#Edtechchat focuses on Education Technology. Co-founder Tom Murray says #edtechchat "connects us professionally with inspiring educators from all over the world, all of who encourage us to be better every day for the children and families we serve.”
Susan Bearden, currently melting in Alexandria VA, super excited to welcome back the amazing @iplante as tonight's moderator :) Fave way to stay cool: AIR CONDITIONING! #edtechchat
Hi #edtechchat Kelli signing in from Indiana. Specialist of ASD, Aspergers, SLD, Chrome Accessibility, AEM & AT Integration. It's so HUMID & currently can't find a fav way to keep cool!
Hi everyone! Leslie from LI, NY. Assistive tech and instructional tech specialist in a K-6 district. Happy to jump in for such an awesome topic! #edtechchat
It is a glorious night for #edtechchat. 4th and 5th grade school teacher and Dean of Professional Growth in Maine. Sitting by a lake is the best way to stay cool. #WhereMyCamelsAt
Hello everybody! I'm a first time Tweeter! I'm here because I love technology and am very interested to learn new ideas for implementing use in the classroom. #edtechchat
Hi everyone! I'm Noa, from Israel. I work at the innovative tech unit for the Ministry of Education (and yes, It's where the magic happens) #edtechchat
A1: I’m really hoping to learn the awesome ways others are differentiating in their educational environments and how they’re making it work (failures and successes). #edtechchat
A1 #edtech helps us remove some of the barriers Ss face while learning. I am hoping to borrow from the experiences of this great #edtechchat#PLN as they support the individual needs of Ss.
Hi- Kellie from Virginia- Starting my 1st year as an ITS (after 27 years as a classroom elementary teacher!) Can't wait to see some ideas here! #edtechchat
I just realized how big of an assistive tech geek I am... I totally wanted to immediately fix that drinking fountain with some accommodations like MacGyver #edtechchat
A1: Finding tools/resources for EVERY child and teacher. Last year, I focused on finding tools for dyslexic students, this year my focus is going to be on ELL. #edtechchat
A1: I'm interested in hearing how/if folks use tech to differentiate assessment. I use my LMS (Canvas), Drive, and #Flipgrid (in an ESL college classroom), but I'm curious what others are up to.
And the best part is the tools can be used interchangeably for ALL students....although some may meet the needs of certain individuals more, they should be made available for all expand and enhance learning! #edtechchat
A2: I like providing choices so that each student can use their strengths to ascend the content. No one notices mods when they all look different. Tech makes that sssooooo easy! #edtechchat
A2: UDL is the difference between the startup vs. corporate beuracracy approach. Classrooms don’t have to run the same for everyone to succeed. In fact that is sometimes the obstacle to success. #edtechchat
A2: UDL is an essential piece to educating students as each of our students deserve the opportunity to achieve success by providing multiple access points to all components of learning. #edtechchat
A1: So glad that this is the topic-accessibility is MY JAM-digital tools are often what make learning possible for my students-as communication devices, for physical access with switches, screen readers, etc. Happy to connect and learn with others #atchat#edtechchat
A2: #UDL gives u a lens to seeing how u can make sure that all students have access to curriculum in a timely manner #edtechchat It's all the preplanning
I dig the voice typing idea, but that cannot be used on the writing test at the end of the year that is computer based ... many kids run out of time because they lack typing skills. #edtechchat
A2: The tech when used as an accommodation makes it possible to make sure Ss have accessible materials in a TIMELY MANNER...aka: same time as peers #edtechchat
Are they verbal? Cognitive level? In general without specifics-I find tactile hands-on learning to be most impactful-just make sure none of them have pica before you lay out little things #edtechchat
A1: #edtechchat Just talked about UDL guidelines in my integrating tech class - Made a little mini lesson plan using the specific checkpoints you can find on the UDL website - useful to check yourself when lesson planning, I think!
Only if the teacher implements it ... no pure tech classes in middle school ... here is the kicker ... if we move to alternate assignments using tech then in the long run it could hinder student success because they have not been practicing typing. #edtechchat
In reply to
@s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
It is a valuable skill; however, many districts are struggling to determine when is it most appropriate to teach keyboarding? Unfortunately it doesn't get any love because it isn't connected to a standardized test #edtechchat
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@Kate77564739, @DennisDill, @teaching_irl
A3: Always, ALWAYS consider their comfort zone. If it makes them uncomfortable, find another way. Let them try out different ways to meet their accommodations and let them choose. #edtechchat
It is the education box that we are all in ... we can do some great things, but at the end of the day we still have to ensure the kids have the necessary skills to be successful on the state/district mandated test #edtechchat
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@iplante, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
Since many standardized tests must be taken online, and since poor typing skills can directly impact success on those tests, it is appropriate to teach keyboarding long before students start taking those tests. #edtechchat.
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@mattbergman14, @Kate77564739, @DennisDill, @teaching_irl
Good point. I used to teach keyboarding and learned that typing skills goes by the wayside once they get their hands on their phones! #texting#edtechchat
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@DennisDill, @s_bearden, @teaching_irl
Students will do better on high stakes testing when they have been engaged in the curriculum for the year...so when high stakes test come & accommodations have to be removed, they have been able to learn ALL the other days and will perform better #edtechchat
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@DennisDill, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
A3: SETT framework is a great place to start for tech considerations. By thinking about Student, Environment, Tasks & Tools it’s easier to get a clear picture and feature match more appropriately. My blog post helps to break this down... https://t.co/UyyxM8jaSm#edtechchat
Some verbal, some non.. Two exhibit pica type tendencies. I currently use low level Smartboard lessons, which they enjoy. They love manipulating the board. Most are at a preschool level. #edtechchat
Oh I’m happy that all of the Big 3 seem to be prioritizing #accessibility now-they just seem to be playing catch up a bit in that area-which is a little frustrating given how the lead in other areas. There are few adaptive devices/switches currently compatible, but... #edtechchat
good point! As a 7th grade teacher I always feel like they should have some basic knowledge, but they don't really even have a solid foundation. Maybe now that PARCC (MDs standardized test) is all online and includes written parts, they will make it more of focus? #edtechchat
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@mattbergman14, @DennisDill, @teaching_irl
A2: Looking up UDL on wiki, it looks like plain old pedagogy (Dewey, Vygotsky, Piaget...) that just makes sense. Can anyone please explain? #edtechchat
We can debate "success" and we are on the same page, but every school defines success by the same definition ... test scores. Admin/Teachers will achieve targeted test scores or you will be gone. #edtechchat That may not be real world success, but it is the school's definition
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@s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
I can barely stay awake, so I am heading out and will have to check the archives! Got home at 2am after a delayed flight and worked a 10 hour day! #edtechchat
A3: Lately I have been focusing on how #UDL helps students create rather than consume. I think platforms like @nearpod and @Newsela work great for consuming content if done right. #edtechchat
Agreed! Especially in that area of alternative access support. iOS has most for switch access, Android is getting there, Chrome OS needs work in that area #edtechchat
In reply to
@seanmarnold, @teaching_irl, @GoogleForEdu
So the manipulatives need to be big enough not to be eaten or keep a close eye on those 2. Try to get a grant, if possible, for iPads which have a number of great tactile learning, behavioral, and communication apps. I’ll share a few resources here. #edtechchat
A4: I am an iOS user and find so many of the built-in #a11y tools to be incredible, from zoom, guided access, text-to-speech and speech-to-text. I also use many 3rd party apps to integrate the tech with students. #appleeduchat#edtechchat
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@iplante, @AppleEDU, @GoogleForEdu, @MicrosoftEDU
Keep in mind EVERY assessment u give Ss, B 4 they even get 2 the content being tested- it's FIRST a test of engagement, then a test of READING and then it's the content. Accommodations R necessarily if u truly r wanting a S 2 show what they know #edtechchat It's not cheating :)
Intrigued by the discussion around UDL as I will be doing a case study for my dissertation on the impact of digital tools & resources on UDL #edtechchat
A4: Read&Write is one of my favs. Their are also many embedded into Google Docs (Voice2Text, translator) and comments are great for offering assistance within the doc. #edtechchat
I still buck the system ... i am a firm believer that if I cover my content with meaningful learning activities the scores will be there ... 16 years in and I have not been proven wrong. #edtechchat
In reply to
@s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
A5: Prizmo Go can be a game changer 4 those Ss whose independent reading level is below grade level but their comprehension level is at grade or above #edtechchathttps://t.co/9MetaYqJPc
Both great tools. I love @Kahoot! but check out @quizizz which reads the questions and answers to kiddos on iOS devices and puts the same on the info on the student screen #EdTechchat
A4. I think that it is important to realize that it isn't necessarily the tool, but HOW the tool is used that matters. The tool creates accessibility when the design is focused on addressing learning barriers #edtechchat
A5: Prizmo Go can be a game changer 4 those Ss whose independent reading level is below grade level but their comprehension level is at grade or above #edtechchathttps://t.co/9MetaYqJPc
I think a lot of the challenge is the way disability culture is either lionized or minimized in the media we see so we don’t view our SWDs realistically while still maintaining high goals https://t.co/ZeSPKV2B4I#edtechchat
A5: Rewordify for online text leveling. It allows SAME content just in simpler version which is an accommodation and NOT a modification #edtechchathttps://t.co/G7juTZ6DDu
Q5. Google Translate has been fruitful - my elementary students LOVE learning languages and I can use it as an extension for literacy activities. More are on level playing ground when it comes to "playing" the audio and practicing the pronunciations #edtechchat
Good point! I have the same philosophy from my football background. Practice in different ways and the scoreboard (standardized test) will take care of itself. #edtechchat
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@DennisDill, @s_bearden, @teaching_irl
A4. I think that it is important to realize that it isn't necessarily the tool, but HOW the tool is used that matters. The tool creates accessibility when the design is focused on addressing learning barriers #edtechchat
#edtechchat I LOVE #booksnaps Can’t wait to have my own classroom and actually get to implement this one. Such a fun, interactive, personalized replacement for traditional book reports I think.
Agreed on the iPads! So many great apps to reinforce scheduling and emotional regulation! A great one to start with is @BeeVisual choiceworks and First Then Visual Schedules. #edtechchat
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@seanmarnold, @SBrandtEDU, @iplante, @BeeVisual
One accessibility issue I have with @GetKahoot -I told them- is the 1:1 correspondence with the answers on the board vs. device. It’s hard to track is it red triangle for that. Other platforms like @quizizz and @gimkit show the answers on the device wholly #edtechchat
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@agenliand300, @GetKahoot, @quizizz, @gimkit
It’s amazing how easy they are to use! My favorite is guided access with the built in timers to help students stay on task and with time management! #edtechchat
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@iplante, @AppleEDU, @GoogleForEdu, @MicrosoftEDU
Such a great convo tonight. If you want to learn more - join us for #Atchat every Wed 8PM ET We will start back up in Sept. Want to see what we discussed this past year? Check out https://t.co/3Cx35PccqB for the full archive #edtechchat
So many of our students with autism now have IEP mandated iPads as communication systems with apps like LAMP words or @proloquo2go for communication-so much better than the $5000 systems of yesteryear #edtechchat
In reply to
@lrdichiara, @SBrandtEDU, @iplante, @BeeVisual, @proloquo2go
A5: Use closed captions on ALL ur videos to improve literacy skills! ALL the time! One of the most underused useful accommodations for ur students! #edtechchat
it isn't ... but it is for the state mandated test and at the end of the day that is all that matters to the school ... the district ... the state. We don't have to like it, but it is the truth. #edtechchat Key is functioning and creating successful humans even inside this box
In reply to
@TheTechRabbi, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
The keyboard is a tool like anything else. We can have them understand its function but to dedicate hours so that they can type over 100WPM is a waste. That skill has a 10 year or less lifespan. #edtechchat
In reply to
@DennisDill, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
I know @iplante is with me on this...I am constantly contacting the app developers with feedback of what works and doesn’t. They do hear us and those committed to improve their apps make the changes eventually! #edtechchat
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@seanmarnold, @agenliand300, @GetKahoot, @quizizz, @gimkit, @iplante
Its dictation, voice, kinesthetic, but it’s not typing programs. For current H.S. or M.S. students I would let such a approach slide but I would never have a 3rd grade typing program when they could learn so many more valuable skills for their future. #edtechchat
In reply to
@iplante, @DennisDill, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
Ah yes, avoidance behavior. It's much easier to have a behavior than feeling like ur dumb. Appropriate accommodations can change a student's world for sure...in so many ways #edtechchat
We can debate "success" and we are on the same page, but every school defines success by the same definition ... test scores. Admin/Teachers will achieve targeted test scores or you will be gone. #edtechchat That may not be real world success, but it is the school's definition
In reply to
@s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
A6: I’ve found @Flipgrid useful for documenting student progress and sharing it with parents-also the auto caption feature is great for transcribing and it is visually functional (along with Clips) for non-verbal and hearing impaired students-lots of digital stories #edtechchat
I love how YouTube has an automatic closed captioning feature. It's great for Flipping your classroom even if you have hearing impaired or ELL students #edtechchat
We are in a weird space. While bringing Alexa into the classroom has no meaningful purpose (besides privacy concerns) beyond a show of hey look Alexa can mimic a student! Still don’t need to invest in a soon to be outdate approach to content creation. #edtechchat
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@iplante, @DennisDill, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
Q6: Play time is a MUST. Take time for that upfront because Ss need that. Do not offer a new tech device and start off with an assignment. Let them do an activity that they can learn how first. #edtechchat
Authors seem to be the only ones needing those typing skills but with ghostwriters and AI advancing maybe we wouldn’t write either. That is a good 20 years out. Our 3rd graders will be 28. That is something to think about. #edtechchat
In reply to
@iplante, @DennisDill, @s_bearden, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
A4 Fairly familiar since I present on many of them. What interests me is looking at other apps that could be useful, but aren’t necessarily considered AT. I recently discovered @WindowsInk#microsoftfontmaker and am thinking of ways students could benefit. #edtechchat
I'm not so optimistic that typing is going away any time soon. I think it's an important skill for students to learn. I've seen students (and teachers!) who don't know how to type really struggle. #edtechchat
In reply to
@TheTechRabbi, @iplante, @DennisDill, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
I just spent time with the UDL site for a STEM presentation in my grad class. There's great ideas on the site and the foundations are excellent. #edtechchat
I’ve found @Flocabulary is a company that has listened well on #accessibility -They added text-to-speech through site, video slow down, complete captions because we asked-also music bypasses language centers for learning with autistic students #edtechchat
In reply to
@iplante, @lrdichiara, @agenliand300, @GetKahoot, @quizizz, @gimkit, @Flocabulary
Q6: Using accommodations such as Dictation is SKILL that has to be TAUGHT. We have to teach all of these skills that the tech will need to be supported for it to be meaningful #edtechchat
I love how YouTube has an automatic closed captioning feature. It's great for Flipping your classroom even if you have hearing impaired or ELL students #edtechchat
Desktop typing probably is but laptop and tablet typing will be around for a while. Voice recognition takes a lot of time to set up do typing will stay. #Edtechchat
In reply to
@s_bearden, @TheTechRabbi, @iplante, @DennisDill, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
@Flipgrid can remove the barriers for srudents where writing is an area of frustration and difficulty. Too often I hear Ts say, they can articulate but can’t get the ideas on paper...the answer is let them speak it! Let their voices be heard! #edtechchat
In reply to
@iplante, @seanmarnold, @Flipgrid, @Flipgrid
I will never forget Mr. Blankenships typing class. I am a great typer because of it. I think having typing be part of an experience of a few weeks is great but to have a full year dedicated to it or even a semester is how I see some schools running. Balance is key. #edtechchat
In reply to
@s_bearden, @iplante, @DennisDill, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
Q6: Using accommodations such as Dictation is SKILL that has to be TAUGHT. We have to teach all of these skills that the tech will need to be supported for it to be meaningful #edtechchat
https://t.co/kvxobeDMk1 Great research on why subtitles and captions can assist MANY! :) When still in the classroom, I used them and students even had fun pointing out when someone didn't say the line correctly. LOL #edtechchat
A6: We can't forget QR codes. Easy accommodations for accessibility and so many other things #edtechchathttps://t.co/qS7jaHsvJJ and they are FREE to make
I took it in the summer in high school, for my older brother took it during the school year and it tanked his GPA. I agree I am very thankful. #EdTechchat Yet I find I dictate more and more. Including this tweet.
In reply to
@s_bearden, @DennisDill, @TheTechRabbi, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
A6 A6 Seriously don't mean to toot my own horn, but there aren't enough characters in a tweet for my answer. https://t.co/e9XYK8UhgB … It's my goal for #accessibility tools to be seen just as tools, to find ways everyone can benefit from them. #edtechchat
This is a great suggestion for #atchat When thinking of #edtech & not sure if it would be accessible or even HOW to make it accessible, that's an awesome place to start for sure! #edtechchat
It's a programmatic app, so it isn’t intended to be a broad solution (neither is something like Boardmaker)-some kids can do symbols, others need explicit images-some can choose words via context/categories while others need a regular sequence, but, yeah AT is pricey #edtechchat
In reply to
@SBrandtEDU, @lrdichiara, @iplante, @BeeVisual, @proloquo2go
Funny thing is I still teach cursive for it can help with the acquisition of reading skills...yet I love #EdTech it’s the balance and right moment for each #EdTechchat
In reply to
@GeniusKristel, @s_bearden, @DennisDill, @TheTechRabbi, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
If cursive was taken as an art elective it would rock! I won my cursive school competition. Computers will evolve over the next 10 yrs. What we have to do is give our Ss skills that will progressively grow with today and tomorrow while keeping a pulse on the future #edtechchat
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@GeniusKristel, @s_bearden, @DennisDill, @iplante, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
I am such a nerd for cursive. Not for essays but for inspirational posters and other visual graphics. Talk about a great way to give Ss a way to share their knowledge around novels and other texts. #edtechchat
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@iplante, @GeniusKristel, @s_bearden, @DennisDill, @mattbergman14, @teaching_irl
This may sound too crazy BUT...some times even giving a student a low tech item like a MICROPHONE that doesn't even work...you'd be amazed how much more participation and confidence that can bring about #edtechchat