#LFOntChat Archive
This new slowchat will run over the course of a week with a single question being released each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 pm EDT (with all three questions being related during a given week). This chat will focus on an exploration of Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning and we will discuss practical applications of those standards in our school districts. Learning Forward Ontario will host these slowchats, as an affiliate of Learning Forward. We are committed to proving student learning by providing leadership and support for those responsible for professional development.
Tuesday March 22, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Hello! I'm Becky, a doctoral student from Baltimore, MD. PL allows our incredible field to become even more incredible!
I totally agree...Consider all of the "incredible" educators we have linked up with via Twitter!
Small but mighty 'group' right now...but this is a slow chat! :)
Love the connection to the profession!
Keep in mind this is a slow chat, so pacing is different...reflections can continue over the next few days until the next Q!
Please begin by reviewing LF’s overview of LEARNING COMMUNITIES (take a few minutes...take your time)... https://t.co/ljKqf4vzfz
If you've reviewed LF’s information about LEARNING COMMUNITIES, here's our Q2 for tonight until Thurs.
If you've reviewed LF’s information about LEARNING COMMUNITIES (see previous tweet), here's our Q2 for tonight until Thurs.
Q2 Learning communities should commit to continuous improvement, collective responsibility&goal alignment. What’s that mean to U?
Agree no rushing around and accommodates everyone on Earth without impact of time zones
Hopefully others will find the time to drop by! :) No worries, as it has to meet a need/interest.
Effective & beneficial ed. change is a team effort. Involves not only Ts & admin, but also Ss & parents https://t.co/r69mqf9V2H
Q2 Learning communities should commit to continuous improvement, collective responsibility&goal alignment. What’s that mean to U?
How can Ss and parents influence/affect learning communities of professional educators?
Hello all! Angie from Indiana. 1st gr T. Will be in and out tonight.
Thanks for joining us, Angie! See below.
Agree change is a team effort for ALL involved.
Semantha da Silva FDK teacher in Ontario. PL allows teachers to grow and learn new ideas and inspire our Ss and other staff
A2: commitment is a choice for continuous improvement; responsible 4 working @ it 2gether; relflective against a collective plan
Like this! Not just about 'me' and my learning, but what I can do with and for others!
Welcome Samantha! Slow chats are a different 'beast'! :)
Sorry I didn't reintroduce myself. I'm Fred from BC, retired math T, ed consultant, grad student, mentor T; learner
Hi Fred! ‘Commitment’ is a key word and not easy...given the busy professional and personal lives we lead!
Shared responsibility-I wonder if facilitators (e.g., Ps) of PL often feel it is their responsibility to make PL ‘work’.
LC like moderated marking, study groups allow constant communication, reflection which promote change and risk taking
I am joining a little late tonight - I am one of the board members of LFO. Welcome to all joining the chat!
So do Ps need support in understanding this? How do they (begin) to see themselves as one of the community learners?
Developing a sense of shared responsibility for learning around common goals???
Thanks for joining us, Dawne!
I believe it's in understanding multiple metaphors for learning; If Ts don't believe in the participatory metaphor+
Learning communities must agree upon the goals of the learning to be effective - and keep each other true to the goals.
pt2: participatory aspects of learning creates commitment to PLs. More success in 1 -> to wanting more experiences.
What should those "agreed upon goals" be based on?
Self-directed participation, right? Not 'imposed'?
So are most principals seeing themselves as being part of a shared PLC...not just as 'leaders' who need to lead?
Noting self-directed to be a collective 'self'. Definitely not imposed from on high. Grass roots impetus + relevant
How about those who see limited to no value in choosing to be part of a learning community...solo 'artists' OK?
Thanks for sticking with me on this point!
Admin need to see themselves as learners together & Ts need to see admin as co-learners & not 'them'. 2-way street
Is what you describe more the 'norm' in your experience?
Student needs, of course, however, which 'need' is priority? We can spend months deciding...
'my experience' it is 'cause I seek out PLCs 'cause I know the power. Not all school situations were. pt 1
Thanks for that! So is it like a 'house of cards'...key 'players' leave and sustainability crumbles when it comes to PL.
Pt2: multiple metaphors again needed: if T believes only acquisition then -> talkingTs &so expect proD 2B similar
Are we doing a good job of spreading "knowledge of the power" of PL?
If it is not a committed shared PL as the standard suggests, leadership is shared in these + 1 T doesn't drive it.
I agree! "Timely" often breeds believers and educators who will 'buy in' to the process.
Agreed...we talk about 'urgent' S learning need driving our PL goals but not sure it is easy to identify & agree on.
Also often driven by 'safe' goals like social responsibility + not threatening 1s like assessment
PL should be data driven so that you can agree on common goals and then look at how they can be achieved by looking at research.
Can you talk about learning communities and their link to "effective ed. change"?
+these goals are systemic to setting of the community.
Facilitating PD @ PLC today, a T said " I learn everyday, when will it stop.." another T said I Hope Never! Growth Mindset @ best
Qualitative and/or quantitative data driving PL? may also want to weigh in here.
Research driving instructional decisions?
shouldn't the main goal be: develop inquiry, high level questioning, intrinsic desire to learn
The data used depends on the needs of the school, division and/or grade. Making it personal to teachers creates a buy in.
Talk a bit more about the value of learning communities when it comes to PL...from your experience.
Research can provide the new strategies used to teach the goals in PLC.
Thanks for joining in, Debbie!
How do "continuous improvement, collective responsibility&goal alignment" fit into the LC equation?
I've seen tremendous growth by Ts in 3 of my schools due to PLC, the PD/wkshop environment has been priceless
What qualitative data examples (from your experience) might help to inform LC decisions related to PL?
What kinds of 'growth' have resulted from LC interaction as part of PL?
Ts have trust w/each other, "team" has developed in PL, PD infused w/protected planning PL time allows growth
Do you see evidence of commitment to continuous improvement, collective responsibility&goal alignment? Examples?
Ts have become a team, invested in Ss & Ts success..win/win situation. Ts have become more purposeful in planning
So glad you are with us! Feel free to chime in!
absolutely, Ts more invested in Ss success, they aren't treading water... they feel supported/driven for success
I agree that PL seems to be more successful when LC have "protected' time...but not east, eh?
Student work & samples to see areas of need to progress student success. Ex inferring, summarizing a text.
Around common goals? Sharing collective responsibility for the learning? Seeing principals as part this?
How 1 good problem, approached in multiple ways, visibly shared -> deepened understanding/transfer
This is exciting! Talk about empowerment and a growing sense of self-efficacy!
Sharing:Ts became experts on specific obj, grouped Ss based on needs, Ss rotated to Ts classes based on needs
Thanks I like the concept to drop in when available pre-, post-, during live chat https://t.co/AbD0D0iIM0
So glad you are with us! Feel free to chime in!
great list; add reflecting & verifying;
Awesome! Have you engaged with Ss in electronic portfolio development? Great documentation of learning over time!
That truly is amazing, Fred! So powerful!
we start each PL w/ round table "best practice/idea/what worked from the wk, Ts becoming invested in each other
Confidence, competence and content knowledge development among colleagues! LCs ROCK!
Absolutely, reflection very powerful, and often overlooked. Ts & Ss need time for metacognition
Glad you like the format! It's really picked up since 7 pm EDT!
Made me think of why I like S teachers: opportunities 2 observe learning while not 'in the moment' pt 1
Hey, Farah here, teacher in Toronto...love the opportunity to share ideas & chat abot what I'm most passionate abot...education!
I still think S learning needs are a proxy for T learning needs.
Continuous improvement as a TEAM, vital mindset for Ts/Admin for the success of PL
Time for deep reflection is so important...and can often be overlooked...busy lives!
Ts as "lead learners" taking on coaching roles as well as learning through peer observations, very powerful
That is pretty cool! Teacher observing and learning from/with the S as teacher!
My friends...been at this for 2 hours...it's been AWESOME & I'll pick up again tomorrow. Sincere thanks! Keep going!
So true! Too often we are in our own bubble and don't get to just observe other teachers and students
I'll pin Qs to and for ease of access!
A2: Prof Standards help recalibrate our thinking when we get overwhelmed with the everyday-a reminder of what it's all about
Q1 & Q2 posted! 😊 Your invitation to join a brand new Twitter ed chat. Please add your voice! https://t.co/Vyh0dqr7gq
Q1 & Q2 posted! 😊 Your invitation to join a brand new Twitter ed chat. Please add your voice! https://t.co/FERNX6bYzL
And when you can. If time is issue go with evidence vs. numbers.
Participants in & - you're scrolling in my feed, and I think you got great things going on!
Agreed! Please share your rationale.
A2: this means sharing in learning with colleagues and students; setting school goals https://t.co/NbyDrciPxs
Q2 Learning communities should commit to continuous improvement, collective responsibility&goal alignment. What’s that mean to U?
agree yo narrow Steps to address needs, prioritizing needs scaffolding process, goals are large
A2:all Ts being responsible for all Ss learning, not just the Ss in our own classes. Shared vision of student learning
A2Continuous improvement can B tracked as we inquire, assess, plan, act &reflect with colleagues around issues of student learng
Agreed! PL should be Team! It takes a "village" mentality, learning/collaborating for all Ss
A2: Learning communities to me are not meetings, they involve continuous sharing, questions, and conversations
Agree, but sometimes I see little evidence of any data or analysis...find balance.
Can a PL have learning, when expectations are clear, Ts come w/mindset to be productive ?
Sometimes analysis just looks like finding anchor papers for comparison
agreed, PL should be a cycle within a community, continuously adjusting to needs of Ts & Ss
RTQ2 Learning communities should commit to continuous improvement,collective responsibility&goal alignment. What’s that mean to U?
I'm thinking about approaches like...I'll do what I've always done...worked for me!
A2 PL communities meeting weekly to discuss, learn, address Ss needs, design, reflect, is an ongoing cycle of effective team
Decisions about support for Ss need not be 'same-old-same-old'...must be informed.
I agree that meeting frequently is key - but sometimes it is the incidental conversations that make a difference
Ts need to see success from the "new" to be inspired to change
absolutely, best ideas shared sometimes are during "duties", standing in hall between classes. Model for Ss?
What does collective responsibility mean to you? how is it evident in your school?
for sure a model for Ss - we are all Ts and all learners. Be open to new perspectives and ideas
A2. Schools as learning communities can build a strong shared understanding of effective practice.
Gena just coming onboard, 4th grade T, reading specialist living & teaching in NC 19 mos, looking forward to this slow chat.
A1a: PL should be relevant, meet needs/interests of Ts, challenge minds, engage, & invigorate!
A1b: PL standards should take Ts to new levels of knowledge, raise the bar for expectations, & move Ts into 21st century.
LOVING this conversation!
A2: This means bridging gaps, establishing norms, & removing all I's from TEAM.
Want to join a phenomenal discussion about data, action, & change? Check out these great educators in ! https://t.co/hENHdmOZqn
Absolutely! Passionate teachers who share their successes also inspire change.