#jjedtech Archive
#jjedtech is for teachers in the juvenile justice system, and revolves around integrating technology into their schools. The chat takes place the last Wednesday of each month at 7 PM Eastern.
Wednesday August 31, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Q1: How will you kick-off the 2016-2017 school year?
A1. We go to school year round
We've started collecting necessities
A1. With some 3D printing!!
Follow along with this awesome chat! https://t.co/HNLcJbN3Nb
Welcome to our Twitter Chat! We are going to get started in just a few minutes.
Back to school bash even though we go to school year round bash.
Got another 30 laptop bags and 10 operational laptops for our refurbishing project
A1: Teaching introducing Digital Citizenship and Coding into the classrooms
A1 We are kicking off next week
A1: Kicking off the school year with excitement, some new notebooks, new pens and a huge smile!
We have done our poster for the R.U.P.
As well as all the Unjammed 2016 projects
A1: Just back from MO DYS teacher conf earlier in the week. Working to get some of our kids back into school.
, https://t.co/tvB83uZPxP
I have kicked off the 2016-2017 school year by teaching my students how to Code with Scratch.
A1: we've developed a shared transition database using Google sheets
A1. we have in about 33 days for this school yea already.
teachers got iPads and 12 iPads for students in my facility
Kim Gibson will do all the tweeting for CLEP
A1. We have done a fun maker space
A1: We have had Ipad training and will be integrating Ipads into classroom instruction very soon
A1. With a pot of coffee and a smile
Q2: How have you changed since ?
A2: I'm more dedicated to doing things outside the box
A2. We are always looking for ways to integrate the technology and much more aware of the levels of our engagement
A1: I have found so many different ways that i can engage my students for deeper learning!
A2 I'm more mindful of the lack of use of technology in my school
A2: Very excited and motivated to introduce some new ideas about technology and have an engaging school year with my students
A2: it has impacted my entire approach to jj education
Looking for more ways to incorporate technology with exciting opportunities for higher order learning
A2. I have become more directed in providing opportunities for my students to expereince blended learning & makerspace activities.
Much more technology focused. Learning and playing with technology constantly. Excited about technology for the first time.
A2 improving access for Ss in my school
A2: A little more willing to take risks and look for more creative ways to engage our kids beyond the courses.
A2 Since , Im more interested in engaging reluctant learners through better lesson plans and I have more groups!
No risk, no reward. It pays off in the long run. Trust me!
considering getting smart phone not
Q3: What is your best advice to keep the momentum going during the school year?
A3. Always keep in mind that what you are doing is best for our kids. Has kept me going into year 3 of Unjammed!
A 3. Have someone to talk to about it. I am so lucky to have Robin Hicks right next door.
A3: Don't get discouraged---stay positive and always bring your A-game! You will make a difference
A3. And a supportive principal is a big plus too.
A3: By sharing our ideas, work and projects with each other. Teacher's beg and borrow but do not steal. Right???
A3: keep the big picture in mind
A3: Kids first. Opportunity each day for those children to have a new learning experience.
Get out the MakerSpace toys. Stay in touc and involved with Unjammed fellows. Experiment and try new things.
A2 cosidering getting smart phone not
A3: Rome wasn't built in a day, nor are our well-developed plans
I think finding a partner/collaborator/support.
A3: Understand that everything is a process, just Keep Calm and Keep Blending Learning
A3 communication is the key to keeping the subject relevant.
A3 To keep excitement momentum, I like to make concrete goals and keep affirmation notes
And believe in the process!
A3 Remember successes don't dwell on failures
fail = First attempt in learning!
be positive and consistent
Thanks for joining us! Don't forget to use so others can see your tweets.
Q4: What is one tool or concept that you have used since ?
Though I wasn't at this year, I have been working on a project to have my Ss build digital games
A4. Makerspace. Tried to do coding but did not have access to the site on student computers. Finally got it so will try again.
A4 Review and revision of the rup.
A4 Makerspace 3D Printer, Edmodo and Hour o Code Lightbots.
A4: I have been incorporating coding into the classroom!
A4: I've already got the Little Bytes in a kid's hands--great to see him using it at home.
A4: shared research on social justice issues related to a novel we're reading
I have been playing with webpage design using the lessons on . Finding lots of challenges for our kids
A4: Google shared sheets and calendars for transition planning
A4 I showed videos for the 3D pen and the and the kids LOVED the idea of them. Can't wait to use!
I am pretty excited to go live with it!
BTW The novel we're reading is If You Come Softly
haven't gotten ours yet but can't wait to play with them
of course! We'll see if you can escape!
Q5: Looking back... what was your proudest moment working together as a state team?
A5: developing a shared sense of purpose
A5: The ability to collaborate with not just teachers but administrators too!
A5 fighting to gain equality for our students
A5: That I was able to keep my mouth shut when I disagreed with A LOT of the discussion. Excuses!!
A5 Knowing that the powers that be are on the same page as the teachers and working for the good of our kids.
all of them. Five days of innovation , teamwork and learning @
The feeling that together we could get the access to technology that our students need
A5 working toward a common goal with admin to staff
A5: proudest moment would be working for one common purpose of wanting our kids to have same resources as public school kids
Q6: What was the reaction of other Ts at your school when you returned from ?
A5. Being able to put in place some things we learned.
Q5: Knowing that we were all working for the same purpose and knowing that as a state team we can make a difference.
@ https://t.co/2yNWva4Pp2
Being able to share the benefits of the technology in a candid, supportive, forum
@# jjedtech
we collaborate with our DJS administrator and it was very productive
A6: Teachers were impressed by my excitment for all that I had learned.
A6: they were excited by my enthusiasm
A6: wanting to know what exciting tech tools we had learned about
A6: Excited at the prospect of creating a more enriched learning environment
A6. Maybe a little jealous because we were so excited about everything. But now they realize we are all going to benefit.
A6 excited when they heard we were getting same internet access as rest of our district
A6: I think they're still withholding judgment
Being able to share and discuss in an open supportive forum
Yeah, that too https://t.co/umJdqUmJ8z
A6. Maybe a little jealous because we were so excited about everything. But now they realize we are all going to benefit.
I believe the school staff are buying in but some building staff are waiting for a "fail"
A6 Mostly positive. Had concerns about security. Those were addressed at Mo. Dys State Teachers Mtg bt Kat and others.
A5 😳. It was great seeing other people come together and being accepted by the AZ team though!
Teachers were amazed that I was excited about technology. Oh so were my students.
A6: told my plan to a district muckety muck and she cried
teachers were curious and very supportive
A6 There were a lot of WOWS and "what will this look like", just gotta help train ppl to take the fear away
Q7: Why will your school be successful with Unjammed 3.0?
A5 but really, at bwi airport seeing Vance from advance get a chance to talk to John mabry!
since UJ16 we had a couple incidents of inapprop use of technology. Working on communication of longterm consequences
A7. Because we are going to make this sucessful! It's good for the kids, it's good for the teachers, its good for the facitlity
all teachers in my school very enthusiastic
A7: new tech tools and blended learning happening at higher level
Working consistently to embed theory,tech and practice. Not giving up when its difficult
A7 We will suucced because we have a manager that loves and is excited about technology and wants what is best for the kids.
A6: A mixture of jealousy and blank faces. Those who get it and those who don't.
A7: Having an awesome support system!
A7: We be successful because I believe my students will become engaged and enjoy learning. The students will make it a success.
I feel there is a unified goal of making it work in our building as well as thru out the state
A7: Because I will bug the right people until we have WIFI
A7 blended learning and technology is the future get on board or be left behind
Q8: What is your biggest hurdle you have to overcome to be successful?
Buy-in from the top down.
A8: life getting in the way
findfing ways to be connected, especially if we fail to convince the puppeteer
A8 Our biggest hurdle has been and continues to be the lack of internet and blocked sites
A8: facility staff on board and remember "KIDS" matter
A8 getting the senior staff to accept change and give it a chance
A8. Access to the internet sites so we can work with our students at the higher levels of SAMR. We will just keep bugging people
Q8: The biggest hurdle will be teaching students appropriate use of technology.
Become the puppeteer https://t.co/8Vqs1cG4RG
findfing ways to be connected, especially if we fail to convince the puppeteer
Q9: Give a shoutout to someone who has really helped you!
A8 not looking at an obstacle, or challenge as an indicator of the future success of technology in the classroom
A8: Getting our IT dept on the same page.