#mathmindset Archive
#MathMindset occurs every Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (PT). Created by TenMarks and Amazon Education, the chat focuses on math and growth-mindset strategies. Each chat asks five questions for participants to discuss and share resources.
Thursday March 31, 2016 7:30 PM EDT
Welcome to ! Today we’re going to be discussing growth mindset in math with
Please introduce yourself, what grade you teach, and what you’re most excited about this week!
Hi all! Excited for a great discussion today! Thanks for being with us
Meg Rice, curriculum developer. Excited for today
Thanks so much for opportunity tonight! Math T & aspiring admin from Parkersburg WV! 7:30 here on my spring break :)
Hi all! Mo from Team TenMarks. Former elem T. Excited to have had some great convos with Ts this week!
Matt, math coach in atl. Excited to be here. I'm usually in class
Caren Long, 4/5 Media Coordinator from NC on Spring Break!
Dana Luther, Product Manager. Looking forward to the chat today!
Tiffany from AL. I teach Reading and Math Intervention. Always excites to learn and hear new things
Q1: How do u assess Ss who are grade levels behind while also meeting the curriculum demands of ur course?
Evening ! We're the first nat'l marketplace for K-12 purchasing, excited to feature + 1000's of other K-12 products!
Hi! Former 5th/6th grade teacher here.
Hi. 4th grade teacher from Lee's Summit, MO.
As a math coach, I try to fill in the missing pieces. Good ques. It can be difficult
A1 Have to find an assessment on their level and figure out gaps. This will allow us to give them the practice they need
Thanks for joining tonight!
Thanks for joining tonight! Looking fwd to your input!
A1 I gave Ss a pre-test and tried to differentiate their small group time based on those gaps.
1 way may be to measure change over time; focus on their growth and progress. good Q.
A1: what said, + error analysis - how did they miss it? what are they thinking?
Matt, I agree. I find it more difficult the higher you go (grade levels).
A1: Small group instruction, focused intervention, 1-1
A1: For me, I find where the need is,meet them, and assess. I work with the low ones ,so any improvement is good
Q2: How do u communicate growth to ur Ss? How do ur Ss monitor their growth?
A1: As HS T, I struggle when Ss instrctnal lvl is >1+ grade lvls below my course. Unfortuntly A-F scale & credts r on the line.
A2: Data analysis notebooks, students track their progress
It's a unique perspective to work as interventionist not bound by grades A-F and/or credits for graduation.
A2 Starts with teaching Ss to set goals, providing tools for them to track progress.
A2: student-owned standards-based rubrics, graphs, checklists. also assessment re-takes and clear effective feedback
A2: from Hattie's work Ss monitoring own progress = high-yield strategy! Something to start if ur not doing it
A1: In the end, Ts do the best they can. We're failing Ss when we push beyond their capability & overseeing their ability
A2 School leader today told me their Ss look at student dashboards in w parents to demonstrate progress. !
A2 I'm n year 2 of student blogs, which I intnded to use 2 chronicle their lrng thru txt, images, & vid. Still work n progress
Q3: Are your Ss part of the assessment design process? I’d love to hear about it!
A2: Have students chart their learning through a standard and reflect on the perceived difficulty of the math each day.
A1: Response to Intervention time and differentiating instruction and assignments. TenMarks is great for this.
A LMS is great for the student monitoring their progress along with their parents and great comm with T
A2: They know the expectation beforehand. I communicate through the learning process, guide them, and then give feedback
A3: I unfortunately did not give my Ss the opportunity to help design assessment.
A3 this is critical. students must feel invested in their learning progress
A2: Anything that emphasis explanation of lrng is a step in the right direction!
A3: This is somthng I've been exploring this yr. My Ss have been creating assessments for prac. Deep thnkng invlved n Q design.
A3: quality assessment design is a complex skill of its own. Never had kids involved. interested if others have done it well.
Do you use your students' questions in your assessments after they've created them?
A5: I have many amazing ppl in my PLN, but if I have to start at my foundation, it'll be . She's a
How are Ss involved? Do Ss take each others' assessments? Do you incorporate their assessments into yours?
deep thinking for sure! do you supplement with your own questions?
Allowing students go back figure what they missed, practice and then reassess helps build growth and internal motivation.
Dana, I haven't, most their Qs r level 1 DOK. But they r beginning to ask "how could I ask that n a better way?"
For prac, I feel I provide a qualty buffet of opportunities, what they create has been what they create thus far.
how do you encourage/support your students in the deepening of their Qs?
Struggle with this idea. It is hard enough as a T with training/education to create good assessment.
Q4: How do u maintain consistent, fast, feedback focused on growth for ALL Ss?
it's in inquiry process for sure! They begin to thnk like a T. What is my target? What do I want Ss to do?
specifically, what questions do you ask them along the way? Very cool Q.
Then follow that up with "How can I design Qs that allow participants to do target?" Moving beyond DOK 1 is dificult
A4: A good LMS makes this more manageable for HS with 100+ students.
A4: I leverage tech to do what tech does more efficiently than I. It also librates me to spend HQ time w/my Ss gvng HQ feedback
That is a great way to put it - having the freedom to give more quality feedback
A4: Also important to teach Ss to navigate the LMS, software, etc. so they can monitor their own progress toward clear targets.
A4 asynchronicity. it's harder to give feedback on a whole stack of papers in 1 day, & kids don't learn @ the same pace anyway
Q5: I find myself bogged down often trying to meet the needs of struggling lrnrs. How do u continue to engage high achievers?
w/o the support of tech, my time would be consumed with... plenty of less importnt activities.
A4: also not giving busy work, and being choosy about what work to give feedback on. not everything needs to be marked.
Well said https://t.co/sL2mE5V12n
A4 asynchronicity. it's harder to give feedback on a whole stack of papers in 1 day, & kids don't learn @ the same pace anyway
A5 asychronicity, again. keep feeding the high-ach's more info, & let them own the resources. you'll have more time 4 evrybdy.