#saskedchat Archive
#saskedchat is a great way for Saskatchewan educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Thursday April 7, 2016
10:00 PM EDT
Welcome to ! Tonight we're discussing Classroom Design. We're so glad you have taken time to join us. https://t.co/hieqNrcT9a
internet seems to be back here at my home so I'm a go here.
Please take a moment to introduce yourself, where you teach & your fav spot to do deep thinking! https://t.co/i7M20SmlMW
Surprisingly the internet seems to be pretty good tonight!
All's well in Stoon. Hello from me, HS ELA/Humanities teacher, former online teacher & course developer. Hi everyone!
Hope you're feeling okay!
Hi I'm a grade 2 teacher from Wadena, Glad to be on the chat
Deep thinking happens when I'm doing house renos or cleaning so it happens at home. Time flies, though!
Hi, HS math/science teacher from Regina currently on mat leave
Get ready for some fun, we'll be posting question number 1!
Hi, , I'm an IT Consultant at and Ithink best when moving. (Bending an elbow is moving, right )
Woah - thought my internet outage was localized to my house. It appears to be back up and running
Hola! I am a middle yrs educator going into my 4th year of Ed. I am also an aspiring yogi. I think deeply about differentiation.
Hi , Andrea a French Immersion LRT on mat leave from Regina. Favourite deep thinking spot: hiking, Waskesiu.
Hi everyone! I'm Kendra, finishing my 3rd year at the U of R! I do my thinking anywhere and everywhere. It just happens!
I'm in at grade 4-5. I deep think everywhere, love the back yard and a yoga pose best.
Since I don't have a classroom of my own (well, only in my imagination), I'm looking forward to everyone's ideas!
Hi - Ian from here. I'm going to be in and out tonight with the littles, so I may just lurk.
A1 I moved back to classroom teaching and took over a retired tc's classroom. I cleared it out - bookshelves, file cabinets etc
A1 I've allowed more flexible + comfortable seating arrangements. My Ss have thrived with increas freedom and responsibility
Internet back up and running here! Grade 2 teacher from Regina and grad student joining in tonight.
The internet was down at my house too!
A1 I think differentiated furniture goes a long way to influence the learning environment of students
What types of things did you change it to?
A1 Wanted to start w clean canvas. Now have ss desks & tables, facing diff directions. Soft spot w shag reading rug@MarcyWaldner
I brought in a mat from the gym, wobbly chairs + gave Ss more of a voice to choose their seats
Hi. I teach Adult Upgrading in Onion Lake. I do my deep thinking on the commute to work.
Do you use a seating plan?
A1: Worked to create a classroom free of clutter & distraction. Try to keep color coming from Ss writing & projects
Commutes are great except when you need to make notes! I wouldn't be able to rememeber my great ideas
Not now, but at the begin of the year I did. We have 2 rules: sit with new people and in a new place everyday
Ferrah from Regina. Using voice text so will likely just lurk.
A1: I'm not in clssrm now & desperately aware of how poorly my room helped Ss learning Except my U-shape of desks That was good
those are great rules! We should do that at staff meetings!
This is important. Sensory overload is overwhelming!
- We're right on cue, get ready for question number 2!
A1. I put a bistro set in the hallway to give students a place to be outside of the classroom.
That's a new rule. What age group is this for?
That sounds fun! I like that they have to put some thought into their choices.
A1: studio designs need to emphasize flexibility, I do keep some specialized spaces in the room: making, reading, study carols
Hero pose is a nice seated position for thought.
Hey all! Melissa from Green Lake - online high school support teacher
I never thought about notes.
How do you get around the fire marshal with this? We recently had to remove everything from hallways.
Dorina from a farm in Sunny North Florida! :-)
Hi ! Amy, Grade 2/3 teacher in Regina - happy to be here!
You mean you don't like talking to a machine? Or typing with one hand?
. A1. I am much more aware of clutter and possible sensory issues now that I am an LRT.
better might be an overstatement. Covered in ice packs & on a lot of Dilaudid. I'm sure tomorrow will be better day
having flat desks and chairs, I have a "home base", but otherwise seating is fluid during the day.
Sorry, I was fighting the 140 limit. :) regular desks, in a U for discussion yet can see board/screen. HS ELA mostly
I have a red ceiling and red cupboards that need to go! New paint color!Also the fluorescent lighting!
sometimes things are different in different places!
A2 My classroom has a great big lab bench in front of the white board I would like gone, it's such a barrier between me and ss
Yes - this is being a kicker right now. I get safety - but some restrictions make learning hard.
sort of trying to combine voice text and one thumb typing on my phone with varying success
Hello everyone! Michelle, principal from Estevan jumping in late. 8:00 kind of came quicker than I thought.
A2 We did surveys w all ss 10-12 to identify where the major learning strengths were. Lots were
And here in style! 's trooper!
Nobody's said anything yet.
A1 My room has flexible seating and a couch. Students can sit, stand, or lounge on the couch when working.
It makes things so much more adaptable. Difft act require diff sitting, standing, lying positions
You can do it! Look how fast that was!
Ahh... the lovely classroom colour schemes... I OFTEN teach with some or all lights off.
Yes absolutely! Don't understand why we can't reach a happy balance & why diff in some places
A2 All classrooms need desks that are not attached to chairs. Sts need mobility for their needs & collaboration with others
A1: teaching ESL to Ss from around the world, I get to know them they a survey. I read them then FILL classroom w/ who they are!
I’m sure it will be. My knee surgery was the same - didn’t take too long to get moving.
What is their "home base"?
Great to see you Michelle! Just arrived too! (Internet was taking its time.)
A2 I would get rid of the rectangular tables and get something that would be more flexible for different arrangements.
A1 1 change I loved this year - moved carpet area by whiteboard for easy projector/docu camera work https://t.co/hYJMMQgPHo
Yes defintely! Have a hard time with understanding this.
we have tables in the hall, very helpful.
Slow internet is a "thing" tonight I hear
I need new paint job. Also would like to get rid of in room lockers & replace with wall of whiteboard. https://t.co/YbaQBW1VNL
thanks - I see it’s been an issue for a while!
Nice to see you here again!
I wish! That would be fantastic! I hear we are limited to kind/color of paint sadly...
A2: More options for sitting and working. Zones for activities. All the other good ideas I'll steal tonight. :)
I love the idea of a couch in the classroom. Create comfort for Sts at school.
Hi ! Joining late but as excited as ever to talk about classroom design! Liz Therrien from Regina Public Schools; middle years
A1 I like the classroom library I have been able to build. I will need to add more space for next year.
"Okay Google, make a note... "
I have circles but be aware of the size if you get them, mine are much too large.
Lighting is a big deal! I only use one set of lights in the room as a rule. And window light
A friend of mine has several in her class with different types of tables. Very cool.
just a starting point for transitions. They still store things in desks, creates unwelcome ownership
Usually in front of the SmartBoard but that could vary depending on the situation
A2 One teacher in our school used white board paint on a few desks. Kids loved it
Tables of different shapes with wheels!
Would love to be able to do this but just don't have enough windows. Try to do as often as I can.
- what is that I see? It looks like it's question number 3!
Glad you are hear! Don't mention the weather again! :)
Don't know if I'd go as far as NEED (although I def prefer my tables) - some Ts can make the desks work well too! :)
. yep - I often wonder if we’re there for the Ss or to make sure the adults aren’t inconvenienced!
A2: More standing desks. All my students fight for the one in my classroom!
I had this in my gr 7 classroom and the Ss absolutely loved it!
Hi , I'm Evan in Saskatoon. Probably mostly lurking b/c of kids' bedtime. Like to think at cpu with RSS reader loaded.
Flexibility can be possible with whatever you're gifted with - although some better than others for sure!
I miss these rhymes all of the time!
A1:Ss have"represent"wall.Picsof their faces on their flagsThey have 9 weeks 2move their face 2other flag 2learn re:other S.
Gradually moving away from desks to work tables. No set seating plan . varied seating options https://t.co/wwRBP0cNXV
Ahh. Ya, I get that. Do they need to? Would that make it easier to shift spaces without ownership?
We have orders ZBoom desks for some classroom. They are flexible and nice.
Technically, mine is a futon. Cheap, durable, and easy to clean.
The full-out whiteboard U-Tables are my DREAM.
Don't get me started on lights!
A2. I'd like a standing desk or two. I saw one with a whiteboard top at Staples but there was no price, product info, or help.
Conversations and keeping the Ss as the main focus is always the hope.
A2 - I wish that I had a more flexible learning space... (and Hi from Jamie in Regina - TL & grade 3) https://t.co/zcllrGGBCP
It will be way different for sure
I have these great tables in my room that are square, bigger than a desk but not too big so very flexible.
Would love this someday too. My beanbag gets good use. Couch = next level!
A2: I want back to tables, I lost them for some reason. They encouraged flexible grouping, need a sink too.
A2 The colour. Everything in my room is bright orange. Kind makes me want to vomit some days :)
What will you do with your info?
A1: I have reconfigured a computer lab, including taking a saw to a dividing wall b/c of poor sight lines to projector screen.
Yes! My students love my one standing desk, but I don't know how much it was (just got it from the board office)
The desks that have attached chairs are the past; a poor representation of our future Sts. They are movers!
glad to be here, almost forgot it was Thursday!
I promise. Nothing about the blue skies and 79 degree weather with a light breeze 😉 https://t.co/4AUUI5TKyi
Glad you are hear! Don't mention the weather again! :)
Do you use any other types of lighting? Or do you have enough natural light?
blessed with a full wall of windows & so we almost never have the lights
It's very calming https://t.co/dHb3BsOyjH
Ahh... the lovely classroom colour schemes... I OFTEN teach with some or all lights off.
Hey, we did have blue skies today, and there's no snow on the ground (mostly)
I have a couple lamps that I use to create a softer feel
Very nice! I imagine a nice corner for reading.
What kinds of things are on your survey?
well I've learned some young people do need more personal territory than others. Desks meet need.
A3. Tough Q. I always feel bad about the amount of carpet in the new schools. Seems like a lot of vacuuming for facilities tech
Agreed! I have red, green, and yellow in my room. Difficult to concentrate with such an array of bright colours
I used to have this and absolutely loved it!
Lucky to have nice windows that usually bring in enough natural light. Makes a difference!
I would LOVE desks with movable chairs! I'm stuck with traditional desks this year.
I wish I could give you some of mine! I have 6 sinks. My room used to be our science lab
I need a sink as well but mostly just for my coffee cups and random forks.
Don't make me come over there! Um, wait a minute- :)
Pictures? I love examining classroom set-up.
But Orange is the BEST learning color for students. Truth!
A3 I read this question and couldn't easily anticipate there being problems. I haven't noticed any issues
no room, opted for many cushions on the floor in two areas.
I still have some desks too for certain situations
A2. I looked around for a good sale on beanbag chairs or something similar but haven't found anything yet.
I herby challenge you to always write in rhymes of two!
Popping out for bedtime - See you in 20ish!
that’s like forgetting it’s 5 O’clock somewhere!
I get that in a lot of ways but I'm hesitant to make sweeping statements. Different Ss will need different things.
I think those should be removed. We need to support our Sts w/ movement & collaboration for the future
we were testing new furniture and some of the students didn't do well on wheelie chairs...
Too many Sts or the classroom itself?
I think that's why a variety is always good
I have opened a new school with great windows and all new furniture - but there are still things I’d change if I could
- What's that knocking at the door? Why look, it's question number 4!
They're not for everyone. There are also ones with breaks.
My (big) child was bugging his mom and now I am behind again. Can someone post Q3 for me again.
A3: Have kids rearrange at end of day for janitor. Opportunity for learning empathy, responsibility, duties.
Sadly those curtains had to go due to fire regulations.If I could paint the red I would! My current room https://t.co/2WTpX2JkZC
Good point. Having kids put chairs on tables, too, to make it easier to clean
each school/division has different allowances - some let teachers pick colours/flooring/etc - some don’t
Florida. Orange. There's a joke in there somewhere, if I could just find it. :)
Ahh, my Friday "cup walk of shame" ...
well, at least it’s a high ceiling!
Yes! Maybe that is why. I think it was probably because of my annoying child. Ha, ha
Ha!! I'll take one too while you're at it!
I'd love to do more outside. All the time! May and June and September for sure, and winter too!
A4: Flexible seating spaces, carpet spaces, benches, pillows and several rugs.
the classroom is big enough and I have 21, I just hate clutter.
Orange you glad you didn't find it yet? https://t.co/GxqsLElloN
Florida. Orange. There's a joke in there somewhere, if I could just find it. :)
wow! Do you have Basketball practice in that room after school as well?
Q4: Tables, flexible seating, standing desk
A4 Tables are arranged so students can chat with eachother and collaborate. Even when working on different classes
That room definitely has the height for it!
Q4. Tables, flexible seating, lab benches with sinks, large space
Fire regulations ruin so many aspects of schools!
A4 Variety of seating, some floor space students like for reading, tables for collaboration.
Q4: no seating plan-Ss choose where they sit everyday,different seating options, tables & lots of open spaces for collaborating
Natural light. Neutral colors on bulletin boards. Standing desks. Many plants. Constant music. https://t.co/pnmKgOHsPt
We're a pretty good bunch
Clutter isn't good. Curtains?
pillows cause problems during lice season & are major problem for Ss with asthma & other conditions. (I was told)
Fire regulations do ruin so many things. They don't even want us to have garbage cans in the hallway!
Appreciate the focus and emphasis on safety but would love to see more of a balance.
Deal! The less in my room the better!
A4 Thankful for: flexible tables and breakout spaces, large whole group space, class materials access https://t.co/jdlMeM9KlA
love how high your roof is
I've always wondered how no seating plan works - what grade do you teach?
you’re still working on that table?
Haven't had to deal with that yet but give them a good clean as often as possible. Also replace them almost yearly.
nope, blinds on two moderately big windows.
Haha - okay - you weren't joking with the red!!
Should say they are also more for seating, don't generally have the Ss laying on them.
We were told that as well, teachers had to get rid of couches if they had one
A4. The best classrooms seem to have flexibility for S movement and also designated storage areas and less clutter.
Makes it great when there's no power. Not much difference...just no smart board...or glue guns.
A4 For ELA, there's little need for ss facing front. Once they understand direction, they're moving/picking spots
Or chairs... Or put things up on walls without a bulletin board
A4 I actually really really really love my classroom. Even the extra teacher desk at the back comes in handy for student space
hopefully no one complains - we lost all of ours in the classrooms. Almost lost the beenychairs too
Here is a pic of the Zboom desks we have purchased. Teachers who have them (not me) really like them. https://t.co/zaTJO9Bp4J
When does lice season end?
Ohh no I wasn't! You can't miss it. Some rooms are blue.
right. Aside from those things you wouldn't even know it was different
A4: As I said, desks in U was pretty good for ELA discussion. And everyone was in the front/back row. :) Had a good library, too
it's the project that never ends! Learning a lot though.
It can be very limiting :(
I wish I'd tuned it sooner. My classroom layout is AWFUL but it's been a challenge with 30 desks.
I've heard stories where St work has to go or certain spaces in the classroom needs to be changed.
. that’s why we had surround sound - so it didn’t matter where they faced.
- you need to look alive! Here comes question number 5!
try a rectangle facing in.
Yes that happens. Have to be certain work is hung in the right places and with right materials
I teach gr 7/8 w/no seating plan. It varies constantly by the day & task. Students appreciate choice
gr. 2. I rarely have management issues b/c they are given choice & they never stay in the same spot all day
Yeah, I never had what you hav for . Manor has big rooms, at least, compared to some schools.
Room design is a passion of mine. Here’s one of several blog posts (pics incl.) of my process: https://t.co/Z1itxXmJul
Q5. How have you hacked your school design to compensate for classroom design deficiencies? https://t.co/oYbakTpzft
is now trending in Canada, ranking 40
my summary of learning is never ending! Procrastinating by coming on ! Haha!
A5: Tried to embrace and neutralize the colors I am working with at the same time. Made students work the focus for the eye
Interesting think on CBC last Sunday morning about how fire regulations actually cause issues.
Interesting! Can a person find that online?
They are. Kind of allow for a few different arrangements. We have two classrooms of them now. Rest have tables.
yeah, and my proposal isn’t writing itself either! is such a distraction.
Seconded - would love to read this one!
I feel like mine is never ending as well! Not sure how to say it's finished just yet.
that’s similar here - many places didn’t strictly enforce but that is changing
what I am struggling with is getting rid of the "teacher" desk. That is my goal for next year
A5 Some teachers have removed the doors off of built in storage which allowed for sitting on stools at the counter to work.
absolutely. We talk a lot about how that right comes w/ responsibility & they do well
Brave! I don't know what I would do without my space. What's your goal in doing so?
A5. I frequently use the empty classroom across the hall when I teach my quad split and float between the rooms.
Ha, ha! They can act like a table or a pair or individual. The teachers like the flexibility of them.
it was actually pretty easy - just took it out. Haven’t had a teacher desk for years
I had a lot of stuff just collecting dust so I removed the doors which allowed for shelves to do work, etc.
haha. I have 2 in my room but are accessible to anyone who wants them at any time
Thesis fairies finished mine! They were disguised as a caffeine binge & no-sleep breakdown.
I am still up in the air. Our marks are due Friday so I will be deep into report reading.
once you try the no seating plan you will be pleased w/ the results.Reminding them of expectations 4 learning to
Blue painters tape is my "Windex" (what movie?). Its everywhere&bulletinboards of clothes line and pins. https://t.co/akeb0zCRiN
Q5. How have you hacked your school design to compensate for classroom design deficiencies? https://t.co/oYbakTpzft
Dumped my desk a year or two ago and never looked back. It's a great feeling!!
I can't keep up with this chat. Mix of: I'm having so many good convos & I'm exhausted at this point in the semester
Yes I am sure you will be! Will have to catch you another time if this weekend doesn't work!
- the participants are here, it seems we are in a bit of a fix. Let's continue this discussion with question number 6!
Same; I ony have one (haha), but it is a safe place for students to work. Shared work space
Plus people actually talking to us in class!
I think our physical footprint should be as limited as possible. I ditched my desk and office chair. Students sit at my space.
A5 I use a on my tablet that goes off a minute before the bell. I like us ending an activity less abruptly
A5. My last school had desks that still had ink wells in them- difficult to do anything but rows so would frequently send S out
Kinder & Gr 1& 2 Ts got rid of theirs 5 years ago when we moved
Multi-tasking at it's greatest
A5: I suppose power bars don't count.... OK, using old language lab headphones sets for watching vid in splits. (?)
Q6. Is unteathering Ss learning more important than your classroom's physical design, or part of it? https://t.co/xbcgkAAucm
I'm guessing it opens a space for more collaborative learning; happier environment
I use the room next door when it is empty, too.
A5 Also put time into some pretty cool Downloaded funky fonts for variety/theme looks
Yes I like that as well. Share the learning-share the space.
So much red for my. Tried to neutralize with black.
Okay - that's pretty vintage!
my goal is to have more learning spaces for the student Im never at it.It's a dumping space
I peaked at about 26-28 in a split. Of course, the split was ELA 7/8 and Law 30 :)
Ditto. Fire regulations seem to make fewer & less engaged/focused learning spaces
Today we took the laptops and camped out in the library. The change of scenery was nice - and easy to do with 3 students
got rid of mine when I had 34 gr.7’s and ran out of room. Just never put it back.
I can see it as a dumping space, that's for sure
exactly! I do like your idea of shared or safe space for students tho re: desk
A6: physical space has a huge impact on learning, but it can't dictate everything about how learning happens.
but now that my desk is there, kids can learn back against it. Used as corner
A5: Seating plan. Seating plan. Seating plan! A 'U-shape' seems to work the best with carpet space in the middle.
I think it is the only way to do it because you are right; otherwise it can be a waste of space if left unused
A6 Both are related. Life lessons are necessary just like how comfortability is necessary. We need to look beyond the basics
see? That may be an option as well. I can see both perspectives.
finale made me lose my place in !
as an admin- I went paperless bc I was in so many rooms.
A6: A part, but a less part. IE., untethering doesn't require it, but it does make it easier. I think.
really it comes down to the learners in your room & what works best for them
A6 The way we train Sts to sit is standardized. There's more to learning than sitting straight up & down in a desk & chair.
Good way to use as a corner; multi-functional
- for the rhymes that have been tweeted, I hope I am forgiven. Just one more rhyme to endure, get ready for number seven!
A6 Just like there is more to learn than just the curriculum
Does that make me vintage as well? Sounds better than old!
A6: I would say the physical design does have an impact on learning but it is the educator's job to find ways around problems.
you are correct but it’s finding that balance within the system that many find difficult.
A6. Many Ss are influenced by classroom design so it matters but like said it can't dictate it.
Miami schools have meth labs???? (Watch that trend! :)
I have tried to go paperless! Love the idea; can't seem to fully get it yet
That's a great point. Especially with such limited time in a year.
took me a year to iron out the kinks but eventually had little paper.
Sorry guys my eyes are closing. Thanks for the chat
I'd be interested to remove the desk and see what changes. Future challenge
me too - don't know how to go paperless with gr. 2s & lack of tech
if you don't have space, create the illusion. Tables are often in rectangle facing in. Keep in motion
A6 Moving around / the flexibility is part of my planning now. More focus on process of learning than content
it’s figuring out how to cover curricula outcomes while still allowing for Ss flow to occur.
tech is more than devices, tech is innovation and that's inside of every1
A7: It didn't. One of the many things I did wrong.
I guess I need to stick with it and not give up so easy on paperless
A7 I try to but tough with large class sizes.
Q7: Without it looking like "Stations", I have various areas of "empowerment" for Ss who need more, 2 get up or 2 get away.
as for an anchor was thinking of shelving against the wall to store pens, etc.
Absolutely! That is a challenge. I lean more towards St growth & guiding them along the way
there are some great apps that help with the transition.
True; don't know how you would go paperless with gr. 2s with the tech support
blame it on the drugs. Happy healing!
I like viewing it like this! There's flexibility and movement - this is key.
I would say that innovation can be tech but not necessarily - 1/2
A7. I hope I am flexible enough to find a situation that will work for my S even within the limitations of my tables and chairs
it’s allowing the creative to flow with what works best.
I have seen those organized rooms with shelves all over on Pinterest... jealous!
me too - future goal not challenge - remove the desk haha
A7 Always the goal, and always a work in progress. Each layout I've tried has great pros - and cons. https://t.co/cCexXMiO3T
probably more difficult than HS.
I will have to look out for those apps
Always trying something new and seeing how Ss feel about it. Try to make sure they have a voice & choice https://t.co/nBLuDIf2zS
A7 Always the goal, and always a work in progress. Each layout I've tried has great pros - and cons. https://t.co/cCexXMiO3T
Large class sizes + older (larger) students is a tough realty. We keep trying - but advocacy here is important!
That's neat! My room is still rocking a chalkboard - so I made mini whiteboards for Ss by laminating paper
Without a desk there was really no place for my stuffed bird to sit! :)
Monster Report, Evernote, Dropbox, Drive - all really helped
A7 painted my round table with white board paint. Pull small groups to work with me at the table.
I feel you. Without a desk my chameleon, Bubbles, would be homeless
Isn't that a great tool to have? I had this before and am hoping to do it again this summer. Ss love it!
Okay, glad someone I know did - how did the paint work? I totally want to do this but scared it'll be goopy!
apps are great when/if you have internet access
it is but we all have strengths and need to help each other to overcome some issues.
It's so easy to do just takes a fair chunk of time and time to dry too.
I have the same fear Amy!
Great idea! We have done that as well. Also painted small chalk boards with white board paint.
The day they covered my chalkboards with WBs I cried with joy. Ha! But definitely use mini-boards too.
Great idea . Do the ss like it? https://t.co/2tHPlxaVe7
A7 painted my round table with white board paint. Pull small groups to work with me at the table.
true that! But, people think schools all have great access!
A7. I'm limited with what I can do with the physical space and the desks that I have but am flexible with allowing Ss to move.
My 1st semester teachn had 10-11-12 ELA split Reading JC to 10s and MacB to 11s &12s did novel.
clear the floor for drama!
they love it! I sometimes have a hard time sending them back to their desks
We have a number of tables painted with white board paint. Easy to do and students love it.
just had chat on Resiliency. Such GREAT stuff. Felixibility = resiliency https://t.co/vlCNhONtQK
A7. I hope I am flexible enough to find a situation that will work for my S even within the limitations of my tables and chairs
TA. I can ask my students how they would like to arrange our tables. Just because I like it doesn't mean it's the best option
It's fantastic and great at all grade levels I would imagine!
I bock at this a bit. There are still plenty of times when ss in rows/desks is best for certain types of learning
great idea - using surfaces for many things really allows Ss to create & share!
it's great. Easy To use and erases just like a white board
I know ts who feel like they're doing something wrong if they use this at times. In it was warranted often
Thanks for the chat everyone! Have a wonderful weekend.
But definitely not bound to it, like maybe a decade ago.
Asking out of curiosity... when are the times that you feel this is best?
that's where I have to get innovative on going paperless in gr 2. Some days I already feel too heavy w/ worksheets
Yeah - this is what I go to now, and I didn't see it this way first coming out of uni: scaffolding...
My reaction would be the same. Tears of joy.
TA Create diverse areas/seating/workspace in room.
That's where I found it and was certainly the cheapest option I found.