Each Monday evening at 8PM EST, music teachers get together and share ideas about important topics within music education. It’s a great chance to interact directly with educators from all over the world and to get new tips and tricks to help you succeed in the classroom. The entire #musedchat discussion is organized and moderated by Joe Guarr.
Hi, I’m doing great how are you? Yes, I’m going. I’m performing Thursday night with the OU Wind Symphony and I’ll be staying for the whole conference. #musedchat
A1: I once attended a PD on the Art of Storytelling. It helped me deepen my lessons regarding the stories behind songs and communicating emotions when performing. #musedchat
A1: EdCamps have had a tremendous impact. Lots of great ideas and energy that I could translate to music. Good teaching is good teaching, no matter the subject area. #musedchat
A1: Course on elementary general music in college (I do secondary band). I didn't know what struggling truly was until we had to sing in Locrian. #musedchat
A1: Outside of music entirely, spent three years coaching basketball, and that gave me a renewed appreciation for repetition of the fundamentals #musedchat
?!?!? That's not the #PBIS I know. All about building positive school wide culture and teaching beneficial character traits. Big believer in well-implemented PBIS program. #musedchat
#musedchat It's complicated (and, in MI, $$$, since few districts offer bonus stipend or pay for process). But it's transformative--turns yr pedagogical thinking around. I was on nat team that designed the assessment. Give yr friends my name--I'll mentor.
I've gotten a lot of fun tech ideas from EdCamps. Good philosophical discussions on education as well. EdCamps bring a big cross section of edu, so always something to be learned. #musedchat
Thanks for the mention! SamuelFritz: My school centergrovemsc ran an edcamp during our annual staff retreat to design our #personalizedPD for the year #musedchat
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. #PBIS Program to teach character lessons and improve school culture. Every school has a diff approach though. Some work better than others. #musedchat
Going through a hybrid learning training last year. I was chosen by admin and I think I’m the only music teacher in the county being trained. #musedchat
Q2: Have you ever taught outside of your area of expertise? (i.e, band person doing elementary) How did you find success? How did you adapt? #musedchat
Hi Kathy!You're right, that's no good! It's my understanding that PBIS is about teaching Ss the problem solving process so they learn how to work through their https://t.co/woDv3BaOAa's also about the crime matching the punishment related which that doesn't seem to be #musedchat
A2: Last semester I was in an elem placement. I had a really good support system from my coop-teacher, professors, and colleagues who were able to help me find success with Ss. #musedchat
A2: First gig was K-12. Lots of improvisation for the elem gen music. No idea what I was doing. Lots of trial and error and going to every elem session I could hit at MMC. #musedchat
A2: Rep was such a hard thing to get a grasp on, too. Voice class was years in the past, I didn't know what was pedagogically appropriate for MS kids #musedchat
The rewards are a first step, but eventually need to evolve beyond individual S rewards and move toward school wide goals and more intrinsic motivations. #musedchat
A2: I have never taught outside of my preferred content area, but I have thought about it though. Only because I can now see how much I can do with integrating the arts into a general classroom setting. #musedchat
Q2: Have you ever taught outside of your area of expertise? (i.e, band person doing elementary) How did you find success? How did you adapt? #musedchat
Could see that coming to our district soon. Orchestra is on the table for RCS starting next year. Still lots of details to be determined but it's going to be an adventure all around! #musedchat
I think that's one of the reasons it's coming. Many surrounding districts have it. Offering it in 6th gr starting next year then building from there. #musedchat
A3 be yourself. The kids can smell a fugazi (fake). You need to have thick skin. And don't be surprised if it doesn't work the first time. As for keys usually the first 3 sharps and flats work..... #musedchat
A3: Seek help, and practice. The help is out there if you look for it, also it's important to maintain a high level of musicianship for yourself if you want to be a good model for your Ss. #musedchat
A3- I have convinced several “band” student teachers that general music is fun. It’s a whole different approach though- more scaffolding and big picture vs detail #musedchat
Mildly off topic, but any Michigan peeps going to MMC this week, stop by booth 124 in the exhibit hall and introduce yourself. Better yet, come to my session on blended learning in music at 9 AM Saturday. #musedchat
A3: Immerse yourself in the excitement (there's a lot of it in elem), don't be afraid to try new things (some will work, some won't and that's ok), seek guidance, and rely on whatever teaching methods you believe in. #musedchat
Looking forward to 2 presentations @MMCAnnual#MMC2018!! 1. Creating music w/students using @soundtrap 2. Fusion w/o confusion with @Sumkali. Looking forward to seeing my #musedchat friends, learning about new #edtech and getting the @PMEPD updates!!