Welcome to #flipclass introduce yourself, subject, level, yrs flipping? Tomorrow is the first day of spring in the US, does it feel like it where you are? Tonight we’re talking PD and the flipped classroom #flipclasschat
Welcome to #flipclass introduce yourself, subject, level, yrs flipping? Tomorrow is the first day of spring in the US, does it feel like it where you are? Tonight we’re talking PD and the flipped classroom #flipclasschat
Dedication is crawling around on the floor to retrieve your phone after toddler dropped it (and your glasses) behind the headboard because I don’t want to miss #flipclass#flipclasschat :D
Joy McCourt, flipping HS science and math lessons since 2013, first day back from spring break so exhausted, too chilly here in Toronto yet to feel like tomorrow is spring, but that’s every year lol :D #flipclass#flipclasschat
A1. Only one I have had @EdCampElm where it was a discussion about what worked and what wasn’t. @jbretzmann was there and discussed Flipped 2.0. It’s on my list. #flipclass#flipclasschat
Katie from Allen TX, #flipclass what ever I get my hands on. HS physics, PD and now college physics. :) Spring is happening in TX. Trees blooming, noses sneezing #flipclasschat
A1 I don’t know of anyone around me flipping currently, so face-to-face the most worthwhile flipping PD recently is me giving PD to others. For my own development the level II FLGI course was key because it really helped me see what options exist for in-class time #flipclass
I also have been providing PD lately 4 #flipclass rather than a participant in particular releasing and creating online training my self. I can't wait for #ilfabcon and #fliptechEC#flipclass
Level II is almost entirely about options for the group space - modules on mastery, project-based learning, the in-flip approach, Socratic seminars, inquiry, etc. - each with an expert or two on using that approach w/Bergmann facilitating more than teaching himself. #flipclass
As a newbie Level I was great - really walked through a variety of options and ideas. It is a series of #flipclass videos so you could easily skip what you already know and focus on the new they provide!
A2. I do a lot of self PD. I like that I can tailor it to what I want to do and how that would work best for me. I am currently working on learning coding. #flipclass#flipclasschat
A2. Last meaningful PD was that one where I got the chose what I learned about. Ya know, like we want to give our students... choices. Admin gives us choices and it’s more meaningful. (I see you lurking @jbretzmann!) #flipclass
A2 I find PD where there is active modeling of the technique, practice, or actual product work the best for me, no matter the topic. #flipclasschat#flipclass
I'm currently running online edpuzzle based PD for my district of mandated trainings but I doubt anyone would put mandated trainings as Prime PD #flipclass
A2 my school bd has an annual mini conference for all its HS sci Ts - this yr I went only to sessions by our bd’s first “hybrid tchr-coach” to learn about his unusual A&E (group discussion incl in his tests!), how emotion affects learning, & creativity in sci #flipclass
My favorite PD has little to do with the content of the PD it's the team building that happens when we get separated from Our Daily Grind and interact with colleagues in a different way creating growth #flipclass
I learned first about flipped learning in 2013 and I found it worthwhile - I didn’t consider the cost exorbitant for the learning I got. #flipclass#flipclasschat
I am not lurking and I am not tweeting. Only grading things. Tomorrow is the last day of the quarter. Is that why I'm getting all of these updated assignments? #flipclass#personalizedPD
A2 continued: at the same mini conference, the keynote actually demonstrated how to bring an expert from their list of people available into our classroom through Zoom videoconference, and I was amazed how seamless it was with no tech issues. Expert was interesting too #flipclass
A3 for the non #flipclass PD it was definitely great to be able to hear from a T who is actually using nontraditional methods & thinking outside the box - not just from some researcher saying what’s a good idea or a service provider selling their tool #flipclass#flipclasschat
A3. Yes. Informal friendly environment, with specifically designed content in a no-pressure approach (get up and leave if fit was not right). It was a triple threat. #flipclass#flipclasschat
A3 All of the above for the EdCamp at Springs Studio in D49. Great flexible venue, content of our own choosing, and format that is collaborative and discussion-based. Perfect! #flipclass
A3 all are important, but most important for me is walking away with a new idea I can use (or share w/others) that will improve #flipclass for me and friends. #flipclasschat
Just curious, are most of the ed camps and conferences y’all go to during your school year? Do you miss class for them? I keep seeing things I’d certainly be interested in but taking off a chunk of time to cross the border for PD is easier said than done :( #flipclass
A4: right now I'm in a place where I'd like to learn how to take my interests (i.e. #flipclass) to the next level - I want to continue to push my practices further!
A4 I'd like to learn some active techniques for college courses. I like the team based learning, (I need some help with that too!) #flipclass#flipclasschat
A4. Mentioned previously, coding and using it in class (bought a sphero to start). I’d like to share with my staff about @MetaverseApp more formally. I made an @Flipgrid for them but most forget to look at it (need to remind them better). #flipclass#flipclasschat
A4 honestly at this point I think for me it’s not about learning more info but trying out some of the ideas I’ve learned - and alongside that, it’d be great to reflect with a coach/other experienced Ts - sooo put my practice where my mouth is & then #flipclass chat with y’all :)
That would definitely fit in with the team based learning. More for pairs. I might switch it up some as the semester winds down. #flipclass#flipclasschat
A5. Microcertifications - it’s built into our career ladder plan. Currently it’s focusing on cultural awareness but it’s also wide open so it involves choice. #flipclass#flipclasschat
A5: science in our county/state is focused on #NGSS and implementing the 3D learning, some schools in our county are looking into restorative justice practices #flipclass
A5 topics are pretty much STEM and coding. As for pedagogy, the “hybrid teacher-coach” experimental role is one the newly-minted hybrid teacher-coach proposed to our Board himself, not a trend...I can’t think of any nontraditional pedagogical *trends* here :(. #flipclass