Gary, former supt of 3 IL & WI SD over 25 years. Now a supporter and champion of Ts committed to connecting character to school improvement #engagechat
A1: Building a community first and foremost, then using a ton of reading, writing, listening and speaking to help students improve their English abilities. (Shamelessly stolen from @davestuartjr's excellent book These Six Things.) #engagechat
A1: So many ideas, so little time! Much of what I'm doing in the new-to-me district is going to be governed by Head Start, since we are now a full-day, integrated program. So many federal hoops to jump through! Good grief! #engagechat
This is Ron Richards, my AP Government teacher. I just bought him fajitas. If there’s a teacher who helped guide you, track ‘em down and buy ‘em dinner. You can never fully repay them, but it’s a start.
A1 I am really working on improving timely and meaningful feedback this year. I am using Google Classroom's private comment feature to talk with my students about their work before it is graded. I like the response so far. #engagechat
A1: I'm thinking about (or rethinking) PD for educators. Making sure they are engaging, highly participatory, share resources, give planning time, allow for networking and sharing, and choice. #engagechat
A1: I’m leading the Alleghany Attendance Awareness Campaign. This is something new for our district, and so far we’ve had great response. I’m excited! #EngageChat
A1 I want to get into classrooms for shorter durations but more frequently. Bigger range snapshots of what’s going on with the Learning in my building. #COMMITTED#engagechat
A1: I'm thinking about (or rethinking) PD for educators. Making sure they are engaging, highly participatory, share resources, give planning time, allow for networking and sharing, and choice. #engagechat
A1: I started at a new school this year. First year in #alted, first year with high school students. First on the agenda is building positive relationships with each one of my students... taking time to get to know them... helping them get to know me!
A1: Every year, building relationships is essential. It's all about relationships. I'm also excited to continue previous years' work with translanguaging. I'll be coaching not only another English teacher, but a Japanese Lit. teacher as well.💖
A1 I am really working on improving timely and meaningful feedback this year. I am using Google Classroom's private comment feature to talk with my students about their work before it is graded. I like the response so far. #engagechat
A1: We are “Going Global” this school year with @participate. We are super excited for this opportunity to open the world to our students and community. #engagechat
In order to truly change practices, PD should occur over time and be ongoing. Research shows when
PD describes a skill to Ts, only 10% usually transfer it into practice; however, when Ts are coached over time thru implementation, 95% typically transfer the skill. #engagechat
A1. I plan to use Microsoft Form to create my quizzes, assess my students and based my lessons based on student results. Plan to take my students to museums or other learning institutions to enhance learning #engagechat
Q1: I’m looking for ways to engage families from the beginning. We have a great month long game of family bingo. I can’t wait to see the families play! #EngageChat
A1 I want to get into classrooms for shorter durations but more frequently. Bigger range snapshots of what’s going on with the Learning in my building. #COMMITTED#engagechat
I might actually be going to your school for a category two IB training next month! I also teach DP English B 11th and 12th. I taught Grade 8 last year, and they are such an amazing group. Love that age range! #engagechat
A1: I started at a new school this year. First year in #alted, first year with high school students. First on the agenda is building positive relationships with each one of my students... taking time to get to know them... helping them get to know me!
Building relationships with parents and making them an authentic part of the school community is a game changer. Here's to a great year ahead! #engagechat
A1) I am likely to have a completely new position at a college this school year. Helping young men learn to be gentlemen and productive members of society. #engagechat
A1) I am likely to have a completely new position at a college this school year. Helping young men learn to be gentlemen and productive members of society. #engagechat
Q1: I’m also thinking about team work. I have an admin team which I haven’t had before. I’m looking for the fine line between micromanaging and coaching/supporting. I also want to delegate more! #EngageChat
The workshop model is wonderful. It opens the door to inquiry, agency, and deep learning. You are going to have an awesome year!
Building relationships with parents and making them an authentic part of the school community is a game changer. Here's to a great year ahead! #engagechat
You can search & find already written assignments, but basically all students are given a small paper bag. They decorate the bag & then put 3 items from home that represent them/their culture - could be pictures, food, flags, items, etc. Then it's like show & tell! #engagechat
A2: Positive emails home the first week. Trying to use more video in class to share what we are doing overall and finally an open door policy. Come in whenever you'd like to see the good work we are doing! #engagechat
Q2: I want to be present in different entry points of the school. Find a way to welcome all kids and parents to school each week - not just our kindergarten and first grade students. #EngageChat
A1: We are “Going Global” this school year with @participate. We are super excited for this opportunity to open the world to our students and community. #engagechat
Building relationships with parents and making them an authentic part of the school community is a game changer. Here's to a great year ahead! #engagechat
A1: it is high time for me to dive deeper into learning of science for the future. It is also about putting in the actions of bringing student voice in for them to own their learning and linking PD to actionable goals. #engagechat
Ha! No worries! It is indeed a small word. I love the chats that fall like this where I can still make it (even with the time difference). And, yes, I love working with middle schoolers. They are incredible. #engagechat
A2: Positive emails home the first week. Trying to use more video in class to share what we are doing overall and finally an open door policy. Come in whenever you'd like to see the good work we are doing! #engagechat
A2: Communicate, share, invite! I've been texting pics of their kids this first week of PreK! Texting/calling about forms, communicating about authorized pick up people, all of those beginning of the year things that PreK parents aren't familiar with...yet. #engagechat
A2: Every parent wkshop I do, I ask, "If you could interview someone who will date & marry your son/daughter what attributes would you like to see in this person?" They talk about values. I will continue to support parents in raising persons of character #engagechat
#EngageChat I started with a welcome letter, am arranging a coffee house night, Quiz Bowl battle against students and I use my class blog and Remind to keep them apprised of our classroom activities
A2. I use tech tool @RemindHQ to communicate with parents. This year, I plan to invite parents for tech sessions with me to learn how to navigate class website, twitter and communicate with me via email #engagechat I'l share with them class work done and pics/videos from trips
Q2: I want to be present in different entry points of the school. Find a way to welcome all kids and parents to school each week - not just our kindergarten and first grade students. #EngageChat
A2 Being intentional about how we invite families into our building, & opening our classrooms to communicate what’s occurs day in & out. Sending the message, whether you come 1x a year, 1x a week, or talk w/ your student at home, your a key to your child’s success #engagechat
Q1: I’m looking for ways to engage families from the beginning. We have a great month long game of family bingo. I can’t wait to see the families play! #EngageChat
Yes - definitely related! First people have to be excited & invested in PD and feel valued/supported (through peers & coaches), and continued to be coached & supported over time! #engagechat
Me too. These twitter chats are great PD and get me fired up to teach. Middle schoolers are the best because they still think I'm funny and laugh at my jokes. That counts for a lot! #engagechat
A2: Communicate, share, invite! I've been texting pics of their kids this first week of PreK! Texting/calling about forms, communicating about authorized pick up people, all of those beginning of the year things that PreK parents aren't familiar with...yet. #engagechat
A2 - I’m going to have a monthly blog that parents can ask questions about our class. Make sure its positive though. Also call home with positive messages. #engagechat
A2: @RemindHQ has been tremendous with increasing parental communication! I’ve also implemented STEAM FAMILY PROJECTS! It’s extra credit but a chance to connect learning in school to home! @CTknowsbetter#EngageChat
In reply to
@daviswelcome, @RemindHQ, @CTknowsbetter
#EngageChat I started with a welcome letter, am arranging a coffee house night, Quiz Bowl battle against students and I use my class blog and Remind to keep them apprised of our classroom activities
A2: Invite them in. In MS, parents often feel that they don't have a place. Open doors—not just to put up bulletin boards, but to build relationships (e.g. have them work with book clubs or inquiry groups). Share lots of videos and pics with parents who can't come. #engagechat
@daviswelcome#engagechat A2: This is a tough one... ALL of my students have very difficult home lives... some already live on their own... I plan to provide all the encouragement I can...advice is appreciated
A2: We plan on continuing inviting our parents in as much as possible. This school year we will do student led conferences in the Fall and Spring in addition to our other yearly community events. We invite everyone to be our guest. #engagechat
A2 - I’m going to have a monthly blog that parents can ask questions about our class. Make sure its positive though. Also call home with positive messages. #engagechat
A2) When you have college level students with conduct issues, you have to wonder if involving the parents at that point is a good idea. Once 18, the students are responsible for their own actions - good or bad. #engagechat
A2. I use tech tool @RemindHQ to communicate with parents. This year, I plan to invite parents for tech sessions with me to learn how to navigate class website, twitter and communicate with me via email #engagechat I'l share with them class work done and pics/videos from trips
A2: Translate so all families can be welcomed and informed - whether it's the handbook, a memo home, a voicemail, signs in the building, etc. Be sure to have translators present or use a translation service. #engagechat
Agreed! When I've had a bad day, Twitter chats always reaffirm the importance of why I do what I do each and every day and why it is my passion! #engagechat
A2: Communicate, share, invite! I've been texting pics of their kids this first week of PreK! Texting/calling about forms, communicating about authorized pick up people, all of those beginning of the year things that PreK parents aren't familiar with...yet. #engagechat
Thanks to encouragement from @mr_henry_Lee this year I have started connecting to parents through @ClassDojo I am seeing more support and understanding from the parents. I would like to do more to connect. #engagechat
For sure. It reminds us that we are not an island. There are other great people (like yourself) doing great work, and that we are all in this together. #engagechat
A2. I use tech tool @RemindHQ to communicate with parents. This year, I plan to invite parents for tech sessions with me to learn how to navigate class website, twitter and communicate with me via email #engagechat I'l share with them class work done and pics/videos from trips
A1: My principal @CTknowsbetter came up w STEM wild goose chase challenge for the Ts at my school! My team won 💕 we wrote Tchr Commitments, interviewed other team members and use @Flipgrid to record our reflections #EngageChat
In reply to
@daviswelcome, @CTknowsbetter, @Flipgrid
#engagechat A2: Keep parents informed of classroom happenings via photos and videos on Class Dojo, Edmodo etc. Use these platforms to share articles on parenting challenges such as kids' addiction to social media, cyberbullying etc. Keep an open mind if we want to engage parents.
They don't know what hit them! I tell them, "you are your child's best advocate! You know them better than anyone else! I need to learn from YOU what I can do to make the most of their experience in our classroom." #engagechat
A2 Being intentional about how we invite families into our building, & opening our classrooms to communicate what’s occurs day in & out. Sending the message, whether you come 1x a year, 1x a week, or talk w/ your student at home, your a key to your child’s success #engagechat
Q3: student success starts with teacher success. Right now my focus is on teacher engagement, excitement and learning. If I can fire up the teachers they will ensure student success. #EngageChat
A3 As a sci T its important that I put Ss in positions where they see they can succeed at science Ss have the background knowledge, what they often lack is the belief & confidence My job to show them the way to sci career #engagechat
Just listened to @alienearbud & @JessicaCabeen Better Leaders Better Schools podcast about teachers setting up private Facebook pages for their classroom families and sharing info,events that way. Powerful way to reach out & crest accessibility for families. #engagechat
#engagechat A2: Keep parents informed of classroom happenings via photos and videos on Class Dojo, Edmodo etc. Use these platforms to share articles on parenting challenges such as kids' addiction to social media, cyberbullying etc. Keep an open mind if we want to engage parents.
A3: Know your students. Be present with them. Actively listen. Show respect by seeing them as the unique, incredible human beings they are & treating them as such. Through showing genuine respect, trust is developed & relationships are formed.
A3: Build relationships with students, sit down and listen to them and then meet their individual needs based on where they are at. This is why I love conferencing. Build in scaffolds in your instruction so that they have something to hold onto in the first place #engagechat
@daviswelcome#engagechat A3: be available, listen, provide tons of encouragement, let them know you care about their success, ask THEM how you can help them succeed or what they need from you, be consistent, stay true to your word, have compassion
This is a great idea—be there for parents and not just send info home. And that in-person support helps build relationships that can now flourish online. #DigCit#EngageChat
A2. I use tech tool @RemindHQ to communicate with parents. This year, I plan to invite parents for tech sessions with me to learn how to navigate class website, twitter and communicate with me via email #engagechat I'l share with them class work done and pics/videos from trips
Q2: we are going to be featuring 1 family a month in our regular newsletters. The families feel great to be asked. The stories are being written by a real journalist and they show the diversity of our community to the outside world. #WINWIN#EngageChat
A3: #UDL!!!! By planning with all students in mind, removing barriers from the beginning, being flexible, and giving students voice and choice, all students can be successful. Highly suggest reading books by @KatieNovakUDL and @ElizabethLStein! #engagechat
A3. Give them time to process. Learn what they like to learn and find resources that call their interest and attention. Mix resource format with same content (videos, interactive websites, audio) #engagechat
#EngageChat I started with a welcome letter, am arranging a coffee house night, Quiz Bowl battle against students and I use my class blog and Remind to keep them apprised of our classroom activities
A3: Through collective efficacy we will continue to instill the “I can do anything” attitude with all our students and faculty. The way we do school within the MTSS framework keeps us focused on our “WHY”! #engagechat
A3: I would like to have Ts to intentionally teach desired values and character traits like honesty, respect, empathy, responsibility, while focusing on creating the kinds of environments, both at home & at school, in which those qualities are likely to flourish #engagechat
#engagechat A3: Helping Ss to succeed is more of a journey than a destination. Some underachieve because of family issues. We are there to lend a listening ear, to encourage, to motivate, to believe in them when they don't. No S comes to school to do badly. We must look deeper.
A2. Invite Parents into see what Ss are doing and have Ss discuss and show them their work. Possibly have a night where P vs. Ss for STEM challenge night! #engagechat
Open house night. 2 short sessions for those interested in volunteering to lead sg book discussions. Partnering w/ public library offering program to encourage reading together at home. Upper no the entire communication output through social media. #engagechat
A3 - here is my list from last year
* smile at every student
* greet every student
* learn every name quickly
* make sure they feel welcome in class
* tell at least one joke or story that makes them laugh or inspires them.
* focus on R’s first
* always positive #engagechat
#engagechat A3: Helping Ss to succeed is more of a journey than a destination. Some underachieve because of family issues. We are there to lend a listening ear, to encourage, to motivate, to believe in them when they don't. No S comes to school to do badly. We must look deeper.
A3) These guys need some serious re-calibration with conduct and GPA. Lots of room for improvement. And necessary for future success in life. #engagechat
A2: Positive emails home the first week. Trying to use more video in class to share what we are doing overall and finally an open door policy. Come in whenever you'd like to see the good work we are doing! #engagechat
It could be if administrators are open to it. I tend to start at the classroom level and take it from there, ask the principal permission first. #engagechat
A3: I would like to have Ts to intentionally teach desired values and character traits like honesty, respect, empathy, responsibility, while focusing on creating the kinds of environments, both at home & at school, in which those qualities are likely to flourish #engagechat
#engagechat Use their name, sit down at the tables and talk to them, 1-minute check ins, ask thought provoking questions and give them time to thoughtfully answer- just get to know them and they will be more likely to share their stresses and concerns
A3: Through collective efficacy we will continue to instill the “I can do anything” attitude with all our students and faculty. The way we do school within the MTSS framework keeps us focused on our “WHY”! #engagechat
Every session, parents share values like honesty, respect, caring etc. I then ask what are parent(s) doing to ensure their child has these desirable traits when entering a relationship #engagechat
I had two different administrators tell me "You can't save them all." I replied with "Then I'm in the wrong profession if that's not my goal." #engagechat
Q2: I want to be present in different entry points of the school. Find a way to welcome all kids and parents to school each week - not just our kindergarten and first grade students. #EngageChat
Absolutely! It shouldn't be a secret what we are up to. And especially at the high school level, it's important that parents still have some connection to the work we are doing. #engagechat
A3 Influence the Ts that I work with to become more culturally responsive. Helps to encourage positive relationships where Ss are comfortable and feel safe. It also meets the needs of the Ss and how they learn best. This is a recipe for student success!#EngageChat
A3. Building relationships and working 1:1 with all Ss. Getting to know their interests and forming topics around interests in classroom! Working with Ss to get them to believe in themselves! #engagechat
A2: @RemindHQ has been tremendous with increasing parental communication! I’ve also implemented STEAM FAMILY PROJECTS! It’s extra credit but a chance to connect learning in school to home! @CTknowsbetter#EngageChat
In reply to
@daviswelcome, @RemindHQ, @CTknowsbetter
Reaching and saving are 2 diff reach out to all Ss so if they need your help they know they can count on you Reach so you have the opportunity to save #engagechat
A3. Building relationships and working 1:1 with all Ss. Getting to know their interests and forming topics around interests in classroom! Working with Ss to get them to believe in themselves! #engagechat
A4: I'm a new IB teacher with a new curriculum and 4 new classes. For me it's internalizing the fact that it's OK not to know something and being comfortable asking for help. I'm not naturally good at that, so it's an area of growth potential for me! #engagechat
A4: I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, and taking on many new/additional leadership roles. I’m excited for the challenge and the opportunity to grow and learn. #engagechat
#EngageChat A barrier for me has always been balance- finding a bridge I can use to cross back and forth between professional and personal- this year, no afternoon clubs and no grading at home which equals more family time
A4: I'm a new IB teacher with a new curriculum and 4 new classes. For me it's internalizing the fact that it's OK not to know something and being comfortable asking for help. I'm not naturally good at that, so it's an area of growth potential for me! #engagechat
A4: When one door closes another opens is the way I look at things. I am not afraid of change nor failure. I keep pressing on and I show this by example to my faculty and students. #engagechat
Will check it out! I LOVE Atwell and Calkins. I will never teach writing without using a workshop style and conferences ever again. It's too powerful to not use it! #engagechat
A4: I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, and taking on many new/additional leadership roles. I’m excited for the challenge and the opportunity to grow and learn. #engagechat
A2: Get them invovled in their child's #digitalcitizenship journey. Allow them to understand that it's a partnership that extends beyond school. They can benefit from minding their own #digitalfootprint as well. #engagechat
@daviswelcome#engagechat A4: Since I’ve taken on a whole new role in a new district (which was a barrier in itself, change scares me 😬) I’ve already taken a walk outside of my “comfort zone”, which is definitely a good thing!
A4 I will overcome the barrier of toxic soup. When someone starts serving up a bowl of it, I will work to provide the antidote for anyone who is willing to listen to a positive message. #engagechat
#EngageChat A barrier for me has always been balance- finding a bridge I can use to cross back and forth between professional and personal- this year, no afternoon clubs and no grading at home which equals more family time
As a parent of an incoming high schooler I couldn’t agree more. Looking forward to being able to build relationships more... fell off in middle school. #EngageChat
A4: @ByronKatie's #thework has helped me tremendously in overcoming barriers. Through questioning thoughts, we can eliminate the stressful "stories" we tell ourselves and be curious risk-takers—just as we want our students to be! More here:
A4: When one door closes another opens is the way I look at things. I am not afraid of change nor failure. I keep pressing on and I show this by example to my faculty and students. #engagechat
A4) The contemporary college environment is vastly different than when I attended. I will need to make many adjustments and actively demonstrate sustained leadership. #engagechat
A4. I would like my kids to be less shy and use more their voice to share their knowledge. I also would like to encourage the kids who tend not to be motivated to do work and find the passion to learn. #engagechat
Sorry I missed #engagechat finishing up our shopping for this little guy who starts PK...hope everyone has an awesome start to the school year!! 🙌🏾🔥👏💻 #teachbetter#begreat
A4. I would like my kids to be less shy and use more their voice to share their knowledge. I also would like to encourage the kids who tend not to be motivated to do work and find the passion to learn. #engagechat
#engagechat A4: Mental barriers. That things cannot change. That people are resistant to changes. Sometimes they just need a convincing reason before it spurs them into action. Gently, perseveringly persuade, cajole and nudge. And be myself the change I want to see in others.
Just looking at this quote, I feel this way about the teachers we coach. We all need coaching, feedback, and support. Let's not make assumptions/judgements, but build relationships, help, and coach our staff (even if it is in time mgmt & not lesson planning)! #engagechat
My favorite part of this is: "Rather than “giving feedback,” can we instead coach students to reflect upon their work in order to have autonomy in establishing their own, unique next steps and visions for the future?" YES! We want SS that drive their own thinking! #engagechat
A4: A barrier I face is retaining the passion of supporting Ts in efforts to instill desired beliefs as passion must be the driving force that moves my vision into action. You can’t light a fire with a wet match #engagechat
Q4: I want to start my own professional blog. Barrier is technical. I have the content starting to develop and I think I am past the fear of putting my thoughts into the world - just need platform help! #edublug#help#EngageChat
#engagechat A3: Helping Ss to succeed is more of a journey than a destination. Some underachieve because of family issues. We are there to lend a listening ear, to encourage, to motivate, to believe in them when they don't. No S comes to school to do badly. We must look deeper.
Q4: I want to start my own professional blog. Barrier is technical. I have the content starting to develop and I think I am past the fear of putting my thoughts into the world - just need platform help! #edublug#help#EngageChat
A4: Present at a conference and finish my masters!! I really want to start presenting on building your PLN via social media and the impacts it has on instruction #EngageChat
A5 Professionally: Assisting another 130 Ss in preparing for HS
Personally: The experience of trying new things, evaluating, and re-setting goals and ideas for 2019-20 school year
A4: Present at a conference and finish my masters!! I really want to start presenting on building your PLN via social media and the impacts it has on instruction #EngageChat
There is at times the response of my young adult needs to marry someone with lots of money. I follow by asking if the parent cares how the person gets the money? There is no rewind button on parenting so be intentional when it comes to building a child's character #engagechat
A5 By the end of this school year, I will have a classroom community where relationships are visible and vital. My students will have experienced voice/choice and will be able to guide their learning beyond my class. #engagechat
#engagechat my biggest accomplishment will be that I taught my students how to teach themselves science - will have built 147 strong relationships and hunkered down to write my book
@daviswelcome#engagechat A5: Goal 1- My senior kiddo WILL graduate!! 🙏 He is a gifted student, living on his own, no one to encourage him at home, attendance is low— but when he comes, he does great! I’m trying to encourage him to keep going, he CAN do it!
Q5: big goals for this year! More than anything I want my new VP to end the year feeling super successful - her success is my success. Growing leaders is my jam! #EngageChat
A5: We will have had yet another very successful school year filled with failure, change, firsts, laughter, tears, friendships, a strong sense of community, and love. We will celebrate our accomplishments and acknowledge any failures and keep building everyone up! #engagechat
A5 By the end of this school year, I will have a classroom community where relationships are visible and vital. My students will have experienced voice/choice and will be able to guide their learning beyond my class. #engagechat
A5. I would like my kids to let me know at the end of the school years reading and writing strategies they can use in other content areas and strategies they can use to get the knowledge they need to answer questions. #engagechat
A5: I will have empowered others by creating an environment in which students and colleagues can create their own autonomy and agency. I will have let others know that I see them, they matter, and they are enough. 💗 #engagechat
Q2: we are going to be featuring 1 family a month in our regular newsletters. The families feel great to be asked. The stories are being written by a real journalist and they show the diversity of our community to the outside world. #WINWIN#EngageChat
A5. Ss will have the opportunity to utilize the skills they have learned in STEM to continue investigating and problem solving! They can further utilize their creativity and imaginaton in building, making , designing to also solve problems in the world! #engagechat
Q5: big goals for this year! More than anything I want my new VP to end the year feeling super successful - her success is my success. Growing leaders is my jam! #EngageChat
With tech, the sky’s the limit with family engagement. A couple of considerations: Equity and access, and “challenges” that don’t focus on fear (which digital/social media topics often do). #DigCit#EngageChat
#engagechat A2: Keep parents informed of classroom happenings via photos and videos on Class Dojo, Edmodo etc. Use these platforms to share articles on parenting challenges such as kids' addiction to social media, cyberbullying etc. Keep an open mind if we want to engage parents.
#engagechat A5: If my Ss can be a bit kinder to others in words and deeds, enjoy learning more than before, taking greater ownership of their own attitude and believing in themselves more than ever, I would have succeeded in making that difference in their lives 🙏
What a wonderful chat! I kind of took a chat break this summer but it was awesome to jump back in with the #engagechat crew. Thank you @daviswelcome and everyone. Great, thoughtful chat this evening!
Exactly. I'm not going to be here forever. As the year goes on the dynamic shifts in the conferences considerably from coach/student to writing peers. #engagechat