#WCPSSchat Archive
#WCPSSchat is designed to be engaging and all interaction should be 'solution-oriented' and consist of constructive feedback. Please refrain from derogatory comments. #WCPSSchat is a virtual opportunity for Wake County public school stakeholders to engage in conversations around instructional practices, county-related resources, and unique educational challenges.
Wednesday February 24, 2016 8:00 PM EST
Welcome to tonight’s ! We’re about to get started, but first…
I’d like to thank Asst Superintendent Doug Thilman and Principal Mark Savage for helping develop tonight’s questions.
Follow the hashtag for chat questions.
ALERT - Introduce yourself and SHARE how long you have you been in your current position?
Mike West here from . This is my 3rd school year there
Angie Headley librarian for 3 years
Good evening! Stephanie Ayscue, Principal of Southern Vance High School for last 4 yrs
Kelsey Cones, kindergarten teacher , 3rd year as a kg teacher! 2nd year at DDE!
Welcome back . I've missed you. I've been an for 3 years.
Welcome Mike! Thanks for joining.
Thanks for joining in Rodney!
Renee White 6th yr in 1st grade
Hey Kelsey! Thanks for joining us tonight!
MaryLu Ringwood, EWHS & Forestville ES, this is my 3rd year in WCPSS.
before that I taught in at Eaton Johnson Middle for 5 yrs :)
Kristy instructional tech and so much more
Blown away by the dedication of educators to learn together tonight after severe . Hoping for a whirlwind of an experience.
We missed you :) Thanks for joining!
Hi MaryLu! Thanks for being here and contributing.
This is my 9.5th year at ! Only school I've ever worked at!
Hy Renee! Great seeing you. Thanks for joining.
Hi Angie! Thanks for joining us.
Did 4 yrs at & 4 in prior.
Hey Brandon! Thanks for being here with us tonight. We appreciate you.
Sarah Vitullo, First year as k-5 gen music teacher,
Thanks for joining Kristy! Welcome!
Lauren Genesky- I've been for five years
Linda Dextre', LMS at Wendell Middle. Losing track, but I think 6 years now?
Indeed! We were kind of all over the place. Thanks for joining us!
Thanks Phil. 8pm is a little late for me usually. Glad to be here! https://t.co/yrE0WXJhRC
Thanks for joining Kristy! Welcome!
Kara 9th year at 3rd year in 4th and 6 yrs prior in 5th. Many more elsewhere. https://t.co/nMGBxeBpO9
ALERT - Introduce yourself and SHARE how long you have you been in your current position?
I love weather. I was on high alert all afternoon. Glad you and I didn't have to moderate today.
Amanda Ireland, ITF at Garner Magnet High School, this is my second year as an ITF...Spanish teacher there the past 16 years!
Phil - Prof Learning Specialist for all of 4 month in . Prior to that 11 yrs in Sch Counseling at
Hello colleagues, I'm Alice a 5th grade teacher Pleasant Union #5 years
Thanks for joining us Linda!
Happy to see you joining tonight!
Hi Kristy! Great to see you!
Hi I miss seeing you all at LPES!
Q1 How do you welcome new staff members aboard (individually, dept, and/or schoolwide)?
Hi Alice! Thanks for joining us tonight. Welcome!
A1: A smile, a hello, a check-in at his or her door in the morning
A1: We do some good stuff with our climate committee, but I think the most meaningful = individual/informal
A1: Smile and a hello and I make sure they get set up quickly with the tech they need.
I apologize for the influx of tweets tonight. I'm host the . Thank your understanding and patience.
A1: Welcome new staff by bringing in before school starts, answering questions, buddying up, and sharing vision
A1 Make the first move! Introduce yourself and let them know you can help in any way! https://t.co/l0SCn4hgHI
Q1 How do you welcome new staff members aboard (individually, dept, and/or schoolwide)?
A1: Be personal. Share. Say hello always. Lend a helping hand. Show you're trustworthy. https://t.co/8gEXew86ft
Q1 How do you welcome new staff members aboard (individually, dept, and/or schoolwide)?
A1. We assign a school mentor and have a group of teachers, new and vets, that assist the newbies. We are a big family!
A1: Say "Hi." Have a conversation. Strive to hang out outside of school. Follow them on Twitter. https://t.co/XhjcpaMIFk
Q1 How do you welcome new staff members aboard (individually, dept, and/or schoolwide)?
Social Studies Teacher 1 Year (in for 4 though.) Happy to tag along tonight! :)
Very important when welcoming staff members to your school family https://t.co/nbQNH7hQIB
Starting with a smile and information overload in the media center. How can we help you?
Q1 Intro to library and what I can do for them to support instruction; always give stack of books for classroom library, too
it's a group of our staff whose role is to plan staff outings, get-togethers, pot-lucks, etc.
Offering help is a great way to create accountability and welcome others. Thanks for sharing.
A1: on the receiving end... introduced me to staff individually/personally to help connect me https://t.co/BlnkbRlyXf
Q1 How do you welcome new staff members aboard (individually, dept, and/or schoolwide)?
A1 I shoot the finger guns at them
A1: warm greetings, attempt to get to know, share anything have to help feel settled, be sure know have open door policy.
A1 all of the above! You have to know staff as individual, part of team/dept and as important part of teaching community
Nom nom nom! Always a good call!
That's where the "best" collaboration takes place :)
A1: part 2- this is often difficult w yr round 2 floor school bc often do not cross paths much.
A1 maybe ask "what is your Twitter handle?"
A1 Intro to library and what I can do to support instruction; also a stack of bks for their classroom library
A1: A smile and just being there to help with things they may not know about specific to our school or county, or in general.
Q1: i like to stop by and introduce myself, explain my position (ITF) offer to help them get adjusted anyway I can.
Twitter onboarding... the wave of the future :) https://t.co/AMisFGys4E
A1 maybe ask "what is your Twitter handle?"
A1a: If you focus on building a family and not a faculty, , , , and come naturally
Many staff members underestimate the power of a friendly hello/introduction. https://t.co/tGpqfKHd25
Q1: i like to stop by and introduce myself, explain my position (ITF) offer to help them get adjusted anyway I can.
Smiling can change the climate of the room!
Yes sir! I couldn't agree more. All Ts should have a Twitter account. We're always soaring to new heights.
A1: New folks are looking for someone to tell them "whats going on" with out signaling to everyone else... "This person is new."
YR is a very different challenge! I give huge kudos to all YR educators! https://t.co/umzhmR5Dk4
A1: part 2- this is often difficult w yr round 2 floor school bc often do not cross paths much.
but I do speak a different language
So true. All of the above. They are all important aspects of creating an effective/welcoming enviornment.
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
Especially if you really mean it. We know when leaders are fake https://t.co/FMLxOUv0AX
A1a: If you focus on building a family and not a faculty, , , , and come naturally
Just as not smiling can. Same w/ walking into/out of a room without speaking to someone.
like the Adams family right
A2: Starfish award from admin at faculty meetings...for those who go above and beyond to make a difference
A2: We share best practices in our PLT- each week, a new person and a new practice..individual pride!
A1: It's amazing when Admin makes themselves available to those new for the few few days, adds comfort to the new surroundings.
A2: I like to recognize staff members awesomeness by sharing what they are doing on Twitter. https://t.co/amMGUYodSZ
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
A2. Above and Beyond Awards in faculty meetings. We send out surveys to all students once a sem for them 2vote. All have voice!
A2.2: Fill up the school twitter with all the awesome things happening in classrooms. The community and parents love seeing this.
A2: Our climate committee & started a monthly "You Make a Difference" award. Ts recognize other Ts.
A2 Our dept has a shout out board where we post successes and thanks from others. It's pretty cool :)
A2: We have a PBIS board to recognize teacher to teacher w/notes & thank yous - names are pulled at staff meetings 4 Rewards 😃
A2: Tweet it! Then, high-five, handshake, or hug. Finally, a spot on the live morning announcements! https://t.co/ddRgb2v6Mu
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
A2 All meetings begin with celebrations and recgonitions; Trophy passed monthly to teams, too
A2: Shoutout "mailbox" shared at staff mtgs, shoutouts on Twitter, PTA shoutout board. https://t.co/twmL1LGbMG
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
A2: candy bar praises & shout outs at staff meetings, a celebrate ___ wall in T copy room to post on, Twitter & email shout out.
Q2 Go to their classroom personally "hug" or thank them. A personal email or I make a statement of KUDOS in a staff meeting.
A2: Never underestimate a small surprise gift and thank you note in the mailbox!
Can we host a HUGE event for the district where do all of these things?! Haha these are pretty cool ideas.
A2 I love the way showcases teacher successes with a school-wide blog where Ts reflect on & share learning
A2: @ FRES we have a Kudos wall to recognize each other. Anyone can contribute and it is the faculty lunchroom.
Absolutely! https://t.co/80EtfQIiGb
A2: Never underestimate a small surprise gift and thank you note in the mailbox!
A2: At we do shout outs at S. Meetings, Dr. mentions 4C Teachers in his weekly email, lots of ways.
A2 part 2 Our counselors made a "Fill Someone's Bucket" Wall for notes and encouragement
A2: individual acknowledgment to a team member can also go a long way https://t.co/sxVWwZhCLT
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
A2 celebrate on school website, tweet out, board in lobby, special ribbon on class door
Awesome! https://t.co/2qiv7y6rAr
A2 I love the way showcases teacher successes with a school-wide blog where Ts reflect on & share learning
Include it as a future session??
They do a great job shouting out in too!
That's a great idea! Twitter is definitely a way to shout your staff members out. https://t.co/OnITvSnHJ7
A2 celebrate on school website, tweet out, board in lobby, special ribbon on class door
A2: First five of staff mtg is for celebrations. We also have new award for above/beyond staff. Can give HOWL out too!
checking out! Love the topic and will be checking in later.... Enjoy everyone #💚wake
Let the records reflect had a brilliant idea for PLT of the Year!
A2: Our Admin Intern, does "I saw..." walkthroughs and leaves a note about positive things he saw in your classroom that day.
People@still use Google +
You have a climate committee? Cool!
LPES has cool examples and QR codes all over the school! (Even in the bathrooms) https://t.co/I0cfjrYvVp
A2: candy bar praises & shout outs at staff meetings, a celebrate ___ wall in T copy room to post on, Twitter & email shout out.
A2:Twitter & staff luncheons (PTA sponsored) , staff breakfast, free meals go a long way.
Q3 How do you foster professional trust?
I think our "social" committee should be renamed and revamped into a climate committee!
A2: personal affirmation & recognition, even in a note or quick word can mean so much https://t.co/MQYarKOxva
Q2 How do you recognize staff member success and accomplishments? (i.e. PBIS, Staff meeting recognition, Awards, etc.)
Ts do like to eat! 😍 https://t.co/T6cIpVXVH2
A2:Twitter & staff luncheons (PTA sponsored) , staff breakfast, free meals go a long way.
Pretty cool! That way it's not merit based and the same person/ppl get something each time. https://t.co/Hpxj8s72Z3
My 1st school had a similar board. Before staff mtgs, the principal would randomly draw one shout out & that person got a prize.
A3: By being professional, having a sense of humor, knowing who to go to with what (and when), having strong content knowledge
A3: Find my "people" who are my go to people who are willing to show and teach, not just do it for me! :
A3. By being true to your word. Trust is built one word at a time and can be destroyed by one word as well!
A3: Fostering professional trust only happens after it is earned.It takes time to build that relationship https://t.co/7eXC28Ht5c
Q3 How do you foster professional trust?
A3: Trust is all about following through, keeping your promises, and being ready to support failed attempts without judging.
A2: At we also have the twitter feed that shows PBIS & 4C Teachers in action!
A3: By repeating trusted behaviors over and over again. By having the best interest of fellow Ts in mind. https://t.co/q6sG4N2ylV
Q3 How do you foster professional trust?
A3: Find my "people" who show & teach me things related to the profession!
A3 Building relationships with their students builds trust with the teachers; true collaboration works wonders, too
A3: Be a professional but be a person too & be honest.
A3: An open door policy is the best policy when it comes to professional trust.
Had to make a cameo here in because my Kara just dropped mic!
A3 Being consistent with your staff and their needs-Promotes trust over time....
A3 Prof trust is one of those things where your actions speak for you. We must also remember to presume positive intentions :)
A3: (Pt2) Knowing that you can make mistakes w/out ridicule but constructive criticism that leads to growth makes the diff.
A3 foster professional trust by being a great listener and ask probing questions to help Ts think through their own questions.
A3. Listen to S and T ideas, ask clarifying questions, support them In those ideas
She did just drop the mic :) Thanks for the cameo!!! You're always welcome Sean!
Be consistent and available. Plan together, assess together, address needs when they arise. Educational partner.
A3: taking responsibility, always looking to improve, being willing to receive suggestions https://t.co/foeW7zS6QL
Q3 How do you foster professional trust?
This pretty much sums it up. .
If you want to build trust, TRUST people... https://t.co/P79qbEF75E
A3 Prof trust is one of those things where your actions speak for you. We must also remember to presume positive intentions :)
what are some ways you do that, ?
Absolutely! WE must remember to be human. We all have lives and interests outside of school.
A2: late to the game. We have "employees of the month" photos posted and space to write kind words.
Thanks for joining in Kim!
Thanks for joining us Sheila! Welcome!
genuinely listen to your colleagues, constructive criticism, follow up on topics discussed
But it is okay to push a little. Greatest growth occurs when we are safely willing to take risks https://t.co/jZZeO1ion3
A5 Great ? You would have to approach the experience through an objective lens. Set goals on how to improve practice based on obs.
Always welcome! Better late than...
Great idea! https://t.co/F2AqvfNxNi
A2: late to the game. We have "employees of the month" photos posted and space to write kind words.
Sheila from Kingswood Elem. 15 years in the classroom and 9 in the library. Still spend much time in class as an interventionist.
Nice! I really like the follow-up suggestion! https://t.co/CpDDZrm04V
genuinely listen to your colleagues, constructive criticism, follow up on topics discussed
A3: through creation of a safe/ supportive environment in which professionals can take risks/ try new things.
A3: Do what you say you are going to do , when you say you are going to do it. trust
I try and model it. We can't control other, but we can show them how it's done :)
Thanks, Phil! I dig you and Kara! You are both ! We have to connect in person somehow!
Anna Neumann. 1st year as a 1st grade teacher. https://t.co/wte9EzfciF
ALERT - Introduce yourself and SHARE how long you have you been in your current position?
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A3: Be true to your word, collaborating with T's and being dependable, letting them know they can count on you to follow through
A4: At Cary ES, we have a leader of the pack every month who goes above and beyond the call of duty. https://t.co/rRetyVb3nd
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A5 It's tough to keep good ppl. They get promoted, they get better offers, the move to states that pay more. This is a challenge
A4: Core group of welcoming, knowledgeable Wildcat staff!
A4: I think having good leaders is incentive enough. Not sure if there is anything in place at my school.
A4 It's tough to keep good ppl. They get promoted, they get better offers, the move to states that pay more. This is a challenge
A4: Great admin & staff, awesome team, encouragement to try new things, & super parent support
A2. S and T can complete "RAM Bumps" to give shout outs to Teachers, we're the RAMS. My fav. Part of staff meetings!
Definitely, being forward thinking and having good leadership helps.
A4 working with pretty stellar staff and students is definitely an incentive in my eyes https://t.co/8CBybhCuTZ
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
Q4:Approachable administration who is fair but firm when there's a need is key
Jump into this ! https://t.co/aaaJmgubjn
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A4: Wow, this is a tough one, . What would you suggest? https://t.co/PjpaCUiS39
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A4: Knowing that the Admin cares abt what I think, knows & utilizes my abilities/ skills in PD, and gives me space keeps me here.
Late. A4: Promise of continuous improvement. Commitment to always do right by kids.
A4: opportunities to grow...engaging in PL, taking on leadership opportunities, challenging the status quo
A4 collective expertise, building cognitive capital supported by administration
A4 Quality Incentives = opportunities to try new ideas / clubs / new equipment & admin support https://t.co/CLEy6cCPQR
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A4 Opportunities we give students; relationships
A4 I believe creating a trusting work spaces, potential to grow, and being flexible with their needs helps keep ppl loyal.
A4 Nowadays it's too hard not to be "of Quality." Those who aren't find a way out themselves. If we stay in Educ, we work HARD!
This = challenge AND the charge of ed-policy makers both in North Carolina and throughout the country https://t.co/0hGFC9dIut
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A4: A personalized note of WOA from the principal goes a long way!
Creating a work environment SO dynamic that ppl would be a FOOL to leave. $$$ is only a piece of the puzzle
Q5 coming soon.... Just a great discussion tonight
A4. My incentive is knowing we are making a difference one person at a time; one student, one parent, one staff member
A4:great mentors (BT mentor, etc) & supportive teammates-specialists&classroom Ts-are a huge incentive https://t.co/syItW1YckT
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
It can be like getting a letter from the President :) So true. https://t.co/JvEK3Q4Pgz
A4: A personalized note of WOA from the principal goes a long way!
So true. It's tough. But there's got to be a way. is a large company, but they're rentention is bar none.
Q5 How do you ensure each staff member has room to grow?
Right on, . https://t.co/5ZLo5BRpo0
Creating a work environment SO dynamic that ppl would be a FOOL to leave. $$$ is only a piece of the puzzle
A4. Opportunities for teachers to attend conferences-from other districts/states
A4 Principals find coverage so teachers can learn from each other in the same building.
A4 I honestly feel like treating people like they are important (which they are) goes a long way!
Principal recognition makes a difference brings a smile and lack of also makes a difference. :)
A4 - There are zero options open to P's other than verbal support to dissuade Ts from leaving due to: low pay, hate by
A5: Asking them to take part in new opportunities, PD, committees, etc.
I would say freedom to fail, trustworthy ppl, opportunity to lead/learn to lead... Just to name a few
A4 PD at no cost to the t's,access to tech, adequate planning time, supportive admin https://t.co/1EhlBckhhT
Q4 What incentives are in place to keep quality staff members at your school (and/or in your dept)?
A4b: such as...MrsBremTweets always supports me w/ , gives great ideas& inspires Twitter love 😊
A5: Recognizing new and innovative ideas will keep people looking for new things to try. You can't judge if an idea fails.
A5: embrace change and new ideas. Allow opportunities to learn and gain new ideas from peers https://t.co/vLR5WjU6ss
Q5 How do you ensure each staff member has room to grow?
A5: I feel like collaboration really helps this. We can always learn something new from someone.
A5 Listen to their goals and dreams...that is how I got my chance to be a librarian!
That's a good question. Phenomenal schools come to mind like . But they aren't public...
A5: By understanding that it's a journey - not a destination. There is no finish line. Press on! https://t.co/KouABfZlG6
Q5 How do you ensure each staff member has room to grow?
A5: get them on & involved in chats.
Q4: cultivating a system of teacher leadership and genuine appreciation creates pride and goes a long way.
A5 Informal observations and walk throughs with constructive feedback. It is important to always follow up.
...Including supporting me always w/, sharing ideas, & inspiring Twitter love 😊
A5: Give us room to learn & grow from each other. We don't teach in isolation. Give us time to build relationships w/ each other.
A5: Listen to them, give them a place to voice their ideas/thoughts/concerns, and allow them to take risk.
hard to compare ANYTHING to SAS. Jim Goodnight is awesome!