Welcome everyone to our #KaganChat for the month of June! Today we’re chatting about the #Kagan structure QUIZ-QUIZ-TRADE! Let’s begin with introductions. (Don’t forget to use #KaganChat each time.)
A1 As a principal who brought Kagan training to my T's this year to see them actually embrace and use this structure and actually see engagement increase when I'd visit classrooms and how that alone impacted achievement as we looked at data was huge this year #KaganChat
#Kaganchat I witnessed an amazing #PE teacher in Bermuda who uses QQT as her stretching/aerobic warm up the first several minutes of each class. Incredible!
A1: I’ve been fortunate to coach in many classrooms this past school year. I enjoy how Ts are able to listen in to see if their Ss are getting it! #KaganChat
A2 Practice, practice, practice! It is also really important to model and to teach it w/ safe content. When I first started using the structure it was in a school that already used it but as I moved schools I learned the hard way how important what I said is #KaganChat
A2 we start with tip, tip, teach. For example math facts - I suggest they try again- and be careful with..... then give them a hint about their answer- too much, not enough... to teach- they can use a whiteboard or number line to show how to get the answer. #KaganChat
#Kaganchat A2. I see teachers who have students use structures like All Record RoundRobin and Placemat Consensus to have students brainstorm coaching tips, then use Stand-n-Share to share out with the whole class, then create anchor charts where they post the coaching tips.
I am in awe. @KaganOnline the Numbered Heads Together structure is by far the most amazing structure to kick my group discussions right out the door and increase cooperative learning in my classroom. Thank you!!!
A2: when teaching coaching tips teachers can utilize their anchor charts or go back to their teaching points. It is important to make those coaching tips visible!#kaganchat
#KaganChat Brian from Evansville, IN. Elementary principal at Vogel Elementary. I attended a Cooperative Meetings PD in May, and it gave me energy and ideas for meetings next year.
I am in awe. @KaganOnline the Numbered Heads Together structure is by far the most amazing structure to kick my group discussions right out the door and increase cooperative learning in my classroom. Thank you!!!
A3) I love having Ss make the Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards, especially for spelling sight words or making rhyming words. Old math flash cards work well too. This is a favorite structure of mine. #kaganchat
A3: some teachers like to make their quiz quiz trade cards utilizing PowerPoint. You can then print the slides four or six up, cut them out and fold them and you have your cards! This also makes them easy to save or share!#kaganchat
#Kaganchat A3. I also see teachers utilizing apps like Quizlet regularly to make the cards, as well as simply cutting apart existing worksheets. Upper grade teachers often have students create the cards as an exit ticket, check them, and return them the next day for round of QQT
A3 @KaganOnline has a ton of resources I used to use in the classroom as well as using curriculum resources or making my own focusing on DOK level ?'s. But as a principal I've really been intentional w/ ?s diving into data/reflections for T's to use during PLC/PD #KaganChat
A3 I use content for my questions but I also try to embed a specific social skill like praising or thanking to remind high schoolers that it's still important #KaganChat
Hi I’mfrom Evansville, Internet and have been working on ideas for using reading concepts with QQT. Synonyms and antonyms review was great before ROY testing. Going to dig in deeper to enhance reading standards with QQT #KaganChat
A3: some teachers like to make their quiz quiz trade cards utilizing PowerPoint. You can then print the slides four or six up, cut them out and fold them and you have your cards! This also makes them easy to save or share!#kaganchat
A3 #Kaganchat Of course, the Kagan Instant Engagement class structures software contains Quiz-Quiz, eliminating the need for cards while maintaining the basic structure of Quiz-Quiz-Trade.
#KaganChat I love that you help your high school students continue to grow and expand their social skills while also increasing their academic content skills!
A3 I use content for my questions but I also try to embed a specific social skill like praising or thanking to remind high schoolers that it's still important #KaganChat
A4 I have many times especially in math had them create cards as an exit slip and used them to do QQT. It’s important to use other structures or check them to assure they are accurate before use. #KaganChat
A4: Have shoulder partner/face partner check for accuracy before we begin. That helps to eliminate a lot of incorrect answers and enables us to start immediately. #KaganChat
A5: Spread pieces of painter’s tape or some sort of object around the room in various locations. Once students find a partner, they stand on one of these markers. This helps them to spread out and keep the noise volume from getting too loud. #KaganChat
A5: I have watched primary teachers have students come to the center of the carpet to get a partner and then move to the outside of the carpet to quiz. This allows them to keep it continuous and have many practice opportunities. #kaganchat
As a teacher I float around the room during QQt in order to help any partners with the structure, coaching and praising piece of the structure. Sometimes I have to help my students find a partner so they don’t just keep going to their friends. #kaganchat
A5 #Kaganchat I have also seen primary grade teachers often having students both sit down on the floor when they have a partner. This makes it easier for the young kids to quickly find partners when they’re standing, and prevents young students from wandering away from partner
A6: I wonder if there are any apps that can be used on the iPad. I feel as though I’ve seen some sort of flashcard app. I’ll have to search. #KaganChat
A6 #Kaganchat I’ll be seeing @MyrissaDix from Australia at the Kagan Summer Academy at Disney World in a week and a half. She is the most brilliant user of technology in education I’ve ever met! I’ll ask her advice about apps and post it here as soon as I find out from her.
Thank you for joining us for this edition of #KaganChat. We hope you have lots of ideas to take and use with your students. Now go and enjoy your well deserved summer break!!!