Howdy #engagechat! Lauren from NY - 6th grade English teacher, author of some stuff, and currently lounging b/c my spring break started a few hours ago!
Hello #engagechat... I’m currently a student in TN majoring in English with a minor in Professional Ed. Hoping to be a high school ELA teacher someday! 🤞🏼
Gary from Il. no longer a Supt but a supporter of Ts in creating classrooms of character w/ success skills for life. Training in Puerto Rico this week. #engagechat
At least 25% of schools still do not have power, particularly in mountainous regions. Also, many stop & go lights don't work. But teachers & principals are resilient. #engagechat
Checking in from Annapolis, MD tonight. Happy Pi day week, congratulations on surviving the Ides of March, and prepare for mass quantities of green beer tomorrow. Happy Saint Patrick's Day. #engagechat
A1: a servant leader is a clearer of paths, one who carries a lantern to show the way. They know where those they serve want to go and they make sure they can get there. #engagechat
A1: A servant leader has the desire to serve others so that they can then develop themselves, & eventually develop others. As Supt, I received greatest satisfaction helping others grow #engagechat
A1: a servant leader is a clearer of paths, one who carries a lantern to show the way. They know where those they serve want to go and they make sure they can get there. #engagechat
A1: Positional leadership-do what I do because I say so. Servant leadership: watch how I serve and do what you do because it simply must be done. #engagechat
A1: servant leadership includes a consistent focus/commitment to the people we serve. It means involving people in deciding what is best for them individually & for the organization collectively & working towards these goals #engagechat
Hi, Stephanie from CA. 3rd grade
A1: to me it means knowing you aren’t “too good” for ANY task that needs your help. From lesson planning to sweeping a floor. #engagechat
A1 I know some people find the term “servant leader” problematic b/c of how “servant” has been historically applied to women & PoC. I think “servant leader” is meant to distinguish leaders who serve those they lead instead of craving power & privilege. #engagechat
A1: A servant leader has the desire to serve others so that they can then develop themselves, & eventually develop others. As Supt, I received greatest satisfaction helping others grow #engagechat
A1: I believe it is serving one’s passions, purpose & people. The greatest work I feel I do is as a servant of these things for God & faith in all that can be good for a world. #engagechat
A1 A servant leader is someone who makes others shine. They help create a community and family and make other better. A servant leader looks out for the good of all and does not seek credit. It is about leading with heart and kindness. #engagechat
A1: I would define a servent leader as a leader who puts the interests of others ahead of their own. Their actions are focussed on the betterment of their community. They lead with dignity, respect and trustworthiness. #engagechat
A1: To see the potential leader in everyone. As the leader guiding others and providing the tools necessary to bring forward that leader in the individual. #edtc300#engagechat
A1: Servant leadership, in my opinion, is a leader that helps other be the best they can be and helps his or her staff grow. It’s not about looking good but being a model for others. #engagechat
A1: I love this title and quote: “Leaders Eat Last”. Simon Sinek. Reminds me of the many events, dinners, etc that I have attended where the leaders or hosts ate last... making sure that others get to eat. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I think of that as a good ex of Servant Lead!#engagechat
A1) A servant leader looks to serve the team to become a great team. They understand no matter how good they are at what they do that without the team there it does not matter. #engagechat
Popping in late! 👋🏻 A1: To me, a servant leader is one who is there to guide teachers. They help teachers develop their skills and become leaders. A servant leader is in it for growth of all - including themselves. #engagechat
A1: I would define a servant leader as a leader who puts the interests of others ahead of their own. Their actions are guided by what is best for their community. They lead with dignity, respect and trustworthiness. #engagechat
A1) A servant leader looks to serve the team to become a great team. They understand no matter how good they are at what they do that without the team there it does not matter. #engagechat
A1 A servant leader is someone who makes others shine. They help create a community and family and make other better. A servant leader looks out for the good of all and does not seek credit. It is about leading with heart and kindness. #engagechat
A1 I feel that being a servant leader means you recognize the needs of your team and aim to meet them. You empower and motivate your group and build relationships on mutual respect. #engagechat
A1: A servant leader has the desire to serve others so that they can then develop themselves, & eventually develop others. As Supt, I received greatest satisfaction helping others grow #engagechat
Theories surrounding the servant leader were popular in the literature in the 1970s through the early 2000s. Under this theory the leader was not a command-and-control model but a roll-up-your-sleeves contributor. The leader served to make work of the followers easier #engagechat
A2: It impact everything. A leader that serves others creates an environment where sharing is valued and encouraged. Ppl are willing to admit when they need help because they have someone to lean on. #engagechat
A2: When there is trust, when a leader goes first and is there right alongside you, there is not much that teachers will not do for that person. We can move mountains together. #engagechat
A2: school culture is largely defined by common values. If the values of the staff and admin don't line up (and, further, if they don't serve the students' best interests) it's a recipe for a crumbling organization. #engagechat
A2 Makes it awesome!! Thinking of others, showing other that they matter!! Be kind, respectful, honest, trustworthy. What a fantastic place to be at! #engagechat#otherpeoplematter
A2 If the leader goes first as one who’s curious, creative, compassionate, willing to be vulnerable in the service of their values, and committed to doing right by the kids—then that becomes the school culture.
A2: It impact everything. A leader that serves others creates an environment where sharing is valued and encouraged. Ppl are willing to admit when they need help because they have someone to lean on. #engagechat
A2: If your mindset is to be of service to others, then you strive to see the successes and celebrate those. This makes the school a place where others try harder to do what is right and good for everyone else! #engagechat
Q2 - hi, all - MS principal from PA checking in late - servant leadership, in its truest sense, sets the tone for the entire building. You’re telling everyone they’re worth it by your actions and words! #engagechat
A2: When there is trust, when a leader goes first and is there right alongside you, there is not much that teachers will not do for that person. We can move mountains together. #engagechat
A2: servant Leadership is the driving force of a schools culture. Classrooms, hallways, busses, leaders must model our serving to impact Ss & community! Service is the absolute key modeling & making a better world! #engagechat
A2: Servant leadership suggests selflessness & commitment to others; by modelling this, servant leaders can inculcate the same behaviour in others. #engagechat
A2: Servant leadership is a set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring culture. A culture can thrive because people know they are supported and risk taking is appreciated.
Yes!! Being there for each other’s... no matter if it involves other grade level lessons or helping other students!! Offering help to everyone, to form a team that supports is what our job is all about! #engagechat
A2: when you do something for someone else - not expecting accolades or repayment, most people notice. Some people even follow suit by serving someone else. Be the one that starts the trend! #engagechat
A2 A leader is always someone we should look to for advice. If the school does not have any source of leadership who do the students have for guidance? Extremely important to have leadership in a school culture. #engagechat
A2: Values both results & relationships with Ss, Ts, parents, and broader community &
maintains high expectations for those results & relationships. #engagechat
A2) Servant Leaders look to get to know each of their teammates they find their strengths and weaknesses while never belittling anyone. They make everyone feel wanted and valued. Valued teammates put forth maximum effort leading to positive school culture! #engagechat
A2: Having a servant leadership attitude creates the culture of teaching is more than just a job within the school and amongst colleagues, families and students. Showing that we truly care! #engagechat#edtc300
The leader’s goal is to provide all the resources the team needed, run interference with the rest of the organization, and let the team do what they do best. #engagechat
A2: be the change you wish to see...motivate those around you to create positive environments. Model those behaviours and others will do the same. #engagechat
A2) Servant Leadership enhances school culture because it is not about pleasing the Principal rather, it is about helping others grow professionally and personally to help the students we serve experience success that will guide their futures. #engagechat
A2: The leader sets the tone for the culture. Being authentic, open and honest helps to build a culture of trust amongst staff. As that builds, it spreads to students, parents... #engagechat
A2: when you do something for someone else - not expecting accolades or repayment, most people notice. Some people even follow suit by serving someone else. Be the one that starts the trend! #engagechat
A2 Servant leadership helps create and foster amazing and positive school culture. When you lead with heart, the school culture focuses on heart and compassion. Every member takes it upon themselves to do what it takes to lift each other up. #engagechat
A2: If a leadwrbis supportive in a positive atmosphere and puts students first, a healthy culture follows. When self importance is first and lack of communication happens; negatively will follow. #engagechat
The primary contributor to this concept of leadership was Robert K. Greenleaf, who described it as “the servant as leader,” thus making, as Peter B. Vaill noted, the idea of the servant being the subject and the leader as the predicate. The Power of Servant-Leadership #engagechat
A2:#servantleaders help build community by building & sustaining relationships. Sense of belonging is vital for success and growth for the school & every person in the school. Every person wants to feel loved and valued. #engagechat
A2) Servant Leaders look to get to know each of their teammates they find their strengths and weaknesses while never belittling anyone. They make everyone feel wanted and valued. Valued teammates put forth maximum effort leading to positive school culture! #engagechat
The type of school leader who gets her hands dirty fixing the copy machine sets a tone that no job is too small. That does wonders for school culture. #engagechat
Had a great example of servant leadership. Asked my principal if he cut short our faculty meeting so that I could conduct my student panel for my master's project (it's on student's voice). He did and went so well. #engagechat
A1: For me, it means the people I work with are my family. I support them in any and every way possible. When they are happy, I’m happy. When they are sad, my heart hurts & I support them even more. #engagechat
A2 Servant leadership helps create and foster amazing and positive school culture. When you lead with heart, the school culture focuses on heart and compassion. Every member takes it upon themselves to do what it takes to lift each other up. #engagechat
A2) A Servant leader is willing to go against the status quo culture of a school that is not serving students. This may cause isolation and ridicule but the leader is willing to embrace the discomfort. #engagechat
It was the first time our school has ever done something like this. I had 6th and 8th graders sharing their experiences. Ts told me it was quite moving. Couldn't have done it without support from admin. #engagechat
Q2: Servant leadership makes a difference in my classroom. I show my class (or I try to show them) that I am willing to do what I am asking them to do. I clean up along with them, I read along with them. I want to model the servant leadership aspect of learning. #engagechat
A2: Having servant leaders will positively impact school culture. With leaders who want to serve, and who understand its impact on the school as a whole, everyone benefits. #engagechat
A1: For me, it means the people I work with are my family. I support them in any and every way possible. When they are happy, I’m happy. When they are sad, my heart hurts & I support them even more. #engagechat
Q3: A dictator isn't willing to get in the dirt with the people. A servant leader is right there with the students or with the teachers. Doing what needs to be done with a joyful and listening heart. That makes a big difference. #engagechat
A2) When someone has a servant leadership attitude it makes the school a better place. You are showing others that no matter what you are there to serve and help no matter the situation, and it makes the school have a more positive impact. #engagechat#teamworkmakesthedreamwork
A3: A school dictator dominates and centralized all power. He or she has the only good ideas. Opposing views are squashed and ppl are left without a voice or support. #engagechat
A3: Dictators don’t care much about people just parameters & achievement. Servant leaders care about what they do but also HOW they do it with integrity, grit & care. It’s about failing, pushing, following & leading. #engagechat
A3 A servant leader is walking along side of you while you are willingly working and a dictator is forcing you to work how they want you to work. #engagechat
A2: Servant leadership, as I see it, creates a family atmosphere where we look out for and care for one another. We really would do anything for each other. People who come in to our school feel this positive school culture which makes us all beam with pride. #engagechat
A2: If Servant Leadership is the mindset of the majority then the school culture will thrive! Putting students and others first will create a strong support system! Not ME but WE. ❤️#engagechat
A3 Dictators tell others what to do out of self-interest; a servant leader listens for what they themselves should do out of interest in what’s best for others. #engagechat
A1: in Hebrew, servant doesn't translate well. it's basically just a slave who makes a little money. So I can't relate to the term Servant Leader, sorry... #EngageChat
A3: A school dictator dominates and centralized all power. He or she has the only good ideas. Opposing views are squashed and ppl are left without a voice or support. #engagechat
A3: a dictator gives no choice. This is the way it’s going to be. A leader gives options. Maybe limited at times, but options to have freedom to be the Teacher you need to be. #engagechat
A3: Dictators don’t care much about people just parameters & achievement. Servant leaders care about what they do but also HOW they do it with integrity, grit & care. It’s about failing, pushing, following & leading. #engagechat
A3: Servant leadership is sustainable & resides within members of a school community...Dictatorships fade & so does culture when dictator leave #engagechat
A3: It’s the difference between a leader and a boss: one relies on goodwill and relationships, the other on power and authority. The boss says, “Go!” The leader says, “Let’s go!” #EngageChat
A3 A dictator does not listen to others, makes all decisions, is about personal empowerment & personal gain. A servant leader is about listening & honoring voices, about growing together, about building family and staying positive. A servant leader helps others shine. #engagechat
A2: If your mindset is to be of service to others, then you strive to see the successes and celebrate those. This makes the school a place where others try harder to do what is right and good for everyone else! #engagechat
A2: If Servant Leadership is the mindset of the majority then the school culture will thrive! Putting students and others first will create a strong support system! Not ME but WE. ❤️#engagechat
A3) A servant leader jumps in and helps make things run smoothly, and encourages you to have your own ideas. A dictator tells you what to do, and doesn't help in situations unless it is to benefit them. #engagechat
A3: Polar opposites. Looking out for self vs. looking out for each other. “I” vs. “us” (or team). Manager vs. leader. No focus on relationships vs. total focus on relationships. #engagechat
Some may question motives or try to abuse the heart of a servant leader abd take advantage. A true servant leader is not there to please people but to help everyone grow. They must stay authentic and transparent. Help understand the why. Move forward. #engagechat
A3: A dictator is “do as I say, not as I do.” A servant leader leads by example through actions, perhaps instead of with words. Or, at least, not by words alone. :) #engagechat
You raise an important point. We may forget that servant leaders must put the needs of the group ahead of certain individuals causing frustration and resistance. #engagechat
Some may question motives or try to abuse the heart of a servant leader abd take advantage. A true servant leader is not there to please people but to help everyone grow. They must stay authentic and transparent. Help understand the why. Move forward. #engagechat
A3: A school dictator dominates and centralized all power. He or she has the only good ideas. Opposing views are squashed and ppl are left without a voice or support. #engagechat
A3: A dictator doesn’t care how other people feel or what they think. They only care about their agenda. Servant Leaders care about achieving the greater good for all, and understands that this takes teamwork. #engagechat
A4: listening to stakeholders, defining a vision, building consensus around that vision and then building capacity for others to execute that vision. #engagechat
A4: If we're talking school setting, Number 1 on my list would be teacher voice! In addition, being willing to get their hands dirty, too. Doing what's best for the Ss. Thinks outside the box. Backs the Ts. #engagechat
Yes. I forgot about that one. That happened to me as well. Sometimes I feel like I could write a book about the nonsense I put up with. It worked out in the end. Thank goodness. #engagechat
A4: A servant leader will find ways to stay focused on everyone, doing what is right not popular, and work to empower everyone in their charge. #engagechat
A4: listening to stakeholders, defining a vision, building consensus around that vision and then building capacity for others to execute that vision. #engagechat
A1: A servant leader is one who lights a path with the interest of others in the forefront of their brain. They often times do not even realize what they’re doing, but just want to help others. #engagechat
A4: To be present, visible, human, humble & extend grace to those around you; even oneself. Leaders who serve must screw up & be confident in vulnerability, I do it all the time - the screw up part 😉 It’s worth it to push success & curiosity #engagechat
A4: knowing the people they serve, working with them to identify organizational goals/ system needs, potential actions, working with others to meet these goals. Being consistent/committed to finding solutions & working towards achieving them #engagechat
A4: When a teacher come to them with an amazing idea that will support that teacher's development as a teacher, a servant leader will not only find a way for that to happen but they will celebrate it too to encourage others to do the same!! #engagechat
A4 Listening to understand, celebrating others, being present for various moments, collaborating, smiling, staying positive, building culture, sharing school stories, uplifting, being kind, empathetic and compassionate. Leading and deciding with heart. #engagechat
Q4: collaborate with teams for new decisions, puts themselves in the work to understand what others will be dealing with, listens - not to respond but to hear what they are saying, #engagechat
A4 - visible actions of servant leader: spend lots and lots of time with kids, in classrooms, in caf, in hallways - basically, at school a lot, making things better for kids #engagechat
A4: a servant leader needs to help as much as possible. And when they can’t help, lead you to someone or a source that can instead of leaving it alone or ignoring issues. Ts can be leaders too; but secant leaders are there for everyone. #engagechat
A2: Servant leadership inspires kids to be helpers and leaders. It also creates a positive learning environment. Teachers, administrators, and students can all work together for the good of the school. #engagechat
A4 Listening to understand, celebrating others, being present for various moments, collaborating, smiling, staying positive, building culture, sharing school stories, uplifting, being kind, empathetic and compassionate. Leading and deciding with heart. #engagechat
A4 Listening to understand, celebrating others, being present for various moments, collaborating, smiling, staying positive, building culture, sharing school stories, uplifting, being kind, empathetic and compassionate. Leading and deciding with heart. #engagechat
A4: Believe & trust in others, support others, encourage others, grow & develop others, focus on strengths vs. weaknesses, empower others, create a sense of belonging, respect all, and build positive relationships. #engagechat
A4: Simple: serve others. And everything that goes along with that including but not limited to... sharing, encouraging, listening, building, creating, supporting, teaching, and so so so much more. But only if it serves the greater good. #engagechat
A4) Examples include make a sincere effort to attend PLCs to dive into data with teacher to come up with solutions. Working alongside cafeteria workers and custodians to make sure the school is ready for the students. #engagechat
A4: Collaborate with others, puts the team in teamwork, answers the why, communicates well, compassionate, being in the now, viewing everyone as capable and providing valuable feedback. #edtc300#engagechat
A4) They take charge when necessary (but in a good way), and they are there to help. They are insightful and encouraging. They are more like a mentor than a 'take charge, I'm the boss' person. #engagechat
A4: Embodies humility, passion, values relationships & shared leadership, takes responsibility, is accountable, celebrates innovation & collaboration, keeps students at the centre of decision making #engagechat
A5: They treat Ps with respect, see them as valuable resources and part of the learning community. They are welcoming to Ps and don't overwhelm them or belittle them. #engagechat
A4 Leadership actions from a servant leader would be: promoting a positive culture for all, not asking more of anyone than they are willing to contribute, positive and celebrates accomplishments of all #engagechat
A4 I was always thankful that in a school of 300 plus Fac/Staff and 2000 Ss that the admins knew my name and the role I played on the campus...Small things like remembering names and shaking hands promotes community #engagechat
A4: "It's not about trying to find something to help you be a more effective leader. It's about trying to be a better person. The other will follow." -James A. Autry in Practicing Servant Leadership
A5: this is tricky. I think a servant leader needs to put themselves in the parents shoes. Yet stand firm and follow through so they are not walked all over the school and boundaries are made. #engagechat
A5 A servant leader sees parents as partners, invites voice, builds relationship, and involves them in building the mission and vision of the school. "We serve you and your goals for your kids." #engagechat
A5: Soap box!! Ps know their kids better than anyone! At the beginning of the year, I let them know that we are a team, helping their child to develop a love of school and to be successful! #engagechat
A5: Effectively balancing student, parent, teacher, and school interests by doing everything in their power to do right by students. They must come first. Honestly communicating this fact to everyone, and the "why" behind it. #engagechat
A5: A servant leader is proactive by building relationships with parents during the good times so that the connection with parents is there if/when the hard times arrive. #engagechat
A5: Parents need to know that you will take action. A servant leader steps in when times are rough and when times are good. They make the phone calls and offer assistance. Parents need opportunities and guidance too. #engagechat
A5 A servant leader sees parents as partners, invites voice, builds relationship, and involves them in building the mission and vision of the school. "We serve you and your goals for your kids." #engagechat
A5 Treat parents as if they were family members in your house. They are just as important as anyone. Learn their names, invite them, treat them as partners, consult them. Keep them involved, learn with them, work together, grow together. #engagechat
A5: Servant leadership doesn't stop with students and staff. Parents should get the same respect we give to all members of our school communities. Parents are an important component of student success and should be treated as such. #engagechat
A5 Servant leaders facilitate open, authentic communication between parents, students, and teachers with the goal of making school more meaningful and vital for the students. It’s a collaboration, not a transaction.
A5: They view parents as equal. Parents have the final say in their child's life. We need to respect that, communicate and work together with them! #engagechat#edtc300
A5: Soap box!! Ps know their kids better than anyone! At the beginning of the year, I let them know that we are a team, helping their child to develop a love of school and to be successful! #engagechat
A5: Soap box!! Ps know their kids better than anyone! At the beginning of the year, I let them know that we are a team, helping their child to develop a love of school and to be successful! #engagechat
A5: As a servant leader, you feel all of the students are “your kids” and this is stressed when interacting with parents. If you’re truly serving, parents see how much you love and care about their children through your words and actions. #engagechat
A5: Parents should feel wanted and treated as valuable, capable, and responsible within the school community. If serving is below you, leadership is beyond you. #engagechat
A5) Servant leaders look for input from parents but they also understand that they are serving their staff and students also. They look for balance to ensure that each have a voice in the school. #engagechat
A5: Effectively balancing student, parent, teacher, and school interests by doing everything in their power to do right by students. They must come first. Honestly communicating this fact to everyone, and the "why" behind it. #engagechat
A5: A servant leader listens. They recognize that that life is complex and they collaborate to meet the needs of the family in order to enhance student well-being. #engagechat
A5: servant leaders serve parents as well. They honour parents/families as the child’s first & most present teachers; communicate often with families and value them as partners; provide opportunities to invite them into schools & to visit them in their communities #engagechat
A5: parents are stakeholders and want what's best for their kid. The only reason we have a job is because parents trust us. Take the time to build that relationship like you would with any person.
A5 Treat parents as if they were family members in your house. They are just as important as anyone. Learn their names, invite them, treat them as partners, consult them. Keep them involved, learn with them, work together, grow together. #engagechat
A5) They interact with parents positively. They are always available to work with parents and make sure they know they are there for the children and want the best outcome for them!! #engagechat
A5: Servant leadership doesn't stop with students and staff. Parents should get the same respect we give to all members of our school communities. Parents are an important component of student success and should be treated as such. #engagechat
A5: The servant leader knows how to ask genuine, mediational questions, engages the parent as a valued partner, and ensures there is a relationship that is person-centered not issue-centered. #engagechat
A5 Servant leaders facilitate open, authentic communication between parents, students, and teachers with the goal of making school more meaningful and vital for the students. It’s a collaboration, not a transaction.
A5: They view parents as equal. Parents have the final say in their child's life. We need to respect that, communicate and work together with them! #engagechat#edtc300
A5 A servant leader has a very difficult job listening and caring for all. Many parents need someone to talk to and to listen to them, support #engagechat
A5: They listen to understand, not to respond. They are kind. They build relationships. Servant leaders don't see themselves as more important than others within the walls of an organization. #engagechat
Exactly! These parents are “difficult” because they are in pain or have been mistreated along the way. If we focus on their children and they know we are truly focused on their best interest, they may come along... #engagechat
Yes yes yes! As hard as it is to show compassion for the “difficult” parents, they are the ones that need the most compassion. They just want their kids to thrive.
A5: As a servant leader, you feel all of the students are “your kids” and this is stressed when interacting with parents. If you’re truly serving, parents see how much you love and care about their children through your words and actions. #engagechat
A5-servant leaders understand that all parents want the best for their kids, and that this may look different from our “normals” - we need to have ears to hear!! #engagechat
A5: The golden rule applies here. Approach it with the same compassion, kindness, humility, and spirit of service that we undertake with the children under our care. #EngageChat
Q5: They interact with parents positively to help the teachers. If the conversation is negative concerning a teacher - they don't engage - but back up the teacher initially at least. They listen to the teacher to understand the issues at play. #engagechat
A5: I’ve found that many of the “difficult” parents were this way because of distrust and little was done to rebuild that trust. I always assured them that I genuinely wanted the best for their children. #engagechat