Hello everyone! Welcome to #utedchat! I'm so excited to be back! Tonight we will be talking #BowlMania. Please introduce yourself & tell who (if anyone) you'll be rooting for this bowl season!
As always, we'll be following the Q1, A1 format. So make sure that you start your answers with A# (and then the number of the question you're answering) and always include the #utedchat hashtag.
Q1: December can be a rough month for classroom management whether you're in elementary or secondary. What's your "winning strategy" for keeping students engaged? #utedchat
A1 One of my strategies was to engage the students in the season. Act like it was something special and not like every other day. We found ways to incorporate the holidays into assignments and activities. #utedchat
A1: I've heard of classrooms doing their own Elf on the Shelf... I wonder how that works for students young (and old)? My gym has an Elf on the Shelf and it's funny to see who finds him first in the class. #utedchat
A1 I like to keep things as routine, as possible. I still do spelling tests, math writing, etc. I find that structure to be good for them and for me. #utedchat
Q1: December can be a rough month for classroom management whether you're in elementary or secondary. What's your "winning strategy" for keeping students engaged? #utedchat
A1: I've always found that soliciting student feedback is a great way to combat student disengagement. For example, I let them vote on the topic or the text of our next unit, so they feel more invested in what they are learning. #utedchat
A1 I'm going to ditto @rogers_machelle, for me it's actually about keeping things as normal as possible. We're always in my classroom to learn, and nothing about the holidays changes our need to do that! It keeps me sane and it keeps them on task :) #utedchat
A1: I've always found that soliciting student feedback is a great way to combat student disengagement. For example, I let them vote on the topic or the text of our next unit, so they feel more invested in what they are learning. #utedchat
I have tried both ways. Sometimes it depends on the class, but I like structure and try to keep some assignments regular and some to include the holidays.
Just did that with my seniors today for their next unit. Fingers crossed it keeps them engaged! But they chose to learn about the North Korean missile crisis and I feel like I can't go wrong there. #utedchat
I can certainly see both sides Machelle. You can’t abandon the routines for an entire month, but I always feel like tapping into the kids’ energy. #UTedChat
Q2: Around this time of the year our students are finally getting in the hang of classroom routines. What is your "BCS Buster" - a resource or procedure that is easily forgotten about that would be helpful for other teachers? #utedchat
plus, you can always point out to them that THEY made this choice. But also, I've learned that kids are really easy at going with the flow and the world won't end if you decide to switch things up if they aren't working. #utedchat
As a new teacher, I assumed that I always HAD to finish the unit...but sometimes it's best to scrap it and try again, you know? I found a lot of freedom when I learned that nugget of truth. #utedchat
A1.2: Loved observing a class yesterday where students presented projects they had worked on for a while. Kids were enthusiastic and encouraging each other. It was awesome! #utedchat
A2: I always feel like the resources in Utah's Online Library are so easy to forget because they're free... but also... has anyone checked out the NEW eMEDIA?! It's an amazing OER Commons of Life and Hope. #utedchat
Q2: Around this time of the year our students are finally getting in the hang of classroom routines. What is your "BCS Buster" - a resource or procedure that is easily forgotten about that would be helpful for other teachers? #utedchat
Love these ideas Machelle. I’ve really recharged by batteries on cooperative learning groups after chatting with Melanie Durfee in #uenhomeroom#UTedChat
A2: If you want to draw them in sometimes lowering your voice like you’re going to tell them a secret is powerful. The change in tone catches them off guard and they are immediately drawn in. #utedchat
Q3: After a lot of number crunching we get the final college football rankings - What is the most useful type of data to you as an educator and how to you utilize it in your classroom? #utedchat
A2: they key to procedures being successful in December is spending LOTS of time teaching them from day 1! That way you aren’t losing your mind this time of year #utedchat
A1: Today we started the Compliments Project in my #IntroToEd class. It was meaningful and engaging. Good for relationships and classroom culture. Definitely a winning Dec. strategy. #utedchathttps://t.co/jnzsOLQgKU
A2 This year a super simple game changer for me has been having my agenda posted every day and an essential question that we are going to answer throughout the day. I'm not great at consistency with procedures, but I'm hooked on this one. #utedchat
A3: The most valuable data is the formative data that helps us monitor and adjust our practice. That’s what we should strive to collect and utilize daily. #utedchat
A3: For me at UEN I use comments on assignments and feedback on reflections to decide how I switch up and change my online classes. That's probably the most useful data to me in my current role. #utedchat
Q3: After a lot of number crunching we get the final college football rankings - What is the most useful type of data to you as an educator and how to you utilize it in your classroom? #utedchat
A3 the game changing data for me this year has been my students lexile scores! I didn't have access to this data at my last school, but I'm in a literacy PLC at @EastHighSLC that introduced me to lexile data, it's changing how I approach reading in my classes. #utedchat
I once had bronchitis and lost my voice. It was also Valentine’s Day so I couldn’t (wouldn’t?) get a sub. It was the best day ever! The kids were so quiet trying to listen to me 👂🏻 🤣🤫 #UTedChat
I LOVE when you let kids in on the secret that you don't feel well, it's amazing how much more obedient they are. Makes me want to pretend to be sick all the time. #utedchat
A3: my current data involves how many teachers have signed up to co-teach with me or attend PD. It’s helpful to see which teachers I need to visit with and see how I can help them more. #utedchat
I completely agree with the coaching cliche - you are what your record says you are. In education I think it’s important to use data to help you identify weak areas so we can improve. #UTedChat
A3: Data that is “real time”. And it’s not always numeric data—can be student work. Real time data let’s us know where students are on the progression towards the desired objective. It helps us know which is appropriate for each student: extend, reteach, intervene. #utedchat
Q3: After a lot of number crunching we get the final college football rankings - What is the most useful type of data to you as an educator and how to you utilize it in your classroom? #utedchat
A3: I've started using team meeting protocol in my class and I love the daily checkins and checkouts that exist within that structure. A great source of daily data for me as a teacher! #utedchat
A4 I’ve always known that @UENpd delivers trainings that teach more than tools. We really strive to engage learners in using technology as part of effective pedagogy! #UTedChat
Q5: All the best coaches learned from someone... take a minute and share a "championship resource" you have with #utedchat. This could be your daily go to or holiday specific - high, low or no tech - education related or personal productivity...
A4 I have had some incredible groups. I propose that we have a responsibility to help take care of each other, regardless of other labels- period. I love watching them grow into this and comfortably continue through the years #utedchat
A4- Classrooms that are built on the foundation of mutual respect/genuine relationships have an increased chance to thrive as safe learning environments #utedchat
A4 Since I teach 6 different classes, it's hard to pick one thing. One of my classes is GREAT at coming together and having fun (sometimes even in a productive way). They regularly applaud each other. It's hilarious and also team building #utedchat
A4: The class I was just in as a student was incredible at following the Norms of Collaboration (which I would recommend everyone look at for meetings, PLCs, life in general) and also brought great pot luck dinners. :) #utedchat
Q5: All the best coaches learned from someone... take a minute and share a "championship resource" you have with #utedchat. This could be your daily go to or holiday specific - high, low or no tech - education related or personal productivity...
A4: As an administrator I recognize that our student body genuinely cares for and about each other. Very few if any cliques and that’s what kids notice first! #UTedChat
A5: A mentor taught me by example how to have fun in the classroom. She wrote a daily joke on her whiteboard, danced in the halls during five minute breaks, and laughed with students, a lot. That joy makes all the difference. #utedchat
Q5: All the best coaches learned from someone... take a minute and share a "championship resource" you have with #utedchat. This could be your daily go to or holiday specific - high, low or no tech - education related or personal productivity...
A5 I have learned that my best resource is you- my peers. Not encouraged to ask for help young, learned that was okay. So grateful for that lesson--old timer loving Twitter and social media --found my hive #hsg_ut#utedchat
Q5: All the best coaches learned from someone... take a minute and share a "championship resource" you have with #utedchat. This could be your daily go to or holiday specific - high, low or no tech - education related or personal productivity...
A5: I'm working on being more mindful to increase personal productivity... for me this looks like not looking at email/social media the first hour of my day, tracking habits with an app called "streaks," & reflecting/meditating (hopefully more regularly over the break. #utedchat
Q6: Last but not least... What is your "projected win" for 2019? What is something your class is going to do great at when they come back from winter break or as they wrap up this school year? #utedchat
Such a good strategy Dani. I love having two monitors because it allows me to stay on top of lots of data. I hate having two monitors because I let the data control my time. I need to turn off email more often. #utedchat
I was actually kicked out of the chat earlier thanks to the new “screentime” feature on my iPhone 📱 😂. It’s actually been good to have something tracking and enforcing my social media usage #UTedChat
Q6: Last but not least... What is your "projected win" for 2019? What is something your class is going to do great at when they come back from winter break or as they wrap up this school year? #utedchat
A6: my “projected win” is for me - completing an endorsement in instructional coaching! 🙌🏻 and hopefully I can help teachers with technology integration in the process #winwin#UTedChat
Thanks to @DaniKSloan for getting us ready for bowl season! Next week will be the final #utedchat of 2018! Let’s ring out the year in style with @ajmerritt - see you then!
My projected win? Hopefully attending more than one #utedchat in a semester! I love connecting with my #PLN! Thank you for letting me moderate! Great to "see" you all tonight!