#iaedchat Archive
Run by Iowa educators, #IAedchat is on Twitter the first, second, and third Sundays each month at 8:00pm CST. We have added #IAedchat LIVE to the fourth Sunday of the month at 8:00pm CST. This will take place in Google Hangout on Air. We will share the invitation and link to #IAedchat LIVE each month.
Sunday April 17, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Good evening & welcome everyone! My tweets for the next hour are dedicated to
Good evening & welcome to ! I’m excited about the next hour of learning about ways you personalize your PL! https://t.co/XMG3O0LfTo
Our topic is “Personalized Professional Learning”
Colin Wikan...Dean of Students @ Bett HS. Looking forward to tonight's chat!
Your co-moderators for tonight’s are and
Your co-moderators for tonight’s are and
Travis Lape Technology Integrationist Harrisburg South Dakota
Lisa, Dir of Tech from Kansas excited to join. Trying the Participate Learning instead of Tweetdeck.
Take a moment to introduce yourself, your role in schools, and where you are tweeting from tonight.
Excited to chat about personalized PL with my PLN @
Greetings and Good Evening All!
I’m Andrea - Instructional Coach at Benton CSD. It’s always a great pleasure to learn with you on . https://t.co/x7JwXy9kTX
glad to join my Iowa friends!
Good evening PLN! Derek Dixon 7-12 Social Studies at English Valleys CSD as well as student.
Tech Instructional Coach at MOC-Floyd Valley in NW Iowa. Greetings!
Hello ! Todd from Texas looking to connect!
Carla Diede 8th grade math teacher and next year's personalized learning coach Harrisburg, SD
Nick Proud principal checking in at between kid bedtimes.
Amy, technology integration specialist, Green Bay, WI.
Greetings from Texas. AP at Elem. Ready to learn more
Randi. 7th grade science in Des Moines.
Welcome to the chat, Sandy!
I will. Trying to see how to communicate with others. Tweetdeck on the side for a cheat.
Good evening. It's been awhile. Becky, elementary principal from Monmouth, IL
Ashley from Mason City-currently 6th grade teacher, instructional coach for next school year
Good evening, Becky. Great to see you again!
Jill Rice...ITS for the Lee's Summit School District...looking forward to learning with my home state!
Don Lyon Principal Spearfish Middle School SD.
That is funny I am doing the same thing. Scared to let go of that yet.
Hi All - Kim Teacher-Lib, Tech. Integrationist, Davenport North HS
Curt, middle school teacher and future instructional coach from Mason City
Welcome to the chat, Ashley!
Good evening ! I'm Darin, a 6th/8th grade RLA teacher from Northeast Iowa, checking in! :)
Good evening! Charlie from Waukee CSD - High School Instructional Coach
Good evening, Ryan from Des Moines checking in tonight.
Hi Jill! Thank you for joining us this evening!
Hey, Buddy. Good to “see” you tonight.
Thank you for being with us, Ryan!
Pk-5 Principal/Pk-12 Curriculum Director for tuning in from Iowa City
Good evening, . Devin Schoening in Council Bluffs. Checking in while I watch my Giants play on Sunday Night Baseball.
What are you using to chat, and ?
Hey Jarod, I wondered if you'd be out with this chat tonight! :)
Harrisburg (Freedom Elementary) will have a 2nd-5th grade Personalized learning pilot next year!
Welcome, Gabe! Good to see you again!
WOW! watching both tonight! POWERFUL!
Jim from New Jersey... Good Evening!
Good evening all! Ben, 4th grade, Mason City, IA
Hi Jake! Thank you for being with us this evening.
Hello. Instructional tech specialist from Mo.
Once again, we have a great crew here this this evening on ! Q1 is coming up in one minute!
Hi Jim! We appreciate you joining in this evening!
Always a pleasure to learn with you, Kim!
Joining in a little late to - Bridget Visser from Texas
Welcome to the party, Bridget!
Always great when Darin’s in the house! Thanks for being here!
looking forward to the chat topic tonight!
Q1: When you think about personalized professional learning, what comes to mind?
Hi ! Nick, wrapping up my year as a PK-8 Chief Administrator and excited to join this summer!
April from MD. Hello! Teacher Librarian.
Welcome to the chat, Nick!
A1-Meaningful learning that will be applied in the classroom, engagement of teachers
A1: on demand with the way, time & method to how I learn. https://t.co/AlqrepyoSm
Q1: When you think about personalized professional learning, what comes to mind?
I think of this graphic. I am in charge of my learning and relate my learning to my passions. https://t.co/2SAUJaQA2t
A1 Anytime, anywhere learning that meets the teacher where they are and can be applied in the classroom immediately.
A1 Relevance, high engagement
A1: PD that empowers the T and removes unnecessary “accountability.” https://t.co/PdBTpnPqV5
Q1: When you think about personalized professional learning, what comes to mind?
A1: Being able to meet my needs as they arise through a variety of sources
Ha! You make me blush! Glad to make it out tonight! :)
A1:I think about drive and initiative...with P-P-L you will get out what you put in.
A1: Personalized PL - Pushing myself professionally and learning about things that interest me via platforms of my choice.
A1: I think about learning that meets my needs and keeps me motivated to do more. Whether it is a podcast, chat, article, etc.
Very well said, Todd. I like the method to how you learn. Great thoughts.
A1:what am I working on 2become a better teacher? How am I going 2make my classroom better? How will my ss understand more/better?
A1 I think of the Conference just held here in Katy. I chose sessions related to needs/interests. We know what we need?
A1. Specific to the needs of each individual teacher.
Professional learning that meets my needs so I can continually grow as a learner
A1 I think of teacher choice. Just like students, Ts are more inspired to learn when they can choose their path.
A1: Learning that fits my needs where I am at. How can what we're doing meet my needs as a professional learner?
A1 Personalized PL is all about giving voice and choice to our Ts to take charge of their own learning.
A1: What I need, when I need it to advance to learn and grow.
A1: I think about having agency over my own learning. I have some control over what I learn, how I learn it, and how I share it.
A1: PD that is focused on LEARNING, not TRAINING.
Q1. Flexible, authentic, and meaningful. Promotes opportunities for more learning and connections to a worldwide learning comm.
A1 A teacher getting the PD they are ready for and in need of at the specific time they need it to apply it directly to Ss.
A1 Teacher choice is important and more like style where everyone is involved in the learning. Not a sit and get.
A1: Flipping the classroom to meet students where they are. Still learning about it but work with great resource
A1: Not just "sit-n-get". I find it funny when I sit in on pd talking about how to transform education when it's like that.
Stress free PD because you want to..., Not need to.....
A1: PD that is designed, researched, and implemented by us!
yes! Useful PD to go right into what I am doing in my classroom!
A1: Focusing the PPL on student outcomes is exactly right. https://t.co/DgaihnA8yL
A1:what am I working on 2become a better teacher? How am I going 2make my classroom better? How will my ss understand more/better?
A1: Allow time for play and creation as well!
A1 Focused on every student's needs in relationship to their life.
A1: Being able to work through the pd yourself. "Hands-On" "Minds-On"
A1 Educator driven, choice, anytime-anywhere learning
So important to be able to practice and apply before going back to classroom.
A1: We talk constantly about S choice, what about T choice too? This gives us that chance!
A1-Once Ts are engaged in PPL, they will be more open to providing personalized learning to Ss
A1: learning things that I am interested in that will help me to grow as a teacher that will in turn help my Ss and fellow Ts.
Play time is so important. We have to have opportunities to just figure things out.
Yes 2 yrs working on this in my grad school and now getting to watch it come to life.
There’s a giant difference between personalized learning and training! https://t.co/mFkEH1chCU
A1: PD that is focused on LEARNING, not TRAINING.
Ah! I'm late! I love time! Kara Paulson from Johnston IA 2nd grade 📚❤️
Yes! Always easier to go implement when I get some "play time" when learning. No different than students. https://t.co/G6zjLk6v6X
A1: Being able to work through the pd yourself. "Hands-On" "Minds-On"
I’ve seen this happen! It’s awesome stuff.
Welcome, Kara! Just in time for
A1 Obtaining learning just-in-time instead of just-in case
A1: I simply think about choice and meeting people where they are at.
? 4 for everyone, I'll be switching from Google Classroom to Microsoft Onenote Notebook next year. Any good resources 3rd/4th?
A1 personalizing PD to each teacher's needs by differentiating which creates more buy in-finding ways to help everyone improve
when it is a "sit and get" PD, how many Ts are still working on SOMETHING???
Where is the Q posted this evening?
I think any PD can be that way - need ppl to refocus their focus! You get out what you put in!
I think this is important, if that transfer happens. Individuals need more control and agency over their learning.
PD that is relevant to my content and skills that can be used with students and staff.
A1: Learning opportunities that we seek out for ourselves that are meaningful and relevant to us. https://t.co/hR963KpjnK
Q1: When you think about personalized professional learning, what comes to mind?
A1 I think of differentiation for teachers and the freedom to peruse needs to improve student learning and
Q2 is right around the corner. We are off to a great start!
This! Personalized PL makes it easy to WANT to learn. I’m pushing myself because I WANT to. https://t.co/kSqJOek3hP
Stress free PD because you want to..., Not need to.....
A1: Personalized Professional Learning requires shared leadership and a culture of yes rather than "yes, but" - risk
A1 Allowing teachers to create their own learning path helps with buyin.
Willing to take a risk and such a great return for staff and students when you do this.
Q2: How do you personalize your professional learning?
Love the shared leadership comment, Gabe. So important for a culture of learning and improvement. https://t.co/2asxekephm
A1: Personalized Professional Learning requires shared leadership and a culture of yes rather than "yes, but" - risk
A1: I was told in undergrad that you are either green and growing or ripe and rotting!
Trust Ts to use their voice. Give them opps for feedback to use the T voice to make decisions about PL. https://t.co/zM6typ8QEf
A1: We talk constantly about S choice, what about T choice too? This gives us that chance!
A1:Individualized to accommodate that persons needs.
agreed! We are starting instructional coaches this year and the set up and implementation is huge!
A1 Its all about changing the "yes but" to "yes and here's how". Must be willing to take the risk.
What does that path look like in your district?
A1 You can't go wrong with edcamp for PD. If you don't see a session that interests you, start one! Awesome for Ts and Ss
Why the switch, ? I'm interested because we're doing just the opposite.
Ted from MO. Stopping in late for will be in and out.
A2 We do , conversations about what teachers want and modeling lessons in the classroom for tech integration.
A1: I think of being excited for PD time! It would give me the chance to find out, what could really work in my classroom??
Welcome, Ted. We'll take you whenever we can get you!
yes!! It reminds me of my students. I can't expect them to stay seated for 60 min w/o moving!!!
PD that helps me grow as better teacher (content & skills) and as a future admin (systems, management, & culture/climate support)
A1: Choice for how I might grow & impact student learning within my "sphere" of influence https://t.co/nxdtXWUIoy
Q1: When you think about personalized professional learning, what comes to mind?
A1 personalized PD ignites our genius. It allows us to feel our interests matter.
Core standards are constantly changing..... Curriculum is what happens when the T's closet door. Walk-thrus!!!!
Personalized PL gives Ts a fighting chance because they are met where they are, not what fits sit-n-get. https://t.co/8jDQNNpMGM
A1: I simply think about choice and meeting people where they are at.
A2 I know my personal and school needs. From there, I seek PD via articles, books, confernces, etc. LOVE the PLN developed here!
A2: I participate in things I chose and when. I attend Edcamps, participate in Twitter chats, and utilize SM tools.
A2: Stay current with edchats, sign up for blog updates from other educators, talk to others about what interests them!
A2: I personalize my Prof learning by selecting the reading I want and by using my to help me in areas with growth needs.
A2: I listen to various podcasts, participate in chats, belong to FB groups, attend conferences, read books and articles, observe.
A2: Part of this is going to come from reflection. As we reflect on what we do, and how we do it, we will find areas for growth.
A2: Twitter, reading, conferences, courses , podcast, dialogue w/ peers, coaching cycle w/
Outside or inside district contracted PD time? There can be a difference.
A1. Designed for personal professional needs.
Usually via , , blogs and definitely chats like
Good stuff, Jake! https://t.co/CDwJhSQmQ1
A2 I know my personal and school needs. From there, I seek PD via articles, books, confernces, etc. LOVE the PLN developed here!
A2 Learning from others takes on a variety of forms - books, Twitter, conferences, peers, etc.
A2: informal book studies, Twitter chats, reach out to in-building experts in something I want to try
Hey Jarod, take that question however you would like to interpret. https://t.co/i91T8aBsLb
Outside or inside district contracted PD time? There can be a difference.
A2: Attend conferences, participate in edchats, recently joined voxer, and also quick reads. Try to reflect as much as possible.
A2 get involved in opportunities! This year I am a technology "trailblazer" for and using my instructional coach
A2: Honestly I get my PD and learning from Twitter. I also belong to some Voxer groups.
A2 Seek out new ideas and connections with other teachers to help me grow. Make connections and share ideas.
A2:Twitter, conferences, peers,blogs, and books on topics where I need professional growth.
A2-I find prof learning by researching out info that will benefit my Ss using tools such as Twitter and prof learning communities
A2: Twitter chats and are two ways I've personalized my learning
Exactly! It's MIND NUMBING! ;)
It does. But it doesn’t offer a model to allow this 9 things to happen in. That’s the rub.
A2: I am smarter because of the people I follow on twitter!
A2 Twitter and Voxer allow me to ask questions to my PLN. Then, I read blogs that connect to my questions.
Of course, book studies https://t.co/z01BnxkX73
A2: informal book studies, Twitter chats, reach out to in-building experts in something I want to try
A2 Try to implement a new learning asap and then reflect on what worked or didn't work. Try to reach out to others for help
A2: Podcasts, articles and books. Most important for me is PLN and learning from others
are teachers in elementary aware of the progression in the standards?
A2 use others! There are so many people you come in contact with that can help you if you ask and are willing to be challenged.
A2 I personalize my learning with Twitter, Google+ Comm, attending conferences, blogs, and from the teachers I work with
A2-Professional learning becomes anytime/anyplace
A2: Read. Communicate. Reflect. Repeat cycle in any order possible. https://t.co/0Eaur6L4oF
Q2: How do you personalize your professional learning?
A2: and so many others offer me the chance to learn on my time!
I have personalized my PD by trying things that are outside my norm, so teachers see me pressing my own boundaries to help kids.
That makes sense, , although there are some amazing OneNote uses. I think there will be things you'll like about it.
Personalizing my learning comes down to defection of my weaknesses or struggles of my students & finding resources to meet my need
A2: Twitter/Voxer/Education Communites-Microsoft/Google/Apple
A2: Twitter & started blogging to help crystallize my learning. https://t.co/rLLnzFe8Us
Q2: How do you personalize your professional learning?
A2: through asynchronous online courses, either for graduate credit or CEUs, developed by teacher leaders
But don’t you feel the paycheck signer is responsible for building it into contract time?
A2 also knowing your students! Each new grade, class, and individual needs new things! What is the right thing for them?
Can’t forget that reflection is a huge piece of growing professionally (and personally) https://t.co/4wQ302HpoX
A2: Attend conferences, participate in edchats, recently joined voxer, and also quick reads. Try to reflect as much as possible.
A2.2: Another tremendous resource is various chats. There's a Twitter chat for that...amazing people in my PLN.
A2: Throw in some Voxer, some email, Google Hangouts, online podcasts and away we go with my own learning! :)
A2. I personalize through blogs, and chats.
A2: Twitter chats, edcamp, area principal meetings, conferences, team meetings, talking to students, visiting other schools
A2, I think about what my staff needs, the areas I need more understanding and I set out to webinar (P1)
A2 I read, I go to edcamps, I pilot projects in school, and I regularly take advantage of Twitter edchats for the best PD ever!
Personalizing of my learning comes down to reflection of my weaknesses & student needs and finding resources to match
A2.2: Something I've learned real quick in education is that you can never have too many connections. Always growing my PLN!
A2. This year as a District administrators personalized our PD!
A2 - Always willing to take something I learn at a conference or on twitter and just jump in and try it. Have to take a risk.
We are one minute away from Q3 on
Everyone brings something new to the table ..... Only you know your path ....... Follow your passion
A2 Choice reading in blogs , books, video conferences, Google hangouts, Google communities
A2: constant self assessment of where I am in relation to my goals. Fill in whatever I need to move closer to learning goal
I put things out on twitter to hashtags for things I am looking or wanting to learn!
A2: The list is endless! My own PLN are a group of rock stars that lead me to resources I never knew about. Journals, blogs etc.
Great, Don. I love to visit other schools within and outside of my district. So much easier in 2016. https://t.co/9ZZZU23MyF
A2: Twitter chats, edcamp, area principal meetings, conferences, team meetings, talking to students, visiting other schools
A2 I also love Twitter and gathering info on FB. I do EdCamp and local meet ups on my topics. Love some print NF, too.
So important to follow your passion. I tell that to my students.
A2 Twitter is huge but I also use , Pinterest and Facebook. Can't forget YouTube, either.
Well THIS is a great list of chats! Who has some other favorites?
A2: and so many others offer me the chance to learn on my time!
Q3: Describe how you share your personalized professional learning with those in your school/district to maximize impact?
A2 Audible has been helpful for my commute to work. Must find time to learn.
B - I - N - G - O! Great way of stating this, Kara! :) https://t.co/SVJE4wvC0R
Personalizing of my learning comes down to reflection of my weaknesses & student needs and finding resources to match
A2 whenever "new" curriculum comes out I just have a drive to understand it. Then I can help my kids understand.
A2. In also really rely on my PLN.
It’s so very important to model resiliency and failing forward by trying something new. https://t.co/JYGGmceOgp
I have personalized my PD by trying things that are outside my norm, so teachers see me pressing my own boundaries to help kids.
A2: engaging in PD with staff members can be undervalued - we are on the learning journey together - conferences, PLC, bookstudies
so powerful ans so true! It's not about the equipment!
A3 We started a district wide Twitter chat on Thursday evenings. It is slowly growing. Core of progressive Ts attend weekly
A3 - Modeling lessons, tweeting out and blogging about flyers that demonstrate students engaged in the classroom.
True, and to appreciate others' roles. :)
A2: I’ve heard from Ts over and over, “Don’t have time,” or “Don’t want another thing.” Build it in then. https://t.co/xwwoDS2uQ5
is a GREAT resource for those looking to learning more about Standards Based Learning/Grading
Q3 so far, mostly through conversations and email-really excited to share more online next year when I start as a coach!
A3 it is great to have colleagues in your PLC that have the same passion as you do!
A3 So many of my peers are engaged in twitter/edchats. It has transformed learning. We meet monthly as a large team and DO PD!
A3. I use and PD opportunities at the building level.
A3: Coaching conversations, blogging, weekly schedule updates, informal conversations
A3: I share my findings utilizing communication tools and I encourage risk taking. I also model and promote using.
A3: I include instructional tidbits or thoughts of the week w/in Friday Focus and try to incorporate into our PD structure.
I hear that as well. We have to do what is right for our students and change and risk taking allow us to improve.
A2: Biggest one is participating in Twitter chats! Trying new chats, connecting w/ new people w/ diff. perspectives=growth for me.
A3: Lead staff meetings discussing these opportunities. Also share ideas through twitter/email to colleagues.
Are districts responsible for all of a Ts personalized PL? https://t.co/zkjaw48xmP
But don’t you feel the paycheck signer is responsible for building it into contract time?
Same here thanks to https://t.co/X3DJGL9PUe
A3 We started a district wide Twitter chat on Thursday evenings. It is slowly growing. Core of progressive Ts attend weekly
A3: keep short log in Evernote of staff interest and needs. I constantly check this against what I'm learning & share when I can
A3 being vocal(I tend to be marked as "loud" or "energetic" at my school)when I find something I love or works I want to tell all!
A3: Share via Twitter at building and district hashtag. Also, engage in professional dialogue to share new learning.
A3. District level I rely on my middle level leader colleagues.
A2: PD with staff members shouldn't be undervalued - we are on the learning journey together - conferences, PLC, bookstudies
A2 Conferences, seminars, etc should be as much about meeting new people as well as content.
Hi. Jason from WI. Joining in after a trip to Target for more action figures for class. What's the Q? https://t.co/NQr6ufVxJ4
A3: Thinking about ending the year with an edcamp for teachers and technology learning.
A3: I share my professional learning with colleagues who are also eager to grow - its a pyramid scheme of sorts.
A3:Share via email, PLC or Tech Wednesday
Sorry I'm late jumping in. Kyle Reeve, 7th grade teacher, Tipton, IA.
A2: Conferences, Twitter, Blogs, books, etc.
A2: As much I as I personalize w/things that pertain to me now, I also try to learn more about things I'm unfamiliar with in EDU.
A3 I like talking things over before and after with a colleague or coach, to be accountable to take risks and to reflect
A3: I Tweet, email, have 1:1 conversations, blog
A3 our staff mtgs are call Edchats; we discuss hot topics that impact our Ss and I add resources to deepen their understanding
Joining in a little late. Allison, 4th grade teacher
I strive to learn as much as I can to then share with my staff that are not on twitter or see the value yet.
WOWZER! This is great, Kara! Reflection = new areas for growth! https://t.co/aytNDdkZrp
Personalizing of my learning comes down to reflection of my weaknesses & student needs and finding resources to match
A3: Through staff meetings, emails, conversations, hoping to be able to have more sharing opportunities through our TLC.
My BLHS BIT students are helping teachers with tech integration. Super powerful.
A3 2: I share when my students where I'm going and why by writing them a letter when I'm gone. They ask, "What'd you learn?"
A3 were getting our District a Twitter Chat off the ground. Chat #3 is this Tuesday!!!
Good evening, Allison. It is great to see you again!
When Ts have a sense of mission, there is no distinct line between "work time" and "non-work time".
Always looking to improve
A3: Personal conversations, email, blog, short presentations. Any chance to share is good!
I got it from someone in one of these chats! Personalized learning at its best
A3-share with colleagues and admin to bring in new ideas
Jumping in late. Linda Craddick, 7th grade ELA in DeWitt. A2. Learning through cohorts, prof. Connections, prof. Journals, Tweets
I incorporate/share new learning/sources on social media, at team planning or trying & discussing w/support from TLC leads/coaches
The size of your network (followers) has nothing to do with your desire or ability to share valuable content.
A3 Our district uses for Ts to share the amazing things they are doing. We went 1:1 this year so sharing is so important!
Mic drop. https://t.co/m7rsnkDYU4
The size of your network (followers) has nothing to do with your desire or ability to share valuable content.
A3: coordinate 1x a month tech PD that offers 4-6 sessions that staff choose 1 to attend - empower them to choose.
A2 We have a monthly mtg of NW Iowa tech people. 15 diff schools coming together once a month is a lot of brain power!
Love the reflection on goals to guide learning! https://t.co/wwi9IxTTvv
A2: constant self assessment of where I am in relation to my goals. Fill in whatever I need to move closer to learning goal
I agree so much, but I also think it is a shared responsibility of the T and district to want to get better.
I also feel when the model is built on intrinsic motivation, it feeds a culture within the district.
Amen to that! I follow hashtags. I follow back so I can’t keep my thread clean. Hashtags I can handle. https://t.co/tGa2cUNoER
The size of your network (followers) has nothing to do with your desire or ability to share valuable content.
A3: This year I'm piloting a book study on Mindset using Wikispaces in which content was developed by our leadership team
This chat is ROCKIN’ tonight!
While I agree whole-heartedly, not building time in and expecting Ts to just do it, is not helping shift any mindsets.
A3.2: Also started using ideas from the book Mindset Carol Dwek with my 8th graders during RTI and with my HS Boys Bball team.
How incredible would it be if the last 20 mins of the day on Fri dedicated to reflection for Ss & Staff on week and goal setting.
Q4: What trend in personalized learning do you want to know more about? What’s stopping you?
Q3 We have one day/wk early out for PLC. We also have weekly team mtgs during prep times.
A3 Personal blog, School Google community, Twitter posts
A4: Would really like more info on voxer chats that are out there. Also more about who to follow as bloggers.
I agree districts have to build it in… I also think some Ts use that as a crutch to NOT learn outside of contract.
My friends how do we move from classrooms of innovation to schools of innovation?
Brett from Osky checking in! Former player stopped by, love my kids! 6th G Math and SS.
Ohhh! Excited to read responses from this talented group! https://t.co/6Bc5B5ef6H
Q4: What trend in personalized learning do you want to know more about? What’s stopping you?
THIS IS IT friends!!! :) https://t.co/BpxjkpJCB1
Personalizing of my learning comes down to reflection of my weaknesses & student needs and finding resources to match
A3: Tweeting, emailing, blogging - all are things that I do to help share out the learning I've come across.
Q4 I want to plan more edcamp style learning opportunities in my school. I need to brainpick with gurus who have done it.
Erik Buchholz jumping in late Iaedchat is personalized learning for me also love edcamps, admin, meetings, block meetings, reading
A4: I want to learn more about , I know it sounds cheesy, but time is what I need...time!
A4: I have been wanting to make time to investigate to learn from others — need to make time to look for a list of chats
A4: Very interested in flipped learning and flipped leadership. Also in productivity tools. Need to focus to get this done.
A4 Using Voxer on a limited basis. Need more info on how to make part of PLN
A4: 1:1. I have 10 computers and Max28 kids in one class.// class notebooks! Now, barrier, just time until end of year
A4 blogging-scared of being judged. Out of comfort zone
Welcome, my brother. Great to see you on
A4 There are so many things out there. I try to stick to a few and learn them well. Twitter, edcamps, books by Tweeps.
A4 I am a sponge right now for the online availabilities-I'm reading a lot about Voxer-would love to hear how you are using it!
There are ways to strengthen that time. I’m helping several districts now. Huge shifts in mindsets.
A3 My blog has morphed into a professional learning portfolio. Modeling transparent personalized PD
We did that in our district and it was a huge success. Little grumbling at the beginning but by the end loved it.
A4: More info on different Blogs to follow and potentially how SnapChat can be used in the school.
A4: Is digital learning handicapping our Ss? Has the pendulum swung too far? Hurdle-are there any studies?
A4-I would like to try a chat with staff of PLC
A4 I am HOOKED on twitter and edchats. I met so many influencers @ in Katy. Inspired/renergized me! I will grow in it!
About 330 Ts in district and have had up to 25 Ts participate.
We selected a personalized PD goal and designed our PD around it. I focused on bldg climate. https://t.co/6dRF7ycckz
. Yes. And the district can help you get it or get out of the way!
Not going to lie to you, it's intimidating at first, but once you get going, the worry is gone! :)
I would like to learn more about incorporating makerspace on our campus.
A4: Blab. Anytime I've been part of something on Blab it has been gold. Just need to commit.
A4: Interested in CBE and systems and structures schools are using to implement successfully.
A4- Would love to know more about your Friday Focus!
and I held a book study over reading Better Conversations by . Awesome!
snapchat!!! Yes! This is what kids use and get info from! I so agree! If you figure it out, please share!
How about Classroom use as a flipped PD? Saw this earlier on another chat, struck a chord.
Thanks for sharing Dan. Our book does help change the mindset & show how to get there
Just jump in & do it, even if you think your topic is lame & 2 min. long. Getting comfy with it is key
What if you started sending hooks for your class for the next day or riddles. https://t.co/Ty5aer5t9x
snapchat!!! Yes! This is what kids use and get info from! I so agree! If you figure it out, please share!
Just got a grant for a SWIVL. Looking forward to using it for flipped classroom!
It works like a walky-talky. There is a great group of Iowa educators in a chat. Nice to hear voices. https://t.co/BPMohBNVZ6
A4: Raising student voice and "new" or alternative roles for student councils.
A4: Love to learn about more about Genius Hour. My hang up, where to put it?
Here’s a list of but I bet there’s also a list somewhere of chats. https://t.co/FF5B5Kigsa
A4: Would really like more info on voxer chats that are out there. Also more about who to follow as bloggers.
A4: How to get teachers who aren't tech savvy on board with tech PD
I Love SWIVL… Even from the standpoint of reflection on my questioning with Ss. great tool all Ts should use.
You can create groups. Much like Twitter chats, members can ask questions, discuss issues, share ideas. Good stuff.
Weekly staff newsletter w/ instructional focus, but more focused on building positive culture. https://t.co/Achk7TaSUy
We used Admin PD days, and in March we shared out our learning. https://t.co/TmbyXi5xFQ
sounds interesting! How did you set it up? How are ppl accountable?
Genius Hour rocks! Our book about it just came out, Cultivating Genius https://t.co/RvuW3zwW3E It's a game-changer!
Student voice is so important and the role of student councils needs to change. https://t.co/sqS2JtTohE
A4: Raising student voice and "new" or alternative roles for student councils.
A4: really focusing on the "easy" ones that I can learn well and then share the excitement with my staff.
A5-I would like to learn more about flipping faculty meetings or parent information.
Happy to do this! Looking forward to digging into it. Has been on my list since it came out! https://t.co/iiap5r7NXh
Thanks for sharing Dan. Our book does help change the mindset & show how to get there
Mason City Schools is doing some great things with CBE and personalized learning, would love to share sometime!
Someone with a paid account can add you. are you able to add people?
A4: Google Classroom is another piece I'd love to learn more about. I'm an Edmodo user, but see many good things in G-Classroom.
Any sources on how to begin this change?
A4 we do genius hour student projects but what about staff doing their own passion projects?.
A4(2) Dan, How do I hook up with your Friday Focus. Would love to see examples!!!
You have to just dive right in! Pick a time; give up some elsewhere. Ss will want it to become standard.
Have you tried this? Anyone? Snapchat. https://t.co/5jTAmQWx0W
What if you started sending hooks for your class for the next day or riddles. https://t.co/Ty5aer5t9x
snapchat!!! Yes! This is what kids use and get info from! I so agree! If you figure it out, please share!
A3: Slight pause kid bedtime. Here is how I put my learning out there & had others reflect on their own. https://t.co/gd5q713wmO
THIS! Something I am work on for Grad School project as we speak. Embedding Ts & Ss passion projects. https://t.co/ZIHFyR3ruw
A4 we do genius hour student projects but what about staff doing their own passion projects?.
Q5 is right around the corner. Keep this chat rolling!
Ashley is a rock star when it comes to CBE-she can answer all of your questions!
If you provide your handle to me, I can do this.
Will need to check this out. Thanks! https://t.co/wPhsNmdnIg
A4: Blab. Anytime I've been part of something on Blab it has been gold. Just need to commit.
Joining late from Cedar Rapids! I hope to catch up a bit!
A4 has created an outstanding women in leadership voxer group. I depend on this group.
Used Edmodo last year. Like classroom better. BUT do miss the Edmodo groups. https://t.co/B4aFDDl7a1
A4: Google Classroom is another piece I'd love to learn more about. I'm an Edmodo user, but see many good things in G-Classroom.
A4: Getting everyone on same page of excitement about learning with each other. Just need to commit to it.
A4: We're working on piloting Individualized Learning Plans (ILPs) for Ts as described by at https://t.co/mYNPrf7ufy
I agree! Once you dive in it just rolls to create an amazing learning experience.
where are you tonight? Right up your alley! https://t.co/RiIxJ3AyA8
A4 we do genius hour student projects but what about staff doing their own passion projects?.
could be a great way to flip your faculty mtgs.
Q5: Are there challenges or setbacks surrounding personalized professional learning? How do you overcome them?
I am working with a group of Ts right now in a cont. ed class called Genius Hour for Teachers-21 different topics
And that's my own issue of what to give up, where to give up....ack!! :)
Would LOVE to see that Linda! This has always been a "passion" of mine.
We use with our fire drills to communicate with all team leaders of Ss missing or not accounted for.
Oh jeeez! Lightbulb moment! https://t.co/kRE8nSf0uA
What if you started sending hooks for your class for the next day or riddles. https://t.co/Ty5aer5t9x
snapchat!!! Yes! This is what kids use and get info from! I so agree! If you figure it out, please share!
Anyone familiar w/ Flubaroo and Google Forms? Looking for ways to provide more feedback on formative assessments.
A5 Find others who can help. Collaborate. No one has all of the answers. Try, fail, try again. Rinse and repeat
Hi Mrs. Craddick!! Remember me? And you're going to love ! https://t.co/RURk5yY6RZ
Just got a grant for a SWIVL. Looking forward to using it for flipped classroom!
A4: Veteran staff love learning too - tech support is a must + ongoing - currently using Google calendar and wikispaces this year
Fantastic! Would love to hear more about this. This is something I am very interested and passionated about.
A5 concerned about overwhelming teachers with new things-it's not always what we do but how we do it. So much to pick from!
thanks for the encouragement.
One of my students is trying to figure out how to do this.
A5: Making sure you maximize your time. Easy to get side tracked when you personalize your PD to all the things you like.
A5 Time is always a challenge for educators no matter what you do! Prioritize and stick with it. To grow or not to grow- the Q!
This sounds like a great class!!!
A5: I think admin support and encouraged risk taking are setbacks. As admin we need to model and support all things
A5: The biggest challenge for me is focus. There are so many things that I want to do better and I have access. Need to zero in.
A5: Too much of a variety too often creates a surge of info that many Ts can’t process. Take T voice into perspective.
So hard to get everyone on the same page. https://t.co/hWGDF8Ejsl
A4: Getting everyone on same page of excitement about learning with each other. Just need to commit to it.
Whoa ! Looks like I missed out on some fun tonight! Fun chat!
A5 Same setback as when I try to get T's to . T's dont see value.
A5 everything else I have to do... Grades. Lessons. Meetings. Etc. new learning goes into the back burner https://t.co/BkOOnFMm3m
A5-attitude about PD can be negative-challenge is to use PPL efficiently&meaningfully so Ts can begin to be excited for PD again!
A5 - If PD time is set aside or personalized prof. learning, What ways do you hold staff accountable for learning and not grading.
What an awesome idea on how to use SM tools our older Ss use for learning!! https://t.co/qOJpaWVjkW
What if you started sending hooks for your class for the next day or riddles. https://t.co/Ty5aer5t9x
snapchat!!! Yes! This is what kids use and get info from! I so agree! If you figure it out, please share!
A5: Some learning needs to happen collectively to move a district forward. Be intentional about offering both types to Ts.
A5:(joining late) What does everyone need to know? How does a district honor personalized learning while still establishing focus.
A5: EdCamp style or even Twitter is too far out there for some just like Sit & Get isn't enough for others. Need Choice & balance.
A5: TIme and buy-in by other staff. Would love more collaboration w/in our building.
Important to keep focus on desired experiences & outcomes. Tools; software / hardware come & go.
A5: There is always so much "hoop"-jumping that personal learning gets lost.
Added to the Eastern Iowa educators chat, my man. cc:
I've had to slow down. I was doing to much. Everything in moderation 😄
It's about time & people for me! https://t.co/6BXWqmJfti
Q5: Are there challenges or setbacks surrounding personalized professional learning? How do you overcome them?
Also Classroom limits you to in district/school groups. I don't think limits this way.
we use google forms, but can't get feedback back to kids... I want to find something better!
Wonder if too many T's have suffered from bad PD. Not willing to try different.
A5: One of the struggles we find is to have buy-in from all staff. Have to figure out a way to model being a lead learner.
Let me know if you ever find something!! https://t.co/tzmZyifRcW
we use google forms, but can't get feedback back to kids... I want to find something better!
A4. Want to know more about PD opportunities.
I agree and modeling is the key to success. I believe that when you model they see you are willing to try.
A5: Remember time is a constant and our effort and attitude are the variables. Learning vs others happiness.
A5: I think the toughest challenge is accountability. How do we know that Ts are following through?
A5 Time is a factor. Ts seeing the need and learning new tools. Modeling a PLN is essential for teacher learning .
I so so so agree! Others doing the same/similar create accountability and support! https://t.co/WQnvIqbrDT
A5 Find others who can help. Collaborate. No one has all of the answers. Try, fail, try again. Rinse and repeat
Exactly! TRAINING should not trump LEARNING when it comes to contracted PD time.
This is a great way to use ! I love hearing new ways to use such an old-school walkie-talkie tech. https://t.co/rGe6fQwXBu
We use with our fire drills to communicate with all team leaders of Ss missing or not accounted for.
It will come to you! Once you find it you will know!
Using video to show what staff can be learning. Avoiding meetings and adding time to collaborate. https://t.co/DY41cqE0fh
flipped leadership??? Do tell how this works??
So many resources, so little time! I rely on district admin. and connections through Twitter for great resources.
Ts can often be like our Ss. When something doesn't go well we don't have a
Yes! Many teachers in our district use it! This page has a great tutorial you can check out! https://t.co/Wt2jFy4DKU
Dosent have a blog on this? She ROCKS forms! https://t.co/Ox1QTHXjUz
we use google forms, but can't get feedback back to kids... I want to find something better!
I am also thinking about recess situations.
A5: consistency is so important - why do this if it will change next year? focus is critical - I know what I'm suppose to do
Hope all is well! Sounds like you are doing some great things! https://t.co/NeYfrHTEsF
Hey, Miss Claussen! Of course I remember you!
Yes! Same goes for you! Gotta stick together and learn together. https://t.co/gmLf21viST
Let me know if you ever find something!! https://t.co/tzmZyifRcW
we use google forms, but can't get feedback back to kids... I want to find something better!
Can the system, teachers and admins in place really transform/revision the system? Sock turned inside still a sock?
A5: Shifting mindsets of admins to relinquish some PD time. Keep encouraging to listen to Ts. https://t.co/n0EqGHub1B
Q5: Are there challenges or setbacks surrounding personalized professional learning? How do you overcome them?
Eric, K-2 principal. Kids are in bed...checking-in, late, to
We are just a minute away from Q6!
Just wanted to share my 4th grade Donors Choose Project. Feel free to retweet and share https://t.co/9sHI3XRXOg via
Just wanted to share my 4th grade Donors Choose Project. Feel free to retweet and share https://t.co/WdOusQkuzL via
If Ts are learning what they need for their Ss on a regular basis, they will redevelop that excitement. https://t.co/rR7uKpVmii
So hard to get everyone on the same page. https://t.co/hWGDF8Ejsl
A4: Getting everyone on same page of excitement about learning with each other. Just need to commit to it.
A5. Only challenges are those that lead to skepticism about 21c PD
Just like Ss, Ts also need to have a meaningful purpose for new learning
Q6: What must be present in order to have successful personalized professional learning taking place?
you're right! Many Ts want it planned out for them. Limited work or effort required.
They have. It’s learned behavior and not their fault. Just like going from Trad. to Flipped. A-Ss hate it.
It takes all stakeholders to buy in the change. Add parents/comm and it's possible! https://t.co/UXsrhlUEil
Can the system, teachers and admins in place really transform/revision the system? Sock turned inside still a sock?
Gotta run (early)...Thanks for a GREAT chat, ! As always, many things to ponder!!
A5 Choice is necessary but we need to help Ts see the need for new learning methods for themselves and Ss https://t.co/Z7xjOa2oAd
A5: EdCamp style or even Twitter is too far out there for some just like Sit & Get isn't enough for others. Need Choice & balance.
A6: There must be a system in place where Ts feel comfortable branching out and stepping out of their comfort zone to learn.
Demonstratable competencies, recognize with badges, certifications, credits.
build a culture where it is safe to fail - I will tell my staff lessons learned from failure
A6: Support and opportunity!
A6 motivated staff. Willing staff. Accountable colleagues. Admins challenging staff.
A6: A supportive Admin team! A building trust that we are professionals doing what is best for our learning.
A6 - Time to play, reflect and implement. Need to come back and revisit. Not something new every time you have PD.
A5: No hoops. No check boxes. No benchmarks. Help Ts get what they need & honor their professionalism
Modeling with your own blog and creating your own campus twitterchat
A6: Feedback must be sought out in order to plan for success in personalized PL. Teacher voice must be present.
A6: Growth Mindset. You can see the PD, but you need to believe in the growth & take risks also leadership that allows for risk.
A6: You need to be engaged, focused and have a goal in mind for what you would like to achieve. No resource shortage at all.
I've experienced a lot of voice and choice lately. It's fun to be part of a big change in PD. https://t.co/lh2wpBvZPj
Q6: What must be present in order to have successful personalized professional learning taking place?
A6: We must create opportunities for our staff to participate in P-P-L and model platforms in which to do so.
A6: Choice, willingness to learn, be able to handle failure and understand it creates learning, listen...
A6-the learning needs to be tied to both district initiative and of high interest to staff members
I try to model this with my Ss and Bball players as well. FAIL=First Attempts In Learning
A6: ind desire, knowledge of and/or willingness to familiarize oneself w/ the resources, autonomy to implement what's been learned
Respectful disagree. Not trying IS their fault. We are professionals, should recognize the need to learn. https://t.co/5U2zMyFVkS
They have. It’s learned behavior and not their fault. Just like going from Trad. to Flipped. A-Ss hate it.
A6 - Desire to improve and time to learn and practice.
A6 I must be focused and have access to the tools I need to IMPLEMENT what I am learning and MODEL for Ts as needed.
A5 feedback and ample time for reflection is paramount. Mangers as learning coaches is a new mindset our employees are embracing
A6 Open minds, clear goals, engagement among faculty/staff, plans for implementation, and follow up for accountability
A6: Support: from other teachers, from admin, from the ed community as a whole. Without it, this won't work.
Agreed. Its not about learning one more thing. Become good at something and then learn something new.
A6 Focus on developing a culture of learning - much different than adding efficiency to teaching.
A6 a quality system set up that admins and staff can buy into-understanding that it will take time and effort to be successful
A6. We need to model it and not expect everyone to jump on board w/ the same enthusiasm as we had. All learners are different.
When Ts can use the law of two feet with different opportunities to learn, great things can happen. https://t.co/hndXILSRda
I've experienced a lot of voice and choice lately. It's fun to be part of a big change in PD. https://t.co/lh2wpBvZPj
Q6: What must be present in order to have successful personalized professional learning taking place?
Q6: Willingness to take risks and do things differently, admin buyin, time to share, reflect, grow, repeat
Ability to handle and GROW from failure! Risk-taking! https://t.co/AwTKJ6cs9l
A6: Choice, willingness to learn, be able to handle failure and understand it creates learning, listen...
A5 I believe many see the benefit of PPL but some take advantage of the opportunity given
A6:Something I learned today through You must be willing to model excellence in order to achieve a culture of excellence
Good pts. Modeling our personalized learning is crucial
Huge hurdle to jump! Found teaching science is an awesome avenue as most experiments fail a few times.
I try to model this with my Ss and Bball players as well. FAIL=First Attempts In Learning
and not hearing from fellow Ts the dreaded question Ss ask: what are we doing today?
A6 Opportunity! Ts create their own opportunities. If there is something good to learn, Ts will find it and introduce it to others
I do have to say that you are all awesome tonight and every night, ! We appreciate all of your contributions!
BAM!!! When can S use this? https://t.co/yhz10GSIvR
When Ts can use the law of two feet with different opportunities to learn, great things can happen. https://t.co/hndXILSRda
I've experienced a lot of voice and choice lately. It's fun to be part of a big change in PD. https://t.co/lh2wpBvZPj
Q6: What must be present in order to have successful personalized professional learning taking place?
I always say its a journey and you have to wade into the pool before you dive in. One step at a time and I'm here to support
A6: Share your goal, progress, and reflections with those who will continue to push you.
A6: Modeling, time to play and the availabilty of resources.
I really like this analogy Lisa!
Yes! And Gallery Walks and and Tech Cafes lend themselves to this. https://t.co/q2F8L9J2eS
I've experienced a lot of voice and choice lately. It's fun to be part of a big change in PD. https://t.co/lh2wpBvZPj
Q6: What must be present in order to have successful personalized professional learning taking place?
A6: Strong leadership and support throughout the whole year.
- sounds like a LEAD LEARNER to me! :) https://t.co/kSc3xJDHBY
A6. We need to model it and not expect everyone to jump on board w/ the same enthusiasm as we had. All learners are different.
A6.2: An important Q to answer: would you want to be a student in your classroom or teacher in your school?
A6: Choice, feedback and support. Time to "play with" new tools and feel comfortable before using them with students.
Thanks. I truly believe that and say it alot when I do Tech PD.
A6: Trust, leaders modeling, culture of continuous improvement.
Yearly initiatives w/ trad. PD teach Ts to do what HAS to be done and wait out the rest. It’ll change nest year.
Yes! https://t.co/Pa2kAUE3wk
A6: Growth Mindset. You can see the PD, but you need to believe in the growth & take risks also leadership that allows for risk.
A6: Time for reflection and follow through.
AGREE!! BUTT's still have to recognize the responsibility to learn!
What a fabulous positive way to think! If we want our Ss and fellow Ts to be innovative, we start with ourselves first!
A6: Not only must we have the courage to jump, but we must be able to share out our learning, good idea or not. :)
Agree, but that's a tougher sell in our changing evaluation environment.
Great question to use as a reflecting tool. https://t.co/ZMmeXkqbhB
A6.2: An important Q to answer: would you want to be a student in your classroom or teacher in your school?
will be starting in 15m, stop on by
A6 - motivated Ts, shared focus, T input & voice and time to reflect while taking risks (without judgement)
I love the observe piece! Build time into our day where we are expected to observe other Ts!
A6. For some our style of personalized PD could be considered a
2nd Order Change.
I saw this on twitter. Ts should each shadow a S for day. At the end of the day reflect on their experience. Would they want this?
not sure why coaching and good teaching correlation doesn't get used more often
I think this is an incredibly important Q to consider. Also would you want your own child to be in your classroom?
Q7 is right around the corner.
Again, I agree. But how do we get them to see that? Do Ss walk into our classrooms w/ this mindset?
A6.2 yes! We do so many things! Technology keeps changing. Content keeps being absorbed. And sometimes fun happens.
I love this, but also when Admin shadow a student and see what their day is like. https://t.co/8g1QqlaOYX
Great question to use as a reflecting tool. https://t.co/ZMmeXkqbhB
A6.2: An important Q to answer: would you want to be a student in your classroom or teacher in your school?
Implementation and learning time is IMPERATIVE! Otherwise it’s too much and hard for some Ts to process. https://t.co/tAp6UuWw7d
A6: Time for reflection and follow through.
I see it is so essential. I use many of the same strategies in coaching as I do in the classroom.
Yep, and independent learners!
It is a shame that we can't have time to observe others right down the hall!
Google forms with flubaroo and autograde gives immediate feedback to Ss any time of day or night
When we are able to think about this, we start to think a little differently. https://t.co/S8XKXyhdZG
I think this is an incredibly important Q to consider. Also would you want your own child to be in your classroom?
Q7: What are steps you will take tomorrow to extend your professional learning?
VERY important to ask yourself as a T, Coach, Admin - fits all titles. https://t.co/pJUb99fM1X
A6.2: An important Q to answer: would you want to be a student in your classroom or teacher in your school?
Very much like Ss right? We sometimes forget that what we ask Ss we must also be able to do ourselves.
We cannot forget the fun!!! Important for all of us!
These are BOTH GREAT Qs to ask ourselves and reflect upon
Need to find creative ways to make this happen We have principal or IC cover classrooms to make it happen https://t.co/O6hTmL9fhR
It is a shame that we can't have time to observe others right down the hall!
A7 - Continue to use Twitter, read the blogs on my blog tribe project and learn from the students in my class.
We're 65% Free/reduced...Luck get 35 parents to show up for P/T conferences! Wish we could build better P support!
We must share our story otherwise someone else will and it won’t be the way we want it to be shared. Do you have a school hashtag?
A7: Happen to be attending a conference about in Cedar Rapids tomorrow.
A7: Adding members to my PLN and actively searching for new Blogs.
A7: I will continue to leverage tools such as Twitter, Flipboard, FB, magazine articles and colleagues around me to get better.
A7: I will continue my current practices and look more into the trends in P-P-L.
A7: Chat with my colleagues about what is driving their personalized PL and continue conversations to push my thinking.
A7: Going to try to read one blog post a day from the top EDU bloggers. Attempt to find one little nugget of good stuff!
A7 I meet w/my Admin team on Mondays. I will show them the value of edchats with the data from this and other chats. Join up!
Excellent! Such a powerful and insightful practice. https://t.co/DkDKdYJfDh
Our instructional coaches cover our classes any time we want to observe another classroom for blended learning, SBG, anything!
Yes! Admin & others jumping in & saying let's do this together much more powerful than "let me know when you finish"
A7: Continue to work on the 4Cs course... :)
A7 follow some new people from here on Twitter & follow up on some of the ideas shared-begin discussions with fellow coaches
A7: Must finish research & create 2 presentations for NETA. I learn so much researching what I already do. Great reflection.
A7: I've taken a bit of time off writing, so I need to restart that, along with keeping connections flowing here and f2f.
Tipton is represented well on here tonight! chimed in earlier too!
Bookmark our google site with an archive chats and other helpful resources! Suggestions welcome! https://t.co/ebTLD4tLdd
A7: Look at everything with a fresh view. Reflect on what is going well and one thing to do in a new way. Connect with everyone!
Next week on is a live chat via ! Stay tuned this week for guest announcement!
This is the one that changed me! Think of your OWN child & then, all these Ss are someone's baby! https://t.co/KVGZCbGGii
I think this is an incredibly important Q to consider. Also would you want your own child to be in your classroom?
Speak at Aspiring Leaders Conference, talk to staff, ask a student what they think, be a lifelong learner...
Have you asked Ps what platform works for them? Different form of communication may work better? https://t.co/mjmnjsSWTz
We're 65% Free/reduced...Luck get 35 parents to show up for P/T conferences! Wish we could build better P support!
A7-Continue to take risks and not be afraid to fall
a great read on mindset would be Carol Dweck's book, Mindset - at minimum a great conversation starter
A7: Cont to model my use of and as personal and professional learning tools for consuming, connecting, and sharing
A7 constantly work with my PLC. Challenge each other. Make plans 2make sure Im teaching 4understanding and reflection for each s.
It’s hard to keep up with it.
A7: Follow all of the awesome peeps in this chat! Learned so much! Personalized my learning :-)
Appreciate you being with us tonight, Bill!
Yes, but it's a little more challenging to do it that way.
A7: Continue to do what I do, read blogs, tweets and share out with Ts
Thanks to my co-moderators and . Be sure to follow some new friends to grow your PLN!
I’ve read that, and agree. It’s foundational for much of my thinking. Love it.
Me as well. I think that we need to truly think of our students as "our own kids" at all times.
I want to come see your S stand up desks! SOOOO
Fastest hour of the week! Thank you all for being here tonight on
I’m just happy you’re not an egg anymore.
Sitting next to my bed. Second time through!
I am excited for Tuesday's meeting to begin planning what IC's will look like in Mason
This chat rejuvenates me and now I’m ready to get out there and make Monday matter! Thank you for sharing & learning tonight on !
The positive peer pressure I experienced from you paid off.
I’m just happy you’re not an egg anymore.
Nothing wrong with being an egg
Thank you for a great chat. Still working on getting the hang of Participate Learning. Not sure it beats tweetdeck yet.
Great What a positive way to start off the week.
As we wrap up and you approach the week, remember to make all decisions based on what is best for kids! https://t.co/mvZmu7UnwS
What an awesome chat tonight! Thank you , for sharing your passion for education and making yourselves better!
A7 - Continue 2 study/understand concept. Teach & lead it's importance for growth. Implement time during PD 4 learning & practice.
Thank YOU, Jake! It was a good one!
Thanks for a great ! Feel very refreshed after a great weekend of learning. Ready to tomorrow with our Ss!
. It's ok to be afraid as long as you take the risk anyway. That's called courage, right?
A parent doesn't send you the worst child & keep the good one home. They send you one they love for you to care for.
Thank you so much for being here, Allison!