I was going to say, we had some serious cold (by our standards) and missed school this week because of it, not much in the way of snow though… probably not a big deal to an Alaskan #moedchat
A1: Direction. Goals are what we strive for, drive for, live for. We also need to be concerned with the goals of our Ss and not just the basketball, football, and hockey goals. #moedchat
John from STL MO just jumping in as I can... A1: Goals allow to monitor or track progress... otherwise knowing if you're making progress/improving can be a shot in the dark #MOedchat
Just curious, do you guys tweet in the same room, or do you move to separate parts of the house? I couldn’t do a chat with my wife sitting next to me… #justsayin#moedchat
A2: Personal/Professional goal is to finish my Doctorate this school year, continue to update my curriculum, and be the best first time dad possible. #newdadlife#moedchat#doctorate
A2 I want to become a healthier Principal by eating clean. I also want to continue to build on a growth mindset in our building by continuing to share with our teachers #moedchat
A2: Professional goal for this year: Be more present in each moment. We spend so much time wishing away time that we often forget to appreciate how amazing our work and each day really is. #moedchat
A1 Check out #cy365 photo challenge. Have your Ss help you complete it. Fun goal that makes you look at things differently. #moedchathttps://t.co/iDMM8e7aMt
A2: goal is to continuously tell our story and promote the success stories at school, as well as position our students for every opportunity available. #moedchat
A2-Personal Goal- Be more present with my family. My one word this year is also WAIT. Professional Goals-at work- Build on last year’s success and-in my own time-take my certification test this summer. #MOedchat
A2: Professional goal for this year: Be more present in each moment. We spend so much time wishing away time that we often forget to appreciate how amazing our work and each day really is. #moedchat
Seeing as I’m currently sitting at Ballpark Village alone at a table, on my phone, on twitter...maybe I should start there. #NotAsSadAsItSounds#MOedchat
Wow, Dan! Those are some incredible goals to all happen in one year! Good luck as you complete your Doctorate! So, cool and best feeling ever! Lucky baby, first time dad! #moedchat
A2: Personal/Professional goal is to finish my Doctorate this school year, continue to update my curriculum, and be the best first time dad possible. #newdadlife#moedchat#doctorate
A3 I try to find a word that expresses my personal and professional goals. I come up with a list write them all down a million times next to my goals and eliminate them from there. #one word #STRETCH#moedchat
A3: I learned a lot about myself this year. I want #allthethings for everyone and I wanted them yesterday. However, I am LEARNING to WAIT on His timing. https://t.co/wylxhkIkah
A3. Timely topic for me today with our region's new leaders...be intentional in scheduling time for what matters. Because we strive to be caring, passionate, #woke leaders...everything feels important. And with kids futures in our hands...it kind of is. #moedchat
A2: cultivate a deeper love of reading and appreciation for books in my Ss. Build my library and fill it with books that represent all kids and walks of life. Lead by example in all areas. #moedchat
A4: Finish (sorry no poster) Meanings: complete a task undertaken; the final touches; the polish added to make something shine. I want to finish more of what I start but also improve my own polish and finish. #moedchat
A3: Growth is my word. My process was simple: I am doing my masters, I lead the government team, I am teaching two new preps, I am learning Canvas, everything about my professional life is growth focused #MOedchat
A4: my #oneword for 2018 is Positioning. Personal mission to make sure @McCluerNorthHS students are ready for all options in life and that the school continues to move up in the region. #moedchat
A3: I did a #oneword2018 activity w my Ss after break. My one word is inspire. We brainstormed lists of words that were important to each of us, then whittled it down to the word we valued most and resonated with us most and explained why. #moedchat
A4. Eeek...an English major landing on only #oneword is a challenge. So, MATTER is where I landed. Do what matters, let others know they matter, celebrate what matters... #moedchat
A4 Stopping by late. My #oneword2018 is dwell. My word is to remind me to slow down, to dwell in the moment. to deepen understanding for me and my students. #moedchat
But seriously, I’ve decided my #oneword is DECIDE. I’ve heard some people say if you are 80% sure you should just go for it, so that’s what I’m going to do. No sense in wasting any more time mulling over decisions. #MOedchat
A4: But seriously, I’ve decided my #oneword is DECIDE. I’ve heard some people say if you are 80% sure you should just go for it, so that’s what I’m going to do. No sense in wasting any more time mulling over decisions. #MOedchat
A4 My #OneWord is Joy! Being intentional enough to find joy in everyday things. Live joyfully, teach joyfully. It's been a tough year. So much negativity all around. Focus on "scattering" joy! #moedchat (ps pic taken with @di_chamberlain & @wmchamberlain#edcampmagic )
A4 My #OneWord is Joy! Being intentional enough to find joy in everyday things. Live joyfully, teach joyfully. It's been a tough year. So much negativity all around. Focus on "scattering" joy! #moedchat (ps pic taken with @di_chamberlain & @wmchamberlain#edcampmagic )
A4- "Ooohh!" When seeking new ideas, responding to student work, learning about new things, seizing new opportunities, etc. (I may have borrowed the image from something I made for #edcampMagic.) #moedchat
A4 Stopping by late. My #oneword2018 is dwell. My word is to remind me to slow down, to dwell in the moment. to deepen understanding for me and my students. #moedchat
A5: Some is measurable (formative/testing data), some is subjective (how well is the team operating), but mostly I am trying new things and reflecting on the results #moedchat
A5: one area to monitor for me is our grad rate. Two straight years of growth and on-track for a 3rd. I’m competitive so I have a few STL area schools in my sights in regards to grad rate. #moedchat
A4: my #oneword for 2018 is Positioning. Personal mission to make sure @McCluerNorthHS students are ready for all options in life and that the school continues to move up in the region. #moedchat
A5 too early to tell, but I did take a new position this year that allowed me more time with my family so that's a win. #shorterdrive#lessstressed#moedchat
A5.2 afterthought: we also have to monitor ourselves carefully so that reaching our goals doesn't blind us to the goals of others especially our Ss. I've seen people with once noble goals steam roll many other noble goals in their selfish pursuit. #moedchat
A6 I push my attitude on to my students and my own kids, anytime someone says “I wonder” or “How do they” I try to make sure they have the opportunity to figure it out, its part of my #neverevent inspired by @WadeSteinhoff#moedchat
A5.2 afterthought: we also have to monitor ourselves carefully so that reaching our goals doesn't blind us to the goals of others especially our Ss. I've seen people with once noble goals steam roll many other noble goals in their selfish pursuit. #moedchat
A6 My students write goals. I could share mine with them (post it in the room), asking them to remind me if they catch me "speeding" through things. #moedchat
A6 My students write goals. I could share mine with them (post it in the room), asking them to remind me if they catch me "speeding" through things. #moedchat
A6: Accountability. Vision casting. Leading by example. Celebrating results. Positivity. Constructive collaboration. Cross curricular engagement. Data. And keeping administrators part of the process #moedchat
A6.2 I think I may just have to make a "Finish" wall in my room to go along with "El' Frink's Honor Wall" to celebrate work that is truly finished. #moedchat