A California-based live chat for California school librarians, with school librarians and school library supporters from anywhere welcome and encouraged to join us.
Welcome to our #calibchat live chat. Our topic tonite is Summer Refresh/Restore. This #calibchat chat is for Calif school library friends & any friends across the country & globe are welcome! Please join in and introduce yourself!
Hello everybody, Texas librarian crashing the Cali party even though I’m currently in the car on the way to Nashville, excited to hear from everyone #CALIBchat
I’m a retired CA TL, Rutgers part-time instructor of preservice librarians, a #4CSLA Past Prez, #aaslbestwebsites committee chair, #calibchat Here’s my “digital business card”
A1: I'm having fun with family, actually eating lunch at restaurants, and catching up on my to-be-read pile. Reading some professional things too like Passionate Readers by @pernilleripp#CALIBchat
A1 Reading good booms #Refugee by @AlanGratz is phenomenal Spending time with family, Libcamps to recharge the librarian battery, and self care sessions in meditation, art, and pedicures when possible #CALIBchat
A1: Going ⛺️ for a week and I’m bringing a big stack of books I’ve been itching to read...and a new journal so I can teach myself to relax and focus on the “now” #calibchat
One of the best parts of being retired is rarely using my alarm to wake up. I still wake up pretty early, but it FEELS so much better without the alarm! #calibchat
Definitely have Google Level 2 certification on the list, but I'm also working right now with BreakoutEDU as an official game designer. :-) So I've been focused on that. But also trolling Pinterest for new library ideas for 18/19 #calibchat
A1: Travel, travel, travel! Taking a class abroad, visiting my friends and chasing that travel bug into exhaustion. Plus having a blast writing curriculum for our soon to be innovation space!! #CALIBCHAT
A2: I read Passionate Readers already. Currently reading Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters. Then, Intention by @amyburvall@WickedDecent#CALIBchat
I have a long list of things to look into.... the list grows before I can make is shorter #CALIBchat super excited about @cospaces_edu and @BookCreatorApp updates
In reply to
@jane_librarian, @cospaces_edu, @BookCreatorApp
Thanks so much for coming, Sam! Where is your class abroad? Writing curriculum isn't restore, but it will definitely contribute to A2, growing :-) #calibchat
A3: Probably my favorite read of the summer (so far) is Front Desk by @kellyyanghk It allowed me to walk in a different perspective and also see a young person raise her voice for change. #CALIBchat
A3: You Bring the Distant Near, as I mentioned before. Also the graphic novel Brazen as EXCELLENT. Biographies of various "brazen" women. It will send you to learn more abut each of them once their story is done! #calibchat
A3: Also, if you haven't read Ghost Boys by @jewell_p_rhodes, you need to! It explores #blacklivesmatter and police brutality on a middle grades level. Very powerful #CALIBchat
A1 #CALIBCHAT I've been reading and cleaning. Cleaning doesn't sound like fun, but we have found almost $900 dollars worth of gift cards and movie tix. Most of it was in forgotten about emails.
A2: I read Passionate Readers already. Currently reading Disrupting Thinking: Why How We Read Matters. Then, Intention by @amyburvall@WickedDecent#CALIBchat
A3: Some books I have enjoyed that may still be available on https://t.co/kGnvc3rL6l are "I Am Still Alive" (thriller set in Alaska), The Witch of Willow Hall" (historical fiction) , "Out of the Blue" (angels in Scotland!), "Rust & Stardust" (based on a true story) #calibchat