Just today we were reading an article about a coffee harvest festival in Puerto Rico; pulled up a video to show Ss what harvesting coffee beans looks like. #LaEdChat
It's been awhile, but I used to use Khanacademy videos in my chem classes. It helped students to see another person work out the math problems. I recognize I am not the best teacher for everyone, so it helped to supplement with a video. #LaEdChat
A2 Can’t stick around for long, but I wanted to chime in on this one. Fair Use doesn’t really mean showing a whole movie is actually allowed. It is difficult to prove an ENTIRE movie has educational value (needed for fair use). So, my answer is no. #laedchat
A4: If Ss don’t have a stated objective for watching a video then just a time filler. Need to be held accountable in some way for info learned from video. #LaEdChat
100 Ways, 100 Days: Maximizing Your Use of Discovery Education | Discovery Education https://t.co/GLFvsNqsjn (also can be used with other videos) #LaEdChat
A7: One of my favs - The Kid Should See This | Smart videos for curious minds of all ages: Science, art, nature, animals, space, technology, DIY, food, music, animation, and more https://t.co/WHHXMeFnAS#LaEdChat