#HSD1Chat will be a PLC based chat involving educators from Helena Public Schools. However, other educators are invited to participate. It will occur on the second Tuesday of every month.
A1: Each day I try to begin class w/ 2-3 minutes of "care to share" - Ss can share things going on in their life, comment on current events, etc. anything that's on their mind really. It helps them feel comfortable w/ each other, but airs out any issues on their mind. #hsd1chat
As a specialist, I have less than 30min at a time w/ each group, so I really encourage students to check their conflicts at the door. This is esp challenging for my 2nd gr classes I see right after recess. I don't think I manage this artfully yet, but I am trying! #hsd1chat
A1: I don't usually address this sort of issue as an entire class, rather I will speak with the student(s) involved after class or in the hall prior to class.
Oh boy! I *really* like that first comparison! I may have to print this for my classroom. My tattle management skills are...still developing! #hsd1chat
A1b: I think it also helps build trust and rapport when they know you want to take 2-3 minutes each day to see what is on their mind to learn about them as people. #hsd1chat
Yes! And there are a certain set of personalities where Ss just want to continue picking at old wounds, dragging up conflicts that happened two recesses ago, from the day before, etc. :| #hsd1chat
I try really hard to leave "issues" at the door. It has to be squashed before they come into class to learn. Hopefully it's resolved within a few mins. Or address it next recess. If it's a bigger issue, it's a challenge. #hsd1chat
A1: I have students bring any issues to me privately. I have a chair across from the desk where they can sit and chat with me while feeling like their conversation is private. #hsd1chat
I think there's a lot of variety even within high school. I find the freshman I work with need more support with their "problems" much more than the juniors or seniors I've worked with. #hsd1chat
a1: Our nature as educators is to solve problems and move on...think of all the decisions made in a day . Sometimes best to let kids figure it out for themselves. Give them a chance. Especially for girl drama issues. #hsd1chat
A2: I am a stickler for our classroom rules, and I hold everyone accountable.I find that my students, once they accept and understand this, they do well with our routine and get comfortable. #hsd1chat
A2: I stick really closely to our school universals, "Crown Jewels." Recently, I have worked to be more active in recognizing/rewarding desired behavior. As my second year ticks on, I definitely think management is going to be one of my summer homework tasks. #hsd1chat
A2: Mine has drastically changed having 27 Ss and working with 3rd. I find I having clear and direct expectations is beneficial for my Ss and myself. #HSD1CHAT
A2: Teaching and modeling of classroom expectations, 3:1 ratio of positive interactions to negative; natural consequences as much as possible when classroom expectations are not followed. #hsd1chat
A2- my classes are relatively relaxed, I'm not a stickler as long as the kids are respectful. The few things I employ are grading participation and using a seating chart or a mandatory seat, if they can't handle themselves (but that's rare) #hsd1chat
A2 I use whole brain teaching and it has really made a difference in classroom management. Gives kids ownership and keeps them busy so behaviors decline. #HSD1chat
A2: I like seeing teachers checking in with students at start of day. Most of staff does this- helps understand what kid walked through the door that morning and who might need additional support. #hsd1chat
Q2 This year, I tried something new. I'm only using our school's "Oops" and "Golden Nuggets" slips instead of my usual "Color up/Color down" - it's going so well! They're very motivated still 👍 #hsd1chat
A2b- I also aim to use affirmation in one-on-one situations, which I find helps to establish and maintain relationships- be it with an A+ student or one that requires a ton of work, they all appreciate a "good job" #hsd1chat
A2c - In High School, it also varies from class to class. My 7th period group of freshmen require much more effort with regard to behavior management than my 2nd period group of freshmen. Such different group personalities! #hsd1chat
A2b: I am a huge cell phone stickler, but the students who choose to put their phone up front during class are in a daily draw for extra credit as a positive affirmation. #hsd1chat
A2: I have a few rules and I expect Ss to follow them. If they don't, we come up with a consequence together. I find that I don't have too many problems, I try to focus more on the positive, and get positive behavior because of it. #hsd1chat
A2b: I am a huge cell phone stickler, but the students who choose to put their phone up front during class are in a daily draw for extra credit as a positive affirmation. #hsd1chat
Same, for sure! I have an afternoon section of 3, 4, and 5. The afternoon sections (especially in the heat at the beginning and end of the year!) can be sooooo challenging. Kids are tanked, sometimes I am tanked. It just takes a little extra effort. #hsd1chat
A2) clear expectations set at the beginning of the semester. In the gym, most days are front loaded, instruct and lay out the expectations at the beginning of the lesson and manage/redirect from there #hsd1chat
I agree with that too! I actually always keep hot chocolate, tea, and coffee on hand. Sometimes something as simple as offering them a warm beverage and just listening to them while they calm down is all they really want or need. #hsd1chat
In reply to
@EngWithWallace, @youtheduteach, @HhsAmerican
Reading today that some of our students go through their days without one adult having a positive interaction with them in our schools. That is sad....we@must make connections to all kids every day. Be THAT educator that the student looks back on as caring. #HSD1CHAT
A3- it largely depends on the assignment and the effort.
Big assignment- I'm far less likely to be forgiving
Little assignment- just get it to me ASAP
Trying- I'm flexible
Lazy- rigid.
Also, 1 or 2x a week I read off missing work.
A3: My first goal is just to talk to them to find out why. Depending on whether they didn't understand it, they just decided not to do it due to time management issues, or just apathy and refusal will change the way I move forward them. #hsd1chat
A3. My kids like missing recess because of the weather, so they've been making up their homework and unfinished work during "tech" time. It's a bummer to miss out on math apps! #hsd1chat
Q3 I don't assign homework. I expect them to read and practice spelling. I believe I work the first graders hard all day, home time is for family not more work. #HSD1chat
A3b: I usually try to give them a chance to get caught up or fix on their own by a deadline or compromise we come up with together, if that fails I contact home, and if that fails I try to move forward with a support meeting if it is missing work is a constant issue. #hsd1chat
A3. Need to create environment where consequence for not doing work is DOING THE WORK to the high standards we set for all kids. Zeros in grade books are too easy and too damaging (often unrecoverable). #HSD1CHAT
A3: I am fairly lenient with late work. Ss have 7 days to get it turned in for full credit. After that it is worth 50% until the end of the quarter. I think it is more important that they get it done & understand it. Surprisingly, I don't get a lot of late/missing work. #hsd1chat
My third graders have been asking me for homework, including parents. I was surprised during conferences that 4 parents asked for their child to have homework beyond spelling and reading. #hsd1chat
A3) we have a standard make up sheet for when a kid misses. 30 min of activity outside of class, signed by a parent or coach. They have a week to turn in after the absence #hsd1chat
A4: Having homework motivates my Ss. I don't explicitly assign homework, so if my students are not following rules or wasting time, they either get assigned more or have to finish work at home. #hsd1chat
A4: instruments, games, instruments, instruments, instruments! The best motivator in music class is, "if you follow directions, you will be playing an instrument/game. If not, you will miss out." #hsd1chat
A4b: Extra credit in the phone lottery, 5 minute break, or 5 minute class chat motivate my kids in a positive way. They love just being able to talk as a class about random things. #hsd1chat
A4- a seating chart, rather than the weird amoeba seats that they came to organically. And sometimes, it's just grades (they need my class to graduate)
A4b More often that not, this positive consequence is enough to motivate even the students with the toughest behavior challenges. It is amazing what little kids will do for the chance to play a drum or xylophone. #hsd1chat
A4: I rarely assign work that is solely homework - all activities are given class time for completion; if they work hard in class, they have no homework, or at least very little homework. Most students like to take advantage of that class time to get it done. #hsd1chat
A4: Seating charts - I always have one, but if students are good friends and they work well together and stay on task, they know I'll seat them by each other in my seating charts; I use this mainly with freshman, and with older grades if there are behavioral issues. #hsd1chat
A4. My Ss can earn a lunch date with me, an afternoon of bubble gum, or an afternoon of no shoes. These motivate my kiddos to complete work and to be respectful! #hsd1chat
I have never had a kid or class as a whole who likes running extra laps. Just the thought of doing an extra workout day instead of a game day motivates to follow directions. On the flip side, rewarding good behavior with game days works even better #hsd1chat
I agree!.I put a student who just struggles with focus near my desk; even when he has the chance to work with friends, he often chooses not to and stays near me where he can ask for help more easily without drawing attention to himself for it. #hsd1chat
A5- I'll ask the kids if anything is going on and that's usually enough to get a sense of what's going on and I can go from there. IF it's habitual or affecting their grades, I'll have a chat with their counselor, too. Occasionally contact home. #HSD1chat
A5: I check in with parents if a S has an attendance issue. See if I can help in any way. If the problem persists, a letter is sent home. Rewards are given for those Ss with perfect attendance each quarter. #hsd1chat
A5) we have a great incentive program for attendance that is awarded each semester at an assembly. Our admin team gives out some really cool prizes. #hsd1chat
A5 I am fairly removed from attendance, as I do not take attendance for every class. The biggest attendance aspect in music is because of pull-out scheduling, there are some kids whose music attendance is only 50%, which is a serious bummer for skill development. #hsd1chat
A5c: My Ss and I looked at how much learning time we lose if we stopped five minutes early every day. My kiddos were shocked by how the time adds up #HSD1CHAT
A5. This issue is especially troublesome as there is little to be done that has any “teeth” to it. Attendance contracts, meetings, letters home, etc. Loved your responses of connecting with kid....make them feel like their attendance is important to you. #hsd1chat
yes!! My 5th grade has been habitually late, especially after little buddies. I drew a circle on the board and blacked out 25% of it, representing the 8 minutes they were late to my class. That *really* floored them to visually see how much class they had missed. #hsd1chat
Yep. I wish there was a better solution for scheduling PEAK. No matter what day Ss are pulled out, they are missing 50% of the music or phys ed curriculum. #hsd1chat
A5b. Hurts kids so much when they miss double digit days (some in 40’s)....add that to multiple years of this pattern and there is no wonder the student’s learning is lagging. #hsd1chat
When I am aware of habitually absent students (seeing them only twice a week means I am often oblivious to truancy!), I make an extra point of greeting them, saying I am glad to see them, tell them I hope I get to see them again tomorrow/next class. #hsd1chat
By the time they hit HS, it becomes a major road block for them. They feel so lost and behind their peers, that that also becomes another reason for them to skip class or stay home. They hate feeling behind or like their struggling, so they just use avoidance to cope. #hsd1chat
A6- yeah, we've got ways for kids to work on behavior/ emotional issues. On a much smaller scale, I'm happy to let kids who "get" each other take a little time to talk through some stuff so they can focus in class; not a ton need it, but it's great for those that do #hsd1chat
A6: we are trying to make some of these things work. Comes down to resources to make this work well. Appreciate the paras, CSCT, and counselors, as well as T’s that support struggling kids daily. #awesomework#HSD1CHAT