Welcome warriors!
Who's ready to talk PD?! We are honored to have author @4OClockFaculty@RACzyz moderating this am!
But first, roll call!
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Share your name & how/where you 'gladiate' 4 Ss!
Good morning! We will be giving away a copy of The Four O'Clock Faculty: A ROGUE Guide to Revolutionizing Professional Development this morning! Tweet away and don't forget to tag your tweets w/ hashtags #4OCF and #EduGladiatorshttps://t.co/Zgr1EzVngA
Brent from Magrath, just home from holidays last night first time in the gym in almost a week. Happy to chat this morning with #BookCampPD and #EduGladiators
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Good Morning Family! Paul from NJ here. Participating live from another EdCamp. Hoping to get a little stronger each day. Getting ready to lead a Twitter 101 session from #JSSpEdCamp#EduGladiators
Morning, #edugladiators. I'm Brian. I teach middle-school students English in Colorado & I embrace the idea of leading my own learning. (In that spirit, I'm curious how to pronounce our guest moderator's last name. Little help, @RACzyz?)
A1 PD is meaningful for me when I have a choice in the what, where and how I choose to learn.. I have areas that I want to develop my skills in, and being able to have some choice in that makes a difference, more applicable to my personal needs #EduGladiators
A1 There has to be an element of choice. I need to have some sort of personal investment in what I'm learning; it has to seem relevant. If I am told what I have to learn, I rebel every time. #EduGladiators
A1: I remember learning that I make an emotional tie to--something that blows my mind, surprises me, makes me FEEL as well as learn. #edugladiators#Path2Serendipity
A1: Meaningful can translate to self directed for me. If I choose something it is more likely to be meaningful to me than when I am voluntold to do it. #EduGladiators
A1. It’s got to about something I want to incorporate in my classroom. The one size fits all approach that seems to be the go to makes PD a chore. We ask for feedback from Ss in class, why not staff for PD? #EduGladiators#4OCF
Welcome warriors!
Who's ready to talk PD?! We are honored to have author @4OClockFaculty@RACzyz moderating this am!
But first, roll call!
Who's here?
Share your name & how/where you 'gladiate' 4 Ss!
A1: Meaningful PD to me means an authentic exchange of educational conversations that are collaborative, and transferable to our culture and process. #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
✨Good morning, #EduGladiators! I'm Kimberly from NE, and I teach 7th grade ELA. I couldn't miss out on the chat this morning...the best PD for waking up, is #4OCF and my cup ☕️!✨
A1: PD is meaningful when it’s learner-selected & is presented with a balance between “here are the basics” and “here’s how you can use it.” Ts need to see how they can apply it in their classroom. If they can walk away with something they create there—even better. #edugladiators
A1 Meaningful PD stretches my thinking, helps me make connections and there's often an ah-ha moment when I realize how I can apply it in my school #EduGladiators
A1 PD needs to be relevant and expands my knowledge either in a new area or deepening an existing area. Also needs to be positive impact for staff and students. #EduGladiators
A1 Meaningful PD connects with the current needs and interests of the educators who are present. These PD sessions allow participants to engage, question, reflect, and provide specific guidance so we can immediately apply what's learned to our practice #EduGladiators
A1: Meaningful PD drives practice. If it is more conversation than action, its effectiveness is diminished. Development implies change and progress, so it must bring forth results. Active participation is critical. #EduGladiators
Craig from PA. HPE.
A1. - Pd has to have transfer to the class or school. If we see the results of a session, the value becomes not only personally productive, but also professionally meaningful. #EduGladiators
Like the stretches thinking piece, Carla. As we participate and apply PD, it's imperative that we are able to extend our own learning about our work #EduGladiators
A1 When the presenter and the audience get connected to each other...Experiences are shared by both regardless of the information being presented #edugladiators#4OCF
A1: Wow! So many awesome questions! I am passionate about making learning come alive for kids! I thoroughly enjoy wrapping them in a storyline and taking them on a journey!
I feel like then we share this story together with others.
A1: Go into every PD with an open mind. If you’re willing to learn and put something into it, you’ll get something meaningful out of it. #4OCF#EduGladiators
A1: A1: Relevant PD is interactive, purposeful, meaningful, engaging, and includes a tool or strategy I can apply to my practice immediately! #EduGladiators
A1: HS Principal joining the ring late from graduation Saturday in Stockton, KS! PD is meaningful by being useful to build good, create great & enhance culture! #EduGladiators
A1 Also when I can choose to attend some conferences and have a lot of options available to choose from, to connect with my #PLN and have those conversations, share ideas, is awesome #EduGladiators
A1 When I feel like it my admin put great thought into deciding what PD would be best for ME as opposed to randomly picking something to fill the time. #edugladiators
A1) Pd that is meaningful is something I know can make a difference for the students in our building. If the PD can bring student success, I’m all in for PD #EduGladiators
Yes! It can’t be ‘one size fits all’ - it may be a good session but without personal relevance to impact teaching/Learning it has no meaning. #edugladiators#4OCF
Q1: PD is meaningful when I have the chance to interact with other Ts or the person presenting provides that opportunity. Also when the presenter has the experience and gives all sides to a topic #EduGladiators
A1: PD should be innovative, engaging, & relevant! PD should make us feel energized & inspired to implement new strategies & ideas as soon as we enter our buildings. PD should make us want to share with everyone we come in contact with! #EduGladiators#4OCF#LoveLiteracyLearning
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A1b - PD also must be more than just a “time drain!” It should never be just a way to make up a day. We need to always see st least some true value of our time spent. #EduGladiators
A1) I’m also a fan of PD that is meaningful, relevant, and applicable. I recall sitting in some whoppers where it was either completely irrelevant or I couldn’t partake in it because we didn’t have the resources or admin didn’t approve. #EduGladiators
Definitely seeing common themes, self-directed, relevant, meaningful, choice, interactive and something we can put into practice right away #edugladiators
Agree, Vic. The PD engagement piece is crucial. Allows us to visualize what the activities will look like in our classrooms and provides opportunities for us to discuss questions that our Ss may have #EduGladiators
A1 What makes PD meaningful for me... In the run-up, did I get to choose it? In the aftermath, am I still thinking about what I learned & starting to apply it? More yeses=more meaningful. #edugladiators
A1) I’m also a fan of PD that is meaningful, relevant, and applicable. I recall sitting in some whoppers where it was either completely irrelevant or I couldn’t partake in it because we didn’t have the resources or admin didn’t approve. #EduGladiators
I am IN LOVE with this!! It matches my definition of serendipity so well! Thank you for sharing! So excited to hear the connections you make to the #Path2Serendipity! #EduGladiators#4OCF
A2 I run the gamut: different times of yr & schedules call for diff formats. Online grad classes, pd books, EdCamps, workshops, coffeeedu... #4OCF#EduGladiators
A2) I advocate for PD that meets the learner where they are, both location and skill. Right now, my kids are in swimming lessons and I’m on the bleachers... learning. Awesome. #EduGladiators
A1: We ask teachers to differentiate or personalize instruction in their classrooms. We must model the same in professional learning for teachers. #EduGladiators@RACzyz#4OCF
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12, @RACzyz
A2: I enjoy online courses and reading a great educational book. Both allow me to select exactly what I need in my professional growth.
A1 For me if it’s something I’m interested in or I want to learn about I’m “all in”-it’s all about the intrinsic motivation but ...Ive also attended a few Edcamp sessions on things I wasn’t that interested in to #broaden my horizons” that were really good #EduGladiators
A2 My most effective PD never happens at school. It happens on my own timeline, either through books that I select and read with other Ts who want to read them, or through Twitter, where I get new ideas and perspectives from people I don't know. #EduGladiators
Thanks. I thrive with both. My frustration with some PD experiences is being around other educators that only care about something they can implement tomorrow. They abdicate the discussion on the future. #EduGladiators#4OCF
Agreed! I think some Ldrs feel if they don’t mandate PD or only have sign in at the end of session to ensure folks attend kills culture. If PD topic is based on Ts choice & they are in a culture where continuous learning is valued they will attend. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A2: #edugladiators I'm a huge fan of webinars. I can watch them after I'm done with my duties at home. I am always willing to learn new things but sometimes it's a matter of finding the balance.
A2) PD that empowers teachers to collaborate and share ideas. Also Pd that allows you to go at your own pace, and learn on your time #4OCF#EduGladiators
A2: Hallway conversations, self guided books, Twitter chats. PD in minutes as you can digest it is the way to go. It doesn't have to be a four course meal to fill you up, small meals through the day works too. #EduGladiators
A1: Approach I take each year on professional learning: Chose an area of focus, research it & systematically connect with experts based on their results in the focus area. From those connected conversations, discover ways to improve your plans and practice. #4OCF#EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A2. Due to changes I made in class, I have freed up prep time in certain instances so I can read on prep. Joining twitter chats has opened up new avenues. Going to start listening to audiobooks on the ride to/from work. Use summer too. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A2: because I create PD I want T input before we design, design it with collaboration impact, ALWAYS have application time to build what was just talked about! Collab & Apply is most important #EduGladiators
A2 - This will vary for each person. For me, I love to actually “do something.” If I can’t experience the learning, then it becomes much harder for me to apply it to my class. #EduGladiators
A1: Most importantly, PD needs follow up and implementation support! Most teachers fail at changing practice because they have no support when they reach their first road block... #stem#pd#EduGladiators
Huzzah for collaborative, accountable, reflective dialogue. (Nothing against the voices in my own head, but other perspectives feed learning in crucial ways.) #edugladiators
Yes! We must work to empower Ts to develop themselves instead of getting in their way. It is a symbiotic relationship between Admins and Ts. It needs to be reciprocal #EduGladiators
A2 When we discuss PD time frame/format, flexibility is key. Digital, face-to-face, observations, side-by-side coaching, one day, or extended days - as leaders, we have to consider all to meet the needs of our team members. #EduGladiators
A2: I appreciate having choices for @vbschools district PD, in face sessions, webinars, book studies, hybrid models. PD over the summer as well as during the year. I can participate in sessions that best fit my schedule and needs. #EduGladiators#4OCF#LoveLiteracyLearning
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12, @vbschools
A2: Much like my #4ocfpln friend @LeachTeach4 says about reading "Sometimes you have to be sneaky"
Fit it in when YOU have time.
I love filling my drives to and from school with amazing Voxer PD! #EduGladiators#4OCF
A2 We have two hour weekly PD sessions built into our schedule. This allows for a strong PD cycle of learn, try, observation, feedback, reflection, and back to learning. #EduGladiators
A2 Because of time constraints, the best pd for me is online webinars & tweetmeets. Of course I love live sessions and I'm so looking forward to #FligridLive and for the arrival of the #FlipGridBusTour arriving on Monday. Attended my first EdCamp this year. #EduGladiators#4OCF
Really good idea -- depth more than breadth. My issue is that I am so fascinated by many things that it is easy for me to get caught up in breadth and head so many different directions. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A1: Approach I take each year on professional learning: Chose an area of focus, research it & systematically connect with experts based on their results in the focus area. From those connected conversations, discover ways to improve your plans and practice. #4OCF#EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A2: My class is blended, self-paced and mastery based. Professional development can operate with the same principles. PD will become highly personalized and differentiated. The facilitator can spend all their time engaging in class and content specific discussions #EduGladiators
A2) I have found tremendous learning within my @Voxer groups. Also I can’t wait for summer since that is prime reading time. Can’t wait to read some great edu books. #Edugladiators
A2: We’ve held mini-Edcamp style sessions during faculty meetings in the past. I like the choice board style of choosing where you want to go and what you want to learn. I think having digital webinars to refer back to are also a plus! #edugladiators
A2: I like to provide opportunities for professional learning at various times, including after school, evenings, weekends, during the school day (when possible), and when our district has designated. The same doesn’t work for everyone. #EduGladiators
I need time to think and process, and that almost never happens when we do PD sessions at school. I'm a quick thinker, but a slow processor. #EduGladiators#allaboutthatwaittime
A2. Blended using both online & actual attendance. Also archived webinars where you can choose what you want when you want. Summer confs. As well for face to face networking. #EduGladiators
A2 I think that we can have effective PD in various timeframes...I think it works best when there is enough time to work on its implementation right after the PD #edugladiators
A2: The best format is flexible with teacher choice! Flipping the PD with a video clip, podcast, or article and then applying the info in collaborative learning is my dream PD. EdCamp is another format that inspires me. #EduGladiators
A2 I do a lot of my own PD in the forms of Books, Podcasts, Webinars, Belonging to many Teacher Groups on Facebook/Twitter/Google+, and Blogs @RACzyz#40CFPLN#edugladiators
A2: Thinking about teacher voice, choice, & ability to lead professional learning. We must empower teachers through these opportunities. #EduGladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
sometimes all we have time for is to listen to a few minutes of a Voxer discussion, scan a blog, but you are right, PD doesn't need to be a big event, #edugladiators
A2: There is always enough time for PD. Our time is allocated to what we prioritize. Not growing shouldn't be an option. It is professional malpractice.
A2: We’ve held mini-Edcamp style sessions during faculty meetings in the past. I like the choice board style of choosing where you want to go and what you want to learn. I think having digital webinars to refer back to are also a plus! #edugladiators
A2: Wouldn't it be lovely to access PD right when we need it, rather than when the calendar allows? In our district, we are exploring options to make that happen. #Path2Serendipity#edugladiators
What I love about individualized PD is that everyone can choose what works for them (book study, reading blogs, taking a course) but there's built in time - so many Ts are overwhelmed that they can't make the time otherwise. #EduGladiators
A2: Effective PD for me means I want hands-on experience. Also If it’s a “sit and listen” session with a speaker that reads the slides he’s showing us then I’m looking for the door. #4OCF#EduGladiators
Hey Jacie! Agreed, love my Voxer groups and PLN and also waiting for a new arrival of some summer reading, my new @dbc books on the way! #edugladiators
A2: “We often create what we experience, which means the experiences we create in our professional learning must change.” #InnovatorsMindset via @gcouros#EduGladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12, @gcouros
A2b - this is a great topic. From doing PD and also leading it, there is clearly a value in starting small and building a base. Too frequently, we throw 10 things at people with the hope they get 1. Give time for mastery. #EduGladiators
Same here. I love reading professional books with groups who chose to read together. When we have done book studies that were chosen for us, there are always "dead weight" people who don't read and can't contribute. #EduGladiators
A1: #EduGladiators#40cf#raczyz Meaning is added when the topic is connected to something that I am currently going through. A struggle that I am facing as a teacher with a lesson or a student.
Q2: I participated in my first walk and talk and book club PD this year. Hour sessions after school in a relaxed environment set by the person putting on the PD. It was fantastic! #EduGladiators
A2: This varies depending on what I want to learn and the resources that are available on the topic. We are so fortunate to have a variety of options for individual study, face-to-face connections, technology-based, etc. No one-size-fits-all ever again. #EduGladiators
A2b: I have been helping a small cadre of educators in my school who will soon embark on 360-degree immersion in each others’ classrooms with flexibility to use VR headsets to work through the focused professional learning at a time when it works for them. #EduGladiators
A2b: I am working on a "Choose Your Own PD" online model. Has anyone else done that? What has worked for you?
Our half day PD Fridays are disappearing and I want to present options to my staff. #edugladiators#4OCF
A3) Before PD sessions shoot a quick survey about what you’d like out of professional development. I think it gives teachers choice and option and then you can develop Pd around those survey results. #EduGladiators
A1. PD is meaningful when it involves teacher choice/input to include all disciplines & when it provides long-term not short-term goals.
A3: After reading Four O'Clock Faculty I introduced the edcamp format at school in 1 hour teacher share PD. I have also planned 2 Division wide edcamps this year that teachers were very happy with . Choice drives students and after all we are just big students #EduGladiators
That is one reason why I tend to hang out in the faculty work room during my off block. I may not get as much done with my own work, but I also have the opportunity to connect with and learn from others. #4OCF#EduGladiators
A3 #EdCamp for sure! Also, for something a bit more sustained, we need to support & encourage Ts to attend conferences & workshops of their interest. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A2: I love conferences where there are table talk sessions... conversation with colleagues has been most beneficial for me... learning from each other and experiences #EduGladiators
A2 Converse of 1 size fits all: Many sizes fit 1. Sometimes, I crave a PD event (conference f2f experience); other times, asynchronous flexibility of a Twitter chat or, say, #TheEdCollabGathering is where it's at. P.S. Ancestor of asynchronous flexibility: books! #edugladiators
A3) at the beginning of every school year, I send out a google form asking ALL staff to identify what they want and what they DON’T want. Teachers , paras, secretaries, custodians, and everyone in between. I also have a PD comment box in the staff portal. #EduGladiators
Good morning #EduGladiators! I’m late to the party, but I’m here! It’s a BEAUTIFUL day in South Carolina and I’ve got a great cup of ☕️ in hand. I’m a state level ed leader who loves to learn!
A3 Same way we approach it with students. Give them a choice. Allow for numerous options based on the interests, skills and preferences of the teachers. #edugladiators
A3 This year, we implemented a "best practices" committee who are responsible for sharing information using classroom best practices in faculty meetings. Choice, small groups, time to process... so far it's been very successful; lots of compliments on the approach. #EduGladiators
A3: Choice of place. Why does it always have to be at school? Choice of time. Why does there always have to be a "session". Choice of scope. Why do we always have to be on the same PD path as collegues? #edugladiators
A3: my fave to design is topic centered workshops for Ts to wander in & out of; also love tech based where Ts get what they want when they want it. PD days can become much more share centered than get centered w/ PLC driving PD #EduGladiators
Great leaders know we MUST transform professional learning. Adult learning should mirror what you are asking your staff to do with students. #EduGladiators
A3: Have teachers lead the PD; have topics pre-selected/surveyed by teachers or feature teachers celebrating something in their classroom. Pineapple PD-make it embedded in the culture of school every day as a leader. #EduGladiators
A3: This year, district revised the way that PD is completed to allow for more T choice rather than required. At the building level, we distribute surveys with topics that Ts are interested in attending and/or presenting for others. #EduGladiators#4OCF#LoveLiteracyLearning
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A3: Teachers should engage in professional development based on need rather than requirement. It should help you solve a problem. Requiring PD will always lead to low self-efficacy and limited follow through #EduGladiators
A3) at the beginning of every school year, I send out a google form asking ALL staff to identify what they want and what they DON’T want. Teachers , paras, secretaries, custodians, and everyone in between. I also have a PD comment box in the staff portal. #EduGladiators
A3 If PD is being provided on a PD Day then we could have Edcamp style PD. In our building there is often Lunch 'n Learns on various subjects so this of course is optional, go if you are interested 😀 @RACzyz#40CFPLN#edugladiators
A3 In my district pd is collaboratively decided by contract language. There is a building committee that reviews teacher and group requests and then a district PD committee that reviews the process. Everyone has a voice but not all choose to use that voice. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A3 - our district does an incredible job of giving choice and actually asking people what they need. This isn’t hard. With technology, we can send out a quick Google survey and see first hand where the needs of faculty are. Then provide sessions that are variable. #EduGladiators
A3 Edcamp style PD, speed-dating, and PLAYdates are just a few ways to incorporate choice - change it up! Even the best PD format can get dull after a while. #EduGladiators
A3.b -- Don't forget to include reflection on PD practices. Most places I have been do the pre-planning but not the intentional post-reflection. #edugladiators
A3. I think we have to be deliberate in our design of PD for teachers and invite them to have a stake in that design when possible. Check out the PD toolkit I developed as a part of my #leadershipwithlatoya community: https://t.co/QYCXilFByy#EduGladiators
A3 With the mandated trainings moved to online webinars it gives more time to focus on what’s needed during PD days. I’ve done the Edcamp style PD with great success but also always found great PD for my T’s and PAID to send them(had them tell me what they needed) #EduGladiators
A3: Survey Ts for what PD they feel would support their practice, student learning, and school goals. Have Ts lead the PD, differentiate the PD, and T driven book studies. #EduGladiators
A2: I like to listen to audio books on my work drive most days. Sometimes it's PD books like GRIT for better understand on how I can help Ss persevere, other times it's YA novels like City of Bones to try and keep up with my Ss and have better book discussions #EduGladiators
Q3: Just like our students, we want options. As a system, we must redefine the term PD. It’s no longer sitting at a lecture. There are so many resources to become a better educator. #EduGladiators
It's definitely a work in progress and is in beta mode on a Google Site. I want a way for Ts to teach themselves on topics in EDU. I thought a Google Form on what they learned and how they could implement would be good to add as well! As my thoughts are welcome! #EduGladiators
A3: Ask them! Send out a Google Form periodically throughout the year, asking what they need and what they’d be interested in learning more about. Offer PD in an EdCamp style format, with a choice board for Ts to offer PD and request for sessions. #edugladiators
Good morning #EduGladiators! Valerie Instructional Coach from FL joining! A2: We have after school learning labs @TigerTownCHS for teachers! I survey Ts to find out needs. Many are teacher led sharing what works in their classroom!
A3 Presenting a platform where every Ts on campus has to present at least one PD session on something they have incorporated or are researching...Exploring this idea for next yr #edugladiators
@RACzyz my friend @jrestock3 would be the perfect person to answer this question. Since the three of us connected last year we have continued to see a shift from PD to desired professional collaborative learning. There is a difference. 😁#edugladiators
A3: Continually seek teacher perspective on what types of learning they most need. Provide multiple options to meet such needs. When their perceived needs don’t align to vision or goals, discuss and plan PD together. Don’t simply disagree and prescribe something. #EduGladiators
When I thought in NC, my principal let and encouraged us to go off campus for our PD and some of our team planning. Fantastic what hangs in scenery can do to spark ideas, improve concentration & deepen team connection. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A4 I always look for opportunities to learn new methods, tools, ideas that can be applied in my CR, always focused on my WHY and that is to do what is best for my Ss #edugladiators
A3 We have Ts develop 10 hr PD to share their strengths and allow time for others to plan/implement thru the year. Ts pick what they want to participate in so it’s relevant to them. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A4 When a PD peaks your interest fit it into your plan as soon as possible Nothing is perfect 1st time out, but trial & revision needs to take place for PD to become a best practice #edugladiators
A4) take one action step you can commit to. Nothing too big and broad, but specific and measurable in 2-3 weeks post PD. share reflections with staff/admin #4OCF#EduGladiators
A3 To foster choice, take page from principles of Universal Design for Learning & invite multiple means of engagement, representation, expression in PD for adults, too. https://t.co/Rq9zc89AwW#edugladiators
A2) PD that is continuous throughout a year (or multiple years) and provided and supported through whole staff development, PLCs, collegial coaching, mentoring #edugladiators
In reply to
@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
A3) Depending on the formality, breakout sessions work well. In less formal settings, let a person with a special interest research and present on that topic at a staff or scheduled PD meeting. #edugladiators
A4) on employee summative evaluations, I have a section on PD where folks can share what PD was effective & what wasn’t. I’ve found their honesty & feedback to be paramount in future PD planning. #EduGladiators
A3. By first asking what is needed/wanted by educators & creating a catalog of both funded & nonfunded options. Choice models differentiating instruction. #edugladiators
A3:✨BOOK TASTINGS! I love the idea of book tastings that can branch off into staff book studies. Let staff sample great PD books, and then form connections and support eachother as they devour the book!✨#4OCF#EduGladiators
A4: You just try it. One must accept to step outside their comfort zone and accept that you might fall flat on your face initially. Growth and improvement are often a messy thing.
When I taught in NC, my principal let and encouraged us to go off campus for our PD and some of our team planning. Fantastic what a change in scenery can do to spark ideas, improve concentration & deepen team connection. #EduGladiators#4OCF
Does anyone's school offer a flexible PD day? like if you do something over the summer, you can exchange that day for 1 during the year? #edugladiators
A4 I always try to note 1-2 things to try out immediately, and sketchnote or block out things in my notebook that I want to dwell on for a while. That way I can come back to extend my thinking, as well as jump right in (assuming the PD is worth thought). #EduGladiators
As book lover, I've also enjoyed diving into professional books, connecting with the authors on Twitter, and participating in digital book clubs. #EduGladiators
A2) We need to stop doing PD as a two hour “one and done” or “drive by” or a “rock show” where a PD provider or author comes in, entertains with their greatest hits for 2 hours, & and then goes away until the school invites them back #edugladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
Simple but so impactful! Kinda like we have to teach certain standards, but up to us on HOW we do so to best meet the needs of our kids! #EduGladiators
A4 During any Pd session I'm attending I always ask myself "How ca I use this with my ELs and How can I share this with my teachers?" The creative juices usually start flowing pretty quickly when the pd topic is good. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A3 our summer conf is set up specifically for this. More than just a conference, we encourage teacher participation in planning and all aspects. Any idea they have for a session is included. Teachers leading teachers. Various learning modes offered too #sulsprisd#EduGladiators
A3: Keeping choice in PD is nice when there are a variety of presenters & also the option of "independent study" PD. Choice is about what's best for You, if you need more time in your Google Edu book and to play around with that, why can't Ts have that time? #EduGladiators
A4: Teachers often feel like they are inundated with information at profressional developments without any clear focus. PD needs to be narrow, student focused and provide avenues for continued growth to ensure that it actually reaches students #EduGladiators
A4: As a RS, I collaborate with K-5 Ts & other specialists to implement PD that help us transform as a building. I also provide mini-PD during collaborative planning, model/observe lessons, whatever the Ts & Ss need to help us grow. #EduGladiators#4OCF#LoveLiteracyLearning
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
We have a Google classroom for our Ts. We put hyperdocs there that deal with different topics. Ts can choose from any of those, if they're interested. #edugladiators
A2) I have a great group of other directors in my area. We speak frequently about improving our practices. There is nothing like a safe group to discuss your ideas and receive feedback. #EduGladiators
A4 I'm intentional about what I learn, if I'm learning about something I intend to implement it in the classroom. When I see interesting ideas, it drives my learning @RACzyz#40CFPLN#edugladiators
A4 I tend to iterate, rather than reboot. Key question: How can I incorporate new learning into what students & I are already doing that's effective? (Keyword: Stewardship) vs. How can we blow things up & start from scratch? (Keyword: Disruption) #edugladiators
If it’s meaningful to me, it’ll be there. If it’s forced and no support/follow up it might not make it in. A lot of it seems to be here’s the introduction with little how to but we are expected to use it somehow. #EduGladiators#4OCF
A4 - I try to model learning with colleagues before playing in the classroom. Frequently, what we think might work because it seems “cool” won’t be effective if kids don’t see the value. Colleagues are a great measuring stick. Once I get feedback, it’s a go. #EduGladiators
And engaging with others on @voxer creates the platform for collaborative discussions surrounding the thoughts and ideas in the books. Authors often join in too. Can be done on individual time too. #edugladiators#4OCF
So excited to get my pirate-leader on & host the #LeadLAP chat this morning! Please join us at 9:30 CST/10:30 EST. Hope you love the #Path2Serendipity inspiration!! Wonder what others are saying about the book? Check this out! So honored! #EduGladiatorshttps://t.co/RJFmDZe8N5
A3) Do an authentic PD Needs Assessment. Ask Ts how they have felt about PD.. What kind of PD works for them? What do they want.? What do they think the whole staff needs? Could they provide PD on a topic? Give them choices & the opportunity to share their ideas #edugladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
A3: #EduGladiators#4ocf#RACzyz I think by providing them with several options with regards to topics. Maybe a "book tasting" Also, different options: online, webinars, in person.
We have a Google classroom for our Ts. We put hyperdocs there that deal with different topics. Ts can choose from any of those, if they're interested. #edugladiators
A4: Stepping outside my comfort zone and making up an entire PD day for local art teachers. We don’t get to come together much as specialists so why not make up our own PD day? Intimidating but empowering, and if it falls flat at least we get free lunch. #4OCF#EduGladiators
A2: There's another Twitter Chat called "PersonalizedPD" I wish the big wogs would trust us to do our own PD, at times, and turn in some type of "Why this was valuable to me" & "How this will help me better serve my Ss." #EduGladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A4b - Beibg aware of the huge learning variables in class also shapes how I use PD. It has to be something that all kids can benefit from, not just the few with the highest skill acquisition. #EduGladiators
I wonder if it makes more sense to bring someone in only when we’ve exhausted all internal options and the Ts still want more on a topic. #EduGladiators
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@TracyMailloux, @Maverikedu12, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
A4 Our Schools' Library Service ran a full days PD for teachers and they loved it! Learnt how the school library supported teaching and learning. Hands on examples and time to use the online resources available. It was a great day! Use the experts in your schools! #EduGladiators
A4 A big sticking pt for me. The ongoing, sustained support MUST be there. The conf I mentioned in A3 does little if no follow up. Support staff checks back in, and teachers setting goals for implementation of new ideas need support and follow up. #EduGladiators
A3: How about having the first 10-15 min. be about the whole building and then breakout PD for more specific needs of the various grade levels? #EduGladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A2) Yes - and when I come to a school to do PD and someone says, “Oh, I am already doing this,” and doesn’t participate, I ask then why doesn’t the district recruit them to lead the PD instead of bringing me in? I also suggest they lead a PLC or PD team #edugladiators
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@3_DLeadership, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
Agreed, get creative in what you accept as PD for things like exchange time or necessary credit. Let the teacher explain what they learned and from where it came. Recognize it's value. #EduGladiators
PD don't have to be long. Sometimes a quick reminder of a strategy that was introduced earlier in the year is all you need to remind teachers of its usefulness. #edugladiators#4ocf
We try to model everything we want Ts to do in our PD. Since Ts use G classroom, we use it too. I love the versitilaty of hyperdocs.... plus they're fun to create #EduGladiators
A4: Most of my learning this year has been about trauma-informed & trauma-responsive. The ideas I've implemented have made a big difference in how I help Ss in trauma. Punishment is "teaching", not punitive. #EduGladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
Time is one of the greatest variables for true Professional Development. Let’s always remember that each person has a life outside of the class. What may work for us, may not be feasible for our colleague. #EduGladiators
A4.2 Corollary question that accompanies "How might I try this new thing I learned?" >>> "What old thing can I release that's no longer serving me & my students well?" #edugladiators
Outside PD from an external provider is also beneficial because it provides a different or deeper perspective. Some people are afraid to speak up, speak out, or suggest ideas - or even speak in front of Ts #edugladiators
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@3_DLeadership, @TracyMailloux, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
A2: strive to embed it in all the work we do. This includes early release time grade level meetings and continuously modeling it for teachers modeling best practices that we want to see! #EduGladiators
Beware several posts today from a confirmed non-educator. ⚠️
These posts are lies, they are false, they are fraudulent. (But many of you already know that. You’re just complicit in not the lies for not calling them out.)
Isn't that what a PDP is supposed to be for? Trying to fight this battle now and get credit for chats, webinars, books read, and all the PD I do on my own! #EduGladiators
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@3_DLeadership, @PreK33, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
A4.2 Corollary question that accompanies "How might I try this new thing I learned?" >>> "What old thing can I release that's no longer serving me & my students well?" #edugladiators
@RACzyz I always enjoy learning with you my friend. That you for always being supportive along this journey. Glad you are a member of my #PLN#edugladiators
A3: When I was a Principal, I would give each team an entire day every quarter to plan, collab and connect. I paid for subs & they met off campus the entire day. Game changing! Treat your Ts like the professionals they are! #EduGladiators#4OCF
Agreed, I’m not knocking it, I’m just saying you’ve identified problems that COULD be fixed internally. What created that culture of fear of speaking up? Can we start there? #EduGladiators
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@Maverikedu12, @TracyMailloux, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
I agree w/ both sides of this coin. We have many ppl in our districts who are experts & should be using them. AND, the perspective is key. When you are always w/ the same group, are you truly stretching your thinking? #EduGladiators
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@Maverikedu12, @3_DLeadership, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
#satchat Teachers bring joy, wisdom, and kindness to their classrooms. They shouldn't also have to bring essential supplies. Post your first project today at http//:https://t.co/0BCVe6ezt9 and unlock the funding (plus get a special match code!). #EduGladiators#DonorsChoose
A4) Experiment with it. Make modifications where necessary. See how my kids react and respond proactively to those reactions. Make it my own. Innovate the ideas and techniques #edugladiators
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@EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
Agreed!! We could do so much more if we were motivated by what pertains to us and our teaching, which is ultimately what's best for our Ss. #EduGladiators
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@Mrs_J_of_EAMS, @3_DLeadership, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
Thanks for some awesome PD discussion. If you get a chance, join #Teachpos on Sunday at 7:30 p.m. EST for a chat about getting kids and colleagues inspired as the year closes. #EduGladiators
A4. When I taught, I would do it immediately. If not, some requirement would have me put it on the shelf. I broke my cycle of going to pd, excited about implementation, intending to implement, being distracted by life, no implementation. #Edugladiators
A4: I apply the PD when it is something new and I have the freedom to take risks and make mistakes. Follow-up and ongoing support are key! #EduGladiators
I’d argue that’s the norm. You create a PDP, but under certain rules and restrictions, removing agency from you, and treating Ts monolithically #EduGladiators
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@Mrs_J_of_EAMS, @PreK33, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1, @Maverikedu12
"Just because my mom can't come to parent teacher conferences or open house doesn't mean that she doesn't care about me. " --Damon, Grade 2. Let Them Speak! provides voice from even our youngest students. #LetStudentsSpeak#tlap#LeadLAP#EduGladiators
A1: Well I’m just coming out of an #EduGladiators chat about Revolutionizing PD so I say stop providing PD that doesn’t support T choice and individual needs. Both Ss and Ts need to have a say in what they’re learning. Choice leads to ownership! #LeadUpChat
I have been given this opportunity in the past (both half- & full day). These are some of the most productive times I have ever spent w/ my colleagues. MUCH better than an hour here & there! #EduGladiators#4OCF
How about that some t Ts view PD as a “punishment”? I cannot tell you how many times Ts have told me they feel like the school has brought me in because they “must have done something wrong” #EduGladiators
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@3_DLeadership, @TracyMailloux, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
What about an exchange with the district next door? Why not expand your thinking there as well? I’m not knocking outside speakers - but they should be brought in for a purpose. Lots of ways to expand thinking. Twitter is much cheaper #EduGladiators
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@TracyMailloux, @Maverikedu12, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
Agreed! We have to change that narrative! Starts with each person understanding the need to model continuous growth for our Ss and it helps us become better Ts for our Ss. #EduGladiators
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@Maverikedu12, @3_DLeadership, @TracyMailloux, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
Sorry for the shameless self-promotion but I'm co-moderating a chat for the first time ever tomorrow (with @TGAMolina) and I'd love to see all you #EduGladiators join us at #tg2chat to talk about portfolios!
Excited to have two inspiring educators, @Mrs_J_of_EAMS and @TGAMolina, moderating #TG2Chat on Portfolios & Conferences this Sunday at 9 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. PDT. Hope you can join us!
A4 A big sticking pt for me. The ongoing, sustained support MUST be there. The conf I mentioned in A3 does little if no follow up. Support staff checks back in, and teachers setting goals for implementation of new ideas need support and follow up. #EduGladiators
What if they are correct? You WERE brought in because folx did something wrong and you are a way to check a box to say “we did something” #EduGladiators
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@Maverikedu12, @TracyMailloux, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @mgrosstaylor, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1
More wisdom about PD @tfuhrman This is vital if we want to truly meet the needs of our Ts and impact our Ss. "...at various times, including after school, evenings, weekends, during the school day (when possible)" #EduGladiators
A2: I like to provide opportunities for professional learning at various times, including after school, evenings, weekends, during the school day (when possible), and when our district has designated. The same doesn’t work for everyone. #EduGladiators
Agreed Tracy! Invest in your people! Bringing someone in is just the start. Lays the foundation. Having that person back to work side by side with your coaches & Ts is where the magic really happens. #1 reason why change fails. One session isn’t enough. #EduGladiators
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@TracyMailloux, @Maverikedu12, @EduGladiators, @RACzyz, @4OClockFaculty, @D4Griffin3, @BrendanFetters, @PaulONeill1972, @Rdene915, @SaneeBell, @mccoyderek, @cskiles80, @RyanBJackson1