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Good evening, I am a pre service teacher from Lesley University. I hear that we need to get our students not only engaged in the learning environment, but also motivated and excited to learn and be in the classroom! #txed
A1-We have to get their interest into the lesson. A challenge today with some many distractions but we need to find a connection between the students and the lesson. #TXed
A1: We have to make the lesson relevant to them before we have even started. Enthusiasm is contagious & Ss will only be as excited as we are! #TXed#edleadership#EDUchat
A1 I think of the hook in a lesson as the beginning engage piece to get their attention, by the longer I teach I realize hooks can be anywhere. Anything that is engaging! And gets and or keeps attention and sparks learning! #txed
#txed A1 "hooking the kids" is peaking their interest into the lesson BEFORE you teach it. This quote from Amy Farrah Fowler talks about this. You aren't just relaying information, you need to "entertain and engage".
A2 We want their learning to be active, not passive! Student engagement help ensure they will remember/learn the content. The experience will stick with them! #txed
A2: When we hook our students, we have an opportunity to activate their prior knowledge and connect our lessons to their personal lives. I love sharing out our responses to hook prompts before we start learning! #TXed
A2: if students don’t see the relevance in the lesson then they don’t think it applies to them. Personalize, Relevance and Relationships are the keys! #TXed
A2-You want get much from people that don’t find it interesting. We complain when our PD is uninteresting or does not relate to us. We should at least not let this happen to our students. #TXed
A2: If they are interested in the lessons, they will remember the lessons and the learning. In turn, they will be able to apply that knowledge at the highest levels to show mastery. P.S. Engaged kids make for fun days! #TXed#EDUchat#edleadership#EDUgladiators
A2: if they feel like we took time to put the lesson to their level they may be more interested and enjoy it. If I didn’t put time intoit, they won’t either. #txed
A2: going to reverse this answer...when was the last time you got fired up ti read the instructiona to assembke something? Its kind if blah, blah, blah.
I want to be razzled-dazzled as a learner. Think my Ss deserve the same.
I think what would make me want to listen & learn. I have busy 5 yr olds.. if I can hook me students by flossing then I will do just that so I know they will be engaged. #TxEd
“When asked about the election, @kseliger said that Burton & Huffines lost because they lost sight of their constituents by voting for legislation like school vouchers and a GOP-backed tax bill that would have undercut municipalities' ability to raise taxes.” #txlege#txed
A3: I have really been enthralled by the use of "escape room" strategies to get them interested in what we're about to learn. I also love to do "art walks." #TXed#educhat#edleadership#EDUgladiators
A3 I am working on this! Currently leading a small #tlap book study in our district. I love read alouds, but I want to start to pull in songs and safaris. #txed
It means we have to help them have some stakes in their learning. Like in poker. You’re not interested in the hand, if it’s not costing you something. #txed
#txed A3 Since the early 90's I go to room and pretend I am @ofctimallen Tim the Tool Man Taylor. Mr. Toups "Today we are going to learn with...." Class responds "MORE POWER!" I give some Tim Taylor grunts and away I go into the lesson with kids smiling ear to ear!
#txed A3 Since the early 90's I go to room and pretend I am @ofctimallen Tim the Tool Man Taylor. Mr. Toups "Today we are going to learn with...." Class responds "MORE POWER!" I give some Tim Taylor grunts and away I go into the lesson with kids smiling ear to ear!
Because if we don’t, we’ve wasted their time and ours. If you don’t have them hooked, you can bet you’re going to have to reteach that lesson/skill again. #txed
A4: I like to use movement in as much of my lesson as I can. I love to start my lesson with a game or some fun activity to hook students. Learning should be fun 🎉 #neisdpln#txed
A4-Walked into a room where the students were learning about Indians. Teacher had Native American music playing while showing a slideshow of picture that depicted how life was back then. #TXed
Very effective, because it's such a novelty still. I do not use it for every subject or lesson, but definitely something they've had enough background knowledge on to complete the escape rooms. It becomes so fun, I even join in! #TXed#EDUchat
A4 My small group First Grade Reading rotations are struggling with rhyming, so I have been teaching them nursery rhymes. One was Pat-a-Cake, so I taught them a simple hand clap to do with it (which they struggled with, but loved). #txed
All time favorites is “Taboo.” I brought @burgessdave to my campus a couple of years ago. Best investment in student engagement PD for my campus. We’ve got to do it again Dave! #txed.
A4-one teacher shared with me her dance moves she used for the types of poetry in 3rd grade and I shared them with the students and they thought it was fasinating and it helps have a visual for them. #txed
A3 So many of our students crave music and movement every day. Why not give them that? Background music, team building, hook and forward movement. The sky is the limit. #txed
When my 3rd-5th graders are going over an assessment, I have them do 4 Corners, where they move to the corner of the room that has their letter they chose for their answer! #txed
My goal as a tr in the last years of my amazing career is to promote "Always Believe in Yourself" as your 1st rule. My dream is that I will inspire some principal to make their campus an "Always Believe in Yourself" campus where every room uses this as their 1st rule. #txed
The ruling means Texas should have and must spend more money on Special ED, probably need to find a better way to allocate funding besides weighted allotments, and may have obligation since 2011 for tens of millions of $'s. #8.5%indicator #txlege#txed#perverseincentive
#txed. HS teacher of students with emotional disorders. We have Aides in the classroom who also help by getting excited to learn and ask questions about the subject
I work best with music in the background. It energizes & motivates me. When using it in the classroom you have to be careful. Using “Tricky” by Run DMC, to engage student when preparing to talk problem solving is NOT appropriate. You have to know what that song is about. #txed
My goal as a tr in the last years of my amazing career is to promote "Always Believe in Yourself" as your 1st rule. My dream is that I will inspire some principal to make their campus an "Always Believe in Yourself" campus where every room uses this as their 1st rule. #txed
#txed A4 I have made educational ALG I STAAR quizes involving background music from #FridayNightLights band music. This one is from the Mall of America Aquarium.
A5: I move students if/when they start frustrating each other. Putting things in the google drive and letting them have a few minutes of free time on Friday for their choice of computer activities. Gives them some control. #txed
A5 I don't rearrange, but I let my Ss sit wherever they want when reading or doing independent work (under desks, on rugs, on cubes, on pillows, etc). For tech I let my Ss share their learning on #Seesaw . They love the voice and choice of sharing their learning their way #txed
A4: I like to use movement in as much of my lesson as I can. I love to start my lesson with a game or some fun activity to hook students. Learning should be fun 🎉 #neisdpln#txed
A4-Walked into a room where the students were learning about Indians. Teacher had Native American music playing while showing a slideshow of picture that depicted how life was back then. #TXed
#txed A5. Like to use google doc and have groups work on one document and put up on screen for all to see. Often ask for an image to go with an answer or create a comic strip with key facts.
#txed A5 You should arrange your desks to encourage peer tutoring. My desks are in groups of 3. I assign 11 of my high Ss to the center of each set and arrange the kids around these Ss. Each group has a high St. I show this pic to the Ss and away they go, peer tutoring. #itworks
A5: My students love when @GetKahoot and @quizizz are incorporated into lessons. I allow my students to sit around the room with partners and collaborate using technology. It's a great way to stimulate discussion and motivate them to identify the correct answer. #TXed
Aides are so under utilized. I would have loved to have another adult in the classroom that I could have bounced ideas from. The more experience and knowledge, the better for the kids. #txed
THANKS! #txed when my book comes out, please let me know if you would like me to visit your school and talk to the kids and or Trs. The book is a very motivational and inspirational book. #AlwaysBelieve
#txed A6 Just saying... If you don't like a lesson the Ss will sense this. You need to be as positive as you can about EVERY day you spend with your Ss. This WILL inspire them! #AlwaysBelieve
#txed A6 I try and find something in the lesson to interest me. Also I am honest with my HS students and have them help me find what is interesting or important or why this is in the curriculum.
I don’t think we have that luxury. We can’t have lessons we “don’t like.” Fake it till you make it. Find something that you can connect with. If you don’t and are asking your kids to do it, you’re just a hypocrite. #TxEd
A6-Like @burgessdave states, we have to remember our passion for teaching. Even if we do not care of the topic we still have to remember why we teach each day. #TXed
A6: What's amazing about hooks is that our students can share a passion towards our lesson's topic that we may not have realized before. When our students share thoughtful and meaningful insight towards a topic, it truly motivates me and reminds me #whyiteach. #TXed
A6: What's amazing about hooks is that our students can share a passion towards our lesson's topic that we may not have realized before. When our students share thoughtful and meaningful insight towards a topic, it truly motivates me and reminds me #whyiteach. #TXed