My name is Hollie Sisk and check out my GOOD NEWS! Yes, that profile bio has been updated. Today marked the 1st day serving as the Instructional Services Coordinator for @GeoSouthernCOE on the Savannah campus. #TECHtalkGA ⬇️⬇️
Hey y'all! I'm Angela, Dist ITS for MS/HS in Forsyth Co.
One word to describe my school-aged self is awkward. I come with pics as proof (I heard there's extra credit?). Two from HS grad + a wedding pic, but it was only 1wk after college grad, so it counts!
A1: Oops I didn't follow the instructions. Sorry. My name is Hollie Sisk, Instructional Services Coord at @GeoSouthernCOE and one word to describe me in school would be Involved. #TECHtalkGA#SeniorPic
#TECHtalkGA A2: Right now, I'm getting the most questions about @SchoolCity, but that comes with the role.
Over the year, I'd say I've gotten the most questions about #GoogleClassroom or @flipgrid.
We have @texthelp and many of teachers are utilizing that. Excited to talk about how that can support writing tomorrow@afternoon with school leaders. #TECHtalkGA
A3: @GRADECAM saved my sanity. My Ss loved scanning bubble sheets themselves, then going back and revising their work. They get 2 scans for classwork! Forced them to reflect. #TECHtalkGA
A3: #GoogleKeep is what keeps me sane and organized. Especially with multiple projects going on this year and in a different location each day. #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A3:
@GoogleKeep for the win! I had a hard time adopting digital to-do lists UNTIL I was no longer in one building.
Now, I can't stay sane w/o my Google Keep lists, emails, etc!
A3: @Twitter has brought about a sanity for me this year. I’ve made connections and interacted with people I probably wouldn’t have otherwise!! I needed the anchor this #PLN provided. #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A4: @Flipgrid all day long. My Ss loved it, and so do the Ts in my building. They had never heard of it, and were very excited to put it to use! Made digital learning days a breeze. #TECHtalkGA
A4 #TECHtalkGA@twitter is the most powerful tool that our teachers use to break down the walls of their classrooms and buildings. It's amazing to see the growth of #floydpln on Twitter
#TECHtalkGA A4:
Well that would for sure have to be either @GoogleForEdu or @Flipgrid!
Different uses, but it seems at least that both are being used for their best purpose!
A4: I would say @Flipgrid is good for this especially now with #GridPals and the #GlobalClassroom grid, but interested to hear what others are using to collaborate beyond the 4 walls of their classroom. #TECHtalkGA
A4: The one I’ve promoted all year has been @Flipgrid!! I’ve had fun playing with it for our eCLASS Lead Innovators meetings, so my student tech team will be using it next year!! Elevator pitches on Flipgrid!! #gwinchat#TECHtalkGA
A5: My new favorite activity is listening to Podcasts. I have grown to love it the past year or so. I used to loath any kind of "Talk" radio. I really enjoy it now! Plus, fostering connections with my #PLN on @Twitter has been a game changer for me professionally! #TECHtalkGA
#TECHtalkGA A5:
Right now, in a new role with a new assessment engine that we've rolled out, @Screencastify is my favorite tool! I write up how to instructions, but then also record a quick vid showing the steps that I can link to the written instructions.
Super easy & fast!