#wischat Archive
#wischat is a great way for Wisconsin educators to share teaching strategies, educational resources, and more.
Sunday October 16, 2016
8:00 PM EDT
Welcome back to the latest edition of . Tonight's topic is Establishing A Student Centered Learning Environment. I hope you join us.
We will be following a Q1, Q2 - A1, A2 format tonight. Remember to include in all of your tweets.
Please begin by introducing yourself and let us know where you are joining us from tonight.
John Gunnell, middle school Principal from Baraboo, Wisconsin.
q1: What are the essential components of a student centered learning environment?
Gary Zittergruen, Superintendent at Benton CSD (Iowa)
A1: A student centered learning environment is one that supports student choice, student voice & involves kids in decision making.
A1 - In my mind, students need to have some say in how they learn and how they demonstrate their learning.
- Thanks for joining us tonight here on
A1: what can you make with what we are learning today?
- Hello Josh. Thanks for being a part of tonight.
- I appreciate you joining us here on tonight.
Hi. I'm a Brant
Joining late and watching the Cubs game
I'm a MS principal from Wyoming
A1: A student centered learning environment reflects respect for kids and it focuses on their growth more than their attainment.
1-A: The environment encourages students to become independent learners and ultimately to be in charge of their own education.
A1: A student centered learning environment focuses on individual student needs, it's not a one size fits all approach to łearning.
A1: Student choice along with a guided conversation about what the essential learning target is. Options.
Q2: In what ways does your school/district or classroom reflect a student centered approach to learning?
- Thanks for joining us here on tonight Brian.
A2: unfortunately we have work to do here. But, we are working on it :)
A2: Multiple ways to learn. Could be through technology, maker labs, or pencil and paper.
A2 - We are embracing a guided inquiry approach, allowing students more control over their learning and the end product
A2: This is a work in progress. The tools to allow us to pursue a more personalized approach to łearning are more readily available
A2: There is certainly a mindset challenge as well. It is a very different way of looking at teaching/learning/schooling.
Sharin, Middle School AP from teetering between and tonight. Looks like similar topics, too!
Q3: What challenges do educators (teachers, admin etc.) face when trying to make the łearning environment more student centered?
A1 Flexible learning options, feedback-heavy, teacher as guide--not vs content master. Skills-focused vs content-focused. Inquiry
- Well we certainly appreciate you joking us tonight on
A2: 1st, one of our pillars is around they honeycomb T&L components for pers. learning
I like the skills based philosophy
A1 Flexible learning options, feedback-heavy, teacher as guide--not vs content master. Skills-focused vs content-focused. Inquiry
A3: One challenges is casting a tangible vision for what personalized łearning might look and sound like in schools.
A3: Trying to meet everyone where they are at. Differentiation is hard. Then you have the technology portion to work with as well.
A2: 2nd, in our Advisory, weekly conferences w/ Adviser key to stu-centered approach. Focus on learning not time/content
A3 - I believe our biggest struggle is getting past the "content is king" mindset. We are still struggling to move past that
A3: Up to now, educational structures have generally been built on everyone pretty much getting the same thing in terms of content.
Q4: What paradigms need to shift in your school /district in order to make it a more student centered łearning environment?
a3: having to choose between enduring skills vs 'covering content' and the 'curriculum' There are lots of balls in the air 2 juggle
A4: Grading practices are a major paradigm that schools struggle to change because they are so embedded in the culture of schooling
A4: Doing what we say we mean; In broadest sense if we really believe in Ss-center, ldrs must embrace reality that transform=time
A4: Grading and what we are grading for. Takes a lot of conversation and those can be hard conversations.
A4 - Focus less on "covering". Our science/SS teachers have been given this freedom. Our math & ELA t's need this freedom too!
A4: We have to think differently about struggle and failure and we have to leverage technology to change the way we "teach".
A4: It is important to focus on the instructional practices that have the greatest impact on student łearning.
A4: Less teacher talk. Greater focus on engagement and less of an emphasis on compliance. More of an emphasis on connection.
Q5: What is the best way to involve students in the creation of a more student centered learning environment?
A5: Dumb response, but ASK THEM-Knowing Learners 1st helps us tune into their interests to drive true passion, inquiry and learning
A5: Involve them in the process. You can learn so much through conversation.
A5: Ask students their opinion. Listen. Involve them in decision making. Have students create "products" for real world audiences.
A5: Provide students with the tools and resources that are needed to guide their own łearning.
A5: It starts with trust. Too many people have a deficit view of kids. Provide them with more opportunities to solve real problems.
A-4: We need to continue to grow in focusing on the student’s needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles
Q6: How can schools and teachers better engage reluctant, disenfranchised or disengaged learners?
A-4: We also need to become more effective in the assessment of student centered learning as it is going to look and feel different!
A6: Traditional approaches to instruction no longer meet the needs of many learners.
A6 know your learners--learner profile is a great vehicle for this. Helps Ts/Schools tap in to interests, areas to grow in
A6: Teachers need the time, resources, and training necessary to help them meet the increased diversity of students.
A6: Administrators need to promote innovative teaching practices, encourage creativity and tolerate risk. We must support T's more.
A6 Patience. By the way, how about those Cowboys! . Go Vikes!
A6: Teachers should not be expected to bear this burden on their own. They need a lot of coaching, support and training.
Q7: What skills do students need most to help them manage their own łearning?
A7 - Organization, planning, collaboration and research skills are critical.
A7: Time management. Organization. Plain old reading, writing and problem solving.
A7 Basic survivals since birth, really. Love, food, shelter, clothing. Those go a long way.
A-7: Self confidence, choices and options, collaborative peers, and teachers willing to let go!