#txeduchat Archive
An informal learning community for educators worldwide. Our passion for learning and connected learning experiences help us to improve our teaching practices. #txeduchat features guest moderators every week.
Sunday May 15, 2016 9:00 PM EDT
Welome to tonight. Let's get started with intros Tell us about you; who, where, what you teach!
Welcome everyone to https://t.co/mSJFXPHTka
Welome to tonight. Let's get started with intros Tell us about you; who, where, what you teach!
I'm Todd Nesloney an elementary principal from Texas ready to lead a fast and furious conversation!
Elementary librarian in San Antonio
Hey everyone, Tom in N. TX & have the honor of serving educators & students as a learning consultant
Hey ya'll! Bethany, elementary lead learner from Arkansas! Excited about moderating tonight.
Kelly Hayunga, elementary principal in Flower Mound, Texas
Rey, I teach 8th grade Math in the Rio Grande Valley! Excited for tonight!
Helen from Houston ready to roll!
I'm Monica, a fourth grade teacher in Katy, Texas
We are so glad you could join the conversation Anne!
Good Evening everyone, Henry HS Principal from MA bouncing back and forth on and
We use the
format on so that others can follow along.
Hi All! Amanda from Katy, Texas. Elem SPED Teacher.😊
Welcome Sara, thanks for adding to our learning tonight!
Good evening! LONG time since I have gotten to chat! So glad to be here. Bridget Visser, Literacy Specialist, GCISD.
Hey ! I'm Aaron Hogan, high school assistant principal in College Station, TX
Ready for a great chat tonight!
Sarah from north TX, soon to be digital learning coach
Hello all! Herbert from Red Oak...Chief Talent Officer for !
Hi, everyone! Liz, GT Specialist in Coppell
Hi Tom! Always enjoy when I can find the time to be here!
Arkansas in the house, so great to have you here Bethany!
Kelly, 3rd grade teacher from Granbury.
Marcia, middle school librarian, Maryland (state-hoppin' tonight!)
Hi Bethany! Hope the weekend treated you well!
on ??? Sign me (urbie) up!!
Good evening! Jennifer from Vancouver, BC
TY! 💜meeting at Amazing session!
Kimberly, Reading Specialist from north TX, dropping in on
Welcome Kelly, will be a great conversation, thnx for adding to it!
Kara POPCS HS math Carrollton/Dallas
Mike from MD. Librarian - ES. Lurking around tonight Procrastinating finishing my Peruvian adventure.
Hello - Julie, tech coordinator from Chattanooga, TN here!
Hello!! I'm Kathy, HS math teacher from Kyle, TX
Cat from Arkansas, I teach Humanities at Springdale Don Tyson .
Q1 coming up in just about 1 min!
Hi Bridget! Glad to see you tonight!
Hello!Lorena from Dodge City, Ks 6th gr Social Studies teacher. Popping in for a few minutes.
Thanks Tom! Looking forward to the discussion!
We are always better for you being here sir!
Don't forget to include the hashtag on your tweets so that others can follow along.
Hello, I'm Christine. I teach first grade in Central Florida.
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
Hello Texas! Greetings from DC. Joining in to learn more.
If you have a moment, would love to hear your thoughts on my latest post on Mindful Leadership https://t.co/3mq5btTvvg
A1: developed a makerspace!
Randi Dunn, passionate 7th grade ELAR teacher in Whitehouse ISD
elementary principal in California
A1: I think the in my library https://t.co/oliFqS3DFT
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
Hello! Candice from Katy, TX, 2nd Grade
A1. Flipped or semi-flipped my class to better meet the needs of my ELLs, esp my newcomers. It was awesome!
A1. Improving our Leadership Academy, launching our second phase, and writing a book with
Hello ! Sorry I'm late! I'm Heidi, from Wisconsin & I teach 5th grade. Happy to be here & learn on a Sunday night w/ my PLN!
love that! I flipped my class for a few years!!
Mrs. Schenk here. Title I teacher from central IL
A1 being part oblended learning math that personalized learning for Ss for the win. https://t.co/3Ph7WDlNpk
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
urbie, instructional designer (temporarily doing hard-time as a broadcast & video project manager)
I shall do the Emily 4th grade teacher of crazy 4th graders in Central, Tx
It was a BLAST! So much fun!
A1 use less tech with kids. Be more real with them on skills they need for life
A1: most successful thing is better connections with my students!
Hi! I'm Terrie from mighty Bluejay land! Katy, TX! 4th grade ELA/SS. I LIVE TO TEACH!
A1: Most successful was coaching a Ts to believe in herself and get better for her Ss
Juggle varied learning styles in one classroom. https://t.co/U56IxvcP7A
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
A1 Given Ss a voice through use of technology with etc.
A1 Hosted a family STEM night
you are too kind, my friend!
A1: Establishing a brand for our school, and celebrating the greatness of our kids.
A1: Starting Instructional Rounds on my campus, still much to learn, but very powerful
I totally remember seeing this on Twitter. Loved it!!!
I should introduce with my tellagami next time LOL
A1: Had teachers I'm working with allow students freedom of choice on how to present research projects.
and you did a great job too!
A1: Algebra I and Geometry Interactive Notebooks!
Learning about how to incorporate a portfolio based system in English!
Gosh - that's a tough one right from start. Mine would be seeing the young Ts I work with take risks.
work in progress and always will be!
LOVE that you're doing interactive notebooks in secondary!
A1: being able to reach all my students through trust; this was my first year in a new district - my kids learned to love math!
A1: Most successful thing I've done this year is incorporate coding into my classroom using Dash & Dot robots as well as Cublets
Hello everyone! Kharima, Itech from Houston, Tx
A1: Continuing to make STUDENT CENTERED decisions when it comes to IEPs, services, & supports.
A1: Arranging Ss desks into groups of 4 for flexible learning groups helped my Ss be successful!
A1: My relationships with kids. My "troublemaker" wanted to hold my hand on the field trip. I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ him.
A1 Student-led conferences that led me to blend and flip all of my instruction! Eye-opener! I'll never go back!
A1 Incorporated Read alouds into my RTI time, for fluency, vocabulary, comprehension...
A1 It’s a pretty recent thing.. I got a drone (okay, it’s a quadcopter) & Skycontroller (adds range & joysticks).
Awesome Sara, we want to hear more about it! I'll bet the kids love the ability to create as they learn!
A1: One of the most successful things I have done is constantly asking, "What is best for kids?"
A1: and I launched -a district twitter chat- that's been quite a success! Happy to facilitate conversation!
Hey folks in , I'm so sorry I'm late. Tom Spall, ITS from Brenham, Tx. 9 yrs teaching. Let's collaborate together!
we focus on tech way too much. Kids do not know how to fold, tape & cut which are the basics for innovation
A1: We transformed the traditional PTO into a group of people called the CIA (Community in Action). No titles/positions needed.
YES! You guys ROCK! https://t.co/52tVliIhqw
A1: and I launched -a district twitter chat- that's been quite a success! Happy to facilitate conversation!
A1 Started a robotics team on my campus. Scary, but so much fun! The kids rocked it!
I joined & established at . Over 50 students signed up bc they want to serve their community!
A1: 3 out of 3 Faculty Professional Days focused on Professional Learning and Sharing. Great learning opportunities.
A1: Organizing the 1st inaugural EXCITED for August!
A1. Watching teachers and staff introduce into the learning environment.
A1 Teaching my Ss the power of Yet! https://t.co/LqGfgFPxBK
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
Love this!! How else is it different from PTA besides lack of titles https://t.co/QGGTQgeEdt
A1: We transformed the traditional PTO into a group of people called the CIA (Community in Action). No titles/positions needed.
A1: digital portfolios as well and how to use technology to demonstrate student learning
A1: Connecting w/ other classes around the world. We hit Canada, the US, & 2morrow Venezuela! Ss love it! https://t.co/R8taBgSbkY
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
A1: Our school did a kickoff to start the year off right for many of our freshmen! Made a HUGE positive impact on their year!
love this language and concept!
We can learn do much from each other. https://t.co/4UNqwH1n0T
A1: Starting Instructional Rounds on my campus, still much to learn, but very powerful
A1- tried out a few PBLs and it went rather smoothly
hi guys Bradford Harris Itech living in Spring, Tx
Thanks! We're enjoying it!
A1-Ran Google Hangouts btw Ss/schools 200 miles away to discuss literary texts
A1 Also, giving my parents real time access to the classroom through
A1b It’s an ideating/confidence building thing for me. Saturday I was able to send it out 1500+ feet (horizontal)..
We can learn so much from each other. https://t.co/4UNqwH1n0T
A1: Starting Instructional Rounds on my campus, still much to learn, but very powerful
A1: Taking two separate campuses and uniting them! GES: One Campus, One Team! Couldn't have done it without an amazing staff!
Hey! Karyn Lewis from Katy, TX - Elem librarian now and Jr High librarian next year!
it's all about balance we strive for this in
Looking forward to facilitating chat Wed. It's a focusing on global culture in local classrooms
A1c This is a big deal because if it goes down (it has) I have to hoof it over to find it. It helps with ideas (adds dimension)..
that's where I teach! Small world!
It's all about relationships! Love it!
A1: Helping teachers manage their classrooms, and help foster safer students and awesome digital citizens!!
Awesome! https://t.co/p03O3c8cty
A1: Taking two separate campuses and uniting them! GES: One Campus, One Team! Couldn't have done it without an amazing staff!
A1b AND overcame the "edtech" stereotype that is often placed on my position-Huge win to be seen for who I am not what I do.
A1 go out of our seats and did more dancing and movement
Very cool. I did something similar w/ Ss to discuss literature.
A1 getting ss to help Ts integrate technology into the classroom
This is a future goal of mine! https://t.co/sDXq17xKBU
A1: Establishing a brand for our school, and celebrating the greatness of our kids.
Now that's my language Sarah, provides so much for Ss, how has it been this year?
Love it! It's fun to see who will be first!
A1: Another big improvement for me this year has been blogging regularly at https://t.co/ItObpw1MWx
I grow so much w each post!
You can do this when you have grown! Love it! https://t.co/fAeGAuhsI6
A1: texeduchat I allowed Ts, Ss & Ps to tell me when I was wrong.
Ps. Hey everyone, GoGuardian here! Teacher lovers, and EdTech creators! Here to learn with y'all! https://t.co/x0OECzLi7t
A1: Brought tons of new STEM opportunities to the Elm schools in Spheros, Makerspaces, etc. Next year I'll add more!
That's awesome, Brian! Perhaps our classes should be connecting!
A1: more hands-on activities, some interactive notebook activities, and lots of Student collaboration in HS Geometry
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
Watching our Jr ELA Ss build and share 3rd grade SS biographies and having 3rd graders read to them.
A1d It’s enabled me to challenge assumptions on what I can learn & do.
A1: Started at a new campus, so building those relationships and trust with others this year was huge! Worth every second!
Hello Laura from Plano Jumping in late & been too long since I said hi but had to see what is sharing
A1: I am going to push myself to write a new blog! I have been slacking!
A1: help a student recognize he is worthy of love and acceptance
A2: something new I'm trying on Friday is organizing a "Switch Day" with my Ts where they switch grade levels for 1 hour!
A2: I want to start each day finding a student and sharing positive growth I've seen in them this year.
Good evening! Joining late but here- elem T & aspiring admin here from NW Houston
A2: a project with a 5th grade class using the 3d printer I got in Feb. still learning about it myself.
A2: I want to continue to engage my students; instead of worksheets i want to try more PBL. Let them think outside the box!
A2: I'm going 2 have Ss fill out survey on me & their 5th grade experience. Anyone have any gr8 ?'s out there that I should ask?
A2: I am going to get to know more of our great students!
A2: I have been trying out to push out short, reflective pieces to get myself writing more.
is now trending in USA, ranking 30
Love ideas and opportunities! https://t.co/bx2D0XvH8n
Now that's my language Sarah, provides so much for Ss, how has it been this year?
Q2 retweet --->> https://t.co/dklwXJJHZd
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
hope you're checking out the and are fun too!
Absolutely! It was a very big step for our Ss in a very rural area. What topic did you cover when connecting?
I'd recommend integrating tech during planning- now my team mates beat me to it! Team integration is powerful.
A2. Student-led, student-driven photo essays (using iMovie and iPads) about something important to them (probably home country)
Love this! Just found my answer to A2! Going to start my talking points list for each student. https://t.co/Lxu4SusVle
A2: I want to start each day finding a student and sharing positive growth I've seen in them this year.
Awesome!! Good for you!! We'd love to guest blog for you, if you'd like! Or we can swap! Sharing is caring!! :D
A2: I learned to build digital puzzles and will ask my Ss to attempt them tmrw. Yay! Hi, tweeps!
Love this. Do they actually go teach the other class?
. be more positive with the kids.
A2: Our school has been focusing on how many days we have left to make a difference, rather than a countdown to summer.
A1 Connected to the global learning environment via . Started a MysterySkype frenzy. Went to Peru -
A2: Give Ss voice in the library/makerspace. Have them write me what they'd like to see in the library/makerspace next year.
A2 ASK how I can improve to be a better Edu next year. https://t.co/vk4MbplZpz
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
A2: I'm sending out summer challenges 4 our Art Ts 2 inspire & reignite their creativity https://t.co/5EZCcp7GPl
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
A2 I would love to do one more Mystery Skype with someone international. Anyone? Anyone?
A2: I am going to push myself to listen more. Sometimes I talk too much.
yes! Every T on campus goes to a different grade level for an hour (far from their current grade) and teaches!
A2: something new I just did Weds, using for formative assessment! ❤️ it!!
A2: Collecting advice/data from my Ss about what went well this year and what I should consider changing for next year.
keep at it! Love ur efforts & I'm sure someone here can support u
Here is Q2 --->>> https://t.co/6cVJDAMDyf
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
A2 school is already out. I am visiting school with creative projects to get students rocking
A2 I'm trying NOT to work every minute of the day! My STs are like sponges, so I have to stay on my toes!
A2: This is not new, but I’m doubling down on celebrating learning!
A2 - Slow Ed movement? . I need to finish a few projects before year end.
A2 maybe come up with a challenge for the TS do something motivating to inspire each other and SS a challenge each day
A2: I am going to use a green screen as an option for out final prjct for the novel we are finishing.
A1: Getting Ss up and running with a professional presence (blog, youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn). It's going well.
Inspired by my friend to visit both Texas and Iowa this evening via and .
Brian, HS principal from Mass.
Me too! We got one earlier in the year, but haven't done a lot with it. Working on that now. https://t.co/x9zXdLq66i
A2: a project with a 5th grade class using the 3d printer I got in Feb. still learning about it myself.
what a great idea - too many "countdowns" going on - time to focus on the time we have
A2: So honored to get to work w/some educators trying new efforts in & allowing me to tag along!
Could you please share your graphic on this? Bethany has the right idea! Love it! ...and thanks!
I am so excited to see the learning that's going to happen and growth!
I noticed this change. How do you like Medium? Is it in place of your blog or in addition to it?
A2: My amazing library teacher has been incorporating maker mornings in the media center!
A2: Exude excitement about these last weeks rather than just a countdown of days as most T's & S's seem to do
A2: exploring how GAFE can help with placement process
A2: Is it fair to say we're just hoping to survive the end of the school year?? Maaaan, is it a hectic time! Almost done, y'all!
I was JUST thinking about this today. Are your Ts volunteering? Will they leave plans for their switch partner?
A2: want to explore further planning with intention with my Ts
A2: create time to reflect on what we have learned as a team to share & celebrate the learning process
A2: since I have connected more w/S's, I want to write each a short personal end of year note, only 153 S's!!
We mainly focused on poetry! We do March Madness Poetry Brackets & "Poetry Break!"
A2: to introduce 1 -2 new apps to ss to see how I can use it for next year
Sorry I am late tonight - Todd from San Antonio!
every teacher is participating. A learning experience for all! Yes they'll leave plans!
A2: I want to explore independent learning plans for summer professional development with teachers...ind coaching sessions
A2a has a VR Challenge. I took it out for a spin this weekend: amazing!!
A2: I'd love to create my first blog before the end of the year.
A2 - talk w/ Ts and Ss reflectively to get positive points of year and vice versa to help shape next yr.
Not in place of the blog- one in the works. Medium is for "quick writes", more than tweets/less than blog!
A2: May Maker's Month daily challenges has been very rewarding and a new challenge for me!
I've just started doing Mystery Number Skypes. So much fun! https://t.co/LN0Z9lmqMQ
A2 I would love to do one more Mystery Skype with someone international. Anyone? Anyone?
A1. Improving our Leadership Academy, launching our second phase, and writing a book with | More: https://t.co/vpmD2rtinE
A2 Getting myself psyched up to start a blog this summer. https://t.co/7ssXdsbiZd
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
August is to get ready for the new school year!
I'm going to make time to revise, improve learning experiences so that Ts can pilot and make it their own
Do it! Share it with so we can share your perspecive!
Hi! Melissa from Lewis Elementary in San Antonio. I teach 4th grade.
I find it freeing to try few new things right at end of the year to pick some gems for start of next, keep us posted!
A2: I'm going to make a year in review video. I have so much to celebrate that has happened in my library!
Hmm I'd love to do one Wed - 1:40 or so E. Granted, it's not international but my Ss are Hispanic. Does that count?
Love this idea! I'm stealing! https://t.co/EfnBQa9Fxb
A2: I'm going to make a year in review video. I have so much to celebrate that has happened in my library!
A2: Dig into a New Instructional Text I plan to incorporate inky teaching next school year.
A2: goal is to give each outgoing 8th gr SS, with a summer birthday, I will give them a birthday card ! https://t.co/9OnUOU01jw
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
A2 we are doing more paper-building projects and using tech mare as a sharp medium. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A2: My students are completing PBLs, and they will present in the next two weeks. Student-centered learning rocks!
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
hi everyone just joining in
Q3 retweet --->> https://t.co/9oyA8i4CYX
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
A2: Create a Twitter Summer Photo Challenge for my students, I want to encourage them to visit the library, museums, parks, etc.
Tuesdays we all send out Tweets on the Cool things kids are doing at
A2: increase my positive to corrective ratio when talking with my students. https://t.co/iOdl8aLljV
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
A1 Implementing FamilyTech Night and the Hour of Code on my campus with teachers and students.
A3: I am looking forward to diving into some books about great leadership skills
A3: I'm looking to learn more about Human Resources with . Going to spend lots of time this summer doing that.
Love these, Bethany! Thanks for sharing! They are so true!
A2: going to pump up my teachers more & more to keep them on fire till the end of the year
Q2 looking into online PDs to attend this summer
A2: Try and keep teachers motivated in the last couple days! Try some excellent PBL ideas! Here are some:: htp://goo.gl/mFUAT8
Here is Q3 --->>> https://t.co/0l6DfkctLc
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
I do one as well documenting all the good things in the school year.
A3. .... Does taking courses and finishing (hopefully) a bathroom remodel project count?
I'm looking forward to having time to read all of my professional books that I did not get to during the year!
A3: Restorative discipline to change the mindset from punitive to one that sees discipline/consequences as an opp. for st. growth
A3: Number Talks - fractions - can't wait for it to come out
A3: Have three books to read recommended by ! Ready to read them!
A3: Instructional coaching, because I've accepted this position for 16-17. I plan to be an information sponge this summer.
A3: blended learning for Algebra 1, new initiative for our campus!
A3 want to work on a curriculum for an ES tech team. Excited about that opportunity for next year for Ss. https://t.co/Gj7oyTuvNP
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
A3: The summer is time for this introvert to recharge and reimagine ways to engage with students when they get back in August!
A3: I am looking forward to reflecting, organizing, and sharing resources that I created on my blog this summer
A3 underwater robots and building paper apartment complexes as a visual storytelling medium
Love that Kharima, any feedback from parents so far?
A3: I want to integrate more technology in the my classroom; students want more that the traditional paper/pencil instruction
A3: also looking forward to diving into ideas to offer more recess time at school and flexible seating
A3- project-based learning to increase student engagement
NBER Working Paper Series Working Paper No.
A3: I am excited for our doctoral bus trip to S. Texas to learn more about diversity in ed as well as attending
Jumping into while participating in & watching
A3: I want to learn all about Google Classroom! I've seen so many ppl use it, now it's my turn :-)
Yesss for the recess! Students need the recess time! https://t.co/l72QAmhbcD
A3: also looking forward to diving into ideas to offer more recess time at school and flexible seating
us too! GES is doing "Switcheroo, who's teaching who?" tomorrow but we're doing it all day. So much anticipation!
A3: ways to integrate more interdisciplinary activity in our building. Ts want it, but we need to be creative to make it happen
Love this idea! https://t.co/z962LW2vrN
A2: Create a Twitter Summer Photo Challenge for my students, I want to encourage them to visit the library, museums, parks, etc.
A3: The summer gives me time to grow myself through blogging, reflection, and imagining what could be!
A3: Working on archiving project and doing more w/
A2: I'm working to build a community of readers for my Ss math blogs so they continue writing over the summer and beyond.
More on creative confidence & & more on iPad integration in our art rooms! https://t.co/qEGBs7lSRS
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
A3 grading!! Looking for new ideas to focus on growth- not a number!
A3: I want to dig deeper into new ways to support & develop capacity of teacher leaders to impact meaningful change
Yes! That's what I've been lobbying for! https://t.co/ezDRg7qzWy
A3: also looking forward to diving into ideas to offer more recess time at school and flexible seating
A3: Looking at more flexible scheduling to integrate the learning and content. More PBL and less rigid isolation.
A3: New PBIS resources at the Tx Behavior Support State Conf at . Presenting on PBIS in HS https://t.co/iMGlazw3Ig
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
A3 oh... learning ... Missed that part. I read it as fun. :)
A3: Reading - professional and personal; trying out some coding
that sounds like so much fun! Bet the kids are going to love it
A3: Do we have the same brain? This introvert agrees 100%! Plus, hopefully brush up on a new grade level. https://t.co/fteRfdjy3R
A3: The summer is time for this introvert to recharge and reimagine ways to engage with students when they get back in August!
Goodness this chat moves fast. Catch up and there's 68 new responses. :|
My buddy said the other day: "Instead of counting down the days, let's count the ways we can make a difference."
Agreed! I will purchase more books on my TBR list to dive into this summer! https://t.co/t5kykU3kBB
I'm looking forward to having time to read all of my professional books that I did not get to during the year!
A3: The summer provides time for me to play with my family! I love what I do, but I love the extra time summer allows with them!
A2 I am going to continue teaching and prepare them for the next grade. The kids are excited about it!
Are you thinking team type work Charlie or other?
A3: I am going to be learning a lot about middle school and planning for my library at my new school!
Havent jumped in here in a while! Good evening everyone! Christian from ATL! Instr. Tech Coach!
A3 - Economics and Linear algebra are on my agenda. Maybe Earth & Env Science too.
A3: I really want to become a Google Certified Educator!
presenting on that Friday! twice!
Running late A1 Found that as a sub I can still make a difference https://t.co/kobFMVpUiO
Q1: What has been the most successful thing you’ve done this year?
Love the "Dinner with a Gentleman" idea! So glad you found such success with the idea!
A3: I'm looking forward to learning (& presenting) at the conference in June! Great PLN & good times ahead!
A3: Looking into meaningful ways to fully support new teachers! If you have great ideas I am certainly open!
A3: I intend to become a Google Certified Educator this summer to better serve my students. We are a Google School!
A3: I am also looking forward to making a start/dent in my dissertation.
Ways to be more cross curricular particularly with CTE & uses of Google to encourage collaborative learning
A3 and I just ordered my homemade box items- can't wait to learn how to use it for next year
A3: Learning from Math Master at Summer PD!
A2 I plan to go around &capture some exciting lessons & share I don't remember who started it but joining the movement
. We couldn't be more honored to hear that! Hope to keep helping! https://t.co/uf7x1Xb7tw
We use and I love it! It has been a big help this year.
A3: Learning more about the maker space movement & as I transition into an administrative role in a new district
A3 Figuring out how to fill the big shoes I'm replacing at my two new schools!
A3: I do not have a specific, but I am SO excited to have TIME to read more about instructional strategies & current research!
a3: Leadership in particular building capacity! Also learning more about STEAM!
A3: Create a network of classrooms to connect via Hangouts; read a handful of literacy books
Great to see you sir, clock ticking to & hope to catch up there!
Teaching your dark ways, are you?
A2 Going to intermingle use of paper & pencil. With a paperless classroom, don't want Ss to lose skills! https://t.co/AzbVLB1kCY
Q2: What is something NEW you’re going to push yourself to try these last few days of school?
Shark Tank PBL & a SciFi/Fantasy Genre Project with choice board
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A3 excited to attend at the DOE
A3: I want to learn a lot more about various ways to combine GAFE + PBL + STEM into our Elementary classrooms!!!
yay for flexible schedules & leaders who can make it happen
must read=Invent to Learn
A3: summer will always be about family and friends #1 but can't wait to start another blog called Leftbrained!
we'd love to have you join as they host this Thurs 8:30 pm CST
A3 Incorporating QR codes in my Ss' learning. Looks engaging & fun!
A3- looking forward to learning how to incorporate more student movement in a ms classroom.
its been like 2 years since we met at the one here in ATL! I will be there! Presenting! https://t.co/dm535qVUuP
Great to see you sir, clock ticking to & hope to catch up there!
A2 I have some sub days on my calendar. Going to just be there for the kids. Listen to them & see what they need
Share those titles when you find them!
A3: my graduating class become soph. next year. I'm interested in 1 Ss blogging each week til graduation. https://t.co/iMGlazw3Ig
Q3: What is something you’re looking forward to learning more about this summer and why?
A4 We can't expect kids to push through to the end if we are already checked out. They gave us their all, we should do the same.
A4: It's simple! They deserve our best! No time can be wasted on raising student achievement!
A3: PBL'S and nontraditional teacher PD because I may be teaching summer school for the first time ever!
A3b Why? Two reasons 1st: Hanging around with an educator group I haven’t been with before. 2nd: Load up on on way home..
Impossible. HOW!?! We can barely keep up with one chat! 😂 https://t.co/JY5Bu54lrf
Jumping into while participating in & watching
A4: Every minute, every second, is important! They need us!
A4: I am excited for summer too, but we can't be celebrating a countdown to school out, what message does that send to Ps and Ss?
A4: Kids deserve our BEST and nothing less is acceptable. Period!
A4: because we are in this to serve them & will finish as strong as we started. No higher calling IMHO
A3: Integrating more real world in Geometry: building picnic tables, guest speakers. Never hearing why we have to learn this?
A3. Flexible seating, flipping, accommodating late (4th5th) newcomers in an established bilingual program, play with my new swivl
Secondary strategist here. First time in this chat!
A3: SO much! I'm doing admin internship, research, & discussion on
A4 It shows we value them. Being intentional teaches Ss to become lifelong learners. https://t.co/5kzWVAVnNq
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A4: Out SS deserve our very best EVERY day of the school year. We still have an opportunity to IGNITE relationships & learning.
A4: Our Kids Deserve us giving our all every day, even the final days of school.
A3 I'm looking forward to training teachers about Computer Science this summer and presenting @ our TSTEM summit
A4: Because we have the same high expectations for them! Our learning and teaching never stops, and we expect the same from S's.
Best of luck! It's a difficult journey!
A4: I never counted down the finish! We have to show that its serious business until the last day! We party on the last day! Lol!
Sounds awesome sir! Keep us posted:)
A4: we must teach to the final bell because no minute should be wasted. So much to learn, so little time. I take that seriously.
A4: Need to stress that our year means more than a state test score
A4 our STs deserve the best instruction possible: ALWAYs! Excuses Mucus!
A4: Because it is our role, responsibility, and passion to run through the finish line with them.
A4: learning doesn't just take place until the final weeks of school. Learning is always happening! Show it!
A4: We play an instrumental role for a moment of their life & they deserve our all in those moments.
Q4 because true learning never stops- there really is no other option as far as I'm concerned!
Agreed RT : A4 We can't expect kids to push through to the end if we are already checked out. They gave us tdo the same.
A4: Kids deserve our all because learning doesn't stop and start...learning is life-long..needs to be modeled as such
the million dollar question...how do leaders get teachers to act like school isn't over?
A3: Looking forward to learning more about flexible scheduling in NW Arkansas with in June! https://t.co/YLwCLd8Xkt
A4 We only have so much time to make an impact. Every kid counts everyday!
A3: Looking forward to learning more about flexible scheduling in NW Arkansas with in June! https://t.co/AjJZYHwqKK
A4: need to model life-long learning if we want life-long learners!
that is an excellent start
A4: If we want our students' best, we must give them ours.
A4: --quality teaching and learning transcend boundaries of traditional school structures
A4: The last month of school I always expected the best from our teachers. They always met that challenge too! Love it!
A2: Morn routine having Ss go back to play wordstudy, grammar quizlets/ vids from the beg of the year to present
A4: We need to model what we expect. If we expect our S's to give 100%, we have to show them we give it too...to the very end.
A4: A family member told me "if my job saw me post about how excited I was to be done, like teachers do, they'd fire me!"
A4: every minute counts for many of our Kids we are teacher advocate mentor their everything https://t.co/g91e7zHKip
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
sometimes that last moment, up until the bell rings is the most impactful moments we get with Ss all year!
A4: You never know when our kids will have that life changing learning moment.
Could not agree more, Todd!
Never! I don't keep up with days off etc! That's not what I want my students to read: NEVER!
A4 create meaningful ways to encourage kids to continue learning throughout the summer!
A5: for some, school is the BEST, safest part of their lives. They need us to be present until the end
A4 When we give 100%, they will be more likely to follow our example and give their best! https://t.co/5eMwM9OlJN
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A4: Also wrote a blog post abt how EOY can be very worrisome for Ss from low socio ec households. https://t.co/YpPLsn8fEe
A4: Our Kids Deserve our best--not to feel like they are in the way of our big summer break. All we do should echo this.
A4: Also wrote a blog post abt how EOY can be very worrisome for Ss from low socio ec households. https://t.co/n7MGHeRQ5t
I tell my students the day they don't learn something, there are bigger issues on the table! Including last days of school!
Congrats Meg! Sounds like you are off to an amazing start by putting student-centered first!
It is nice to have students develop an interactive notebook or portfolio to reflect back on progress made.
I'm joining my fave running buddy for a quick jog. I look forward to checking back in with .
A4: time is too valuable to waste with students
A1 I am a mentor to a first year teacher.
A4: we must not shame teachers for looking forward to summer. Time spent with family and loved ones should never be frowned upon.
How about model what is expected. Lead from the front! https://t.co/NNSUG4RFzS
the million dollar question...how do leaders get teachers to act like school isn't over?
A4: When I was teaching, I would tell my students that we go hard until they tell us that it's over.
I should take that test too. I guess. .
A4: don't get me wrong, we've worked hard and deserve a break, but let's watch the way we share it online and verbally!
A4 teachers should use this time to create out of this world projects for students to do!
A4: Because if not us, then who? And if not now, then when? I learn just as much from my students as they learn from me!
Are there any new ways of teaching children with autism?
right! People keep asking me when my last day is and they are surprised when I say I don't know.
YES! We all should be singing this tune in unison: ALWAYS!
A4: Because we respect their time & the process of learning, growing, & glowing
Keep boys in the boy bathrooms and girls in the girl bathrooms. Why change what works?
Not sure what you meant by that Brian, anything that clarifies a bit?
A4: This is the BEST opportunity to TRY any teaching strategies/ideas you've every wanted to. You have NOTHING to lose!
A1. New answer. I most proud of the aftr-schl program I created for new Ss to help them with the trauma/transition of immigrating
Inspire. Be in the trenches too. Respect/care for them. If feel taken care of will go above & beyond. https://t.co/Gzr3VxN9za
the million dollar question...how do leaders get teachers to act like school isn't over?
Absolutely! I want to know when we begin!! Never the end!
A4: our students don't have a moment to waste. We can't just quit because it's the final weeks/days
Yes, they're golden. Much better than the steel ones we currently use.
Gotta get this right. We have to be about serving others every day of the year! https://t.co/dqzmF90Haf
A4: A family member told me "if my job saw me post about how excited I was to be done, like teachers do, they'd fire me!"
A4: we tend to remember the beginnings and ends of anything the most. Make sure it's a good memory!
A4 When we allow students to take ownership of their learning, they will want to keep going until the last minute of the day.
This is beautiful and beautifully stated, Patricia!
A4: STAAR testing is over, but kids should have a list of things they want to learn over the summer! And a TBR list.
A4 is a bridge (window?) to adults, too. They make me consider stuff (perspectives mostly) I’d forgotten/unlearned
A4 Because they want to learn. Really, they do. They just may not show it very well.
A4: Some of the best learning and deepest connections are made after testing is over.
Some of my Ss say "Go to 5th gr to be our teacher." Biggest compliment. Huge
So, so true. A lot of our schools send CBs home with their kiddos, or let seniors purchase them.
A4: so much to accomplish and in such little time. S's need our all! https://t.co/Tod8TKpJKf
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A4 If we want them to be present, how can we not as well https://t.co/ZDCklCADPr
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A4: I know we are tired and need the summer to refresh, but vocalizing it as a countdown is a problem for me.
also have a better resale value when gold goes back up
just thinking about this. We may be tired & stressed but ss may not look forward 2 summer https://t.co/e5bHXqLTxS
A4: I am excited for summer too, but we can't be celebrating a countdown to school out, what message does that send to Ps and Ss?
A4 End of the year should be when we are running🏃🏻 full force. They have the skills now, let's use them! https://t.co/5KDGjWazJE
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
Me too Urbie, always feel that kids stretch me to be better
Invest in the kids that walk into class this week. Your influence may just change their lives forever.
Could not have said it better! LOVE this!! We make a difference in the lives of kids! Every. day. https://t.co/f43vEmH9DI
A4: Because if not us, then who? And if not now, then when? I learn just as much from my students as they learn from me!
YES!! They cannot quench their thirst for knowledge! It's the best gift a T receives: watch and celebrate!
Agreed RT : A4 When we give 100%, they will be more likely to follow our extheir best! https://t.co/DAHmAiOPMg
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
I'm thinking, what if we asked our kids these same ?s tomorrow morning? I would love to hear their answers.
We must use every minute w/ Students. Time is too valuable to waste by counting down days
A3 How to be a more effective Tech Coach and trainer? To strengthen my skills ,take on opportunities, and carry out my vision.
Marisa from Katy joining late but happy to be here!
Very true, time is precious & we can use what we have left to have an impact!
Are there any new ways of teaching children with autism?
Our students are loved like family & I look forward to learning w them EVERYday no matter what day.
Even if they were, Ss shouldn't feel like they've been "a lot of work" all year. https://t.co/gBwvJNqX3D
just thinking about this. We may be tired & stressed but ss may not look forward 2 summer https://t.co/e5bHXqLTxS
A4: I am excited for summer too, but we can't be celebrating a countdown to school out, what message does that send to Ps and Ss?
A4. Because now is the time to take more risks in the classroom! Now is when fantastic ideas bloom. The kids deserve enthusiasm
Lets dump stem and just infuse tech, science, math, etc. wherever we can? . Google Earth in Storytime for example
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
Very true. We never know when what we say and do will be the moment that changes a child's life forever. https://t.co/9jeMNp7fj5
A4: our students don't have a moment to waste. We can't just quit because it's the final weeks/days
Here is Q5 --->>> https://t.co/yr3RDEuLLd
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A3 I am looking forward to finding new ways to integrate technology in the classroom and engaging my students.
A4: When I feel tired this time of year, I think of kids who are worried about the year ending b/c their safety net disappears.
A4 we don't have a clock and do not have bells. Kids always leave late
A5: find your ppl. Surround yourself w/positivity and love. You spend time with negative ppl you become negative
A5: Have active engaging things for the students! Have fun! If it isn't going to spur interest, then drop it!
Yep! Totally agree! https://t.co/quGGofCt0a
A4: I know we are tired and need the summer to refresh, but vocalizing it as a countdown is a problem for me.
A5: Use the Ss excitement for summer...create projects or activities that meet standards and focus on student passions/interests
A4: I tell Ss "Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching"...so neither will I!
Are there any new ways of teaching children with autism?
Exactly my thoughts sir! So much we can do in remaining time, especially to impart how important they are to us!
A5: Continue to encourage the kids and their energy will transfer to teachers!
Isn't STEM/ Steam just like adding nutrients back into processed education Similar to enriched white bread?
A4: they need to know we value every min w/them and what they have to learn is important
A5: Watch others teach. Nothing more inspiring than watching incredible teaching and learning
A5: our superintendent send an email out in Friday that Ts could wear jeans the rest of the year. So simple but so effective
Q5 retweet --->> https://t.co/dL4dgCyVti
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A4: Don't ruin a year's worth of relationships by giving up learning just to "get done" https://t.co/b6ChJFIHdx
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
A5: Learning something completely new and having my own productive struggle has helped me. Try that?
A5: Remember why you became a teacher; think about the laughs & learning w/your Ss; strive to make more lasting memories for Ss!
MATT!! Thanks for joining in :-)
A5: Not taking for granted the individual stories, perspectives & challenges each kiddo brings to your classroom
YES, YES & YES! Find your people and surround yourself with them! Walk away from negative. https://t.co/nPezAYwZzl
A5: find your ppl. Surround yourself w/positivity and love. You spend time with negative ppl you become negative
A5: Dress comfortable, celebrate, take selfies, play music!
I agree! I do not have a countdown in my classroom.
Glad Starr Testing is over. !
Q5: try new apps, try a PBL project, allow kids to collaborate and create! Learn alongside your S's!!
A4 We are forever learners and we should instill that in our students as well.
A5:Channel your inner-Dory... "Just keep swimming... just keep swimming..."
A6 By remembering that everything we do is to help mold our STs future! No one has time to whine! Our kids need our energy!
A5 treasure last days & Ss you won't get chance to influence later- keep that the focus https://t.co/eNfGxC4MVs
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
Yes be creative, take risks, and have fun!
A5- music can set the tone, so sometimes you have to turn on the music to get SS energized.
A5: Coffee followed by unique challenges, problems, reflection, highlight Ss individually
A5: Hang around the fun folks. Leave the negative folks behind! No time for that!
A5 dance party. So in my wheel house.
A5: I go spend more time with Kindergarteners. They remind me to find the joy in every single moment
A5 - plan accordingly. Do not procrastinate! Stay a step ahead of the kids these last few weeks.
A5: Smile! Laugh! Dance! Move! Read aloud to Ss...outside! Provide experiences for Ss, not boring lessons!
A5: If we want to have days full of positivity, we have to plan for it. It's not just going to show up.
How can you plan for it?
A5: Offer choice and new tech options in final projects
A5:Dance,laugh,sing,listen to your students voice & fill your heart living & learning through the life of a child.
A4 our SS deserve the best teaching we can do everyday even the last day
A5: These kids leave and move on to another class/school...let's cherish the moments we have left with them!
I'm not ready for the year to be over, personally!
Stephanie Ryon from College Station ISD, creeping in late tonight ;)
A5: find something to smile about (and mean it) every day. Compliment a S, a peer... Make them smile and it'll make you smile
A5: Take more lessons outside! Take risks. Laugh more.
- never too early to start planning for what comes next. Planning your vacay helps too ! https://t.co/A02tQmrRo1
Q5 retweet --->> https://t.co/dL4dgCyVti
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A5: Attend an elementary field day if you have time! There's tons of excitement and fun out there!
A5. Try. New. Things! There's never a better time to do this than the last weeks. It recharges my batteries and gets me excited!
A5: Everyday is one more chance to make a life-changing difference. https://t.co/pKMvldC2B1
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A5 we do a lot of centers with new tools to see how they use them to plan for next year
A5: Keep students (and teachers!) engaged and motivated. Gave my T's "Denim Days" for the last 2 weeks - easy/free stress relief!
So true, we are modeling even as we finish up our year. Kids see all we do & how we end the year matters!
A5: Celebrate success. Talk about next year with enthusiasm & excitement. Smile & be visible as admin https://t.co/HqtT5DHYoQ
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A5 Love on the kids. Laugh with them. Learn with them.
A5 Give our Ss more voice and choice. Their enthusiasm will be contagious! https://t.co/8vRzXZPhhN
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
when I was in the classroom we would act as if it was the first day of school! Routines are still ... https://t.co/4ujDEFwvPT
A5: These last days won't be any easier or harder than the others...they will be what we make them to be https://t.co/OawQoWtrb5
A5: Find out where some dancing is taking place. Dancing makes me smile!
A5 Be flexible. Don't worry what you haven't covered. Have their back. That relationship means so much to both of you
A5: Go outside! Lots of learning can take place in the outdoors, and fresh air is necessary!
A5: Don't be afraid to sit down with your students and ask them what THEY want to do! They have good ideas too
A#5. Learn something new then try it out. Or let kids create and present.
A5: Research presentations at the end of year. Ss excited to share w/other members of school community. This excites everyone.
A5: Go crazy with positive post-it's. Stick them everywhere to keep the smiles happening.
A5: I always think about those S's where school is their comfort and safety net. We have to stay engaged. https://t.co/AXq6X8hMOW
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A5: Make a point to celebrate successes from the year on each day as we end the year!
A5: ask your students what they want to do and find a way to make it happen in correlation to standards.
A5: Let's give students choice in choosing creative, fun and interdisciplinary assignments!
A5b It’s like kinetic energy. helps keep my thoughts in motion. Might it be the same with kids?
A5: Be that teacher they come back to next fall to say hi, give a hug, etc.
A5 Give students a choice. Make time to explore & try something new with your Ss. Get their feedback. See what they like best.
trying new ideas, cont. 2 make learning fun 4 every S & u, lots & LOTS of coffee, smiles, hugs, & patience
A5: keep learning, join new Ed chats, try something scary
Look for ways to share kindness and give back what you've learned with others & the community.
YUP! Hey just said that (more or less)
There are few things more powerful than a well placed compliment.
I like this. https://t.co/L0vrE4ULSb
A5: Go crazy with positive post-it's. Stick them everywhere to keep the smiles happening.
a5: we put together a SWEET room redesign PBL that ll of our kids are jazzed about. Still learning & having fun till the end!
A5: give Ss the chance to provide feedback: "write a letter to me about everything you remember learning this year"
A5: Start a new tradition. Ex. We are having a staff v. 5th gr. Volleyball tourney on the last day.
A4: Been saying it for weeks, the countdown gives bad vibes, students need to leave knowing we care! https://t.co/i4ODRIUpK5
A5 I keep having conversations with my Ss. Their freshness, joy and innocence reminds me what is really important
Imperative! Ownership! Boundaries clearly set and watch them soar!
never thought of it that way, but it makes sense
A5: partner with other grade levels to try new ideas with both your class and theirs!
A5: Love ur job & show it w words & actions. Would u chose a surgeon who says 2 more days until vaca, so I'll kinda operate on u?
A5: My response to every obstacle has always been- Just Love Them! Love on them. Smile. Remember why we are here!
Awww thank you! It breaks sometimes, but it's well worth it. :)
A5-Ss make a list of favorite learning activities and do them one last time
Ours is this Friday - all are welcome! :)
My people. Kindergartener rock! As do their teachers
A5: By seeking ways to grow and develop ideas, like applying to participate in a summit! https://t.co/MnW6pkZo65
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
Have your students teach younger students something they learned this year and they are proud of❤️
A5: Lots of reading fun: book fair, ebook review for Summer rdg, book swap, and sign up for summer reading.
While I'm not going down this rabbit hole, we need time to restock our energy too!
So impressed with this project!
Also, Hey Stephanie! Glad to see you here tonight!
where are you located...lol!
we should be outside at least once a wheel
I'm excited about this week Bc it's our /digitalcircus please come and enjoy the festivities https://t.co/9KCTXJTKqn
A5: Let's remind them how much they've grown! They have learned so much over these many months. Remind the how far they've come
YES! Imperative for all of us to remember this every day!
A5: Build on your positive relationships w/ everyone in your building. Don't sweat the small stuff. https://t.co/JePHFPBbAN
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
I just watched a short vid clip...sounds awesome. When do you implement it into your day?
A5: GENIUS HOUR! That's my answer to everything these days. It's rejuvenated my seniors, at least a little bit
jean-days are KEY in keeping T’s encouraged ‘till the bitter end! ;) it’s the little things…
Thanks for the chat! my battery is low, so I have to recharge.
Yes, although I am not an instructional coach directly, I feel like it is one of the invisible hats I wear.
Our MS Ss are conducting peace camp for the next 3 days..created, implemented all instruction for younger Ss
A5 Making a conscience effort to speak directly 2 each S each day & not dismissing the class as a whole. https://t.co/VBiOQ0PUN4
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
. I don't like end of year countdowns because as soon as you begin the countdown, the year ends.
A4: B/c each child only gets one shot at school. The deserve our best every day to spark their future. https://t.co/jVOe3RUGYn
Q4: Why do our Kids Deserve us teaching until the final bell rings?
What did you do with them? What did they end up creating?
OMG! We love sumdog and ! Winner winners chicken dinners!
Q5:1 of my fave ways to stay enthusiastic/motivated is to close my eyes at recess & LISTEN to the joyful sounds! So invigorating!
I woudl love to connect about this!! Thank you!!
correct. And no, we are not "hunting or preying" upon those who don't run in our pack.
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
that is why I like to do center with new tools. Energy for everyone
A5: It's a great time of year to survey Ss ask THEM ways to improve for next year. It's OUR class not MY class
I have a couple of students who are giving up right at the end. I am hoping this PBL final project I have will motivate them.
Great point! And would we choose a surgeon who's using the same techniques he/she used 10 years ago?
A5 I like to have the kids present their favorite learning experience.
A5: Have each gr level make a timeline of their learning on the sidewalk with chalk. Then all can go on a learning memory walk.
A5: reflections... We should be asking all to do so all the time but it loses out.
A6 Take risks and fail in front of your kids and coworkers. Be transparent in your learning to encourage others to do the same
yes and no - they are building designs to put into a grant proposal for our PTO & Ed Foundation. so, possible funds!
A6: I am finishing my first year of teaching so I am going to spend the next few tweets on this! lol
Hey! Our principal, , has one of those T-shirts!
A6: biggest lesson I continue to learn is that I can't do it all. And that good enough is the enemy of great.
Why not have students plan a genius hour with other grade level students & teachers. Connect & collaborate
A5c Have you seen the Biggest Ball of Twine? https://t.co/2m5zUsJEDm .. HMW get into the record books/tourist must-see?
Q6: Even as a seasoned teacher, when you stretch yourself and go out of your comfort zone amazing things can happen.
Granted, my excuse is I try to be on for 1,400 Ss @ 2 schools, running 2 different programs for 2 completely different libraries
A6: Relationships matter!
A6... Only one? I've learned that saying I'm sorry goes a long way
A6 that you do not have to know what will happen with an activity, just do it and let students lead
A6: Walk through the neighborhoods of where your Ss live; go on home visits; understand where they live to better instruct
A6: Always be ready for the call!
For some school is their haven. Good to remember
A5: Mix it up. Variety may keep atmosphere fresh. Provide even more opps. https://t.co/C44XPyWvQl
Q5: How can we keep our enthusiasm, encouragement, and energy up these last few days/weeks?
A6- The depth to which becoming an Orton Gillingham tutor would change my life and the lives of my students
A6: Need to be flexible to support learners and meet them where they are
A6: I have also learned a lot this year about listening more. And providing more leadership opportunities for others
A6. I must be patient with myself. I'm not the T I will be, but I can see her calling to me down the road. I'll get there!
There are so many RT : Here is Q6 ---->>> https://t.co/aDDYZFVD7o
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
Lesson learned or lesson remembered? Slow down, pace yourself. Granted I can't seem to do it...
A6: I am not in control of things!
A6: never assume that Ss understand. I made that mistake and took a turn to get them back on track
A6: Relationships trump all. F2F trumps emails and surveys. Authentic audience trumps just boring old me. Engagement>compliance.
Or the same tools from 10 to 20 yrs ago?
Positive way to leave things & build for next year! Loved having Ss write letters to next year Ss too!
I'm a tech coordinator- I want to do it with Ts first. There are many lessons aligned to stds available though
A6: innovation, trying new things, stepping outside your comfort zone is worth it! https://t.co/4NxlYz1qor
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6: Communication is key. Explain the why behind your actions. Smile, listen & support teachers. https://t.co/IjxWOriwv9
A6: Make a "deposit" into the Ss account whenever you can. Phone calls home, notes, etc. Goes a long way!
A6: Learned that professional development/coaching is only as powerful as the followup that goes along with it.
a6: to take risks first & pick my battles later ;)
A6: HS Ss like/need hands-on, projects, interactive notebooks, etc. like elementary Ss. The content is just more advanced.
A6: Small actions can lead to powerful results
Something to remember. https://t.co/aZDf5C8opb
A4: Don't thank teachers for "all you do." Thank them for the specific things that make them awesome.
A6: That teachers have to speak up for all students....whether they are in your class or not. https://t.co/QLWWGkgiM0
A6 I learned not to be afraid to step outside of my comfort zone & despite what others may think anything is possible.
A6: make it your own, laugh often, and let the Ss show you what they know and how they made it THEIR own
they're creating video games, designing tennis shoes, building a doghouse, etc. next week I'm publishing it all
A6 that sometimes less is more with an activity
A6: Take a risk! Try something new! Share ideas. Fail. Learn!
you are awesome Kharima!!
A6 That everyone has a story! Don't judge! Live your mission! It's okay to be eclectic and eccentric! Stand proud!
A6 Its okay not to have all the answers. Learning WITH the kids is great fun!
If it doesn't scare me then it's prob not challenging me. Take risks and don't stop https://t.co/iYXSXgwEsF
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6: Adults will be uncomfortable at times, but it should not sway our decisions to do what is best for kids. We stay strong.
A6: Patience is key. The light bulb might not go off until after you give the unit test.
a6: students are resilient, they are not such fragile egg shells, they put up with adults, they are amazing, every day!
A6: It's okay to try something new and make mistakes! It shows your ss that you are learning just like them!
A6: I've learned to embrace it all! Relationships, learning, teaching, listening, following, leading, living!!
So true, they are ALL our learners & we have to do all we can for every student
A6 to not take anything or anyone for granted. https://t.co/Ic0BuaC4H2
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6: Slow down and let the kids see you laugh. And sometimes, I see the biggest engagement when I stop and tell a personal story.
A6: There's always more to learn! It is okay to feel like a novice when trying something new; show Ss you take risks too!
A6: that most in life can really be resolved and improved with grace and mercy
A6: Knowing the ripple of effect of decisions made and how they affect everyone. Hard lesson 1st yr as AP https://t.co/WCFyQuKsIX
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6 That kids can exceed any expectations that we have for them.
It looks like a great PD to start the school year! I must order one.
A6: Students learn best when you give them choice and design lessons that are culturally responsive and outside of the box.
A6: As Ts, don't compromise your values and who you are as an educator to conform to harmful practices for kids.
A6: Students love unconditionally because they know how much you love & do for them daily with a smile.
Absolutely! Have kids get up and teach!
A6: using growth mindset language for students Saturday PB with . https://t.co/pxMJM2Njl9
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6: also learned this year to never waste a moment to tell someone how much they mean to you.
A6 I am a collaborative teacher and I have learned to differentiate, differentiate, differentiate!!!
A6: This year helped me distinguish between what is urgent and what is important (and respond appropriately afterward)
I've learned it's important to always look on the bright side. We can control how we act & react. Be a positive light for kids.
A6: Me too! I listened twice as much as I spoke since I have 2 ears & only 1 mouth. Amazing difference. https://t.co/fVWJgWqEz8
A6: I have also learned a lot this year about listening more. And providing more leadership opportunities for others
AMEN! https://t.co/J0NszNTxxG
A6: As Ts, don't compromise your values and who you are as an educator to conform to harmful practices for kids.
Yes! My Ss write letters to next year's every year. THEIR class makes them look forward to come everyday
yeah! not knowing, exposing weakness, asking for their help, powerful psychology at work! https://t.co/APnNdJaBK4
A6: It's okay to try something new and make mistakes! It shows your ss that you are learning just like them!
A6: There will be difficult decisions, but if you always put what is right for kids at the forefront, you can't go wrong
I travel with a lot of stuff but I pull activities based on student likes
A #6 I've learned I can't do it all alone. Collaboration yields a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
All the time I spent building community & relationships has paid off. We are a family! I hate to see the year end!
A6 To stand up 4 what's best 4 Ss even if it I appear a troublemaker or my life is harder https://t.co/5LsqbvpaIB
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A6: In a data and test driven system, we must challenge our administrators, colleagues and parents to rethink how we assess kids
A6 Doing anything and everything I can to help my students be successful.
YES!! https://t.co/Yow6gN1ykJ
A6: In a data and test driven system, we must challenge our administrators, colleagues and parents to rethink how we assess kids
So true Don - we so often do not give them enough credit.
A6: As cheesy as it sounds, biggest lesson I learned was that I can do things I never thought I could b/c of my support system!
A6: To share my resources w/ other educators bc if it helps at least ONE other student learn then I am happy.
THIS!! : If it doesn't scare me then it's prob not challenging me. Take risks and don't stop
yeah, I like this idea of responsiveness to their reactions, not knowing all the outcomes https://t.co/1Q6NP4Gupc
A6: Students learn best when you give them choice and design lessons that are culturally responsive and outside of the box.
A6: Also, that teachers have to take the lead in revitalizing and building our profession.
A6 AND to remember all Ss need someone to spend time with them & be in the moment.
. I bought my pieces individually off amazon and saved 20 bucks.
A6b I see some of these distortions in myself and others. I’m actively untwisting & encouraging peers/others to, too.
great reminder a4: what summer resources can we assemble for parents? https://t.co/SLqmNgIFU7
A4: When I feel tired this time of year, I think of kids who are worried about the year ending b/c their safety net disappears.
I've learn to place my hands over my lips! St led conversations are the best!
A6: This year I learned to take on new risks and confirmed the power of determined people working together
A6: My students told me, "Good teachers give grace." Hold them to high expectations but love them through the process.
This chat is giving me life tonight. I just drove back from Frisco and made it just in time to jump in.
A6: 2 take time 2 & reflect & find my best "yes" in order 2 reach goals 4 my family, Ss, & career #
A6: That I should've listened to a year ago when he suggested educators use Twitter! Better late than never!
A6: Also, that teachers have to take the lead in revitalizing and building our profession.
yes! total systems thinking, radical collaboration, widen the net of ideas to synthesize https://t.co/p7ZWtsvgMN
A #6 I've learned I can't do it all alone. Collaboration yields a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
How do you go classroom to classroom with lots of stuff?
I see ya with the truth tonight!
A6: Also was reminded how powerful it is when an entire campus comes together to do what's best for kids
A6: I've learned to not settle and continue to try new things. Life may be good, but we can't settle. Always shoot for greatness.
A6: I am born to do this. I was created to teach. Even through the hardships, I know I am living out my purpose.
A6: Biggest lesson & gift this year is my virtual teaching coaches & partners from my PLN. They inspire & guide me.
Absolutely! I am blessed to have experienced this . https://t.co/vW8MSPymhw
A6: Also was reminded how powerful it is when an entire campus comes together to do what's best for kids
I pile it in a corner and grab what I need
Ha! I've obviously been in too many chats with you lately 😜
Being transparent about our own individual learning challenges and how you revise mistakes make you seem REAL to students
It's not cheesy. This is important. Now, teach this to your Ss.
When a kiddo tells me he would rather stay at school with me then go home, you know you have made a lasting impact.
A6: Children who are empowered by being taught 2 love themselves, believe in their dreams & care 4 others=hope for the future.
The thing that makes teaching so difficult isn't the hours, it is the intensity of the job.
yes- finding your best "yes" cuz when u say yes 2 something u are saying no 2 something else
Q7: It is so important to surround yourself with others who will lift you up. Who lifts you up?
A6 If I build a positive environment it's possible 2 have no discipline problems or missing assignments https://t.co/pZVnWirA91
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
I love this sentiment! YES! PREACH! I believe! https://t.co/WNxKexaqfM
A6: My students told me, "Good teachers give grace." Hold them to high expectations but love them through the process.
Grabbing between classes as you run to Ts room?
Q7 retweet --->> https://t.co/IOJsNAd1bT
Q7: It is so important to surround yourself with others who will lift you up. Who lifts you up?
A6 Part II: And so much of how our current edu system operates stands in the way of empowering our children. That must stop.
A6: If I want to share or start something, I need to take initiative. If I wait, the opportunity might not be there.
A5: Surrounding yourself with positive people and making time for yourself.
love this! It's also a graphic depiction of my life these last couple of weeks!
A6: Okay to say: "I don't know," even to Ss. When I'm not expert-Ss are empowered to lead. https://t.co/jyd1zZy07I
Q6: What is the biggest lesson you've learned this year?
A7: I made it through this yr bc of
A7: My leadership team at school keeps things light and humorous and my Twitter PLN is phenomenal w/motivation
A7: My AP ! She is a rock star and the best partner to keep me always striving to do more!
A7: My school admin, fellow teachers & Husband!
A7: Always thankful for ! He always encourages me!
A7: Life is too short for negativity...surround yourself with positive people who make you better! https://t.co/A3JAOcRVYS
I get great energy from the people and ideas I get right here
absolutely! the right thing, every time. https://t.co/D0o3TVgM7w
A6: As Ts, don't compromise your values and who you are as an educator to conform to harmful practices for kids.
Here is Q7 --->>> https://t.co/fZxOUcJl9D
Q7: It is so important to surround yourself with others who will lift you up. Who lifts you up?
A1: super cheesy but, my husband inspires me everyday to have integrity and make a difference. He is my backbone, my cheerleader.
that is the truth! One of my favorite things about being an admin intern this year was getting in classrooms.
A7: My school family has also been incredibly encouraging this year! I love them at
A7: my husband, , , and my students just to name a few. ❤️❤️ https://t.co/7fgzOIwR7B
Q7: It is so important to surround yourself with others who will lift you up. Who lifts you up?
A7: Who lifts me up?
+ the tribe and crew!
A7: Always lifted by Ts that understand that caring for the whole child is 1st step in great teaching. https://t.co/ef5VnsYu5p
Q7: It is so important to surround yourself with others who will lift you up. Who lifts you up?
A7: I fail a lot when taking risks. Surrounding yourself w likeminded risk takers allows for growth. Voxer group is my pick me up
Me too Mary, thanks for all you add to my learning in !!
A7 talking other's creates new ideas for activities. Also helps others who need help or encouraging
A7: My colleagues and my students lift me up on a daily basis.
:) Now if I could figure out where & how to store it I don't have a room. My library is used for other things.