The #educoach hashtag is used by instructional coaches around the world. We chat each Wednesday at 8pm CST on Twitter and use the hashtag throughout the week to share resources, ask questions and collaborate with instructional coaches.
I'm Kathy, co-moderator of tonight's chat. I'm an educational consultant, #Instructionalcoaching trainer and virtual coach for instructional coaches & school leaders. My goal is for you to SHINE! #Educoach
My #eduwin is working with our building leadership team and fellow instructional coaches to go over data on interventions and student progress. #educoach
My #eduwin was receiving some literacy training this week and spending time with colleagues at a leadership team meeting today. My Christmas break has officially started! #Educoach
I'm Kathy, co-moderator of tonight's chat. I'm an educational consultant, #Instructionalcoaching trainer and virtual coach for instructional coaches & school leaders. My goal is for you to SHINE! #Educoach
#educoach I’m a Secondary Literacy Coach near Toronto, Ontario. I am very excited to be collaborating with a teacher this week on using a classroom escape room for her culminating activity. Such a fun work in progress!
#educoach I’m a Secondary Literacy Coach near Toronto, Ontario. I am very excited to be collaborating with a teacher this week on using a classroom escape room for her culminating activity. Such a fun work in progress!
A1: I agree -- informal moments over lunch, or hallway chats are great opportunities for collaboration. And PLC time is protected collaboration time! #educoach
A1: Our principal also developed intervention partners this year. 2 or 3 teachers meet twice a month to plan interventions and to share Ss between their classes. #educoach
The partners meet one time a month on their own, and one time per month with IC or Principal to reflect on data and student growth. Ts share all types of evidence. #educoach
A1: Our principal also developed intervention partners this year. 2 or 3 teachers meet twice a month to plan interventions and to share Ss between their classes. #educoach
I'm able to arrange observations by a grade level team when I have the team for a 1/2 day of PD together. We develop a purpose for observing a fellow teacher -- and "look fors". #educoach
As coaches we see all the great things happening in a school. We can be the connection. Teachers often don't know what their colleagues are doing because they are so busy in their own classrooms. #educoach
As coaches we see all the great things happening in a school. We can be the connection. Teachers often don't know what their colleagues are doing because they are so busy in their own classrooms. #educoach
Sure. Our observation groups were assigned to be heterogenous, so teachers were purposely paired with others they don't work with. It's been good to see others! #educoach
As coaches we see all the great things happening in a school. We can be the connection. Teachers often don't know what their colleagues are doing because they are so busy in their own classrooms. #educoach
I think that is important -- to have opportunities to work with others on the staff that you might not have worked with before. Be open to all partnerships! #educoach
Random jump in - HUGE role!! Create an atmosphere of progress together rather than flying solo. They literally and figuratively open the doors to a collaborative culture #educoach
A4: ICs model what collaboration looks like -- and then work along side Ts and Ps to promote partnerships and opportunities to work together. #educoach
A5 Coaches can keep modeling reflective conversations focused on students. They can help Ts with strategies such as looking at student work to ensure needs are being met. #educoach
A7: I think the key to setting norms is to be allowed to adjust norms as you go along in order for collaboration to grow they need to be reflective #educoach
A7 Often we set norms before the work. A suggestion is to set goals for collaboration first and then develop norms that fit the specific work. #educoach
#educoach A2- leadership support and encouragement, fun non-educational gatherings to build community. I’m working on #observeme calendar to encourage more learning walks
A3 heehee answered this in the last one- huge! Their attitude and expectations trickle down. They set tone & culture- do they value vulnerability and risk?! #educoach
I might use a protocol where an observer marks down interactions and who made comments. The data might demonstrate a need to tighten things up. #educoach
A5- focus questions and convo on st learning- what did they learn? How do you know? What could you do next? Who needs more help/ enrichment? Keep bringing it back to students. #educoach
A9 Nothing will change unless you address the elephant in the room. Is this a misunderstanding, emotional immaturity, or pettiness? Respond accordingly. #educoach
A4 one of the best parts of my job is connecting people! Sometimes that is Ts in the school who share a common interest, sometimes it is connecting Ts at different schools who teach singleton courses etc #educoach
Absolutely! We know that teams have a different personality than individuals and that teamwork is a skill that can be developed. We can be influencers. #educoach
In reply to
@DevEducators, @IAteacherNan, @KathyPerret
A9.2 I also think you need to honor that they are not always going to want to do the same thing and as long as they are working towards a common goal that is ok #educoach
A6- pple say time but we all have same 24hrs- you make time for what is imp to you- SO- it has to be imp to them! Stay focused in mtgs by having clear goals, agenda, set norms, action tasks, do the HW to have time to really collab in plcs #educoach