#games4ed Archive
#games4ed discussions cover ways in which gaming can be used in education. Games mirror the way the human mind was designed to learn. They motivate players to take risks and actions, persevere through failures, set and achieve increasingly difficult goals, and devote attention, time, and effort to acquiring knowledge and skills. All this while the game is tracking the player’s actions and assessing the player’s achievements and skills. Isn’t this what we want from education?
Thursday February 11, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Steve from NJ/ I teach game design development to ms students. Excited for tonight's chat
Hurry & board the ship! Our chat is taking off now with at the helm!
Maria from WI / I teach high school Spanish 1 and 2, looking for gamified assessments for a master's project. Excited for tonight!
I'm excited for tonight all about fun with assessments!
Welcome! It should be a really great evening!
Sam from PA. I teach preservice Ts about via gamification! I am pumped for this chat.
Students this week are working with the app Explain Everything - great tool with a low learning curve.
Drew from Iowa! 6th grade Lit. This week my Ss have been great troops getting through our State assessments!
Jason from Bmore. I'm a music therapist & teaching artist. Creator of Sounds Around the World. A geography game w/global music.
Melissa from Nebraska, 11-12 ELA. Brit Lit Ss are reading Canterbury Tales prologue as a lawsuit & having fun!
Did that a few weeks ago. They truly are troopers!
Rebecca from Green Bay. Middle school social studies excited for a great chat!
Great app for videos, too! Love it!
Jared, NYC. I teach HS English to Deaf Ss. This week, they won many mini-badges for Spirit Week! Tmw, they get their 1st info vid!
Michael Matera
World History teacher
My troops did a great job working together on a passion project. So proud.
& - just think if the gov gamified standardized tests!
Chris, K-5 ESL, Westerville Ohio. I try and do less better with games.
Ashley, Milwaukee, WI Lots of collaboration "Aha"s during a relay game!
- what's a passion project?
Joseph read NC 6th science and ss first time in this chat
Wish I could watch them--super cool
Tisha Richmond Medford, OR Ss rocking practice for culinary competition coming up in 2 weeks. https://t.co/6soasrARq6
8th grade ELA teacher in NY
Garrett from Ontario Canada
Sorry I have to miss tonights Games 4 Ed but I look forward to seeing the Transcript this weekend.
Brandy, middle school reading teacher from Lubbock, TX.
Dominique from NJ! 4th grade students planned, shopped and budgeted for our Vday party tomorrow!
It's my first attempt at the storyline. Recruited another T to be the secret agent who gives them the Youtube link. :)
A1 - My Ss created awesome rubrics for their projects & presents some amazing projects 2 inspire others
You bet! They attacked the state writing test like the death star! So proud!
A1 I started my class this semester talking about growth mindset. It's not about tech, but the attitude and being OK to F.A.I.L
Glad to have you here Brandy!
My ss made some awesome connects and asked great questions about the story of Troy!
So glad to have you here…
A1: for 1 the word test or assessment is not allowed in my room. I have a swear jar on my desk for anyone who uses them.
Hi everyone, Rachelle, from Pittsbgh, Spanish and Hummingbird robots teacher ,
storm troopers "protect the Death Star"
Carefully scaffolded projects help my Ss break apart an assessment so they have managable goals each day and dont feel overhwlemed
Passion projects are another way of saying 20% projects allow Ss 2pursue their own passions
The Ss have a blast trying to catch me using those words
A1: I tel my Ss that every day in math is high stakes and low risks. Failure is how we learn best-- it's a culture!
A1: I'm trying to change the perception of assessment by using different vocabulary: Challenge. Boss Battle.
Students did the great debate Athens v Sparta courtesy of
A1: make sure that students dont feel like their whole grades are dependent on any one thing. We also use more formative them sum
Katie. MS SpEd teacher from Sparta NJ. First time in chat but interested in learning from everyone!
I love this. I should think about creating my own jar.
- Thank you!! Sounds awesome
So true… Fail = first attempt in learning. Need to move kids to SAIL second attempt in learning. https://t.co/Zz5vWJ8m5P
A1 I started my class this semester talking about growth mindset. It's not about tech, but the attitude and being OK to F.A.I.L
I have rebel storm troopers. Didn't Skywalker dress up as one?
Spend a lot of time formatively assessing so they feel confident going into test. Kahoot is a great review
That has been a push communicating to my students that I want them to FAIL in order to learn more https://t.co/DXNMv7V6Kd
A1 I started my class this semester talking about growth mindset. It's not about tech, but the attitude and being OK to F.A.I.L
A1: Spend a lot of time formatively assessing so they feel confident going into test. Kahoot is a great review
A1: I think we need to teach students about the old you get out what you put in… Given the right time, all students could succeed.
didn't sky walker fall into a trash bin?
has been a huge hit in my class as well.
Thanks for the insight on and passion projects!
That one is awesome! I will be doing that next week! Can’t wait.
A1: Allow retakes! No grade is final until Ss stop trying. Also, assessments don't have to be tests.
A1: shows what students Can Do and eliminates lots of "red ink"
We go through the the material in a variety of ways so that ss have many points of reference to refer back to
after last night's chat I figured out twitter challenge for Ss after break to earn additional XP or gold pieces
they allow Ts to retake C-base and Praxis why not let Ss :)
YES YES YES… and we will get to that… But yes.
A1 I try to reinforce errors are okay, focus provide various assmts,more grade on & HW use fun games
A1: Model fearlessness with failure. Don't create assessment anxiety in hopes it will ⬆️ test scores https://t.co/PJsqMxqPrB
Yes, and then the walls started pushing in. The garbage compactor scene!
Also love QuizIzz! The Ss just love friendly competition. Especially if it's for XP.
A1 : I employ iterative grading - feedback loop until expectations met or exceeded
I love that vocab! The way we word things matters!
Awesome I would love to hear more!
- do you use a program to keep track of student XP?
Exactly. Driver's tests. ACTs. Except not sobriety tests. No retakes there ;)
In my class everything can be revised within the Quarter https://t.co/xvxzE9SxSe
they allow Ts to retake C-base and Praxis why not let Ss :)
so true there are so many ways to asses students other that tests!
S can retake a test but must fill out a reflection first. Why did I do poorly? What will I do to improve?
iterative = repetitive growth one of the best things I can think of in education.
They can't grow if we stop the growth!
Agreed! And I love for questions that use graphics of charts or longer passages
I actually use 's own MegaPack. Makes everything a lot easier!
A1- we work hard without the drill and kill tactics they are so sick of.
The right word makes all the difference.
- Thanks! I'll check it out!!
I use quest base gamified lms with xp
Cool thanks for the share. I have never heard of that one.
A2: Minecraft is big, we have used it to asses 3D geo and Ancient Egypt
A2: Teams of Ss earn game pieces for games like Blokus. We devote the last 5 mins of class to game play w/the pieces they have
both lots of fun, Ss love playing, they can create, Quizizz can be assigned as HW too
- I tried for a while then switched to . Both are good
A2: Used to use Monopoly pieces to introduce systems on equations.
A2 We use have fun w/diff assmt types,also &workng on
A2: I've been introducing more card games. My Ss taught me a fairly simple card game that they love on Global School Play Day.
A2 : teaching game design it's more about the process than the tool
A2: is a great game base for combinging content with games
My kids love competing so I try to use things like Kahoot to encourage healthy competition.
Yes, but student paced. And it has memes! Can also assign as homework/on own work wo/teacher starting it.
A2: Students play complex collectable card games… We could create a system where students have power cards and could trade
Since my dive into book I've been crazy into Dice activities and review games with my Ss
no doubt retakes work w/ incentives and sometimes we make it mandatory for those who wait to the last possible moment
no doubt retakes work w/ incentives and sometimes we make it mandatory for those who wait to the last possible moment
Presenting a challenge 1st n having S research ways to be successful. The 'test' is 2 apply what they learned to the challenge
similar but different. Kahoot more teacher driven (valuable at times), Quizzizz is more student driven. Both great.@
I love the donkeys. They make me giggle :)
A2: A "no-tech" game that the Ss enjoy is the classic "spoons" card game. I use it for vocab
I should do more dice games.
Sounds intriguing. Many Ss need more hands on and visual activities with math to understand concepts https://t.co/Yn27q71wux
A2: Used to use Monopoly pieces to introduce systems on equations.
A2: I love Heads Up. We make our own deck w math vocab!
IKR!! The cows are a fav too :)
A2: My class uses cooking shows such as Masterchef and Great Food Truck race as it’s inspiration.
some educators use movie spoiler alerts to motivate retakes or workflow.
some educators use movie spoiler alerts to motivate retakes or workflow.
What an awesome idea! Stealing!
Yes, the cows are awesome!
Apparently Pokemon is still huge in middle school. I guess I need some collectible cards to represent things from class?
- does the "heads up" come with a feature where I can input my own vocab words?
I'm stealing this idea! Love it! https://t.co/XcjC1I5jam
A2: A "no-tech" game that the Ss enjoy is the classic "spoons" card game. I use it for vocab
so glad you are exploring and finding new found joy in the classroom.
Who doesn't love Pokemon?
the Pokemon Superbowl commerical was epic
A2 S love math games and don't even realize they are learning. Snap a pic of game board when done 2 use as formative assessment
not sure who's enjoying it more, me or the Ss
A2: has been great for language learning
A2: Agario, online pool are popular. Still haven't figured out how to modify them to fit my evil plans, I mean, lesson plans
A3: even my HS Ss enjoy making movies and dressing up. Bringing in props and working in groups works shows creativity + teamwork
A3: There's a Bazinga game where Ss select random cards...some have point rewards, some demand jumping jacks or pushups.
that is awesome! And that is why I love
A3: haven't done it yet but rotating test with stations. One kids starts and moves to next question. Then next kid starts. Repeat
grade menus work. List more than many steps to a perfect assessment & students check off the criteria they choose.
grade menus work. List more than many steps to a perfect assessment & students check off the criteria they choose.
A3: 4 Corners Debate, This Side or That, and 30 second challenge are all kinesthetic activities that allow me to assess my Ss
A3: My recent "midterm" was a w/ Ss running all over the room and breaking codes using content from the 1st semester.
A3: Always movement in my culinary class. We rarely sit!
Yes, my Ss enjoy this as well, I use variety and let them pick what works for them. :)
A3: role playing. Apply what you learned and 'perform' your knowledge. Good for ELA
A3 : sorry, I'm not familiar with this whole pen and paper test thing you speak of
I remember doing that in A/P in high school (20 yrs ago, yikes!) But very effective!
A3: I like to "auction off" problems Ss think they can solve correctly
Yes, I am having my Ss create their own 1 minute commercials today and tomorrow https://t.co/gKdLV6zNRH
A3: even my HS Ss enjoy making movies and dressing up. Bringing in props and working in groups works shows creativity + teamwork
what language do you teach? any other games you incorporate in your class?!
A3: Gallery Walks and games like Grudge and The Flyswatter game are awesome too!
A3: We have used relay races in gym where they had to get pieces to build their answers
Looking at having ss build w/ Legos then record a video explaining the answer to essay ?
Theatre has its own magic. We all love to make believe.
A3: I use a 4 corner method for some challenges....each corner in my room has a different answer and Ss move to each corner
A3: Ss created an iMovie trailer this week on iPads to introduce their new teams for Masterchef.
A3: life sized board games, add content as needed. Replace Monopoly properties w/ Ts Rms, answer content Q's in Rm to buy property
A3: I like to do Physical Vocal… You and your guild have 1 minute to get through as much vocab with acting it out and no words.
I've never played flyswatter game, but our Spanish tchr loves it! I need to try it sometime!
Yes, I have taken A LOT of my teaching materials and made them into learning stations for my Ss this year https://t.co/gi9go6fL2m
A3: haven't done it yet but rotating test with stations. One kids starts and moves to next question. Then next kid starts. Repeat
I think people will always gravitate toward categorized powers. Same with superheroes.
A3: create an Amazing Race course to assess knowledge
Yes! We call these gallery walks in my classroom! Ss have to visit every desk. 3qs at each desk with varying diff
A3: assessments should take place on a twister mat
Yes! I wonder if you could use for something like that too.
I teach Spanish, also french before, and
Good evening, Mark G from NJ joining in, can I get a copy of the Qs? Thanks
- similar to the flyswatter game is the "guerra de cerdos" or the pig war!
Super easy. Turn images and text boxes into links. Bam! Then other secret maps could be linked to hidden buttons
It's great for math "solve the eq" or for vocab... Anything with a definitive answer. Ss like the koosh SMART games too
A3: better yet twister May that records responses
nice! I did an amazing race challenge to assess ss for my unit in Africa. Ss loved it!
Oh, how fun! I bet they were amazing!
A3: I think it's essential to incorporate physical movement in our assessments. If we know a Ss leaning style why not assess w/it
A3: I also do a fun quiz challenge. I cut quiz up in ? strips. Put in bucket on one side of class. Ss run to their bucket grab ?
Being a lit teacher I love allowing Ss to create their own Readers Theatre to show learning
You can create real life scavenger hunts. Many uses for education.
So glad to have you here Tisha!
This sounds awesome! Or do Lego Stop Motion videos acting out critical parts to a text or a summary. https://t.co/qisfk6vIRc
Looking at having ss build w/ Legos then record a video explaining the answer to essay ?
Sorry for joining late. I'm Meg from Kansas City, 7th grade science.
A3: We played "musical verbs" today which was like musical chairs but with verb conjugations
A3 I also use stations. I'm loving all of the other ideas I'm seeing!
I love this idea! We do something similar with agree --disagree. In the middle is either/idk. Shift as your opinions do
Glad you're here...we won't make you walk the plank! ;) https://t.co/fZTsVZyzaE
A3: life sized board games, add content as needed. Replace Monopoly properties w/ Ts Rms, answer content Q's in Rm to buy property
I'll be checking that out! Thanks!
That's critical thinking right there! :)
Awesome!! I did this with Makey Makey Operation-- Ss earn chances as bones in lieu of pts
Is Mrs. Frizzle anyone else's favorite teacher/idol?
Thanks for sharing this is something that Im going to look into and create something for my Ss https://t.co/10eGkxx3tz
You can create real life scavenger hunts. Many uses for education.
I just used for my last assessment, however, Ss made & shared the Kahoots & quizzed each other https://t.co/Y8IX0F0g61
A4: In the Ss gained new powers each time they leveled up. They could use their powers on TT and HW
Q4: Love to give Ss the opportunity to gain points to use notes or assess with a partner
Great way to use Kahoot.Creating own quizzes are just as effective in assessing & take more crit. thinking https://t.co/a4ypx14Rta
I just used for my last assessment, however, Ss made & shared the Kahoots & quizzed each other https://t.co/Y8IX0F0g61
half the time they dont even need the notes bc they spent so much time writing them and they are studying w/out knowing
A4: I gave my Ss XP for helping others during P work days
A4: Ss get powerups for winning quick fire culinary challenges. Need to pick up my power up game though with new ideas.
ummmm... Maybe just maybe... With this handle!
A4: extra time on speeches = gold
A4: For a Sp project you could have item that gives you ability to be 30 seconds off the target time.
A4: Work with partner on test. Phone a friend (teacher explains). 50/50 on MC Test
A4: I never have but am interested in how this would work. Would the xp be reflected in the grade or just reflected in mastery?
A4: Still working out powerups, but my first was the "Lasso of Truth" - free answer on any question. https://t.co/LZEjtaBFv4
A4: Sp project you could have the ability to go first, last, or with a partner…
. Love classcraft but my class is Quest based and that's specialty
love coming up with new item and power up ideas…
Welcome Vikter! We're chatting about "power ups" that students could earn to help conquer tests or projects
Yes, allows you 2customize powers & privileges. I allow Ss to suggest privileges https://t.co/65omF2QnGk
A4: In the Ss gained new powers each time they leveled up. They could use their powers on TT and HW
A4: On tests, you could get to talk to a partner, 5 xtra mins with your test the next day, or a 2in by 2in motecard
this is an awesome idea and I'm sure the Ss eat it up
A4: the "Invisibility" power gave the students the last 10 minutes of class to be on thier phones for non school "fun"
This week was all about badges because it's Spirit Week. Not necessarily a powerup, but a boost in XP. Promotes participation.
I like how these are "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" style lifelines :)
A4: could unlock tools,research,props etc. to be used for whatever the project is
Thanks! We're reading graphic novels so my semester game is "Superhero" themed. I'm having fun creating!
A4: I like collaborative powerups. Earn 3 questions for you and yr team ahead of time. Or 1 minute of "team time" during quiz
A4. Last night on talked about a fear serum that Ss use if they attempt a side quest not in area of strength
A4: "Squad Leader" - a badge the Ss liked b/c it reward the Ss who was the best on their team. Helps the individual & the team
I was thinking of the lifeline idea as well. it should be one
I like these? Promotes learning and soft skills!
I do that with Boss Battles. 200 Gold to check notes, 500 to ask a teammate
It seems the power ups are mostly used for "traditional" paper tests. Are there any ones that are used on more projects?
Such a fun theme! Love it!
I really like the Boss Battles - but I wish students could battle each other, instead of it being teacher lead
How can I add in defense, attack, and utility buffs to my class?
Like this idea… What does the power up / badge do?
Could do something like a preview-- teacher looks over w/o penalty or an extra day to complete or xtra supply
You all are giving me much to think about and have fanastic ideas! Thank you!!
A5: Most assignments are team or squad-based. (Squads are mini-teams). The Ss love them.
A5: we sometimes do pair tasks: two columns of Qs with the same answer, different ?s. If Ss solve correctly, answers match
A5: Ss enjoy making together. Then we play them as a class - and I don't edit mistakes until after :)
Jared… This one is super cool and love the graphic. awesomeness here.
Gamification to my Ss is no longer giving the fear of "tests" bing able to work together gives them less fear
A5 Had Ss create also use in collab effort, compare,learn frm each othr
A5: Ss complete interrelated tasks in separate rooms with no free comm., can only comm in 3 diff ways 3x, can win more comm time
dont tell them i said tests or I owe them a $1 in the swear jar lol
Thanks! I am having so much fun making these and the Ss are much more motivated because they want them!
Hey Brita! you are so right with this one.
A5: Ss work in teams or with others to complete tasks because the more minds involved, the more ideas and possibilities
A5: All my assessment is project based - lends perfectly to collaboration - might not be creative but definitely effective
You write questions in ClassCraft. System selects random students to answer. Each ? helps kill boss
- I call my tests/quizzes "celebrations of knowledge" - way to change up their perception of tests
A5: Love Food Truck Challenges. We invite staff to come in to be judges. Staff gets $100,000 to divide up among food trucks.
A5: new to Ed games I ❤️ the 💡 of a choose your own adventure test like the old books... Ss are responsible for learning & adven.
A5: What about a power up that would allow a student to conference with another student for 1 min in a test…
Exit ticket w/ partners. Answer Q but cannot speak and can only write one word @ a time. Makes for funny answers sometimes
also love your idea in ur book about the notecard and cutting it up and allowing them to get pieces back
Effective is more important. Gotta go with what assesses the skills best
A5: constructivist learning - assessment could be based on contributions to discussion-we use 2 and discuss
A4: I like the idea of extra time on assessments, power ups to "see beyond" using a research tool.
Do you let students choose thier groups/partners or do you assign? I constanly struggle with this decision!
A5: for collab to work best in games "fate" of all must be tied together, task should be impossible alone
It's so sneaky! By the time they created the card, they likely know most of it!
That was amazing, I did not win :( But fun!
yes please, I too need the Questions :(
AWESOME!! You're so right!!
I know....and they think we dont have any tricks up our sleeves ;) https://t.co/xCwgTm4scp
It's so sneaky! By the time they created the card, they likely know most of it!
A5: I have 3 XP levels that Ss can work towards in unit. 1st use notecard, 2nd write one page of notes, 3rd exempt from summative.
I print and laminate them. Taking the page (pun intended!) out of the book.
I do this with the Great Shrinking Notecard! Ss love it!
A6: most of my assessment is based on student reflection - truly shows their connection to content and authentic understanding
assessing my lit Ss comes from 1-1 conferences
I assigned squad members because I wanted a balance in the groups. However, when they partner up, they choose.
how do students move up the levels? These are good benchmarks!
A6: most of my students have a blog, account, , channel assessment comes from their
No worries, I saw the most recent, I meant 1 & 2, I joined a little late. Great Chat!
A6: kahoot, google forms, discussion/tasting with team after labs for reflection
we seem to be traveling in the same circles these days :)
a5: today was first Kobayashi Maru, photographed groups in the impossible task, then we group “assessed” collaborative skills
evening to all, catching the climax of the discussion
I normally work on Thursday nights, or I would be in every Thursday, hoping to switch to Weds!
I normally work on Thursday nights, or I would be in every Thursday, hoping to switch to Weds!
A6: I use question sets looking at progress from pre- and post-lesson sets of questions. I'd love to use other assessment methods.
Powtoon is also great! my Ss love creating a Powtoon on Summaries of stories
A6: Alternative Assessments… I love to think of ways to assess Ss learning Like this sim: but levee system https://t.co/TU2cbOM305
A6: With writing I've started conferences. For reading, I like followed up by other, such as Scattergories
can earn XP with team badges, indiv badges, and bakery missions
A6: We play grudge. I know what all Ss know before we finish!
Glad you can make on wednesdays at 7 CST
agreed, an "I need your unique ability as much as you need mine" to creatively create/solve should b the goal
How do you play "grudge"?
A6: I have a systems of equations scavenger hunt. Transposed cooed plan on a school map and Ss solve/graph systems to find clues
Can you say more about this, were you taking directly from Star Trek or did you modify this for ur content https://t.co/fBkkaHYPBk
a5: today was first Kobayashi Maru, photographed groups in the impossible task, then we group “assessed” collaborative skills
if its anything like grudge ball im in!
Absolutely the best mentality to have inside and out of the classroom. https://t.co/FIhCqYfl9n
agreed, an "I need your unique ability as much as you need mine" to creatively create/solve should b the goal
Love the idea of the “impossible task” need to use this term… Just makes it seem epic!
-- if we as teachers can design assessments where Ss work together to broadcast strengths, we have won!
a6: media productions offer moments for points in iterated prototype loops often getting students to rethink a process/product
All Ss names on the board with XXX. You get a ? Correct, you cross off someone else's X. Last person w/X wins.
Agreed, I should start thinking about this https://t.co/jCa8Td01gW
Love the idea of the “impossible task” need to use this term… Just makes it seem epic!
I think we need some ancient Roman enlightenment - “assess” derivative of Latin assēssus seated beside (a judge)
A6 Screen shots, in Minecraft you can use the books for them to log their results / experiences
It's Ss favorite. They'd play it every day if they could!
A7: Tomorrow I'm modding Imaginiff to follow up reading Ch2 Of Mice and Men today.
Pin the dollar on the Hillary if you give a short speech
My favorite game that was used for assessment was a Student created game for Westward Expansion. https://t.co/cCo0uMCYy9
A7: 3 kinds of cards (noun, verb, preposition). Must create sentences that make sense. Ss had fun & led to a great discussion.
A6: Games are social, I assess what what occurs in social interaction- barter in a trade fair or debate to see who wins a 'battle'
A7: Love earlier idea of modding Spoons to fit vocabulary. Wheels of my mind are turning :)
Oh, that's right! I completely forgot about this game! Thank you!
A7: Working on a way to infuse the game settlers of catan into class… Such a good game.
Love the alligator. Last team done pulls a tooth. Or operation-- you earn an opportunity to get bones instead of pts.
Love Catan. Also, Ticket to Ride.
Thanks for all the insight tonight!! Gotta get the kiddos to bed! Keep gaming on!
a7: a fifth grader “minecrafted” her historical fiction narrative (at home for fun), I simply asked her to screencast narrate it
Ss could earn opportunity to match two in a memory game. Or uncover a panel in Concentration- first to solve puzzle wins
A7: Used Funemployed last week to prep for job interview activity. Thinking of other ways to modify it, perhaps for tchng argument
I used Operation for a class review game during my Egypt unit. It was crazy fun and a bit thematic.
A7: cut throat kitchen is super fun to play in culinary. They love it! Chopped challenges too w/mystery baskets
Do you have a copy of the Screencast? Would love to see it and use it for my 5th graders.
Wow! What a crazy fast hour! Thanks to for an amazing chat! I gain so much every night!