Welcome to #Nt2t! Today’s topic is “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Learning” Questions for today’s chat are here & on the photo cards. #nt2t
Today @seni_bl will be moderating the chat - feel free to ask any questions! #NT2t
We will be using Q1, A1, Q2, A2 (question 1/answer 1) format. Please include the A & question number in your reply (A1, A2, etc) #NT2t
Please make sure you include #NT2t in your response as well so we all learn from each other.
Welcome to #Nt2t! Today’s topic is “Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Learning” Questions for today’s chat are here & on the photo cards. #nt2t
Today @seni_bl will be moderating the chat - feel free to ask any questions! #NT2t
#nt2t I have been using twitter for over a year now for professional development. As a technology coach, I get a lot of creative ideas for this source, but can't seem to get my teachers on board. Need ideas to help them overcome their fears of the unknown.
Hi from Connecticut! Will be in and out this morning. Looking forward to this weekend with lots of family time, with my birthday today and Father’s Day tomorrow. #NT2t
I am Scotti Spencer. I am from Kerens, Texas I am a High School Special Education teacher in Malakoff, Texas. I am excited about my first trip to New Orleans, Louisiana! #Nt2t#EDUC5359
#nt2t Good morning! I am Gwena, High School Spanish teacher from Angola, Indiana. I was most excited about our vacation to Gulf Shores, from which we just returned. Now I am excited with all I'm planning for my next year students! This morning I created an introductory survey.
Hi! I am from Illinois. I am a library media specialist and STEM facilitator. I have had a Twitter account for a few years but am just now realizing the power of it for professional development. #Nt2t
My name is Erin. I am a high school teacher trying to learn about using technology in my classroom. I thought this chat might be good, since I am not familiar with Tweeter. #Nt2t
#nt2t A1: A lot. EdCamps, conferences, Twitter, professional development reading, and networking with my fellow colleagues and educators, to name a few.
No problem Erin, then #nt2t is the right chat. Read the tweets and try to answer, best is to follow others to grow your #PLN. Don’t forget including the #nt2t in your tweets - that’s important. ;)
Good morning from Columbus, Ohio everyone! Q1, A1: I am still preservice, so I keep learning over the summer by starting a Master’s program 😵. Any advice for a newbie? #nt2t
Are you sure you have holidays??? Seems another way of working! ;) But i know what you mean - it’s time for things we haven’t enough time for during the school year. #nt2t
Follow the hashtag. If you're using Twitter on the web, search for the hashtag and stay on the Latest tab. It'll show only the current tweets for this hashtag. #NT2T
Reading is one of the best kinds of PD - preparation, learning, concentration - but after that reading time I like to talk about with friends and/or colleagues. #nt2t
Twitter's a great way to keep up with whatever's happening. Sometimes all we have time for between family time is to read through a few fleeting tweets. Every little helps. #NT2T
My name is Ramona, I am from Georgia and I teach 5th grade. I am most excited about spending time with my grandkids and having time to read.
Q1: I follow several tech gurus on twitter (did a google search on who to follow for educational technology) and keep a google doc of ideas. I then use these ideas throughout the school year in my Tuesday Tech Tidbits #nt2t
Summer is my time to learn for me. Right now, I am surrounded by books on advertising on Amazon, history books about New Orleans, and Cajun cookbooks. I am writing the second book in The Cleaners Series (https://t.co/4fApNHRqzw ) #nt2t
Great to hear that. And btw, it’s what most people say. Here this place to live 4 Cs - communication, collaboration, creativity, creative thinking. #nt2t
I tried searching for the hashtag to join this group but could find it. That is why I just sent the original tweet saying that I was trying to join and using #nt2t. Should I have been able to do that through the search bar? #EDUC5359
I use Tweet Deck myself. I have the hashtag in one column and the chat host's profile in another. It's easy to keep up with. Although it might be a little overwhelming for someone just starting out. #NT2T
A2: I teach #PLTW Launch classes so after each module, I reflect on what needs to be done differently and now I have the time to figure that out inbetween family and gardening. #Nt2t
A2 I look for mats to use to make the units more engaging. We start with an advertising unit that leads into argumentation. The more I learn about advertising, the more it helps my own novel as well as the teaching unit. #nt2t
#Nt2t I attended the First Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference in DC. I will also be attending the conference in June in New Jersey. I am finding our school population has been changing over the years and the need to change with them continues to grow.
#nt2t A2: This varies yearly, but I typically collect data and feedback through Ss reflections throughout the year. I read them and apply as much as possible for the following year, Ss suggestions and my own ideas. This year I'm creating a T website (Google Sites) and Ss surveys
My mom always spoke about Twitter but was always apprehensive to create one. One day I sat her down and helped her make her account and she loves it. Have you considered having teachers make accounts as part of a meeting? Making the account can often be the hardest part. #nt2t
I am with Scotti, I don't think I ever get a full break. I am debating on taking a class this summer for new standards I will be teaching. I have to be prepared. #Nt2t#mestrugglingtokeepup
A3 I try to find ways to blend my life with learning. Talking about how that works to my students helps them see ways to continue with lifelong learning in their own lives. #nt2t
How do I search for different chats if I don't know any specifically? I am not sure where to go to find them? I would like to find some for teaching math as well. #nt2t#EDUC5359
One area I'm looking to improve in is the use of technology in the classroom. To prepare for next school year, I am taking a couple classes through the University of Maryland. #Nt2t
Yes, there is another twitter thing to I just can't remember what it is. :O It is suppose to be where I don't always have to type the #. It will take some time for me. #Nt2t#mestrugglingtokeepup
A4 I read horror and myth, since I write YA historical horror. I use cryptids, so I read a lot of nonfiction about animals and then think about how a real beast could be morphed to make a cryptid. As for teacher books, I am reading Coyne's The Story Grid right now. #nt2t
Yes, I agree. I just had lunch with 2 past colleagues the other day and we spent time talking about what works and things that we can tweek. #Nt2t#mestrugglingtokeepup
Like me when I started. ;) It takes time to find the right things and the chat is very fast. But it’s no problem. You find the tweets later too when you are looking for the #nt2t Often the convo between people is going on - that’s the best part - getting connected
In reply to
@TuGa01468, @EKnabenshue, @s_narmadhaa
Q3: I would prefer to do it throughout the summer, in small bits, but right now I have to do it all at once at the end. Our district turns off the AC to our classrooms to same money on energy. #Nt2t#EDUC5359
A5 I like ISTE, NCTE, and writing conferences in the summer. Hubs and I are going to a California Writers' Club Peninsula meeting at ten this morning to hear James Hanna https://t.co/ew2Ngj5Sdb We went to the Jackson Hole writing conference and https://t.co/xcai7vkUt3#nt2t
A6 I plant a garden in pots and tend it. I watch TV (a treat). We go to the beach for a day, I avoid checking my school email. I sleep in. I stay away from teens (just kidding). #nt2t
So we have an YAY from Gwena! Think Barcamps and meet-ups are great for connecting and learning. But sometimes it’s difficult to organize because of holiday time. #nt2t
#nt2t A6: I like to play games on my Tablet (Uno, Family Feud, Hearts, and ToyBlast), spend time with my grown sons, I'm go to beaches whenever possible.
#nt2t A6: I like to play games on my Tablet (Uno, Family Feud, Hearts, and ToyBlast), spend time with my grown sons, and go to beaches whenever possible.
That's why we have put our barcamp after first 2 weeks in the new schoolyear. Hoping that there will be not too much workload and some of the holiday attitude.😉 #nt2t
A6: Think we all need our time to relaxe, to find a little bit of distance from the normal schooldays and schedules. That’s what we need to be fit for the next school year, to give our best. #nt2t
A6: Think we all need our time to relaxe, to find a little bit of distance from the normal schooldays and schedules. That’s what we need to be fit for the next school year, to give our best. #nt2t
Challenge: Tweet 2 pics of yourself this summer, one relaxing and one being a learner... or both at the same time! Don’t forget to include #NT2t in your tweet.