرات و الانخراط في جمعيات تعنى بالبيئة لتنشئة جيل واع
Most of the Microsoft tools are suitable for improving teaching SDGs , we need just the support of the teacher to enhance the student's skills developement #MSFTEduChat. #MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
A5: #MSFTEduChat i #Srpski#MicrosoftEDU alati, resursi i onlajn tutorijali u potpunosti podržavaju #TeachSDGs. Posebno izdvajam onlajn tutorijale gde su opisani primeri primene ovih alata.
A5 having a MEC course helps teachers and the o365 tools help pupils to collaborate globally. Also @SkypeClassroom to break down the walls and take pupils into the real world #TEACHSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Goal 14 - Life below water: "I think of the ocean as the blue heart of the planet. Well, how much of your heart do you want to protect...?" - Sylvia Earl #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/CRhQrGy6kf
A4: Some of the most engaging ways to #TeachSDGs include:
Social Media
- Group Chats
- MasterClass
- Webinars
- Parents to Children (Daily Teachings)
- Including the SDGs in the Curriculum.
- 15mins daily SDGs Leisure
A4 #MSFTEduChat 1. Use the @TheWorldsLesson resources and connect it to your regular classes. 2. Create celebrations, assemblies around #GlobalGoals 3. Have students reach out to community through street plays & events #TeachSDGs
A5. It provides a way to learn new things, provides a path to connect with rest of the world.share thoughts. It also helps to create new and interesting ways to teach.
It is helping in creating awareness and changing mindsets
Using skypes to share others experiences using sways to present their works minecraft is the best since aside from advocating the goals they entertain themslves
A5: One Note. Our classroom & public radio Ss use One Note for everything related to their efforts: Collaborative documents for planning, setting agendas, writing conference workshop descriptions, inventory spreadsheets, SDG related surveys. #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
A4 the most engaging way is through choice. When students use passion based learning to explore the #TeachSDGs they create ownership in their learning #MSFTEduChat
A5: #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs#MicrosoftEdu#MIEExpert there are so many courses and resources in educator community ,,Skype in the classrooms, virtual field trips and mystery Skype help to connect globally with educators and students
A6: je ne rate aucune occasion pour parler des ODD dans ma classe et surtout dans la journée International de la terre le 22/04/2018
A3: students can imagine a hero who defends a goal among 17 goals and realizes it in a comic story that can be a reality one day #MSFTEduChat. #MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
A4: show them one SDG at a time and make them draw or write their own understanding of it. If you let them use any form of tech, even better as Ss simply enjoy that. After this first introduction, let them take the leap themselves into an in-depth inquiry #MSFTEduChat
Through collaborative projects, By making our lessons plans more creative and interesting, Through Skype sessions and by using more Microsoft tools. @RiseUp4SDGs#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A5 - Incredible support at multiple entry points for research, collaboration and/or creativity. The #MicrosftTools are really a one-stop-shop for everything #learning! #MSFTEDUChat#TeachSDGs
Connect classes with journalists covering under-reported global issues while teaching SDG @MicrosoftEDU@pulitzercenter#MSFTEduChat #https://education.microsoft.com/Story/SkypeLesson?token=KrSj4
Use the Global Goals as a base for all our lessons! It´s all in there ! A palette all ready filled with emphathy and all the colors our rich planet is created with . It´s hard but yet so easy! All teachers- let´s spread the word of #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Goal 14 - Life below water: Oceans are one of the most efficient ways to absorb Carbon Dioxide produced by human activities. Don't you think it is the time to start protecting them? #MSFTEduChat
Add ideas on Global Educators Flipgrid to connect with educators and ideas around the world! Prepare an activity to students show there and have fun while sharing and #TeachSDGshttps://t.co/UeLytM0GVK#MSFTEduChat
I only leaned about #TeachSDGs recently when I came across the Learning Path on the #MicrosoftEDU website. And if it wasn't for that and this #MSFTEduChat I would not have known as much as I do now. Educating Educators (like me) was the first key here!
A4 we can get them to see real life problems by relating our lesson with SDGs and encouraging them to come up with ideas to solve the problems #RiseUp4SDGs#MSFTEduChat#microsoftedu
#MSFTEduChat I'm an ardent follower of #Skype & #OneNote, it helps children to understand dat v hv common golas bcoz people across d globe r facing similar problems & v often discover that v hv indepentenly come up wid similar solutions #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
Charity begins at home... Ss should advocate same firstly at their own home bringing change in the mind sets of their families and then their concerned communities..#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A5 #MSFTEduChat We've found that @SkypeClassroom and using #MicrosoftEdu to take the students on virtual fieldtrips or meet people in the field and participate in lessons is so powerful and meaningful for our students. Our students and teachers have had the WORLD opened up! #SDGs
#MSFTEduChat A4&5. When students engage with gauging real life situations and provide real life solutions... Students talking about stereotypes, racism , carbon footprint and looking after the needy ... connection being established through @SkypeClassroom#MIEExpert
#MSFTEduChat#teach SDGs
A4; En utilisant les moyens didactiques, en appliquant l’outil Web2, préparation des vidéos expliquant les ODD, créations des animations.
Sharing their experiences with their parents and classmates in a closure party preparing a film including all their nice work giving them presents to thank them and sharing this film with students allover the world
A4: we have created space in our corridors as a way of students having a #chalktalk about the #globalgoals with the help of images as provocations. It’s been a great way of getting all members of the community involved and thinking about #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A5: I think it really is not about the specific tools or app suites we choose to use. It’s more about how do we choose to introduce the SDGs to our students. The research collation and presentation tools can be totally left to them to choose #MSFTEduChat
Microsoft Learning paths and tools provide a meaningful and well planned way to give an insight about SDGs in Gamified Way.
A Perfect drive to navigate us and our students on Glocal Voyage.
A4: Let students create the interconnections & have them develop @TeachSDGs Think Tanks that parallel a real life think. Then, make those Think Tanks matter. Develop authentic, local, collaborative action. #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat
A5: #MicrosoftEdu tools & resources has brought great development and easy paths to #TeachSDGs through the vast technologies. Students relate with learning easily when technology, practicals and real life examples are involved in the process of learning.
A2: CA State Parks offers a free distance learning program to K-12 students called PORTS. To support this initiative we can begin integrating SDGs into the content of our curriculum based programs.
A5. #MSFTEduChat . Trong @education,microsoft. com chúng tôi tìm thấy nguồn học liệu rất phong phú về #TeachSDGs, với những bài giảng, video rất phong phú, những "chiến dịch" như "Ngày Trái đất"... giúp chúng tôi nhiều ý tưởng...
I only leaned about #TeachSDGs recently when I came across the Learning Path on the #MicrosoftEDU website. And if it wasn't for that and this #MSFTEduChat I would not have known as much as I do now. Educating Educators (like me) was the first key here!
https://t.co/dCRr48MjFX next step would be - whatever I am telling my students to implement first implement on me. As I gave up drinking water in plastic bottles, so can tell students to do so. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
The next step for #TeachSDGs is always the next supporter. It could be a new teacher in Zimbabwe or another powerhouse #GlobalEd org like @MicrosoftEDU. When we share the movement with others, an upward jog becomes a fevered sprint. #MSFTEduChat
A5 Having done various projects with my ss, my next step would be to Connect my classroom with social entrepreneurs & help ss learn about local problems and begin to identify local solutions. This will add in depth knowledge &provide first-hand experience to my ss.#MSFTEduChat
Greetings from San Francisco, California! I am so excited to join this #MSFTEduChat Tweetmeet!
I am passionate about the #TeachSDGs movement and connecting schools worldwide to #SparkEmpathy
A4: 1) Distill the relevance for the target students 2) Create space for dialog 3) Really listen to students ideas 4) Allow for collaboration amongst peers 5) Celebrate the creativity and innovation #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
س6: ماهي خطوتك التالية لتحفيز طلابك للعمل الفعلي لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة؟
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
Q6. Koji je vaš sledeći korak u osnaživanju učenika da preduzmu akcije na globalnim ciljevima?
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDG A2: on peut jouer une pièce théâtrale amusante qui conseille de ne pas jeter les déchets n’importe où donc l’importance de la protection de la nature qui est un but des SDGS
A5: Here in my country, #Yemen , Skype is blocked by the internet service provider. So, the most important tool which our students use when learning or teaching #SDGs is Microsoft Power Point.
That was such a fantastic undertaking. We'd love to see it extend to even more Canadian teachers! Maybe a lesson plan on the MEC to give it a boost?
#MSFTEduChat. #MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs
A4: Attractive ways to teach SDGs are all the tools that students can react to and discover the novelties like Flipgrid, Skype sessions, Minecraft, Onenote, Kahoot,..
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
Q6: Bạn sẽ làm gì để tiếp tục trao quyền cho học sinh của mình tiếp tục hành động vì mục tiêu phát triển bền vững?
You are welcome!
I love the #TeachSDGs community it is one of the most powerful TRIBES for the
#GlobalGoals#SDGs spreading awareness and inspiring action! #MSFTEduChat
All the people who have important messages can feel free to tag me or mention me will be happy to RETWEET!
A4 #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Definetly engage with @SkypeClassroom collaboration lessons.
Carry out projects, allowing the students to use their own devices to record data which they can then share.
A6 I want my students to not only understand but implement these goals in day to day life. I am constantly encouraging them to take action by providing them with opportunities to interact. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs#MicrosoftEDU@pkdhillon08
Having done various projects with my ss, my next step would be to Connect my classroom with social entrepreneurs & help ss learn about local problems and begin to identify local solutions. This will add in depth knowledge &provide first-hand experience to my ss.#MSFTEduChat
#MicrosoftEDU helps people in presenting the aims of teaching SDG more easier for students. It helps in showcasing how one person can live sustainably using their tools, resources, and learning paths. #MSFTEduChat
A3. The #SDGs jargons need to be translated into our local languages and simplified for students to really understand the goals and targets. #MSFTEduchat
In the teacher ed space, we need to integrate this framework into preparation programs so new teachers enter the classroom equipped with the resources, mindset, and skills needed to enact meaningful change.
Explore the intersection between the subjects u teach & the SDGs. Build deep insight into sdgs thro' local parternership that connect students to people experiencing & working on topics they r learning about #MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU
I wrote 5 plays for bringing SdgS into Preprimary classrooms. my dynamic team of teachers chose their SDGs n inducted d kids making dm aware of their global responsibility.
I am ready to share all plays wd all of you-rich wd songs and music.based on SDG 4,5,16,14,2.
We are at a very nascent stage with our introduction to the SDGs to our students especially the younger ones. Next step could be simplifying them for even our 5 year olds so that they start understanding them early on. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs A6. The role of the role of children and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be summed up as three “A’s” -- raising Awareness, taking Action and holding governments and other stakeholders to Account on progress.
A6: In the teacher ed space, we need to integrate this framework into preparation programs so new teachers enter the classroom equipped with the resources, mindset, and skills needed to enact meaningful change.
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
Q6. Koji je vaš sledeći korak u osnaživanju učenika da preduzmu akcije na globalnim ciljevima?
A4: using space outside the media lab as a way for students to play a #TeachSDGs themed game. A great way of sharing what the SDGs are and why it’s vital we all get involved. #MSFTEduChat
relating each and every topic with SDGs and teach students how every topic provide us the solution to make the sustainable world... #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat#MicrosoftEDU#TeachSDGs A4 We have developed cultural conversations. Earlier this year our HS CE class discussed current issues affecting both countries with a class in Monterrey, Mexico 🇲🇽. Great opportunity for our students to hear perspectives from their peers
as a instructional designer, I believe in the role of e-learning to reach people like never before and in adaptive and collaborative activities to approach the student and the subject as one. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
#MSFTEduChat A6: My Ss are creating @Buncee posters about Earth Day and the related SDGs, ie: Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land. Then we'll share them via @SkypeClassroom#MIEExpert
Teach students to use #maps to show where problems are most concentrated, to draw resources to solution builders in these areas, and to show who's involved in different #SDGs in different areas. Some platforms to draw from: https://t.co/K0YSXqAe0r. #MSFTEduChat
A3 By creating awareness through different activities like survey, rallies and by participating in collaborative projects #RiseUp4SDGs#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A5: Bornean Sun Bear Hero project, which is my Ss project is a great example on how Microsoft tools such as @SkypeClassroom and #MinecraftEdu empower my students voices in order to achieve the Sdgs #MSFTEduChat
A5: Connecting their service learning projects to the greater challenges to help them find their voice in the conversation. Students was to engage. Giving them the opportunity #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat#WavesUp@PeppGSEP
Q6 Each student is taking on an SDG that speaks to them. They will innovate a solution which will be presented at our STEAM night in May. #MSFTeduChat#TeachSDGS#SDGsforkids
A6: My first step is our preschool teacher initiative with teachers a co-designer & co-creators of knowledge using media & tech to support #TeachSDGs and support their little ones learning.
Plan and indulge in Skype sessions to share and discuss projects on SDGs with like minded Educators and Students around the world #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU
A6. My next step would be to integrate technology to identify barriers to and provide solutions for sustainable development challenges from the local to global level. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A4. #MSFTEduChat . Tổ chức các hoạt động ngoại khóa, cho học sinh trực tiếp trải nghiệm để hiểu về sự cần thiết phải hành động vì UN goals. Sử dụng các nguồn học liệu được chia sẻ từ cộng đồng EM để tạo cảm hứng cho học sinh
A6 Our next steps are 1. Creating Poster in @Buncee for Life Under the Water, participating in Earth Day Celebrations with @SkypeClassroom and participating in Flipgrid World Classroom #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A6 my next step - to familiarise myself more with the SDG’s and raise awareness with pupils. Look at how I can integrate into our courses across all age groups. I also want to make some small changes to my class like in the poster #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
A6 My next step to empower my Ss would be getting them connected with Socail Media, to facilitate their responsible usage of this medium to create more awareness about SDGs and evaluate their learning
#MSFTEduChat A6. Once ss r empowered wid knowledge & it's application 2 solve local issues, d nx step is 2 collabortae with ss from across d world 2 discuss, debate & resolve similar issues in other parts of d world. From here on #Skype takes over #SDGs#TeachSDGs#GlobalGoals
#MSFTEduChat A6: My Ss are creating @Buncee posters about Earth Day and the related SDGs, ie: Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 14: Life Below Water, Goal 15: Life on Land. Then we'll share them via @SkypeClassroom#MIEExpert
A5. One of the most powerful lessons I have experienced was a discussion on climate change via @skypeclassroom between a class in Wales and a class in the Philippines....love it when pupils share and discuss...that what promotes change! #MSFTEduChat
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
Q6. Koji je vaš sledeći korak u osnaživanju učenika da preduzmu akcije na globalnim ciljevima?
A6: Next steps for teaching SDGs for me: 1. Helping to spread the word via social media 2. Research, write & share a blog post about using @DrawpEdu and other resources to teach SDGs #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
A1 So true, as Educators we can use technologies in the classroom to bring down the barriers, open up dialogue and our minds to understand and appreciate the different communities and cultures both on our doorstep and across our planet. #MIEExpert#TeachSDGoals#MSFTeduChat
A1: Currently, I am very interested in #SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals. Connecting students to other classrooms, communities, and the world! #MSFTeduchat#TeachSDGs
A6. Studying the @MicrosoftEDU tools and the #SDGs materials avaiable, I can learn how to create rich and engaging content to students of all ages and contexts, paired with the theories of e-learning to spread awareness about the Global Goals.
YES! I hear ya, would love to brainstorm with you how we make this happen for students! #MSFTEduChat
And we would love to share your story on our https://t.co/wNJx6x4tJg!
In reply to
@Ayushchopra24, @J_Bimmerle, @TeachSDGs, @sparvell, @SDGsForChildren, @ProfeEdTech, @MicrosoftEDU
A6 - I'd like to help my students become proactive and develop autonomy both as learners and as agents of change starting from the little issues in their local communities, without forgetting to aim for greater achievements. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Q6. What’s your next step in empowering your students to take action on the SDGs?
Q6. Koji je vaš sledeći korak u osnaživanju učenika da preduzmu akcije na globalnim ciljevima?
A5: I think it can be the best way to use microsoft tools in learning SDGs. Students can share their ideas ,views, messages etc. among other people all around the world.#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs@pkdhillon08
Embracing a strong child centric learning environment, held together by a Facilitator not just a teacher who teaches. Strengthening profesional dev. Supporting students to ensure parent and community participation #TeachSDGs#SDGs#MSFTEduChat@zelfstudie@pkdhillon08@im_teka
A6: #MSFTEduChat i #Srpski
Počela sam da uključujem učenike u Mastery Skype ture na #microsoftedu programu. Do sada smo "putovali" po Indiji, a u planu mi je priprema lekcija za učenike svih uzrasta, upoznavanje kultura drugih naroda i širenje naše kulturne baštine.
If I am going be a teacher, opening student's eyes about the reality would be my first step. Because I believe that it would inspire them to take action on the SDGs. #MSFTEduChat
A6 Education is the first step. Our students won't know what to do if they don't understand the issue, how they have an impact today and what they can do in the future. #MSFTEduChat#childrenareourfuture#TeachSDGs
THANK YOU to Marjolein Hoekstra of @OneNoteC fame for her behind the scenes work with #MSFTEduChat. Her passion and drive are 2nd to none. To the other hosts, THANK YOU for letting me join you all, TRULY an honor, can't wait to continue learning w/you all. #TeachSDG's #MIEExpert
Love it! Lots of different opportunities to engage across different tools. We imagine that's really helped students with different strengths take leadership in areas they're passionate about.
In reply to
@LindaEdwardsi, @Buncee, @SkypeClassroom
A6 we are choosing the SDG’s we want to focus on and then discuss how to innovativelu meet them. We are starting our #SdgInnoPro with @zelfstudie#MSFTEduChat
Without a doubt all #SDG17. We do not know what future holds for our kids but if focus on teaching empathy & skills to them for contributing towards sustainable living & life-long learning, then I think we would have done our bit in all its honesty.#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Learning Market place, an annual event in our school would be a great platform for our students to come closer to SDGs. They would research, prepare presentations and exhibits on SDGS #MSFTEduChat#RiseUp4SDGs
A5: CA State Parks PORTS Program uses the Skype in the Classroom platform to deliver many of our free distance learning programs to students around the world. This has been an amazing tool for reaching a broader more diverse audience.
A6: #MSFTEduChat i #Srpski
Počela sam da uključujem učenike u Mastery Skype ture na #microsoftedu programu. Do sada smo "putovali" po Indiji, a u planu mi je priprema lekcija za učenike svih uzrasta, upoznavanje kultura drugih naroda i širenje naše kulturne baštine.
The next step for #TeachSDGs is always the next supporter. It could be a new teacher in Zimbabwe or another powerhouse #GlobalEd org like @MicrosoftEDU. When we share the movement with others, an upward jog becomes a fevered sprint. #MSFTEduChat
#MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#RiseUp4SDGs#MicrosoftEdu#MIEExpertA6 My next step to empower my Ss would be getting them connected with Socail Media, to facilitate their responsible usage of this medium to create more awareness about SDGs and evaluate their learning
Wow! Resources galore shared today at #MSFTEduChat! Review & curate them all: https://t.co/mrVDpuk0Ll Q1/A1 transcript ready for review following the chat as well!
A6 My future activities are based to the total understanding of nature. This is the only way to respect the Earth and achieve the SDGs Goals!!
A6: Community Engagement is one way students can easily relate and enpower themselves to take action on the SDGs. With regular outreaches with Students to rural slums, they understand what poverty is, and why it's important to take action on SDG1 UN2030.
Time flies! ⏲✈ Thank you, participants and #MSFTEduChat hosts! We'll be back May 15 with Inclusive Classrooms & #Accessibilityhttps://t.co/SgJUY8rrJm
شكرا جزيلا لمشاركاتكم معنا, ميعادنا القادم في ال15 من مايو وموضوع
"الفصل الدراسي الشامل"
Time flies! ⏲✈ Thank you, participants and #MSFTEduChat hosts! We'll be back May 15 with Inclusive Classrooms & #Accessibility Be sure to tag someone that you know will benefit or is passionate about this topic! #MIEExpert#TCEA#Sulsprisd
A6: mes élèves m'ont proposé une idée c'est de faire une collecte des aliments et de faire une sortie vers une école rurale pour aider les autres enfants dans notre pays
parce que de nos jours il ya des élèves qui mort de faim dans nos écoles
no hunguer
A6. 17 SDGs #TweetMeet for students at Kamla Nehru Public School Phagwara may be the next step in empowering our students to take action on the SDGs
Thanks to everyone who contributed such amazing ideas to the TweetMeet! We're excited to see the change that the #SDGs bring about in classrooms and around the world 🌎
#MSFTEduChat A6. When students will choose how to work for the betterment of the community and how to find their place in trying to make the world a better place , when they look at what is relevant to their world and how each day's contribution can have an impact.
It's important to get all students thinking about these issues. They are the ones who will solve the problems of the future. Education is the 1st step. Thanks to everyone on the chat! Keep building awareness about Sustainable Dev. Goals.
Great chat tonight on SDG’s. Next tweetmeet date for your diary. Come along and join. I guarantee you will take something away for your classes #MIEExpert#MSFTEduChat
A6 My future activities are based to the total understanding of nature. This is the only way to respect the Earth and achieve the SDGs Goals!!
А6: We had an arrangement with representatives of the city about joint cleaning from the plastic of the park. Then they planted trees and hanged houses for birds.
#MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU It was very fun.
A6: We have to understand we are all connected, build empathy, and encourage wildly creative solutions to tackle the challenges that impact us all. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat#WavesUp@PeppGSEP
It was great connecting with so many amazing people! Together we’ll definitely raise compassionate humans because that’s what the world needs most right now. #MSFTEduChat
They open a treasure trove of videos, lesson plans, online links, expert talks, networks and immense learning materials to give you confidence to link #GlobalGoals to school curriculum and make students sensitive to global issues. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
I know our students/schools have definitely benefitted from our virtual fieldtrips with @CAStateParks. The @CrystalCoveSP lesson gave our students a real-world lesson about #TeachSDG! It really got the "mind wheels" turning! #MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@CAStateParks, @SkypeClassroom, @CAStateParks, @CrystalCoveSP
Thank you everyone! I've learned a lot of new and meaningful tips from all of you in todays #MSFTEduChat
Its already 2am in Malaysia and gtg now. Good night!
A4. In my school we call the ss involved in advocating the goals as "GREEN BRIGADE". It gives them a sense of pride and belonging which actual inspires them to do better and better #MSFTEduChat@MicrosoftEDU
A6 - supporting student autonomy when learning. Let the S’s choose their which of the SDGs are of importance to them and then provide guidance as they journey thru the process! #MSFTEDUChat#teachSDGs#ExcitedStudents
Entrust; encourage; provide help & platforms; and really advocate for what the students do! If students see you are serious and passionate about what they do, they will continue. If you stop matter the issue, they'll stop too. #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Big thank you to all the hosts and @OneNoteC@LBayne Lots of ideas to take away and things to think about for integrating SDG’s in my class as school. #MSFTEduChat
Q6 I always tell my students of Therory of Tiny Gains. Just be only 1% better than day before. improving by just 1% isn't notable (and sometimes it isn't even noticeable). But it can be just as meaningful, especially in the long run. #SDGs. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MIEExpert
Thank you to all my awesome co-hosts, it was wonderful being on this journey and learning with you all. Thanks especially to Marjolein @OneNoteC, your guidance and knowledge is epic! #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs@GEDSB21C@GEDSB#MIEExpert
Learned a lot in this tweet meet. Thanks the team and participants for making us enriched with great tools and knowledge.
Good Night everyone!!!
Thanks a lot for this geat event @MicrosoftEDUand making it possible @OneNoteC . Hats off to the hostd for their tremendous contribution. We learnt a lot today and it feels great to have sahred our best practices. #MSFTEduChat@TeachSDGs
A5: CA State Parks PORTS Program uses the Skype in the Classroom platform to deliver many of our free distance learning programs to students around the world. This has been an amazing tool for reaching a broader more diverse audience.
Thank you all for joining us! It was so exciting!
Hvala svima koji su bili sa nama i razgovarali o ovoj zanimljivoj temi!
Well actually... I have something special left... It's tricky, delicate and... I just need to do this. I have some students who survived the Parkland shooting sharing a message in the #SDGinnoPro project: https://t.co/ozbg5YQqX7#neveragain#MSFTEduChat
Really a great learning indeed a collaboration it was @pkdhillon08 Mam .Tweet Meet a wonderful experience. Our pleasure to attend mam by our great host Respected Mam @pkdhillon08#MSFTEduChat
In reply to
@pkdhillon08, @KnpsIndia, @pkdhillon08, @pkdhillon08
First action is 2 make sure dat all d students are aware abt d importance of SDGs, next step would be 2 help dem start taking action by involving them in different research projects, by guiding dem in each step ,by providing dem sufficient knowledge and resources #MSFTEduChat
Conclusion: We have a great chance to teach in the front of 4th Industrial Revolution(AI, VR, ICT in education etc), we can not forget about #SDGSgoals because nothing will be left of our planet....
#SDGs. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs#MIEExpert
A3. #MSFTEduChat . Tiếp tục học tập và lan tỏa mục tiêu #TeachSDGs trên tinh thần Learning by sharing đến nhiều giáo viên góp phần tạo ra một cộng đồng giáo viên tích cực, cùng chung tay thực hiện UN goals.
Lot of good ideas in todays #teachsdgs chat. I'd like to find examples of the SDGs plotted on GIS maps, showing places around world where same problems are concentrated. Anyone doing this? #MSFTEduChathttps://t.co/ziscSZRqSW
Thanks again for an amazing #MSFTEduChat !!! It's so difficult to follow on a mobile when doing DIY! Will be doing some catchup later....thanks to hash tags!!!!
A3. #MSFTEduChat . Tiếp tục học tập và lan tỏa mục tiêu #TeachSDGs trên tinh thần Learning by sharing đến nhiều giáo viên góp phần tạo ra một cộng đồng giáo viên tích cực, cùng chung tay thực hiện UN goals.
#MicrosoftEdu tools provides great platform to collaborate n co-operate among students n teachers of different regions to share their views #TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Good health and well being-
The values of not wasting food, eating healthy and conserving resources are all taught in our Preprimary classrooms.#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet@zelfstudie
#MSFTEduChat ,Students are the leaders of the future .They can make a difference to our world with what they have of very creative ideas .We just need to listen to them and support them with resources and tools to make their ideas and dreams cometrue
Wow! I will need a few days now to read all the answers on #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs hashtags! Totally incredible experience!!!
Thanks to @MicrosoftEDU@OneNoteC and @TeachSDGs for this unbelivible experience, and all wonderful people from our team of hosts! #Srpski
Our Principal's visit to Germany to attend the international meet on SDGs brought back numerous lesson s for us.
#towork 4 SDG
Buncee is now part of @MicrosoftEDU's Boost Classroom Creativity collection! Check it out, and if you're at #ASUGSV2018 - be sure to swing by the Microsoft booth where we're honored to be one of the showcased apps! https://t.co/usyW89LDK6#MSFTEduChat
A6. #MSFTEduChat Xây dựng các dự án #TeachSDGs phù hợp + hưởng ứng dự án "Ngày Trái đất" + phát triển các kỹ năng thế kỷ XXI cho học sinh + Xin cấp tài khoản O365 cho học sinh để các em có cơ hội học tập và hành động vì UN goals.
A:6: I hope to encourage more Ts to #TeachSDGs by continuing to present info I learn and share work my Ss are doing. #MSFTEduChat The @MicrosoftEDU community is amazing and has so many resources & connections!
А6: Girls of the 9th grade do research on the Goal5. They investigate knowledge of children and teachers of the school. #MSFTEduChat, #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU
This proves my point.
Changing the mindset of our boys,confidence level in girls, training parents n convincing dm about changing society r few of the hurdles we as teachers have 2 overcome.
Ground reality is not rozy, overhear sts conversation 2 get d real picture.#MSFTEduChat @
Adolescent Education Program Study of India being presented at #SBCC Summit. Finds that boys are more gender biased than girls. Keep the conversation going @sidbshrestha@arupa_shukla
I point to about 2000 links in my web library, however, I want to share one with the #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs community. This is set of articles about 'how change happens'. Add to what Ss are learning. https://t.co/FoAbypKp8a
A6. #MSFTEduChat Xây dựng các dự án #TeachSDGs phù hợp + hưởng ứng dự án "Ngày Trái đất" + phát triển các kỹ năng thế kỷ XXI cho học sinh + Xin cấp tài khoản O365 cho học sinh để các em có cơ hội học tập và hành động vì UN goals.
We have to protect them. They are vital for our own survival. Through @Sharks4Kids we are teaching students how to #savesharks & the oceans #msfteduchat
One sub section of Tutor/Mentor web library focuses on innovation, collaboration, visualization, knowledge management, visualization, etc. https://t.co/QroeKRdFu7. It is resource for any focused on #SDGs#TeachSDGs#MSFTEduChat
Learning about the #SDGs has made my students understand the global challenges that we face, and it has also put them on the spot thinking about solutions to these challenges. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs
Hello from the UK lovely #MSFTEduChat people 😀we have some free resources to help engage students in the SDGs, some covering all SDGs and others hands on practical activities focusing on how STEM can help us achieve the SDGs https://t.co/2ADqntcLiM
A6. I'll be setting up Ngor-Okpala Model United Nations for my community. I'll also set up agriclubs in each public secondary school in my LGA. #MSFTEduchat
The issue of inclusivity vs exclusivity and how that manifests from the cookie jar to the basketball court, to the dance class, the classroom, backyard, tv room and a date at the Diner. #MSFTEduChat#emotional#intelligence#lifeskills
These resources are excellent #teachSDGs and #MSFTEduChat. I have completed six of them so far in the Science curriculum this year and have just started "beat the flood" in the biology curriculum looking at natural disasters! The students engage well with the challenges.
Hello from the UK lovely #MSFTEduChat people 😀we have some free resources to help engage students in the SDGs, some covering all SDGs and others hands on practical activities focusing on how STEM can help us achieve the SDGs https://t.co/2ADqntcLiM
A1: SDG 3 Reduce processed food/added sugar in cafeteria. SDG7/11 Promote & co-design sustainable new school facilities. SDG 6 Curate Salva Dut of Water for South Sudan’s visit on water issues/conflict. SDG 17 with all #TeachSDGs#MicrosoftEDU#MSFTEduChat#TweetMeet
During my session on "Incorporating #SDGs in Learning in the Classroom", I introduced the participants to @TheWorldsLesson website and how they can access it's amazing resources to #TeachSDGs in their classrooms. #MSFTEduChat
The most pressing global issues that my students face is that of under resourced schools, which is common in developing countries. They have tied this to #SDG4 and they think they can solve this problem as they grow older. #MSFTEduChat#TeachSDGs