#21stedchat Archive
Our mission for our 21st century chat is to create a positive 21st century learning environment for our students by sharing resources and ideas that has worked in our classrooms. Join us every Sunday from 8:00-9:00 PM (EST) on Twitter using the hashtag #21stedchat. All are welcome!
Sunday January 17, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome to with and I. Tonight’s topic: Is Content Knowledge Still Important. PLS introduce yourselves.
. Ross Math Teacher New York
Hi, ! I'm an elem principal in Northern CA. Looking forward to chatting with you tonight! Great topic!
William Bode, Panthers fan tr in Charlotte
Mike from NJ, dipping toes into the and convos when possible.
Hello Everyone - Im Jill from NC a Personalized Learning Director & co-host. Im having internet trouble so maybe in/out tonight
OK has figured it out that it is Sunday night and is running behind Sorry
We will use the Q & A method to move the conversation tonight.
Hi Mike I was hoping would stop by tonight.
hi everyone, rachelle from Pittsburgh, popping in for a bit :)
Q1: Let’s get right to it. Is content knowledge still important?
Sandy- Hello and In and out but saying hi to all :) 5th grade T in Utah
Tiffany, from Maine. Hello everyone.
Looks like we are on the same page.
A1. Yes along with other things too.
A1: there is a certain level of knowledge people must have. Other than that...
A1: I'm going to go w/ not really b/c you can Google most content knowledge.
That's a pretty loaded question to lead with, Mr. Prindle.
A1 In HS ofcourse, but not the only game in town.
Was it ever? Is there any evidence that we do not have better content now than ever?
Sean from Orland Park Il. Dir of Instructional tech at Marian Catholic HS
Yes it's how we guide the car
A1 Content knowledge is important but maybe we access it in different ways now
Just ripping the band aid quickly. Or recognizing the elephant in the room.
Content knowledge is important, but of greater importance is what you do with it. Deeper questions = deeper knowledge.
Yup. And this is where the problems arise, because no one can agree on what knowledge or what level…
But google is unreliable and could be wrong
Whenever someone gives me the wrong change I remember content knowledge is important!
A1: Content knowledge is important, but of greater importance is what you do with it. Deeper questions = deeper knowledge.
And what if you don't have access to Google or devices?
Agreed content is the foundation but how do you work those tools is important
Content knowledge = DOK 1 and/or 2.
A1 yes and now how we deliver it is important and open to so many possibilities for diverse lessons & activities
Russ, FL Principal. A1: No. It is more important to be resourceful, to know how to find information, & know what to do w/ it.
Of course content knowledge is important. Do we really just want to become a culture of google dependent kindergarteners?
Jeremy, parent from CT stopping by. Yes, content knowledge is still important. I'm sure we'll get into examples.
Precisely why content is important. If you know the foundation you can figure it out on your own
Welcome. What level are you a Principal at?
There is always certain content knowledge that Ss need. But how they get it shouldn't always be from the T
That's why research skills are important to know...
For students with learning disabilities, content knowledge is necessary for their success.
A1: content knowledge has a place but what about context knowledge? Let's show how learning leads you somewhere.
But how would they know how to focus those skills
Effective classroom instruction/pedagogy.
Access is a privilege for some
What I meant is if I am at a dinner party I want to have a convo w/o Google.
Right, I want my kids to understand the process and the journey
How much content is actually "learned" depends a lot on the learning environment also.
which involves content knowledge and facilitating that knowledge
The issue yes/no to knowledge. It is asking better ?'s to get at concepts that you can't google. . https://t.co/CJ0QwLlx6w
What I meant is if I am at a dinner party I want to have a convo w/o Google.
and the willingness of the Ss to learn it.
True, exactly. This is why content is important and why it should guide what is being taught.
Right. When Ss are just given content, they don't OWN it. When they discover it & learn it - then it's learned
sometimes you just have to know. Still critical to help Ss become effective communicators.
Willingness of Ss learning is dependent on learning environment.
Content = Finding countries on a map. Helps to know that before delving into analyzing the world order. https://t.co/OvGiNW9s8X
A1: Content knowledge is important, but of greater importance is what you do with it. Deeper questions = deeper knowledge.
Right, this is the rigor. DOK can be used here
Yes- as a student I have memories of both experiences.
Not necessarily in HS where the state requires that Ss take certain classes whether they want the or not.
Exactly, there are some foundational steps to know to synthesize any material
That would make for a great chat topic, David!
Content is knowing that theme is a universal statement abt life. Not google, which would tell you the subject.
Q2: Is content knowledge important for teachers?
That's what I was getting at w/ my A1....
Now it is about the application of knowledge, of content
Is this "learning process" for a helpful? incomplete? off-based?
Is discovering it on Google more like owning it than learning it through a teacher? Serious question.
A1: Don't you think that in the process of learning math & sci content ppl learn how to think logically & how to reason,
A2 Yes. Next Q. (Kidding.) Seriously: teachers should be content experts in their fields AND broadly knowledgeable.
I know. I fight that battle everyday teaching Chem to Ss because the state says they ALL need it.
. A2: I think having content knowledge first makes everything else easier
Devi from Seattle, M.Ed student in a digital literacy course - Hello!
A2: I would say yes b/c if I'm teaching probability and don't have a deep understanding of it, then that's an issue.
A2 Content is important for Ts so that they have the ability to break down concepts into understandable chunks for diff learners
A2: Knowledge of reading/writing/math instruction most important in k-6, with content taking greater role beyond.
David from VA. Content natter matters, but it is more important for Ss and all citizens to know how to find it and eval it.
A2: yes, or else how would you know how to direct the S.s through the material or curriculum
We have a DI cert in MI. Means you can teach ALL of the science. You know a some of each. Not sure that is good
Carl from Emerald, Australia
A2: content knowledge is important. Still, I admire the ability to think, learn, synthesize, & relate more than memorization.
I think NJ used to have that, but now it’s individual certs. Avoids the “physics teacher teaching bio” issue.
Ts need a good balance between research skills & content knowledge, & most importantly a full toolbox of good pedagogy
I've discovered lots of helpful things from YouTube videos, mostly tech related.
But in order to think and synthesize you need to know.
Elementary. Basics are important but knowing how to be resourceful & knowing when you don't know is most important.
I agree it us the beginning-but not the end.
We must be highly qualified which means certified in our content area
A2 Yes. In order to take st deeper into learning process, tr needs to be able to audible at line of scrimmage if need be.
A2: Yes. More important for Ts. However, they to need to be resourceful.
Yes, but knowing is only 1/2 the battle
If the Q is "Googleable" it wasn't worth asking Putting together an answer from RESEARCH is the goal
Exactly, S.s should have the first level covered to then know how to best develop and create their own
Level of content knowledge relevant to what we teach is important but not challenging. It's the people skills that make teachers
you mean they'd learn the content (location of countries) through the process of inquiry?
A2. My gut says yes. But, I also have taught classes where I was learning material the day before. Ts can share learning journey
A DI says you are certed in ALL science. But good at ALL I doubt. A DI convenient for scheduling
I agree How many times have you seen an online "resource" that is wrong/incorrect? How else wld you know?
I think of knowledge as “massively necessary but not quite sufficient”
Some of that can't be taught in College of Ed
A2: as for Ts, how old is this "content knowledge"? Ts need to keep learning.
And when you don't know the answer, it's powerful to find that answer with your students
Agreed, I have run into this with my profs in the masters course
I dunno - I teach math. Hasn’t changed much in about 350 years. Physics? ≈100 years.
True, I can brush up on a skill day before but I still know how to disseminate it for my S.s b/c I know content
Same for chemistry unless your are at the advanced university level.
Exactly, learning is flexible, have to know all the plays in the playbook. Never know where learning needs to go.
A2) I have taught subjects I knew nothing about. Quite exciting learning ot all and often I pass that onto Ss
I wish it were so, but too often we see disengagement, apathy. The content alone isn't enough. More is needed.
that's where context is more relevant. How many Ss leave your class considering those fields as practical?
From ELA/ENGL perspective I can see being good in All areas and certified through BA or MA for content
Thought so, but wasn’t sure. I know bio is the exception.
you did "discover" them, which counts for something!
I have also had good teachers/professors who I have learned a lot of great content from!
Well school = boring. How do you make the content fun is the engagement
That's how I learn diff ways to do hair & my daughter learns how to change headlights -or vice versa
I had a diff eq prof in U. When he taught a concept he would tell each discipline where it applied.
Excellent Q. My big issue with content knowledge in math: I think Ss need to know much less than we require.
ahh, I should proof read tweets.
Use of PBL is helpful here
How do you make it relevant to each student? this seems impossible?
always new applications, no? And new ways of learning it, of course.
A HUGE part of math required is context-free. Very hard to give “big picture” there. Thus Ss conclude impractical.
Q3: Is it possible to engage and differentiate for every single student with the content?
Personalized Learning and Differentiated Insturction
Unless you’re talking computer programming, not really. Not at the algebra/geometry level, anyway.
Learning can be powerful and transformative when people own their learning.
And how to Ss know what is relevant to them at the tender age of 10 or 12 or 16?
I feel for the T since each class is big: how to personalize that much, yikes!
yeah -- gotta get on that hair thing myself.
A3. Yes, it is called personalized learning - let them choose how they want to learn the content
I think your thoughts apply directly to what educators are trying to do with flipping the classroom
. I think when it comes to engagement the content doesnt matter. The activity is what is engaging....
A3: Yes, but it is challenging. Using Depth & Complexity Icons was helpful.
A3. Yes with clear standards and choice. (Sarah, spanish T from Maine)
To a certain extent we set the stage. Provide the opportunities
My first 2yrs I taught at a rural school 7preps. 3 were based off my interest. 4-my knowledge. I slept little.
A3 Isn't that the goal? Each st wants it to mean something to them, so we should make that happen.
Yes and hopefully beyond flipping.
MS S.s can state what is relevant to them with guidance. Use surveys guide
What about Ss who will not engage the flipping?
B/c of context. Ss don’t take math for beauty or appreciation, like literature; they learn technique. +
A3: Yes, it is possible to engage & differentiate for every single student, but only if it's the students driving the learning.
Flipping is not for all students.
'we' as practitioners also need to stay in the learning loop
A3 Yes, personalizing learning exper, give Ss choices, provide options for them to have in learning
+ The techniques they learn have been supplanted by computers & we don’t ask Ss to put them in context.
It seems a stretch for those will access and language hurdles
A3: If we are teaching the standards, then yes.
Technique is needed for ELA. Literary skills Rehtorical strategies, grammar. Boring stuff
A3 No. Next Q. (Seriously this time - if we are expecting EVERY student to master the SAME content, no.)
Sure, and there is a clear goal - to become a better writer, which everyone can see the need for.
We use tablets for PLE and S.s still know these techniques. Context is key, why I use PBL
The problem is, the math that 99.9% of people will use in life has been learned by 5th grade.
but every S.s won't master it in the same way
Q4: In this age of the "test" how do we get all Ss to master that necessary knowledge by the test date with differentiation?
THIS is my kids point all the time.
I def don't envy Math teachers. I think CC trying to use more mental math and logical application.
A4. Look at backwards design and power standards.
What if the doesn't want to learn what is required by the state for the test? That my job depends on.
maybe we are not holding people accountable to use math as problem-solving.
Hm. In math, mastery would mean being able to answer a particular question on demand. May be >1 method, though.
A4: If we're driven by sound curriculum/instruction & develop academic mindsets in stud, tests should take care of themselves.
Sadly I don't believe in power standards since the state tests all of them and don't tell you which one are PS's.
Or the teacher does not believe in what they must teach for the test?
That's higher level thinking in use
We aren’t, b/c it’s not what schols demand. They want “algebra 1/geometry/algebra 2/precalc”
Bam. There you go. https://t.co/T7V0WXeqCN
maybe we are not holding people accountable to use math as problem-solving.
A4: Lucky to work in a district where the focus is not on testing.
A4: Standards and Standards Based Grading
We have analyzed them and DPI has come up with % per standard example 60% fractions.
if they can't solve real world problems then it's all about knowing information.
but somebody who can't form a sentence is looked down upon, I'm bad at math is OK
We don't get to see our state test ever.
Perhaps. My daughter, in 5th grade, is learning the same sorts of things I did. I’m a CC skeptic.
Being bad at math is bad if your are a structural engineer.
Disagree. Bad fluency means that S.s won't pass any test. Literacy is in all tests
All good questions, conversation, communication, collab, find ways to connect... :)
Is theis info public on your district's website? Interested to see all %
It's all dependent on our Local Control Accountability Plan.
but it's also bad if you can't make change at McDonald's.
Agree. I like the idea of PBL, to be honest :)
Can't stay. Really appreciate your insights tonight!
Sad, eing bad at math is losing out on a language of life
We don't get to see the test, just the released items
Yes. Because no one ever tells kids that “school math” ≠ math.
I use it in every unit. Procedures are in place and it's a Stu focused classroom
Our released items come 3 yrs later and they change test yearly. Especially in science.
How to reformulate math for school?
I really do need to learn more about it. I think my school would be happy in letting me try it out.
any thoughts on using gamification as a tool to connect and increase student involvement
Q5: What should a well rounded HS graduate "know" or look like? Be prepared for?
The issue I have with gamification is the motivation comes to be about winning the game not learning knowledge
I love CC math. I envy S.s today. My brain thinks the way it's now being taught
A5: A well-rounded HS graduate should be an adaptive problem-solver, effective communicator, & meaningful contributor.
can't hurt.Especially during review time
A5: In MI 4 yrs ELA, 4 yrs Math includ Alg II, 3 yrs SS, 3 yrs sci including Bio and Chem or Physics + PE, Health, Art
A5: HS does not seem to prepare S for life-job, being organized, manage money
A5 How to look at a world situation & understand its context, to write & read critically, to think critically about data.
A5: Should be able to persevere, communicate effectively & have self-confidence.
A5: have mastery of the math practices
It can. I think the T must be dedicated and use year round.
It's a term I hear passed around a lot by peers, I agree w/you & wonder if others have any comments about successes?
But does the motivation necessarily have to matter every time?
A5: Effective communicator and fluent
A5 They should be able to sew a button, do laundry, change a flat, use simple tools. To understand interest ($). TO BE KIND.
A5) trite but lifelong learning.
That is what is suppose to be taught at "home" but doesn't happen much anymore. Is it the school's place?
Yes, all do not go onto other education.
A5: Ability to think critically, problem-solve and communicate. Effective use of technology to further their learning.
A5 The ability to make decisions that enables them to successfully move forward in his/her life. Wanted a diiff. answer.
know how to be an independent thinker, understand the value of a liberal arts degree
Q6: What is your take away from tonight?
I suppose I was thinking of what one should know upon becoming a (legal) adult, not what one needs to graduate…
that's math with a purpose. An awesome one too.
What about the kid that wants to be a plumber?
I was just at a conference with gamification this week I tuned out content to win
hit it on the nose: TO BE KIND https://t.co/GBCJsQ60vu
A5 They should be able to sew a button, do laundry, change a flat, use simple tools. To understand interest ($). TO BE KIND.
A6: If Ts are passionate and engaged then the Ss are more likely to learn the subject
A6: Being a lifelong learner is beneficial.
That takes math, fluency, and communication.
Me too. I’ve loved NZ since I visited there…wonder if they need any math Ts? :)
A5: They should know how to locate info, work with a team, write, compute, and persevere.
Thanks you have contributed to expanding my learning!
Ha that would be our lost
At 855 ET next weeks topic will drop don't leave yet
A6 That trying to agree on WHAT “should be taught” may perhaps be a lost cause, but that we can agree that there IS something?
= best chat! Have a great week everyone!
“Progress is impossible without change & those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” George Bernard Shaw
Thank you for joining with and I. Join us next week Sunday 8:00 PM EST. Topic: Building Teacher Leadership.
I would add reasoning skills, curiosity & kindness too.
Thanks everyone 4 your input tonight! Join us next week we when discusses: Building Teacher Leadership. 8 PM ET US
Please join the Global Play Day Team on Tues. at 7pm Central for . All grades welcome!
for the informed electorate U need to know stats more than anything. stats can equal manipulation w/o knowledge