#TOSAChat is a chat on Twitter every Monday night at 8pm PST for TOSAs (teachers on special assignment), including all edtech and instructional coaches.
A0: Duane from Merced. Math Coordinator and former TOSA in Pleasanton.
Favorite show: A Series of Unfortunate Events...three amazing seasons.
Hey, #tosachat! It's Jody from La Habra. I love Blacklist but I also the comedies like The Goldbergs, Modern Family, and Big Bang Theory. Favorite old school show, like @Jyoung1219, is Seinfeld.
A1: This school year has so so so many ups and downs. I shared this with the teachers at the school in Dec. https://t.co/FfhxG6aOX6 Definitely experienced the Dec dip! #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt
A1 This was my first year as an Edtech CPS and I had to learn how to plan and implement personalized PD. My partner @CarrieNorthcott is AMAZING and supported me as we created practical PD for our Ts. @tosachat#TOSACHAT
A1. Today felt like a full 24hrs. Ran around to different school sites troubleshooting tech, went to the office to put together a few things and finally taught a PD at the end of the day. Loved it all though. #tosachat
A1: Gave my first keynote at #IACUE. A little surreal felt like there were ups and downs. Was extremely tired after the fact. Great experience. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
A1: When @kat_goyette and I attempted to get 27 @OrosiHS educators Google Certified Level 1 at one time inside the Cardinal Innovation Center. 18 passed that day including the @COJUSDSUPT
It was a rollercoaster, but seeing the smiles after passing were worth it. #Tosachat
A1: Rolling out devices in 3 grades, and the first teacher support PD was crazy! Ups b/c of excitement, down b/c of frustrations, then up when it all clicked! #Tosachat
A1: I guess the ups and downs of trying to meet diverse needs of staff and not having the personnel to reach all those that need help....but then I find out that Ts love the stuff I send out and there is evidence it is being used. It's a roller coaster #TOSAchat
The days when I facilitate #BreakoutEDU 3 classes in a row... those have lots of ups and downs! It's great for Ts to see their Ss in a different light but it's so hard for both of us to stay quiet! #tosachat
A1: Trained a staff on the Three Read Protocol...complete with classroom demos with their students. It rocked.
But then the antagonist showed up...put a happy ending in doubt.
Happy ending: MANY teachers are using the routine regularly!
A1: There was a lesson I was co-teaching with a teacher about a tool. There were many ups and downs as the teacher wasn't aware of the correct directions/work flow. I had to redirect and correct throughout without offending the teacher. Man, it was tricky. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
Come rock out at my customized session on Tuesday...come learn about the 🔥🔥🔥 .@wakelet curation tool for schools #FETC Get your fresh #TheHumansAreComing gear
#tosachat A1: I feel like I don’t have the extreme highs and lows during a single PD session, but I definitely feel this way over extended periods of time. I feel high when people are excited for implementing and when they are able to I@plummet successfully... low when they don’t
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
A2 reading and learning new things. I went all day once exploring the raspberry pi we have. I was on a project and I didn’t realize I missed lunch or that I had had a break all day. Seems like I looked up and it was time to go. #Tosachat
HA! I love this question!!!
A2. When kiddos are so excited they want to share their creations with me. It's the best. Also when TEACHERS are so excited they want to share with me. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
A1: Currently our mixed grade Innovators Hour classes feel like an episode of 24. Ups & downs come w/building the plane while flying it... some moments are awesome & Ss so excited and creative! Other moments... not so much... #tosachat
When I get into flow, whether it's creating something for Ts, planning out a big project, or working with Ts and Ss in the classroom, I find myself doing the "dance" and asking myself, WHY I continue to do this to myself! I don't want to pull myself away #tosachat
A2: I love taking about mathematics and the Concrete-Representational-Abstract Approach.
“THAT’S why the division algorithm works?!?!?!?!?!”
A2: Coding. Building a database. Soldering a board. ADHD can do this to a person as well - dysfunctional internal triggers. My friend told me this. #tosachat
A2 a non-educational answer is learning new magic tricks, but professionally speaking I would say I can get lost in working in Photoshop, and fine tuning or playing with different ideas. Most tend to not pan out the way they do in my mind, but love trying. #TOSACHAT
A2: Lessons with students that involve creating. I got a chance to work with elementary students using some design thinking and coding challenges. Lots of fun and super engaging for me. #tosachat
A2. The thing I love most about being a TOSA is the ability to pursue my interests and do the research that classroom teachers don't have time for. #tosachat
A2: Inspirational speakers. Whether it's listening live or watching a video. I get 100% engaged when I listen to inspiring, passionate people share their stories. They instantly motivate me to be better #Tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
A2: I can lose track of time when I’m making progress on a personal programming project or when I’m in the middle of a great lesson/convo w/my Ss #tosachat
BreakoutEdu has become my new passion. I love setting them up and watching staff and students experience it but yes there are always plenty of ups and downs. #tosachat
So true. I saw @MsMagiera Speak at ISTE Texas and didn’t realize I was hungry until she was done. I was engrossed in her keynote, crying and laughing, that I forgot I hadn’t eaten breakfast. @tosachat#TOSACHAT
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@Msbpatel, @TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219, @MsMagiera, @TosaChat
Last inspirational speaker, sorry if I'm forgetting someone, was Astro Teller at a Google I/O. He spoke about taking a moonshot. Answered Q's later (that was enlightening). #tosachat
I love writing games with teachers, too. I have only helped a couple of teams write them so far, but Ts are learning more and more that we really need to write our own to best meet the needs of our Ss. We can still challenge them to think even with content they know #tosachat
Spend last 6 months learning to work with audio on @Raspberry_Pi Finally figured out how to print sound waves but still can’t get it to print my voice live. Also working on syncing music & LEDs :) #tosachat#picademy
My @TosasTalkinTech partner, @TechMikeBUSD! Always there to help and troubleshoot and challenge assumptions! Couldn’t be the TODA I am without him! And I show my appreciation like we all should, I’m beer. Lots and lots of beer! And Bourbon! #Tosachat
A3 My @TosasTalkinTech partner, @TechMikeBUSD! Always there to help and troubleshoot and challenge assumptions! Couldn’t be the TOSA I am without him! And I show my appreciation like we all should, in beer. Lots and lots of beer! And Bourbon! #Tosachat
A3 @CarrieNorthcott is my partner and always has my back. She models professionalisms and best practices at work. I show my appreciation through lessons learned, higher work efficiency and #Starbucks. @tosachat#TOSACHAT
A3: #cvtechtalk co-founder @techcoachjuarez simultaneously inspires me and keeps me grounded. I show appreciation by taking him wine tasting 😊 #tosachat
A3: @thehughes2!! So lucky to have such a fab teaching partner who talks me off the ledge when need be & brings so many awesome lesson & project ideas for our Ss #tosachat
A3 @TrPatel20 She always encourages, inspires, and is an amazing resource, especially now that we've gone hybrid. Great session recently where I got a better grasp of #hyperdocs! #inlandedtech#tosachat
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@TosaChat, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @TrPatel20
A2: I feel this way every year at #TechRodeo, where I love networking with #cvtechtalk peeps, visiting sessions, promoting via social media, speaking with student presenters, and overall doing my best to be the best host I can be. #tosachat
A2: When I'm deep into picking out poetry to coordinate a group lesson, or when I'm brainstorming new ways to teach critical reading -- nothing can get in my way because it light my creativity to think of what the kids will do with it. #TOSAChat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
Oops, like @KVoge71, I forgot appreciation! Hopefully encouraging @TrPatel20 back and supporting her as much as possible in her new role as a county #edtechcoach. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @TrPatel20, @KVoge71, @TrPatel20
A3 @KVoge71 she is our fearless leader, always willing to share and a shoulder to cry on. @teachwithbonk is my unofficial counselor. I’ll have to find some way to repay them 🤔#TOSAchat
A4: Currently, one of my biggest passions is promoting computer science education here in the central valley and across the state. It is an equity issue and affects the futures of our students. #csforca#csforcv@CSTA_CV#tosachat
A4: This year is all about computer science. Getting it in front parents with Geeky Game Nights, CakeWalk Coding, Amazon Future Engineers program. Anything to create computer scientists in our valley. #tosachat#PSUSDfam#PSUSDlearns
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @cogswell_ben, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
Well said, Kat! It’s always about the learning objective. 2nd, it’s the behavioral objective. Tech is just a tool towards the learning objective. #tosachat
A4: True and honest tech integration with lesson design. Tech should not be a stand alone experience. Fighting isolated use of technology just for the sake of using it. #Tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @cogswell_ben, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
I'm all in with the #supermuch classroom. It encompasses student voice and choice, creativity, makerspaces, global collaboration, and so much more. All my passions wrapped into one! #tosachat
A4 Powerful pedagogy where kids create rather than consume passively. Oh, and a plan....like where are we going and how might we get there ... #TOSAchat
A4. Students as creators. Technology is powerful when not used passively. I love showing teachers how Chromebooks are good for more than just Google Docs and AR. #TOSAchat.
A4: I second the "true and honest tech integration." Also, leading kids to own their work, their mistakes, their education. It's not exactly an initiative, but it often is a building-wide culture.
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @cogswell_ben, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219
Thank you for the kind words. @techcoachjuarez and I are simply giving voice, collaborative connection opportunities to the amazing educators in our midst with #cvtechtalk Change is most sustainable when we not merely engage, but empower those we serve, right @gcouros? #tosachat
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@Jyoung1219, @CSTA_CV, @techcoachjuarez, @techcoachjuarez, @gcouros
#TOSAchat A5a Dunno that you’d call it #ImpostorSyndrome or what but during today’s #TLDC19 I was going to stream some video. I had some serious doubts about doing so given the seriously experienced peers I was listening to. So I left to do some #dronephotography +
A5: The budget doesn't support what I really want to be able to do. So, I have to improvise, adapt, and overcome. #backtothedrawingboard often #TOSAchat
A5: My job as a TOSA helped me rediscover my true self as I dove head first into the gig as my personal life unraveled. I came out stronger than I ever imagined. Divorce and disappointment quickly morphed into passion and empowerment as a man, father and educator. #Tosachat
I was mostly out of the TOSA circuit last year from January-June. I hardly did any presenting (but I did tons of connecting with Ss and Ts). I feel like I lost presenting momentum, and I'm digging deep to rebound and regain my confidence as a presenter #tosachat
#TOSAchat A5c BTW, I think the #dronephotography stuff is a creative endeavor.. there’s no wrong photo. I’m wondering how I might do something to get my confidence back turning my back, even temporarily, on the thing. Anyway, food for thought.
A5: I have LOST (another fave show of mine...) a box of annotated books from college and my earliest days of teaching that got water-logged during a flood while I was moving. I taught by heart from many of those books and cried hysterically while holding them. #booknerd#TOSAChat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt
I had that happen to me at #Realities360 last year. At #CUENV19 a couple of Ts used #PearDeck to preload their presentations AND add some cool interactivity. Going forwards it’s gonna be my presentation tool of record #TOSAchat
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@Filibuster3, @TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt
Jody, you’re amazing. You make an impact on everyone you work with. I understand your mention of regaining your confidence, but believe me, there are so many people who are confident in you. #tosachat
A5: I lost an opportunity I had to code with students. I am going to recover by working with teachers to prepare them to code with students. Even if I won't be teaching myself, I will still be supporting the cause. #tosachat
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt
Good suggestion. I learned more about Pear Deck at @iacue. I was in an offline tool at @CETPA and never thought it would freeze. Thank goodness that it was near the end of the presentation and the attendees were wonderful. #tosachat
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@urbie, @TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @IACUE, @CETPA
I lost an opportunity to be President of the Musicians Union in high school. If i missed another day of school I would have failed and not graduated. I became an educator instead of a musician. #tosachat
#TOSAchat A6a Not being a TOSA (or teacher for that matter) I’m not clear on what a CTU is.. but I’d have to tag pretty much every person I’ve meet since #EdCampWestTexas in ’13.. for not doing a #FacePalm when I asked a question. +
A6: As a first year teacher in the first year of a school, @RussEwell believed in me and still does. The @Hopetechschool staff is incredibly supportive. #tosachat
Oh man.... love these all folks so much! Falling asleep in FL at #FETC and bummed to miss another #TOSAchat tonight.... but, so thankful that I can learn w you all no matter when or where! 🙌🏼💚✨
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@KVoge71, @cogswell_ben, @peerlessgreen, @iluvteaching72, @jcorippo, @judyblakeney, @EdTechAntics, @jmattmiller
#tosachat A2: So many things!!! Talking with teachers, doing back to back lessons with students, working on projects, etc! I’m famous for thinking, “Just one more thing,” and then it’s two hours later!
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@TosaChat, @annkozma723, @EdTechAri, @TeachingTechNix, @peerlessgreen, @KarlyMoura, @kmartintahoe, @iluvteaching72, @EdTechEddie, @edtechchamp, @nzefeldt, @Jyoung1219